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Yandex has developed a service for truck drivers. Navitel А730 - the best GPS navigator for trucks Navigator with cargo frame

P. SHKUMATOV: Now almost all of Moscow is dotted with signs prohibiting the passage of trucks. Many commercial vehicle drivers use Yandex. Navigator. But they, in fact, have their own road network. Such a cargo frame. Will something be done for them in the near future? Are you working on it at all?

L. MEDNIKOV: Yes. We try not to tell the plans. But let's do it, right for tomorrow we seem to have no such plans. But we are thinking about it for the future. We have a project "People's Card". We collect data in it. We do not even collect, each person can edit the map and in a month already go with the map drawn by him in the navigator. We have a field for trucks there. We have laid down for some kind of perspective. I cannot say yet when it will be implemented.

P. Sh.: A note on the operation of the navigator with the screen off. This is especially important for long routes, that is, not routes around the city, but when you travel long distances. Have you ever thought about doing such a thing?

L. M .: We were thinking. Moreover, I will say that this is very important for the city as well, because people in the city can receive calls. And even the law on hands-free, people may want to read something at a traffic light, switch, a message has come. Therefore, we are thinking about it. Follow the news. I hope we will please you sometime soon.

P. Sh.: For taxi drivers. When they found out that you would come to us, they asked to make a forecast for the arrival of a taxi, taking into account the allocated lanes. Is it possible in principle?

L. M .: Yes, in principle it is possible. Especially due to the fact that we have some kind of taxi company connected to Yandex. Taxi. And it is very important for us that we have a signal that this is not an ordinary machine, we can learn from them. This is the most important thing for algorithms. The problem is solvable. Again, I won't say in what perspective. But yes, most likely, it will be done by us.

Read the full version of the "Auto Friday" program with Leonid Mednikov below and listen to the audio recording.

About hidden useful options of online navigators for driver-racers and dummies

P. SHKUMATOV: Good evening. We'll start with the topic of navigation. The topic of navigation, especially after traffic jams returned to our cities, traditional autumn traffic jams, has become the most relevant. Building a quality route saves time, which means it saves money. And we invited a representative of the Yandex company Leonid Mednikov, an expert and analyst of Yandex. Traffic jams, to visit us. Leonid, as a person who knows about traffic jams, probably much more than the average driver, and even, probably, can plug the experts who talk about traffic jams only by hearsay. Leonid, good evening.

L. MEDNIKOV: Good evening.

P. Sh.: Leonid, let's start with Yandex. Navigator and with the first question about the route. Many drivers have noticed that the route is not always optimal in terms of saving time. And there were quite large claims on this topic on social networks. You answered them. Why is this happening? And what did you do to prevent this from happening?

L. M .: Firstly, our position is this: we are building an algorithm that looks for the fastest route. And he really does it in an optimal way on the current data. This is his key problem. It would seem what else is needed.

The problem is that traffic jams change along the way, and the route may no longer change.

Leonid Mednikov

You were sent down this highway, and the traffic jam has grown here. And by the time you approach a fork, if you are still looking at the old route, it may no longer be optimal. This time. And the predicted time may be wrong. This is especially evident during the morning rush hour. Even before the morning rush hour, if you leave somewhere from seven to eight, then the error in the predicted time can be catastrophic, because exactly during your movement traffic jams grow, and we, unfortunately, do not know how to take this into account yet. Therefore, I give this example with chess. Once everyone laughed at how a computer can beat a person at chess, now no one laughs anymore. We are now somewhere in the middle, 10 years ago no one would have thought that a computer would advise you to go around traffic jams. Now he advises, but now there is still a groundwork for the person, he can still beat, because he understands how the situation can develop. This algorithm does not take into account. But yes, we are working on this, we already have a forecast for the next hour, you can see it from your computer. There is a long-term forecast. But it is not yet included in the routing algorithm. I hope that someday we will be able to do it with sufficient quality, and people can completely relax.

P. Sh.: And you publish the so-called statistics of traffic jams. Moreover, many drivers notice that traffic jams occur at the same time, in the same place. Due to this knowledge, this experience, the driver just beats the computer. But the computer knows about it too.

L. M .: Yes, he does. It is difficult to explain without going into details. This is a really difficult, first of all, technical problem. It can even be implemented quite well on one computer, but if you give a lot of time to compute. But it is technically difficult to implement this at hundreds of requests per second, even at a larger number. And here, unfortunately, there is a struggle directly over how to come up with an algorithm that took all this into account in a reasonable time. And all sorts of other technical nuances, which, it would seem, are such a simple matter that lies on the surface while pushing us back in time. But I'm sure we'll do it.

