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Create a configuration file in PHP. Creating a configuration file in PHP database setting

ATTENTION: Read before editing this page.

Please do not specify the parameters of your own website in this article, because at the same time you inform the password from your database to the whole world, but the site do not run. Thank you.

One step by installing WordPress is to enter the parameters required to access the MySQL database to the WP-Config.php file.

This file, WP-config.php is not contained in the downloadable WordPress copy; You will need to create it. As an example, you can use the WP-Config-sample.php file. Below are advanced settings and examples.

To change the WP-Config.php file, you need the following information:

Database name Database Name for WordPress Database Name Username to access the database Password to the database User password to access the database Database Server Database Server Name

If WordPress is installed by your hosting provider, find out this information in the support service. If you have your own or hosting, you will receive this information as a result.

Setting the database

Important: never Do not use text editors like Microsoft Word to change WordPress files!

Find a WordPress file in the root directory and open it in.

Original WP-Config-Sample.php


If Wordpress Is Installed Into A Directory Called "Wordpress" for the domain, Define WP_SITEURL LIKE this:

Define ("WP_SiteURL", "");

Dynamically Set WP_SiteURL Based On $ _Server ["http_host"]

Define ("WP_SiteURL", "http: //". $ _Server ["http_host"]. "/ Path / to / Wordpressp");

COMMENT: A safer alternative for some installations would be to use the server-generated SERVER_NAME instead of the php / user-generated HTTP_HOST which is created dynamically by php based on the value of the HTTP HOST Header in the request, thus possibly allowing for file inclusion vulnerabilities . Server_Name Is Set by The Server Configuration and Is Static.

Dynamically Set WP_SiteURL Based On $ _Server ["Server_Name"]

Define ("WP_SiteURL", "http: //". $ _Server ["Server_name"]. "/ Path / To / Wordpressp");

Blog address (URL)

WP_HOME. IS Another WP-Config.php Option Added in Wordpress. SIMILAR TO WP_SITEURL, WP_HOME overrides The Value forhOME But Does Not Change It Permanently. hOME. IS The Address You Want People to Type In Their Browser to Reach Your Wordpress Blog. IT SHOULD INCLUDE THE HTTP: // Part and Should Not Have A Slash " / "AT THE END.

Define ("WP_HOME", "");

In WordPress version 2.5, the WP_DEBUG installation in True also raises the error messages on E_ALL and activates warnings when outdated functions or files are used; Otherwise, WordPress sets the level of error messages in E_ALL ^ \u200b\u200bE_NOTICE ^ E_USER_NOTICE.

Disable JavaScript accession

To end the results to a faster administrative area, all JavaScript files are attached to one URL. If JavaScript is not able to work in your administrative area, you can try to disable this feature:

Define ("ConcateNate_Scripts", False);

Setting the log error

BECAUSE WP-CONFIG.PHP IS LOODED FOR EVERY Page View Not Loaded from a Cache File, IT IS An Excellent Location to Set Php Ini Settings That Control Your PHP Installation. This is useful if you don "T Have Access to a PHP.ini File, OR If You Just Want to Change Some Settings on the Fly.

HERE IS AN EXAMPLE THAT TURNS PHP ERROR_LOGGING ON AND LOGS THEM TO A SPECIFIC FILE. If WP_DEBUG IS Defined to True, The Erros Will Also Be Saved to This File. Just Place This Above Any require_ONCE Or. include. Commands.

@ini_set ("log_errors", "on"); @ini_set ("display_errors", "off"); @ini_set ("error_log", "/ home / / logs / php_error.log"); / * THAT "S ALL, STOP EDITING! Happy blogging. * /

Another Example of Logging Errors, AS Suggesed by Mike Little On The WP-Hackers Email List:

/ ** * This Will Log All Errors Notices and Warnings to a File Called Debug.log in * WP-CALLETENT (If Apache Does Not Have Write Permission, You May Need To Create * The File First and Set the Appriate Permissions (Ie Use 666)) * / define ("WP_DEBUG", TRUE); DEFINE ("WP_DEBUG_LOG", TRUE); Define ("WP_DEBUG_DISPLAY", FALSE); @ini_set ("display_errors", 0);

Increase memory for PHP

define ("fs_chmod_dir", (0755 ~ umask ())); Define ("fs_chmod_file", (0644 ~ umask ()));

Constants for WordPress Update

You SHOULD DEFINE AS FEW OF THE BELOW CONSTANTS Needed to Correct Your Update Issues.

