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What is the public communication network. Common Telephone Networks

The following types of public telephone networks (TFOP) are distinguished: urban, rural, zone and long-distance.

The structure of the TFP takes into account the administrative and territorial division of the country. In accordance with this, the TFT combines local and intrazone telephone networks, as well as a long-distance telephone network.

Local telephone networks include networks created in the territory of cities and rural areas. Accordingly, local networks are divided into urban and rural telephone networks (GTS and STR).

All local telephone networks, geographically located in a specific zone, are combined into the zone network. The territory of the zones, as a rule, coincides with the territory of the regions, in some cases of the region or republic.

The main criterion for the formation of zones is the number capacity, i.e. the number of subscribers, which is determined by a single seven-scale numbering within the same zone.

The largest cities of the country with seven-digit numbering subscriber vehicles are highlighted in independent zones.

The switching center of the zone telephone network is the automatic long-distance telephone station (AMTS), with which all automatic telephone stations (PBX) of urban telephone networks and central stations of rural telephone networks are associated directly or through special nodes.

Automatic MTS communicates between local zone networks; and provides an output outside the zone. Each zone is usually one, and sometimes several amces. In the latter case, one of the AMTs, located in the administrative center of the zone, is the main one, and all ATS zones are associated with each other according to the principle "each with each".

All zone telephone networks are combined into a single nationwide network using a long-distance automatically switched telephone network.

A long-distance telephone network consists of automatic switching nodes (UAC) and AMTs, interconnected by the bunches of telephone transmission channels.

All telephone networks are local, zone and long-distance - are built on the radial-nodal principle. Figure 2 shows the simplified scheme of the construction of the PSTN. The elements of a long-distance telephone network on the diagram are highlighted in bold lines. Terminated stations

long-distance telephone network are ATS. Automatic switching suggests only transit connections. The automatic switching nodes of the first and second classes of IAC I and C II are distinguished.

A long-distance telephone network has twelve oac.i, connected by the bunches of telephone channels on the principle "each with each". Each UAC I is a commuter center serving a certain territorial area. All AMTS, located on this territory, are associated with UAC I directly or through the second-class automatic switching nodes (UAC II). Consequently, each WAI has a connection with all other networks of the network, and in addition, with the WAACI and some AMTS, located on its transit territory.

The automatic second-class automatic switching nodes are an intermediate link between UAC I and several amces of the territory and are created in the presence of a technical and economic expediency of combining the load of AMTS groups. Some AMCs can be associated simultaneously with the II II and C uAC, and if necessary (the presence of mutual gravity), direct channels with other AMTS can have (in Fig. 2 shows the dash lines).

Each AMTs serves one zone telephone network. In the figure, the barcpunctive lines are conditionally shown by the territories of served zones. The telephone network of the selected zone consists of their three local networks: two STS and one GTS associated with AMTS.

Figure 2 - Scheme of building TFP.

In addition to TFT, there are also institutions departmentalcorporate telephone networks that provide internal telephony of enterprises, institutions, corporations, organizations. Such networks can be completely autonomous, but most often they have access to public telephone network.

Communication network - Collapse technical means and the distribution environment that ensure the transmission and distribution of information from many sources to many recipients.

Communication networks based on telecommunication funds are called telecommunications networks. Information transmission is made by multichannel transmission systems, distribution - switching stations.

The literature of communication network is classified for the purpose, the nature of the formation and allocation of channels, types of switching, on the equipment and conditions of placement, the degree of automation. Consider in more detail the classification features of communication networks.

The classification of communication networks can be represented as a scheme shown in Figure 2.

  • 1.P. appointment Communication networks are divided into two large groups:
    • v network communication network
    • v network communication network.

The public communication network is created to ensure the services of communication of the population, various institutions, enterprises and organizations. Of the laws of the Russian Federation: the public communication network is intended for paid telecommunication services to any user of communication services in the territory Russian Federation and includes telecommunication networks defined by geographically within the service area and numbering resource and non-geographically determined within the territory of the Russian Federation and the numbering resource, as well as a communication network determined by technology for the implementation of communication services

When building a communication networks of limited use, specific requirements are implemented due to the nature of the activities of a department, in the interest of which this network is created, and also provides for the possibility of publishing subscribers to a common network. These networks include networks internal communication and long-distance networks. These are special-purpose communication networks, allocated communication networks.

