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Best lt wot description rating top 10. Best light tanks in World of Tanks

This time we will compile the TOP of the best light tanks, the most fun and aggressive ones in World of Tanks.

Fifth place

In fifth place is the American light tank T-71. Despite the fact that many LTs have come out lately, this tank is still one of the best. Excellent maximum speed - 64 km/h, good dynamics and maneuverability allow this tank not only to actively shine, but also to occupy non-standard positions. The tank has good visibility and compact size, so it is easier for it to perform reconnaissance operations than other tanks, which are larger in size.

The gun has a drum for 6 shells, reloading of the drum is around 19 seconds, the accuracy is average, the mixing is fast, the penetration is not bad. With this gun, the tank is able to do good damage and drag fights. If you like not only shooting damage from the bushes, but also moving a lot, shining and having fun, then the T-71 should be perfect for you.

Fourth place

In fourth place is the M-41 "Walker Bulldog", an excellent damage dealer, one of the best in this business. Shooting a lot of damage on the Bulldog is very easy and simple. Two wonderful guns to choose from - with a drum and without. They have fast mixing and good stabilization, good penetration and normal accuracy. It is worth noting the magnificent UVN. If the "Bulldog" finds a convenient position somewhere on the mounds, then it will be even easier to disassemble the enemy piece by piece. The tank is very fast and maneuverable - the maximum speed is 72 km/h. Good acceleration dynamics.

The Bulldog often occupies positions that are inconvenient for the enemy due to speed, for example, a mountain on a cliff. And from there, the M-41 does not give rest to the enemy until the end of the battle, sometimes dismantling half the enemy’s team. The tank, although it has excellent visibility - 400 meters, but still active light is not its specialty, because the size is not small.

If your main goal is to deal damage in combat, then you should definitely like the M-41 Bulldog.

Third place

The third place is deservedly occupied by Ru-251. The German tank was distinguished by good penetration of the gun, good accuracy, fast aiming and excellent DPM - one of the most comfortable guns among the LT. In addition, the tank has a crazy maximum speed - 80 km / h with excellent engine power - 24 hp per ton. That is, the tank is extremely mobile and cheerful, it can perform any combat missions, shines beautifully, spins slow tanks well, and excellent sniper. In general, a master of all trades.

Ru-251 has a good UVN, so it is convenient to play on any map. It also has 400 meters of vision and good camouflage, so ambush tactics also work well for this tank.

The disadvantages include the fact that pumping up to Ru-251 is quite difficult, not everyone can master it. But at the end, one of the best light tanks in World of Tanks will be waiting for you, which will bring a lot of fun, a lot of thrills, bends and good mood. The tank is best for experienced fighters.

Second place

In second place is the T-49. What could be nicer than sneaking up behind some TT and dealing 900 damage with a high-explosive projectile? It's priceless! The T-49 is famous for its weapon capable of inflicting huge damage on the enemy's vulnerable spots, and besides, there are a lot of tanks in the game now that have no armor - they can be easily penetrated in the forehead. Of course, not everything is so simple - the accuracy of the T-49 gun is terrible, and the aiming time is extremely long. But thanks to a chic maximum speed of 72 km / h, and good dynamics and maneuverability, the T-49 can always come up with something.

For example, take a good position and fire from there, or wait until the enemy is distracted by the allies - and at that moment jump out and bang the enemy. In any case, each of your shots will deal damage.

The T-49 is probably one of the best tanks to have fun with!

2-04-2017, 10:56

Good day to all and welcome to the site! Friends, now we will talk about the latest and freshest news related to the opening of the test server for update 0.9.18. Now you have a Soviet light tank of the tenth level in front of you, and this T-100 LT guide.

The news that fireflies of the ninth and tenth level will appear in the game has thundered for a long time, these machines have been rolling out supertesters for a long time and finally it happened, the long-awaited update 0.9.18 was released, in which T-100 LT World of Tanks which we will now get to know better.

TTX T-100 LT

We will start with the fact that compared to the eighth level, our top firefly has a much more pleasant margin of safety, however, the amount of HP is still low compared to other vehicles. In addition, at T-100 LT review even the basic one is truly worthy of respect and everyone can easily bring the existing 390 meters to the maximum performance.

In terms of survivability, this device also has something to be proud of, because in fact, this is almost the strongest LT-10 available. If you look only at the "naked" numbers, then T-100 LT characteristics the armor is not so good, but due to the fact that the VLD has an excellent angle of inclination, the reduction here reaches 230 millimeters, so ricochets will often delight you, especially if you do not stand still and turn the hull.

