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Title main page title. Tricks Writing Title and Description

Good day, dear readers. Despite the fact that I often speak Title in my articles, as the most important thing in the internal optimization of the site, but I didn't reach him all the hands.

The reason for this is simple, because I lead my blog on the Blogger platform, Title is automatically generated from the title of the article, so I have a lot of articles devoted headlines in the H1 tag, and at the same time unreasonably silent about the HTML Title tag.

As I said, Title is the most important tag, not only in terms of optimization and search promotion, but also from the user side. But let's get better in order.

Title translated from English means title, so Title in the HTML document is a page title. And this is the most important value of this tag. Remember, in the article, I already told that absolutely any HTML document has a specific structure:

Here is the title of the page in tags


Technical Information on Document

Here is the main content of the site, articles that have headlines in tags:

Site title or article

site contents

So Title tag is a document / page HTML header. We can say that it refers to technical information about the document. This information is hidden from the eyes of users directly on the site, but it uses all browsers and search engines.

How to use title browsers

If you look at the upper left corner of the browser, you will see information about the page on which you are currently. If you look at the browser tab and bring the mouse to it, you will also see the information about the page. I for example took my article about SEO headlines:

All I allocated in the image yellow is information that is contained inside the title tag.

How to use title search engines

For search engines Title tag is also of great importance. This is the first information that the search engine is received on the page content. After all, we remember that Title is almost at the very beginning of the document, and all search robots index pages from top to bottom.

Because This is the very first information that the search robot is received by our page, we must try to specify the most important thing in Title tag, the most accurate definition of further content.

But that's not all. Also, the search engine uses the contents of Title tag in the search results results. When a user specifies its search engine request, the latter gives an answer as references with a description of the resources that respond to the user's request.

If we see the page found page, we will see another title:

Those. The search engine shows us the information that is contained in Title tag, while the title of the article in the tag H can be completely different.

Now the most interesting begins. Because The title of the page is used in search results, it is an indicator for both search engines and users, utility and qualitative resource found.

What does the indicator mean? If Title is minor informative, then when viewing the results of the issue, the user may not click on the link and do not go to your site. In the opposite situation, if the title is overloaded with excess information, the user may not want to go to your site. From this it follows that the title should have very accurate information that meets the user's request.

I will not say that an example is perfect, and all SEO is built on the nuances and is not possible anything to say with 100% confidence, but let's try to figure it out (picture is clipped):

So, I highlighted more attractive links, respectively, Title. Of the first words, I can judge that the site sells what I need and with a greater probability on these links I am clicked first. Although, of course, I can not say that these title are ideal, because All the same are overloaded too much information for me. The same with references dedicated blue. Why do I need an article or, for example, I can not be at all important brand. The presence of such information disperses my attention, as well as an obstacle when promoting on this request.

Gray I highlighted the most unattractive title, it is longer than it should be, therefore it was cut by a search engine in extradition. Due to the large number of words, in fact, the listing of everything that is possible, the title looks very unattractive. Immediately you can't define whether they sell what I need.

Having considered these examples, we can draw conclusions, how in fact there should be Title to serve as a faithful assistant when promoting, was attractive to users, encouraged to click on the link, as well as carried the most important information.

How to effectively use title to promote

It is clear that the title should contain keywords, but it is important to ensure that the keywords stand as close as possible to the beginning or in general, so that Title begins with keywords. This will not only improve the click clicability, but also facilitates promotion on requests.

Title can use the same keyword twice. For example:

HTML Title tag - efficiently use title title title.

In the example, the keyword title meets twice.

Title should not be a set of keywords, and should be a meaningful phrase.

It is very important to avoid inside Title punctuation marks that are put at the end of the sentence. The fact is that search engines take into account the passage in the text.

Passage is a complete thought. Those. Every our offer is a passage. All words that are inside the proposal are taken into account by the search engine, as a whole. As soon as we put the point, we separate the previous words from the following.

Therefore, it is very important not to share your key phrases of punctuation signs, which mean the end of the sentence - point (.), Question mark (?), Exclamation mark (!). Compare two headers:

HTML Title tag - effectively use title title title

HTML Title tag. Effectively use title title title.

In the first case, for example, my article may be on phrases:

  • hTML page title
  • tag title page

In the second version, such key phrases will not succeed. There is a point between words, separating one passage from the other.