Intercommunicative or technological communication networks: telecommunication networks of federal executive bodies, as well as enterprises, institutions and organizations created to manage intricraw activities and technological processes that have no access to the public communication network.

  • 2. According to the nature of the formations and allocation of communication channels communication networks are divided into
  • v primary
  • v Secondary.

Primary network - A combination of typical physical chains, standard transmission channels and network paths formed on the basis of network nodes, network stations, terminal devices primary network and connecting their transmission lines. In this case, under a typical physical chain and a typical channel, a physical chain and transmission channel is understood, the parameters of which correspond to the adopted standards.

Network tract - typical group tract or several sequentially connected typical group tracts with the entrance and output of the path of formation of the path.

Secondary communication network - A set of lines and communication channels formed on the basis of the primary network, stations and switching sites or stations and switching sites providing a certain type of communication.

The main task of the primary network is the formation of typical channels and group communication paths, the secondary network task is to deliver messages a certain view from the source to the consumer.

The primary network in turn is classified by territorial sign:

  • v Main primary network connects channels different types all regional, edge and republican centers of the country;
  • v The intrazone primary network is part of the primary network, limited by the territory of one zone that coincides with the administrative boundaries of the region, the region, the republic. In some cases, the intrazonial network can cover several areas and, on the contrary, several intrazon networks may be within one territorial unit;
  • v Local primary networks are part of the network, limited by the territory of the city or rural area. They provide the output of messaging channels directly at the station and further to subscribers.
  • v zone primary networks are association of intrazone and local primary networks into one network.

The hierarchy of the primary communication can be seen in Figure 3.

Figure 3 - The primary network hierarchy

3. Section of primary and secondary communication networks on the coverage of the territory.

Depending on the service area of \u200b\u200bthe network there are local, corporate, national, global (territorial). As well as rural, urban, intraregional, local, long-distance (trunk for the primary network), international.

Local communication network - A communication network located within some territory (enterprise, firm, etc.).

Corporate communication network - communication network that unites networks of individual enterprises (firms, organizations, joint-stock companies, etc.) on the scale of both one and several states.

Intraban, or zone communication network, - Long-distance telecommunication network within the territory of one or more subjects of the Federation.

Main communication network - Intercity telecommunication network between the center of the Russian Federation and the centers of the subjects of the Federation, as well as between the centers of the subjects of the Federation.

Intercity Communication network is a communication network that provides communication between subscribers located on the territory of different subjects of the Russian Federation or various administrative regions of one subject of the Russian Federation (except for districts in the city).

International The communication network is a set of international stations and connecting their channels, providing international relations of subscribers of various national networks.

Local network communication - telecommunication network formed within the administrative or other principle of the territory not related to regional communication networks; Local networks are divided into rural and urban.

Rural The communication network is a communication network that provides telephone communications on the territory of rural administrative districts.

Urban communication network - network that serves needs big City. City Network Function - Work as a basic highway for communication local networks Total cities.

National communication network - The communication network of this country, which provides communication between subscribers within this country and entering the international network.

Global (Territorial) Network Communication unites networks located in different geographic areas of the globe. One example of such a network may be Internet.

4 . According to the territory of the territorycommunication networks are divided into long-distance, international, local (rural, urban).

The main definitions are written in subparagraph 3.

5. Separation of networks according to the transmitted information. According to the transmitted information, digital, analog and mixed communications networks are distinguished.

Analogue communication is the transmission of a continuous signal.

Digital communication is the transmission of information in a discrete form (digital form). The digital signal in its physical nature is analog, however, the information transmitted to it is determined by the final set of signal levels. Numerical methods are applied to process the digital signal.

The existence of mixed networks is characteristic when switching from analog communication networks to digital.

  • 6. The equipment and conditions for placing the communication network are divided into
  • v Mobile
  • v stationary

Under mobile communications are understood, the elements of which (CC, linear communications) are placed on the transport base and can move. One of the common types mobile networks is a field communication network of military assignment.

Stationary communications networks are created on the basis of nodes of communication placed in stationary structures. In stationary networks, if necessary, mobile elements may be included, for example, when replaced by a short time, failed stationary elements, temporary location of subscribers on moving objects, the need to temporarily enhance certain network elements.

  • 7. According to the degree of automation of communication networks are divided into:
    • v Non-Automated
    • v automated
    • v automatic.

On the non-automated Communication networks All or overwhelming majority of basic operations are performed by a person.

