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Buy a rat and mouse repeller - which one is better to choose. What are rat and mouse repellers? The operating principle of the devices, which one is better to buy Protective device against mice and rats

Getting rid of mice in a house or apartment is not an easy task. These pests are incredibly tenacious and can hide perfectly, penetrating even the most inaccessible places in the room. Possessing the ability to stretch its body, the mouse is able to crawl through even the smallest gap. Neither solid cinder blocks nor powerful wooden floors can stop hungry rodents.

Types of rodent repellers

Typically, mice settle near people when there is access to food or with the onset of autumn cold weather. Animals reproduce very quickly, in particular, this is one of their methods of survival in extreme conditions. Rodents successfully adapt to most common poisons used by people to kill them, and avoid the most ingenious traps. Sometimes rodents are not bothered by special mechanisms designed to destroy them.

When a large number of mice are infested, the only way to get rid of them is to use repellers, among which the most common are ultrasonic, magnetic pulse and combined electronic devices.

Ultrasonic repellers

This type of device emits high-frequency sound vibrations that exceed the human hearing threshold of 20 thousand Hertz. For mice, such a signal with sufficient sound pressure can become a real disaster - the pests panic and strive to leave the territory that is uncomfortable for them as soon as possible. An important advantage of such a repeller is that mice leave the room alive.

Video: testing ultrasonic emitters

High-quality models of ultrasonic devices have the function of automatically switching emitted frequencies, so rodents do not have the ability to adapt to sound waves.

The propagation of ultrasound depends on many factors, the main one of which is the presence or absence of barriers and noise absorbers in the path of the wave. Walls, partitions and furniture can act as obstacles; carpets, upholstered furniture and thick curtains strongly absorb radiation. On the other hand, hard surfaces contribute to the re-reflection of ultrasound, which can be useful to a certain extent.
Reflection of ultrasound contributes to higher efficiency of the repeller

Ultrasonic repellers are easy to install and use, they are powered by a household outlet or battery. Some gadgets are powered by solar batteries. Typically, such devices are connected on an ongoing basis for several days or weeks. After the complete disappearance of pests, the device is usually turned on periodically for preventive purposes.

Popular ultrasonic repellers include:

Electromagnetic emitters

The operating principle of electromagnetic devices is based on magnetic pulse radiation using home electrical wiring. By plugging such a device into any outlet in the house, you can get full coverage of all rooms where electricity is installed.

By generating low-frequency waves, the magnetic resonance repeller has an irritating effect on rodents, who, experiencing panic attacks, rush to leave the building. According to the manufacturers, electromagnetic pulses are completely safe for people and pets and selectively affect mice and rats.
Electromagnetic effects on mice cause panic attacks in mice

Magnetic-electric pulses pass through walls and large objects, but metal structures reduce the efficiency of the electromagnetic emitter. The big advantage of this class of repellers is complete coverage of the premises, regardless of where the device is connected.

It is claimed that magnetic-electric devices for repelling rodents begin to work immediately after switching on and completely clear the house of uninvited guests within one to two weeks. In practice, it can be very difficult to judge their effectiveness due to the small amount of objective information, and many negative user reviews raise doubts about the normal performance of such gadgets.

The most popular electromagnetic repellers are:

  • Pest Reject.

Combination devices

Combined rodent repellers are the most versatile and technologically advanced devices. They generate both ultrasonic vibrations and magnetic resonance radiation. Some devices are equipped with sources of light pulses, which are believed to additionally affect the nervous system of pests. The fusion of several technologies, according to the developers, makes it possible to get rid of mice for a very long time.

Popular combination repellers include models such as:

The most popular mouse repeller models

Almost all devices for repelling mice are, as a rule, universal. It is logical to assume that more powerful models work more efficiently, but, accordingly, they are more expensive. But the reviews about the most popular (and inexpensive) devices on the market, for the most part, are not the most positive, which is also understandable; in order to reduce the cost of the device, the manufacturer puts in it the most inexpensive and sometimes low-quality components, without saving on advertising.

An effective ultrasonic means of protecting apartments and houses from mice. Can be used in non-residential premises, retail and industrial areas, including:

  • basements,
  • the shops,
  • cellars,
  • restaurants,
  • warehouses,
  • vegetable storage,
  • granaries.

