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Which operator is the most profitable mobile Internet? What communication operator is better for the Internet.

The most frequent need for international Roaming Short-term. "Private" call or a message close to a successful landing or settlement to the hotel is hardly ruined, but on vacation and on vacation many are faced with high-cost calls, messages and mobile Internet. Immediately pop up into memory loud "roaming" cases, like that, about the "Interns" downloaded in roaming, for which the operator asked more than 1 million rubles.

With your samovar

According to a survey of the online travel agency Tripsta, more than half of Russians use the services of Russian mobile operators, traveling abroad, and only 12% of respondents, being abroad, prefer not to use the phone at all. What to do those who need to communicate in the journey? Change the tariff for a short period, of course, no sense. Of course, a partly spending on the connection saves local Wi-Fi, messengers and downloaded cities cards in advance. And yet, what solutions are offered by our mobile operators In international roaming?

Operator / tariff / option Subscription fee, rub. / Day The cost of incoming calls, rub. / Min. The cost of outgoing calls, rub. / Min. Cost SMS, rub.

Option "Zero without borders"
95 0 first 10 min., Next 25 25 from the 2nd to the 5th minute, the rest - at the roaming rate 19

Option "Free Journey"
250 0 first 60 minutes, more than 10 0 first 60 minutes, more than 10 19

Outgoing calls from 11.9 rubles / min. through the code * 137 *
0 rub. at roaming rate 11,9-79 19

Service "Planet Zero"
60 (upon receipt of incoming) 0 first 20 min., Next 10 20 7

Service "My Planet"
0 25 25 9

Tariff "Around the World"
0 13 13 11

Option "The whole world"
39 0 first 30 min., Further, at the roaming rate at roaming rate at roaming rate

Service "Conversations Without Borders"
5 5 15 6

Tariffs, options and services operate in many, but not in all countries. Specify the list of countries on the operator's website.

It is worth noting that the recently released in the Moscow region of the tele2, even without additional services, is ready to provide the "big three" operators competition, offering basic tariffs Pay 15 rubles per minute for incoming / outgoing calls in roaming (in the countries of Europe and the CIS) and 6 rubles per SMS and MMC in the absence of any additional services.

The same basic incoming / eased for the countries of Europe and some other megaphones will cost 49 rubles, Biline - 69 rubles, MTS - from 25 to 115 rubles. respectively. The basic cost of SMS in all three operators is the same - 19 rubles. The Packages to reduce the cost of sending short messages in roaming have MTS and MegaFon (195-700 rubles / month), but dare to assume that most visitors successfully replace SMS I. MMS features On-Line Messengers (WhatsApp, Viber, Telegram, Skype, Facebook, etc.).

The cost of a minute of conversation with the outgoing call is most beneficial at MTS with the option "Free Journey" - 4.17 rubles, but when taking into account conversations 60 minutes a day. After all, in 60 minutes they will have to pay 250 rubles a day, you say them or not. And indeed a "free journey" for a limited number of European countries, plus Australia, Armenia, Israel and the UAE.

SIM card

For often traveling roaming of Russian operators, even with connected options, pleasure is not cheap. Therefore, many of them buy international SIM cards acting in a large number of countries. Some tourists such a SIM card can offer travel agencies (group of companies Globalsim), and flying through Moscow airports can not even think about her acquisition in advance - SIMTravel Mobile SIM cards are sold in HELLOBOX vehicles, Euroset salons and "Svyaznoy "Sheremetyevo, Domodedovo and Vnukovo, respectively. Also in Euroset, Svyaznomy and some travel agencies, you can purchase an international sim card of the company "Gudlans".

Tariffs for international sims are not very different from each other, in contrast to the proposals of national operators. Thus, all the tariffs analyzed by comparison do not imply a subscription fee, almost in all cases do not have to pay for incoming calls, and for SMS takes only 10 cents. True, the messages will have to send as not a familiar way, but through the SIM menu and Latin letters. The cheapest outgoing calls to the city numbers of the two capitals - Moscow and St. Petersburg are offered "Goodline" and "Simtravel Mobile". A minute will cost a subscriber at 0.05 USD. Calls to Russian mobile numbers At the tariffs of the same companies will cost already in 29 cents (22,13 rubles. at the rate of the Central Bank on February 2, 2016). For calls to mobile numbers it is more profitable for WELLTELL tariffs - 20 cents per minute (Package "Contact") or 16.67-13.89 cents (Packages "The whole world").

