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How to develop your blog. How to Grow a Blog - Tips for New Bloggers

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  • Updates / Jerry's Notes:

    After publishing this article, I received several email requests for a business site or [other CMS] site.

    The point is, I always believe that you should blog as if it were a real business. Market research and marketing tools for a blog or business website are similar. The marketing strategies and hacks I mentioned in this guide usually work for all types of blogs or sites. Hence, I see no need for a separate article.

    It has become a giant guide with over 6,000 words. And I'm interviewing more bloggers for their contributions, and I'm also thinking of new ways to improve this guide. Ideas and feedback are welcome! Contact me at [Email protected]

    Creating a blog / website - step # 1.

    To stay ahead of your competitors in any niche, you need to actively grow and improve your blog.

    There are many factors that go into creating a successful blog.Using the right dataset, choosing the best tools, and applying the best strategy all affect the success of your blog.

    What's in this guide?

    In this guide, we'll go over a number of things you can do to improve your blog.

    Some of them require very little effort and can create immediate positive results; while others take more time and skill.

    It is similar to role playing games - some levels are easy and some take more time / effort to master the required skills and breakthrough.

    Data is your friend. But what?

    We know data is critical to measuring your progress and improvement on blogs.

    But what type of data should you be looking at?

    The sample is a GIF that I made with ScreenToGif.

    2 - hire a freelance designer

    In case graphic and photo shooting is not really your thing, you can always leave the work to a freelance designer. The cost of graphic and web design has dropped significantly in recent years thanks to free software and fierce competition. Based on my recent research - a designer charges around $ 26 / hour on average and you can go up to $ 3 / mo.

    Website and graphic design cost based on Upwork Top 100 freelancer profiles. Average hourly rate = $ 26.32 / hour; highest = $ 80 / hour, lowest = $ 3 / month ().

    3 - Pixabay (or other directories that offer beautiful images)

    If you have to add inappropriate photos to your post - at least you can avoid ugly photos. Not only are they bland and inimitable, but they can appear on multiple other sites at any given time, making your blog less unique.

    There are countless websites where you can get free, stunning photos. Pixabay is my favorite because of its flexibility. There are no attribution requirements, which means you can do whatever you want with images obtained from that source.

    Plus, it's very easy to use - there's even a simple search right on the home page, accessible before you log in. You will have access to photos, vectors and illustrations and can filter as needed. Loading real images is incredibly easy and, again, comes with image size options (pixels and MB) so that the image you have in hand is crisp and high quality for any purpose (in my case, most likely online for your blog - no huge file size required).

    The sample is an image found on Pixabay.

    Visit Website:

    Tactic # 7. Blog Design: Less is More

    When you want to improve your blog, design is the obvious thing to look at. The overall look of your website is the first impression a website visitor has on your blog. It is important to have a good balance on the page. All elements should be combined into a useful and visually pleasing whole.

    Learn From Pro: Al Poullis

    You are not optimizing the pages. You are optimizing your thought sequences.

    Nature is the greatest designer. While we are designing for the web, we have a lot to learn by studying Nature itself. At the end of the day, it's all about balance and harmony, contrasting shapes and colors.

    4 tests you can perform to evaluate the effectiveness of your design elements:

    1- Attention: Each element must grab the attention of visitors and do it in the correct order. For example, set the desirability ratio high first and then provide Call-To-Action. Or orient the visitor first and THEN "create a need."

    2- Direction: Web design elements should logically fit into the visitor's reading path: from left to right, top to bottom. Arouse interest and orientation before "creating a need" before information and a "call to action".

    3- Contrast: Strategically change the way a visitor's eyes follow on-screen using contrast. For example: Bright colors, especially reds and oranges, grab the attention of visitors. In addition, large elements, unusual shapes or parallax effects with their “virtual” third dimension will stand out more. Also use motion: Flying Images, animated dropdown menus, sliders, hover effects. Finally, remember that elements are highlighted (i.e. rows with different background colors).

    4- Balance: If we want to learn from Nature, Balance is paramount. Keep the relative size of your components the same, or use "quantity" for balance. For example, if you are using columns of uneven width, use several “heavier” elements (eg images) in a narrow column to balance the weight of the wider column.

    Real life examples

    Example # 1: don't squeeze all content together

    There should be a balance of white space and other elements. White space should not be white. Notice how Freshbooks uses negative space to create a sleek look.Reduce clutter on the page. Delete unnecessary items or move them to another location. Increase white space to reduce noise.