The device uses the latest developments of designers and modern technologies. Typhoon LS-800 prevents pests from adapting to it, since it is controlled by a controller that periodically changes the duration and frequency of the signal. The device uses components of both foreign and domestic production.
Popular ultrasonic means of protecting homes and apartments from mice

Typhoon LS-800 is distinguished by the following features:

  • large area covered,
  • high degree of reliability,
  • the ability to combat rodents such as mice and rats,
  • safety for humans and pets,
  • lack of adaptation to ultrasound in pests,
  • Possibility of use both at home and at work.

The mice partially disappear a week after turning on the device. The full effect, according to the manufacturer, occurs after a month of continuous operation of the gadget. After this, Typhoon LS-800 is turned on at some intervals: for example, at night, when pests are most active.

Using the device requires the user to read the included instructions. When turned on, Typhoon LS-800 does not require specialized maintenance or additional measures. The fasteners allow you to mount the device to the wall or, if necessary, to the ceiling. It should be taken into account that the best effect is achieved when the ultrasonic signal is repeatedly reflected from solid obstacles such as walls, and upholstered furniture, thick curtains, carpets, etc. reduce the efficiency of radiation propagation.

The ultrasonic pulse also cannot penetrate dense objects, therefore, in order to avoid reducing the efficiency of the emitter, you should follow the recommendations for its installation. In the case of large premises or busy spaces, the simultaneous use of several devices is required.

Typhoon LS-800 has two operating modes, which can be switched using a button on the body. The first mode is intended for residential premises: the ultrasonic frequency and intensity of its radiation are adjusted so as not to cause discomfort in humans and pets, but have the maximum effect on rodents. The second mode turns on the device at maximum power; it is undesirable for people and pets to be in the room.

It is used to repel mice, rats and other types of rodents in rooms with an area of ​​up to 500 m2.
Chiston 2 Pro repeller covers an area of ​​up to half a kilometer

Typical objects of use of Chiston 2 Pro:

  • apartments,
  • Houses,
  • warehouses,
  • granaries,
  • vegetable storage,
  • basements,
  • cellar

The device must be connected to a standard voltage network. Chiston 2 Pro has a tuning of the main frequency with a shift of 5 Hz, this eliminates the adaptation of pests to the effects of the device. The design of the device with 360-degree wave propagation significantly increases the effect and is less demanding in choosing the installation location. Rodents begin to leave after the first week of continuous operation of Chiston 2 Pro. After two weeks, the repeller forces the mice to leave the house completely.

Chiston 2 Pro is not dangerous for people and pets (excluding decorative rodents). The device can only be installed on a horizontal surface. The device consumes low energy and is absolutely silent.

Tornado 400 can withstand a wide range of temperatures

This repeller is a medium-power electronic ultrasonic device and is designed to protect a wide variety of rooms from rodents, including:

  • apartments,
  • Houses,
  • storages,
  • warehouses.

Using the power cord, Tornado 400 can be installed in a place with a zone of maximum acoustic impact. It is recommended to place the device at a height of 1–1.5 meters from the floor level. The device can withstand a wide range of temperatures and has a durable, shock-resistant housing.

The ultrasonic mouse repeller EcoSniper LS-927 repels not only rodents, but also insects. The device is completely safe for household use.
The main feature of the EcoSniper LS-927 is the ability to simultaneously emit two ultrasonic streams, and the frequencies are adjusted so as to exclude mutual influence on each other. Double efficiency is complemented by the range of the device, which extends to almost half a kilometer in open space.
Ultrasonic EcoSniper LS-927 emits two streams that do not intersect with each other

Connecting the repeller will not cause any difficulties. The ultrasound emitted by EcoSniper LS-927 is not perceived by the human ear, but causes discomfort in rodents who are in a hurry to leave the unpleasant place. During operation of the device, the activity of insects may increase at first, which then leave the uncomfortable area. The pests disappear completely after two to six weeks of continuous operation of the device.

Attention: ElectroCat can cause symptoms of severe discomfort in humans, so it can only be used indoors in the absence of people!
The device may have harmful effects on humans and domestic animals.

The operating principle of the device is based on its generation of continuous waves of sound and ultrasonic frequencies. There is also a lighting effect. This complex effect, according to the developers, has the most adverse effect on mice, causing them the following effects:

  • deterioration of interaction with relatives,
  • decreased physiological activity,
  • anxiety, fear, fear.

Mice are forced to leave the treated area, even if the latter is their permanent habitat.