P. Sh.: Many drivers asked exactly about the restructuring of the route during the movement. You are driving, Yandex. Navigator offers to rebuild the route to a faster one. But here there are several nuances. The first caveat is that the driver has different preferences. Someone prefers to lose in time, but move along large illuminated roads, preferably without driving into courtyards or some small, narrow streets. And someone, on the contrary, says, make me a route more difficult, but so that I won three minutes. Will this behavior of drivers ever be taken into account by the navigator?

L. M .: Yes. This is how we understand the situation .

We had ideas for some settings: "I am a cool driver", "a racer", "I am a simple driver" and others.

Leonid Mednikov

But now it is not implemented in this form. Implemented as follows: when you build a route, you are offered from one to three options. And usually the first option is the fastest for the current second. The second and third - they are simpler, more authentic. And it is your choice which route you have chosen. Further on about rebuilding the route. In fact, the wave of questions about which you spoke, it seems to us, was caused by the fact that we have recently turned off this function altogether. That is, in the direction of travel, the navigator does not offer you to rebuild the route, even if there is a faster one.

The faster one will also show. You will be able to choose for a given second. Therefore, if you are the driver who wants to save three minutes, I personally do this too, at every convenient moment I click on the "review" button, I see what options it offers, is it faster, or maybe the same, but more convenient ... In the direction of travel, at a traffic light, this can be done. But if you are a driver who wants something simpler, you have chosen the route from the very beginning. That's it, the navigator won't bother you anymore.

P. Sh.: Another question arises. If a person strays from the route, or rather his coordinates go astray, there is such an effect of endless rebuilding of the route. This is especially noticeable where the GPS signal is lost. And incorrect coordinates are obtained. This is quite logical and obvious. The navigator begins to abruptly change the route, thinking that you suddenly moved abruptly a hundred meters to the right or to the left. Can you do something about this?

L. M .: In the navigator, of course, there is an algorithm that removes these interference. In general, the algorithm handles correctly in many situations. Yes, let's not say that it cannot be better. There are also different ideas. For example, you can use an accelerometer. Some other external ideas. There is now computer vision. Up to the point that you can ask a person to put the camera so that the road is visible, and from the photo you can understand where he is. Probably there is where to move.

P. Sh .: Well-known topic. But how many people are using Yandex. Navigator now? Because I saw, I just returned from Kazan, everywhere they use Yandex. Navigator.

10 million people in Russia use the navigator every month, and the world figure is already 16 million, because we work not only in Russia

Leonid Mednikov

We are actively exploring new territories for us.

P. Sh .: 10 million in Russia. This is, in fact, every fourth motorist uses Yandex. Navigator.

L. M .: At least once a month.

P. Sh.: Now the influence of the routes that Yandex. Navigator builds is noticeable, as they say, with the naked eye. I went to Kazan using Yandex. Navigator, he offered me a way to bypass one of their traffic jams. And when I approached the right turn, I saw that I was not the only one who received such an instruction. There was a whole stream of cars that turned there. In fact, Yandex. Navigator, due to such a wide girth, can form traffic flows.

L. M .: Yes, unfortunately, it affects us. Especially considering that, as I have already said, we do not take into account changes in the situation.

It turns out that for this second we say that this is the optimal route, this street is now free, and the more people follow this instruction, the faster this street gets stuck in a traffic jam.

Leonid Mednikov

Therefore, when five or seven years ago smartphones were a rare toy, these people could go where no one knows. Now crowds of people know it. And yes, gradually the entire network of streets becomes congested. And it seems to me that this is one of the main reasons why people say that before they could slip through yards, but now everyone is already going through them. Thus, the load on the main streets appears to be diminishing. But the whole network is really getting busy.

P. Sh.: And what about the effect of highlighted stripes? Because many users of Yandex. Navigator travel along these dedicated lanes, and people exchange conversations on the map, whether there is a traffic police there or not. It also happens that a false impression is created that the street is free, although this is not so in reality.

