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Does not see Time Capsule. How to configure remote access to the Time Capsule or AirPort Extreme disk using iCloud

At the beginning of last week, Apple Utilities Airport and firmware for their wireless devices supporting the 802.11n specification. In addition to the general fixes, AirPort Extreme and Time Capsule have learned to provide remote access to discs using an ICLOUD account. Today I will tell you how to configure this feature, because some readers have never managed to do it.

Initial data

For experiments and writing instructions, I got a "purebred American" - a new wireless access point of AirPort Extreme Fifth generation (MD031LL / A model), which supports Specifications 802.11 A / B / G / N, simultaneously operation of two frequency bands Wi-Fi (2, 4 GHz and 5 GHz), multiple protocols and encryption algorithm.

In addition, you must have a Mac computer with access to the Internet, an updated Airport 6.0 utility, and on the wireless gadget itself - the latest firmware version (7.6.1).

The external drive is connected to the USB connector AIRPORT EXTREME.


The setting starts with the opening of the AirPort utility, which is located in the program catalog\u003e Utilities. Since the test airport Extreme turned out to be completely new, I installed the software update on it - good, to do it very simple, just a few clicks.

As soon as the firmware is installed and the apple access point will be connected to the Internet (two green indicators will talk about this), you will need to select the Airport Extreme in the utility and click on the Edit button to view additional settings.

On the first tab "Bases. Stans. " (Hands would drop over such localization) Press the addition button (1). Next, in the window that appears, enter the login and password from your ICLOUD account (2), click on the "Login" button and wait until the status indicator becomes green - this means that I received your Apple ID and is ready for further configuration.

Now go to the last tab of the "Disks", set the checkbox "Allow sharing files" and assign the type of protection of common disks. Three options are available to you, you can choose any of them, but I stopped at the default option - "with a password device".

As soon as you do, press the "Update" button. And while the parameters of the AirPort Express are applied to setting up the Mac computer: in the system settings\u003e iCloud put a tick opposite the "Access to My Mac" item. The activation of the component will require no more than a minute.

Almost everything is ready, but how now to access the disk? To do this, it is enough to open the window, in the "Sharing" category in the sidebar to select our device, after which it is configured to the system to any other shared resource.

Now everything is exactly! You can access the files stored at your home, from the worker or any other Mac computer associated with your account. However, it is worth remembering that the connection speed is entirely dependent on your Internet. Naturally, the instruction is suitable for Time Capsule.

By the way, I almost forgot to thank for the AirPort Extreme provided for experiments.

Time Machine is a file backup function that is in any modern version of MacOS. Turning on Time Machine, you will protect yourself from accidental deletion or loss of files. Any files and folders, as well as their intermediate versions, can be restored.

Now I will tell you how to configure and use Time Machine.

How Time Machine works

Time Machine makes user folder backup: Documents, downloads, applications, etc.

Backup copies are created automatically, every hour. All you need to do is specify the disk to which the system will make a backup.

After setting up Time Machine, you will always have access to:

  • hourly backups for the last 24 hours;
  • daily backups for the last month;
  • weekly backups for all other months of work.

Time Machine does not backup copies of the MacOS itself. Therefore, if the system fully flew in you, you will first have to put MacOS to clean from Recovery Mode, and then restore information from Time Machine using a migration assistant.

How to configure Time Machine

To turn on Time Machine - Connect to Mac an external hard disk and select it in:

 ▸ System Settings ... ▸ Time Machine ▸ Select Disk ...

First of all, you need to choose an external disk for Time Machine
I formatted a disk in advance with a disk utility and called it Time Machine

The system will ask you to format the disk specifically under the time of machines, so make sure that there is no important information on it.

Be sure to enable backup encryption so that no one else can access your files.

Which disk is better to choose

As for the disk connection, there are two options: wired and wireless. Both have their advantages and disadvantages.

Wired disk

The easiest and most affordable option. The mechanical HDD on 1 TB will cost $ 60-70. It is not as fast as SSD, but the speed of the modern disk is more than enough to rewrite several hundred megabytes on it once in an hour.

