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What information can I learn about the Internet? Virtual espionage or how to find out about a person everything.

In the world where the information revolution occurred is impossible to remain incognito. Unless, of course, not be a secret agent working under cover. In other cases, if you ask a question, how to find out everything about a person, then you can find the answer in two bills. Or rather - a few steps that we describe in this article.

How to find out all about a person: We collect information

Plunge into virtual reality

Almost everyone in our time voluntarily listed themselves in information bases data - social networks. Public pages in Instagram, Facebook and other places of virtual cluster of the people tell a lot. Photos, posts, music, information "About yourself" - this is already a lion share.

Therefore, it is worth it from the search. personal Account. You can try to enter a name in English, as many create nicknames on it.

Yandex offers to use special service To search for personal pages, which will take no more than 5 minutes. Modern programs know exactly how to find out all about a person in two clicks.

We are looking for coincidence

We try to enter in Google, Yandex or on YouTube the name and surname of the main character. He may not suspect that it was noted somewhere or fixed in the documents. Thus, you can fall on the trail through relatives or friends.

If a person sought ever vacancies through a popular labor portal, then its resume has been preserved in the database. Why not check it either?

We are looking for loopholes

A lot about people tells their credit history, a medical map, contact with tax, university magazines. But these documents are in the internal archives and access to them is limited. Or is absent at all. True, if you find a "my employee" in a bank or district hospital, then you can ask him about help. The main thing is not to go beyond the humanity of the tolerant attitude towards the main hero of the dossier.

Go to the archive

Here we need to intently study the same names, find relatives, fold the pedigree. Corresponds will come up, the news of birth, christening, the days of the death of loved ones. They will fulfill the role of material evidence in the case called "How to find out everything about a person." Sometimes such a search not only brings the result, but also opens the new kind On the object of the study.

We observe

Tell me who is your friend, and I will tell who you are one of the mottos of any detective. Circle of communication, friends, encouraged by their behavior there are a general idea of \u200b\u200bpersonality. And it's not about social status, but in life philosophy, uniting friends.

When the information is collected, you can add a shared portrait, but how to find out everything about a person if extremely minimum? Take advantage of psychological research.

How to find out a person in 5 minutes

Explore the face

The study of character, depending on the features of the person, the characteristics of his expression, the Constitution as a whole is engaged in the science of physiognomy. Her researchers tell how to find out a person, not even becoming acquainted with him personally.

For example:

  • Holders of thin neck - romance, long - melancholic.
  • Wide shoulders talk about courage, narrow - about shyness and possible self-vacation.
  • High foreheads have people with good intellectual abilities, narrow - excessively emotional. Honest and frank people forehead has a square shape.
  • Professionating eyebrows issue a brutal personality, narrow - ambitious. Wide eyebrows - a sign of sincerity and simplicity.

There are many such examples. To trust them in full, perhaps, it is not worth it, but you can definitely be. And how to find out all about a person when there is nothing but notes?

Resort to graphology

This science, seriously engaged in studying the handwriting, is popular among psychologists and forensicists. It turns out, by what lines hand displays, it is easy to determine the type of character, hidden motifs, mental state.

For example:

  • Open, soft and naive people have a major handwriting, and small things happen to those who are rationally thinking.
  • Conservative and practical personalities have "compressed calligraphy."

Also, much can tell the degree of tilts of the letters, the direction of the string, the method of connecting the characters.

Explore signature

How to find out a person if you managed to find only a signature? Explore it as valuable material. Often it is a unique portrait.

For example:

  • creative and inquisitive people have a signature has many twists, looping and other elements.
  • Closed personalities can be determined by the circuit of the signature. But confident and purposeful people emphasize their initials.
  • If the entire lettering composition is crossed out, then its owner is -energic, emotional features.

Observe behavior

How to find out all about a person before dating? Take into the hands of the newspaper and are imperceptibly turning near it, studying the habits, model of behavior, other nuances.

For example, handshake.

  • Slug - testifies to fatigue or life-passive position.

If the one for whom we observe, so greetwards selectively, then these people do not cause his interest.

  • Grapple, strong - a sign of distrust, a subconscious expression of readiness for confrontation.
  • Greeting with two hands - several options: or a person sincerely predisposed to communication or he is a first-class manipulator.

Frankly talk

The best way to find out the interlocutor is to ask all your questions personally. To do this, it is necessary to place, radiate goodwill, and also to be in the right place in opening time. For a casual frank conversation, a joint road will suit a long stay in the queue or other binding circumstances.

Naturally, not everyone is ready to tell about your own skeletons in the closet in the first 5 minutes dating. Yes, and the likelihood that we learn the truth is small. Then you can try the following way.

Take a short test

The test was developed by the French Writer Verber. He for a long time engaged in Esoteric, studied psychology, investigated human relationships. His test is fast and effective method Communication with subconscious thinking.

6 cells should be drawn on paper and fill each such figures:

  • Triangle
  • Steps (diagonally)
  • Cross
  • Square
  • Wave.

The object of the study must add comments from adjectives to each figure, describe the images and associations.

By completing the task, the person himself will tell everything about himself.

