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Room Kyivstar Operator on Home Internet. How to contact the live operator KIEVStar? Autoinformer Unified Support Service for Network Kyivstar

Call the Kyivstar operator will not directly. To do this, it will be necessary to "talk" with a robot initially. A simple action algorithm will allow the Subscriber to contact a living person for a full consultation.

Very often, subscribers of all operators, including Kyivstar complain that they can not get through to the call-center for advice. This problem is justified at once by several factors: the overview of the service (no free operators), not the easiest mechanism of the dialing to the living person (very often happens that help is required from the operator, and not from the robot), lack of network and Internet connections. How to reach the assistant, consider further.

How to get through to Kyivstar

The more difficult to get through to the call center will be Subscribers with prepaid tariff packageAfter all, the single (standard) algorithm does not exist. For example, if the user does not have a money card, the car first will recommend to replenish the account, and the beginning of a difficult path to the cherished operator will already be changed. Thus, the subscriber will have to go through these "7 laps" to reach a living person:

  • call on the phone 466, listen to the answering machine;
  • after the words "go further", we enter the number "2";
  • oK B. start menu, you must click "2" (listening to the robot is not necessary);
  • press "9";
  • if we went out on the phrase "I needed questions - press" 9 ", then it remains a bit, clicking this figure;
  • we wait until the free operator appears (hotline, usually occupied).

You can also call the number: +380-44-466-24-66.

If we are very often calling the operator, waiting time can automatically increase.

For subscribers-contract soldiers Kyivstar system is a bit different:

  • call for 466;
  • click "3";
  • next, enter the number "9";
  • expect an operator's response.

Alternative number for contract soldiers - +380-44-466-44-06 .

It is worth noting, these calls are absolutely free. This also applies for those subscribers who need technical support. contact Center (Help "Kyivstar" does not remove money).

To contact a specialist regarding home internet and phone (Fixed connection), you need to call the number 0-800-300-466 .

How to contact Kyivstar from the stationary or number of another operator

If the subscriber wants to consult the Kyivstar operator, but he has no connection, the SIM card has lost or for any reason there is no possibility to contact from his "Kyivstar", not trouble, you can call from another phone.

So that the support service heard the message appeal by number 0 800 300 466 , then select the language, enter the number "9", click on "1" (for "free" subscribers) or 2 (for contract soldiers), waiting for the operator's response. You can make a call from "Waterfon", "Lifeselle" and even from stationary. In addition to the long number, there are several short (to solve specific problems):

  • 433 (replenish the bill);
  • 444 (login in the services menu);
  • 455 (detailed information about balance);
  • 477 - IVR (interactive answering machine system).

Solving problems without accessing the operator - USSD codes

Each of the three "giants" mobile network Ukraine is trying to simplify life as much as possible and its subscribers. For this, new ussd codes are constantly introduced, typing which you can get answers to the most frequently asked questions, for example, "What is my tariff", "how many Internet megabytes remain", how to connect or disable the service, etc. The most common USSD:

  • * 111 # - Checking money on account;
  • * 112 # - Checking the list of services that remained (volume of free minutes and bonuses);
  • * 117 * 1 # - order a loan (maximum available amount), the service is available in roaming;
  • * 117 * 10 # - 10 hryvnia on credit;
  • * 124 * (sum) * (subscriber number) # - transfer of money to another card (when translating from 20 hryvnia, confirmation is also required - * 125 #);
  • * 132 * (telephone number of a friend) # - request for account replenishment;
  • * 100 # - order service;
  • * 252 # - check internet megabyte;
  • * 130 * 380 Subscriber number # - Throw "homeless" (Call me back, please);
  • * 134 # - replenish the account using a credit card;
  • * 161 # - Find out my number.

To check "Home Internet" Kyivstar "needs to be introduced * 460 #.