The forehead of the tower in our case is more vulnerable, although nominally the armor is T-100 LT WoT it's better here. The thing is that the bevels and slopes of the tower are worse, that is, it is much easier to break through it, but just look at its shape, it is so low that you still need to hit it.

But you shouldn’t rely on the side projection, because from this side it is very thin, except that the harp will periodically “eat up” damage, but no more.

Separately, it is worth noting the stealth coefficient of our firefly, because it is incredibly high. The fact is that T-100 LT World of Tanks has an incredibly low silhouette, which is why the disguise is very good. But do not forget that the tank has a long hull, which is why we are more vulnerable to artillery and it will not always be easy to hide completely.

Another strong, no, the strongest side of this unit is mobility. T-100 LT tank received a space maximum speed, crazy dynamics, as well as serious maneuverability, it will still be necessary to cope with such agility.


As always, the armament of a combat vehicle deserves special attention and I want to say right away that our gun is really good, in any case, it will be much more pleasant to fight in the top on a vehicle of the tenth level than the eighth.

Let's start with what T-100 LT gun has a very good alpha strike, although the lowest among the newly minted classmates. Regarding the rate of fire, everything is also very decent, you can deal about 2190 damage per minute clean. Of course, this is not a record, but the result is not bad.

Armor penetration parameters T-100 LT World of Tanks also please. Yes, you will not be able to pierce most tier ten tanks head-on with standard sub-caliber shells, but this is not required by such mobility, because it costs nothing for an opponent to drive over the side. In addition, we have very evil armor-piercing ones at our disposal, besides, their normalization is higher.

As for accuracy, the spread T-100 LT tank got really big, however, on our side there is a decent stabilization, which can still be improved with perks and equipment, and the aiming speed of the gun is wonderful. Stabilization is amazing at the moment, even at long distances 8 shots out of 10 hit the target without aiming, so we can expect at least a small nerf, time will tell.

The only real problem is the elevation angles, as your barrel light tank T-100 LT WoT can lower only 5 degrees down, you can’t call such an angle of declination comfortable, but you can get used to it.

Advantages and disadvantages

The technique in our hands is completely new and incredibly interesting in terms of gameplay. However, for a more complete realization of the combat potential of this newcomer, it is not enough just to know his performance characteristics, it would be much better to highlight the main advantages and disadvantages T-100 LT World of Tanks which we are going to do now.
High viewing range;
Ricochet upper frontal detail;
Very low silhouette and great camouflage;
Excellent running characteristics;
Acceptable penetration;
Decent damage per minute;
Excellent stabilization and convergence speed.
Low margin of safety;
Long body;
Overall booking is mediocre;
Alphastrike is lower than that of classmates;
Poor elevation angles;
Big spread.

Equipment for T-100 LT

Now we have a really strong apparatus with great potential. But in order to realize this potential easier, it is necessary to properly equip with additional modules. I will say right away that the choice will be quite standard, that is, on tank T-100 LT equipment the following is set:
1. - our damage per minute is not bad, but it’s hard to call it big, so increasing this parameter is extremely important.
2. - we will make the stabilization of weapons even better, which will make the process of dealing damage on the move much more effective.
3. - this module will allow you to easily reach the maximum visibility indicator, what could be more important for a light tank?

However, there is a very good replacement for the third option -. It is better to install it when the crew already knows the vision perks, in which case you will also see far, but at the same time improve your firepower and accuracy.

Crew training

Tankers sitting inside the tank are also trained according to a completely familiar and familiar pattern to most. However, in our case, everything is not as simple as it seems at first glance, because the crew consists of only three people, which imposes serious restrictions. You will have to find some balance, so for T-100 LT perks can be downloaded in this order:
Commander (radio operator, loader) - , , , .
Gunner (loader) - , , , .
Driver mechanic - , , , .

Equipment for T-100 LT

But in prioritizing when buying consumables, everything is absolutely standard, and if you want to go into the red as little as possible or just try to save money, take , , . Otherwise, it is better to give preference to reliability, that is, buy for T-100 LT equipment from , , , where the last option can be replaced by , but be careful, there are flammable tanks in the sides, which are quite vulnerable.

Game tactics on the T-100 LT

This new tier 10 tank is a super fun, very versatile and powerful vehicle that the skilled player can find many uses for. Of course, first of all, as in the case of most fireflies, for T-100 LT tactics may consist in the extraction of intelligence, that is, the provision of light.