The device is designed to repel mice, rats, ants, bedbugs, cockroaches, and other types of rodents and insects. Manufacturers and dealers highlight the following advantages of this device:

  • simplicity and ease of use,
  • long service life,
  • compactness,
  • environmental component,
  • low price and high quality,
  • no need for maintenance.

The Pest Repeller emits electromagnetic waves that are harmless to humans, but uncomfortable for rodents. Pests leave the treated area after one to two weeks of continuous use of the device.
Pest Repeller is one of the most counterfeited repellers on the market.

One device covers up to 200 m2 and is most suitable for use on the following sites:

  • residential houses and apartments,
  • catering establishments,
  • children's and health institutions,
  • office rooms.

Pest Repeller affects pests most effectively during the first week from the start of its use. To increase the effect, additional chemicals and traps can be used.

The device is an improved successor to the Grad A-500 device and is the most powerful and effective among its analogues. Advantages of Grad A-1000 Pro are:

  • maximum size of the cultivated area,
  • flexibility in use,
  • silent mode,
  • possibility of adjusting the ultrasound power level,
  • new signaling algorithm.

Additionally, there is the possibility of scaring away mice in the near field using light flashes.
The Grad A-1000 Pro repeller is a high-quality domestic product

The Grad A-1000 Pro ultrasonic pest repellent device is universal, that is, it works against both rodents and insects. The presence of four switchable modes allows you to more accurately configure the device for a specific task:

  1. The most effective mode using the entire electronic “arsenal” of the device at all operating frequencies with maximum impact on rodents.
  2. The so-called “silent mode” turns off certain sound frequencies that are dangerous for humans, but problematic for mice.
  3. Mosquito repellent mode.
  4. Ultra mode repels most insects.

The installation location for Grad A-1000 Pro can be:

  • grain and vegetable storage facilities,
  • production complexes,
  • household premises,
  • storage rooms,
  • factories,
  • factories,
  • supermarkets,
  • public catering networks,
  • holiday homes,
  • tourist centers,
  • poultry farms,
  • livestock enterprises,
  • dachas,
  • basements,
  • cellars,
  • tunnels,
  • underground communications,
  • elevator shafts,
  • corridors,
  • hangars,
  • residential buildings,
  • apartments.

The device does not require any complex configuration steps. According to the manufacturer, mice leave the area treated with Grad A-1000 Pro within two weeks.

Pest Reject generates electromagnetic waves

Uses electromagnetic waves that travel along the network wiring in the house. Its magnetic-electric impulses negatively affect the nervous system of rodents, but do not affect humans and domestic animals.

Advantages of Pest Reject:

  • wide spectrum of radiation,
  • environmental friendliness,
  • does not harm people and their pets,
  • covers up to 200 m2 (in line of sight),
  • does not use replaceable elements.

Pest Reject is a universal device, affecting both rodents and most insects.

Table: characteristics of popular rodent repellers

How to make an ultrasonic emitter with your own hands

Any person who is interested in radio engineering can assemble a simple rodent repeller. The heart of the device is the K131LA3 or K155LA3 logic chip.
The circuit uses the so-called TTL logic

The principle of operation of the circuit is based on the action of the oscillator DD1.3 and DD1.4 with a frequency of 100...400 Hz. These pulses are the control pulses to generate a higher frequency signal.

Table: required components for assembly

You can try other options for implementing output circuits.

Option 1. Using an electrolytic capacitor

Option 2.

The assembled circuit does not require configuration and, as a rule, works immediately.

How to choose a repeller

All pest repellent devices have a parameter such as the size of the area covered. Some devices have it in the name. So, for example, the Grad A-1000 Pro device has a working area of ​​up to one kilometer, and the Tornado 400 covers four hundred meters. But in any case, the manufacturer always indicates this characteristic in the instructions supplied with the device.

As a rule, the range of the installed device is calculated taking into account obstacles, room congestion, and the presence or absence of sound-absorbing factors. A room with blank walls almost completely limits the spread of a useful signal outside, and several such rooms require the use of a separate repeller in each of them.
When installing the device, you should take into account the location of interior walls and furniture

An equally important criterion when choosing a rodent repeller (especially in the case of dachas, warehouses, garages, basements, etc.) is the temperature. Tornado repellers are most adapted to temperature changes and can withstand a range from -35 to +70 degrees Celsius. Temperature parameters are also always indicated in the instructions for the device. However, in a residential building or apartment this factor will not play a significant role.

