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After installation, the Apple TV pause is turned off. What if the Airplay turns off when you lock the iPad or iPhone? Turn on VoiceOver on the already activated Apple TV

I love to watch movies and TV shows with a smartphone / tablet and Apple TV console. Usually, I use at the same time special applications, such as, or. But sometimes there is no needed series or film there, and you have to look in the browser. This viewing method accompanies jamb in AirPlay. If you look at the video in the iPhone or iPad browser, then the picture on the TV screen often disappears when the screen is blocked. In this small material I will tell you how this bug can be defeated. Do not keep the screen on an hour and a half.

Options are only two.

The first way.It lies in what is necessary always when using AirPlay include full-screen viewing mode. This is especially true for iPad. In the Safari window for the video tablet, it starts and does not necessarily turn into a full screen mode. It can be played and in a non-verbal form.

If you enable AirPlay, then this picture will appear on the tablet screen:

When you lock the iPad, in this case (it doesn't matter, it is a promotion or you pressed the "Sleep" button) The broadcast on the TV screen will be interrupted. Turn on full screen mode and the problem is solved.

However, this trick does not pass with some sites. In this case, we will come in handy the second way. He is also very simple. As soon as the broadcast of AirPlay stopped, click on button Home.. The lock screen opens. It still has viewing controls: pause / playback buttons, rewind. Press pause and see that the broadcast resumed again. You can turn off the screen and enjoy the movie viewing.

If you know some other methods, or you do not work these ways, - Welcome to the comments!

No matter what apple technique is reliable, but it is not perfect and sometimes requires interference from you. Sometimes a simple reboot of the device allows you to solve most of the problems that arise. Not exception is the apple TV prefix. If you notice some irregularities in the Siri Remote or TV console ("bug", "slows down"), the first thing that needs to be done is to restart (restart) the device.

Apple TV console can be reloaded by 3 ways:

Restart Apple TV from the "Settings" menu

For Apple TV consoles (3rd generation or earlier models), go to "Settings" → "Basic" and select Reload.

For Apple TV consoles (4th generation), open the "Settings" → "System" and select Reload now.

Restart Apple TV with remote control

Hold on an aluminum or white remote apple remote Menu and down buttons, and on the Siri Remote or Apple TV Remote (application for iOS) - MENU and HOME. Once the indicator on the console will become flicker, release the buttons.

Disable Apple TV from the power supply

If you could not reboot the prefix described in the methods, then disconnect Apple TV from the 220V network. Shave the power cord from the outlet for 6 seconds, and then plug in again.

Troubleshooting Apple TV Cool or How to Reboot Siri Remote Remote

With the advent of the Apple TV console of the new Siri Remote console, the moments occur when the remote control does not evenly respond to the user's actions. In this case, it is not necessary to restart the entire console, it is enough to break the connection between devices (console and console), thereby providing a reboot of the remote control.

On the Siri Remote Remote, clamp the MENU and the volume increase button ( «+» ) for 5 seconds to re-create a pair with Apple TV.

If, after the problems proceeded, the problems did not disappear, then you can try to lose apple settings TV to factory or reflash the console via iTunes. In cases where you observe the problems only with the remote control, it is worth thinking about buying a new Siri Remote or install Apple TV Remote application on the iPhone or iPad.

Apple TV control is simply easy to use if you are familiar with multiple items of its operation. A feature of it serves as sensory control. With the help of the remote, various manipulations from the menu, play multiple functions and a lot of others. We will tell about it.

It must be remembered that the panel of the remote control and excessive use of force is not only not required, but can also damage the TOCH. Use it neatly and no problems associated with malfunctions.

So, a few points when using the console:

  • Take a remote remote control, Introduce it on TV.
  • We start moving your finger, depending on which item is necessary (up, left, right or down).
  • We indicate the chosen by a strong pressing of the panel, so that it felt click.
  • Next, spend on touchpad Up or down to view and select the desired item.
  • After you found the desired list, spend your finger to the right, thereby highlighting the desired item.
  • 3-second Pressing Panel Returns to the previous list, double clicking opens the main page.
  • To view the program viewing history, click the "Home" button twice. To return home, click the same button once again. Accordingly, if there is no connection to TV, the "Home" page will occur.
  • Fixes playback or stopping video information The button on which the element is depicted (the arrow indicates two sticks nearby). Or you can slightly press on the sensor, so that it felt click. There are also other possibilities and rewind of video content including.
  • In order to rewind, for example, a movie or other video forward, you need:

Press the previously described button (for playback) and dramatically spend your finger to the right. Or hold the right side of the touch panel by pressing the right side. Content, will also be rented forward;

  • In order to rewind, for example, movie or other video back, you need:

Press the same previously described button (for playback) and dramatically spend your finger left. Or hold the left side of the touch panel by pressing the left side. Content, will also reject back.

  • To rewind songs and other audio information forward, you need:

Without stopping music click on the panel of the console. Then swipe down your finger to designate playback time. Right or press the right side of the touch panel and hold it until you find the desired part of the melody.

  • To rewind songs and other audio information Back, you need:

Without stopping music click on the panel of the console. Then swipe down your finger to designate playback time. Spend left or press the left side of the touchpad and hold it until you find the desired part of the melody.

  • Pass. For video.

By pressing the right side of the panel of the console during playback, you can skip a 10-second part of the watch watching forward. Accordingly, by pressing the left side of the panel during playback, you can skip a 10-second part of the movie viewed back.

  • Pass. For audio.

To skip part of the ringtone forward, spend on the panel down and highlight the necessary song Press, left panel to rewind for 10 seconds ago and right to replay a song for 10 seconds forward.

