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The iTunes program does not work. How to fix the error connecting to iTunes

Good day to all online users! Today's article will answer the question of why iTunes is not installed on Windows 7, 8 and XP. As you understand the operating system version usually does not affect this problem and therefore the information below should help you.

The problem is really relevant, because with each day of users who prefer the iPhone, it becomes more and more, and, as you know, using iTunes users of this phone download and download files to a computer or laptop. Thus, if this Apple software is not installed, then users will not be able to download data to their computer or laptop.

Let's consider the basic possible problems that may interfere with this procedure:

Download iTunes from the official site

To avoid all kinds of problems, you should use programs only from developers. Download these programs you can on the official website.

Make sure that you are on the official iTunes website and download the latest version of the program from there, try install it. It is possible that iTunes is not installed on a computer or laptop due to the old or "wrong" version of the program.


Go to "Start" - "Control Panel", left to "View" Select "Minor Icons" and the last step, go to "Windows Firewall".

In the left side of the window, you see the inscription "Enable and disable Windows Firewall". Go there and turn it off, since this is built into the system creation from Microsoft can interfere with iTunes.

Remove the remnants of the program

If you incorrectly delete the program (in the event that it was installed) you want to install, can cause conflict during installation. To do this, you need to delete unnecessary program files, as well as clean the registry.

First, make sure that at the moment you do not have the iTunes program installed. Go to the "Control Panel" - "Programs and Components". Now carefully pass throughout the list to be confident in the absence of iTunes. If you found it in this list, you remove it if not, then read the article further. You can use to delete a problem program.

Type the "Start" phrase "display of hidden files and folders" in the search bar, find the name of the same name in the search results and click on it. Make sure that in front of the inscription "Show hidden files, folders and discs", a check mark is installed.

I told more about hidden files and folders in the article: ". By the way, I told me how to go to the settings above in a simple way.

Now open the C drive. Next "Users" (maybe "Users"), then open your personal folder, then "APPDATA" - "LOCAL". We are looking for the Temp folder here and delete it. If it does not work, go there and cleanse some of the files until everything can be deleted. To delete all files, you must reboot and then try to delete all files in this folder.

In the AppData folder, also look at the availability of the iTunes folder. If it is, you remove it and restart the computer.

Also clean the registry from unnecessary branches. To do this, download the CCleaner program. If you did not use her, then you have a link to an article where I told how the parameters are cleaned in the registry: ".

Hosts file and DNS reset

Another reason when iTunes is not installed - "wrong" file hosts. Go to C: \\ Windows \\ System32 \\ Drivers \\ etc - Get to the HOSTS file. Click on it right-click, select "Open", then click on "Notepad".

Now delete only this file and restart the computer. Next, do the following: Go to "Start" - "Run" - enter CMD and press ENTER. A window will open in which enter IPConfig / Flushdns and press ENTER. Next try to install iTunes.

Possible reasons

  • Note: Turn off your antivirus during the program installation time. Perhaps it blocks the installation.
  • Also check the time to be exhibited correctly.

A temporary solution when there is a problem with installing iTunes program ITOOLS. It has the same features as Apple developers. For a closer look at the program, see the video below:

Unlike the devices running on the Android and Windows platform, the Gadgets from Apple are not capable of sharing information and synchronization with computers on Windows 7 without an application specifically designed for these purposes called "iTunes".

Unfortunately, this program often cannot start in Windows 7, due to a whole set of problems.

Below is a guide on how to solve the task yourself.

How to fix the problem with the start of iTunes?

Of course, you can reinstall OS and all applications, including iTunes, but it is even an effective, but long solution. In addition, sometimes problems arise due to trite outdated equipment (according to Apple), for example, video cards.

If you precisely identify the reason for the utility start failure, the task solution will not take much time, for example, you can simply download and install the iTunes version for a computer with an old video card, while taking into account the size of the "seven" functioning in the PC, so the problem will be eliminated by itself.

It is only a pity that the solution is temporary, since after the next update, the apple utility will again cease to start. In this regard, the owners of the devices on iOS, it is necessary to be able to eliminate such malfunctions.