Company / Tariff / Option SIM card cost Cost of incoming calls, USD The cost of outgoing calls SMS cost, USD

Tariff "Planet-Good"
350 rub. 0 in 146 countries of the world 0.05-0.49 USD / min. -

Package "Contact"
10 USD. 0* 0.20 USD / min. 0.10 (in Europe)

Packages "The whole world"
10 USD. 0* 25 USD / 14 days / 150 min.
45 USD / 30 days / 300 min.
125 USD / 90 days / 900 min.
175 USD / 30 days / Unlimited
0.10 (in Europe)

SIM card "Globalsim"

800 rub. (Amount on account 10 USD)

0 0.39 USD / min. (for European countries) 0.10 (via SIM menu)

Tariffs "Europe", "The whole world" and "The whole world plus"
350 rub. 0 0.05-0.15 USD / min. on city number of the Russian Federation;
0.29 USD / min. on mobile number of the Russian Federation
0.10 (via SIM menu)

* - When attaching the Russian number - incoming are taken into account as outgoing due to the function Call Back.

All specified tariffs do not provide for the collection of subscription fees and operate in many countries of the world, but in some conditions may differ from the specified. Exceptions and tariff surcharges for different countries Specify on the operator's website.

Given the current floating exchange rate of the ruble, the cost of calls and SMS for Russians on the tariffs of international SIM cards has increased significantly, since they are nominated in US dollars. But even at the current rate, such an option for travelers is more profitable than roaming tariffs "Big Troika". The same applies to the mobile Internet - the packages of operators of international SIM cards, as a rule, is more profitable, but a full-fledged mobile Internet In roaming is definitely cheaper bypass when buying a local SIM card.

I'm going to live in London

And what if it is planned to move to another country for a long time, while the "home" number of the Russian operator is needed to accept calls from partners on work, relatives, acquaintances, or colleagues, in the address books of which he has been recorded for many years? Or I want to save the number and continue to use them upon returning from the long-term "business trip." In this case, it is hardly possible to use the subscriber to use the mobile Internet, often call or send messages - for this it will probably have a local SIM card. But since you leave the number in working condition, it should be the opportunity to receive incoming calls and messages.

A special rate for such subscribers offers only MegaFon (the tariff "around the world" with calls from 13 rubles / min., Without compulsory monthly or daily expenses, but only with a prepaid advance payment of 300 rubles). Other operators are limited to special services and options, more suitable for short-term travel. But the international SIM cards mentioned above have the possibility of binding the Russian number. That is, the Russian number remains active, can continue to call it, but calls will be held on the international SIM card. True, they will be regarded in this case as outgoing (not for the Russian, but for the international card), and therefore will not be free. If it is simple: simultaneously forward and redirection and the function of the autotrazon.

These are the main saving options on cellular communication abroad. Given the possibility of transitioning with its number to another operator, the functions of binding the Russian SIM card to international, everyone can choose comfortable offers For its purposes. The main thing in pursuit of savings do not forget about the tariffs of your ORC operation and to replenish the balance of the phone. Being abroad, this can be done with bank card in personal Cabinet Operator communication or through the Internet bank.

Dozens of daily calls, hundreds of reasons to enter the Internet - this has long become part of our daily life. And if with calls across Russia and not only significant problems, as a rule, does not arise, then with the mobile Internet case is not so good. This article will consider the advantages and disadvantages of some large Russian operators, namely their services to enter the Internet.

What is the best communication operator for the Internet - MegaFon

Being one of the leaders in its segment, MegaFon is trying to use only the most modern equipment, such as equipment that gives access to 4G mobile Internet. It should be noted that the equipment of the previous generation is also used by the company.

If the city does not arise when entering the Internet, then some interference begins behind it. To eliminate this problem, the installation of special base stations in this area is required. Megaphone directs a large number of His forces on the arrangement of such databases of even the most unclosed areas. And this plus this operator.