To do this, you can act according to two well-known scenarios:
1. Firstly, the car is so fast and dynamic that it can cover any distance in a very short time. Thanks to this, shining actively is very convenient, because you can “fly” all over the map, “dive” in terrain, and so on, detecting the enemy. At the same time, it will be very difficult to hit you because of the low silhouette and breakneck speed.
2. Secondly, thanks to the excellent camouflage Soviet light tank T-100 LT able to shine passively. Standing in a key position in the bush, not moving or opening fire, it is difficult to detect us even at close range.

Of course, it would be best to combine the two styles, but playing actively is incredibly fun and interesting. With excellent stabilization T-100 LT World of Tanks capable of masterfully inflicting damage without slowing down at all. That is, you can realize your CSA right on the move.

This method is also more effective because you can quickly drive the enemy into vulnerable sides or stern, in which case T-100 LT tank does not even feel problems with penetration. In addition, never miss the opportunity to spin the enemy, but be careful, you need to do this clearly, and you should also make sure that no one will help your opponent from the side.

Otherwise, as already mentioned, you can do whatever you want. It makes no sense to paint all combat situations, depending on the situation, there can be many of them. It is safe to say that the player T-100 LT in WoT must be constantly concentrated, you must monitor the mini-map and the situation around, be wary of art, and you will also have to get used to the speed of this firefly and learn how to make the right decisions as quickly as possible.

As you know, tier 10 light tanks appeared in the world of tanks. And what exactly will the new "fireflies" be? What characteristics will lt 10 have? Which tank will be the most powerful and which will be the fastest? Which combat vehicle is the most armored, and which is the strongest? We will try to answer all these questions right now. We present to your attention the final performance characteristics of all Tier 10 tanks presented in World of Tanks.

We have diluted the dry numbers of performance characteristics for you with a fair amount of analytics. Using our advice, you will be able to choose the right tactics from the very first minutes in a battle on a new tank and get the most out of a light tank. In addition, in connection with the introduction of light tanks, changes have occurred in the development trees of all the nations of the World of Tanks, which have been added. See the table of changes in development trees at the very end.

TTX LT 10 in World of Tanks

1. The performance characteristics of the German light tank level 10 Rheinmetall Panzerwagen

As you can see from the performance table, the Rheinmetall Panzerwagen light tank has a number of features and advantages. The sloping frontal and side armor allows the tank to deflect shells at full speed. Moving towards the enemy at an armor angle of 45 degrees will allow you to easily reflect most of the shells. High aiming time makes it possible to conduct aimed fire from a tank Rheinmetall Panzerwagen rapidly changing goals. The turret traverse speed significantly increases the capabilities of this combat vehicle in close combat, especially against such classes of vehicles as tank destroyers and self-propelled guns. This tank in the lt 10 line is the most powerful due to which the Rheinmetall Panzerwagen has the best speed of 75 km / h.

2. Performance characteristics of the Soviet light tank 10 level T-100 LT

As can be seen from the data on the characteristics of the T-100 LT tank, presented in the screenshot, the communication range of the Soviet light tank is the best among all the new Tier 10 vehicles in World of Tanks. It is also worth noting the impressive thickness of the armor of both the hull and the turret, which gives the Soviet combat vehicle T-100 LT best survivability in combat. With such protection, 1500 HP will seem like an insurmountable obstacle for the opponents to destroy this firefly. The turret of the tank is significantly lowered and getting into it will not be an easy task. This gives the tank a high level of stealth.

3. Characteristics of the American light tank 10 level XM551 Sheridan

One-time damage with a basic projectile is terrifying in its power. In one shot, the American light tank XM551 Sheridan can easily, if not destroy, then remove at least half the points of damage to any low-armored tank. As you understand, there is also a fee for such a powerful weapon. At the tank XM551 Sheridan the weakest armor among all tanks, not only level 10, but even levels 9, 8 and 7! Without exaggeration, this tank can be called the weakest link in the armor team. Chip: any large-caliber HE shell for this tank is a one-shot. For self-propelled guns, the Sheridan tank will be an easy target. Only ranged or mid-range combat tactics in the second half of the battle are suitable for him. The low penetration of the projectile practically reduces the chances of penetrating armor with an armor-piercing projectile to zero. The best option for using the XM551 Sheridan tank in WOT would be firing high-explosive fragmentation shells.