Below are the techniques using which you can eliminate the reasons to prevent the application launch.

For example, if it appears after trying to open the utility error 0xC000007B, then it is often problems with system files, with drivers or the effects of malicious utilities.

Usually the question is solved already simple uninstallation of the utility with the subsequent reinstalling or execution of the Windows 7 update event.

When a message appears: "Itunes is stopped, the name of the problem: AppCrash", the damaged "CoreAudiotoolbox.dll" module will be easier to restore in safe mode or even with the system rollback.

Method solution problem via screen resolution changes

This is the easiest event often leads to a successful restoration of the normal startup of the utility. Therefore, why not try it first.

You must perform the following sequential steps:

If the operation performed did not lead to success, then proceed to the execution of the actions described in the next paragraph of this instruction.

Full uninstall with further reinstalling application

As experienced IT experts like to be expressed: "The program crookedly stood up," this expression is true and to iTunes version, which is simply outdated or installed incorrectly. In this case, an error with code 45075 appears.

After completing the procedure, manually delete the following directories (if they are still preserved after the program), which are located in the Program Files directory of the system disk:

  • Bonjour;
  • Apple;
  • iPod.

In the case when the system begins to respond negatively to attempts to get rid of folders and does not allow you to delete them, it is recommended to first stop the "QuickTime" process first and then repeat the deletion attempt.

After completing the procedure, restart the PC. And only after that, by downloading from the official resource of the Fresh Distribution, reinstall the application.

Solving the problem with the QUICKTime player

Often, iTunes refuses to work because of the conflict with the codecs of some players.

Simple Clearing the QuickTime directory usually allows you to restore the normal functioning of the apple program.

You will need to perform only a few following steps:

  1. Open in the conductor the contents of the system volume;
  2. Log in to the "Windows" directory;
  3. Next, go to the "System32" folder;
  4. Then open the "QuickTime" subfolder;
  5. Allocate everything that is in it and delete;
  6. Reload PC;
  7. Ready. Now iTunes should be turned on in normal mode, and if not, then most likely the defective configuration files are hampered.

How to get rid of damaged files?

Sometimes in computers on Windows 7 with the bit rate x64, the utility start failure due to the integrity of the integrity or the complete absence of the API-MS-WIN-CRT-Runtime-L1-1-0.dll file.

If it is absent in the system, it will lead to paralysis not only iTunes, but also some other popular applications, such as Microsoft Office, Skype and computer games.

Basically with the problem of PC owners on the "seven" face after the update.

To eliminate the error, you must draw the following steps:

Also the cause of damage to files is viruses. Next, consider what to do to treat a PC from dangerous programs.

Getting rid of malicious applications

If the antivirus is already installed in the PC, then make them a complete system scanning.

Having finished the treatment of the PC, restart it and then completely removing iTunes, again installed, run the program. Now viruses will no longer block her work.

Solving a problem with the absence of a component .NET Framework

In case of increasing this element, the message "Windows ERROR 998" appears when trying to start iTunes. Therefore, it will be necessary to install from the official Microsoft source.

By downloading the component, its installation will not require a lot of time. Be sure after installation, you need to restart the PC.

In most cases, after the execution of the above-described actions, iTunes launches normally.

In conclusion, it is required to note that when installing "iTunes", it is necessary to be particularly careful that the version of the program corresponds to the bit operating in Windows 7 PC.

To understand independently why Aytyuns does not open, any user can. The main complexity is to find a specific cause of a problem that can be in improper operation of the program itself or the operating system on the computer.

Changing screen resolution

In some cases, the cause of the fact that the Aytyuns does not start to the computer, there may be an incorrect screen resolution. To test it and change:

  1. Right-click on the desktop and open the Screen Settings.
  2. Go to "Advanced Parameters".
  3. Stop the recommended permit or close to it. Apply the configuration.

If the cause of the error was incorrect resolution, then after changing the parameters, the program will start correctly start and operating.