    Example # 2: use a simple construct to minimize distraction

    Users should focus on their content. mint does a good job of focusing the reader on the purpose of the site - getting you to sign up for an account.

    Example # 3: use fewer items in the main navigation menu

    Then you can create subcategories in these larger ones. One example that shows how you can organize many categories can be seen at break down items into categories like Books, but then further break down the category into additional subcategories to help you sort and find the specific item you want. extract from thousands. If you have many categories, try to find a few main categories. Reduce the use of pop-ups. Add only one popup at most.

    Tactic # 8. On-page search engine optimization

    When you have better search engine rankings, you will see an increase in traffic and income. However, figuring out the holy grail of how to rank higher on the search engines can seem overwhelming. While it's true that researching and improving off-page factors (such as link building) is naturally important, there are many bad fruits in SEO that many bloggers don't see.

    Google regularly changes its algorithms, so it's hard to know what Google wants. You need to focus on three main areas if you want to rank well on the Google search engine: content, performance credentials, and user experience.

    All of these factors combine and combine into what Google considers a “good” block that deserves a higher ranking in search results.

    Learn From Pro: Michael Pozdnev

    Lately I've been looking into ways to increase organic search traffic just by modifying and formatting the content (on the SEO page).

    And I have good results.

    The search traffic for one of my posts has increased 321%!

    Here are the basic steps on page SEO to help you get more traffic:

    Take measures

    Some simple things you can do to improve your search rankings:

    • Use descriptive alt tags in all images
    • Fix all 404 errors and broken links
    • Include keywords in your H1, H2 and H3
    • Internal Linking - Make sure your important pages are well linked internally
    • Use original, useful content that meets user needs - Google Panda punishes sites with too many thin content pages
    • Use a breadcrumbs and sitemap to help Google understand your site's structure and content flow.
    • Use a table of contents if your content is longer than 2,000 words
    • Test your page titles to improve your search results page. CTR - Case studies have shown that CTR affects website rankings.
    • Improving the speed of interaction with the site - the bounce rate and time on page affect the site's ranking.

    Tactic # 9. Eat your dog food

    One easy way to improve your blog is to spend time working on old content. Read old posts regularly:

    Tactic # 10. Good content isn't enough

    There is no denying that good, well-written content is essential if you want to engage your audience. But this is simply not enough to drive traffic to your site on its own.

    You need to create the content that your target audience most wants to read.

    Search for content ideas

    Tip # 1. Google Analytics

    Take a look at your Google Analytics. Find out what type of content your audience will love. What parts do they most often interact with or participate with? Create more topics and less popular ones (or reprogram less popular ones to make them look more like popular posts).

    For example, these are our Top 10 Blog Posts for Web Hosting Secrets Revealed in January 2016. Posting Facebook plugins keeps audiences longer than average. This means that the audience finds the information useful. In fact, they spend 100% more time on this post than some others. Time to find out what makes it work so well and "amplify" the content.

    Tip # 2. Other media platforms

    Get inspired by popular content on Podcast, YouTube channels, SlideShare, and more. This is the window where people in your niche want to learn more. There is a reason that certain content is more popular at any given time.

    For example, iTunes allows users to view podcasts by popularity. Pay attention to this topic and how it is presented to the audience.

    Use YouTube to find out what vloggers are doing in your niche. Find out which videos are the most popular in your channels. Incorporate these popular videos into blog content ideas.

    Obviously, simple image compression is not enough. Some other methods besides Daren's suggestions to consider:

    • The speed of your servers
    • If you have access to Content Delivery Network
    • Plugins that can lead you to a dead end and make it load slowly
    • Multimedia features that may slow down some users who have slow internet speeds
    • Optimizing images
    • Image Delivery (CDN)
    • The current topic of your site and how fast it loads
    • Caching

    Testing tools

    ShortPixel helps compress and optimize images without compromising image quality. You can and check how much more you can compress your site images with ShortPixel.

    Tactic # 13. Connect with others in your niche

    Most of the blogging guides you find online today focus on improving your writing or adding more content.

    However, the truth is that more or even better content isn't always the answer.

    Sometimes it's smarter to step away from creating more content and explore other things you can do to get better blogging results, such as peer interaction.

