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How to restore the page in the Badu after removing. Restore remote messages and correspondence on Badoo

In some cases, it may be necessary to rename the disk in Windows 7. This is usually done for more comfortable PC management, for example, you can set a label indicating that the drive is intended for archive copies of important data.

Important! In Windows 7, non-system sections can also be changed the letter, but there must be possible risks before performing these actions.

Change Tom label

Users relate differently to their PCs. Some are quite satisfied with the parameters proposed by the default system, others prefer to "sharpen" the system for themselves, achieving the most comfortable conditions for using the computer.

After installation, all the hard disk partitions often have the name "Local disk", but it is much more convenient to designate the place allotted by movies, photos or backup more clearly. This is especially true if the PC is used by several users.

Tom label is the descriptive name of the hard disk partition, it is only necessary for the convenience of the user and does not affect the operation of the OS.

Consider the main methods allowing you to change Tom Tag:

  1. using a graphical interface;
  2. label command.

Most users are not accustomed to working with a team building. For them, the change mark of volume with the graphical interface is much more suitable.

We give the order of action to change Tom Tags:

  1. open "My Computer";
  2. right-click to call the menu on the desired disk;
  3. choose to "rename";
  4. introduce a new name;
  5. press ENTER.

Before changing Tom Tags, you need to know the basic requirements for it, because otherwise the right job can break, consider them:

  • maximum label length - 11 characters for Fatail 32 for NTFS;
  • it is allowed to use spaces;
  • it is forbidden to use a tab sign in the label;
  • the disk label formatted in the Fat may contain the following characters: * ? / \ | . , ; : + = « .

Hard drives usually format for many years in NTFS, other drives can still be marked in the older FAT file system.

Experienced users are more convenient for changing Tom Tags to use the command line and command label.

Consider how to change the tag from the command line:

  1. open command line with administrator rights;
  2. enter the command label Disc Letter;
  3. press ENTER;
  4. specify a new label and confirm the input using the ENTER key.

It is worth noting that the old label will be lost without an additional warning output.

If you need to simply delete the volume label, then you must perform the following steps:

  1. run the command line with administrator rights;
  2. dial command label Disc Letterand press ENTER;
  3. when the prompt appears to leave the input field empty and press ENTER;
  4. confirm the removal of the label by pressing Y.

Possible problems

Sometimes Windows 7 users cannot change the name of the disk. This is due to the big changes that occurred in this version of the OS. Often on computers with the Vista XPli exclusion of infection with some viruses in the root of the disk, the file autorun.inf was created. In Windows 7, its creation does not make sense, but this file can be hidden.

Consider how to enable the display of hidden files:

  1. open the "Control Panel";
  2. go to "folder parameters" section;
  3. on the View tab, install a check mark in front of the "Show hidden files and folders" item;
  4. press OK.

Now you can delete the autorun.inf file and restart the computer, after which it is possible to change the volume tag.

Video: How to change the letter of the disk

Change the letter of the disc

The letter of the disc is a pointer directly to the logic section of the hard disk, also have interchangeable drives, CD / DVD drives virtual disks. Sometimes it may be necessary to change it for greater convenience or correct transfer of programs to the installed new drive.

Important! Never try to change the letter from the disk, which is systemic. In most cases, this operation is completed by an error, and some will have problems with the start of the OS.

Consider how to change the letter of the disk:

  1. go to the control panel;
  2. select "Computer Management" and Go to "Disk Management" section;
  3. on the section that you want to change the letter to press the right button;
  4. in the menu that opens, select "Change the drive letter or path to the disk";
  5. in the window that appears, click on the "Edit" button;
  6. choose a suitable letter;
  7. press OK;
  8. confirm changes.

Important! Changing the letter from the disk can have an unpredictable effect on the installed applications. It is also not recommended to change the letter for the drive on optical disks, since NEROs some other programs can work incorrectly.

You can change the hard disk label an unlimited number of times, as it serves only for user convenience and does not affect working applications. Change the letter of the disk is recommended only to experienced PC owners, since these actions can harm the system.

In this article, I will show how to change the letter of the disk, without using any programs and utilities. Of course, there are special software methods, but we will now go without them. The way I will tell, suitable for Windows XP, Windows 7 and other operating systems.

Why change the letter of the disk? The reasons for this can be a lot. Perhaps the system missed some letter, and you are not satisfied when, let's say, first goes the D disc, and then, instead of E, at once (for example, this mess is nervous). Or it will be needed if the system prescribed two different disks the same letter (this also happens). One of them will work incorrectly. I have already considered this case in ways to solve the problem when.

