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Earlier, we described possible problems and their, in this article we will help you to deal with some errors related to SETRACKER 2 software.

The password for hours is not installed, but is used when registering and entering the application.

When you authorize in the Password field, you can enter from 6 to 12 characters. The best word is suitable for a small word on Latin or a set of numbers so that in the future you do not forget it. Write down or save the word or numeric value in a safe place.

Change Password.

You can change the invented password after entering the application by clicking on the Profile -\u003e menu. Edit password.

Restore Password Setracker 2

For those who have forgotten the password to the account, it is necessary to use the "Forgot Password" button to restore it when entering the application. During account recovery, you must specify the valid email address to which the confirmation code comes. This code you enter into the appropriate field to reset the password.

In this case, the server is reset all your recorded data (password and REG Code license code). After that, you need to re-register.

Why doesn't the function "Forgot your password" does not work?

There may be several reasons for this. We will analyze the two main ones.

  1. When registering in the Login field, you specified not a mailbox, but a phone number. Mail is necessary to ensure that when restoring the so-called Passvord, you received a confirmation code for reset.
  2. During the code request, the "network error" or "server is busy, wait". This means that there are some works on the server. Try to repeat the operation after time.

Problems at entering the application

Increasingly, difficulties occur when authorizing in SI tracker 2. We will look at the most common software errors facing users. You can recognize them by the pop-up message of the application when something went wrong.

When you bind SMART Baby Watch to the program and make an error in writing a licensed number (REG CODE), this message pops up.

As a rule, Register code Reg Code is located on a sticker, which is either on the clock itself, or on the box. Depending on the model of a children's wearable device is entered to register IMEI or REG CODE.

In the case when the sticker with the code is erased or lost, you can find it through the SMS command PW, 123456, TS # or PW, 123456, TT # and find Reg Code in the response message in the zcm abbreviation string.

It happens that users do not find on the gadget itself or in the message of the proper code. This suggests that the watch is desirable to return the seller or replace with others. Each of the devices uses a unique Reg Code to register.

If you are all done correctly, but the error occurs again, not allowing you to enter the program, you need to contact the Supplier or in the official technical support of the program.

During registration, the error occurs "The device number is already registered, please contact your agent to restore!" Or "The device number is not registered to add."

A similar situation may occur if someone has successfully registered its Smart Baby Watch, using the combination of the number of the registration number is the same as in your device. Entering data manually is easy to make a digit. Hence the result: Two of the same hours cannot be added twice.

He will help reset the ID of the clock on the server, read it here. In this way, you can delete the device from Setracker to re-register.

An alternative to solving the problem can be a change in login to another combination of numbers and letters. But it helps rarely.

After successfully logging and entering the login and password when entering, the application sends to a page with the inscription "Add device". The reason for this behavior is unclear, but you will have to tinker.

  1. Try to re-enter the ID or registration code and the name of the child. If you managed to add a clock - it's good. Otherwise, the program will give an error "The device is already registered". Then go to step 2.
  2. Install another version of the application. Pass register. After that, go back to the usual program and log in.
  3. Nothing helps? We will have to make a reset ID (zeroing) hours on the server through your seller or with our help on a fee, read here.

The device number does not exist, please contact your agent to add

This may mean that the manufacturer of the wearable gadget, as well as its seller, do not support cooperation with Setracker 2, for this reason no registration number in the database.

To add your device number, you need to contact the technical support of the application. For 14 days you have to come the answer.

Message Remove Alarm URL

This kind of alert you get to your smartphone when the application activates the function about sending SMS to remove the clock with the child's hands. You can disable in the settings of messages through the settings menu.

Remove Alarm Translated into Russian means a SMARTWATCH removal warning, and the URL indicates the coordinates of the location of the accessory on Google maps.

Sometimes there is an URL attribution: saying that the coordinates of the device were not obtained due to the inaccessibility of the GPS signal.

Not online (no network equipment)

When the program issues an error "Find not online", it means that the tracker does not see the clock. Compare on all items proposed in the decision.

A common reason - no funds on a card in Smart Baby Watch or missing mobile Internet.

Also, maybe the clock themselves do not see the network: an important role is played by setting up in them APN cellular operator. Set through which you find in our table.

Log in Time Out and Network Error

Network failure or deterioration of the connection quality can occur both in your smartphone and on the server of the Chinese application developer. Time Out means the exposure of the connection time.

