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World of Tanks: Self-propelled guns - description, tips and what equipment to install. Controlling World of Tanks tanks for beginners Sau in tanks, which icon is displayed

The help screen with a list of control keys in the game can be viewed by pressing F1.

In battle mode

Key Action
F1 Calling up the battle help screen
W, A, S, D Tank control
C Forced reloading of the drum by the “French”, without waiting for it to be completely empty
R, F Turn on cruise control and change the speed of the tank. Double-clicking sets the maximum speed
LMB Fire
RMB Hold: stops turret tracking of the gun marker. When the sight is aimed at an enemy: enable auto-targeting. If there is no target in the sight: turn off auto-aiming
Scrolling or PgUp/PgDn Zooming the camera out/zooming in. In sniper mode: change the scope magnification.
Up/down/left/right keys or mouse movement Turret and/or camera rotation
SHIFT Enabling/disabling sniper (or howitzer) mode
SPACE Short stop for a shot; If the tank was in cruise control mode before pressing, after the shot it will continue moving at the same speed.
Keys 1-3 (top row) Switching between tank shell types
Keys 4-6 (top row) Using equipment (first aid kits, repair kits, etc.)
CTRL Hold: Turn on cursor
CTRL + LMB On the mini-map Message to allies: “Attention to the square!” The specified square will be highlighted on the mini-map.
CTRL + RMB On the mini-map (for howitzers) Switch to howitzer mode and aim at a point on the map
TAB+CTRL Hide/show command lists
ALT Hold: Show tank icons and player names
Z Hold: Order Menu
X Turns on the parking brake when playing on a tank destroyer, artillery destroyer or other vehicle without a rotating turret, in order to be able to look around without moving the tank's hull.
PrtScr Saving a screenshot in the game folder
ESC Exit to the main menu of the game

Well, here we are. Today in our review of the game we will talk about one of the types of tanks - self-propelled guns.

So far the game has invented, or rather taken from the history of battles, such types of tanks as: self-propelled guns(Self-propelled artillery installation), Fri-Sau, Easy, Average And Heavy. First of all, I would like to talk specifically about self-propelled guns.

self-propelled guns— people simply call this type of tank “ Arta" or " Artillery". It is intended for air attack of enemy tanks. That is, the task of the art is to inflict damage on opponents from afar. In most cases speed artillery small, about 30 km/h. The exception in terms of speed is American self-propelled guns; at early levels they can drive faster than light tanks.

Arta inflicts greatest damage among all types of tanks. The negative side is that the reload time is very long, and the tank itself has little armor, compared to heavy tanks.

Self-propelled gun control quite simple - after pressing Shift, a crosshair like this will appear, if you wait a little, it will decrease and it will be much easier to hit your opponent.


- try to take a position at the beginning of the battle good position. The outcome of your self-propelled gun game depends on this. Keep in mind that mountains, houses and rocks will interfere with your shooting.

— if at the beginning of the battle you are spotted by a light tank of your opponents, try as quickly as possible change position, since you are the most tasty morsel for your opponents’ artillery: you have little armor and move little by little. Getting into a self-propelled gun is much easier and there is a high probability that your vehicle will be killed on the first hit.

don't move. The highlight of the art is that it is difficult for enemy tanks to notice. If the tank is moving, this feature disappears, but if you stand still, then to spot the enemy you will have to drive at least 50 meters to the self-propelled gun. Of course, you won’t notice your opponent’s tank either, but you’ll still be stalling for time. “And time is money.”

What equipment should I install? As you know, equipment improves certain characteristics of the tank. Each type of tank has its own set. For self-propelled guns this is

Drive amplifier. It will speed up aiming by 10%, which will improve your hitting skill;

Gun rammer. It will reduce the reload time by 10%, and this will be very noticeably effective for self-propelled guns. Since there is a long recharge;

Camouflage network. It will increase the stealth of your tank, which in some cases can save your artillery from destruction.