How to contact the Kyivstar operator online

To get help from Kyivstar specialist, it is not necessary to call in the reference department using the phone. You can simply visit the official website of Kyivstar. Most subscribers here even without call will find answers to their questions: tariffs, transfer of rooms, mobile Internet, 4G, roaming, services and more.

To contact the operator, you need to main page Find in the lower right corner the face of the consultant with the signature "help?", and click on it. Next, you will see the free field "Enter your question". Communicate with the operator.

Also, each Kyivstar subscriber can visit My Kyivstar's personal account. If you are not yet registered - no problem. This can be done in just a few minutes. Go to the registration page, we enter your active phone number (there will be no registration without it), click "Next," we are waiting for the password in SMS, we introduce it, ready.

It is worth noting that it is not necessary to attend the browser to use the service "My Kyivstar". To do this, you can download the application. It is possible to carry out this:

  • Google Play (for Android phones);
  • App Store (for "iPhones);
  • Windows Phone Store (for PCs and laptops).

After entering "My Account", the subscriber can use the online assistant service. To do this, click on the label " Feedback"And choose a consultant image. This system functions around the clock.

Answers to the most popular questions (FAQ)

Where did the money from the account "Kyivstar"? Before calling and swearing with the operator, it's worth a pretty thinking where money could leave. The first option - they "devoured" minus, which was on the account (this is especially true for subscribers who have an automatic loan service). Option two - they went to automatic payment of the tariff package (or on the daily payment of services). Most often, the operator informs the client about such things, but sometimes messages do not reach.

Why I can't get through to the Kyivstar operator? Some subscribers complain that after "7 circles" communicating with a robot, the operator does not take the phone. Few people know, but the call centers are far from rubber and are designed for a certain flow of customers. Sometimes there are few calls, but most often all lines are clogged, and you can expect a free employee about 2-3 minutes. If there is no operator for more than three minutes, it is necessary to gain patience (in 99% of cases the operator responds within five minutes) if the nerves do not stand, it is worth contacting the online consultant.

What to do if you contact the operator is not possible, but urgently need? If you cannot apply for any reason in the call center, you can contact the subscriber service center - the Kyivstar office. In Kiev and throughout Ukraine, there are a lot of such centers, the addresses can be found on the company's official website.

How to talk to the operator if you do not work with it? In the event that no one of the above methods do not work for some reason, and to visit the Kyivstar store is not possible, it is worth asking a mobile phone from a passerby or friend, and call number 0 800 300 466, detailed instructions are written above.


Ukraine in 2019 did not stand out somehow loud innovations in the field mobile communications, and the phones both worked and work. Despite boring stability, many subscribers have a number of "funny" problems that can only solve the operator. It will not be possible to call him directly, so the usual certificate can turn into an entire adventure.

You can connect with the operator by several phones, including universal 466. If it is impossible to talk to a call center representative, you can visit service center Or shop "Kyivstar" (offices are indicated on the company's main page, as well as contacts). In Kiev, such centers are a lot.

Sometimes it is sufficient to deal with questions relating to mobile communications, rather problematic. For example, find out which options on the room are functioning or for what money is regularly removed. Also technical issues related to Internet configuration on mobile device or home PC, can occur from Kyivstar subscribers. Help with them a support service, organized by this operator and a service provider. How can I call the Kyivstar operator? From which phone can this be done? Is it possible to use the operator using the operator when in roaming? We will consider these questions in the current article.

Who is supported by the customer service service?

Before answering the question, how to call the Kyivstar operator from mobile and stationary phone, I should say a few words about who can get help from qualified contact center employees. In fact, the support line allows you to consider both current Internet users (home) from the provider and mobile communications under consideration and those who are just thinking to become the official client of the company. The subscribers who already have a treaty with Kyivstar can be divided into several categories:

  • Persons who are serviced by the VIP system.
  • Persons who enjoy communication services on the prepaid calculation system.
  • Customers who are serviced under the contract (similar to the postpositive settlement system, payment of communication services is made only after the month will be completed and the service provider will be an invoice).
  • Users of home Internet.

