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Connect the phone to the office. How to connect digital office PBX

Currently a good telephone connection is a vital necessity for any business. And the higher its quality, the easier it is to establish contacts with clients and partners. The company "MULTICOM" already for a long time Works in the market of services such a profile and is engaged in telephonification of offices and buildings. Great experience Work and use of only the latest technologies allow you to supply companies guaranteed by high-quality services.

Today it is difficult to imagine an organization that would not have access to a telephone connection. Connecting a city phone - the first thing, about what the leaders of large and small companies are conceived, drawing up their office. This is not surprising, taking into account the number of important issues that daily have to solve the management and organization employees by telephone.

How is the installation of urban phones?

If the company requires a city phone to an office in Moscow, then it is necessary to contact our company for help. Our experts will be happy to answer all your questions and offer the following connection options:

Option The first and most standard for the implementation of telephone communications in the office is a traditional urban room that can be obtained by laying a cable. But here a number of problems are possible, the standard telephone communication may be accompanied by some difficulties.

First, in major cities, as a rule, all available options are already disassembled, and getting a city phone number for a new office is very and very difficult. After all, the number of sentences of city phone numbers is limited. The same applies to connecting additional rooms and lines if the business grows and expands, requires improvement of communication, new phone numbers or new lines, that is, multi-block. In addition, the chances of getting a well-memorable number here are very very low. The disadvantages of this type of communication are obvious, and, first of all, this is a limited number of rooms and small opportunities for business expansion and the entire system. As already mentioned, with such a connection it is more difficult to increase the number of telephone lines on one phone number, that is, to organize a multichannel phone number. But the company "Multi" can provide you with the required amount of direct lines and numbers. Last, by the way, you can choose at your own request. It is possible to choose the most easily memorable numbers.

The second option that has become becoming increasingly popular is to install a virtual direct urban phone number. This "direct virtual telephone number" service is a very convenient option for those who want to quickly and effectively solve all communications problems. If you do not have the opportunity to hold the phone to the office stationary, then there will be a connection with the Internet, which is often easier to connect. If there are at least one of the channels, it will solve almost all communications problems. In this case, the gasket is not performed telephone cable, and the connection is established via the Internet, which makes it possible to connect the phone almost on any territory.

There are quite a lot of advantages. On the one hand, the connection can be adjusted anywhere where there is an Internet, while the functionality is much wider, plus, it is worth mentioning the widest possible possibilities of virtual PBX.

However, it is not enough to just buy a city phone, you need to make sure that the quality of communication will be really worthy, because it significantly affects the results of the negotiations. The company "MULTICOM" has tremendous experience in installing urban phones and uses the latest technology Telephoneization, so many corporate clients have been convinced of the high quality of the services provided.

What gives a virtual phone number?

In reality, it works as well as the real one, its device is only significantly different. It allows you to connect the phone to the office without any extra problems, even where it is simply in principle there can be no stationary telephone line. And at the same time, it is possible to enjoy all the advantages of direct city numbers.

The city number obtained by the Internet makes it possible to conduct business anywhere, at the same time, receiving calls as on landline phone. At the same time, the functionality of the virtual station allows you to redirect calls to where it is required, including to merge into unified Network Cell phones. So, if you need a phone to the office, but I don't want to spend money for renting an expensive room, you can simply connect the virtual direct urban number and get calls from it any other place.

The company "Multi" can offer you a large number of Options, convenient direct rooms starting with 499, 495, 8-800, additional services in the form of multichannel and virtual numbers, IP ATC and much more. Our priority activity is working with corporate clients.

The company "Multico" will help you solve problems with communication. We will conduct a phone to the office in a short time and with minimal costs. Depending on the needs of the business, the right solution will be found. We have a branched network of urban lines, which allows you to organize a high-quality telephone connection without any problems.

By contacting the company "MULTICOM", each client can count on the rapid telephone connection to the office, on convenient direct numbers, for a large number of options and additional services. We will help promptly solve your problems with communication, save your time and money. Order a telephone service to office, Moscow, and in the shortest possible time a multi-channel phone number 495 and 499 will be connected in your office.