L. M .: We worked on this. Made a powerful change a year ago. The situation should improve significantly since last fall. Before that, the situation, indeed, was often not in favor of those who are in traffic jams. In short, the idea is simple: there are those who drive slowly, there are those who drive fast along the same street. This situation as a whole may mean that the traffic jam is over, the route should be repainted green. It may also be that people are standing at a turn, there is a separation of streams. We have worked to strike this balance. Now, as far as we can see from our instruments, the situation has become noticeably better. Still, mostly the selected stripes are painted in red if there is a cork. The number of people bypassing traffic jams in dedicated lanes has become not so great. Plus, we screen out taxi drivers separately for a good reason.

P. Sh.: And how, after all, almost all taxi drivers use your program?

L. M .: I mean those taxi drivers who are connected to our service "Yandex. Taxi". In any case, we can determine them and can ignore their data.

How a navigator can confuse a driver on the way

P.Sh .: There is a history of toll roads. The fact is that now Yandex. Navigator forms the fastest route. And quite often it runs across the toll road. Many people, who did not even know that toll roads exist, suddenly find themselves in a situation in front of the barrier, it is impossible to turn around. And on this topic you are also criticized.

L. M .: That's right. Let me expand the situation. We are also criticized from the other side. People say, they say, why the navigator did not offer a toll road. As I said, we always offer the fastest route. In fact, toll roads are an exception.

We have made that the navigator now offers toll roads only if traveling along them gives a gain in time

Leonid Mednikov

And now we are being criticized from the other side as well.

P. Sh.: Your competitors have this setting: "I want to drive on toll roads."

L. M .: Yes. Or is it the other way around.

We believe that special lovers will find any settings that are hidden in the application.

Leonid Mednikov

Plus, it seems to us that there are quite a few people who are ready to choose a route depending on the situation. Today I do not want to pay, but tomorrow I am in a hurry and I can pay as an exception. Today the prize is small, tomorrow the prize is at three o'clock, I am ready to pay. We are currently working to make the algorithm flexible and always offer two alternative routes. If the route is on a toll road, you need to always have a free alternative. This is our ideal product vision. We are working on it. I hope that it will be convenient for you in the near future. And there will always be time for choice.

PS: The navigator shows green where everything is red, and shows red where everything is green. Does this problem persist?

L. M .: The update is now taking place in less than two minutes. There is also such a nuance, especially if we are not talking about large Moscow streets, there may simply not be enough data, there are few people who drove with Yandex. Navigator turned on at the moment. Only they transmit data to us. We have to wait. For the first driver, we do not repaint the street, because there may be emissions. In general, we have a metric, we understand that we are mistaken, we have a special schedule, how much they write: "Yandex" lies "- in conversations. And sometimes I myself, when I look at the map, see them. And sometimes you see, what they write: “red.” And the cork has already been repainted, that is, the conversations are already outdated. That is, we react faster than a person writes. This is usually the tail of a cork, it grows quite quickly. The man poked, it went much further in five minutes.

P. Sh.: You are talking about two minutes. But I, for example, yesterday, when I was returning from Kazan, drove along the M-7 highway, got stuck in a traffic jam, but for quite a long time this section of the road was green in Yandex. Navigator.

ML: Have you traveled with the built route "Yandex. Navigator" turned on?

M. L .: Then another question. What was the flow rate?

P. Sh.: Somewhere 5-10 kilometers per hour.

M. L .: Then one more nuance. Were there congresses?

P. Sh.: No. Only to the dachas.

M.L .: The road was cut anyway.

If there are large stretches, the program tries to paint them with the same color.

Leonid Mednikov

There are exceptions when she doesn't. But the tails of the plugs can be rounded and not quite accurately displayed.

How services for taxi drivers and truckers will work

PS: Now almost all of Moscow is dotted with signs prohibiting the passage of trucks. Many commercial vehicle drivers use Yandex. Navigator. But they, in fact, have their own road network. Such a cargo frame. Will something be done for them in the near future? Are you working on it at all?

M.L .: Yes. We try not to tell the plans. But let's do it, right for tomorrow we seem to have no such plans. But we are thinking about it for the future. We have a project "People's Card". We collect data in it. We do not even collect, each person can edit the map and in a month already go with the map drawn by him in the navigator. We have a field for trucks there. We have laid down for some kind of perspective. I cannot say yet when it will be implemented.

P. Sh.: A note on the operation of the navigator with the screen off. This is especially important for long routes, that is, not routes around the city, but when you travel long distances. Have you ever thought about doing such a thing?

