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When choosing a team is changing color. Color codes in Minecraft

11.10 2017

Tired of standard HUD in CS GO? Would you like to set it up so to play with maximum convenience and not distracted by cutting items? In this case, it's time to change the interface settings in CS GO! It's simple, quickly, and there are a lot of changes.

  • Sizes and appearance
  • Location HUD.
  • Radar settings

How to change the color of the interface in CS GO - no standard

The interface setting can be very flexible. All changes - from sizes to location. We will learn not only how to change the color of the interface. But while we set up only it.

The whole game offers 11 colors for HUD:

  • 0 - standard gray shade;
  • 1 - neutral white;
  • 2 - light blue;
  • 3 - blue;
  • 4 - lilac;
  • 5 - red;
  • 6 - orange;
  • 7 - bright yellow;
  • 8 - light green;
  • 9 - turquoise;
  • 10 - pink.

A digit that means color must be substituted into the cantilever command below. And then the shade will become exactly what required.

How to make the color changed: Commands for configuration

There is an easy way to change the color of the humus. These are teams through the console. To change the color of the HUD through it, just enter the following command:


Instead of an asterisk, it is necessary to substitute the color number that we want. So we change it without applying settings. This will solve the question of how to change the color of HP, armor and in general at once.

It is noteworthy that at the same time separately you can change the color of the display of weapons! It is nice for your eyes. To activate the command you need to enter the command:

cl_loadOdout_colorweaponnames 1.

The selected weapon from the skin will be signed with color font. Its hue coincides with the color of the quality of the skin (for example, AWP | Dragon Lore will be signed by red letters).

Setting up HUD in CS GO - change to yourself

But the color is not the only option how to make it more comfortable and more beautiful. You can change it as you like within the limits of the developers. And for this there are special console commands that can make the interface really unique.

Sizes and appearance

How to customize HUD, changing the location of the usual elements or varying their appearance? Very simple - through the console using the commands below.

hUD_SCALING (from 0.5 to 0.95) - changes the size of the interface along with the radar. The less value is less than all the details of the Hud. And vice versa. If you set the value to 0.95 - it turns out the standard thin.

cl_HUD_Playercount_showcount (0 or 1) - The command changes the display of the panel with the number of players. The value of 0 shows the icons of each player. On 1 - only the amount in numbers displays.

cL_HUD_HEALTHAMMO_STYLE (0 or 1) - changes the appearance of the health and armor panel. The value to 0 displays the scale and numbers next to it. And 1 will leave only the number.

cL_showLoadout (0 or 1) - changes the display of weapons in the lower left corner. With 0 inventory will not be visible. At 1, the icons of all that are in the pockets of the character will be placed on the screen.


Directly through the console, you can change the finding of some interface elements.

cL_hUD_playercount_pOS (0 or 1) - Moves the panel with the number of players up or down, respectively.

cL_HUD_BOMB_UNDER_RADAR (0 or 1) - Changes the position of the icon of the bomb. Figure 0 leaves it only next to the weapon. If you put 1, the command copies the display of the bomb next to the radar weapon, as in CS 1.6.

Radar settings

The radar is given a separate place, because the thin and most convenient setting is important for each player.

cL_HUD_RADAR_SCALE (from 0.8 to 1.3) - Depending on the value, the value reduces or increases the radar, stretching the mini-card image on it.

cL_RADAR_ALWAYS_CENERED (0 or 1) - Changes the behavior of the radar when the player is moving. When 0, the card moves after moving. And at 1 it will not move.

We continue to eliminate gaps in the knowledge of the SI language. Today I will tell you how to change the color of the background and the displayed text in the console. To change the background and text, different methods are used that will now consider.

How to change color background

So to change the background, we will use the function which we will transfer the line of the following type: "Color " where and - Hex numbers - the first sets the background color, and the second is the color of the foreground (font color).