This may be associated with updating your smartphone firmware, as well as updating or rebooting the application on the server. As a rule, in China, the technical break occurs at night, when both in Russia and Ukraine is a day, so users face problems, and technical support does not communicate.

It remains only to wait until the problem disappears by itself or wait for an answer from the technical support of the application to repeat the attempt later.

Such a failure occurs in several cases.

When registering. This happens when you use the login identical to the stranger, which is already registered in the program. Come up with a new one. Although, with the latest updates of the SI tracker, an email address is entered as a login, so that there are no problems, update software.

When authorized.It happens that users add a second child's watch in Setracker not through the menu item List of devices -\u003e Add device, and register them again under the same login and password. In this case, the parent will not be able to enter the application to track the first device, the account error will be displayed.

Important! At different hours - different accounts. If you want to have several wearable devices in one account, add them via the User menu "Device List".

Another reason can serve what you use a fake, and someone managed to register Baby Watch with the same licensed number as you.

What to do? In both episodes, you need to resort to zeroing ID of hours. After resetting the identification number, sign up to new Login and Password data.

The third reason when an account error appears when entering the program, the technical work can be carried out on the server. Try to enter later.


Message to the SOS Remind smartphone translated into Russian means SOS reminder, i.e. The child caused a parent using an emergency button. In case the call has not received, it can be assumed that the owner canceled the challenge.

What is LBS in children's clock

Smart Baby Watch determine location via GPS satellites. Having received a signal from satellites, the GPS lighthouse retains the coordinates of the location of the device. But in case the clock does not receive a signal from satellites (for example, indoors), WiFi is connected.

If the WiFi point is also not obtained (for example, also in the closed space), the clock receives location data according to the data of the cellular network of your mobile operator - LBS.

The error of coordinates through LBS in smart watches can be 50m - 2 km, because The level of the signal of the cellular network and the frequency of the number of the territory can be different.


We hope that our tips will become useful for you. Share information with friends, and if you have an additional question or you know other ways to troubleshoot, write in the comments.

You can encounter errors. Usually they are quickly eliminated, but how everyone should know. We will talk about one of them in this article.

Today there are a lot of customers Aliexpressuse mobile application to make purchases. Sometimes they are faced with errors. They can be attributed to the application request to enter the other device. What is it connected and how to remove this error, read further.

What if Aliexpress is asking to use another entry device?

A similar error appears in the appendix for various reasons. These include:

  • Using authorization using social networks

If you go to the section Mobile Bonuses And they collect coins in it, sooner or later you will exchange them on coupons or goods. So, if you attempt to exchange coins, such an error was highlighted, then the reason for this is just an entry through the social network. In this case, you need to try to enter just with a login and password and check whether it will disappear.

  • Overloaded system

If the application or itself Aliexpress It turn out to be overloaded, some functions can work incorrectly and highlight errors. As a rule, with such a situation, you can encounter during a major sales when customers on the site are much more than on ordinary days. In this situation, you just need to wait for some time until everything becomes.

  • Website or application updated

When the new version of the mobile application comes out, it is not updated immediately. Although on the operation of the interface, you can see what to be updated, as it can simulate or work incorrectly. This, of course, leads to the appearance of errors. In this case, go to Google Play. And update the application or wait until it does it yourself.

As you can see, the mistakes themselves are not terrible, but they are always forced to think. Now you know how to eliminate them and you can not be afraid if you have on Aliexpress Asked to use another device to login.

Video: Aliexpress Mobile App

I will show you how to contact Aliexpress in the application. If you have any problems, you may need to help you solve them.

Sometimes you need to contact Aliexpress and ask for help or report a problem. I had such a mistake "Sorry! In order to ensure the security of your account, please go from another device. "

When you try to play the game and also occurred.

When switching to the basket there was an error "Sorry, the system failed to access your goods. Please try again. "

To contact Aliexpress Suppress in Russian, click on Aliexpress Appendix on the right below, then click on the "Support Service".

The Support Service page opens. Here you can choose a specific question and read the instructions or contact your support service directly and write it your problem so that they promptly decide it. Downstairs there is a "Online Chat" button and the time of operation of the chat with support from 7:00 am to 1:00 am in Moscow.

By clicking on the "Online Chat" button, select the subject of the question and a specific question and then click "Online Chat" to come up to communicate with Aliexpress support and ask your question.

Online chat opened and the consultant will connect to your conversation. Now you can describe your problem and the consultant will calm you and you will disappear.