M. L .: We were thinking. Moreover, I will say that this is very important for the city as well, because people in the city can receive calls. And even the law on hands-free, people may want to read something at a traffic light, switch, a message has come. Therefore, we are thinking about it. Follow the news. I hope we will please you sometime soon.

P. Sh.: For taxi drivers. When they found out that you would come to us, they asked to make a forecast for the arrival of a taxi, taking into account the allocated lanes. Is it possible in principle?

L. M .: Yes, in principle it is possible. Especially due to the fact that we have some kind of taxi company connected to Yandex. Taxi. And it is very important for us that we have a signal that this is not an ordinary machine, we can learn from them. This is the most important thing for algorithms. The problem is solvable. Again, I won't say in what perspective. But yes, most likely, it will be done by us.

It has become a familiar part of the interior for a long time. It helps you quickly find the shortest road in an unfamiliar area or any address in a big city. Moreover, it can pave a route bypassing traffic jams, traffic police posts and other unpleasant places.

A navigator is even more necessary for trucks, especially for long journeys. It will not only pave the way for any length, but also take into account the requirements for trucks - dimensions, tonnage and much more. In addition, the driver can always see where there is a service station, cafe or hotel nearby.

Of course, not all navigators are equally good, so we will consider here only those models that have proven themselves well and are perfect for trucks.

What functions should a truck navigator have?

To choose the right device, you first need to know which of its functions and features to pay attention to. A good navigator can do the following:

  • Find the best route to your destination, and use the latest data on the condition of different parts of the road. For example, he must look for a detour of the areas being repaired.
  • Find on the map any address or organization by its name.
  • Determine your location accurately.
  • Notify about traffic jams ahead, look for ways to avoid them.
  • Report speed bumps, traffic police posts, cameras, accidents, speed limit areas and other important events on the way.
  • Provide guidance in difficult areas, especially junctions.

It will be a big plus if the navigator has a voice control function, then you will not have to be distracted by pressing buttons.

Most have such functions, so there is no problem of choice. But if for a passenger car you can limit yourself to this, taking into account only a beautiful design, then for trucks you need to pay attention to many more little things. After all, a driver who has been driving for many hours in a row should experience a minimum of problems when using this useful gadget.

Display and Active Lane Guidance

The navigator screen is one of the main and most important parts of the navigator, so you need to dwell on its characteristics. The main ones are:

  • Size - of course, the larger the better. But you need to consider where the gadget will be located and take into account so that it does not limit the view. If it will be mounted on or on a panel, then a size of 5-8 inches will be enough.
  • Resolution - the larger it is, the clearer the image is, and the easier it is to read the inscriptions. The resolution depends on the screen size, but modern matrices in this regard are quite up to the mark and provide excellent detail even at small sizes.
  • Brightness - it should be sufficient so that all the details are visible on the screen, even in bright sunlight. But the brightness should be adaptive, that is, when the illumination falls, it should automatically fall so as not to dazzle the driver, for example, when entering a tunnel. And you don't have to adjust the brightness during the day and at night either.

Some navigators have Active Lane Guidance, which can be very useful on difficult multi-lane roads with turns and junctions. This function allows you to split the screen in two. On one half, a normal navigator map is displayed. The other half shows a road with lanes and the position of the vehicle in the lanes. Here the navigator shows you where you need to change lanes in order to then go to the desired turn.

The Active Lane Guidance function is simply indispensable in unfamiliar cities and on multi-lane roads, which is especially important for truck drivers. She can help out in the most difficult situation.

Route planner

Finding the best route is the main thing. But they can do this with different efficiency. First of all, it depends on the maps used and their detail. So, for Russia, as well as neighboring countries, maps and Navitel software are most often used. There are fairly detailed maps of all roads in all regions and settlements.

Products of foreign origin do not have such accuracy for the domestic segment, there usually are detailed maps only for the largest cities.

The truck navigator should have the most detailed maps for the regions along which the route will pass.

Updating map data and traffic

A good navigator regularly updates the maps for the freshest and most relevant. In addition, it must display and notify about various situations on the road along the route - traffic jams, repairs, and others. To do this, he must update information over the network. This can be done several times a year, and this procedure should be free for the user of the navigator.

The function of tracking the current situation is not available in all navigators, and if it is in the model in question, then this is a significant plus to its purchase.

Providing data on service points for trucks

A good navigator can display information useful to the truck driver:

  • Parking.
  • Gas stations.
  • Stopping places for trucks.
  • Hotels.
  • Weighing stations.
  • Car services that serve freight transport.
  • Points where there is Internet access.