Values \u200b\u200bnumbers

  • 0 - black
  • 1 - blue
  • 2 - green
  • 3 - blue
  • 4 - red
  • 5 - Lilovy
  • 6 - yellow
  • 7 - White
  • 8 - gray
  • 9 - Blue Blue
  • A - Light green
  • B - light blue
  • C - Light Red
  • E - Light Yellow
  • F - Bright white


System ("Color F0"); // Installing the White Background and Black Text

Changing the color of individual words

I think with the color of the background problems did not arise, then go further, we will change the color of words, characters, as well as the background behind them. In this case, our actions are similar - we will have to cause only one function, though you will need to connect the header file of Windows.h, as well as get a console descriptor. For a better understanding, consider everything in the next listing.

#Include. / * Mandatory file connection * / #Include INT MAIN () (/ * Receipt of the standard output descriptor * / handle HCONSOLE \u003d getstdhandle (STD_OUTPUT_Handle); / * Installing a white background for a separate symbol. Symbol color - black * / setConsoleTextAttribute (HCONSOLE, (Word) ((15<< 4) | 0)); return 0; }

As can be seen from the listing, the color of the text and the background is changed by calling the function Setconsoletextattribute,which takes two parameters: Console Descriptor and View Expression (Word) (( Background. << 4) | TEXT.)) Where, as you already guessed, a background - the color of the background is precisely those symbols that are displayed, and text is the color of the text.


In contrast to the first case with a functionsystem, Bacground and Text Settings are numeric, therefore, it is necessary to replace the colors that have an alphabetic designation.For example: a \u003d 10, b \u003d 11, etc.

What if you don't want to remember the number of colors

For ease of entry, as well as not to memorize all the numbers that match the colors, you can create a listing containing all colors. After that, you can simply use the color name instead of the corresponding numbers.

ENUM CONSOLECOLOR (Black \u003d 0, Blue \u003d 1, Green \u003d 2, Cyan \u003d 3, RED \u003d 4, Magenta \u003d 5, Brown \u003d 6, LightGray \u003d 7, DarkGray \u003d 8, LightBlue \u003d 9, LightGreen \u003d 10, Lightcyan \u003d 11 , LightRed \u003d 12, Lightmagenta \u003d 13, yellow \u003d 14, White \u003d 15);

It should be noted that if you need to change the color of the whole background, then you need to do it first, since if you do otherwise, then all you have identified the setConsoleTextAttribute function will have another color specified in Colors.

Listing work program

#Include. #Include. // Mandatory connection of the ENUM CONSOLECOLOR file (Black \u003d 0, Blue \u003d 1, Green \u003d 2, Cyan \u003d 3, Red \u003d 4, Magenta \u003d 5, Brown \u003d 6, LightGray \u003d 7, DarkGray \u003d 8, LightBlue \u003d 9, LightGreen \u003d 10, lightcyan \u003d 11, lightred \u003d 12, Lightmagenta \u003d 13, yellow \u003d 14, White \u003d 15); Int Main () (/ * Getting a descriptor * / handle hconsole \u003d getstdhandle (STD_OUTPUT_Handle); / * The color of the whole background is white. The color of the whole text is black * / System ("Color F0"); Puts ("Hello World!") ; / * Symbol color - yellow. Background color - dark gray * / setConsoletextattribute (HCONSOLE, (Word) ((Darkgray<< 4) | Yellow)); printf("Hello"); /*Цвет символов - светло-зеленый. Цвет фона - желтый*/ SetConsoleTextAttribute(hConsole, (WORD) ((Yellow << 4) | LightGreen)); puts("World!"); return 0; }

Hello everyone! Today I will tell you how to change the color of the background and the font of the command line (CMD) Windows.

Changing the color of the text and the background in the command line window for the current session. Completed without parameters The Color command restores standard text and background colors in the command line window.


color [TF]


tF is a change in the color of the text (T) and the background (F).

The following table lists the permissible hexadecimal numbers that can be set as values \u200b\u200bof the parameters T and F.

Color Value
The black0
Light blue9
Light greenA.
Light blueB.
Light redC.
Light SirenD.
Light yellowE.
Bright whiteF.

/? Displays help on the command line.