You will be asked to make a screenshot problem, if possible.

If the current problem can be solved immediately, you will help to solve it, and if not, then your request consultant will transfer to the technical department and they will solve the problem.

If 24 hours later your problem will not be solved, then contact the support service again.

Some ALIEXRESS website users may encounter that their account is abolished.
In this article, we will tell you what the abolished account means and what reasons are for this.

What does it mean to Aliexpress "Account abolished"?

If your account on Aliexpress is abolished, then when entering the site you will see the inscription:
"This account was abolished. Please use another entry account"
You can see an aliexpress mobile application and meant the fact that your account is blocked.
This is how the inscription in the mobile application looks like:

In order to make sure if your account is really blocked, try entering your login and password on the official page on a computer (PC) or laptop.

The reasons for the abolition of the account on Aliexpress?

The reasons for the abolition of the account on the Aliexpress website can be somewhat, consider each of them.

E-mail is not confirmed
When registering on Aliexpress, you specify the mailing address that the letter comes in which there is a link by clicking on which you must confirm the registration on it. In case you do not confirm your e-mail, you will not be able to start purchases, because you can not get into your account.
To confirm the user is given to 3 days.

The user created several accounts
If you have two or more created accounts

Wrong login and password
When entering your account, the account may occur with the account of the account if you enter incorrect data.
Therefore, check the correctness of the input data, check the input language, is it worth the CAPS LOCK, etc. And try trying again.

You deleted your account
If you have previously deleted your account and want to make purchases on Aliexpress's website, you can contact Aliexpress support with a request to recover an account.
Next you will receive instructions on what you need to do. Removing the account, the buyer can see and monitor its current orders, but can not do new purchases.

You caught in fraud
Aliexpress is found not only unscrupulous sellers, as well as the same buyers, so if you are caught in any fraudulent actions, that is, all the chances that your account can be blocked.

Buyer opens a lot of disputes
If the buyer often opened the disputes (abused the right) and complaints from sellers came to him.

Is there any point in restoring a blocked account on Aliexpress?

If you are on the Aliexpress website recently, you have no incomplete orders and you do not value the history of transactions, then there is no point in restoring the account.
Users who have long and on a permanent basis are buying goods on the site, there are some privileges in the form of a rating, bonuses, and so on, so it is always sense to restore the account.

What if you find that your account is abolished on Aliexpress?

If your account on Aliexpress is abolished, in most cases, I advise you to contact Aliexpress support with questions and requests to restore your account and if you have not violated the rules installed on Aliexpress, the Ali administration will check and help you recover your account.

Have questions? Specify your question in online chat technical support or write it below in the comments.

If in your personal account Aliexpress you discovered a message: This account was abolished (more often found in the mobile version) - this means that you were blocked. There are several reasons for this. Let's see each of such reasons for a ban.

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What if the account on Aliexpress was abolished?

At the entrance to the site you saw the inscription:

"This account was abolished. Please use another entry account. "

At the same time, you cannot make new orders, but you can see old and unfinished and open a dispute.

First of all, you need to understand: why did you blocked? And from there already find a solution to solutions.

Aliexpress. Accutant abolished. What to do? How to be in this situation?

Wrong data

The most harmless thing that could be. Just check the CAPS LOCK key and language in which you enter the password. If you suddenly forgot it, ask you to access your e-mail.

Did not activate the account in the mail

If during the three days after registration you have not been confirmed by mail, then you will be blocked. Now, to remove the unit, you need next to the message about the bath Find button "Account Reactivation", Press it on it and attach the scan of the passport.

Accidentally removed account

It often happens that the user himself accidentally Removes account. To restore it, contact aliexpress support service .

Make unlawful action

If your account is caught in fraud, then after the bath, you can never restore it. It will only be to create a new one.

Discovered too much disputes

If the disputes on active orders exceed 50%, then you can block you. Aliexpress sellers have the right to file a buyer's complaint.

Practice has shown that it is almost impossible to restore the account in this case. Create a new one.

Multiple accounts with one information

If you have two acting accounts, with the same data, the administration will take it for fraud. And of course you will be blocked. As in the case of the previous reason, the account is unlikely to be recovered. We have to create a new one.

If you did not find the reason above, contact in support service. Of course you will have to spend a lot of time to restore account.

You can also refuse. Then nothing will remain like creating a new profile and re-start recruiting the buyer's rating. Although if the rating you had a small, then nothing terrible.