It is worth paying close attention and long title, here too, not everything is simple.

First, despite the fact that it is recommended to fit in 80 characters, when counting Title directly in the extradition, the maximum length occurs just over 60 characters. It is likely that the search engine takes into account 80 characters in Title, but in the extradition always cuts a long title. It is also worth considering that the cropped title looks less attractive than not cut.

Secondly, it is worth considering the Title density. The more words in it, the stronger the significance of Title is distributed in all words that are in it. Accordingly, the smaller words, the more weight they purchase in the eyes of the search engine.

Therefore, try to form a brief, reflecting the essence of the page, but bright headlines. This will not only improve positioning positions, but also increase their clichelism.

It follows from this that it is worth optimizing a page one-two close requests so that Title has a maximum weight.

In this regard, the structure of Title

| Page title |

preferable than

| Page title | Site title |.

For a long time I used the Title structure from the second option, now my title contains only a page title / article title.

Observing these simple rules, you can advance more efficiently and more attract visitors from search engines.

P.S. Someone could think, and where is the bread in the picture? Bread all over the head, Title is as important in the site building and SEO, like bread in our life :).

We released a new book "Content Marketing on Social Networks: How to sit in the head of subscribers and fall in love with their brand."

Title tag is a header tag, its contents are displayed in the browser header.

More video on our channel - Learn Internet Marketing with Semantica

To understand why Title needs, you need to determine which functions it performs. The main task is to inform the search engines about the content of the page.

Where is Title

Search Title Tag It is necessary in the code at the beginning of the page, inside the tag .

Tag Tag Requirements

The positions of your site in the extradition largely depend on whether the search engines "understand" is about what he is intended for. It is about this that Title says and that is why he is so important. Solving what to write to Title, keep in mind that there are a number of requirements for the formulation of this tag, without complying with which you never "make friends" with search engines.

  • The most frequent question is what the Title length should be. The size of the visible part of the title ranges from 55 to 80 characters with spaces. The remaining part will not be visible in extradition, but the search engine will be taken into account. Yandex usually shows 70-80 characters, and takes into account the first 15 words tag. Google shows 55-70 signs and takes into account 12 words.
  • The meaning of title must be understood at first sight. Seeing it, the user or search engine should instantly understand what the text is about. It is better if the wording of the tag will be "chaining" character.
  • In Title, you can enable multiple key queries. At the beginning it is recommended to put the most frequency of the group. The wording of the proposal in the tag should look natural from a grammatical and stylistic point of view. That is, not to be a simple enumeration of keys or sticking words (if only to enter). "Curves", unreadable designs from the keys is not allowed.
  • This tag should not duplicate the text header that you enter into the H1 tag. If you want to be in the title and in Title one request, change the wording, the literal coincidence is unacceptable.
  • Do not insert keyword enumerations in Title through the comma. The search engine can identify your site as the risen, and you will spend a lot of forces, withdrawing it from under sanctions.
  • For each document of your site, you need your own unique title page. The same tags for different pages are very bad affect the promotion of the site.
  • Title tag should be unique. Copy other people's tags can not if you do not want the search engines to be punished for plagiarism.

Title writing rules will help you to quickly learn to fill this tag.

Title tag for different sections and pages

First of all, the title tag is formulated for the main page. It includes the main, as a rule, highly competitive request. Since it will be it to be shown in search engines as a snippet, it is necessary to make it formulation as attractive as attractive as possible so that the user wanted to learn more about what it is worth it. In fact, such title works like an advertising slogan.

The remaining titles on the site depend on the content of the pages. In order not to suffer, deciding what should be Title, for the same type of pages you can come up with a template. Usually it includes the name of the page or section of the catalog and the words attracting the words - reviews, photos, cost, discount. This technique can be used, registering title for goods cards, partitions of the online store, images in the gallery. In the Title cards begin with the name of the goods or words like "buy", in the sections - from his name, in the gallery from the words "Images", "Photo", "examples of work".

Proper writing of all tags is extremely important for website promotion. Your investments in promotion will not work until the main tags are not corrected and not fixed, among which Title is the main one.

HTML tag title Site page headerwith proper compilation duplicates the title (title) of the article, decorated by a tag H1. At the page, the more chances to get into the top rating, the more accurate the content tag title title Corresponds to the search query.