Tariffs Submit your application

Digital office PBX is a complete range of reliable fixed-line services using modern switching equipment and round-the-clock monitoring. MGTS guarantees the operational connection of the office phone, offers modern digital fax machines and tariffs that take into account the specifics of business of any scale.

Advantages of MGTS digital telephone communication

  • Simple I. fast installation. To install the phone to the office, it is necessary to organize an access line, which will be connected to the city telephone number. Depending on how many phone numbers you need, we create an appropriate number of lines. You can start taking calls from customers on the day of connecting PBX, configuring the necessary additional functions: Answering machine, number determinant, recording conversations, etc.
  • The digital telephone connection from MGTS is a full range of reliable fixed-line services using modern switching equipment and round-the-clock monitoring. This means that you will always be available to customers and partners - regardless of the load of telephone lines.
  • Digital telephone services for your company include a phone number with the ability to make local, intrazone, long-distance and international calls. If you need to serve at the same time several calls at one number we provide a multichannel (serial) number.
  • You can connect a virtual PBX or corporate PBX and use all the advantages of digital telephone connection: organize audio conferences, produce a massive customer call, translate calls between employees, connect an answering machine and short beautiful rooms ...

How to connect digital office PBX

Connecting office PBXs to the network common use It is carried out by high-speed channel. Depending on your needs at the same time supported telephone conversations The required number of connecting lines is distinguished.

The use of office PBX makes business customer-oriented, flexible and economical. The presence of the urban number speaks about the reliability of the company, provides your partners and customers with the possibility of rapid and operational communication with the head office or representative offices, increases the loyalty of their own employees.

The experience and resource possibilities of MGTS allow you to implement and operate an office PBX of any scale.

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Telecom Prix Telecom Provider provides telephony services for legal entities: Local digital telephony - Moscow and the area, long-distance and international telephone communication. Modern equipment and digital lines provided by the telephony telephony operator provide quality and resistance of communication, high availability and instant connection with any subscriber anywhere in the world. All customers have a full range of telephony services and communication equipment: IP PBX, SIP phones, VoIP gateways and other professional IP equipment. Telephonization of offices and enterprises from telephony provider Gran with Telecom,

Providing telephone services

You needed a high-quality corporate (local, long-distance, international) connection, but you do not know who to seek such services to whom? In this case, you will use the telephony that the Gran with Telecom offers. Especially for you, we have prepared a whole range of professional and affordable services. This will help you not only optimize the work of your organization, but also significantly reduce the cost of communication.
Modern telephone has enormous opportunities. There are several basic technologies with which you can connect direct multi-channel numbers and telephone to the office. We are talking about the following types of telephony:
traditional digital;
IP telephony;
Direct rooms with code 495 and 499;
Special offer for international relations.

All this allows you to choose exactly the option that is most suitable for your organization. Thanks to this, telephony has become available to all without exception. I would like to draw your attention that communication system data is wide functionality. For example, a digital, or IP connection allows you to connect an unlimited number of lines, which is an ideal solution for corporate clients. In addition, using the code 495 or 499, the customer can choose a beautiful room, which will allocate from among competitors. Corporate telephony for the enterprise will optimize the workflow of employees and add new opportunities for communication in production.
Among other things, modern telephony provides the highest quality of communication. It has the maximum protection against unauthorized penetration, so you can not be afraid listening and leakage confidential information. Moreover, this is the most profitable proposition For office, because you can combine several regional branches into one network.
The Grand Prix of Telecom offers the most profitable opportunities for you for long-term cooperation. Our experienced staff will develop an individual project taking into account the specifics of your organization, and then plug in the multichannel number with additional functionality. All questions you can discuss with our consultants.

IP telephony is the youngest "young", while a promising and inexpensive type of communication, which has a lot of advantages over the traditional compound. This is qualitatively new way data transmission without fixed telephone communication. IP call can be compared to receiving mail via E-mail - it is convenient, free of charge (or very cheap), accessible everywhere where there is a connection to the Internet.

Solution from MegaFon

How does IP telephony work?