4. Tactical and technical characteristics of the LT 10 level of the French tank AMX 13 105

As for the French light tank AMX 13 105, this is the only combat vehicle of this class at tier 10 with a loading drum. The drum charges just 3 projectiles in over 30 seconds. The time between shots is 2.73 seconds, which, with full aiming in 2.21 seconds, makes it possible to unload the shell drum in 8.19 seconds with a maximum efficiency of 878-1464 damage. An impressive figure, agree. Good firefly level 10 AMX 13 105 certainly replaced the French light tanks so beloved by players in World of Tanks.

5. Performance characteristics of the Chinese light tank 10 level WZ-132-1

And now let's dwell on the characteristics of the Chinese light tank WZ-132-1, which has the best average damage per minute among tier 10 tanks. This war machine in capable hands is capable of delivering a fantastic 2712 points of damage. The maximum bar for classmates WZ-132-1 also sets according to the characteristics of armor penetration. Armor up to 308 mm thick can easily be fired by the Chinese top-end firefly. The Chinese LT 10 is perfect for sabotage on enemy territory. Also, the VZ-132-1 will not badly cope with the task of conducting aimed fire from the gun while covering the hull and looking out only from the shelter with the turret.

Table of changes in the development trees of World of Tanks in connection with the introduction of level 10 LT into the game.

As you can see from the tech tree table, many light tanks will change their positions.

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A light in the end of a tunnel.
World of tanks. Much-adored game of the countries of Russia and the CIS. In the European and part of the world, "Tanchiki" did not receive such a big hype and popularity, because a huge amount of patriotism, pride in their country and joy from past victories are placed in this game.
Less than a year after the launch of the beta test, the game received the most important thing - the players. At that moment, more than one million accounts on the RU-cluster were registered in it.

Recently I asked myself:
What is he, the best light tank in World of Tanks.

Today, after the release of patch 9.3, I decided to analyze the situation in the game and still decide who is the best among them, and who will never return from Serb's file.

Let's start with the fact that light tanks have a unique gameplay. Their task in the game is to "highlight" enemy tanks, giving fresh information to the battlefield.

Light is divided into 2 types - active and passive.
Active light is a light that constantly moves, moves almost under the "nose" of the opponent's team, is constantly in the "light".
A passive one, on the contrary, should stand without moving, but bringing the same actual benefit in the form of light. Such light must remain completely invisible.

Since there are two types of light in our game, then there will be two winners.
So, let's begin.

Here is a list of the best, in my personal opinion, the best light tanks in our game:

  • LTTB
  • Spähpanzer Ru 251
  • AMX 13 90
  • M41 Walker Bulldog

Let's talk about each separately.

Let's remember one small tank. He was fast, lightning fast, elusive and deadly in direct hands. His name is T50-2. They were afraid of him. Loved. Holili and cherished. Respected. But. In patch 0.8.7. it was ruthlessly replaced by its much more stripped down version of the MT-25. He "reborn" into a fat version of himself, became slower. His times are gone. And now, when there is no longer any hope for his return, only the gathering dust on the beds of the hangar remains, HE returns. Redesigned again, but very similar to himself, "young" and reactive.
LTTB is a light tank with heavy armor.
He moved to level 7 and now has about 30 HP/T!!!
Thus, he acquired a new, thicker gun, a little less rapid-fire, but with it it is already easier to fight dozens, with which he mainly fights.

But, in comparison with other LTs, its weapon is extremely weak and it is only suitable for a quick light.
This tank may claim to be the best active firefly, but let's take a look at its competitors.

2. Spahpanzer Ru 251
The second contender for victory is the RU251, a tier eight German tank introduced in this patch.
What are its advantages over other LTs?
First, He is fast. So fast that it has the fastest speed in the game - 80 km/h.
Secondly, his gun has a huge penetration compared to other LT guns.
Thirdly, pleasant horizontal aiming angles, or rather 5.8 degrees.
Fourthly, it is small in height, does not stick out of the bushes so much and can throw it stably.
But, it also has its downsides. One of the brightest - it is pierced at any angle. There is no armor anywhere.

3.AMX 13 90
It is impossible not to mention this tank. His drum is highly valued among all players. A “nine-eye” flying at someone has always been a very dangerous opponent. It can shine, but disappears against the background of new light tanks.
Its drum for 6 shells of 240 damage can destroy even tanks of 9-10 levels. But, the worst thing about this tank at the moment is its stabilization on the move and an overall accuracy of 0.36.