When analyzing tag title title A number of factors are taken into account: the presence of keywords in it, the distance between the keywords (when using the key phrase), as well as the remoteness of keywords corresponding to the query, from the beginning of the title.

Remember that greater priority has a heading in which keywords are closer to the beginning. In other words, tag title title It is necessary to compile in such a way that the main keywords are located closer to the beginning of the offer (in the first 65 characters).

The task is difficult, but performing (provided that the page is optimized for some one search query, not by all keywords immediately). Title Tag title It should not include the site name, be too short and the same for all site pages.

It should be understood that the content (that is, the text enclosed within the tag) of the Title meta tag is very important for both search engines and visitors to your webress. Search engines, when displaying search results, attach great importance to the presence and location of the keywords contained in Title tag, and visitors see its contents in the form of a link to the site in the same search results. In addition, the contents of this meta tag appears in the browser window header (at the top of the window).

The screenshot above shows how the contents of the title tag looks like in the results of the Google system search as an example. The first five results are shown on request: "Title tag" (blue arrow). As you can see, the page you are currently located in second place in the issuance rating on this request (red arrow).

With the help of the HTML code, the Title Meta tag is located on the page between the tags < /head>As shown below:

Title meta tag content< /title> </b><br> < /head><br> <body>Context Page< /body><br> < /html> </i></p> <p>You should always start <b>tag title</b> From the keyword to which you oriented. Also remember that search engines will display <b>tag title</b> At the time when they show the search results. Therefore, you need to make it also attractive for people.</p> <p>For example, if my site was about tours in Odessa and I would like to take a high place for the keyword "tours in Odessa", then <b>HTML code</b>for <b>tag title title</b> Could be structured as follows:</p> <p><i><title><span>Tours in Odessa: <b>magnificent rest on the Black Sea coast</b> </span></ title> </i></p> <p>Note that <b>title title tag</b> The keyword is used at the very beginning, and it is also reported to people, what a good holiday there.</p> <p>Of course, everyone <b>tie Title.</b> Do not have to be similar to the one that I led as an example. Title (title), which is used, depends on the subject of your site. However, you must comply with all the general rules that are set out in this article to obtain the desired effect.</p> <p>Many owners of sites on their main page place the type "Welcome to" in the text <b>tag title title</b>. This is not a good practice, especially if the name is not related to the topic of your site. Many search engines are considering wording in <b>title title tag</b>As an important part of relevance (i.e. compliance) the context of the site page, respectively, the rating of the site under consideration depends on their conclusions.</p> <p>Must consists of 60 - 90 characters. On the Internet you will find a lot of contradictory articles about <b>tag length title</b>But, as a sample, it is best to refer to Google's search engine. In visible visitors, Google search results are currently being displayed about 65 characters (some search engines display more).</p> <p>Having this in mind, turn on your most important keywords at the beginning. <b>tag title title</b>. The example below shows the search for issuance on request: "Tours to Odessa". Stressed words highlighted in blue show content <b>tag title title</b>.</p> <p><img src='' width="100%" loading=lazy loading=lazy></p> <p>When searching in any of the main search engines, you can often see in search results a lot of distorted names, and sometimes only the URL. This happens because the owners of such sites are incorrectly filled <b>title tag title</b>, And in some cases, they leave it blankly.</p> <p>One can only guess why such sites have such a high rating that they are displayed search engines. Perhaps it depends on the quality of competing on this request of sites or, for example, this site has a large number of incoming references, the presence of which attracts the attention of search engine robots. Other options are possible.</p><p>Do not forget to use different, but appropriate content (content), <b>tags title title</b> On each page of your site is very important. Use keywords that are displayed on the page, but do not repeat the same word more than two times. If you need to repeat the keyword, try to locate it at the very beginning, the second time - at the end <b>tag title title</b>.</p> <p>You should not try to deceive search engines, consciously including those who do not have to the subject of the site headlines or repeating words more than two times. In most cases, the deception will soon be discovered, and the rating of your page will fall, or, even worse, the page, and then the entire site can be removed from the index.