    At first glance, it might seem like a good idea to talk to other bloggers in your niche. After all, you are both vying for similar traffic.

    However, connecting with other influential people can really benefit you. Enough traffic to go around, and when bloggers recommend each other, their site visitors tend to take notice.

    • Meet other bloggers. You are both targeting a similar audience, so you both will benefit. You can also connect with bloggers in related niches. For example, if you make wood signs and sell them, you will need to link to a blog that talks about DIY decorating.
    • Share information with other bloggers. Have you found ad space that is particularly successful? Don't be afraid to tell others. They, in turn, will tell you where they are advertising.
    • Exchange guest posts with each other to reach each other's audience.
    • Introduce your blogger friends to your readers by showing interviews, putting an article about them in your newsletter, or simply giving them a shoutout on social media.
    • Share ideas for writing and editing.

    Learn from the pro: Marius Kinyulis

    Achieving Impact: How to Improve Response Rates?

    1. Always include benefits that influencers might be interested in in your first email. For example, if you educate them about possible guest posting opportunities on their site, tell them that you will not only share this post with your social media followers, but also send an email to your 10,000 email subscribers.
    2. If the first email didn't work, always follow up. People can say whatever they want, but the follow-up still works incredibly well. And if possible, include additional benefits. This can increase your chances of getting a response.

    Tactic # 14. Growing traffic with Facebook Ad

    Facebook is too big to ignore the social giant. There are over 1.5 billion users in the social media giant.In 2015, advertisers spent $ 17.08 billion on Facebook. Because they have such a wide user base from different locations and backgrounds, Facebook is the best option for brands and bloggers. However, you have to understand how Facebook works and spend time optimizing to make it worth the time.

    Dig deeper

    Here are some tips to get you started:

    • Stay tuned for new features (Facebook releases them almost weekly). Be the first to use new ad formats - Instagram videos, DPA commercials, local user ads, canvas ads, and more.
    • Use auto A / B testing ad tool to lower ad cost and improve ad performance. I use Adespresso to load most of my Facebook ads - it helps me easily create and track hundreds of ads in a single campaign.
    • Cross-selling or cross-promotion. Even if you are not selling an actual product, you can still apply the idea of ​​cross-selling to retain existing visitors. When someone visits your blog page, you can automatically cross-promote your other relevant content using the retargeting feature. For example, if you are looking at “creating a photo gallery”, you can track and promote your list of “must see photo blog WordPress plugins” on Facebook.
    • Understand how you can hone your target audience with Facebook ads to achieve the exact demographics you want to achieve.
    • Research what your competitors are doing. You can even target people who have visited your competitors' Facebook pages and click ads on them.
    • Always promote the benefit, not the product. Selling products, services or content will naturally be the relationship you build with your audience, you must communicate to your target audience how your product / content can help them. What problem are you solving?
    • Post more photos. Wish 120% more participation than messages without photos. Posts with a photo album are about 180% more engaged.
    • The target audience. Facebook knows a lot about you (and which sites you've visited), and it uses this information to enable advertisers to serve their ads to select groups of people. Your FB performances are highly dependent on how well you target your audience. Here are 20 non-interest targeting Facebook ad ideas.

    Real life examples

    Tactic # 15. Build your team and expand it

    As your business grows, so does your team (which is the WHSR team, by the way). Look for people who are trustworthy and offer high quality work for your team. Once they are trained, these people should be able to complete assignments with a little guidance from you. This allows you to expand your advertising and content efforts in much the same way as if you were cloning yourself. The goal will be for you to ultimately manage the team and leave the actual work to them.

    With the right team and sustained effort, your blog should continue to expand its reach. Over time, you will gain from other efforts. Improving your blog is not a one-time effort. You have to keep improving your blog week after week if you want to be successful.

    Welcome, dear friends, to the blog site. Today we will talk about the problems that I had to face at the initial stages of creating my business blog and, in general, developing my business on the Internet. Recently, it has become very popular on the Internet to start blogs and this is due to the fact that people learn something new from successful Internet businessmen and try to develop themselves. Successful bloggers have become a good example of making money on the Internet and self-realization. I'm not saying that you need to immediately run to write everything and give it to your reader, you need to approach the process creatively and think about the future.

    Before you start create your blog, ask yourself where all this will lead. Do you imagine yourself in a couple of years as a successful blogger, or will you merge in a few months, like most of the authors? Ask yourself all these questions and if you are determined to take action and develop your blog, then let's start.