Appeal on the support of customer-prepaiders

So, if the contract is written in the terms of the contract that the number of the room is carried out according to the prepaid calculation system - that is, before calling / accessing the Internet or send a message, the subscriber must deposit a certain amount, then you should dial the number 466. After that, the client will turn out to be In the voice menu. By the way, through this automatic system You can also get an interesting "template information". If your question is exactly such - for example, you wanted to choose a tariff or find out the balance, then it can be used by it. Otherwise, you will have to wait for an answer from the operator. In order not to confuse in the list of items and sections, you need to remember that the sequence of actions should be as follows: First, you must press the number 3, then 9 and in conclusion - 9.

We note that in the absence of the possibility of dialing to the contact service of the operator with the SIM card, you can perform a dial from a stationary machine, typing the number specified on the company's official website.

Contact Support For Users Home Internet

Call the Kyivstar operator can also clients using only the home Internet service from the operator mentioned earlier. In this case, there are several options for the dialing:

  • The first is the call from the SIM card "Kyivstar" (with its presence, of course) - 460.
  • The second is a call from the city number (this option is useful to those who do not use voice services called earlier operator) - 0 800 360-04-60.

Call to the support service for persons who are context

For contract service subscribers also exists personal system Dialing:

  • From the mobile gadget, you can contact the same short number 466 (at the same time, to obtain real help, you must sequentially enter the numbers of paragraphs 7, 9).
  • From the urban "chat" and get a consultation of a specialist by typing number +380 44 466-04-66

How to call a living operator "Kyivstar" VIP clients?

For a privileged group of subscribers who have a VIP status, a separate service line has been developed. You can contact her by typing a short support service number - 466 (and selecting Section 2).

Is it possible to call the Kyivstar operator from roaming?

In order to exclude the write-off of large amounts for communication in roaming with contact center specialists, the Kyivstar operator offers to use the return call order service. The scheme is as follows:

  • The subscriber who needs to contact the contact center, which is outside of its region, dials the request * 105 * 466 #.
  • The device from which the USSD was sent is notified of the receiving request from the operator.
  • After some time, the Subscriber comes incoming call From a specialist who made his order.

Such a service is provided free - one minute will cost the equivalent of 5 hryvnia (+ 7.5% of the total cost of the service will be kept in favor of the Pension Fund).

Additional information on reference service

We draw the attention of existing and potential customers of the Kyivstar operator:

  • You can dial the number 477 and use the voice service if you do not need to answer questions about your Kyivstar number operator. The number (how to call subscribers who have been discussed on various conditions) of the contact center was previously indicated.
  • Another key combination, typing that you can hear the voice of the employee help service, is 2, 9, 9 (predeterday to call 466).
  • If the previous options for "bypassing" the voice system are not triggered, then try typing 8, and then 9. This method can help connect with a specialist, without fusion in the maze of sections and the automatic voice system.

Sooner or later, subscribers have a need to contact a representative of Kievstar mobile communications. Therefore, it is very important to know how to get through to the operator from its own smartphone.

Fortunately, the company provides many contacts for online support, therefore, with this procedure, the average user does not arise difficulties.

Below in the article will consider ways to call the Kyivstar operator from mobile and via the Internet.

What needs to be done for communication

Usually, having bought a starting package, a person prefers not to puzzled by studying various information. As a rule, the user quickly inserts a SIM card into his smartphone, and the attached package with information simply throws even without thinking about how to call the Kyivstar operator.

Fortunately, a large organization has provided this nuance and therefore provides different options to find out the Kyivstar number. Namely:

  • The default contacts are recorded by the default contacts that allowed the connecting to the operator.
  • The starting package also has data, how to get through the operator.
  • You can find out all the necessary data on the official website of Kievstar.

Having understood with how to find out the phone number Kyivstar, you can easily and quickly directly connect to the operator.