</p> <h2>Google recommendations using title title tag</h2> <table width="500" border="0" cellpadding="1"><tr><td><p><i><b>Page headlines</b> </i></p> </td> </tr><tr><td bgcolor="#DAF8FE"> <p><b>Specify the title of the page, with the tag <title>. </b><b>Tag <title> Reports the name of the page to both users and search engines.</b>Tag <title> placed inside the tag <head> HTML document. Ideally, the names of all pages of your site should be unique.</p> <p><b>Content tag <title> Displayed in search results.</b> If your document appears in the search results, the contents of the tag <title> Usually displayed in the first line of results. The words contained in the user search query will be highlighted in bold in the search headers. It helps the user find the pages that are most relevant to his request. The name of the main page of the site may contain the name of your site or organization, as well as other useful information, such as address and a brief description of the theme or services.</p> </td> </tr><td><p><i><b>Practical advice</b> </i></p> </td> <tr><td bgcolor="#DAF8FE"> <p><b>The name must accurately match the content of the page.</b>Select the name that matches its content. <b>We do not advise:</b></p> <ul><li>choose the name, in no way relating to the page content;</li> <li>use default names, such as "new page", "Untitled" or "Page 1".</li> </ul><p><b>The name of each page must be unique.</b> It is desirable that each page has its own unique name that tells the search engine as this page differs from other pages of your site. <b>We do not advise:</b></p> <ul><li>use the same name for all or almost all pages of your site.</li> </ul><p><b>The name must be brief but accurate.</b>The names must be brief, but meaningful. If the name is too long, then Google will show only part of its part. <b>We do not advise:</b></p> <ul><li>use too long names;</li> <li>fill the name of the incoherent set of keywords.</li> </ul><p><b>Page headlines are an important component of search engine optimization.</b></p> </td> </tr></table> <p><b><title> </b> "This is the first thing that visitor sees, as well as a search engine, so it is important to make a headline correctly so that the user understands that this is what he was looking for.</p> <p>Much depends on the competent and good description. If the title causes users a burning interest, the desire to visit the site, traffic can generally take off the rocket to heaven. Therefore, optimization <b>title</b> The same important fact as is constantly in the top. You can safely say in our time, that this is one of the most important parts. By the way, if you learn how to create title correctly, you can easily do without financial investments when promoting the Internet resource. And after 2 months, see the extensive influx of visitors to their website. Live confirmation of this whole site.</p> <h3>Use competent and logically compiled phrases</h3> <p>3. Form the headlines that will cause curiosity. Cunning also lies in the psychological factor. A person is always curious, why the sky is a lilac?</p> <p>4. To optimize high-frequency queries, it is recommended to make short headers for low-frequency to use maximum keywords.</p> <p>5. Exclude whenever possible from Title stop-words, prepositions, unions, punctuation marks. The trick is that their density is also taken into account, and they do not bear the semantic information.</p> <p>6. If you really want your pages to stand out in bookmarks, for example, the same company is better to replace the icon. That is to learn how to use the tag:</p> <p><link rel="shortcut icon" type="image/x-icon" href="images/icon.png" /></p> <p>7. Use keywords in Title common to all pages, they strengthen each other, form thematic, semantic kernel.</p> <h2>How not to do in title</h2> <ol><li>No need to enable the Web (HTTP) address in the name of your site. This is over idiocy. Firstly, all domains are unique and, accordingly, the result of a request for the domain and will be unique and the only one. Secondly, the person is already on your domain, and the Web address is perfectly visible in the address bar, so why repeat it in <b>title</b>? Or think that the search engine forgot your domain and did you decide to remind her about it on every page? Well, thirdly, if you think that the domain will find a person in the domain, they are deeply mistaken, because it's not aware of the domain, a person will never gain your abracadabra, first in any case, he will turn to the search engine.</li> <li>The company name also does not need to be included in the name of each page. This is the same idiocy as the first item. The exception is those cases when the name of your company is for the search engine by a competitive request. But such cases are quite rare.</li> <li><b>Do not use</b> In Title the following characters <b>@#$^&*~` </b>. Some love to put "$$$ earnings on the $$$ network" - such a perversion is a direct road to the ban.