All this makes life much easier on a long voyage, and in case of trouble on the road, it also helps a lot.

Logging and additional information

Some navigators can keep a log, where they record data on the distance traveled and speed, fuel spent. They can track how long the driver is behind the wheel and warn him when it's time to stop and rest.

Also, some navigators are able to warn about the changing nature of the terrain, the road uphill or downhill, about a bad road, about changing weather and much more, even about low branches of trees in front.

The function of recording a route and plotting a return trip along the same route is often encountered.

Top best navigators for trucks

The best navigators for trucks do a lot that is not required for cars. They should take into account the dimensions and, and already from this data, choose a route, and give useful recommendations when driving. He must lead you past a narrow tunnel or street where you cannot turn around, not lead to a weak bridge.

Below are the best models of truck navigators that have earned excellent reviews and are recommended by truckers for both Russia and Europe.

An excellent car navigator made in China. It has a large 7-inch touch screen with a protective visor, on which all information is perfectly visible. Determines position very accurately using 20-channel GPS system. Has iGO software with detailed maps of both Europe and Russia. Maps are updated regularly.

This model has a built-in FM transmitter, which is convenient to tune to the radio frequency. The screen is quite sensitive and the maps are very detailed.

This gadget is of Japanese origin, but built in China also deserves close attention, as it is included in the TOP of the best navigators for trucks. It is possible to enter the characteristics of the car - weight and dimensions, and it will take them into account when laying the route. IGO Primo software is specially designed for working with trucks.

The 7-inch screen is large enough to see all the details without straining your eyes. A powerful processor ensures fast operation of the device, without "brakes". While relaxing, you can watch movies recorded on a USB flash drive.

This is a Russian product, so it will be ideal for Russia. Like the previous model, it can take into account the characteristics of the car and build a path in accordance with them. The 7-inch screen with a resolution of 1024 x 600 pixels provides a very clear image, and the 1 GHz processor eliminates the slightest lag.

The loaded maps are well detailed. They can be used not only for trips across Russia, but throughout the CIS.

This device is essentially a tablet variant and uses the Android system. He determines the coordinates very accurately, both by the GPS system and by GLONASS. Can use 2 SIM cards and Wi-Fi. There are many more features typical for a tablet, which allows you to use the gadget on vacation.

The US-made gadget is ideal specifically for trucks, as it has specially adapted software and a 7-inch screen. It can even take into account the type of cargo. Has the ability to update maps for Europe free of charge. Can sync with smartphone to receive calls and more. You can also connect a rear view camera.

The navigation capabilities of this device are quite high, it very accurately builds a route and can display the estimated time of arrival. This navigator has an Active Lane Guidance function, which shows which lane to change to in difficult sections, which is very much appreciated by truck drivers.

This car navigator is made in the Netherlands, and it is ideal for European countries, although it is also used in Russia. It has all the functions that a good navigator should have - from constantly updating traffic information to clear recommendations on where to turn and where to change lanes.

Choose the best routes for huge trucks, and reach your destination safely and on time: Professional navigation is already available for all types of trucks. This program has a unique ability to do everything that, according to the rules of navigation laws, it is obliged to do - and it also takes additional information from trucks, taking into account the power, transport heights of all restrictions). The route was created specifically for large cars, saves time and saves you money from the beginning of the route, since the program is created only for different trucks, and will show the route that is less short and faster to the specified destination.

  • Map Guide Truck Navigator 2019 shows all blocked roads, road restrictions and dangerous areas. The path creation navigator was created for trucks. Let's take into account the data that is stored on the card:
  • Roads that cannot be driven by trucks.

  • Restrictions on environmentally hazardous goods (polluting, explosive and hazardous substances), as well as roads closed for trailers.

  • Truck data (truck height, axle load, presence of a dangerous cargo for your car) will be shown to the end of the journey on the navigator, at any time of the day or night. With these abilities, navigation always gives information about road closings or other important information (empty or congested roads) into account. There are no restrictions on creating different profiles that you can save and then select with a single keystroke.

  • Navigation system Map Guide Truck Navigator warns all truck drivers of dangerous sections of the road.

The navigator provides the truck driver with a map with the planned route and how to travel through the settlements. Each chauffeur decides on his own how to avoid narrow roads and exit into the city. Any routing profile can be selected for the purpose you need.