    In the modern world, one cannot stand still and do whatever comes at hand, without thinking about the future. To be honest, I myself bought my first computer only in my 4th year of college, and before that I loved to play video games, sometimes even around the clock, like my friends. But over the years, I began to think more about what I will do next. I watched Hollywood films and wanted to live like their heroes: in a posh mansion and drive cool cars without worrying. Yes, it’s not harmful to dream, but if I hadn’t taken hold of my head in due time, it’s not a fact that now I would have a lot of what I wanted. Only self-development and the desire to go forward helped me achieve the desired result and goals set for myself.

    For novice bloggers, I would like to advise you to start creating your blog by creating a business plan, which should display the main goals of your resource and obtain the desired result. You will have to work very hard and hard, if you are not ready for this and like to walk in clubs and cafes in the evenings, instead of working on your project, then it is better to go for a walk and do not waste your time. Forget what the ads say. It will not work to get easy money just like that: either you will lose your friends or your money, believing in noodles that by investing a little money now, you will soon become rich, lying on the couch and staring at the TV. Choose an idol and an ideal to emulate yourself, the image that will inspire you to create something new and move forward.

    Let's look at the main stages in the development of your blog at any time of its existence.

    Self-development and mindset for the future

    Start by tidying up your workplace. Arrange items so that it is convenient and comfortable for you to spend your time at the computer. Since you have to constantly sit at your blog, sooner or later health problems may begin. I mean the curvature of the spine, if you slouched and hunched over, as well as vision problems, if you are not right at the computer. Buy yourself a comfy computer chair and tech.

    Try to go in for sports, no matter what, the main thing is that the whole body works and does not grow into the chair with roots, turning you into its continuation. Many people may think that if they go to the gym, they will not have the strength to write articles and work on the computer. Nothing like this. I myself go to the gym three times a week and my performance is only growing. Coming from a hard workout, I get a boost of energy, the blood boils and accelerates throughout the body, forcing the brain to work to its fullest.

    Try to look for positive aspects everywhere and in everything. Engage in an interesting direction in your blog, constantly look for new inspirations and ways of self-realization. Buy several thematic books in your field, participate in various conferences and forums, where you will be charged with positive emotions and energy and tell about your opinions and feelings.

    Choosing a theme for your project

    You should not immediately take on everything in a row or take on where the profit is greater. If you are not familiar with a particular topic, then you will not be able to make money, and your project will sooner or later fail, and, most likely, after the disappointment of failure, you will no longer return to the Internet business.

    Choose a topic for yourself in which you have a large stock of knowledge and useful information. You will not write about how to paint on canvas while working as a mechanic, unless of course this is your hobby in your free time. On the Internet, specialists are very much appreciated who can provide useful and interesting information to their readers, and not just write copies of other texts. Write enthusiastically on your topics and you will immediately see how an audience of loyal readers will begin to gather around you.

    Convenience and quality of your blog

    After choosing a theme for your project, order a quality design. Recently, many bloggers have started giving out courses on how to make your blog and. There are unique and noteworthy projects, but most of them simply copy from each other. I go to some blogs to see how people work, so to speak, I analyze the blogosphere, which I recommend to you.

    Many bloggers teach create a website and give one topic with a template for a carbon copy, and if you don't go to the blogs of other people's students, you see that everything is done with a carbon copy, and the templates are almost one to one, and sometimes just everything on a white background with black frames. No interesting attractive design, no zest and style.

    After all, I could also take just a wordpress template and write all my posts there, but no one will read them, since people are already tired of the same type of projects that are stamped out in the hope of cutting down a lot of money in a couple of months. No, I tried to create a cozy atmosphere and high-quality design so that my reader could relax and receive information from my posts.

    Work on creating interesting and relevant articles. Analyze the problems that interest users and write a detailed article on this topic. Do not forget to carry out the correct linking and. Convenient and simple site navigation is also required.

    Do not forget to update old posts that could lose relevance and become simply useless for the reader.

    Not a step back, not a step in place

    Never stop at the achieved result. If you worked hard and started getting stable traffic, it doesn’t mean that it will be like this all the time. Always update your blog, search engines love developing projects and more often send their robots to them, showing there the most interest in your brainchild.