</li> </ol><p>This article is based on real experiments and experiences of many specialists, and not on fiction, it is enough to make requests for the correct title in search engines, for example: "How to make Title correctly" and see this article in the top 1, in all known search engines. The article did not apply any promotion method.</p> <p>Upd: 2013-10-19 From the moment of publishing the article, my picture raised more than 30 sites and no dog put back links, but most importantly, did not even clean the tags in the picture leading to my site. Cool.</p> <p>One of the main seospets is the title tag, this converge, both experts and specialists. Therefore, when promoting sites is important to write title correctly, both for the main page of the resource and any other.</p> <p>In this article we will tell you what Tistle and where it is shown, how to write it right and do unique. Share examples of the compilation of Title for the main page, categories, goods and services, as well as articles.</p> <p>Title is the tag responsible for the site page title, which is displayed in the browser. To learn <title> Any Pages, open it in a new tab and hover the mouse to the tab itself. It looks like this:</p> <p><b>In code.</b>. Find tag <title> You can at the HTML page of the page. To do this, right-click on the browser page and select "View Page Code". New tab with code opens, <title> Located between tags <i><head></head> in</i>the very beginning.</p> <p><b>In search of</b>. In addition, the title pages are displayed in the snippet when the site is found in the search results results:</p> <p><img src='' align="center" width="100%" loading=lazy loading=lazy></p> <p><img src='' align="center" width="100%" loading=lazy loading=lazy></p> <p>From the point of view of SEO-Promotion, Title is the first thing that pays search for work when tracing the site pages when indexing. Also, the Tistle is taken into account when ranking.</p> <p>If the page is not registered <title>then nothing is displayed, or the tag content is loaded <h1>.</p> <h2>How to write title (site page title)</h2> <p>If the site is written in pure HTML, you will have to set this parameter manually right in the code. For the site on the CMS or constructor, you can register the title in the admin.</p> <p>Let's figure out how to fill title correctly and what to write there. Here are some recommendations:</p> <br><img src='' align="center" width="100%" loading=lazy loading=lazy><h2>How to make a tightener unique</h2> <p>But how to make a tightener unique? Especially in the event that everyone listened to the recommendations of the search engines and:</p> <ul><li>will be activated in the title page of the main search query;</li> <li>put it at the very beginning of Taitle.</li> </ul><p>It turns out that all competitors should have about the same Taitla. In fact, it is, so you need to do title unique. Here are some ways to do it:</p> <ul><li>Add at the end <Title> Site Addresses, Abbreviation or Company Name. Separate the name direct line</li> <li>Place a special offer in Tytle, specify a price or other information other than competitors.</li> <li>For online stores and websites with services, in the page title, you can specify the price or special conditions (promotion, discounts). This will benefit on clickability in search results, as there are specifics.</li> <li>If you want to additionally stand out in the search results, add to Taitle Emodi, but not more than one and do not forget to separate it by a space from the next word.</li> </ul><p>Here is a small video in the topic:</p> <p><span class="18Il3fTP-xI"></span></p> <h2>Examples of proper filling tag <title> + Templates</h2> <h3>Example # 1: Tolel for the main page of the site</h3> <p>Suppose you are engaged in low-rise construction and propose to build from a bar, aerated concrete and brick. Do I need to register this in the title of the main page? Not. Under each individual type of construction you need to make a separate page.</p> <p>Title for the main page will be:</p> <p><i>Construction of houses in Ufa turnkey: projects, prices, timelines |</i></p> <p>Thus, for the title of the main page, we take a wider request.</p> <p><b>Template</b>: [Field of activity] + [city] + [Additional Information]</p> <h3>Example # 2: Thaletl Categories in the online store</h3> <p>You sell Apple phone numbers. How to make the right one <title> For the page of the iPhone 11 category, which is moving on request [ <i>Buy iPhone 11 in Moscow</i>]?</p> <p>Thaletl will look like this:</p> <p><i>Buy iPhone 11 in Moscow - the price of 89990 rubles |</i></p> <p>We put a key request at the very beginning. <title>, Indicate specifics in the form of a price and we make the title unique with the help of the site address.</p> <p><b>Template</b>: Buy + [Product] + [City] + [Additional Information]</p> <h3>Example # 3: Title pages with services</h3> <p>You want to promote one of the pages of your site on request [ <i>To order a site</i>], while your company is located in St. Petersburg.