The Most Common Causes of Needing to Define These Are:

  • Host Running WITH A Special Installation Setup Involving Symlinks, You May Need to Define The Path-Related Constants (FTP_BASE, FTP_CONTENT_DIR, AND FTP_PLUGIN_DIR), Often Defining Simply The Base Will Be Enough.
  • CERTAIN PHP Installations Shiped With A PHP FTP Extension Which IS Incompatible with Certain FTP Servers, Under these Rare Situations, You may need to Define FTP_METHOD TO "FTPSockets"

The Following Are Valid Constants for Wordpress Updates:

  • Fs_method. Forces The Filesystem Method. IT SHOULD ONLY BE "DIRECT", "SSH", "FTPEXT", OR "FTPSockets". Generally, You Should Only Change This If You are Experiency Update Problems, If You Change It, and It Doesnt Help change It Back / Remove IT, Under Most Circumstances, Setting it to "ftpsockets" Will Work If The Automatically Chosen Method Does Not.
    • (PRIMARY Preference) "Direct" Forces It to Use Direct File I / O Requests from Opening Up Security Issues on Poorly Configured Hosts, This Is Chosen Automatically When AppropriTe.
    • (Secondary Preference) "SSH" Is To Force The Usage Of The Ssh PHP Extension.
    • (3rd Preference) "FTPEXT" Is To Force The USAGE OF THE FTP PHP EXTENSION FOR FTP Access and Finally
    • (4th Preference) "FTPSockets" Utilises The PHP Sockets Class for FTP Access.
  • FTP_BASE. IS The Full Path to the "Base" (Abspath) Folder of the WordPress Installation.
  • Ftp_content_dir Is The Full Path to the WP-CONTENT FOLDER OF THE WORDPRESS INSTALLATION.
  • Ftp_plugin_dir. Is The Full Path To the Plugins Folder of the WordPress Installation.
  • FTP_PUBKEY. IS The Full Path To Your Ssh Public Key.
  • FTP_PRIKEY. IS The Full Path To Your Ssh Private Key.
  • FTP_USER IS Either user FTP or SSH UserName. Most Likely These Are The Same, But The Appropriate One for the Type of Update You Wish to Do.
  • FTP_PASS. IS The Password for the username entered for FTP_USER. If you are using SSH Public Key Authentication This Can Be Omitted.
  • FTP_HOST. IS The Hostname: Port Combination for Your SSH / FTP Server. The Default FTP Port Is 21 And The Default Ssh Port Is 22, These Do Not Need to Be Mentioned.
  • FTP_SSL. TRUE FOR SSL-Connection iF supported by the underlying transport, Not available on all Servers. This is for "Secure FTP" Not for SSH SFTP.
Define ("fs_method", "ftpext"); Define ("FTP_BASE", "/ Path / To / Wordpress /"); Define ("FTP_CONTENT_DIR", "/ Path / To / Wordpress / WP-CONTENT /"); define ("ftp_plugin_dir", "/ path / to / wordpress / WP-CONTENT / PLUGINS /"); DEFINE ("FTP_PUBKEY", "/home/username/.sssh/"); Define ("FTP_PRIKEY", "/home/username/.sssh/id_rsa"); Define ("ftp_user", "username"); DEFINE ("FTP_PASS", "PASSWORD"); DEFINE ("FTP_HOST", ""); DEFINE ("FTP_SSL", FALSE);

Enable SSH Access Update

To Enable SSH2 AS An Upgrade Option You Will Need to Install The Pecl SSH2 Extension. To Install This Library You Will Need to Issue A Command Similar to The Following Or Talk to Your Web Hosting Provider to Get This Installed:

PECL Install SSH2.

After Installing The Pecl SSH2 Extension You Will Need to Modify Your PHP Configuration to Automatically Load This Extension.

pECL is Provided by The Pear Package In Most Linux Distributions. To install pecl in redhat / fedora / centos:

Yum -y Install PHP-PEAR

To install PECL in Debian / Ubuntu:


IT IS Recommended to Use A Private Key That Is Not Pass-Phrase Protected. There Have Been Numerous Reports That Pass Phrase Protected Private Keys Do Not Work Properly. If You Decide to Try A Pass Phrase Private Private Key You Will Need to Enter The Pass Phrase for the Private Key AS FTP_PASS, OR Entering It in the "Password" Field In The Presentied Credential Field When Installing Updates.