    Build a relationship with your audience, work on the way you present your thoughts. Install the subscription form like on my blog. It will help your readers to always keep up with new material and stay in touch with you. No need to be greedy, share with your readers the useful information that you have received from practice.

    You can write your own mini-book or make a video course that you will distribute for free. Horror, you say ... IS FREE???... Yes, completely free. So you can win the trust of your subscribers and interest in your resource. I've created my own for my readers author's video course.

    Try to "light up" wherever possible. Write comments on the posts of other bloggers, on forums and social networks. Participate in discussions of any controversial issues. Do not be afraid that you do not understand something or that you are not familiar enough with this or that topic. Choose topics that are close to you and write about them. In your account profile, be sure to include all your details, including a link to your website.

    To develop a blog, you need to declare yourself as soon as possible, promoting your name on the network in various ways. At first, depending on how you will work on the development of your project, it will not be easy. You will move forward in small steps, meeting on your way criticism from envious people and all kinds of trolls. In no case should you be upset and react harshly to any problems. Develop and make your blog useful and interesting for your audience.

    These are the main, in my opinion, questions that you need to solve at the initial stage of development of your blog. Try and experiment. Don't try to be like everyone else, be yourself. Be sure to read the post carefully: "Free ways to promote your blog".

    Here is my favorite quote from this movie:

    - Forest, who will you be when you grow up?

    - And won't I be myself?

    I mean that you don't need to live by stereotypes, work on yourself and develop yourself. Never listen to all those who have not achieved anything in life, they will blame everyone and everything for their failures, except themselves.

    I hope this post will be useful to my dear readers. I am waiting for you in the next posts. Subscribe to blog updates. If you have problems or something is not entirely clear, write in the comments.

    I would be grateful for pressing the buttons and reposting this material. Good luck to everyone and good business development.

    For several years now, blogs have been a popular tool on the Internet for sharing experiences and building a community. Many examples around motivate people to create their own blogs, and the Internet is replenished with new interesting resources. Once upon a time I decided to create my own blog, not knowing what it will lead to in 2-3 years.

    Getting started is always difficult and often newbie bloggers turn to experienced bloggers (let's call them that) for advice. The most frequently asked questions on this topic: How to develop a blog so that people will start reading you? And how, subsequently, to occupy your niche in the blogosphere? Below I have collected some tips in the form of folk wisdom (our ancestors always knew how to blog).

    12 tips for blogging budding bloggers to succeed in blogging

    1. Chop the tree by yourself

    Come up with a problem for your blog to solve. Just creating a blog “to be” is fine too, but later on you will have to come back to this question anyway. The goal of a blog (or call it a goal) will keep you within the boundaries of your blog post. At each stage, it will be possible to measure how effectively the blog accomplishes the task at hand, or how much you deviated from it.

    For example, in my case, the task of the blog was to create a platform for publishing new, authoritative and useful articles on website optimization and promotion. Later, the task was modified, but since I knew what I needed a blog for, I could clearly draw up a plan of action.

    2. Whoever hurts, he talks about it

    Determine the theme and style of your resource and stick to them. Blogs about everything, few people are interested in, if it's not a personal diary. At the initial stage, it is very difficult to gain an audience of readers if they do not understand what your site is about (along with your unknown). They may like 1-2 articles, and they will even subscribe to updates, but as soon as they receive 2-3 more articles on another topic in the mailing list, they will send you away (if these are not your loyal friends).

    Determine which topic you know best, and if they are different (from fishing to marketing), then start a few blogs.

    Leading style is also very important. People may not see you live, but regular readers will remember your unique blogging style and your worldview scanned in articles. Therefore, the blog also forces you to analyze yourself. Later, this will affect the image, but now readers are attracted "by likeness" and if you need to attract a serious audience - be serious, people open to communication - be open.

    3. The eagle does not catch flies

    Write articles on useful and relevant topics. Even if you are not a 100% expert at something, become one and write an authoritative article! This will attract not only readers, but also give additional credibility in their eyes.

    Don't be afraid to express your thoughts. This is what people can value about you the most. Why would they hear other people's thoughts and ideas from you? Do not be afraid to be a "black sheep", often that is why people are with you.

    4. Seven do not wait for one

    The world is changing rapidly, and the area in which you are an expert is quickly filled with new specialists who, no worse than you, can organize a similar tool for exchanging experience or creating a community. There are many examples of this. As soon as you stop being interesting and a more useful resource appears, people leave in search of new development.