Automated Networks are called in which the overwhelming number of functions for performing a certain amount of operations is carried out by a technical device.

Such networks are estimated in the degree of automation, which is determined by the coefficient Kaequal to the ratio of the volume of operations performed by technical devices to the total volume of operations performed:

where nS. - the total amount of operations performed in a certain time, nA - The number of operations performed by automata.

Automatic Networks provide for all functions for transmitting and switching messages with automata.

8. By type of switching Networks are divided into switched, partially switched and non-commutable.

For switched and partially switched Communication networks are characterized by the use of various switching options.

Long term It is called switching, in which a permanent connection is established between two network points.

Operative The switching is called, in which a temporary connection is organized between two network points of the network.

The combination of operational I.long term Switching suggests that on some regions of the information direction of the communication network, long-term switching can be used, and on other operational.

Switchable communication network - this is a secondary network that provides a connection on the request of the subscriber or in accordance with specified program Through the telecommunication channel of the secondary network terminal devices using switching stations and switching nodes at the time of transmitting messages. Transmission channels in switched networks are common channels. On partially switched communication networks, the use of all long-term and operational switching systems is envisaged. Rectors of communication networks are also relating to the class of partially switched.

TO non-commutable communication networks Requires secondary networks that provide long-term (permanent and temporary) connecting terminal devices (terminals) through the telecommunication channel using stations and switching sites. Uncommunicable networks include a reference communication network.

  • 9.Things networks according to the type of communication. Depending on the type of communication, communication network is divided into telephone, video telephone, telegraph, facsimile, data transmission, network of sound and television broadcasting.
  • v. Telephone network - This is the most common type of operational communication. Subscribers of the network may be individuals, so legal - enterprises and organizations. It is used for transmitting analog messages, so digital and text or graphic, so the telephone network subscribers can not be not only people, as well as various hardware.

The principle of the telephone network is based on the transmission of the audio signal by electrical wires. The first telephone station opened in 1877 in Connecticut (USA). Telephonists manually connected to the subscriber among themselves. In 1833, a telephone connection between Boston and New York was already opened. The first telephone lines were free, and only young men could operate telephonists.

Today, the telephone network is a set of commutations whose role is performed by PBX (automatic telephone stations), and connecting and communication channels.

v. Broadcasting- Organization and distribution through systems, networks, electrical communications tools of various messages for the population. Broadcasting is a media.

There is the following classification: sound and TV broadcasting - depending on the type of messages.

Sound broadcasting call the process of circular transmission of various sound information in a wide circle geographically dispersed listeners through a special totality of technical means.

The primary television signal is also formed by the sweep method. The spectrum of the video signal depends on the nature of the image, and the energy spectrum focuses in the strip F \u003d 0 ... 6 MHz.

Moreover, color television is compatible with black and white television, i.e. Color image is taken with black and white television and on the contrary, color TVs perceive a black and white image.

  • v. Telegraph communication networks Designed to transmit (receiving) open text messages (telegrams) or pre-encrypted (cryptograms). To organize a telegraph connection, these terminal devices are used as telegraph devices and personal computers.
  • v. Facsimile networks Designed for transmission (reception) of messages in the form of printed, handwritten, graphic and other fixed images of flat originals with playback in the reception point of their copies. In the networks of this type of communication, special terminal devices are used - fax machines.
  • v. Data transfer network - a system consisting of terminals (terminals) connected by data transmission channels and switching devices (network nodes), and intended for exchanging information messages between all end devices.
  • 10. Separation of networks according to the degree of security. According to this, the network of communication network is divided into protected (network of encrypted telephone, encrypted telegraph communications, etc.) and unprotected. In turn, the guaranteed and temporary resistance equipment can be used in secure networks.
  • 11. Separation of networks by family (used equipment). By touch (used equipment), communication networks can be divided into wired (cable, air, fiber-optic) and radio networks (radio relay, tropospheric, satellite, meteorous, ionospheric, etc.).

The wired communication lines include airlines (metal conductors, the laying of which is opened open, by tensioning between the supports with fixatives on the insulators) and cable lines Communications (metal conductors, isolated from each other and from the environment, whose laying is opened open, on the surface of something, or under the ground, under water, in sewage facilities).