IF You "Re Still Not Clear On How to Use Ssh for Upgrading or Installing Wordpress / Plugins, Read Through This Tutorial.

Alternative to Cron.

Use this, for example, if Scheduled Posts Are Not Getting Published. According to Otto "S Forum Explanation," This Alternate Method Uses A Redirection Approach, Which Makes The Cron Needs To Run, Which Makes The Cron Needs to Run, So That The Come Back to the Site Immediately While Cron Continues to Run in the Connection the Just dropped. This Method Is a Bit Ifs Sometimes, Which Is Why It "S Not The Default."

Define ("Alternate_WP_CRON", TRUE);

Additionally asked constants

Here Ade Additional Constants That Can Be Defined, But Probably SHOULDN "T BE. The Cookie Definitions Are Particularly Useful If You Have An Unusual Domain Setup.

DEFINE ("Cookiepath", preg_replace ("| https ?: // [^ /] + | i", "", get_option ("Home"). "/")); DEFINE ("Sitecooked", preg_replace ("| https ?: // [^ /] + | i", "", get_option ("siteurl"). "/")); Define ("admin_cookie_path", sitecookiepath. "WP-Admin"); Define ("plugins_cookie_path", preg_replace ("| https ?: // [^ /] + | i", "", wp_plugin_url)); Define ("templatepath", get_template_directory ()); Define ("StyleSheetPath", get_stylesheet_directory ()); Define ("Disable_WP_CRON", TRUE);

In file configuration.php. Site settings, paths, passwords, database settings are stored, and other configuration parameters. Sometimes these settings have to change, this is especially important after the transfer of the site to the new hosting.

In this article we are going to help you learn more about this important file for Joomla. You will learn:

  • Where you can find your file configuration.php..
  • How does each parameter affect the work of the site.

This material is not a full-fledged manual, but will help you easily navigate in the settings when solving any problems.


The picture shows the location of the file using FileZilla. In this case, the site is located in the "Joomla" subdirector.

File configuration.php. Located in the root directory of Joomla. If the site is set to the main hosting directory (Public_HTML), then the path to it will look like this:

  • /home/username/public_html/configuration.php.
Make a backup of the working file before doing anything with it. Try the changes first to do on the test site.

Site parameters

  • $ offline: With the "0" value, the site works if you set "1", the site turns off.
  • $ offline_message: The message that is displayed to visitors when the site is turned off.
  • $ Sitename.: The name of the site that is shown in Title.
  • $ editor: editor that is installed by default.
  • $ List_Limit.: Length list in admin for all users. The default set is 20.
  • $ Access.: Site access level. "1" - open access, "2" - only for registered, "3" - special access.

Debug parameters

  • $ Debug.: "0" Debug mode is turned off, "1" - enabled.
  • $ Debug_lang.: "0" - off. "1" - enabled.


$ Debug.: This parameter includes the joomla debug mode. If set to "1", this tool will provide various technical information about the operation of the system. It will be displayed at the bottom of each page.

$ Debug_lang.: This parameter includes debugging indicators (* ... *) or (? ...?) In Joomla language files.

Database parameters

  • $ dbtype: "mysqli" or "mysql". Type of database used.
  • $ Host.: In most cases "LocalHost", but not always. This information can be found at the Hoster.
  • $ User.: Database username.
  • $ password.: Password for database user.
  • $ db.: Database name.
  • $ dbprefix.: Prefix for Joomla tables, for example, JOS or J17

Additional settings

  • $ Live_Site.: The actual address of the site, for example -
  • $ secret.: Do not change
  • $ Gzip.: "0" - off, "1" - enabled.
  • $ error_reporting: Level Details of the error report.
  • $ Helpurl: Site help page. The default is the official Joomla helping page.


$ Live_Site.: In the latest versions, it should not be indicated any value. Used in cases of creating redirects or copies of the site for testing.

$ secret.: The value is generated when installing Joomla and cannot be changed. It is used in Joomla for security purposes.

$ error_reporting: Sets the appropriate level of error report. Default, System Default.

$ Helpurl: opens the search for background information when you click on the Help button (it can be seen on some pages of the administrative panel).

$ FTP_HOST. : is the IP address of the local Host FTP. A hoster server can have a different value.
$ FTP_PORT: Port number for FTP. Default, 21. The host server may have a different value.
$ ftp_user.: Login FTP user.
$ FTP_PASS.: Your password to FTP
$ FTP_ROOT. : Path to the root folder, usually / home / username / public_html
$ ftp_enable: This option specifies Joomla! Use built-in FTP functions, rather than process via PHP.