🐢Western Digital My Passport USB-A 1 TB: Rozetka / Citilink.

SSD SAMSUNG T5 is fast, small, easy, and it can be connected directly by USB-C

The minus is that the wired connection is not convenient and not very reliable. If an iMac disc can be connected and forget about it, then the disc will have to constantly connect / disconnect the disk. It's just laziness.

Over time, USB connectors, and especially USB-C, begin to be broken and the disk can "fall off" at the time of creating a backup copy, which leads to the file transfer in the case of manual disks.

Wireless disk

With such a disk, the backup occurs when the computer is located in the area of \u200b\u200bhome WiFi. With a wireless connection, an accidental disconnection of the disk is excluded due to the dropped power wire, as it happens with wired disks, which means there is less likely to damage some files when copying.

WD My Cloud connects to the WiFi and MacBook access point sees it as a network drive

As a rule, the disc is connected to your access point by Ethernet cable, after which it appears in MacOS as a separate network drive.

Network disc can be used to back up several home computers at once.

Time Capsule.

Surely you heard about Time Capsule from Apple itself. This is an access point with a built-in network disk for several terabytes, which is sharpened to work with Time Machine. Alas, but Apple in 2018 turned the division responsible for Time Capsule and Airport Access points, it is better to look at the two previous options.

What is the volume of the disk to choose

It is better to take a disc, which in terms of two or more times more than your main. For example, if there is a 512 GB SSD in the MacBook Pro, then the backup of Time Machine is better to highlight the disk on 1 TB. In this case, you will have a history of file change in a minimum in the past few months, not weeks.

What happens when the disk will overflow

Time Machine will start automatically deleting the oldest weekly backups that are older than one month. So work Time Machine will never stop.

How to limit the copy size of Time Machine

Time Machine "captures" to your needs the entire disk you will specify. If your 4 terabyte external disk, TM will store old backups until the disk is overflowed.

The only way to "doubt" Time Machine is to create a separate logical section of smaller and make backups for it. You can do it through Disk utility MacOS.

If you have a big disk, it makes sense to create a separate section of a smaller volume for Time Machine. For this disc will have to format and split into sections.

How to exclude from backup folder

Sometimes it is useful to exclude from backups defined directory, such as a folder Downloads or Filmsin which files often appear and delete.

In order to exclude the desired folder, go to  ▸ System Settings ▸ Time Machine ▸ Settings and add it to the list by clicking on the + key.

Add folders that you do not want to back-up. For example download and video

How to restore files from Tim Machine

If you need to restore some file, run Time Machine from the folder Applications:

Finder ▸ Applications ▸ Time Machine

You will see the Finder window in the form of a carousel. Suppose you need to restore the file from the desktop, which would be there last week. Go to the desktop in the Finder window and then the on-screen arrows ⬆︎ ⬇︎ Move between backups until you see this file.

Click on the file and click Restore.

Restore files through time machine

If Time Machine has not been turned on, and you need to restore files, then.

How to turn off internal backups

If you configured Time Machine, but stopped connecting the disk for backups, after a couple of weeks, notice a lack of free space on the main disk.

This is because while the external disk is not connected, Time Machine creates temporary backups on the system drive.

To clean the local backups, simply connect the disc that you set up to work with Time Machine. The system itself transfers all local backups to this drive.

If you do not have the ability to connect the disk to the computer, then delete the /.mobilebackups folder in which local backups are stored.

If you want to completely disable local backups, then run Terminal Team:

sudo Tmutil DisableLocal

Enable local backups back:

sudo Tmutil Enablelocal

If you disable local backups, then the machine will work only when an external drive is connected to the computer.

🌿 Remember

  1. To enable Time Machine be sure to need an external disk. With a system disk or "cloud" this function does not work;
  2. I recommend buying SSD. These discs are more reliable and faster mechanical. And not afraid of falls;
  3. Be sure to enable disk encryption so that no one can access your files in the backup;
  4. Backup occurs automatically and every hour if the computer is connected to the power source;
  5. It is desirable that the size of the disk is twice as much, the disk of your MacBook or IMAC. So you can have backup files for the last few months.