Well, our review of self-propelled guns has come to an end. In the next post we'll talk about Light tanks. I'll be glad to see your comments. Good game.

And again I welcome everyone who carefully reads the “Tankman’s Manual” in the new chapter, which is devoted to a technique that loves to spit shells across the entire map. Yes, we will talk about Artillery. This specific technique, despite its similarities with any other tank on the battlefield, has fundamental differences in the specifics of its preparation. I will tell you how to play art in World of Tanks immediately after you answer the following questions. Are you ready to be to blame for your team's loss in every battle? Are you ready to die in the first minute of battle under the light of a nimble firefly? Are you ready to feel useless in Himmelsdorf? If no arguments can break your stubborn decision to become an artilleryman, then get ready to go to the dark side of the forces, enjoying the curses that will rain down on your head. Arta works on barter, you are a projectile to the enemy, he is a curse to you, so get used to it.

I think all novice artillerymen were able to appreciate the adult size of the top artillery guns in the World of Tank game, perhaps for some this was the reason for choosing specialization, and maybe even an increase in ego, but the main thing you had to understand is that the artillery was created primarily to shoot ! Art is not the team's eyes, art is not the team's armor, art is not the team's sniper, art is the team's main gun! Therefore, let's skip the issues of driving, camouflage and other things, and focus on the main thing, on the shots.

1. Meditation. If you start to reach your goal, then you have a minute to run to the toilet or to the kitchen for tea. But you can’t ignore the convergence, despite the fact that artillery often has to shoot at moving targets, and this has to be done not with full convergence, still try to bring the convergence to the minimum circle. An uncombined piece of art risks sending its projectile beyond the borders of our planet and even the galaxy, hitting the death star with a land mine, and then the World of Star Wars will come to the World of Tanks, but why do we need these problems? The chance of hitting a death star and a tank without information is approximately the same; of course, the Great Belarusian Random sometimes sends your shells exactly to the center, but I do not recommend you wait for such leniency.

2. Throw higher, further, stronger. Naive heavyweight drivers think that there are many shelters on the maps from our heavenly punishment. Many shelters look like an insurmountable barrier to a projectile, but artillerymen who have gone over to the dark side of the force can adjust the trajectory of a projectile. Using force and shifting the aiming center slightly behind the tank, which is behind cover, most likely the corner of the tank's turret will be on the projectile's flight path, which is quite enough to receive a new portion of curses.

3. A grenade is better than a bullet. Since the teaching of force is extremely versatile, it is impossible to say for sure which shells, AP or HE, are better to use, but do not forget that it is HEs that have a blast wave, so I would recommend always having at least a couple in your ammunition load. A tank standing behind an insurmountable obstacle, for example behind a building, may receive not a direct hit, but good damage from the splash (explosive wave). I recommend not sparing shells, but hitting the enemy with all your might, because even with a splash you cause damage, and by causing damage you help the team win.

4. Shooting rabbits. Tankers are extremely ardent and energetic people, they are constantly in a hurry to get somewhere, sometimes shouting slogans, but over the noise of the engines you can only hear “o-lo-lo”. It’s hard to hit the tankers who are on their way, but it’s possible. It is impossible to teach how to do this, but a real artilleryman who has mastered the force, with practice, will be able to control the speed of a projectile, the speed of movement of the enemy, and I won’t even talk about controlling the trajectory of a projectile and slowing down time, it’s as easy as shelling pears. In general, don’t be afraid to practice, over time you will understand which point, on the path of a moving tank, to shoot and when to hit. I can please you, you will receive 2X curses from a tank that was knocked out on the move.

5. The hen does not change place. It is your gaze from the sky that will allow you to find those who are hiding. The gods of the World of Tanks have returned tracers to us, so by inspecting the standard places where PTs or your fellow Artillerymen like to live, you can find tracers. If there is silence or sluggish firefight in the battle, do not be lazy to look for tracers; a killed PT or ART without light gives 3X curses and +1 to karma. In this case, PTs are even easier to kill; they usually return to their places, even if they are scared, because there are few suitable places on the maps for them.