The advantages of wired communication networks:

  • v no mutual interference with joint laying large number lines in a limited territory (subject to certain rules of laying);
  • v small level of own interference in lines and wires of wired communication, which determines relatively high quality communication, ensuring reliability, timeliness and accuracy of messaging;
  • v relative message transfer secrecy;
  • v in a wired communication is more complicated than in radio communication, create intentional interference with the exchange of messages, etc.

Disadvantages of wired communication networks:

  • v The need for significant financial and material costs caused by the need to organize and conduct expensive earthworks (especially in cities), the need to use expensive materials (non-ferrous metals, etc.);
  • v Impossibility (increased complexity) of laying and operating lines in hard-to-reach area (in wetlands, in the mountains);

the exposure of wired lines of destruction in natural and technogenic emergencies, as well as the possibility of their intentional damage.

Funds wireless communication (Including radio communications) in the modern world play one of the leading roles in the process of transferring and processing information. From the first experiments on wireless telecommunication, some 100 years have passed, but during this time, the means and technology of radio communications (wireless communications), as an integral part of scientific and technological progress, penetrated many areas of modern society.

Modern means of wireless communication, despite minor dimensions and weight, often quite complicated technical devicesrequiring qualified specialists in the design of such systems and maintain their high performance.

Benefits wireless lines Communication is obvious: this is economy (it is not necessary to dig a trench for laying a cable and rent land); low operating costs; High bandwidth and digital communication quality; Fast deployment and change network configuration; Easy overcoming obstacles - railways, rivers, mountains, etc.

Wireless communication in the radio view is limited to the overload and deficiency of the frequency band, insufficient secrecy, susceptibility to interference, including intentional, and from neighboring channels, increased power consumption. In addition, for radio communications, long-term coordination and registration with the appointment of frequencies of the State Unitary Enterprise (in our country the state authorized body), rent for a canal, mandatory certification of radio equipment by the State Commission on Radio Frequids.

Serious minuses of wireless communication are: while there is a relatively low bandwidth; Poor passage of the signal through the walls, the ability to intercept data or unregistered login, if you do not use additional safety mechanisms.

12. Also all networks can be divided by the type of topology.

The simplest network of communication consists of two nodes and one branch (Fig.4.)

Figure 4 - Simplest communication network

Such a network is called degenerate. More complex networks are characterized by a spatial structure (or topology).

v First Topology is a total tire (OSH) (Fig. 5)

Figure 5 - Topology Total bus

On this principle, computer networks are being built, technological information networks on railway transport.

Advantages: Easy (as one communication channel is used).

  • v ring topology (Fig. 6)

Figure 6 - Ring Topology

In the ring topology, the information is transmitted in a circle, as a rule - this is a road-level wired communication, computer networks, circular call transmission.

Advantages: simplicity and higher reliability compared to the total tire.

The disadvantage is the laying of additional communication channels.

v Star-shaped or radial topology (Fig. 7)

Figure 7 - Radial Topology

Tsus - central communication node;

1, 2, 3 -periferial communication nodes.

On the principle of star-shaped (radial) topology, wired, fiber optic and radio systems are being built.

Advantages: simplicity and good reliability.

v complete connection topology (Fig. 8).

Figure 8 - complete connection topology

The principle of complete-link topology is used in particularly responsible types of communication, as well as in some types of radio communications.

Advantages: High reliability, because when you exit even multiple communication channels, the network can function normally.

Disadvantages: big value and length of communication channels.

v tree or nodal topology (Fig. 9)

Figure 9 - Topology

On the principle of tree-like (nodal) topology, many railway transport systems are being built.

Advantages: Small channel number when big number nodes.

13. By way of delivery of messages distinguish networks Switching channels and networks with accumulation (network switched network and packet switching).

Channel Switching Networks - To transmit between terminal devices, a physical or logical channel is highlighted, according to which there is a continuous transmission of information during the entire communication session. The transfer route in such systems, as a rule, is determined when the communication session is established and does not change until the end. Network with channel switches is, for example, a telephone network. In such networks, it is possible to use nodes a very simple organization, right up to manual switching, but the disadvantage of such an organization is the inefficient use of communication channels or an increase in the connection time of the connection if the information flow is non-permanent and low-consumable.