If everything is in order with the resolution, but itunes still does not open, make sure that the Microsoft .NET Framework component is installed on the computer (for Windows). You should download the library installation package only from the official Microsoft website.

After installing the Framework, restart the computer to apply the configuration. Then try running iTunes.

To make sure that there are no obstacles to the system to run Aytyuns, check the computer to viruses. If the antivirus is not installed or has not been updated for a long time, use to verify the free cleaning utility Dr.Web Cureit.

Run the program, scan the system, delete the detected threats and restart the computer. After re-logging into the system, open iTunes.

If a QuickTime player is installed on the computer, because of the conflict of some plugin or codec, problems may occur when you run iTunes. At the same time, the removal of the player or reinstall the ITYUNS fails will not eliminate. To exclude this possible cause of failure:

  1. Open "Computer" and run along the path C: \\ Windows \\ System32.
  2. Look for the QuickTime directory. If you detect it, delete the contents and restart the computer.

If the player is not installed or you made sure that it has no relation to the error when starting iTunes, then go to the next step - cleaning the damaged configuration files of the program.

  1. Go to the control panel.
  2. Set the "Minor Icons" mode.
  3. Open the Explorer Settings.
  4. Click the View tab.
  5. In the "Advanced Parameters" field, sign down and check the "Show hidden files" checkbox.

Now you can proceed to delete files from the C: \\ ProgramData \\ Apple Computer \\ iTunes \\ SC Info folder. Remove the SC info.sidd and SC info.sidb files, after which you restart the computer.

If you tried all the listed options, but did not understand why the Aytyuns program does not open, then go to reinstall the application. The first step is to correctly delete the program. Together with iTunes, it is necessary to uninstall a number of components in a certain order:

  1. iTunes;
  2. Apple Software Update;
  3. Apple Mobile Device Support;
  4. Bonjour;
  5. Applic Application Support (32-bit version);
  6. Apple Application Support (64-bit version).

To complete the complete uninstall, restart the computer, then go to the Apple website and download the distribution of the latest iTunes version and install the program.

If an old version of Windows is installed on the computer, then when installing the latest builds, ITunes may have problems due to incompatibility. Delete the program according to the instructions, and then locate on third-party sites and install the iTunes version that fits the system.

Often there are situations when after entering iTunes an error is the first thing you have to see.

At the same time, many people do not even know that in fact almost every such problem is quite quickly solving, it is enough just to have a list of all possible errors and the ways to solve them.

Why does it appear 0x666dD743F code?

In iTunes, an error of this type occurs if a certain conflict is present in the functioning of the files during the startup process. It is most often found from Windows users. If you want to get rid of this problem, you will need to go to the "Control Panel", after which you activate QuickTime settings and turn off Save Mode in the Audio section.

Why occurs 0xe80000010 0xe8000050?

In iTunes, an error 0xe8000001 or 0xE8000050 appears if the system cannot install the required applications on your gadget. If you have such a problem, you will need to establish the latest version of this system. Most often, the error falls in the event that you are trying to set any hacked applications. If this is true, then you need to hack your own gadget, then install Apppsync from Cydia.

0xe8008001 - What to do?

The reason for this is that certain applications use incorrect signature, that is, are hacked. If you want to install them on your device, you will need to carry out the so-called jailbreak of the gadget, after which the appsync patch is installed, which downloads from Cydia.

0xe8000013 - How to fix?

iTunes gives an error with this number in the event that the standard synchronization problem occurs, that is, such codes may occur periodically on any device. To resolve it, you will need to re-synchronize your gadget, and if necessary, you can even completely restart it.

What if the code 0xE8000065 appears?

This code may indicate that you have a problem or the system itself, or directly with iTunes. To eliminate it, you can simply restart your computer or change the USB port. If it did not help you, then in this case you will need to completely reflash your gadget.

What to do with the error 1671?

Error 1671 iTunes occurs if the firmware check system is not turned off. If you want to eliminate it, it is recommended to conduct a jailbreak procedure of your device. If you need to install a custom firmware with iOS 4/5, then when you have an error 1671 iTunes, you will need to use Pwned DFU. Manual to use the utility is not so difficult to find.