6. Be above everyone else. You can control the trajectory of a projectile not only using force, but by changing your position above sea level. If you are lower than the targets you are shooting at, then the trajectory will be flat, but if you climb higher, the trajectory will become much more “humpbacked”, this will also affect the accuracy, and most importantly, it will be easier to throw shells behind cover.

The path to knowing how to play self-propelled guns in tanks is quite difficult and the ability to shoot alone will not be enough. The team's main weapon must be useful throughout the battle, and for this you need to be able to navigate what is happening on the battlefield. STs have maneuverability and speed, heavy vehicles have armor and a life reserve, and artefacts were given a “dryn” and released onto the battlefield, survive as you wish. Therefore, art must be more cunning and more inventive than everyone else. Even the lord of strength will not teach you all the tricks, but I will tell you some simple rules that can be applied every battle.

1. The beginning of the battle is everything. While loading is in progress, evaluate the composition of the team; as an artillery leader, your first concern should be the presence of fireflies, both in the enemy team and in your team. Further, there can be many scenarios, if the enemy has 2 fireflies, it is better to run, if the enemy does not have fireflies, and your firefly writes: “candle right away,” then you need to stand and lead to the enemy’s base. If your firefly illuminates the enemy before the enemy’s ST does, then you will kill their artillery earlier, so there will be no reason to be afraid of your own exposure.

2. Distribution of gift suitcases. Choosing the wrong target is perhaps the second big mistake of art. Arta must select targets in the following sequence: Arta, PT, Heavy. If Arta tries to cover the enemy ST with fire across the entire map, which usually fights with the allied ST, then all sorts of crap happens! During the flight of the projectile, the CTs change places and the projectile hits an ally or with a splash removes his harp, even if you just missed, then there is nothing good in this either. You can only shoot at a ST if you are in a certain square, and there, purely by chance, there is a ST in the crosshairs, which in addition has been used to shoot down a harp. If the situation on the battlefield is such that only CTs are fighting, and the heavies are sitting in the bushes, it’s better to look at the enemy tracers, there will be more benefit.

3. Art walks through the fields. There is an opinion that the safest place for art is your own base, but this is a lie that is spread by the forces of good, so that you never become an art master of a dark force. At the beginning of the battle, I recommend that the artillery move to the flank where most of the heavies have gone. It’s safe to stay behind the thickly armored backs of the weights, and the weights usually collide with the weights in the direction, and the closer you are to the point of combat, the faster your projectile will reach the target. But this is only at the beginning of the battle, if your heavies are moving forward, move after them after each shot. It's not very wise to stand at the base, that's why. Fireflies always fly to shine art on the base, they don’t look for you in other places, especially where there are clusters of strands, because it’s hard to fly past them. There are 3-4 directions of approach to the base, if your strands have broken through one direction, then perhaps in the other direction the ST has lost and is already flying to the base, but you don’t care, you are not at the base! If the enemy is already at your base, and you are far from it, you can freely turn around and hit back, helping to break the capture, and if you stay, they will kill you first before the capture begins.

4. Life is in motion. The last point, just for the sake of making it more memorable than the rest, I will advise you to move. Remember that the enemy team may also have students of dark force who are looking for you using tracers. Therefore, after each shot, immediately move forward or backward. If you have a slow arta, carry oil or a twisted speed controller with you, this will help you run faster.

I wish you to master the science called “how to play art in World of Tank” and successfully use all the techniques of the great art master, and the great power of the miracle will come with you!