    If you decide to make your blog popular, then touch on global topics, look for trends in your area, discuss them on your platform, use these trends. For example, recently trends in search marketing are social networks, behavioral factors, geolocation services and mobilization, and, of course, conversion optimization. Now, for example, it's hard to imagine a popular blogger who doesn't have a Twitter account or Facebook like button at the end of every article.

    5. Patience and work - they will grind everything

    Don't expect a response right away. At first, you will have to make a lot of effort without getting the desired response in the form of comments or other feedback. This is a difficult period when people practically do not know anything about you, and here you should be patient, continuing to pursue your goal.

    6. Water does not flow under a lying stone

    People love energetic, active and courageous. Exercise these qualities when blogging. Not only publish articles, but also organize contests, marathons, take part in similar promotions from other bloggers. This will allow you to quickly introduce you to other representatives of the blogosphere and get new readers.

    Come up with new "chips". In addition to articles, what else can you give readers to make it also useful? Maybe some kind of tool or a new section, or maybe just a survey or distribution of invites to useful resources ?!

    7. One is not a warrior in the field

    It is very difficult for one to succeed, so you should learn the rules of networking. I recommend reading the book Never Eat Alone by Keita Ferrazzi.

    Initially, gather a community of friends on your blog, they will be your support at this stage. This community will expand later, but now you need to blog for someone. Let them be friends. Invite everyone you know and who may be interested in the topic of your resource, ask them to leave their review of the new article in the comments.

    You need to have the right social circle. Expand your social circle, but take care not only about the number of its participants, but also about the quality of your environment, because it directly affects you and, accordingly, the development of your resource. Try to have already popular and interesting people in your circle of acquaintances.

    8. They did not notice those who were sitting - stand up to show yourself

    The blogosphere is very wide and you may not be noticed if you just sit alone, even if you have super unique content. Therefore, it is important to take an active part in the development of the blogosphere - to declare oneself, to be constantly in sight. To do this, read and comment on other blogs, participate in discussions, sometimes it is useful to participate in marathons. It is important to be open and communicative here, if these qualities are not there, then their development will be very useful to you for the development of your blog!

    9. The fisherman sees the fisherman from afar

    It's not enough to write useful content, you still need to present it correctly. Find where you can find people who might be interested in your material? Share announcements and articles on the sites found. Do not focus only on your blog, look for like-minded people on various resources, including social networks.

    10. Calmness is wisdom, fervor is stupidity

    Criticism in your direction is inevitable! Treat criticism with understanding, be tolerant. Inadequate perception of criticism will only lead to a decrease in your authority and the number of regular readers. Try to find common ground with your readers, even the most unfriendly ones, this will lead to long-term success.

    11. You will know the price of a thing when you lose it.

    It is necessary to take care of the reader: provide him with convenient options for reading content both on the site and in the RSS reader, give him the opportunity to read other articles on the topic, including on other resources, make the site convenient and understandable, and provide the visitor with maximum comfort.

    Any discomfort in the form of captcha for posting a comment, inconvenient text formatting, an abundance of ads, or an oversaturation of the site's color scheme can lead to the loss of readers.

    12. Grow big, don't be noodles

    Hope this folk wisdom inspires you! I wish you development and popularity of your blog!

    Date of publication: 2016-09-22

    From the author: Hi all! Today I want to tell you how to become a blogger on Instagram and get a lot of likes, reposts and positive karma. Today, we can say with confidence that Instagram has changed the lives of most of the inhabitants of our planet - people no longer try to hide their profiles, but quite the opposite, they regularly share every moment of their lives with the world. If you become a successful blogger on Instagram, then popularity in real life and a lot of advertising contracts are guaranteed for you.

    Who is an Instagram blogger?

    You can blog for absolutely different purposes. For one person it is just a hobby, for another it is a profession. However, if you want to become the owner of a mega-popular blog on Instagram, you will have to sweat a lot, because you will have to post regularly and wisely so that readers are interested and they are looking forward to your future posts and photos.

    In fact, an important social mission is entrusted to the Instagram blogger - to serve as a role model and example, to shape the opinion of the audience and to help readers with the choice of information. If your life is not interesting enough to attract subscribers, then you can create the ideal, in your opinion, story yourself.