4013 - How to act?

Under the number 13 or 4013, iTunes error appears if you are used by a faulty cable or the connector into which it is stuck in the system unit, is not working. To eliminate the error, you will need to use a new cable, and the best way to replace USB. It happens that it will not help, and you will again manifest a number 13 or 4013 error iTunes. Then you need to fully reinstall the system or even use another computer to install the applications you are interested in.

There is an error 9. What to do?

Error 9 iTunes is a similar computer "blue death screen" if the PC is running Windows. This error means that there is some faction inside the kernel of the IOS operating system.

Immediately it is worth noting the fact that in almost 100% of cases, the 9 iTunes error does not appear if the device uses the standard firmware. If you are used by custom firmware, it will be best to collect a new one.

Eliminate errors 3002 and 3194

Error 3194 in iTunes When restoring the firmware occurs when there are certain problems that do not allow the device to access the server. Among the most frequent reasons for this problem, it is worth noting a modified Hosts file, as well as the complete absence of previously stored SHSH, which are required for a downgrade. Also, it is not necessary to exclude such a situation that Apple's servers are currently simply overloaded, so repeat the request at a certain time, and it is possible that you will not need any additional manipulations to eliminate the problem.

What if there is a 6 or 10 error?

If you are trying to put a custom firmware with Boot Recovery logos, which differ from the standard, then in this case you may have such problems when installed. iTunes gives an error with such a code often when attempting this action. To get rid of the problem, you will have to install a new firmware on your gadget, while using another custom firmware on which there are no custom Boot-Recovery logos, or attempt to use that custom firmware that has already been checked during operation on your device.

Possible errors 10xx and their elimination

Such a problem may occur if you are trying to flash on the outdoor firmware version compared to the one you use at the moment. Or if you try to upgrade to the modem of the version that does not match your gadget, the update error may appear. iTunes often issues such codes, but also to eliminate them is not so hard.

To cope with the problem, you will need to download and use the utility called Tinyumbrella. After the program starts, you will need to click on the Kick Device Out of Recovery button, after which it is calmly downloading the programs you need.

Error 54 and its correction

Error 54 occurs if you are trying to copy the application from another device to your gadget. Most often, a similar problem occurs if you are trying to copy any hacked applications or copy licensed applications to a computer that is not previously authorized.

If this option could not help you, then in this case you will need to go to the settings, go to the "Synchronization" section, and then reset the story and completely delete the folder that is located at C: // Documents and Settings / All Users / Application Data / Apple Computer / iTunes / SC Info. After it is done, you will need to re-authorize your own computer.

The third option is to open a folder with the library, and after that the "Music" folder is transferred to some other place that is convenient for you. Now you can synchronize your device with iTunes, after which re-return the folder into place and re-synchronize.

The last option is the most difficult, but it is quite effective and allows you to eliminate this error in almost all cases. Using this method is recommended solely for advanced users who know how to work with similar equipment.

Initially, you will need to open Cydia, after which you download from Swaptunes. This tweak will allow you to synchronize the device simultaneously with several media libraries. Now we run the swaptunes downloaded by us, after which you open ifile and go to the following address: var / mobile / media. Here you will need to find a folder called iTunes_Control2, after which it should be deleted from the name of this folder 2. The folder itself should be deleted solely after you create a new one. After all these procedures, you can safely completely delete Swaptunes, after which it is re-synchronizing the gadget from iTunes and continue to download the utilities you are interested in.

Error with code 9808 and its solution

This problem occurs when you try to log in in the iTunes Store. It is worth noting that this is a kind of configuration error in iTunes, so it will be necessary to eliminate it by changing certain settings. You will need to go to the control panel, find "Observer Settings", after which it goes to the "Advanced" section and set the checkboxes near TLS 1.0 and SSL 3.0 items. In order for the changes you have been confirmed, you will need to restart your computer.

Error number 1.