Immediately, I will say that the planet, in my opinion, the easiest to configure the provider, but it has 1 underwater stone, which can take a little from balance, if you do not know about it (details below)! I was engaged in the configuration from a friend where I was able to make a bunch of screenshots, and get a wonderful photo from! So, proceed (under the cut many pictures)!

Airport Time Capsule.

The first thing to be done is to enable the network access point, connect the cable from the provider to the WAN connector and run the Airport utility (Programs / Utilities). If the access point has already been configured on the previous provider, it is better to make a reset by pressing and holding 10 seconds to a special button on the rear AIRPORT panel, and adjust it from scratch. Note that the data on the disk (in the case of Time Capsule) is not deleted, only network settings are reset and WiFi!

After all the conditions from the previous paragraph were completed, proceed to the configuration. First, we must choose our access point from the list of available networks.

Select a new access point

Immediately after that, an Airport utility can be opened with a pre-configuration of Capsule. If this did not happen, boldly launch it!

The first inclusion of Airport
Automotive Airport.

The access point will be prepared for the configuration, and if you have ever configured other Airport from your computer, then the system will automatically move them to check the settings.

After the search for all previous options, the utility will give you the fields to enter the basic settings.

Enter the network name and password

Immediately make a reservation that I chose the item other parameters, as it will give a little more options for setting up. As a result, we see such a window:

Creating a new network

In this case, it was necessary to configure Time Capsule, as a new one, and I chose the first item. I think that you need the same. Boldly press further!

Enter the network name and password

Here we prescribe the basic parameters of the future network. The network name is how the network will be video from your devices, the name of the base station is the identifier of the access point itself (it will be displayed later in the Finder's side menu, when accessing a disk), password - password for which you will connect to Airport. The first and second name can be made the same. By the way, to access the network and the settings of it, you can make different passwords. It is necessary if you want to protect your network from unauthorized reconfiguration, for example, in an office or public place (café). After filling all the fields, we safely move forward.

Guest networking

In a new window, you can activate the guest network. She needs for example if you want to distribute the Internet and be on the same network with someone, but do not want someone to have access to the built-in disk (or to USB connected in the case of AirPort Time Capsule and Extreme ). If you skip this item and configure the guest network, it will be possible to activate it later, from the advanced AIRPORT utility settings. Go ahead.

Preservation of parameters

At this stage, the settings are applied and reboot the access point. After all that we did with a point of access, she should take it all.

After rebooting, we see the globe icons, personifying the Internet, and our AirPort Time Capsule. If you click on it, we will see a small menu where it will be possible to enter into a thin adjustment of the access point. To do this, click on changing.

Thin setting Time Capsule

The first tab allows you to configure the base station.

Base Station Tab

Here we see already familiar fields in which we will not change anything, if there is no sharp necessity. You can also configure using Apple ID if you press on the plus and enter your ID and password. Let us turn to the Internet tab.

Enter requisites

In this window, you will need to enter your internet details that provided you with the provider. I remembered several providers with which Airport - Planet works, ... maybe others, but so with the go I will not say. Why these providers? Yes, just because they do not use tunneling (VPN), which is not supported with apple access points. Cabinet,, MTS, Beeline, Akado use VPN, and to configure AirPort Express / Extreme, you will pre-need a VPN router that will connect to the provider, and only then distribute "clean" (by DHCP or statics) Internet apple Access point.

As for the underwater stone at the planet (Convex and Romsky) - they have a binding on the MAC address, and if you change the router, you will need to call the technical support service and ask to recoup the point (you may need passport data). After a successful conversation with TP, you can access the Internet.

By the way, if the provider automatically displays props, then leave to connect through, in the DHCP state. If some other parameters (static IP or PPPoE) are used, then choose it:

Select the type of connection

After selecting the type of connection and entering the details, you can go to the next tab.

Setting up a wireless network

At this stage, you can change the work of the access point itself, in case it is a continuation of an existing wireless network. In this case, in the Network Mode menu, you need to select rashes. Wireless network. To meet a similar case can in a large house or office, where the range of one point may not be enough.