Package Switching Networks - Messages between nodes in such a network are transmitted by short parcels - packages that are switched independently and are combined in the nearest network to the recipient. According to such a scheme, the overwhelming majority computer networks. This type of organization is highly efficiently using data channels between network nodes, but requires more complex components of the nodes (implementing the separation of messages to packages, their routing, packet temporary storage, delivery of delivery to the recipient node and recover the messages from the packets in the terminal node of the network), Which predetermined its application in large information and telecommunication networks, the example of which is the Internet.

In accordance with Part 1 of Article 12 of the Federal Law of 07.07.2003 No. 126-FZ "On Communications" (Law 126-FZ), a unified telecommunication network of the Russian Federation consists of telecommunication networks located on the territory of the Russian Federation of the following categories.

  • general use network;
  • allocated communication networks;
  • technological communication networks attached to public communication networks;
  • special destination communication networks.

General Communication Network

The public communication network is designed to pay for the provision of telecommunication services to any user of communication services in the Russian Federation.

Based on this, it can be concluded that the agreement on the provision of communication services concluded by the Operator's Operator's Operator is a public contract. According to Article 426 of the Civil Code (GK), a public contract recognizes a contract concluded by a commercial organization and establishing its responsibilities for the sale of goods, the performance of work or the provision of services, which such an organization should be carried out in relation to everyone who will appeal to it (retail trade , Transportation of public transport, communication services, power supply, medical, hotel service, etc.). A commercial organization is not entitled to prefer one person to another in relation to the conclusion of a public contract, except for the cases provided for by law and other legal acts. In addition, the price of communication services, as well as other conditions of the public contract, are established the same for all consumers, unless the law and other legal acts are allowed to provide benefits for individual categories of consumers.

Refusal of a commercial organization from the conclusion of a public contract if there is an opportunity to provide the consumer relevant communication services is not allowed. With unfounded evasion of a commercial organization from the conclusion of a public contract, the other party is entitled to apply to the court with the requirement of concluding a contract. The side, unreasonably evading the conclusion of the contract, should reimburse the other party caused by these losses.

General Communication Network includes:

  • telecommunication networks defined geographically within the service area and numbering resource. The code of the geographically defined numbering zone is part of the digital structure symbols of the number that determines the location of the user (terminal) equipment within the territory of the subject of the Russian Federation;
  • telecommunication networks not defined by geographically within the territory of the Russian Federation and the numbering resource. The code of the geographically not defined numbering zone is part of the digital structure of the number, which determines the type of telecommunication service or telecommunication network, functioning within the entire territory of the Russian Federation or its part.
The telephone communication network includes:
  • network of fixed telephone communication, defined by geographically within the territory of the serviced territory and using the numbering resource of geographically defined numbering zones;
  • mobile radio communications networks not defined by geographically within the territory of the Russian Federation and using the numbering resource of geographically not defined numbering zones;
  • mobile radio telephone communications networks that are not defined geographically within the territory of the Russian Federation and using the numbering resource of geographically non-defined numbering zones;
  • networks of mobile satellite radio communications not defined by geographically and using the numbering resource of geographically non-defined numbering zones.
Communication networks defined by technology for the implementation of the provision of communication services include:
  • data networks;
  • telegraph communications network (including Telex networks);
  • communication networks to distribute television broadcasting programs and broadcasting;
  • communication networks defined by technology for the provision of communication services.
The public communication network is a complex of telecommunication networks, including communication networks to disseminate television broadcasting programs and broadcasting.

The interaction of communication networks is possible when they are attached to each other. The connection of telecommunication networks is to establish a technical and technological interaction of the communication tools of two communication networks, which becomes possible to pass traffic between these networks, bypassing other communication networks. Connecting television and radio communication networks - establishing a technical and technological interaction of the communication tools of two television and radio communication networks, which becomes possible to skip the signals of television programs and (or) radio programs between these networks, bypassing other communication networks. The accession of telecommunication networks and their interaction are carried out on the basis of concluded contracts. The public communication network has accession to the networks of public relations to networks.

The television and radio communication network is part of the public communication network determined by the technology for the implementation of the provision of communication services, and includes:

  • network of terrestrial broadcasting broadcasting;
  • cable broadcasting networks;
  • network of satellite broadcasting;
  • wired broadcasting networks.

Dedicated communication networks

In accordance with Part 1 of Article 14 of the Law 126-FZ, telecommunication networks are telecommunications, intended for compensated for the provision of telecommunication services by a limited circle of users or groups of such users. This network functions only in the specified circle of users, and this is its main difference from the public communication network.