  • 3G - 5 mgb / s;
  • 4G - 50 mgb / s.

The minimum cost of the tariff:

From two hundred rubles for 500 MB of traffic. As a conclusion from previous points, the speed of the Internet from the megaphone operator, in most cases, remains high, regardless of your location. But it also follows that the prices for services will not be the lowest.

What is the best service operator for the Internet - Beeline

Average velocity values \u200b\u200bin Moscow:

  • 3G - 6 mgb / s;
  • 4G - 45 Mgb / s.

The minimum cost of the tariff:

From two hundred rubles for 1 GB of traffic.

As the results show, the mobile Internet from Beeline on the territory of the capital is pretty good. The services of this operator can be safely used if you are planning to use them in the city or on a short distance From him.

What communication operator is the best for the Internet - MTS

Regarding the previous competitors, this representative of the "big triple" has the smallest network coverage area. Therefore, the speed of the Internet in incomplete areas can be low. This operator does not burden its customers with various promotions and tariff plans of a variety of categories. But as statistics shows, many users unflatterly respond about the Internet services of this operator. Most often, the problem occur beyond the city feature.

Of the advantages you can distinguish a large number of tariffs.

Average velocity values \u200b\u200bin Moscow:

  • 3G - 3 mgb / s;
  • 4G - 40 mgb / s.

These are average indicators relative to other operators.

The minimum cost of the tariff:

Two hundred twenty rubles for 500 MB of traffic. At the moment it is the most expensive mobile Internet operator.

What is the best operator for the Internet - body 2

This operator has the smallest number. basic stations in Russia. As a result, communication with the Internet takes place with some failures and interference. Be sure to take into account the lowest cost of tariffs.

The minimum cost of the tariff: 100 rubles for 2 GB of traffic.

Internet speed in Moscow:

  • 3G - 20 mgb / s;
  • 4G - 40 mgb / s.

Just a huge speed of 3G compared to other operators really surprises, and this is at such a low cost.


As it turned out, the leader in this segment can be bolded to call the company MegaFon. For not the highest value you will get high quality and fast Internet Communication anywhere. Tele 2 surprises customers with the profitability of his proposal, so for the city it will be a great option. Beeline can also be attributed to the most profitable and high-quality operators, but only in the city. MTS turned out to be the most disadvantageous and poor-quality operator from all. Be sure to say that the indicators and the cost of services in different regions of the country may differ.

Be sure to say that the indicators and the cost of services in different regions of the country may differ.

Most popular tariffs cellular operators Communications Beeline, MTS

Top 10 most popular and advantageous cellular and Internet tariffs


1. The cheapest I. favorable tariff MTS

Subscription fee of 125 rubles per month
IN subscription fee Includes:
- 500 minutes in the Russian Federation;
- 50 SMS and MMS in the Russian Federation;
- 5 GB. Internet in the Russian Federation;
- Unlimited on MTS

2. The most profitable MTS tariff

Without roaming. Operates throughout Russia
Subscription fee 550 rubles per month

- 5000 minutes in Russia;
- 1000 SMS / MMS;
- 20 GB. Internet
- in the Crimea as at home

3. The most popular MTS tariff

Without roaming. Operates throughout Russia
Subscription fee of 350 rubles per month
The subscription fee includes:
- 2000 minutes in Russia;
- 500 SMS / MMS;
- 10 GB. Internet
- in the Crimea as at home

4. The most optimal MTS tariff

Without roaming. Operates throughout Russia
Subscription fee 240 rubles per month
The subscription fee includes:
- 1000 minutes in Russia;
- 100 SMS / MMS;
- 5 GB. Internet
- in the Crimea as at home


5. The most profitable megaphone rate

MegaFon tariff 385.
Subscription fee of 385 rubles per month. The subscription fee includes:
- 900 minutes in Russia;
- 900 SMS in Russia;
- 6 GB. Internet in Russia.

Only a new number

6. Favorable rate from megaphone

MegaFon tariff 390.
Subscription fee of 390 rubles per month. The subscription fee includes:
- 1200 minutes in Russia;
- 25 GB. Internet in Russia.