Completely silent devices are suitable for use in residential premises, while audible emitters are installed only in the absence of people. Some models have switchable “silent” and “sound” modes, and can be used in both cases.

Video: measuring the signal level of various repellers with a laboratory device

The mouse repeller must be turned on constantly, so the characteristics of its energy consumption are important, and sometimes decisive, among other things. A high-quality device consumes no more than 15 - 20 watts.

How to install the device correctly

The effectiveness of most repellers increases significantly in the presence of reflections of ultra-high frequency sound waves in the room. This is achieved due to the presence of hard surfaces and the absence of absorbent ones. So, the device will work perfectly in a room with a small amount of wooden furniture, and very poorly in a room with carpets, thick curtains and the presence of soft sofas and armchairs.

It is also necessary to provide escape routes for mice, otherwise they will simply have nowhere to escape from the constantly emitting unit.

Attractive poisons and rodent repellents are two mutually exclusive factors that people most often do not know about or forget about. Do not use repellers and baits at the same time! Do not leave food or its remains freely accessible to mice, this also applies to food waste; close the trash can and take out the waste on time. It is extremely important to limit pests’ access to water; make sure that your valves and taps are not leaking, and that there are no open containers with water.
Mice will always find food for themselves

The mouse repeller must work continuously until the pests are completely gone. After this, the device is periodically turned on for preventive purposes or when rodents reappear.

Follow safety rules. Ultrasonic repellers are powerful emitters and can be harmful to your health and the health of your pets. Constantly being in close proximity to the emitter can be very dangerous. Even the “silent” mode in a very high-quality device requires the latter to be located at least three meters from the person’s permanent location. It is especially dangerous to bring a working device to your ear - at a sound pressure of 120 decibels, even ultrasound can theoretically cause injury to the internal auditory organs!

Rodents can appear in every home. To combat them, many different means have been invented. But not all of them are harmless to humans and pets; many methods involve killing rodents (poison, traps).

The most modern and humane means of combating mice and rats include repellers. By using ultrasonic or electromagnetic waves, these devices help repel pests from your home. There are many models of repellers. To choose the right one for a private house or apartment, you need to study the principle of operation of each type of device, their effect on other animals, and also take into account the area of ​​​​required exposure.

Operating principle

The main advantage of the devices is that there is no need to kill animals and get rid of their corpses. Repellers provide room protection in a different way. They emit high-frequency impulses that act on the nervous system of rodents. Thanks to this, they try to leave the territory as quickly as possible. During operation of the device, the wave frequency changes in the range of 20-70 kHz so that rodents do not get used to it.

Some models combine the combined effects of high-frequency ultrasound and low-frequency electromagnetic waves. They are more effective; animals do not have time to adapt to them.

Types of devices

When choosing this device, you need to take into account the characteristics of the room where it will be used, the principle of operation, and power. The presence of a power source is also important. If there is no electrical wiring in the room, then it is better to take devices that run on a battery or battery.

Based on their operating principle, rodent repellers are:

  • ultrasonic;
  • electromagnetic;
  • combined.

To make your choice easier, you need to know all the advantages and disadvantages of different types of devices.


They emit electromagnetic pulses along electrical wires, which have a negative effect on pests. During the initial operation of the device, the number of rodents may increase significantly. This is caused by the fact that they begin to crawl out of secluded places in search of a way out from the action of electromagnetic waves.

The main disadvantage of electromagnetic repellers is that to achieve the desired result, electrical wiring must be installed around the perimeter of the entire room. This is not always possible. In other cases, using the device will be pointless.


They emit ultrasonic waves that have a detrimental effect on the nervous system of mice and rats. They lose their orientation, they are overcome by a sense of danger, and the rodents begin to look for an opportunity to escape from the field of influence of the repeller.

For humans, ultrasound is invisible and safe. Therefore, ultrasonic repellers can be used in any premises. They are also safe for rodents, but create conditions under which they cannot be in the area of ​​their influence.

Advantages of ultrasonic rodent repellers:

  • environmental friendliness;
  • possibility of continuous operation;
  • repels both rodents and insects;
  • safety;
  • do not contain chemicals.


  • valid only within the boundaries of one premises;
  • The ultrasound does not pass through walls;
  • To completely get rid of pests, you need to use several devices simultaneously.
  • The effectiveness of ultrasound is reduced if there are a large number of textiles, soft and paper objects in the room.

