the Internet Windows Android

Your mail here Bai input. Updating mail and mobile settings

The filter set determines how the mail arriving to the user's address will be processed.

How to create a new filter? Go to the "Settings -\u003e Filters" page, set the name of the new filter and confirm it by pressing the "Create" button. Switch to editing mode on the "Edit" link.
The filter is a logical chain of the form: if Value Parameter Satisfy Condition, then execute Act with specified Arguments.

As Parameterfields listed below are:

FROM field Address emailFrom which the letter was sent. Ave: *@*.by (i.e. any addresses in the or ivan* (any users on TUT.BY, starting with IVAN)
Sender The name of the person or the name of the robot, who sent a letter
Sender name The name of the sender of the processed letter from the field "From:"
Return-Path field The contents of the service field of the letter "RETURN-PATH:"
Field to. The contents of the field "To:" (to whom). AM: "TUT.BY User"
CC field The contents of the field "CC:" (copy)
Any fields to or CC Means that Actions On the letter will be performed when coincided Conditions At least for one of those listed in the fields "to:" and "SS:" addresses
All fields to or CC This condition means that Actions On the letter will be performed when coincided Conditions For all listed in the fields "To:" and "SS:" Addressees
Reply-To field Email address where the answer to this letter should be sent
Letter subject The subject of the letter from the "SUBJECT:" field. AP: * EXCLUSIVE OFFER * (i.e. any letter with the topic containing the words Exclusive Offer written by capital letters)
Message ID The contents of the service field "Message-ID:"
Message size The size of the processed message, in bytes. AP: 1024 (i.e. 1024 byte) or 100K (i.e. 100 kilobytes)
Current Time Current time in HH: MM or HH: mm: SS, where HH is a clock, MM - minutes, SS - seconds. It is possible to use the "temporary" suffix Am or PM
The current date Current Date and Time in DD Mm yyyy formats, DD Mm Yyyy HH: mm, DD Mm Yyyy HH: mm: SS, DD Mm Yyyy HH: MM: SS + ZZZZ or DD MM YYYY HH: mm: SS -ZZZZ. Here dd - current number of month, mm - 3-letter abbreviation month (Jan, Feb, Mar, Apr, May, Jun, Jul, Aug, Sep, Oct, Nov, DEC), Yyyy - Year, HH - Watches, MM - Minutes, SS - seconds, ZZZZ - time zone.
AM: 20 Jun 2000
This day Current day of the week in digital format from 0-6 (where 0 - Sunday, and 6 - Saturday) or 3-letter (SUN, MON, TUE, WED, THU, FRI, SAT)
Letter not from robot Determines whether the letter or the machine is created. Does not require instructions Conditionsand Valuesbecause The letter check is made for the absence of the Precedence rows in its headers: Bulk, Precedence: Junk, PreceDence: List, X-List *, X-Mirror *, X-Auto *, X-Mailing-List and the presence in a non-empty header letter "Return -Path: "
Header field Check out the letter title specified. PR.: CONDITION "The header field is equal to - X-Mailer: Mymailer *" check the presence in the header letter "X-Mailer:" with a value starting with mymailer.
The letter is encrypted Determines whether the letter is encrypted or signed using an electronic signature. Check Conditionsexercised using the following operands:
SMIME: ENCRYPTED - the message is encrypted according to the S / MIME standard;
SMIME: Signed - a message signed by an electronic signature according to the S / MIME standard;
Signed - a message signed with an electronic signature;
In other cases, the field Conditionit is left blank.
There is a box Carries out the existence of the folder you specified in the mailbox. PR.: CONDITION "There is a box - Equal - Friends" will check the presence in the folder box with the name Friends.
A source;
Any of the recipients;
Each of the recipients; Sender Server Address
For professional users

To most part of the listed fields apply scheme Parameter - Condition - Valuewhere Condition can be installed in "equally" and "not equal" either "contains" and "does not contain", and Value It is some text string-template in which group special signs "*" can be used, indicating the presence in the string instead of a special sign of any sequence of characters (from 0 pieces or more). If such a string is not specified, the presence is actually checked or the absence of this Parameter Among the headers of the processed letter.

If you are using Conditions "equally" and "not equal", then the search for the one you specified in Meaningrows in the selected Parameter. If you want to compare Parameterwith some set of lines you specify and expect a coincidence at least one of them, then specify them in Meaning through commas (without unnecessary gaps) and use Conditions "Contains" and "does not contain".

To the fields "Message Size", "Current time" and "The current date"also applies Conditions "less than" and "more than" indicating as Values, accordingly, the size of the letter, the time of day and the current date.

How are the options "field from", "sender" and "sender name"?

    When using "FROM field", Value Compared to the address in the field "From:" incoming letter (Example: Condition "Field from - equal - *" will be performed for any letter from the domain);

    When using the "Sender", the "Sender:" header is analyzed in the sending letter;

    When using the "Sender Name", the name is analyzed in the "From:" field of an incoming letter (example: "The sender's name is - * Vasily *" will be executed for letters, the "from:" field of which looks like the following designs - "from: [Email Protected] (Vasily A. pupkin) "or" from: "Vasily A. Pupkin" [Email Protected]"Or" From: Vasily A. Pupkin ").