By cellular

Speaking about how to call the operator Kyivstar to contact the representative of Kievstar call center by phone, you must dial a short number 466 and click the call button. Connecting, a voice menu will appear, in which in order to call the living representative of the organization, you will need to perform

  • In your smartphone set menu, press 2.
  • Then dial the number 1.
  • Having heard to the end, press 9.

Now it remains to wait until the consultant will contact you. The average waiting time is from 30 seconds to a few minutes.
If you need as quickly as possible Kyivstar to reach the operator, then they communicate in another way:

  • Dick 466 and press the calls button.
  • After connecting to the voice menu, select item 8.
  • Then click on 9.

After that, you will give a living operator literally in seconds.

From the number of another mobile company

Often there are cases when the smartphone discharged or was lost, and the need for a call to the call center remained relevant. In such a situation you need to know about the Kyivstar how to call from someone else's room.

Thanks to the company's efforts, subscribers have the opportunity to reach the Kyivstar operator from another issue. Set the connection with the operator as follows:

  • We associate with the voice menu 0-800-300-466.
  • We choose the language (1 - Ukrainian, 2 - Russian, 3 - English).
  • Press 9, and then, 2.

Reference immediately will bring you to a consultant of the operator Kyivstar, where the current problems will help you.

However, it is worth considering that such a call for the subscriber to the cellular network is not free.

Calls from city numbers

Kyivstar provides for the possibility of calls from city phones. That is why if you need a specialist Kyivstar? You can call the operator by typing the following combinations on the device:

  • 0-44-466-24-66 - hotline regarding prepayment issues and special offers.
  • 0-44-466-44-06 - For those who have a contract with a company signed.
  • 0-800-300-460 - for users of the home Internet.

Calls to Call Center from Roaming

Mobile operator specifically for its subscribers provides a special support for "Help in Roaming". The option allows you to send hot requests to the call center, for subsequent connection with a specialist. For getting necessary information The specialist you need:

  • Dial USSD code * 104 * 466 #.
  • Send.
  • Literally a few seconds, a call to the smartphone + 380-67-222-24-66.
  • Raise the phone and ask questions to the consultant.

It should be borne in mind that mobile communication for the ringing in roaming will cost 5 UAH, for 1 minute of conversation (an additional tax is held 7.5% in the account of the Pension Fund of Ukraine).

Unfortunately, the issue of connecting customers with representatives of the company in roaming is rather slightly regulated. This is due to the fact that the supplier cellular communication actively develops its network on the territory of Ukraine and therefore for customers who want to use its services in roaming are quite small favorable sentencesas well as communication methods.

Consultant through Online Chat

Modern users are more convenient to communicate in the online chat, rather than by telephone. That is, the question of Kyivstar how to call is moving into the background:

  • Log in to the official website of the company.
  • In the lower right corner, click on the icon with the inscription "Help?".
  • Choose language.
  • Write a specialist and send a message.

Answers usually come immediately what does this system Communication relevant for subscribers who want to contact the operator.

The introduction of this method of communication is the priority task of the service provider, because it allows you to significantly reduce the burden on the employees of the center and to almost completely automate the solution of emerging problems, while eliminating the influence of the human factor and optimizing expenses.

At the moment, all of the above conversion methods are relevant, which is why if you have questions about the organization's consultants, then you can easily connect the aforementioned methods.

Many subscribers often have difficulties with the use of the tariff, which will only help the online consultant. The question arises, as you can contact the operator to Kyivstar. The company has envisaged to contact consultants for free different ways. We will show the rooms of the dialing from mobile, urban and for those in roaming.

Call Operator from Mobile Phone

Kyivstar subscribers can make absolutely free to call the operator from their mobile, regardless of tariff or connected services. You need to perform the following actions:

  1. On the Mobile Keyboard, type a short number 466 And then press the call button.
  2. After the connection will start talking to the answering machine. You can listen to all items, but you can simply press the digit 2 (The section provides information on your number).
  3. In the new menu re-click 2 .
  4. Next click on the figure 9 which will already connect you to the operator.