To prevent rodents from adapting to constant ultrasound, it is better to purchase devices in which the frequency of ultrasound vibrations can be adjusted in different ways.

Selection criteria and features

To find a high-quality repeller, you need to focus on a number of indicators and characteristics. With these devices, you need to pay attention to the cost. The larger it is, the higher the likelihood that the repeller will work effectively. This does not mean that budget devices are absolutely useless. In rare cases there are exceptions. But, as a rule, devices costing less than 1000 rubles are ineffective against rodents.

Based on the technical characteristics, you can determine the capabilities of the repeller. There are cases that the actual characteristics do not correspond to what is indicated in the description.

What you need to pay attention to when choosing a device:

  • Principle of operation - it is better to use ultrasonic devices or combined ones against rodents.
  • The area of ​​influence of the device must be larger than the intended protected area. In this case, it is necessary to take into account the intensity of the pulses of the emitted waves, the presence of obstacles in the room (curtains, upholstered furniture). For domestic conditions, the optimal exposure area is 400-800 m2.
  • Sound pressure - it should be in the range of 80-120 dB.
  • The lower limit of the audio frequency range should not be less than 20 kHz. A person should not hear how the device operates. Periodically, the frequency of the waves needs to be varied so that the rodents do not have time to adapt.
  • Wave radiation pattern - the larger it is, the better. High-quality repellers have a range of close to 360°. But even directionality within 200-270 ° is a good indicator.

Reasons for the lack of effect from the repeller

If a repellent device was installed, but rodents still remain, this may be caused by several factors:

  • Low-quality, cheap device, the technical characteristics and parameters of which do not correspond to the assigned tasks.
  • Wrong location. You need to buy a repeller that will take into account the characteristics of the room.
  • Exposure to low temperatures. Battery-powered devices are especially susceptible to temperature changes. They can break quickly.
  • Incorrect operation. The new device should work continuously for 3 weeks. Then you need to pause.

Note! If the manufacturer claims that the repeller is universal against rodents, insects, moles and other pests, then this is impossible. Most likely, the device will be useless or not as effective as stated in the description.

Popular models

The choice of repellers for the home is huge. Some models are especially popular due to their efficiency and technical characteristics.


This manufacturer produces a whole line of devices that are used both at home and in industrial enterprises. Price range - 800-1800 rubles. Typhoon repellers are easy to use. After assembly, the device can be connected to the network and mounted on the wall. It can also be battery operated. After just 4 days of work, pests begin to leave the premises.

Grad A-550

An ultrasonic device that runs on 3 batteries, as well as via a mains adapter. The device is silent and can be used in rooms where people live. If it works from the network, then its area of ​​influence is 550 m2, from batteries - 250 m2. The cost of the device is about 2500 rubles.


The emission of ultrasonic waves varies in the range of 20-70 kHz. They are harmless to humans, but harmful to decorative rodents (hamsters, chinchillas). The device has a large 360º wave pattern. Impact area 500 m2. Price about 2500 rub.


Powerful ultrasonic repeller with one emitter. It has the function of automatically switching ultrasonic frequencies, so rodents do not have time to adapt to it. The device operates silently within a radius of 400 m2. Disadvantages include the inability to operate on battery power and a small audio frequency range (2-10 kHz).

Rats and mice are some of the most dangerous and annoying pests in the home. It's not easy to get rid of them. Many methods of pest control are quite inhumane and dangerous for the inhabitants of the house. Therefore, it is better to use repellers. These are easy-to-use and safe devices that will help you quickly and effectively drive unwanted “neighbors” out of your home.

Learn more about the advantages and disadvantages of rodent repellers from the following video.

Rodents are the main problem in private homes and warehouses. Conventional mousetraps and poisonous products are dangerous for children and pets. Such products are also unacceptable in the kitchen, restaurant or hotel. How to protect yourself from pests?

Modern repellers and traps will help you quickly and effectively get rid of unwanted rodents. The ultrasonic approach is a humane means of pest control. The generated sound creates discomfort and forces you to leave the protected area. There are different types of repellers, so it is worth considering the most popular models.