Only a new number

7. Favorable rate from megaphone

MegaFon Tariff 995.
Subscription fee of 995 rubles per month. The subscription fee includes:
- 3500 minutes in Russia;
- 3500 SMS in Russia;
- 12 GB. Internet in Russia.

Calls to megaphone full unlimited.
Incoming calls in Russia unlimited

Only a new number


8. The most profitable Beeline rate

(with free belonging abroad)

Without roaming in Russia
Subscription fee of 650 rubles per month.
The subscription fee includes:
- 5000 minutes in Russia;
- 5000 SMS / MMS;
- 20 GB. Internet in Russia.
Free incoming in 97 countries of the world (CIS, Europe, popular travel destinations: Egypt, China, USA, Thailand, Turkey and others)

9. Mega favorable tariff Beeline

(Star 3)

Subscription fee of 330 rubles per month.
The subscription fee includes:
- 2500 minutes in Russia;
- 1500 sms / mm;
- 8 GB. Internet in Russia.

Transfer the numbers of all regions of Russia

10. Favorable Beeline rate

Subscription fee of 450 rubles per month.
The subscription fee includes:
- 3000 minutes of outgoing calls to the numbers of all cellular and urban telecom operators in the home region and Intercity in Russia;
- 3000 SMS in the home region, and on trips to Russia 3.50 rubles;
- 15 GB. Internet in Russia;

Free partners in the home region and on rides in Russia;
- Unlimited on Beeline in the home region and the numbers of other regions;
- On rides in Russia, outgoing challenges to home and regional numbers 5 rubles minute

International roaming:
- incoming 9 rubles minute
- Outgoing 17 rubles minute


11. Favorable rate from Rostelecom

Rostelecom tariff for 650 rubles
Subscription fee of 650 rubles per month. The subscription fee includes:
- 5000 minutes in Russia;
- 5000 SMS in Russia;
- 16 GB. Internet in Russia.

Only a new number

Mobile Internet

12. Internet from Beeline

Subscription fee of 480 rubles per month
- 100 GB. Internet per month 3G / 4G +

13. Favorable unlimited Internet from Teletai.

Subscription fee 510 rubles per month
On a balance of 500 rubles
-unlimited Internet;
- to distribute on Wi-Fi 20 GB.;
- lemit calls to Beeline;
- 350 minutes on other operators

14. Unlimited Internet from MTS

Subscription fee 420 rubles per month

- without speed limit;
- without limiting traffic;
- without roaming in Russia;
Drawn up on a legal entity
Write-off money Exercised for rent

15. Super cheap unlimited internet from Rostelecom

Subscription fee 370/495 rubles per month
- Fully unlimited Internet;
- without speed limit;
- without limiting traffic;
- without roaming in Russia

Mobile operators, as a rule, have in their arsenal not one, but at once a few sentences so that the subscriber can pick up the appropriate optimal system calculations. In most cases, the facilitation models can be divided into several explicit categories, and, accordingly, the most economical for specific purposes of users. Quite often subscribers are looking for mobile tariffs For profitable calls "Houses" and on trips to Russia, Internet surfing, as well as options do not include compulsory payments. I will identify what the most attractive solutions for each need of needs are offered known cellular operators for calls and mobile Internet. We will take the current tariff plans From tele2, MTS, Beeline and MegaFon available for Muscovites.

Cheap calls

The favorable tariff for calls is one of the most common requests. Moreover, this group can get options for communication within the network, calls to the rooms of other cellular operators, as well as communication in roaming. In addition, for certain purposes, the solution is in demand without mandatory payments.

Communication within the network

It is worth noting that the majority of tariffs with the included services included are unlimited to communicate within the network. This concerns offers all four operators. Thus, the decision to take should be based on the final amount of the value of the monthly payment, in the event that other services are not included in your plans. The cheapest options offers tele2.

  1. For 199 p. per month is not only calls on tele2 without restrictions, but also 2 GB for surfing, 200 minutes per challenges to the remaining cellular operators, and 50 sms. The cost is more than affordable, and a set of services, although minimal, but for many users will be sufficient.
  2. The second favorable tariff -, payment on it is daily, 7 p. During the day, use is poured into 210 rubles. per month. The cost is slightly higher, but the conditions are suitable for those who speak only with tele2 subscribers2. For this amount, unlimited is also given within the network and a decent Internet package by 5 GB.