4. M41 Walker Bulldog
A completely new tank that has no direct analogues among any tanks in our game.
10(!) shells in one drum with a 2 second reload time between shots. Impressive. Despite the fact that he is also maverenen and pretty fast.

A small killer with a very powerful weapon. One small bush is enough for him to do his tricky work. Shot damage - 240 units. Moreover, penetration - 170. Moreover, "gold" - 248!
The maximum speed is 65 km/h. Not enough.
But, the insane disguise is doing its job.
The most vile thing in this tank is speed to the fullest. 2.5 seconds. That's a lot for a light tank.
But, everyone will be happy to get used to the stern of the AMX 50 100, because he will not be able to oppose anything if you keep up with his movements. His gun simply won't land on such a low tank.
So let's sum it up.

Best light tank for aggressive play:

This is a real machine that can turn the outcome of the battle in your favor if you know how to use it. A good weapon, excellent camouflage, speed and a good crew - all this together can help you create beautiful battles and enjoy every battle.

Best tank for passive play:

An ideal tank to stand in the bushes and shoot targets flying past. But, oddly enough, it is universal.
If you want to bend down on a light tank, then these two options are for you. Their only big minus is that both of them have terrible tanks going along the branch to them. And if you want to get them, you have to suffer, but it's worth it.

But, the most important thing is that light tanks are an endangered species of our game. And everyone who still chooses this class of technology for themselves should understand that not everything is so simple. Everything needs experience. Not the one that can be bought for gold. experience with these machines. Trust my experience, every LT-Water has experienced this: draining at the start of a fight with zero damage; you come to your favorite place - in the light, died; one shot from arta; windmills and the like. But, remember, the more We are, the cleaner the random, because thanks to us, ordinary players can play normally, who, like you, are tormented by this “great” and “complex” class of equipment like Artillery.

We continue our parade of the best tanks in their damage and their class, and in the last, fifth part,

We continue our parade of the best tanks in their damage and in their class, and in the last, fifth part, we will look at light tanks. Let's start the review, of course, from level 1, and finish, respectively, with the 8th.

Who could doubt the first level? Sometime before the change in the KB format, it was indispensable, because almost the outcome of the battle depended on it. These were the eyes of the team, and in some cases a great invader, and his crushing machine gun could deliver good damage to the nineties, hundredths and borschts by modules, and even death. Yes, yes, and yes again, this is a T1 Cunningham, no MS-1s, no British mediums or French Renaults. Only T1, only hardcore. A machine gun in skillful hands is capable of destroying even some 2nd levels. The dynamics, though not the best, but for the first level it is enough to the throat. We will calmly postpone the reservation to gather dust on a high shelf and not even a word about it, since it would be ridiculous to talk about armor at level 1. We will not bombard you with a long praise of this charm and simply summing up, let's say that the tank is universal, playable, and in capable hands it is still crushing and bending.

- Magnificent 20mm machine gun
- Acceptable dynamics
- The rear location of the tower, which allows us to leave the corner and cause damage
- High rate of fire inside the drum

- Long drum reload (about 10 sec)
- Front engine

They talk about this tank ... Yes, they don’t say anything. It takes place in 2-3 battles and is forgotten as an uninteresting dream. But in vain, since the tank is very interesting and can be a pleasure to play on it. Pazik is quite versatile, having dynamics acceptable for the 2nd level and a very good weapon. 37 mm with 42 mm penetration, about 2.5 sec reload. and mixing in 1.7 seconds, very good performance. Armor only repels some weak machine guns, and occasionally guns with a penetration of 25 mm or more. A 220-horsepower engine accelerates our 11 tons, so we dare not complain about the maximum speed. Finally, let's say that the tank is very interesting and we advise everyone to play it while passing the branch, or just at their leisure.

- Good maneuverability and dynamics
- Frontal armor for level 2 takes a hit
- Decent visibility (290 m)
- Fast gun aiming (1.7 sec)

- Long turret turn
- Boards and stern are pretty cardboards

Imba level 3, you can’t say otherwise. An 8mm machine gun can incinerate tanks 1 level higher than us. Booking for level 3 is rather weak, but looking at the maximum speed, we can boldly say that booking is not the main thing for him, because the maximum speed is 79 km / h. Not every enemy will be able to hit us, but if he hits, that is, 20-30 percent, which will be followed by a rebound or non-penetration. But it's all a matter of chance and it's up to you to decide how the battle ends, but in the end we'll say that the tank will bring a lot of fun and fun during its passage.