The following commands may appear as "action":

Save The message will be copied to the specified in the field. Arguments Mail folder. The specified folder must exist in the box.
When specifying Argumentin the form ~ user_name / name_name, the letter will be copied to a specific folder of the specified user, but only if you have the appropriate
Save encrypted Acts similarly to the command to save, pre-converting a message to the S / MIME encrypted format
Redirect Calling a message to the specified in the field Arguments mailing address. If there are several addresses, they must be separated by commas
Send Arguments mailing address. At the same time, this user is substituted as the sender. If there are several addresses, they must be separated by commas
Redirect Also redirects a message to the specified in the field Arguments The address, but at the same time, unlike the "forward" command, the headers of the letter are practically not changed. The "Return-Receipt-to:" and "Errors-to:" fields are only deleted (if any) and the title "X-MirRored-BY:" is added.
Reply Forms an answer to the message and sends it to the "Reply-to:" or, in the case of its absence, specified in the "From:" field (from whom) address. As the topic of the message, the string is substituted "Re:<предыдущая_тема>". As Arguments The text of the message in which you can use .

In case indicated in the field Arguments The text begins with the "+" sign, then the row following this sign, such as additional fields "CC:", "BCC:" will be substituted into the header of the letter formed. The text will be considered rows separated from such a header with an empty string.
When using such a substitution of headers, you will need to independently set the "Subject:" header (letter theme), because It will not be formed automatically. Example:


Reply All Acts similarly to the previous option, but sends messages to all listed in the fields "to:" and "CC:" addresses
Send a message Sends a message defined in the field Arguments. The text must contain rows with the main headers ("to:", "CC:", "Subject:", etc.), then an empty string and the text of the letter. In the text message can be used
Mark Sets either drops defined in the field Arguments Set of flags for this message. The following values \u200b\u200bare permissible: read (read), unread (unread), flagged (marked), unflagged (without marked), Answered (A response to the message), Unanswered (the message is not given). There may be listed several values \u200b\u200bseparated by commas
Add title Adds to the letter defined in the fields Arguments Headers. Headers are written in the format "Title: Text_Bold"
Mark the topic of letters Adds to the subject of the letter (field "subject:") specified in the field Arguments Text string.
Reject Stops the execution of the current filter and all other filters with a lower priority for this message. This action should be indicated last in the rule. The message being processed will be rejected and the sender will be sent message about the delivery error. In case a string Arguments Contains any text, it will be used in the message sent. You can save the text of the rejected letter using Act "Save" before "reject"
Stop processing Stops the execution of the current filter and all other filters with a lower priority for this message. This action should be indicated last in the rule. The message will be saved in the incoming box (INBOX)
Delete a letter Also stops the execution of the current filter and all other filters with a lower priority for this message. This action should be indicated last in the rule. The message being processed will be rejected, but the sender will be sent a message about the successful delivery, if such confirmation was requested
Save sender For professional users. Saves the address of the sender of the message ("from:") to a special text list, the name of which is specified in the field Arguments. Subsequent use of saved data, for example, to check the presence of the sender's address in the list, is carried out using the filter and the conditions "contains" or "does not contain" (AM: "The FROM field - contains - #blockedsenders")
Accept query, sendim For users of "calendar" functions of the postal service.

Important: The actions of the current rule are made only when performing all The conditions specified in it and in the sequence you specify.
Important: Rules with a higher priority (for example, "9") are performed before the rules with lower (for example, "3"). If the rules with the same priority conditions for the current letter are executed, their processing will occur in the sequence in which they are displayed on the page with the list of processing rules. Naturally, the process can be interrupted before, asking any rule, the "Delete Letter" or "Stop Processing" command.
Important: When performing actions: "Save", "forward", "send", "Reply", "Reply to all" and "Send a message" does not remove the source letter. If you want to delete it, then add another action to "Delete a letter" at the end of the rule.

Belarusian portal Tut.BY. Offers to use free postage With a domain located in the national zone of Belarus .by. - And today this free service It is the leader among free postal services in Belarus. Of course it is worth noting that the registration of users with free mailboxes is open not only for residents of this wonderful country, but also to all Internet users without restrictions. By registering on the portal, you will not only get the opportunity to enjoy a free mailbox, but also get a rebellion to participate in the portal projects:, dating on, catalog of resources and Tut.BY forums.

Create a free "Belorussian" (.by) mailbox:

Created electronic email Address will have the following parameters:

  • first 50 MB, and then you can unlimited to increase the size of the box as needed;
  • Maximum letter size - 10 MB;
  • Email address of the view [Email Protected] ;
  • Supports Radot postal customers (Outlook, The Bat! And so on.) By protocols POP3, IMAP4, SMTP
  • web interface (in Russian and Belarusian languages)
  • Possibility of access to mail with mobile phone via a WAP protocol.
  • Mail collection from other mail servers,
  • Antivirus and Anti-Spam Protection
  • Automatic writing processing rules (filters, answering machine)
  • Spellchecking.
  • And much more!