</p> <p>Thaletl will be like this:</p> <p><i>Order Site in St. Petersburg - Sites in St. Petersburg to order |</i></p> <p>Here, the same key word is at the very beginning <title>, then we indicate the geographical binding so that the search engine knows where we are, and in the second part of the title, we tend keywords and indicate another possible writing of the city of St. Petersburg - St. Petersburg.</p> <p><b>Template</b>: Order + [Service] + [City] + [Additional Information]</p> <h3>Example # 4: Thaletl Card Cards</h3> <p>Take all the same iPhons. Their main differences are: model, memory and color - what we point in the Tythel Card Cards:</p> <p><i>Buy iPhone 11 Pro Max, 512 GB, Dark Green |</i></p> <p>The goods cards are most often in which the user specifies specifics, so in the title we also write specific data.</p> <p><b>Template</b>: Buy + [Product] + [Model, Color, Characteristics] + [City]</p> <h3>Example # 5: Title for article</h3> <p>When drawing up a tightener for the article, the general principle does not change. All articles are promoted by information requests, which in their composition usually contain: <i>how, why, where, why, how much</i> etc. Take a request [ <i>maternal capital</i>].</p> <p>For the article on this topic, the Tistle may be like this:</p> <p><i>How to get maternity capital in 2020 |</i></p> <p>In this case, we used a question that a user can enter when searching, as well as attached relevance, indicating the year. You can give relevance to the material not only by adding a year, but also specifying what exactly will be on the page: step-by-step instructions, answers to questions, guide, video, photo, and so on.</p> <p><b>Template</b>: [The question is on which the article is responsible] + [relevance]</p> <h2>How to evaluate the effectiveness of the titles on the site</h2> <p>The main indicators that need to be taken into account when evaluating the effectiveness of the Taitla:</p> <ul><li><b>Ctr.</b> - the higher the clickability, the more attractive the title of the page and the more often people are clicked on it;</li> <li><b>Position in the search</b> - Since the Tolel is taken into account when ranking in the results of the search results, then other things being equal, a higher position in the search also speaks of the correct choice of title.</li> </ul><p>Consider that the search position depends not only from the title, but also from many other factors, so do not make too much amendment to this indicator, yet in this case the CTR is more important.</p> <h3>How to find out CTR and display position</h3> <p>It is best to do this by analyzing the data in and.</p> <h4>Search Console.</h4> <p>Go to Google Search Console and click on the left "Search Results". Activate all colored dies from above: <i>Total clicks, all shows, medium and average position</i>. Click "+ New" to get information on a separate page.</p> <p><img src='' align="center" width="100%" loading=lazy loading=lazy></p> <p>In the menu that appears, select the "page", a window will appear, where we enter the page URL for which we will evaluate the effectiveness of the title.</p> <p><img src='' align="center" width="100%" loading=lazy loading=lazy></p> <p>After that, at the top on the colored films will appear average pages for the selected period. Below you can find more accurate data, for each request. In particular, we see that our title demonstrates the greatest effectiveness when showing on request [ <i>how to create a group in VK 2019</i>].</p> <p><img src='' align="center" width="100%" loading=lazy loading=lazy></p> <p>Similarly, you can check the effectiveness of Title for any other page.</p> <h4>Yandex.Vebmaster</h4> <p>Open a webmaster and go "Search queries - page statistics."</p> <p><img src='' align="center" width="100%" loading=lazy loading=lazy></p> <p>The top will be a graph with average indicators, and below you will find data on each page separately.</p> <p><img src='' align="center" width="100%" loading=lazy loading=lazy></p> <p><b>Important</b>: If the site is commercial, then before search results it will be up to 4 advertising positions or organizations on maps. In the case of information requests, the results of the issuance may be blurred due to the display of pictures and video, and Yandex still likes to show links to their services: services, experts, collections, and so on.</p> <script>document.write("<img style='display:none;' src='//;artfast_after?t44.1;r"+ escape(document.referrer)+((typeof(screen)=="undefined")?"": ";s"+screen.width+"*"+screen.height+"*"+(screen.colorDepth? screen.colorDepth:screen.pixelDepth))+";u"+escape(document.URL)+";h"+escape(document.title.substring(0,150))+ ";"+Math.random()+ "border='0' width='1' height='1' loading=lazy loading=lazy>");</script> </div> </article> <div class="post-bottom"> <div class="post-share"> <script src="//"></script> <script src="//"></script> <div class="ya-share2" data-services="vkontakte,facebook,odnoklassniki,moimir" data-counter=""></div> </div> </div> <div class='yarpp-related'> <div class="related-items"> <div class="headline">Did not find an answer to your question? 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