So whatever motivation, here is the instruction, how to change the drive letter. I show on the example of Windows XP. On some other OS, everything will be about the same way, you can figure out my pictures.

How to change the drive letter

To change the drive letter, do everything below the instructions.

  • Click "Start" and select "Run" (or COMPLEX THE WIN + R keys).
  • Enter the "diskmgmt.msc" (without quotes) window in the opened window and click OK.

    Run "Disk Management"

  • In the "Disk Management" window that opens, right-click on the desired disk and select "Change the drive letter or path to the disk".

    Change the letter of the disc

  • Now another window has been opened in which you need to click the "Change" button and select the letter you want to assign such a drive from the drop-down list. Then click "OK".

    Change the letter of the disc

  • A warning will appear that changing the letter of the disk will fail to start some programs. Here we agree and click "Yes" (other warnings may also appear, they also need to agree).

    Change the letter of the disc

Now you should see that the drive letter has changed.

Badoo is one of the largest dating applications. Daily in Badoo send 350 million messages, and its audience is 340 million registered users from around the world. Monthly 60 million people find a new pair with the help of the application, and the Badoo audience increases for 400 thousand users.

Due to this, almost everyone can find a pair, simply specifying the criteria and choosing from the proposed list of coincidences. As people from all over the world enjoy the application, you can find a couple, being in the center of Moscow, and walking along the Silicon Valley.

How to use the application?

In Badoo, excellent and thoughtful functionality. For example, users' profiles are very detailed: In addition to the standard Count "About yourself", "Interests" and "Location" there is a binding of profiles of other social networks - you can see photos from Instagram or read the last tweets of the person you like.

All chat rooms are stored in a separate place, and therefore you will never lose an important message. Rewriting with a person, except for simple text, you can send a short video, sticker or even a gift.

In the section "Visitors" there are all people who went to your page. Beautiful woman looked into your profile, why not write to her something in response?

If you browse your page is not enough to write the girl first, the appendix has a "sympathy" function. Then you will definitely be sure that I liked that green-eyed beauty, which yesterday opened your profile. In the case of a coincidence of sympathy, you can take the next step.

In addition, there is a "Favorites" section where you can add the most interesting users of the application, and where you can find out who are interested in you.

In the "Crossing" section you can see with whom you turned out to be nearby. Cute girl goes into the same coffee, what are you? Why not make it a reason for dating?

Also help in getting acquainted with a list of common friends. They can be found about Passia more. Or, on the contrary, accidentally do not start meeting the former friend.

How does Badoo worries about our security?

Application creators do not want users to get acquainted with the fakes, and therefore the functional Badoo includes the verification of the user: it will be necessary to make a special selfie in a specific posture, after which the profile will be marked with a blue icon. In addition, there is a confirmation of the account using a cell phone or social network - such users have a blue tick in their profile. In the account settings you can note that you want to communicate only with confirmed users.

If you do not want messages from the annoying users who you didn't like it very much, then it is also provided for it - without coincidence, one user can be written only twice. If the answer does not follow, most likely you did not like the person, and further communication will be blocked.

Badoo Soll So Intuitiv Wie Möglich Sein, Aber Keine Sorge, Wir Verstehen, Dass Du Vielleicht Ein Bisschen Hilfe Am Anfang Brauchst!

Wenn Du Dich Zum Ersten Mal Registrierst, Stelle Sicher, Dass Du Eine Gutes Foto Von Dir Verwendest Und Ein Bisschen etwas Über Dich Schreibst, Um Anderen Nutzern Zu Zeigen, Wer Du Bist.

Sobald Du Dein Profil Kreiert Hast, Kannst Du Das Volltrefferspiel Erforschen, Welches Ein Wichtiger Teil Von Badoo IST. Stimme Entweder Mit. JA. Oder Nein. Für Andere Mitglieder AB Und Wenn Ihr Beide Füreinander Mit "JA" Abstimmt, Werdet Ihr Einen Volltreffer Haben Und Könnt Chatten M ! STELLE BITTE SICHER, DASS DU DIE RICHTIGEN EINSTELLUNGEN FÜR "ICH SUCHE NACH" Angegeben Hast.

In Deiner Umgebung Siehst du Nutzer Aus Deiner Stadt Oder Region.

Badoo IST Kostenlos Und Wenn Du Aus der Masse Hervorstechen Willst, Schau Dir Einfach Unsere PremiumFunktionen Wie Punkte Oder Badoo Premium An.