    Choosing a blog topic on Instagram

    If you are increasingly thinking about how to become an Instagram blogger, then it's time to act. Choosing a blog topic, be based not only on your preferences, but also on the interests of social network users. Choose a topic that you are well versed in so that the information in your posts is literate and useful for readers.
    I want to give the most common topics of Instagram blogs:

    Blogs by professionals from a wide variety of service sectors, such as psychologists, doctors, stylists, lawyers, and others. Pro bloggers give advice and position themselves as experts in their chosen field.

    JavaScript. Fast start

    Fitness blogs are ideal for those who have a fit athletic figure and those who do not miss a single workout and are ready to set an example for their subscribers.

    Blogs for mothers are no less popular than blogs of fitonyash, because girls who are on maternity leave and raising small children especially often sit on social networks and look for advice in a given situation;

    How to become an Instagram blogger if you don't want to show your face? It's very simple! Blog from the perspective of a cartoon character or animal. You can upload photos of your hero from different parts of the world, thereby highlighting the theme of travel, but in an unusual perspective.

    What is the best way to design your blog?

    If you can get interested in your publications, then users will start going to your profile to find out more information about you. Therefore, the correct design will work as your business card.

    The blog photo must be of high quality and look professional. If you created an account solely for the purpose of earning money, then you should not put a logo on your avatar - people will be much more willing to subscribe to the page of a living person.

    Be sure to give a short description of your business and include your website address or other contacts. If you want to create your own website or blog with a unique and stylish design, then it does not hurt to go through special video courses on site building.

    Speaking about how to become a popular blogger on Instagram, I want to pay special attention to your first publication. Do not try to write a post right away about why you decided to start blogging, I assure you - this information is not interesting to anyone. Make the first publication immediately on the chosen topic and thereby pleasantly surprise your future subscribers.

    What are the best posts to post on your page?

    If your blog is not interesting to readers, then they will all look and leave - and, irrevocably. Therefore, the content of your blog is a key factor. Here are some simple rules to help you keep an interesting Instagram blog:

    “Brevity is the sister of talent,” so don't write long, exhausting posts (people don't like to read large texts);

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    split the text into several paragraphs, separating them with a blank line;

    do not burden readers with a huge amount of unnecessary details;

    the photograph must correspond to the written meaning;

    do not forget about feedback - try to regularly answer your subscribers to their questions, treat them with respect and, if possible, view reviews that do not need answers.

    We promote a blog on Instagram

    Who reads budding bloggers? That's right, nobody. Therefore, without wasting a second, we begin to act. Now I will tell you how to become a famous blogger on Instagram if you have no followers at all.

    Choose the right time for your posts. The most suitable time is 8-10 am, when people get ready and go to work, as well as lunch and 10 pm. Try not to post from 18 to 20, because this is the most active time, and your post will very quickly appear at the bottom of the feed.

    Hashtags, which need to be placed under all your publications, play an important role in promoting your account. Be sure to come up with your own personal hashtag so that people can control all posts about your brand. The most optimal number of tags is 5–6, of which a couple will be personal, and the rest will be popular. They will help potential audience find you among Instagram users.

    A very effective way to promote a new blog is by commenting toppers. How it works? Just! We subscribe to all popular bloggers of our topic and leave high-quality semantic comments under all their publications. And even if your comment is ignored, several people in any case will come to your page to find out what kind of smart commentator he is.

    Ideally, the author will notice you and tag you in some of his posts. You can write whole praises about ways to promote blogs, but if even after reading this article you have not reached the planned heights, then do not despair, you can always go through a video course on blog promotion.

    What do you need to do to make a blog profitable?

    More than half of people using the Internet learn about products and services from the Instagram social platform. Accordingly, it has become much easier to sell anything. You can promote any product without spending a single penny on advertising. All that is required of you is striving and perseverance.

    You can sell items, cosmetics, hand-made items and whatever you want. If you have nothing to trade, then you can “earn” on yourself. To do this, it is enough to be an interesting person. In this case, your page will work like a magazine - you only need to place advertisements among your publications.

    The price of such advertising will directly depend on the number of your subscribers. It is especially easy for beauty bloggers to place ads on Instagram, because they publish posts on how to become more attractive and what cosmetics are best to use, which expands the audience of advertisers.

    I hope my article will help you become famous Insta bloggers. Subscribe to our blog and share interesting materials with your friends. See you soon!

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