- Excellent maximum speed (79 km/h)
- Crushing machine gun
- Small and compact dimensions
- Good review

- Average armor
- Low armor penetration

Surely you thought that the Chinese would bypass us, but that was not the case. Fast, fast-firing, with excellent visibility and just a great tank. The M5A1 only causes trouble when it is upgraded to the top state, and then we simply and without sudden movements move to the next tank. The gun has acceptable indicators for level 4: 81 mm of penetration, which is quite good at our level, damage of 70 units with a reload time of 2.5 sec. Stabilization, of course, is rather poor, but in close combat, the tank copes with the enemy quite briskly. Reservations with us, as always, are in the taste of a light tank, that is, none. Sometimes we can still get a ricochet due to our 45 degrees of armor, but this happens quite rarely. And so we get a very playable and frisky tank, which puts it in first place among the LT 4 levels.

- Good dynamics
- Good UGN
- Compact size
- Acceptable view at 330 m

- Frequent engine crits
- Weak booking boards and stern

Baby Chaffee deserves the honorary title of best LT 5. It is good, of course, because of its visibility of 390 m and good maneuverability. The gun doesn't let us down either, because the CD of 2.5 seconds and the damage of 110 with a penetration of 96 mm is like a bee sting that bites weakly, but often. The parameters of cross-country ability and dynamics in general are impressive, since we feel free on different soils. Based on the excellent dynamics and visibility, we get an excellent tank for light and in some situations to support allies. The passage of the tank will not cause you problems and waste of nerve cells.

- Excellent dynamics
- Best overview on the level
- Excellent stabilization
- The best maximum speed (77 km/h)

- Lack of armor as such in all projections
- Weak armor penetration

Newcomer, but already well established. The tank does its job very well, namely, the work of a firefly. Yes, and he can also shoot, thanks to a gun with a penetration of 150 and a damage of 115 units. The reload is around 3 seconds, and the stabilization is at an acceptable level. The maximum speed of the tank is 66 km/h, which is very good for a light tank. The review did not let us down either - 385 m, so it will not be difficult for us to highlight the enemy while being in the bushes, and she is rushing around the entire battlefield.

- Remarkable speed and maneuverability
- Rapid fire cannon
- Good review

- Poor armor performance
- Very mediocre body size

A tank that is incredibly popular, a tank that torments its enemies with its drum, a tank that brings a lot of fun and fun. Yes, this is our crazy stool - T71. A magnificent drum for 6 shells of 150 damage and penetration of 175. An unsurpassed maximum speed of 64 km / h with a mass of 18 tons. for it is necessary to fight on with 8, 9 and 10 levels. The tank is very interesting and will bring you pleasure during its passage.

- The presence of a drum for 6 shells
- High top speed and agility
- Small size
- Great overview

- Poor gun stabilization
- The lowest safety factor on the level

This choice will cause quite a lot of controversy, because at level 8 almost every LT can take first place, but still neither ninety, nor T49, nor anything else, namely the unsurpassed RUSHka with its excellent maximum speed of 80 km / h, acceptable and versatile gun, low silhouette and excellent UGN. And now some numbers: penetration 190 mm, damage 240 units, reduction 2.1 sec, spread 0.36, and cooldown about 6 seconds. Pretty average figures, but they are quite enough. We have the following dynamic indicators: 80 km / h maximum speed, agility of 38 deg / s, and accelerating ability at the highest level. Reservation in the light tank genre: 25 mm on the front of the hull and 20 mm around the turret, that is, everyone who hits us breaks through us. But our business, of course, is not tanking, but illuminating opponents and helping allies. The tank is quite pleasant during its passage, but still requires the ability to play on the LT, otherwise you will simply merge on it, without revealing the potential of this tank in battle.

- Universal tool
- Excellent top speed
- Visibility 400 m
- Low profile

- Quite captious to soils chassis
- Long projectile flight (unlike single-level LTs)

As a result of this article, I would like to say that you should not forget about the main purpose of a light tank, and do not fly at the beginning of the battle to the center of the map for an instant drain. Tactics on the LT is much more difficult than on other classes, because you not only shine, but also help your allies by holding the rink or distracting the enemy. A light tank should always bring the team information about the location of the enemy, otherwise the team will simply stand idle at the base or, leaving in one direction, will lose by capturing their base. Be vigilant when playing on LT and good luck in your fights!