We have compiled a list of the best mouse repellers based on expert assessments and reviews from real customers. Our recommendations will help you make a choice that suits your needs and desires. There are many competitors in the global technology market, but we have selected the best manufacturers and recommend paying special attention to them:

Budget / Inexpensive

  1. Green Helper
  2. Rat&Mouse
  3. MickeyCats
  1. Tornado

Expensive/Premium class

  1. EcoSniper
Sound Glue traps Ultrasonic

*Prices are correct at the time of publication and are subject to change without notice.

Mouse repellers: Sound

Sound / Powered by batteries/rechargeable batteries / Action area: over 300 sq. m.

Main advantages
  • A solar battery is built into the body of the device, which will ensure complete autonomy of the repeller. In case of bad weather or darkness, the device will switch to battery power
  • The maximum impact area can reach 800 m2. It is also possible to use several devices (place at a distance of 20 m from each other)
  • The repeller is intended for use in outdoor conditions. The housing is resistant to constant exposure to ultraviolet radiation and is also protected from dust or moisture
  • A lamp is built into the leg of the device, illuminating an impressive section of the area
  • The pin has a metal base that is protected from corrosion and can withstand constant load

Sound / Powered by batteries/rechargeable batteries / Action area: over 300 sq. m. / Ultrasonic

Main advantages
  • The source of sound waves is protected by a special metal grille, which will protect against mechanical damage
  • The device supports autonomous use. Using regular batteries, the mouse repeller will work for about 30 days.
  • If necessary, the device can be turned off using a slide switch. The mechanism has precise operation and reliable position fixation
  • The power of the device is enough to repel rodents at a distance of up to 500 m2
  • The device shows good results not only above the ground, but also below it. It is enough to tightly wrap the body with PVC film and lower it into the wormhole

Show all products in the category "Sound"

Mouse repellers: Glue traps

Glue traps / Action area: up to 300 sq.m.

Main advantages
  • The adhesive base has a unique composition, odorless and colorless, so the mousetrap is invisible to the rodent
  • Compact dimensions help to place the adhesive tape in any corner of the apartment or house. Installation does not require complex actions or professional skills
  • Since the composition does not contain toxic substances and does not cause allergies, the trap is completely safe for pets, children and adults
  • A caught rodent can live for several more days, so there is no need to constantly inspect the contents of the tape, which is especially useful for non-residential premises
  • The device is already coated with a sufficient amount of glue and does not require additional modification

Show all products in the category "Glue traps"

Mouse repellers: Ultrasonic

Action area: up to 300 sq.m. / Ultrasonic

Main advantages
  • The device has a built-in power supply, which avoids unnecessary wires and large dimensions
  • The device has a small red LED indicator that allows you to determine the status of the repeller
  • The kit comes with instructions in Russian, which describe in detail the principle of operation, as well as recommendations for operating the equipment.
  • The repeller operates in silent mode, which will not cause disturbance to humans or pets, but at the same time will repel rodents
  • The ultrasonic emitter is protected by an iron grille, which helps to avoid mechanical damage, but at the same time does not impair the quality of work

Powered by batteries/rechargeable batteries / Action area: over 300 sq. m. / Ultrasonic

Main advantages
  • The device uses a unique, non-repeating frequency sequence, which helps avoid addiction
  • The device has a built-in compartment for batteries and accumulators, so the repeller is able to work in autonomous mode. When using an external power source, the power saving mode is automatically activated
  • The case has a special mount that allows you to securely fasten the device in a vertical position
  • A fairly powerful speaker is built inside the case, so the range of the device can reach 550 m2
  • The rodent repeller is made of durable materials and can withstand temperatures ranging from -40 to +50°C

Powered by batteries/rechargeable batteries / Action area: over 300 sq. m. / Ultrasonic

At home and in the garden, people often face the problem of uninvited guests - insects and rodents. They are capable of destroying crops and supplies in pantries, ruining things, or causing discomfort to a person. For example, bed bugs feed on blood, so they leave many bites all over the body.

In addition, almost all pests are carriers of a large number of dangerous diseases. Therefore, it is extremely important to start getting rid of rodents and insects in a timely manner. One of the methods is modern devices for repelling mice, rats, cockroaches, bedbugs, and ants.

The article discusses in detail the nuances of choosing products, how much such a device costs and which is the best repellent device to buy in 2020.

These products are very different from other pest control methods. All kinds of toxic substances and mechanical catching of uninvited inhabitants do not give a lasting effect. The number of rodents and insects decreases only for a while. Repellers completely clear the garden plot and house of pests.