Wireless Wireless Type

You can also change the WPA, WPA 2 network encryption method and others. By the way, if at the stage of the primary setting of Airport you did not create a guest network, then this can be done here.

If you press the Parameters button ..., then we will open another interesting field:

Network Activation 5 GHz

In this window, you can activate the 5GHz frequency network, as well as select a channel for a wireless network. Now you will not stop in detail on this, you can try to experiment yourself and decide which mode of work more suitable for you. If there are no questions here, click Save and go to the next tab - Network:

Thin setting network settings

I would be happy to tell in detail about all points, only you will not need them in most cases. And if you need, you can always 🙂

We turn to the last tab - disk.

Setting the built-in disk

In the case of setting up Tima Capsule, you will see the built-in disk, its volume and free space on it. Here you can clear the disk, or transfer all the data to the outer disk by clicking the Archive Disk button. You will not touch other settings - everything works like it!

If you have passed on all items and chose the settings suitable for you, then boldly click on update, and agree with the update. After rebooting AirPort, you can re-connect to it and enjoy the Internet!

Let me remind you once again that AirPort Express, Extreme and Time Capsule do not support VPN! I strongly recommend considering this fact when choosing a point of access to my home, or when choosing a provider! If you still hit the situation with the VPN, do not despair - a simple "gasket" between the provider and your airport can serve as TP-Link TL-WR841, for example. Personally, I have a similar router, exports all communication in the apartment 🙂

Remote access to Time Capsule and creating backups iPhone on Time Capsule

Dear readers, as an afterbirth, I would like to clarify something else. To me very often come messages to the post of the following character:

  • the ability to remotely access Time Capsule from the Internet (without using a permanent IP address);
  • interaction with the Time Capsule and iPhone / iPad disk. How to create a backup of the phone to the capsule.

AirPort Express / Extreme / Time Capsule - home, amateur devices! They are very easily adjusted, as you saw above, but they have a very scoop functionality! You can not roll the Padavan firmware, DD-WRT or something like that, thereby expanding the airport potential ... These access points are longer suitable for the home or small office, but in no way for guys who want to squeeze the maximum of all ...

Remote access to Time Capsule is carried out only through your Apple ID. In the first tab "Basic Station", you can introduce your Apple ID at the bottom and then your capsule will be video on your Mac from any point of the world, if only there was an Internet. No, it does not roll with Windows. And it does not matter what you have a way to connect to the network: DHCP, Static or PPPoE.

How to watch movies with Time Capsule with iPhone / iPad? No, without crutches ... This access point works well only with computers. Yes, you can install a type program or and to connect the Capsule disk on the iPhone / iPad. Honestly: I tried these solutions and everything works extremely not user-Fritthley. In short, after one place ...

How to create backups iPhone / iPad on Time Capsule? Almost no. That is, directly, so that by pressing one button, a copy was created or automatically created at all - in any way! There is a bypass method, but without a computer in any way: the most ordinary backup is created in iTunes, and then the ~ / library / Application Supplication Support / Mobile Sync / Backups folder is thrown on the capsule, or wait for the next update of the copy through Time Machine, so that the local copy From iTunes hit the capsule. And then go to iTunes settings and delete a backup that it does not occupy the place on the built-in disk ... I say that it is done through one place ...

By the way, at the expense of the photo, about which I wrote at the very beginning, here she:


Many thanks to Nikita Polosov, for such a cool frame and for providing access to your AirPort Time Capsule!

A.pple.T.iMEC.apsule or another router model, you can always contact the Cyberkiper. We are configured Wi- Fi routers, as well as installing and setting up another network equipment. Our bodies 8 (499) 755-50-21.

Setting up routerAppleTime.Capsule. It differs from the setting of many other routers, like many Apple products. When you give a guide to setting up the Apple router and try to tell you about the features of its configuration.