If, in addition to calls, required additional features To access the network or SMS correspondence, then it makes sense to look at complex solutions that each operator has and make a choice based on the required set of services.

Calls to other networks

For calls to the rooms from other operators, often there are tariffs with a subscription package that includes a package of minutes. Each operator has several options with different sets of services and, as a result, different rates. In this article, we will choose the most economical tariff, taking the monthly need for calls about 500 minutes.

  1. It is highlighted at the cost of the proposal from tele2. The subscribers with the tariff receive 500 minutes to challenges and 12 GB of traffic in just 399 p.
  2. In second place at the price protrudes from MTS. For 500 p. The same 500 minutes are available per month for conversations, 10 GB and 300 sms.

For roaming

For those who are forced to regularly ride in Russia and call on the road, perhaps the most interesting tariff will be from MegaFon. For 600 r. A month, subscribers receive 700 minutes in Russia for all networks. In excess of installed Limita The price of a minute is higher, but also quite beneficial - 1 r.

If you visit periodically on trips, you can choose a tariff » from MTS. It is convenient due to batch services - it is 5 GB, 550 minutes in Russia, unlimited on MTS and 550 sms. Monthly payment is 500 p. For the use of the listed features of the "House". Outside the home region, the service will be available for an additional 15 p. per day. With constant trips, the final amount may become unacceptable high, however, if you leave the hometown only from time to time, the solution can be quite profitable.

If you plan not only to call, but also go to the network, it will be more rational to stop at one of the package tariffs from operators, and connect special option for roaming.

  1. "Everywhere zero" From tele2 has a subscription 3 r. On a day, a minute in Russia will cost 2 r., incoming not paid.
  2. "My country" Beeline has no mandatory payments, and activates the price of 3 p. per minute across the country.
  3. MTS has a similar option called. In the case of the tariffs of the ruler, smart roaming options will not be required.

Without subscription

Do not all agree to pay for services that do not use. For such subscribers, each operators have special decisions that do not include a mandatory payment. Consider which of them are most beneficial.

  1. At the head of our list - from tele2. You can talk to subscribers from other regions and by local communication at a single price of 1.5 p. The tariff will like those who regularly call the intercorridge and loves simplicity in the calculations. Nothing is not included, the use of traffic is paid separately.
  2. The second interesting option is at MTS . Initially gives 20 minutes a day inside the Network "House". In addition, you can activate the option "Call for free on MTS Russia 100" and get 100 minutes to Intercity. However, for those who call the numbers of other networks, the conditions are not the most profitable. If "at home" the price of a minute is 2.5 r., Then in other cities - already 14. Therefore, on this tariff there is a sense to stop, only if we are talking about calls to MTS.
  3. For those who are calling mainly to local numbers with an excellent choice will be from MTS. All calls will cost 5 kopecks per second. However, if you have to get involved with subscribers of other cities, the price is already 3.9 per minute.

For Internet

Recently, subscribers are increasingly interested in advantageous access to the worldwide network. We will deal with what fare from providers is better to choose for the Internet.

  1. If we consider solutions for a smartphone with a small amount of GB, then the most attractive will be "Internet Package"from tele2 to 7 GB, the cost of which is 299 p.
  2. Inexpensive average traffic volume has a 15 GB of a telephone "Internet portfolio"and megaphone - "The InternetM » 16 GB for 590 p.
  3. Packages with a large volume of traffic are also most affordable at a price of tele2 and megaphone. The first suggests "Suitcase of the Internet" at 30 GB for 899 p., Second - "The InternetL » on 36 GB for 890. Options to MTS in the line "The Internet" And Beeline series has a higher price order. 30 GB at MTS costs 1200 p., Beeline gives only 20 GB for the same price.

When choosing, it should be considered not only on the value characteristic, important are good quality Communication and coverage area.

In our article, the conditions are accepted for ideal and tariff capabilities are considered based on the price level only.