Setting up a clock belt

  • $ offset.: This parameter sets the current date and time. The set time must correspond to the server time, but which site is located. By default UTC.
  • $ offset_user.: time for users, default UTC.

Email Settings

  • $ Mailer: Install "Mail" when using the PHP function to work with mail; "Sendmail" - when using the SMTP server.
  • $ MailFrom.: Email address that Joomla uses! To send mail.
  • $ sendmail: The path for which the Sendmail program is located. This parameter is only used if the $ Mailer parameter has the "Sendmail" value.
  • $ smtpauth.: If the SMTP server requires authentication, then you need to set the value "1". This parameter is used only if $ Mailer has the "Sendmail" value.
  • $ smtpuser.: Username to access the SMTP server. This parameter is used only if $ Mailer has the "Sendmail" value.
  • $ SMTPPASS.: Password to access the SMTP server. This parameter is used only if $ Mailer has the "Sendmail" value.
  • $ SMTPHOST.: SMTP server address. This parameter is used only if $ Mailer has the "Sendmail" value.
  • $ smtpsecure.: Security model on SMTP server. Possible "SSL" and "TTL".
  • $ SMTPPORT: SMTP port. Most servers for unprotected connections use port 25, and for secure - port 465. This parameter can be found at the hoster.

Lorified Settings

  • $ log_path: The path for which the Joomla logs are stored!
  • $ TMP_Path : The path to which temporary system files are stored. Not the correct indication of this value can lead to numerous errors in the work of the site.

Caching settings

  • $ Caching: "0" - turned off, "1" - conservative caching; "2" - progressive caching.
  • $ cache_handler: "File" - full caching; "CacheLite" - simple caching.
  • $ cachetime. : Time (in minutes) Storage cache before updating it.

Meta tag settings

  • $ Metadesc.: Text Description of the site for SEO purposes. This text will be displayed in the DESRIPTION meta tag.
  • $ Metakeys.: keywords separated by comma. This text will be displayed in the Keywords meta tag.
  • $ Metaauthor.: "0" - to hide the meta tag author; "1" - Show this tag.

SEO-Settings (Search Engine Optimization)

  • $ SEF.: "0" - disabled, "1" - inclusive. Changing URLs in the "Human Summary" View (CNC). For example, the address\u003dcom_content&view\u003detc ... Transformed by B.
  • $ SEF_Rewrite.: "0" - disabled, "1" - inclusive. Use the APACHE server mod_rewrite to create a "personary" URL.
  • $ SEF_SUFFIX.: "0" - disabled, "1" - inclusive. Adding extension to the end of the URL address, for example, .html or.php.
  • $ Unicodeslugs.: "0" - disabled, "1" - inclusive. The choice between the format of pseudonyms in transliteration or Unicode.
  • $ Feed_Limit.: Restriction on the amount of fids. The default is 10, any integer can be used.

Settings sessions

  • $ Lifetime.: Sets the duration of the session in minutes.
  • $ session_handler: "Database" or "None". Defines the processing of the session after connecting the user.
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So, you accidentally deleted the config.php file, and your conference has become inaccessible, or when installing the conference, the config.php file has not written off due to incorrect access rights to this file. In both cases, files and database are also functional, they simply cannot connect to each other. Do not give you a panic to do something unnecessary, for example, start reapplying the conference. The config.php file can be very easy to create manually when there is a database access details.

Ascertain your opinion on the creation of a new config.php file.

To create a config.php file, use a regular text editor, type Windows notepad, NOTEPADD ++, NOTEPAD2, or one of the best representatives of this type editplus.

Open a text editor and select the creation command of a new text file.

Insert the following code in this new file:

// phpBB 3.0.x Auto-Generated Configuration File
// Do Not Change Anything in This File!
$ dbms \u003d "mysql"; // Database Type It MAY NOT BE MYSQL
$ dbhost \u003d "Database Host / Domain";
$ dbport \u003d "Database Port If Not Default";
$ dbname \u003d "Database Name";
$ dbuser \u003d "Database User Name"; $ dbpasswd \u003d "Database Password";

$ table_prefix \u003d "Database Table Prefix";
$ ACM_TYPE \u003d "File";
$ LOAD_EXTENSIONS \u003d "";

@define ("phpbb_installed", true);
// @ Define ("Debug", True);
// @ Define ("Debug_Extra", True);

You inserted a configuration template to a file. Now you will need to edit the various parts of this file according to your database data.