Such problems are a consequence of what you are trying to install the firmware that does not actually match your version of the gadget. If you notice such an error, you will need to make sure that it is really suitable for your device. If you are confident that the firmware is relevant, then in this case you will need to simply conduct iTunes update.

Error number 2.

It is rare today, since it is most often appearing if the old generation gadgets are overlauning using custom firmware along with the activation and subsequent ASR patch. But if you have it still appeared, then in this case the only thing you can do is just use some other firmware that is relevant to your device.

Error code 10. What to do?

If you met with such an error, it is likely that you are using custom firmware in which there is no Low Level Bootloader technology, as it is directly responsible for downloading your system. To solve this problem, you will need to download or make a custom firmware yourself.

What to do with error 11?

In the firmware you installed, there is no BBFW. To eliminate the error with code 11, you will need to download the firmware again from the proven source or use a specialized archiver to add a missing file to the firmware container you are trying to set at the moment.

What if there was an error 14?

Such an error occurs after you unsuccessfully spend the jailbreak or use a USB connector in a computer that is damaged. To eliminate the error, try replacing the USB connector, and if it does not help you, you will have to use the full refreshing of the gadget.

How to fix a mistake 17?

A similar problem is often quite a consequence of what you are trying to update the custom firmware to some other. If you want to upgrade to a new caster, then in this case you will need to use the DFU mode.

How to act when mistaken 20?

Is it possible to draw a gadget firmware for the reason that it is in recovery mode? In this case, everything is enough - so that the error disappears, you need to translate the device to the DFU mode.

Eliminate the error 21.

The IPSW signature check mode was not turned off, as a result of which this error begins to manifest when you try to use custom firmware? If you encountered this problem, you will need to install custom firmware using the Pwned DFU utility. It is worth noting that the creation of custom firmware in this case should be carried out using Pwnage Tool.

We solve the problem with a mistake 23

The cause of it is the emergence of various problems associated with the hardware component of your device. It is enough to simply determine the cause of this error if your gadget ceases to determine the MAC address or IMEI. The only solution in such a situation is a campaign to the service center to qualified specialists, since there is no independent solution for this problem. It is recommended to go to proven service centers, as far as not everyone can and can solve this problem.

Cause of error 26 and its elimination

The cause of this error is that NOR is unsuitable for the firmware version you use. To solve this problem, you can simply download any other firmware file from the previously checked source.

Simple mistakes 27 and 29

This problem is relevant solely for older versions of iTunes (from 8 to 9.1) and at the same time arises exclusively in the Windows operating system. To eliminate it, it will be enough to simply update the program to the latest version, which is currently relevant.

Error 28. Why does it appear and how to eliminate?

Among all the existing reasons for this problem, almost always a malfunction is that the 30-PIN connector of your gadget incorrectly works. Again, the decision is exclusively going to the service center, as we are talking about hardware fault, but to carry out similar procedures, even if the simplest one is not recommended independently.

Code 35. solve the problem

This error occurs quite often when the device is working in Mac OS X and is a consequence of the fact that the user has incorrect access rights to the folder in which the iTunes media library is located. To eliminate the error, you will need to run the program "Terminal", go to your account, after which you enter the code of Sudo Chmod -R 700 Users Music iTunes iTunes Media.

Code 37. Causes of the appearance and elimination options

The cause of this error is most often the use of custom firmware, as it often often happens that the LLB can be used in the custom, which is used in another gadget. In order for you no longer have this error, you will need to create a custom firmware in which the correct LLB will be used.

Error code 39.

The appearance of such an error often happens quite often after the system finds some problems with the photo album or with the access device to the Internet. To fix it, try creating a completely new photo album, as well as update the iTunes you set to the version that is currently relevant. If it did not even help you, then in this case it is likely that the problem is the antivirus you use or firemakers, so try to turn it off and their.

1008, or Apple ID problems

The cause of the error 1008 is that iTunes cannot recognize certain characters that were entered in Apple ID. Quite often appears due to the fact that the system encoding was incorrectly. To troubleshoot a malfunction, you need to open the "Shop" tab, after which "view my account". In the event that in the data window that appears, the data is entered and displayed correctly, you need to click "Exit". Now it will be necessary to switch the encoding of your system in Win5112 or UTF8, after which it will be possible to enter the account again.