Selected communication networks can interact with each other, i.e. They can have attachment points and exchange traffic. An important condition is that this interaction can be carried out only between the allocated networks. In addition, for allocated communication networks operating in the Russian Federation, the requirements for identifying communication networks, their nodal and end elements, including the number of number, are set by operators of these communication networks on their own taking into account the recommendations of the Ministry of Communications and mass communications RF.

Dedicated communication networks do not have accession to the public communication network, as well as to the networks of the public relations of foreign countries. The allocated communication network can be attached to the public communication network only in one case - when it is transferred to the public communication network category, if the allocated communication network meets the requirements established for the public communication network. At the same time, the selected numbering resource is withdrawn and the numbering resource from the public relationship numbering resource is made.

Technologies and communications used to organize allocated communication networks, as well as the principles of their construction are set by owners or other owners of these networks. This also consists of the next difference between the allocated network of communication network. For the latter there are general universal rulesapproved by the competent government agencies.

Communication operators of all communication network categories unified Network Telecommunications of the Russian Federation are required to create management systems for their communication networks that correspond to the established procedure for their interaction.

In accordance with Part 2 of Article 14 of the Law 126-FZ, the provision of communication services by operators of allocated communication networks is carried out on the basis of relevant licenses within the territories specified in them and using the numbering assigned to each allocated communication network in the manner established by the federal executive body in the field of Communication.

There are two types of names of communication services introduced in licenses to carry out activities in the provision of communication services:

  • telephone services in a highlighted communication network;
  • mobile radio services in a highlighted communication network.

See also an article.

General use is intended for compensated for the provision of telecommunication services to any user of communication services in the Russian Federation and includes telecommunication networks defined by geographically within the territory and numbering resource and non-refined geographically within the territory of the Russian Federation and the numbering resource, as well as network communications, Defined according to the technology of implementing the provision of communication services.

2. General Communication network is a complex of telecommunication networks, including a communication network for broadcasting television channels and (or) radio channels.

(as amended by Federal Law of July 27, 2010 N 221-FZ)

General Communication Network has accession to the networks of public relations to networks ... "

A source:

the federal law from 07.07.2003 N 126-FZ (ed. from 07.28.2012) "On Communication"

"... 43. General Communication network is an integral part of the interconnected communication network of the Russian Federation, open to all physical and legal entities, in which these persons cannot be denied ... "

A source:

Order of the Ministry of Transport of the Russian Federation N 137, Ministry of Communications of the Russian Federation N 190, State Committee for RF N 291 dated 04.11.2000 "On Approval of Relules for the Radio Communication of the Marine Mobile Service and Maritime Mobile Satellite Service of the Russian Federation" (registered in the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation 21.12.2000 N 2503)

Official terminology. Academician. 2012.

Watch what is the "General Communication Network" in other dictionaries:

    general Communication Network - SSP composite part of the interconnected network of the Russian Federation, open to all individuals and legal entities, in which these persons cannot be denied. [The Russian Federation. Federal Law "O ... ...

    General Communication Network - The integral part of the interconnected network of communication of the Russian Federation, open to all individuals and legal entities, in which these persons cannot be denied. Edwart. Dictionary of Terms of the Ministry of Emergency Situations, 2010 ... Dictionary rapid situations

    General Communication Network - Composite part of the interconnected communication network of the Russian Federation, open to all individuals and legal entities, in services of which these persons cannot be denied ... Legal encyclopedia

    general Communication Network - 40 General Communication Network; SSP: The telecommunication network, which is intended for the provision of telecommunication services to any user of communication services in the Russian Federation and is a complex of interacting ... ...

    General Communication Network - 1. The integral part of the interconnected network of communication of the Russian Federation, open to all individuals and legal entities, in which these persons cannot be refused to be refused in document: approved by the decision of the GCRH from 28 ... ... Telecommunication Dictionary

    General Communication Network - Composite part of the interconnected network of the Russian Federation, open to all individuals and legal entities, in services of which these persons cannot be denied. Federal Law of 16.02.95 N 15 FZ, st.2 ... Dictionary of legal concepts

    information and Safe [Protected] General Communication Network [Telecommunication Service] - 3 information safe [protected] general use network [telecommunication service]; Information safe [protected] SSP [Telecommunication Service]: General Use Communication Network [Telecommunication Service], providing a given level ... ... Dictionary directory terms of regulatory and technical documentationLegal encyclopedia

    outdoor Mobile Mobile Network - (ITU T Y.2261). Telecommunication Topics, Basic Concepts En Public Land Mobile NetworkPlmn ... Technical translator directory

The basis of all the definitions and provisions of the following is the federal law of February 16, 1995.N 15-ФЗ (ed. From 07/17/1999) "On Communication"

Mutual communication network of the Russian Federation

The interconnected network of communication of the Russian Federation (VVSRF). The interconnected network of communication of the Russian Federation is a complex of technologically associated public communications networks and telecommunication network networks in the Russian Federation, provided with general centralized management, regardless of departmental affiliation and ownership forms.