For trucks choose. Indeed, in all cities there are streets where it is forbidden to move this type of transport. In order not to waste time and create additional problems for themselves, manufacturers suggest paying attention to navigation technology. The range of such equipment is currently quite large. On the shelves there are both budget models and more expensive ones. How not to get lost in this choice?

We suggest considering the GPS navigator Navitel A730. This model is versatile, it is perfect for both passenger cars and trucks. And advanced functionality will allow you to spend time on the road pleasant, fun and comfortable.

GPS-navigator Navitel A730: an overview

Currently, most car enthusiasts acquire various gadgets to help themselves, which make it easier to drive a car. When choosing a device, special attention is paid to advanced functions. Navitel А730 is a navigator for trucks and cars. He is an indispensable assistant for any driver on the road. This device allows you to get to the target in time by the shortest routes, thanks to a large selection of functions and the presence of two cameras of good resolution, it replaces a two-way video recorder. The manufacturer has installed a communication module with built-in high-speed technology, so the Navitel navigator can be used for surfing the Internet, downloading games and other applications.


As for the exterior, the recorder will fit perfectly into any car design. The navigator for trucks has acceptable dimensions: 18 cm in height, 10.8 cm in width, the thickness of the device does not exceed 1 cm.

Basic moments

A feature of the navigator is a convenient mount, despite its decent size, which is very important in trucks. The set with the navigator comes with a suction cup for the windshield, so it can be installed directly above the panel. If necessary, it can be replaced with a mount to the center console. In this way, the truck GPS navigator will not reduce the visibility when driving. The mount also allows you to adjust the tilt and swivel angles, and this, in turn, opens up the ability to customize the best display, taking into account the direction of the sun's rays.

Technical equipment

Among the technical characteristics, it should be noted that the modern Android 4.4.2 platform is installed as an operating system. Also, a good 2-core processor from the Chinese company MTK will allow the device to work much faster. A large number of cards are installed in the internal memory with a capacity of 8 GB. In addition, for the Navitel A730 model, additional memory can be installed when installing a Micro SD or USB flash card. And this is very important for those who use a navigator for trucks. Photo of the terrain in 3D format allows the driver to quickly navigate the terrain.

The device supports communication with the satellite both through the network of mobile operators and through the use of wireless WI-FI networks. You can use the navigator with wireless headphones for active conversations. A battery with a capacity of 2800 mAh will allow this device to maintain operation without recharging for a long time.

Truck Mode works great. The package already contains maps of 12 countries. Thanks to certain options, the truck navigator is able to create routes bypassing prohibition signs, and the shortest route will be suggested.

Additional features

When deciding on a purchase, it should be borne in mind that a wide expansion of capabilities allowed the Navitel A730 navigator not only to fulfill its direct responsibilities for paving the way, but also to take into account the presence of difficulties when driving. In addition, if congestion occurs while driving, the navigator will automatically rebuild the route.

An excellent assistant on the road will be the option of a voice prompt for actions, and the display of the remaining distance to the destination and arrival time will allow the driver to plan his route as accurately as possible. Based on the feedback, this function, which is equipped with a navigator for trucks, is very important, as it is possible to adjust the delivery time to a certain point in advance.

When driving, Navitel A730 also monitors vehicle speed. The display takes place on the screen. If the driver exceeds the permissible mode on this section of the road, a long continuous signal and voice notification will follow. A similar notification can be triggered on other traffic signs.

In addition, the navigator has a function that additionally informs about the installed cameras and speed bumps. The display of objects on the map is fully consistent with reality. This option is available when you turn on the "Motion 3D" mode. The database of city maps always contains the necessary information about the location of gas stations, service stations, shops, food and lodging points, as well as, if necessary, about medical institutions.

The installed service "SMS" from the "Navitel" company allows you to constantly send free messages indicating the exact location, if suddenly the car gets into an unpleasant situation on the road. The Weather service allows you to get the most accurate forecast without spending any money. From additional functions, you can watch videos both from the Internet and from a flash card, listen to music files. Most importantly, all the necessary documents for resolving traffic situations with traffic police officers can be kept close at hand.


The advanced settings included with the Truck Navigator will ensure the best performance. Drivers say that all the options on the Navitel A730 are very simple and convenient in their location. Now you don't have to constantly search for something. The high quality of the sensor will allow you to accurately enter information about the route. There is a function in the route settings that turns on the search for roads.