Also, these devices are completely safe for humans, unlike etching methods. Poisons must be handled with extreme caution and should not be used in homes where there are small children or animals. Rodent and insect repellers can be installed in kindergartens, medical institutions and food production facilities. They are not harmful to pets, so they can work in homes with cats or dogs.

How to choose a repeller: main characteristics of the device

Before purchasing a device, you should pay attention to several important selection criteria that determine the functionality of the product. You need to look at the operating principle of the device, its power and other capabilities that will allow you to select a product for your specific needs.

Operating principle

  1. Sound. The operating principle of this type of repeller is to influence pests with sound waves that have a wide range of frequencies. This provokes panic in rodents, so they try to run away from the source of this sound, despite the proximity of food and shelter. The repeller gets rid of pests in just a few days. While the device is working, they do not return. The disadvantage of such models is the constant noise from the device being turned on, so they are not suitable for home use. They are best used for cottages, pantries and storage areas.
  2. Electromagnetic. The product produces impulses that are unpleasant for pests. These devices do not in any way affect electronic devices in the room, but they reach insects well even in walls and ceilings.
  3. Ultrasonic. In this case, the device operates at the level of ultrasonic waves, which are inaccessible to human perception. This is the main advantage of such devices - they are completely silent. However, these sounds are perfectly heard by rodents. Ultrasonic repellers can be installed in homes and places where there are children (schools, kindergartens, medical institutions).
  4. Combined. It combines ultrasonic and electromagnetic types of work, which allows you to comprehensively influence the problem.
  5. Flavored. This type of device is used only for insects (mainly mosquitoes). It is made in the form of a bracelet with a special impregnation, the smell of which repels blood-sucking people from humans.

Wave propagation area

There are three classes of repellers based on area of ​​influence:

  1. Portable. They are suitable for small spaces and rooms up to 100 square meters.
  2. Average. Such devices allow you to get rid of pests on an area of ​​100 to 500 square meters.
  3. Large and powerful. Most often, these models are used in large enterprises, parking lots and warehouses, the area of ​​which can reach more than 1000 square meters.

It is best to purchase a device with higher power, since all device characteristics and efficiency are described under ideal conditions (an empty room without furniture and with a hard floor). In practice, the range of action is significantly lower, since the emitted waves are reflected from any obstacles and are absorbed by all kinds of furniture.

Additional options

Some models are equipped with additional functions that increase the efficiency of the device. Among them:

  1. Changes in wave frequency. This opportunity allows you to prevent pests from becoming addicted. Often, rodents and insects develop immunity and adapt to any negative factors. However, devices that change signal characteristics change the waves in a random order, preventing uninvited guests from adapting to these conditions.
  2. The presence of light flashes. With their help, animals are blinded and scared at night. Bright flashing causes panic and does not allow you to quickly navigate in space.
  3. Strong sound pressure (120 dB). It affects rodents in the same way as the sound of a jackhammer or siren affects humans. Since the sound of the repeller operates at frequencies inaccessible to humans, discomfort is caused only to pests.

Portable and stationary models

Stationary devices run on electricity and have more power than portable products. Such devices can be used without human supervision and are suitable for most premises and institutions.

Portable repellers are easily used in places where there is no power supply, as they operate on batteries. However, they need to constantly monitor the charge level and replace the batteries on time.

Devices for cars

Pests can get into not only a person’s home, but also cars and garages, especially if there is food in them. This problem can be solved with the help of special automotive devices that are small in size and do not consume a lot of electricity. Most often they are made in the form of a keychain, and they can be charged using a car charger.

The power of such devices is no lower than conventional repellers; some of them are capable of fighting insects and rodents over an area of ​​500 square meters.

Rating of quality repellers from the best manufacturers

When looking for ways to get rid of pests in residential premises, the question most often arises: “Is the repeller harmful to humans?” All popular device models are completely safe for humans and do not cause discomfort when used. The rating of the best rodent and insect repellers in 2020 will allow you to choose inexpensive and effective products for the street and home.

10th place. ECOSNIPER AR-130

The mid-price segment device operates from a 220 V outlet and is capable of processing a room of up to 100 square meters. The weight of the device is 200 g, and the power is 6 W. The repeller emits electromagnetic waves at low frequencies, as well as ultrasonic waves, which makes it possible to combat insects and rodents in a comprehensive manner. The device is produced under a domestic brand and assembled in China.