Viel Spaß Bei Badoo!


    UM Deine "Ich Suche Nach" Einstellungen Zu Ändern, Öffne Bitte Einfach Dein Profil, Gehe Bis Zu Dem Abschnitt "Ich Suche Nach" und Klicke Auf Das Bleistiftsymbol Neben "Ich Suche Nach", UM DIESES ZU BEARBEITEN. Wähle Aus, OB DU NACH "Neue Freundschaften", "Unterhaltungen" ODER "Verabredungen" SUCHST UND Klicke "Speichern", Nachdem Du Deine Wahl Getroffen Hast. Wenn Du Auch Das Alter Und Geschlecht Für Deine Suche Angeben Willst, Dann Klicke Einfach Auf Das Filtersymbol Neben Dem Volltreffer Abschnitt Auf Der Linken Seite Oder In Deiner Umgebung in Der Rechten Oberen Ecke.

  • Problembehandlung

    Wenn Du Bei der Nutzung Von Badoo Irgendwelche Schwierigkeiten Hast, Kann Das An Einer Vorübergehenden Störung Auf der Seite Liegen.


    1. Überprüfe, OB Dein Browser Auf Dem Neuxen Stand IST Und Aktualisiere Ihn Falls Nötig

    2. Lösche Cookies Und Cache in Deinem Browser

    3. Schließe Den Browser Und Starte Ihn Neu

    4. Logge Dich Aus Und Melde Dich Anschließend Wieder An

    Falls Keiner Der Vorschläge Dir Weitergeholfen Hat, Kannst Du Noch Folgendes Versuchen:

    • Öffne Die Gleiche Seite in Einem Anderen Browser, UM ZU Überprüfen, OB Das Problem Bei Einem Bestimmten Browser Liegt. Falls Das Problem Bei Beiden Browsern Auftritt, Lass ES Uns Bitte Wissen.
    • Setze in Deinem AntiVirenprogramm Oder in Deinem Browser Auf Die Liste der Vertrauenswürdigen Webseiten Und Stelle Sicher, Dass Dein AntiVirenprogramm Keine Probleme Mit Deinem Betriebssystem Erkannt Hat.




      Wenn DEIN PROFIL FÜR EINIGE ZEIT NICHT VERWENDEN WILLST, HAST DU DIE OPTION, DIESES ZU VERSTECKEN. Sobald Dein Profil Versteckt IST, Scheinst Du Nicht Mehr in Deiner Umgebung und Im VollTrefferspiel auf. Die Nutzer, Welche Mit Dir Schon in Kontakt Waren, Können Dir Noch Nachrichten Schicken, Aber du Kannst Diese Nachricht Nur Lesen, Wenn Du Dein Profil Wieder Öffentlich Machst.

      Wenn Du Dein Profil Verstecken Willst, , Klicke AUF "Profil Löschen" Am Ende der Seite Und Wähle "Profil Verstecken". Sobald Du Das Bestätigst, Wirst Du Automatisch Ausgeloggt. Um Deine Nachrichten Lesen Zu Können, Wieder in der Umgebung und Im Volltrefferspiel Angezeigt Zu Werden, Logge Dich Bitte Einfach Ein Und Mache Dein Profil Öffentlich.

    3. WIE KANN ICH MICH MIT Google, Facebook Oder MSN Einloggen?
    5. Ich Habe Keine Bestätigungsemail Erhalten. Was Kann Ich Tun?

      Überprüfe Auf Jeden Fall Die Bestätigungsseite Bei Badoo, Um Sicherzugehen, Dass Du Die Richtige E-Mail-Adresse Angegeben Hast. Sieh Bitte Auch in Deinem Spam-Ordner Nach, Da Es Möglich IST, Dass Unsere E-Mail VerseHentlich Dort Gelandet IST. Falls Du Eine Unserer E-Mails Dort Findest, Markiere Sie Bitte Als "Kein Spam / Junk".

      DU KANNST DICH AUCH ÜBER Facebook Connect, Google, Yahoo Oder MSN Bei Badoo.


      Neben "Deine Persönlichen Infos". Gib Einen Neuen Namen Ein Und Bestätige Diesen, Indem Du AUF "SPEICHERN" Klickst.


      Gehe Bitte Zu Deinen Einstellungen Und Klicke Auf Das Bleistiftsymbol Neben "Dein Profil". Gib Deine Neue E-Mail-Adresse Ein, Klicke Auf "Speichern" Und Du Werst Dann Gefragt Werden, Dein Aktuelles Passwort Einzugeben.