All this makes sense if you know the details and details of access to the database. Otherwise, you will have to contact your Header to get these details. Almost in all cases the details of the same you used when installing the conference.

$ dbms \u003d "mysql"; Replace mysql Type of your database. You can use the following database types:

$ dbhost \u003d "Database Host / Domain"; Replace database Host / Domain The address of the host or domain of your database. Many hosts in this field use the address LocalHost, but specify this moment at your hoster.

$ dbport \u003d "Database Port If Not Default"; Replace database Port If Not Default The database port number if the server uses a non-standard port to connect to the database. Leave the empty field if the server uses the default port. This field must be fill in only if the database server uses a non-standard port.

$ dbname \u003d "Database Name"; Replace database Name. The database name in which you installed PHPBB3. If you have PHPMYAdmin to access your databases, you can find out the database name by looking through the base in phpmyAdmin. Otherwise, contact your hoster for the database information.

$ dbuser \u003d "Database User Name"; Replace database User Name. Database user name. All databases need a user account, which will be used to connect to it. The name of the database user account must be entered into this field.

$ dbpasswd \u003d "Database Password"; Replace database Password. password to database user account. All databases need a user account, which will be used to connect to it. Password of the database user account must be entered into this field.

$ table_prefix \u003d "Database Table Prefix"; Replace database Table Prefix. Table prefix in the database. In the default setting, this prefix phpbb_. However, you could change it during the installation process. This prefix can be found using PHPMYAdmin, viewing the database in it.

The following parameters do not need to change or worry about them when creating a file config.php.,
$ ACM_TYPE \u003d "File";
$ LOAD_EXTENSIONS \u003d "";
@define ("phpbb_installed", true);
// @ Define ("Debug", True);
Note: Rassavming (deleting //) This line, you can see the page download time at the bottom of the conference pages.
// @ Define ("Debug_Extra", True);

After editing the file editing, save it as a file. config.php.. Make sure the editor has not saved it as config.txt, or as config.php.txt.

Now you have a new file config.php.. Load it to the server using the FTP client to the folder with the PHPBB3 installed (in that folder in which the COMMON.PHP file is also located, viewtopic.php, viewForum.php, etc.).

In most cases, the FTP client itself will set the correct access rights to the file, but make sure that the CHMOD file 644 (this applies only to UNIX-based servers).

Remember that in the config.php file there should be nothing before the initial operator and after the final operator ?> . This also applies to empty lines and excess spaces. Absolutely nothing should be outside these operators.

Consider more details wP-CONFIG.PHP fileWith it, you can expand the functionality and improve CMS WordPress security.
He is, by default, in the root of the site. You can access it by FTP via the FTP client (FileZilla is one of the most popular). And to edit the NotePad ++ editor. Changes to the WordPress configuration are entered by simply adding or editing existing rows.
You can add lines to any place, but to make it easier to find your own changes, it is better to do it in one place, for example, at the beginning of the file, after the entrance comments.

So, here are useful parameters:

  • Starting from version 2.6 CMS WP, you can move this file to one level above the site root, thereby increasing the safety. Hosting / Directory with CMS / WP-CONFIG.PHP Hosting / WP-config.php

    CMS will independently find the configuration file for one level above the installation directory. No additional actions will be required on your part.

  • Available sSL encryption support To work in the admin panel: Define ("Force_ssl_admin", True);

    or only for login login.php

    Define ('Force_ssl_login', True);

    And also, you can enable SSL for the entire site, i.e. Users will work with WordPress via HTTPS protocol. You may need a signed security certificate (unsigned, so-called "Self-signed" or "self-founded" certificates Require confirmation of the user's consent to work than they can scare potential site visitors).

  • The WP-config.php file stores entries to interact CMS and database, here you can easily change the password for the database user and its name, server name. DEFINE ("DB_NAME", "Database-Name"); Define ("db_user", "database-username"); DEFINE ("DB_PASSWORD", "Database-Password"); DEFINE ("DB_HOST", "LocalHost");
  • Here you can make invalid cookies of users.
  • Change CMS language by specifying the path to the translation files: * Change this parameter to adjust the localization. The corresponding MO file * for the selected language must be installed in WP-CONTENT / LANGUAGES. For example, * to enable the support of the Russian language, copy RU_RU.MO to WP-CONTENT / LANGUAGES * and assign WPlang value "RU_RU". Define ("WPLANG", "**"); Define ("Langdir", "**");
  • Change the display rules For site URLs, you can line: define ("wp_siteurl", "");