It will become a convenient device for ordinary drivers who love to travel, and for those who work in the delivery service, as well as for truckers. A wide range of functions will not allow both the driver and passengers to get bored on the road. And this is very important, especially over long distances. It should be noted that the navigator is made of durable plastic, therefore, in the event of an unintentional fall, it will not scatter into different parts, but will remain safe and sound.

Choosing a navigator for a truck is not easy. Much more specific requirements are imposed on this device in comparison with the devices that are installed on a passenger car. So, a navigator for trucks should have additional functions so that the driver can easily get the desired route by entering the data. There are other nuances that are important to consider when buying a device.

What functions should a truck navigator have?

A modern navigation device for a truck should allow setting the following parameters:

  • vehicle dimensions;
  • maximum axle load;
  • travel mode;
  • cargo weight;
  • body capacity;
  • carrying capacity;
  • the category of transported materials, taking into account the hazard class.

Based on the specified parameters, the navigator determines the optimal route. In order for the software of the device to really determine the best route to follow, you must remember to download the maps on time. Obviously, most of the navigation devices cannot be used on trucks, since they do not have the required functionality. Many devices meet the requirements only partially, and therefore are not suitable for professional use. A driver who is trying to find a good navigator for a truck quickly realizes the seriousness and complexity of the task.

Display and Active Lane Guidance

For the convenience of the heavy truck driver, the GPS navigator must have a large enough display. It will provide a comfortable perception of information along the entire route of the car. As practice shows, screen 7 "" will be enough.

How to choose a navigator for a truck that will provide the driver with maximum comfort while driving? Professionals advise paying attention to new models with advanced features. In recent years, models have begun to appear with a unique ALG (Active Lane Guidance) function. Such devices are able to tell the driver which lane at the moment will be optimal for driving. When using the ALG function, the device screen is logically divided into 2 parts. When the program detects a turn, intersection or exit from the road ahead, it displays the required lane in advance.

To make driving on international highways safer, you can connect a rear view camera to your navigator. It is purchased separately. To connect it, the device must have a video input.

Route planner

The navigator comes with pre-loaded maps. However, not all countries may be available by default. Therefore, you should worry in advance about the availability of the required card in your device. A quality truck navigator allows the driver to easily set up the driving route. The ability to specify multiple destinations at once should be supported. The device software automatically suggests the best route.

Modern navigation devices for trucks support the Trip Planner function. It allows you to plan routes by specifying several points at once. The selected configuration can be saved for future travel. Later it can be loaded from the device memory.

Updating map data and traffic

If the above information still did not help clarify the question of which navigator is better for trucks, it is worthwhile to study in more detail other useful functions of this class of devices. Perhaps their presence will be a decisive factor for someone to buy a particular model.

So, the navigator can be equipped with a built-in FM-receiver that monitors traffic. This information will enable the driver to avoid traffic jams in a timely manner. He will timely receive information about traffic jams and traffic delays along the route caused by road repairs. More detailed data about the traffic situation, about alternative routes are called up with one touch of the screen. Traffic tracking service is available in Russia and European countries. Not every truck navigator supports this feature. Therefore, its presence can be an unambiguous recommendation for the purchase of the device.

The manufacturer should update the map data regularly. You just need to provide device access to the network. The procedure can be performed several times a year. This does not require a special subscription. In addition, map updates should be completely free of charge while the device is in operation. Thanks to this function, the driver will always have the most up-to-date navigation data.

Providing data on service points for trucks

It is important that the Truck Navigator provides additional information that is relevant to professional drivers. The category of such information includes data that allows the driver to find out where he is:

  • a place to stop a cargo vehicle;
  • parking;
  • gas station;
  • hotel;
  • weighing station;
  • point with Internet access;
  • car service providing services for the maintenance and repair of heavy vehicles.

Logging and additional information

The information provided should be more than enough to sort out the question of which navigator for a truck is best suited. An additional benefit would be the device's support for IFTA reporting. In this case, the device automatically records data on the distance traveled, fuel consumed, hours of travel.

The navigator analyzes the time that the driver spends behind the wheel and automatically displays a warning about possible overwork. Upon receipt of such a message, it is recommended to find the nearest parking lot on the map and rest for at least 2-3 hours. The professional truck navigator is able to warn about the condition of the roadway, bridge height, adverse weather conditions, sudden changes in the terrain, about too low tree branches.