The development and improvement of the interconnected communication network of the Russian Federation is carried out taking into account the technological unity of all networks and telecommunication networks in the interests of their integrated use, improving the efficiency and sustainability of functioning.

The state in accordance with the Federal Program for the Development of the Interconnected Network of the Russian Federation at the expense of the federal budget and funds of the budgets of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation provides support to enterprises in the implementation of federal and regional programs, conducting measures to improve the reliability of the interconnected network of communication of the Russian Federation and the creation of a mobilization reserve of communication equipment and cable products, ensuring the development of all types of communication networks included in the specified network.

General Communication Network

Communication network (SSP). The public communication network as an integral part of the interconnected communication network of the Russian Federation is intended to provide communication services to all individuals and legal entities in the Russian Federation and includes all telecommunication networks under the jurisdiction of the Russian Federation, in addition to the allocated and departmental communication networks, regardless of their Property accessories and forms. Responsibility for the functioning and development of a common communication network is assigned to federal executive bodies in the field of communication.

When building and equipped with the public communication network takes into account the requirements for ensuring the reliability of the specified network when the destabilizing factors are affected.

Departmental communications networks, dedicated communication networks of individuals and legal entities

Office services (WSA). The departmental communications networks are created and functioning to ensure the production and special needs of the federal executive bodies, are in their jurisdiction and are operated by them. Office services can also be used to provide communication services to the population and other communication users. Combining departmental communication networks with public communication networks is made on a contractual basis, subject to ensuring compliance with the technical means and facilities in the communication of office networks of communication with the requirements and technical standards established for the public communication network, and obtaining a license in accordance with Article 15 of this Federal Law.

Dedicated communication networks on the territory of the Russian Federation can be created by any individuals and legal entities, including foreign investors who have recognized legal status. The activities to provide communication services by operators of allocated communication networks are subject to a licensing requirement in accordance with Article 15 of this Federal Law.

When conjugate allocated communication networks with general use communication network, these networks are transferred to the public communication network category.

The conjugation of departmental and allocated communication networks with a network of public relations is established by the Government of the Russian Federation.

When conjugating allocated communication networks with SSP, the specified networks go to the SSP category.

Corporate communication networks and government communications

Corporate network (COP) is a system that provides information transmission between various applications used in the corporation.

The COP is the basic carrier design of the modern organization, regardless of whether this organization is commercial (trade, industrial multi-industry) or refers to the public sector.

Communication networks for the needs of management, defense, security and law enforcement in the Russian Federation

Government relationship is ensured by specially authorized by the authorities determined by the President of the Russian Federation. These bodies provide special types of communication to the state authorities of the Russian Federation and the organization, carrying out within their powers the safety of public secrets. The rights and obligations of the authorities of this relationship are determined by the legislation of the Russian Federation.

Communication for the needs of defense, security and protection of law enforcement in the Russian Federation is provided by the bodies of the relevant federal executive bodies. They are given right without prejudice to the main activity to use themselves in their network and communications to transfer or receive communication messages for commercial purposes. In this case, the provision of communication services is subject to a licensing requirement in accordance with Article 15 of this Federal Law.

General use communication channels and office communication networks for the needs of management, defense, security and law enforcement in the Russian Federation are provided on a lease based in the manner prescribed by the legislation of the Russian Federation.

The procedure for the preparation and use of a public communication network for the needs of management, defense, security and law enforcement in the Russian Federation is determined by the legislation of the Russian Federation.

Federal executive bodies in the field of communication, the bodies of other federal executive authorities, telecom operators independently of the forms of ownership are obliged to ensure the priority provision of communication channels for the needs of management, defense, security and law enforcement in the Russian Federation and accept priority and urgent measurements to replace channels Communication or restore them in case of damage.