In addition to the voiced Internet options, subscribers often prefer batch tariffs with a subscriber in which certain sets of services have already laid. Many not only call, but also use all sorts of services and services from operators, and, therefore, the tariff aimed only on calls or the Internet will not always be the best.

Today we cannot imagine our lives without mobile communications, which is the attribute of almost every aspect of its aspect. There are several largest communication providers that provide a variety of services, and in this article we will help you to figure out how to choose among them the most suitable. How to determine which cellular operator is better? Especially for you, we have made a rating of cellular operators of Russia.

Best mobile operators 2018-2019

Demand mobile communications It grows every year, and there are 4 major operators, fully satisfying this demand.

  2. Beeline
  3. Tele2

Each operator has both their advantages and disadvantages, in more detail that we will analyze in this article.

The rating of cellular operators is regularly investigated by Roskomnadzor, taking into account the opinions of users. The Yota operator, which occupies a significant part of the market, does not turn on to the student, as it does not have its own steps and is a subsidiary of MegaFon. Yota rents a tower from leading market players, the width of the coating suffers from it. The rating is drawn up on the basis of a plurality of factors, among the most significant can be allocated as follows:
  • Mobile quality
  • Quality of mobile Internet
  • Percentage of delivered messages
  • Service cost
  • The network coverage.

To evaluate the quality of services of a particular operator, we will use statistics.


The leading position in this category occupies MegaFon, the quality of communication of which is striving for absolute, having only 0.7% of the failure throughout the network. The second place occupies MTS, slightly lagging behind the megaphone, with 0.8% of failures. A peculiar antirersman is Beeline, having a total of 15.1% of failures. At the same time, relatively young "tele2" has only 1.2% of failures.

Mobile Internet

Regarding the speed of the mobile Internet, the difference between operators is more noticeable. MegaFon also leads here, providing real speed up to 14 Mbps. It follows MTS with 10.1 Mbit / c, after "tele2" with 9.4 Mbps, closes the beeline rating line (5 Mbps).

Despite the high speed, MegaFon can not boast good number Successful connections on IP / TCP and HTTP, giving 3% failures in the first case and 4.4% in the second. The largest proportion of successful compounds at the MTS company, with 0.6 and 0.8% of the failures, respectively. However, it is worth noting that the Internet speed in each operator varies depending on the coverage region.

Instant messages

Here we have a leading position occupies Beeline, showing the result in 100% of delivered messages. Following "Tele2", having 1.2% of lackless SMS, MegaFon did not deliver 1.7%, and at MTS did not come 2.4%.

Coating level

In this section, we will consider only 4G coverage, as it is difficult to determine the level of the coating for the usual connection, for the reason that some operators are often rented from others, and this indicator is difficult to evaluate. Consider the level of the coating in Moscow and the region - it is in this region the greatest density of 4G tapes.
In terms of covering 4G, the leadership showed "MegaFon". Experts explain the story that this operator Previously, I started the installation of LTE steps, significantly ahead of competitors. The coating density of 4G networks at MegaFon takes a share of 32.2%. The second place, according to research, keeps MTS with an indicator of 30.9%, closes the top three in the study took the MTS operator with an indicator of 30.9%, on the third - Beeline with a result of 28.8%.

Service cost

Each operator provides a huge set of tariffs, we will disassemble all of them with a certain, but only compare general characteristics. The cost of communication rates is dynamic, the average price tag in Russia for the package is 300-350 p / m. According to COMNEWS Research analysts, when using a small basket (lack of mobile Internet, a small number of calls and messages, orientation for intranet calls) MTS became the most profitable operator. In other cases that cover most users (Internet, calls, messages) best operator At the cost of services, both by estimates of experts and according to user reviews is the provider "Tele2". The cost of the average package in all operators varies greatly depending on the service region, and in the Far Eastern, as well as the northern districts, the values \u200b\u200bare uneven. If we take an assessment of the trends of the central regions, the cost of the average package varies in such a manner, from the most cheaper to the most expensive:

  1. "Tele 2"
  2. "Beeline"
  3. "Megaphone"
  4. MTS

As we found out, each cellular provider has its own features, and for this reason, many people use several operators at once. Which of them choose is to solve only you, and the choice is important, taking into account your area of \u200b\u200bresidence.

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