Setting the drawer @ Tut.BY. in Outlook Express and other mail programs

When setting up special difficulties does not occur, most of the parameters remain in short, you only need to properly set the access parameters to the post server:

The server of incoming messages POP3.: (port 110)
Server outgoing messages SMTP.: (25 or 2525)
Server IMAP4:
Username: User ID, which you entered during registration
Password your password
SMTP authentication Included in "as an incoming mail server" mode

Dmitry Smirnov,

For several weeks The gradual transfer of the contents of the mailboxes and the entire CTUT.BY user correspondence on the Yandex.poshta service. Recall that it is called by closing by Google all their email services located outside the domain on the Google Apps Partner Edition service.

We are already answered to the most frequently asked questions of users (we recommend that you read them again), however, in the course of the transfer, new moments arise that require additional clarification.

Remove Cookie Files

If when authorized on the page, a form on the Yandex opens with a proposal to enter a username and password again, we recommend you to close the page, delete cookies files (through the browser settings) and try again to open the mailbox from the HTTP page: // Below we give links to how to perform it in the most popular browsers:
  • Remove cookies files in browser Google Chrome., Chromium and browsers based on it (Yandex.Browser, Amigo, etc.) - reference;
  • Remove cookies in Mozilla Firefox. - reference;
  • Remove cookies in Internet Explorer. - reference;
  • Remove cookies in Opera - link.
In addition, if before that you used to enter the mail and the same browser, you can try to enter the mailbox using the other that does not store old cookies.

Updating mail and mobile settings

If you previously used the mail collector program or configured authorization on a mobile device, then after transferring the box you need to change the settings:
  • mobile devices (in the "Username" field, please enter the mailbox address in the [email protected]).

If you did not have time to save Google Account Data before transfer

To whom, after the box, you need temporary access to the old Google account to save files from Google Drive, contacts, etc., you need:
  1. Log in with in type account User_name.moved. with former password;
  2. Use the instructions from Google on data transfer (link);
  3. Contacts are easiest to maintain through export, but to Yandex download through imports. Data from Google Drive is the easiest way to save with google service Takeout.
If these ways did not help you and you did not find the answer to your question in, then we recommend that you send detailed description Problems on [Email Protected] (If the current box does not open, you can start / use backup mail). Specialists will help you.

In 2015, popular belarusian portal TYT.BY has moved to the use of the Yandex postal service, as a result of which the owners of iOS devices experienced some discomfort, as they had to re-configure the email client.

Unfortunately, the setting does not pass in automatic mode, as in the case of Gmail. The problem is exacerbated by the fact that when configuring it is necessary to manually enter the POP and SMPT servers addresses, as well as go through the procedure for completing the registration on the site itself. In this case, this trouble applies to all resource users - both existing and new ones. In the Instructions below, we describe the TUT.BY mail setup procedure on the iPhone and iPad.

How to configure TUT.BY mailbox on iPhone or iPad after switching to Yandex.We

1 . Go to the website in the browser on a computer, smartphone or tablet, enter the username and password, click "Post office".

The resource will automatically cross you on the registration termination page where you need to enter additional account data. Fill in the required fields and click Complete registration.

2 . Go to the Yandex web web interface by reference, click on the gear icon in the right corner near the name account And in the pop-up window, select the section Others.

3 . Choose a section Postal programs in the column on the left.

4 . Install the ticks opposite all items and click Save changes.

Attention. Without performing the above actions, the correct operation of TUT.BY mail on the iPhone and iPad may be impossible.

5 . On the iPhone or iPad, go to the section Settings —> post office —> Accounts.

6 . On the next Ekna, select " Add an account". Since the search for the proposed services is missing, click " Other«;

7 . Going to section "New Account", enter your account data and click "Further". The username must be entered completely, for example [Email Protected]

Select Protocol Imap or Pop For further mail setting on the iPhone or iPad.

8 . Below fill all available cells in this way:

If you chose the IMAP protocol:

  • incoming Mail Server -
  • outgoing Mail Server -
  • Enter Password and Username. Important! Save in the upper right corner.

If you have chosen POP protocol:

  • incoming Mail Server -
  • outgoing Mail Server -
  • Enter Password and Username. Important! The username must be entered completely, for example [Email Protected] Do not forget to confirm the actions with the button Save in the upper right corner.

In case of problems, try manually register ports for incoming and outgoing mail servers (in most cases it is not required):

Incoming Mail (POP3):
Server Name:;
Use SSL: Yes;
Port: 995.

Outgoing Mail (SMTP):
Server Name:;
Use SSL: Yes;
Port: 465.

For users working in IMAP4:
Server Name:;
Use SSL: Yes;
Port: 993.

On this setting up TUT.BY mail on iPhone and iPad completed.