In August 2015, the most popular MMO action game World of Tanks celebrated its fifth anniversary. Representatives of Wargaming, the developer of World of Tanks, at the end of 2014 predicted a slight stagnation for the game in terms of adding new equipment, focusing on improving the game engine, graphics and the “invention” of new modes. The advent of “superiority” with all its stages and personal combat missions brought something new to the five-year-old game. For experienced players, the updated modes were a breath of fresh air in a rather boring game. Alas, in 2015, the number of military equipment in World of Tanks remained virtually unchanged. New heavy and medium French tanks were added, a branch of Japanese heavy tanks and a couple of light tanks, and the developers completely forgot about artillery. One of the favorite classes among players has remained virtually unchanged in recent years. But beginners mastering tank action still have questions like “which art is better” or “how to shoot self-propelled guns in World of Tanks.”

If you are so interested in long-range deadly arts and you dream of turning into a mega art dealer, then most likely the tips below will be useful for you. They will touch upon the issues of proper shooting from various branches of artillery and choosing a place for battle.

World of Tanks features seven nations, each of which has several branches of development of combat vehicles. Artillery belongs to a special type of military equipment, because, unlike the other four classes (heavy, light, medium tanks and tank destroyers), artillery has the ability to shoot both direct fire in arcade mode and across the map in a way accessible only to it artillery mode. Sniper mode for art, alas, is not available.

True, only five out of seven nations have self-propelled gun development branches: Britain, Germany, USSR, USA, France. Each artillery branch is crowned with a level ten combat vehicle, which in most cases differs from self-propelled guns of other nations. Let's try to figure out how to shoot self-propelled guns in WoT on each of the top art.

But first, it’s worth learning the basics of artillery and understanding why self-propelled guns have become a favorite class for many. Any of the self-propelled guns presented in the game can shoot both from a distance and over hills. Alas, no class in the game has such an “ability.” Artillery, as a rule, fires land mines, which is why the chance of hitting the target is very high. In addition, the shell almost always lands on the roof of an enemy tank, and the roof of the turret and hull, as you know, is thin and can easily be penetrated by any landmine.

To fire from a self-propelled gun, just press Shift on the keyboard and aim the aiming circle at the enemy tank. The arte has a rather long aim and a high spread, so you should never rush to fire, as there is a high chance of missing. The convergence should always be complete, and the convergence point should be in the center of the tank.

True, you need to take into account several points when shooting. Firstly, if the target is moving, it is better to shoot with anticipation. Depending on your nationality, the speed of projectiles varies. Thus, British self-propelled guns have shells that fly the slowest, which cannot be said about the French. Secondly, if the enemy tank is standing on a hill, then be sure to take into account the slope, otherwise the shell may fly past. For example, the British and Germans are good at “throwing” over hills. A standard sight does not allow you to determine the time of flight of a projectile and the angle of inclination. As a result, it is recommended to install art sight mods, for example “Sword of Damocles”, “Taipan” or “Octago”.

In addition, some self-propelled guns (Soviet Object 261, German G.W.E.100, American T92) have armor-piercing shells available for silver. Possessing high armor penetration and a good alpha of 1500-1800 units, they can easily penetrate well-armored tanks. But it makes no sense to shoot at moving targets with so-called BB guns, because the chance of hitting a target with them from a distance of a kilometer is negligible. If the target is standing on the harp, then feel free to fire at it, waiting for complete information.

However, even with full aim, there is a chance of missing the enemy tank. Owners of the American T92, the main one-shotter in the game, are well aware of this. Having the largest alpha in the game, T92 can both one-shot the E100 and shoot next to it. High dispersion of a gun often plays a more important role than long aiming. But the American has one significant advantage: the shells for his 240-mm gun have the largest spread of landmine fragments. Shell fragments scatter over a distance of 8-9 meters, which leads to damage to a larger area. In terms of shooting, G.W.E. 100 and T92 are very similar. As for the British, its short cannon is capable of hitting all hard-to-reach places, but the lack of AP shells is a bit depressing. The Soviet Object 261 is distinguished by high shooting accuracy, good mobility, but lower alpha and low dispersion of HE projectile fragments.