How to restart Apple TV

For example, you need to restart Apple TV 4, for this you can use the "Settings" menu or from the remote control. You can also turn off Apple TV, turn off the powers from Apple TV.

Fir use the fourth or 3-generation EPL, then you need to find in the "Main" or "system" settings, item "Reboot".

Using the remote control, hold the menu buttons until it starts blinking the light on the device.

Another way when you turn off, then-there is a deprive of your TV and after six seconds connect it again.

How to charge a remote control

When a warning appears on the TV on the TV screen. Charge the console follows at least 30 minutes. Full battery charging lasts half an hour. Using the console while you charge the battery does not harm the device. Charge it from Apple TV is prohibited.

You can charge the console in two ways:

  • Fir connect USB from Apple TV, to a computer.
  • If you connect the power adapter to the markup. It must be purchased separately, the USB adapter is not included in the package.

Replacing the battery of the console itself is not provided.

Apple TV externally looks the same as most TV consoles, but this device works not only with Apple appliances, but also with other home devices. For example, with using apple TV can customize and manage HUE lamps, play toys, download applications, as well as by airplay broadcast video from iPhone or Mac on big screen TV. Of course, Apple TV problems also happen. We will tell about the most common of them in this article.

The essence of Basni is that Apple TV. Problems quite often occur even if the device is connected and configured correctly. These may be wifi-connections, poor-quality reproduction, troubleshooting when working with a home cinema. As a rule, this kind of trouble users can eliminate himself. About what and how to do in each individual case, we will talk. So:

Apple TV problems with wifi

This is perhaps the most common category of problems that are complaining almost all apple owners TV, but which in the overwhelming case arise due to their own themselves, and which are also eliminated without much effort. A standard list of complaints about the so-called "problems with WiFi" in the case of Apple TV looks like this:

  • "Does not find a wifi network;
  • does not connect to the home WiFi network;
  • connects to Wi-Fi, but does not connect to the Internet;
  • often disappears in Wi-Fi and turns on " Buffering«.

If your Apple TV suddenly led yourself a similar way, then the troubleshooting procedure should be started with an IP address check. To do this go to " Settings ", Then - in" Maintenance "And click" Net «.

  • if this item is not displayed in the "IP address" line, then you must first turn off (from the outlet, and hold on the turned off at least 1 minute) available router, after which ( "Settings" -\u003e "System" -\u003e "Restart Now" );
  • if the IP is displayed, the prefix is \u200b\u200bconnected to Wi-Fi, but the connection is constantly interrupted, then most likely there is a weak signal. Try moving Apple TV to another location, closer to the router, or, on the contrary, Router move closer to the console.
Apple TV Problems with AirPlay

Through. airPlay serviceAs you know, you can fight the picture with, iPad or on the TV screen. This service is configured very simply and, of course, itself is very useful. If it works well, which happens always. If the Airplay suddenly scrambled, then the first thing you need to check that Apple TV and needed smartphone, tablet or laptop were connected to one. If these devices "catch" different networksor mobile device is connected to the Internet via the network mobile operator, then AirPlay will not work. In turn open " Settings "In each of the devices and we look at the corresponding sections the name of your home WiFi network displayed.

It also often happens that Airplay simply does not work. That is, you open a video application, prepare to turn on the stream, but for some reason the usual AIRPLAY logo is not detected. In this case, it can be assumed that the application you chose does not support AirPlay service. In addition, it may also be that Support is locked. In some mobile applications and TV applications, AIRPLAY is really disconnected so that users cannot broadcast a specific video content.

But AirPlay may not work and because of the usual failure. So check the settings of the Apple TV in this situation will also not be superfluous. Open " Settings "And we look at the AirPlay function. In addition, if AirPlay works, but it works not stable and / or constantly lags, then also try moving your iPhone, iPad or MacBook closer to the console. If this way, the problem was eliminated, then, obviously, the cause of lags was low quality Streaming signal, not AirPlay itself.

Apple TV - video problems

Sometimes Apple TV begins to show video without sound, or there is a sound, but the image disappears. In such cases, before taking some radical measures, try simply restart Stream. If the restaway did not solve the problem, check. It must be high qualityly connected at both ends. If possible, connect Apple TV through another HDMI cable.

Plus, it is necessary to check the resolution of the console: "Settings" -\u003e "Audio and Video" -\u003e "Resolution" . Most likely you will see the option " Auto ", And this is normal. However, sometimes you need to manually set the resolution that is supported.

Apple TV - problems with audio

If the sound from the console began to bullure, it should also begin with checking the volume level. It can be disabled. If everything is fine with the volume, then I will restart the striming standard. Then check the quality of the Apple TV connection to the TV (HDMI or optical cable, if used), as well as the quality of the connection to the audio mode or. Carefully turn off the cable and then plug it again. In the overwhelming majority of cases, the entire "repair" is limited.

Apple TV problems with remote control

Without Apple TV console, it's just a black box, beautiful and almost useless. Almost - this is because if with a standard console console, something is wrong, then instead you can. But only if you have previously installed and configured mobile app « Remote control "(Remote App). This is one.

As for the problems of the console, the most frequent of them is a failure of the pairing of this device with the prefix. That is, it simply does not connect, and "". In such a situation, it is necessary to check the charge of the battery panel to begin. If it is discharged, then put the console for charging at least half an hour. Then, close to the body of the console (for a distance of no more than 5-7 cm), press the button simultaneously Menu "And" Click volume "And they keep them for at least 5 seconds (the conjugation process will begin). After the prefix "sees" his remote, turn it off from the network. We are waiting for a minute, turn on and test the quality of the work of the console.