For subscribers with contract connections, you must click on the figure 3 , and then select the item under the number 9 . Please note that the lines are quite often overloaded, so the waiting time can reach up to 15-20 minutes.

Call from a landline phone

For calls from a landline phone and for subscribers of Ukrainian mobile operators There is a special number 0 800 300 466. Call it and follow these steps:

  • choose language;
  • as soon as the answering machine starts saying the menu items, click 9 ;
  • next click by 1 (for subscribers with prepayment rate) or 2 (Contract);
  • expect connections.

Please note that calls to this number are not charged only for subscribers of Ukrainian mobile operators.

Call Operator in Roaming

On trips abroad, it is often necessary to find out information about the tariff or enable / disable any services. For Kyivstar subscribers outside the home zone, calls to the operator absolutely free are available. There is no connection fee. The subscriber is enough to perform only one action - to dial a combination on the phone *105*466# . A few minutes later you will receive an incoming call from the operator. note that incoming call will be performed from the number +380-67-222-24-66 .

Alternative options

One of the latest innovations is an online consultant on the company's official website. To contact him, it is enough at the bottom of the site to click on the Icon with the inscription "Online Consultant", and in the window that opens, enter the name, theme and message. The first liberated employee will immediately answer you.

You can also write in the Kyivstar community. The operator has official accounts in such social networks: Facebook, Twitter, Instagram. And to obtain current news on a mobile phone can be installed special application "Kyivstar" (there are versions for iOS and Android).

Service rooms and teams "Kyivstar"

Typical problems can be solved using service teams. This is a combination, after a set of which subscribers can automatically activate or deactivate any function, view its condition or get another additional information. Using fast USSD requests is time savings. They work almost instantly, while you can use around the clock. Popular requests are below:

Please note that some combinations on the order of service are paid. We preliminarily recommend to find out how much money removes the activation of a particular service. Additionally, there are separate combinations for working with voice mail on Kyivstar, namely.

The hotline of the mobile operator Kyivstar works for subscribers around the clock and for free.

Free phone support for Kyivstar subscribers:

0800 300 466 /

From Mobile "Kyivstar" in Ukraine Call the number. From other operators and urban: 0800 300 466. Is free.

How to get through to Kyivstar?

If you call with mobile phoneconnected to the Kyivstar operator network simply dial a short free and 24-hour help phone number
To connect to the operator technical support "Kyivstar."

To phon with the operator hot line "Kyivstar" from the phone of another operator (, life and intertello) or urban stationary phone, for free communication With the operator, call the support service number 0800 300 466.

If necessary, providing personal information on your subscriber Treaty, services, tariffs and expenditures - the support service employee may need subscriber passport details and the other personal information For correct identification.

Hotline number for calls from abroad and Russia:

How to contact the operator from abroad? Just type on your mobile phone * 105 * 466 # and wait for the free call from the number +380674660466.


You can contact us via Viber. Follow the KV.ST/VIBER link from the phone or computer on which the appropriate application is installed and communicate with the support service staff.

To provide personal services (change of tariff, the management of paid options, the promised payment, etc.), the "hotline" specialist may require personal data that you provided when connected to the Kyivstar Ukraine operator.

Personal Cabinet of the Kyivstar Subscriber

Addresses for entering a single personal account of Kyivstar subscribers for cellular clients and home Internet. Manage all the services in one place.

If any difficulties occur in personal Cabinet, authorization errors or failure in the operation of the self-service system - call subscriber support Kyivstar, in one free Number 0800 300 466 or short number 466 (free from the mobile phone "Kyivstar").

Online support for Kyivstar customers

"Kyivstar" in touch with its clients in popular social networks. Join the Kyivstar group Facebook. Or subscribe to the official profile in Instagram and be aware of all the news of the operator. The company holds regular promotions and draws for their subscribers on social networks.