Before you start, we give a diagram on which the Apple Time Capsule router connectors are depicted:

After unpacking the device, you need to connect the cable of your provider in the WAN port, which is located at the bottom of the router. Above there are three Ethernet LAN ports, with which you can connect your computer via cable. If the router is located next to the computers, we recommend that the cable connection is. It in any case is faster and more stable than the wireless signal. However, WiFi has recently also significantly improved its technical indicators, so all customers will receive Internet on a Wi-Fi signal without any problems. At the very bottom, you will need to connect the 220V cable, and the USB connector is provided for connecting the printer or MFP to Apple Time Capsule.

After connecting all the necessary wires, you can turn on the device.

What are the light bulbs on the Apple Timecapsule tells the following table:

Apple router operation scheme:

Apple router is configured through the Airport utility. To do this, you will need a Mac computer with OS X version 10.7.5 or higher. AIRPORT utility on a computer. Connecting over a network cable or Wi-Fi with a router. For configuration it is necessary:

  1. Open AIRPORT program
  2. Select your AirPort Time Capsule in the list of networks.
  3. Adjust the parameters of your provider, following the instructions on the screen.

In addition to the distribution function of the Internet, AirPort Time Capsule will help save all your data in one place. On the Mac computer, the backup is configured and all your data will be duplicated on Time Capsule. In case of failure of your Mac computer, you will not need data recovery, Because All information will be on an external device from which it will be easy to restore everything.

Problems and troubleshooting of the Airport Time Capsule router.

Apple Time Capsule router Location Tips:

  1. Install the router on the open surface, there should be no large-sized objects.
  2. Do not install Apple Time Capsule in a closed space, such as a cabinet box, etc. It is also not worth putting it on the carpet, it will lead to the heat of the device.
  3. Do not put large metal objects around the router, it will determine the wifi signal.
  4. Do not install foreign objects at the AirPort Time Capsule.
  5. Do not place Airport Time Capsule near the microwave ovens, radio equipment and mobile phones.

You can always call the wizard to configure the Apple Airport Time Capsule router. We will install and configure Apple router.

Good day! In one breath, I continue manuals on the work of the devices with Apple devices. Now I want to talk about connecting to the Time Capsule disk from mobile devices. As you understand, it will be about iOS devices and Android devices. I will immediately say that on Android with Time Capsule it is easier to work easier and there are more synchronization functions, which is very strange, like Apple, and it works defective, and then only with the iPad (the found way to connect to the iPhone is a big human thank you). So, let's begin.

1. A little theory and what we need.

Let's start with the theory, or why so just connect? Everything is very simple: Time Capsule works on the SMB protocol, which is supported by some programs. When finished with the theory, we turn to the list of programs:
For iPad: OPLAYER HD (
3. Click +, then "Windows Server (Samba)" and see the window:

Host - Time Capsule IP address on the network ( or - it all depends on the settings, by default
Port - do not touch
Login - Time Capsule disk user name
Password - Password User Time Capsule
Name - any name of the server (Kolya, Lesha, Time Capsule Home and TD)
4. Click "Save" and Voua-La, the server added:

Now you can watch movies directly with Time Capsule
Bugs: When laying pause, the sound / picture is suspended.

"Friend Android with Time Capsule"

Here you have to tinker a little, but the result is worth: movies, music and files - all this can be swing right on the device! So, let's begin:
1. Open ES Explorer (RUS ES Explorer):

2. Make a swipe left or right, click "Network" (Left Top Angle):

3. Select LAN:

4. Click "Create"
5. Select the "server":

6. Window opens:

Domain - do not touch;
Address - IP address Time Capsule on the net ( or - it all depends on the settings, by default;
Login - Time Capsule disk user name;
Password - Password of user Time Capsule;
Name - any name of the server (Kolya, Lesha, Time Capsule Home and TD).
7. Wu-Ala, the server appeared in the program.
8. You ask for what we put Rock-Player, I will answer: To view the video from the capsule! The video goes quite comfortable, the player supports many file formats, in general - I recommend! The same program you can play video from the device.

Here is generally all possible settings. Everything is not really difficult, as it seems. If you have questions - ask, let's understand together