1015 and firmware update

The most frequently appearance of this problem is a consequence that the gadget is flashing on the old version. Do not forget that for a downgrade, the SHSH stored in advance must be used, and if you do not save them, you can not even think about the dowgerade.

However, this error is often a consequence of the application blocking by the Apple system, and to eliminate it, you will need to completely erase all Apple servers from the Host file.

47 - Unsupping Mystery

The most mysterious is 47 iTunes error. And experts work on this problem. Frequently, the Windows operating system itself issues this code, and although it seems that this is an error 47 iTunes, but in reality the operating system cannot use this device, as it was prepared for a safe shutdown, but it was not turned off from the computer . To eliminate this malfunction in this situation, it is enough just to remove the device from the socket, after which insert it back.

It is worth noting the fact that even for the developer is an unknown error in iTunes. And to date, it has not appeared on the official site. If we are talking about the error of the Windows operating system, then you can simply see it, and then depart the active program window. In addition, some users have such situations where an unknown iTunes error occurred while trying to use a specific device.

Knowing all the above problems, as well as possible causes of their occurrence and solution options, you can easily use iTunes at any time convenient for you. Such errors occur from time to time each user, so it is better to prepare in advance for their appearance and know how to quickly eliminate them.

If the above options for eliminating such problems could not help you, then in this case it is better to turn to qualified specialists who have the necessary equipment, skills and, of course, experience in eliminating various errors with gadgets.

Hey! Software update is not always good. A clear example is the new version of iTunes, in which Apple developers for some reason "saw" app Store. Fully. They took and removed the opportunity to fully manage games and applications on their iOS device through a computer. The App Store point in iTunes just disappeared!

Honestly, I did not understand all this "Mother's" from a glorious company from Cupertino. Tim Cook, are you all right there? There are no other problems and tasks? Why remove the fact that no one bothered and has helped many? As now, for example, fought, Apple, oh, bent ...

Fortunately, there is a way out. Now I will tell you how to return the game of games and applications in iTunes on PC, let's go!

So, Apple decided that simple users of the program in iTunes are not needed.

But there are other options for using the company's devices - in business, education and other corporate conditions. And there, the installation of programs through iTunes can play a very big role - it is impossible to clean it.

Therefore, a special press release was issued, which states that if you are a business representative, then continue to use iTunes as usual, no one prohibits :)

We use this assumption to add the App Store in iTunes:

  1. Open Apple's application here at this link.
  2. Also download iTunes ( - there is for Mac and Windows.
  3. If the computer is used.
  4. Install.

However, when starting, you can encounter a message: "iTunes library.itl file cannot be read, since it has been created by a newer version of iTunes."

What to do with it?

  • Find the iTunes Library.itl file on your computer.
  • You can use the search, but just in case, here is the "Standard" location path for Windows - C: \\ Users \\ user name \\ my music \\ iTunes. And for Mac - "Personal"\u003e "Music"\u003e iTunes.
  • Delete or move iTunes Library.itl from this folder.

Important! After deleting or moving the file will have to re-create a library. This may become a problem if all your music in iTunes has been "decomposed on the shelves" and sorted.

All, connect iPhone or iPad to a computer and see ... that nothing has changed - the App Store in iTunes is still not! Quiet, the main thing is not to panic :)

Now we can safely say that the opportunity to download the game or the application through iTunes returned. Hooray!

Updated (Important Note)!One of the readers unsubscribed in the comments about what he did everything according to the instructions, but he did not succeed. What could it happen? Only due to the fact that the "wrong" version of iTunes is downloaded. Please be careful - the article has all the necessary links and tips. Many thanks:)

P.S. If the instruction helped, then you should not regret the "Likes" - press the buttons of social networks! You are not hard, and the author will be very nice. Thanks again:)

P.S.S. Have questions or just have something to say? Boldly write in the comments - always waiting!