  • Circle - as the subject sees himself.
  • Triangle - as they see him (in his opinion).
  • Steps - Thoughts about life in general.
  • Cross - spiritual orientation.
  • Square - attitude to the family, relatives.
  • Wave - perception of love.

We talked about how to find out all about a person if there is only his signature, surname or photo. Modern methods and technologies, as well as the availability of the Internet allow you to create a dossier for anyone. The main thing is to have desire and diligence for this.

In search engines you can find out where is registered than you are interested, with whom it communicates whether there is additional information, such as alternative nicknames and communications. By the way, INDEX is not inferior in this regard by the number of Google information, and in some cases ahead (again do not forget about

Do not underestimate and the usual ICQ search, for this we run on, try to search by name or already known ICQ number, usually you can find a date of birth and name.

If the data is not falsified - it will not be easy to find profiles in social networks. It is also worth further searching in Skype, very often the phone number is attached to it, and if the city is not specified, you can see the local time of Anonymous in the settings and thereby narrowing the location on the time zone.

1. Is Mr. X passport valid?

Contains at once 2 resources - Google Cache and The cache is useful if our goal deleted the page in VKontakte and you did not have time to copy some data. Arching, useful if you need to see how the page of our goal looks some time ago. This service makes the screenshot of the page every year at least.

2) Suppose you have a sacrifice number. Do you think that the phone number is tied to his page. Some here (

Colleague, friend, potential partner ... A person is sympathetic to you, but you do not fully understand what he is for a person, how will it react to your vulnerability, can it be a secret to him, ask for help? According to the sites of psychological "Lifehakov", articles are walking like "Want to know someone - ask him 38 questions." Imagine how it looks like: You put a colleague or acquaintance opposite yourself, ask him questions on the list and carefully document the answers. How many will agree on it?

Another extreme is to believe that it is possible to solve a person only for several months or years of close communication. Coach John Alex Clark is confident: it's not about the amount of time, but in observation and readiness to associate facts into a single chain. There are several simple techniques that allow you to detect patterns in behavior and understand the character.

1. Notify details

Every day we commit thousands routine actions: We speak by phone, buy food. Actions of people can give an understanding of their personality and help predict how they will behave in similar situations.

Example A. One who chooses the same dish every day in the restaurant may avoid change in life and does not like uncertainty. Such a person may be faithful and devoted husband, but it will be difficult for him to convince moving to another country or make a risky investment.

Example B. A person who enjoys the game on the stock exchange and other risky enterprises is likely to risk in other areas of life. For example, it may be quitted from work without finding a new one and not taking care of the financial "security pillow".

Example S. A person who never forgets to look at both sides before crossing the road may be careful. He will carefully consider every decision before accepting it, and will only go for a calculated risk.

Analyzing the behavior of a person in one field, you can evaluate how it will manifest itself in other areas of life.

2. Pay attention to the methods of communication

How does he communicate? Lines with each relationship or highlights the closest in spirit, and with the rest trying to keep in the framework of decency? Specifically, without a clear plan, focuses on impressions or is trying to analyze everything, does not trust a little and seeks to be objective? He is more likely a practitioner who lives in the world of facts, tasks, measurable values, or a thinker, for whom ideas, concepts, schemes and images are important?

3. Discuss the relationship at work, with common familiar

It seems that "stroke a bone" is empty and meaningless. But the main thing is, what qualities a person gives others, as interprets their motivation. Speaking of others, we most often notice what is in ourselves. Our personal "Pantheon" can say that we appreciate in people who seek to be similar to what qualities we try to change in yourself.

The more often the person appreciates others as kindly, happy, emotionally stable or polite, the greater the likelihood that he himself is endowed with these features. Reasoning like "Yes, he simply prevents himself, he moat myself to someone" may mean that the interlocutor is calculating and understands only the relationship built on the benefit.

How to find out about a person all with the help of the Internet? 15 concrete steps

How to find out about a person all with the help of the Internet? 15 concrete steps

Factrum Published excellent article Editions of on how to get this information.

1. How to find pages of a person immediately in all social networks?

A few years ago, Yandex launched a service for finding personal pages of people. It is available at IN currently The search is carried out by 16 social networks:

You can search not only by name and surname, but also by nickname:

If you doubt how a person calls himself on the Internet, you can use a logical operator or (denoted by a vertical feature):

2. How to find the latest people in all social networks right away?

12. Does I keep any curious information about stormy youth?

14. How to find out the location of IP?

The method does not guarantee the confidence of information. After all, there are many ways to hide your present address that are used both providers and users. But it's worth trying.

1. Take a letter from man and see its original text:

2. Find in it the IP address of the sender:

3. Enter it in the form at the service

15. How to find out the number of the apartment person at home phone number?

The last chip makes an indelible impression on women:

1. Watch a new girl before the entrance. Nessness asking her home number;

2. Between the case, come in mobile app Sberbank and go to the MGTS service payment section;

3. Drive the phone number and recognize the apartment number;

4. Before saying goodbye, tell about the second uncle, who participated in the "battle of psychics" and propose to guess her apartment number;

5. Call the desired number;

Selena Parfinova05.10.2016

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