      Öffne Dein Profil Und Gehe Zu Deinen Einstellungen In Der Rechten Oberen Ecke Und Klicke Auf Das Bleistiftsymbol Neben "Dein Profil". Gib Dein Neues Passwort Ein, Klicke AUF "SPEICHERN" Und Du Werd Dann Gefragt Werden, Dein Aktuelles Passwort Einzugeben. Bestätige Dieses, Indem Du AUF "SPEICHERN" Klickst.

    9. Warum Habe Ich Keine E-Mail Erhalten, Nachdem Ich "Passwort Vergessen" Ausgewählt Habe?

      STELLE ZUERST BITTE SICHER, DASS DU DIE RICHTIGE E-MAIL-ADRESSE ENGEGEBEN HAST UND KORRIGIERE ETWAIGE FEHLER. Wenn Du Die Richtige E-Mail-Adresse Eingegeben Hast, Dann Schau Bitte in Deinem Spam Ordner Nach, Weil Die E-mail Vielleicht Dort Gelandet IST. Wenn Du Die E-mail in Dem Spam Ordner Findest Dann Folge Bitte Den Anweisungen und Markiere Die E-mail Mit "Kein Spam".

    On this, the question is how to delete an account in Badoo can be considered solved. All instructions on how to restore the account will be shipped to email.

    In the mail sent instructions for recovery

    The letter contains information that after 30 days the profile will be completely removed, and during this time there is an opportunity to restore it.

    Deleting the application

    Do not know how to delete from the Badoo application from the phone? To completely delete the questionnaire, you first need to delete it from the full version of the site, and then delete the application directly from the phone. For IOS and Android operating systems, actions have slightly different specifics and minor differences:

    • On smartphones with android, deletion occurs in the settings in the "My Applications" section, in iPhones in the Statistics section.
    • Also removal is carried out through the main screen. On Android, hush the application label and drag to the basket appeared. For iOS, you should clamp the label, wait for the appearance at the top on the left of the cross and click on it.

    The users of the Network "Bad" there are more than 100 million. It appeared in 2011, and the creator is considered the Russian entrepreneur. A distinctive feature of this network is the support of most languages \u200b\u200bof the world. A completely unexpected network has gained success, especially in Italy, Spain and Latin America. The dating site has existed for more than six years, and the activity of users does not fall. Here you can meet, communicate, share videos and photos. If for some reason the social network is tired, the question of how to delete an account in Badi, easily solve.

    How to get out of the system forever?

    In order to delete your profile, you must first remember your data - login and password. If they are forgotten, you can restore them by clicking on the "Forgot password" button, and the system will send to an email specified during registration, reference link. This should be done before removing the account in Badu. Next you need to act according to the instructions:

    1. First of all, you need to press in the upper left corner on your name in the system.
    2. After the personal page opens, the gear icon will appear in the upper right corner, click on it, the "Parameters" menu appears.
    3. Here you need to scroll through the very end of the page until the link "Delete Profile" appears.
    4. After clicking on it, a window will appear in which the action options will be shown, the system will offer for some time to freeze the page or make an invisibility account, the "Delete Forever" button is also present. By selecting the right action, the user remains only to click on the "Continue" button.
    5. After removing the mail, a letter comes with reference to the user page, in case the person will change his mind to leave the system forever. The link is valid for 30 days, then it becomes inactive.

    Sometimes the user wants to make an account delete procedure from a mobile device. It can also be done easily, following the instructions:

    1. Log in to your page and from there to exit the "Settings" menu.
    2. In the settings, select the "Account" string and click on it.
    3. Fragling to the end, find the "Delete Profile" option.
    4. The system is as well as when deleting on the computer, will offer alternative options: Supersila bonuses for several days, freezing and others. Click again "Delete".
    5. The mail will be sent to the mail (valid 30 days) to restore the profile.

    Nevertheless, before removing the account in Badu, it is worth thinking, because it will not be able to restore it a month later, and the only solution will be a new decision.

    How to get out?

    First you need to make sure that you remember your username and password. Otherwise, you will need to restore them. Although it is known that the login is the e-mail address, and the password is not difficult to restore any difficulty, it is still better to do without any problems.

    Deleting an account and user output from the site are different things. In the first case, the questionnaire will not be deleted, other users will still see her anyway. The same wishes to get out the user will be simply divorced in the social network system.