  • versatility;
  • two types of influence.


  • not suitable for large rooms.

The average price is 2,205 rubles.

9th place. ECOSNIPER LS-927

The manufacturer claims that this ultrasonic device can rid your home of pests in 2 weeks of continuous operation. On the body of the stationary device there are two speakers, each of which covers an area of ​​260 degrees. This type of repeller is suitable for medium-sized rooms up to 460 square meters. The weight of the product is 150 g, the power is 1.5 W.



  • high sound pressure;
  • charging from adapter.


  • fights only small rodents and cockroaches.

The average price is 2,090 rubles.

8th place. SITITEK WEITECH WK-0523

The ultrasonic device operates on mains power and is capable of eliminating insects and mice over an area of ​​up to 45 square meters. According to the manufacturer, the pests disappear in a matter of days. The sound pressure of the device is 110 dB and the power is 0.6 W.



  • affordable;
  • universal;
  • high sound pressure;
  • there is an indicator.


  • small area of ​​influence.

The average price is 1,490 rubles.

7th place. SITITEK WEITECH WK-0180

The repeller gets rid of all insects and rodents using ultrasound over an area of ​​up to 90 square meters. The device consumes only 0.8 W of electricity. The device is also equipped with a green LED, which turns the repeller into a small night light. The product operates from a 220 V power supply using a plug built directly into the device.



  • LED lights;
  • versatility.


  • small impact area.

The average price is 2,190 rubles.

6th place. SITITEK WEITECH WK-0240

This compact device is suitable for rooms up to 60 square meters. The device is powered by 4 batteries, which are enough for 90 days of continuous operation. The repeller can withstand temperatures ranging from -10 to +40 degrees. The maximum sound pressure produced by the device is 116 dB. Device weight – 162 g.



  • affordable price;
  • can be used at low temperatures;
  • high sound pressure;
  • versatility;


  • small area of ​​action.

The average price is 1,890 rubles.

5th place. SITITEK WEITECH WK-3523

The popularity of the models of this device among buyers is due to high quality and extensive equipment. The set contains 3 repellers, each of which works on an area of ​​up to 45 square meters (up to 135 in total). Ultrasonic devices operate on mains power and consume only 0.6 W of electricity. The sound pressure of the device is 110 dB.



  • high sound pressure;
  • versatility.


  • high price.

The average price is 3,490 rubles.

4th place. Pest Repeller

This device operates from a power outlet and gets rid of pests in rooms up to 200 square meters. The device has a power of 4.5 W and weighs 217 g. The product can withstand low temperatures down to -30 degrees. There are special indicators on the case that show the operation of the device. The device operates using electromagnetic waves.

Pest Repeller


  • low cost;
  • versatility;
  • large coverage area;
  • withstands a wide temperature range.


The average price is 490 rubles.

3rd place. SITITEK WEITECH WK-0600 CIX

The ultrasonic repeller has 9 program modes, each of which affects a specific type of pest. The operating area is 325 square meters. The device operates from the mains. The product has two speakers and intensity controls. Power consumption is 0.4 W, and maximum sound pressure is 116 dB.



  • large area of ​​influence;
  • several operating modes;
  • high sound pressure;
  • change in wave frequency;
  • versatility.


  • high price.

The average price is 5,690 rubles.

2nd place. ECOSNIPER UP-118

The domestically produced repeller is a stationary ultrasonic device that creates a sound pressure of 140 dB. The power of the device is 1.5 W, weight – 180 g. The product eliminates pests in rooms up to 230 square meters. There is a test mode, during which sounds are produced that are accessible to human hearing.



  • affordable;
  • universal;
  • high sound pressure;
  • there is a work indicator;
  • large area of ​​influence.


The average price is 1,485 rubles.

1 place. ECOSNIPER LS-919

A stationary product gets rid of pests using ultrasound. Power consumption is 1.5 W. The device operates from a 220 V outlet. Suitable for rooms with an area of ​​up to 200 square meters. A special indicator on the repeller indicates a change in emitted pulses. The manufacturer advises using the device for 2-6 weeks to achieve visible results.



  • low price;
  • versatility;
  • there is an operation indicator


The average price is 990 rubles.

As you can see, among the high-quality popular models there are both budget devices and devices from the more expensive segment. Therefore, which company is better to choose a device depends entirely on the preferences of the buyer and his financial capabilities.

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