For the French 58th Batchat, everything is exactly the opposite: the lowest average damage among top self-propelled guns at 1250 units, fast aiming and good accuracy, “weak” dispersion of high-explosive shell fragments and, most importantly, a drum for 4 shells. It is precisely with its drum that the “artobat” differs from all self-propelled guns in the game.

When choosing artillery as a class, be prepared for the fact that most of the players, after you shoot at them, will talk about your inferiority, one-button nature and lack of intelligence. Because, in fact, to play art you just need to aim at the target and press the left mouse button. But this is far from true! A true artillery leader is capable of dragging out a fight and receiving a Horus medal...

Useful tips and secrets of art making are presented in the following video.

At the beginning of the battle, you need to choose a suitable place so as to help the players of your team if necessary, covering them. The firing sector should contain as much of the map as possible (so that natural obstacles do not interfere: houses, hills, etc.). In this case, it is necessary to take into account that the allies may allow the enemy “firefly” to break through, which can detect the self-propelled guns and give away the position. You need to prepare either the option of retreating to a safe place, or immediately position yourself so that you cannot be exposed or destroyed. You should also take into account the location of other tanks, in particular, other “arts”. If you stand close to each other, the enemy tracking the shell tracers can fire and hit a cluster of allied armored vehicles.

Scouts are the eyes of artillery

Without allied illumination, the artillery installation is blind and sees nothing. Therefore, when taking a position, you need to immediately pay attention to the minimap and determine where your allies are. Having seen that light tanks or tanks have moved towards enemy positions, you urgently need to move the sight in their direction. They will probably discover the enemy. And then it will be possible to fire.

There are many goals. Whom to choose?

Perhaps they will notice several tanks at once. You need to be prepared for such a development of events. But who should we focus our fire on? The different classes of playing techniques are not equivalent to each other. A “heaviness” on the battlefield is a serious thing, but a “peteshka” hidden in the bushes can cause much more damage. In addition to significant damage, it has increased visibility and is capable of revealing the location of a mass of allies. Therefore, it is better to destroy it. And its armor is weak, unless it is a British branch of tank destroyer development. An ally who breaks through the front line will gain operational space and will be able to enter the enemy’s rear.

Shoot ahead

When aiming at enemy equipment, many “artillery drivers” forget the obvious fact. The projectile takes time to reach the target! During this time, the enemy tank can drive away from the point where the shot was fired. The player should always imagine where the enemy might go and shoot at the expected location. A successful case when the Allies placed the enemy tank “on the harp”. You can shoot directly at it. But no one knows how soon his crew will repair the damage and begin moving.

Mark goals? For what?

Don't forget that this is a team game. But it is not often possible to destroy the enemy on your own. Therefore, it is necessary to draw the attention of your allies to the highlighted enemy tank. They will transfer fire to him and he will be destroyed.

Constant control of the game situation

The peculiarity of the “art” is that the player sees from above all the changes on the battlefield and can inform his allies about this. In addition, having noticed that the situation in a certain area of ​​the battle requires immediate intervention, he can support his allies with his fire and turn the tide of the fight.

It doesn't hurt to be careful when shooting.

When firing, you should always remember that by shooting at the enemy, you can accidentally hit a player from your team. He doesn’t know that a “suitcase” is flying at the enemy’s tank, and decides to ram it, and suddenly a powerful blow falls from above, sparing neither his own nor others. Therefore, before you shoot, you should always make sure that your allies are far enough away from your target. And with the utmost caution you need to shoot at a target with which an allied tank is in a clinch.

Tracking the enemy using tracers

After a shot from any weapon, there is a trail of burnt gases - a tracer. And if you observe from above the battlefield, you can notice it without seeing the tank itself. And having guessed where he might be, strike at the expected place. With the favor of the FBR, it will be possible to destroy the enemy or cause damage to him. Most often, this method of firing can destroy enemy artillery. But this is not always justified. On some maps this simply won’t work. The size of the playing field is small.