When using the selected PBX line, you pay not only for the conversation, but also for the construction and content of telephone exchanges. That is why, in contrast to IP telephony, PBX always assumes subscription fee, regardless of the number of calls performed. Intercity and international conversations are charged separately and, as a rule, is not too profitable for the client. Transferring data via IP is a wonderful alternative for those who keep up with the times, actively uses in their business to achieve recent years and does everything to minimize costs without losing the quality of communication.

What business is applicable IP telephony?

IP telephony can be free to use, being at any point in the world. If your business is associated with frequent movements around the country and abroad, communication via IP is the perfect choice. Using conventional telephone lines, you are forced to pay for communication services in proportion to the distance between you and the interlocutor, while in the case of IP telephony the cost of the conversation will change slightly, regardless of whether you are the other subscriber in the same room or between you hundreds of kilometers.

IP telephony is an excellent solution for both small, medium and large businesses and individuals. While the selected telephone line is a definite binding to the office, IP telephony is suitable for mobile people and companies. Even if you decide to change the office or are forced to go on a business trip, you can continue to use IP telephony everywhere where there is an Internet. Agree, every time declared a new allocated telephone line for your business - the task although performing, but requiring certain temporary and cash costs. In the case of using IP telephony, you do not even have to re-pay for connecting, reissue the number and produce other unnecessary manipulations. The room for communication with your office will remain the same as the IP to which it is attached has not changed. So, you can stay in touch, wherever I use IP data transmission.

In connection with the rapid growth of the popularity of IP telephony recently, many operators are ready to provide similar services.

What is the advantage of our offer?

  • Excellent communication quality, which is especially important when carrying out business negotiations. Stable communication with high quality data transfer is an important component of the company's image.
  • High level of service: We appreciate and respect our customers, so we try to solve the difficulties that have arisen as quickly and efficiently, our specialists are always available to you. Leave an application for IP telephony connection, ask a question, to get the help of a qualified specialist on our website, as well as free Number Through the operator.
  • Available tariffs: Conversation through IP technologies is very, very democratic in terms of prices. You are already paying for traffic to the selected operator, so outgoing calls to mobile and city numbers have extremely low prices. Incoming calls are free for you, the connection to the service is also carried out free of charge.
  • High degree of negotiation protection against listening when using telephony via IP: data exchange via the IP connection guarantees the confidentiality of information. When using standard telephone communication, unfortunately, there are no discontinuing cases of attackers to your telephone line and, as a result, their long-distance and international conversations for your account. When using data transfer through the IP risk of becoming a victim of intruders is excluded.
  • Additional services, which are always available to users of IP telephony: Aon of incoming calls, the ability to set call forwarding, organizing conference calls with the participation of several subscribers and much more. You can receive calls both on the phone and on the computer (this option is confirmed in Personal Cabinet user), the write-off of the means at the same time occurs from one account, which is convenient for both individual and legal entities.
  • System electronic document Turnover: You no longer need to worry about the safety of paper documents, to organize their sending and reception, use the services of couriers, to wait for the necessary originals for a long time. We offer a popular international system of electronic document management in a variety of international level companies. You can in the shortest possible time to receive the necessary documentation that has the power of paper carrier in in electronic format. Acts, scores and other reporting documents are always available in your personal account.

The IP telephony service is often used by corporate clients whose branches are located in different cities. It is available for them to establish short internal numbers for company employees, as well as to significantly reduce the costs of telephone communication Due to the use of traffic instead of selected telephone lines. A pleasant bonus is the ability to "unify" phone numbers - you can choose uniform numbers for your employees or offices with different geographical position.

What devices are required to call ip?

You can access telephony via IP using simple IP equipment: PC (you need to install a standard software phone), a special telephone IP device, easy to use, or IP gateway. Which IP devices select to make and receive calls to solve you. Many companies today are actively using video call - for the organization video call will suit mobile phone, laptop or pc. However, if you do not want to give up the usual equipment for you and your employees, data transfer through IP channels can be configured to a regular radiotelephone and even fax using the IP gateway.

How to connect the service?

Once again, we draw your attention that the procedure for connecting to IP telephony is free.

All instructions and explanations can be obtained from our specialist, leaving an application for connecting telephony through IP on our website. To become the user of the IP telephony megaphone simply: it is enough to be our client and apply for the service