    In order to simply delete from his account, you should pay attention to the upper right angle of the side menu. There is a special icon with an image of the arrow and an open door. By clicking on it, you can leave the resource.

    Delete an account

    How to remove Badoo account? It is also completely easy to do. For this you need:

    • in the upper left corner, find your name and click on it to go to your personal page;
    • after that, find the gear icon located in the upper right corner (it symbolizes the parameters menu in this case) and click on it;
    • immediately a page will open up with which personal data is edited, it will need to scroll to the end until the link "Delete Profile" does not exist;
    • the following window will pop up, if you definitely have an intention to permanently eliminate your profile, then click on the link "Continue", if not, then you can not delete it yet, but for example, for some time deactivate, or hide from others participants, making invisible;
    • then the new background window can open with clarification and recommendations for further actions, you do not need to choose from it, but only close this window, and then the deletion will complete.

    There may be a variety of messages there, for example, that information on the resource may be represented in more than 40 languages. You can simply close this window.

    If the site tries to drop, and will offer to stay for three days with the so-called free supersoul, it should be not paying attention to it, click on the link that allows you to destroy the account.

    Then you will need to specify the reason, because of which you leave the network. There is an opportunity to choose the option "Other" and set out the site administration the reason for their care. Then click on "continue."

    Now you need to enter your password. Then click on the link designed to eliminate the account. If there is no such possibility, because the password is forgotten, and the system responds that it is incorrect, you need to go through the link "Forgot your password?" You will receive an email in which the link will be provided. Going through it, you confirm the desire to completely get rid of the account.

    He will be deleted, this will also receive a letter confirmation with the mail. There will also contain a notification that the profile can be restored by desire within 30 days. If during this period it is not done, it will permanently remove from the site.

    When any difficulty appears, for example, when a password is forgotten, and when you enter the password, the item does not appear "Forgot your password?", It is better to try to delete from another browser. Failures in the work of the browser used may be the reason for incorrect display of the resource.

    How to delete a questionnaire on the Badi, if it does not work out in the menu item is intended for this. In this case, it is preferable to enter from another browser. Or even from another computer, or tablet. At the same time, the applications installed in the browser will need to be disabled.

    Restore BadooOf course, you can. However, the recovery period is limited to 30 days. If after one month after deleting an account, an attempt was made to restore it - all information about the user is removed from the server, respectively, to restore the questionnaire no longer work. In no way. So how to restore the page on the Badi? For this you need:

    • find a letter containing a link to the recovery of the questionnaire. This letter was sent when deleting an account;
    • go through this link;
    • confirm page recovery.

    If a month after removal, the questionnaire has already passed - the support service will not help. Information is deleted from the central server, otherwise it would have to keep many terabytes of information on the "dead" questionnaires ... you have to create a new one.

    O Badoo.

    Badoo is a service for finding new acquaintances for specified parameters. The service also allows you to find people next to you using user geolocation data.

    Not all similar services can boast such an opportunity. You can, for example, see who is in one café, travels in one train, view the user profile and write a message to him ...

    You can also view other people's profiles, note the photo as you like, join the correspondence.

    The service has additional paid services. Such as the:

    • inclusion of invisible;
    • cancel "Dyslaika";
    • insert stickers in the message;
    • look inside those who put the mark "I like" or those who visited the page on Badoo;
    • find out who answered positively in the dating game;
    • apply the original graphic elements to the design of your profile, which will help beneficially select the questionnaire among other similar questionnaires;
    • promote your account in the overall rating and thus make it more noticeable;
    • and many other additional features.

    At the moment, more than 250 million users from different countries of the world have been registered on the resource. And all of them are available for acquaintance with them! As seen, restore Badoo It is possible quite quickly - literally in one click with the mouse.

    If you are a user of a social network, but for some reason she did not come up and you do not know how to remove the profile of Badi from the phone, then in this article we will answer this and other similar questions. Badoo is a social network based on acquaintances whose features are supporting many languages \u200b\u200bof the world. The creator is Russian businessman Andrei Andreev. In September 2011, social The network unexpectedly was successful for everyone, in several authoritative editions they were painted by one of the most successful IT companies among European countries. Badu works with many countries of the world, but a special popularity has won in Italy, Spain and Latin America. According to the rating of the portal Alexa Soc. The network reached 58 positions, and on the world rating of the most visited sites ranked 118th in 2011. At that time, Badoo attended about 47 million visitors monthly.

    How to uninstall the Badoo page from the phone

    To remove the profile from the smartphone, go to your page.

