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New email address on Yandex. How to create email free - instructions for registering mailbox (email)

Oddly enough, but in the 21 computer century, we still can't do without mail, or rather without email. Every newcomer when meeting the global network Internet faces the task of creating and registering its free mailboxSince without your email will not be able to register in any social network, various services, besides using an email, it is convenient to send messages to any end of the world. From this article you can find out: What is email, how to register a mailbox which postal service to choose for your email address and many more interesting and useful things.

Email - what it is

Email - This is a technology with which you can send messages, pictures, video and music files at a distance to other Internet participants (in English it is: electronicmailreduced - e-mail oremail). In other words, email is an analogue of the usual "paper" mail, but only on the international Internet. The concepts are also used here: a letter, send, get, attachment, signature, address. In everyday life, people usually say "electronic", "soap", "box", "email".

If you think that email is a rather young creature, I hurry you surprise - Her age has been more than half a century! Under the most recent data, the appearance of email - it is 1965 - it was then that Noel Morris and Tom Van Ekle (Employees of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology) developed a program « mail "With which it became possible to transmit messages between jobs connected to one large computers:

After the global domain name system appears (DNS), it began to use domain names in the address of the domain names, for example: [Email Protected], it was then that the so-called "dog" appeared - @ .

Finally, in the mid-1990s, mass email services appeared in the mid-1990s:

  • 1996 - launched hotmail;
  • 1997 - Mail Yahoo!;
  • 1998 - Russian service Mail.Ru;
  • 2000 - Yandex Mail;
  • 2004 - Mail Gmail Google.

The advantages of e-mail can be attributed to: the ease of memorizing an email address, which usually looks like this: the name of @ domain_servis; Another plus is the ability to send any information: text, files, images, audio, video, programs, etc.; independence of postal services; Reliability and speed of mail delivery.

From minuses should be noted such a phenomenon as Spammass mailing. advertising information without the consent of the owner of the mailbox; As well as regular mail, electronic, also peculiar to the delay in the delivery of letters; And the last minus is a restriction on the size of a forwarded attachment, it usually should not exceed 10 GB. (Mail Yahu) - postal service from the oldest search engine "Yahoo!", quite popular in the West, is not very common in our country. There is a Russian interface. You can use for secondary purposes. Register here:

How to register email - I share secrets

If you read up to this place, then the question is with the choice of postal service (see above) for you is resolved. The registration process for all mailers is in principle the same and described many times on the Internet, so I will not repeat this. Better I will share with you some secrets that few people know from newbies:

  1. You can register an arbitrarily mailboxes and on different services (Jimiel, Yandekstock, Mylru, etc.). Restrictions on the number of email addresses for one person does not exist.
  2. To create mail it is not necessary to specify the phone number, you can do without it, then upon registration you will be offered to enter the "secret" question, the answer to which you know only you. Tip: if you are worried about the safety of your drawer content, specify your number when registering mobile phoneThis will protect from hacking your post by 99%. If you already have an email, you can also tie your phone number to it, this opportunity is now in most mail services.
  3. Choosing name for your email Do not create too long and complicated, it is difficult to remember, here are the examples of such "stupid" addresses: [Email Protected], [Email Protected], [Email Protected] - Apparently people have difficulty imagination ... Of course, all beautiful and short names have long been busy (they even trade with such "beautiful" boxes!), But with a certain effort, you can come up with something original and easily memorable, for example: [Email Protected], [Email Protected], [Email Protected], [Email Protected] :-).
  4. Password for mail It is important than it is more difficult, the harder it will be for hackers. But there is a reverse side of the medal - the longer the password, the more difficult it is to remember it. Therefore, I recommend making passwords with a length of 10-15 characters and record them separately somewhere in the voice recorder. You can of course store passwords in the browser or in special programs, but it is less reliable. Turn on the password letters, numbers and signs. Sharing Fishka - To make it easier to remember the password, pick it up with Russian words, but in english layout On the keyboard, such as your password "Puss in Boots" In the English layout will look like this: « rjndcfgjuf [". But in such a simple form, do not leave the password, complicate it adding capital letters, several signs and numbers: " Cat! In! Boots10 " - In English it will look like this: « RJN!d!fGJUF)