To set standard colors in the command line window, click the left upper corner of this window, select the "Defaults" command, go to the Color tab and specify the colors for the text on the screen and screen screen.

To change the colors of the command line window in the current session, you can use the CMD / T command: TF.

If the text and background colors match, the Color command sets the value of the errorlevel parameter in one (1).

Minecraft codes flowersor minecraft codes Formatting, allow any player to add flowers and format text right in Minecraft. Color codes from & 0-9 - to & a-f. Add them before your text. Messages from players may contain color codes that allow you to add paints to your suggestions.

Colors and formatting codes

Ampsant (&) sign, followed by a hexadecimal number in the messages gives a signal to the client to switch the color when displaying text. In addition, the text can be formatted using a symbol. & followed by the letter. You can add different colors in books, command blocks, server name, server description ( motd.), in the world name, in signs and even in names Players.

It is very easy to format your text in configs or in the game using a color table below. & R is used to reset all codes, i.e. & MAAA & RBBB will be displayed as AAA BBB.

Color codes table

The code NameTechSymbol colorShadow color symbol
R.G.B. Hex.R.G.B. Hex.
&0 The blackblack.0 0 0 000000 0 0 0 000000
&1 Dark bluedark_Blue.0 0 170 0000AA0 0 42 00002A.
&2 Dark greendark_Green.0 170 0 00AA00.0 42 0 002A00.
&3 Dark blue-greendark_aqua.0 170 170 00aaa.0 42 42 002A2A.
&4 Dark reddark_red.170 0 0 AA0000.42 0 0 2A0000
&5 Dark violetdark_purple.170 0 170 AA00AA.42 0 42 2A002A.
&6 GoldgOLD.255 170 0 FFAA00.42 42 0 2A2A00.
&7 Greygray.170 170 170 AAAAAA.42 42 42 2A2A2A.
&8 Dark greydark_Gray.85 85 85 555555 21 21 21 151515
&9 Blueblue85 85 255 5555FF.21 21 63 15153F.
& A. Greengreen.85 255 85 55FF55.21 63 21 153F15
& B. Sine-greenaqua.85 255 255 55FFFF.21 63 63 153F3F.
& C. Redred255 85 85 FF555563 21 21 3F1515
& D. Light purplelight_purple.255 85 255 FF55FF.63 21 63 3F153F.
& E. Yellowyellow255 255 85 FFFF5563 63 21 3F3F15
& F. Whitewhite255 255 255 Ffffff.63 63 63 3F3F3F.

Formatting codes table

Sometimes it is necessary emphasize, cross highlight any text. To do this, use text formatting. Used in the same way as colors (in front of the text the code, for example & lminecraft \u003d Minecraft.

The codeName
& K. Magic text
(& kite)
& L. Thumbnail
(& Lecttext)
& M. Strikethrough text
(& Mctop)
& N. Underlined text
(& Utext)
& O. Round text
(& Item)
& R. Text without formatting
(& Rtext)

One of the characteristics of the sight in CS: GO is its color. Only five standard colors are available for choice in the game: red, green, yellow, blue and blue. But how to be if we want to have a scope of another color, such as white or black? The answer to this question we will give in this article.

To set your scope your color, first of all it is necessary to register in the console the following command:


We give the system to this team that we will use a non-standard color sight. Next, to determine the color we need, we will use these three console commands:

  • cL_CROSSHAIRCOLOR_G. - Share green
  • cL_CROSSHAIRCOLOR_B. - Share of blue

The parameters of these commands can take values \u200b\u200bfrom 0 to 255. Each of these commands adds a color defined shade (red, green and blue, respectively), and in sum we get the color you need. That is, by mixing these three shades, we get the desired color of the sight.

Below are the lists of the commands that need to be entered in the console in order to set one or another color.

Your color sight in CS: go










These are examples of just a few combinations, in fact their huge set. If you did not find the appropriate color of the sight among the above, you can independently experiment with these teams in the console - it's easy. If your color sight in CS: Go suits you, we recommend reading an article about