    Remove the profile from the Badoo system completely

    Before deleting the profile you need to go to the site with your login and password. Login, usually, is your email address. But if you forgot your password, then you need to restore it, otherwise it is impossible to remove the profile. For quite considerable, you need to clarify that output from the system and delete an account or account is not the same. If you leave the account - then your account will remain on the Badu Service Server. To delete your questionnaire from the system, follow these steps:

    When you decide to remove Badoo's profile, you will have a month at thought. After you click on the "Delete" button, the link will come to your mailbox. It is possible to use it if you decide to stay in the system. After a month, she will cease to act and then, when you want to return, you will need only to start a new account.

    How to remove your photo from the portal Bad

    We remove unnecessary and outdated photos with Badoo. For this:

    1. Go to your page.
    2. At the top in the right corner, near the subscription to the "super power" and the amount of your loans is your profile avatar. Mouse over it, the context menu will appear, in which there will be "Settings" lines, "Your Name" and "Exit". Select "Your Name".
    3. After that, you will reinforce you in your personal profile. In the profile or in the right corner above, make a click on the "photo" mouse.
    4. You get on the album with your pictures. Usually these blocks are divided into categories "Personal photos", "Your photos", etc.
    5. Now we bring the mouse cursor to the photo you want to delete. The buttons will have the ability to rotate or remove the photo. To delete, click on the crosshair.
    6. A small menu should appear, in which you need to remove the checkbox from the "Transfer to Personal Photos" row.
    7. After you remove the checkbox in the submenu, it will change the view, it must be the "Delete" button, you need to click it.

    Clean the correspondence with friends on social network

    Perhaps someone need to remove your correspondence with friends or colleagues at work in Badoo, how to do it:

    Block the user on Badoo

    It happens almost on any service, where there is free communication and access to the image of the interlocutor. Namely undesirable people who need to block. For this:

    • From your page Badu, go to the page of the person you want to block.
    • Move the mouse cursor over three points, indicating the menu, at the top of the screen on the right.
    • Click the button and select "Block" from the context menu.

    After that, this user will be blacklisted in Badi. Neither celebrate on your page, nor write this person can no longer. Just view your page.

    Delete Badoo's profile is not difficult, consider several options in more detail. The page on the dating site is required to find love or friendly relationships. When the user finds a couple in real life, the need for communication with the opposite sex is moving into the background.

    Causes of Account Removal

    The reasons why users want to remove the page in Badoo become:

    In the mobile and browser version there are privacy settings. The profile owner can limit access to the page for a while, and returning to restore activity.

    Also provides the ability to return a previously lost account. The email address comes with a link to which you can restore the page.

    Using smartphone

    To remove an account in Badoo from the phone, you need to use the instructions:

    After, the application will update and the message Badoo "Account is deleted" appears on the screen.

    It is noteworthy that closing a profile through a smartphone, without confirmation of email, it will not be possible to restore in the future. The procedure, recovery after the Badoo deleted is not available for pages with unconfirmed data.

    To limit access to photos for a while, you should learn how to remove photos in Badoo:

    Not everyone knows how to remove photos from Badoo from the phone. The snapshot is removed separately by choosing those that should remain. Use in the profile of the picture or not your photos is prohibited by the administration.

    Checking the page, moderators can block the use of fake images. Next will be required to the accountholder.

    Through the browser version

    The way to remove Badoo from the computer is presented at such points:

    In the event of a version for mobile devices, the system will ask the reason for deletion, the choice of options will present. The user can be used to remove the questionnaire with Badoo forever and take advantage of temporary ways. In the latter case, the administration will help restore the profile.

    Also, if the registered account is associated with other social networks, the information will restore again.

    The data list includes: correspondence, photos attached pages. Removal will be subjected to: additional pictures, page description, tour history. So that the account is not displayed when searching for Google, it is enough to establish data confidential settings.

    Additional site features

    Unlike other dating sites, Bada offers privacy settings. These are the parameters affecting the display of the profile, the ability to view. The holder of the page is available to the distance, location, private pictures for other users are available.

    If any actions are made not by the user, then you need to write in. The problem is considered in detail and the owner immediately return profile. For a month, if the page has not been restored - the system automatically deletes it.

    To return the activity, you should use the "Forgotten Password" function when entering contact data. A notification or a mobile phone number will come to the email address that allows you to update the account, install a new password.

    Frozen pages can be returned without changing the contact information, delete files, correspondence, photos and video content.