    You can also change the URL dynamically:

    Define ("WP_SiteURL", "http: //". $ _Server ["Server_name"]. "/ Hosting / WordPress");

    The $ _Server variable will be responsible for the dynamic change of the URL. For security reasons, use the "Server_name" as an argument, for a web server is responsible for this value.
    And so you can change address Blog Homepage on WordPress default:

    Define ("WP_HOME", "");

  • If you do doping the WordPress engine Or write your plugin, it will not be superfluously provided by the debuging function (displaying errors "on the fly"). By default, it is disabled. Enable WordPress Debugging You can in line: Define ("WP_DEBUG", TRUE);

    Turn on all requests to WordPress database:

    Define ("Savequeries", True);

    And in order to see them in the browser, you need to add to the topic file (Footer.php, header.php, index.php - depending on where you want to see requests) the following lines:

    If (Current_user_can ("Level_10")) (Global $ WPDB; ECHO "<рre>"; Print_R ($ WPDB-\u003e Queries); Echo""; }

    "Pre" tags, as you already guessed, are designed to prevent the query stack processing. 10 Level User guarantees (if you have not yet broken) Lock output only for administrators. Do not forget to disable all this after debugging.

  • WordPress saves changes to your articles to the database by clinging it unnecessary garbage, which is no longer useful. Avoid this simple:
    1. Install the auto storage interval (in seconds): Define ("Autosave_Interval", 500);

      - Every 500 seconds editable articles will be saved.

    2. We specify the number of stored changes in the Define article ("WP_POST_REVISIONS", 3);

      You can disable this feature completely:


    3. At the same time, configure auto-removal of articles from the WP basket (garbage will be stored in a cart 5 days) Define ("empty_trash_days", 5);
    4. All revisions of the articles you did before making changes to WP-CONFIG.PHPwill remain in the database. To get rid of them, you can use a third-party plugin, or perform in phpmyAdmin (database management web interface) Next query: Delete A, B, C from WP_POSTS A Left Join WP_TERM_RELATIONSHIPS B ON (A.ID \u003d B.Object_ID) Left Join WP_Postmeta C ON (A.ID \u003d C.Post_ID) Where a.post_type \u003d "Revision"
  • Privileges and powers for FTP / SSH..
    If you work on the FTP directly from the WordPress admin panel, you can use the ability to define the method of work, do not forget to correctly specify paths to the directory on the web server. Define ("fs_method", "ftpext"); Define ("FTP_BASE", "/ Way / to / Wordpress /"); define ("ftp_content_dir", "/ way / up / wordpress / WP-CONTENT /"); define ("ftp_plugin_dir", "/ way / to / WordPress / WP-CONTENT / PLUGINS /"); // Path to SSH Public Key Define ("FTP_PUBKEY", "/* \u003e/.sssh/"); // Path to SSH Private Key Define ("FTP_PRIVKEY", "/* \u003e/.sssh/id_rsa"); // username and password define ("ftp_user", "user"); // password for ftp_user username define ("ftp_pass", "password"); // Server: FTP / SSH Define port ("FTP_HOST", "");

    You can enable "direct" method of operation of the FTP, but your hosting may not support this feature.


  • In case the database tables are damaged and you can not even log in, try restore WordPress database You can standard function (option does not always work): Define ("WP_ALLOW_REPAIR", TRUE);

    After that you need to open the page in the browser

    Your domain / WP-Admin / Maint / Repair.php

  • Good ability to improve security - Using your own names for user tables: Define ("Custom_User_Table", $ prefix. "Your name"); Define ("custom_user_meta_table", $ prefix. "Your name");
  • Using your own hosting for the site with high traffic, you may need increase the limit of server operations allocated for WordPress. If you often see the type error site "MEMORY EXHAUSTED" (Memory exhausted) Try to register in WP-config.php the following: define ("WP_MEMORY_LIMIT", "128m");

    Sets the memory limit for CMS WP scripts in 128 megabytes.

  • It is possible to disable editing the WordPress theme and plugins from the administrative panel. Define ("Disallow_File_edit", True);

    Listing thus editing files - do not forget to protect themselves from editing myself wP-CONFIG.PHP file. To do this, limit access to FTP for those faces (and scripts), from which you are waiting for inadequate action.

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Sites on Joomla

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