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Close the period for editing 8.3. Accounting info

Most of the arrival or consumption are made when submitting relevant primary documents. But there are operations that need to be done with a certain regularity, for example, once a month or quarter, while you can specify a clear algorithm for such a calculation. In this case, we will help the closing of the month, which will automatically produce the necessary calculations. In this article, on the example of the configuration of 1C enterprise accounting 8.3, step-by-step instructions for the closing of the month * will be shown.

It should be noted that many of the parameters of how the closing of the month will occur in the accounting policy settings. We will not consider all the features of its settings, we recommend only to pay attention to the correctness of its fill to obtain correct results.

* Since the article will show different situations, the drawings will not be interconnected by one period and the name of the organization.

Operation Closing the month in BP 8.3

Operation "Closing the month" is located on the "address": operations - block closing period - closing the month.

If the organization or accounting policy is not asked, you can see all available items that may be when closing the month. Immediately note that in one organization such an assembly cannot be, because The choice of options depends on the tax system, accounting policy settings and pre-entered primary documents.

As you can see, the closing processing of the month in 1C BP 8.3 contains four blocks that need to "go" sequentially.

Here you can also pre-track the dynamics of conducting documents in time: if the back number twisted any document before carrying out the closure of the month, the program will propose to recoup all subsequent.

On the bottom panel, you can see a tip on the status of executed operations, of which carried out without errors will be painted green, erroneous red, etc.

Make the closure of the month in 1C 8.3 Accounting is necessary for the last operation for the month. But in the list of permissible operations can be seen Calculation of salaries and regulatory documents on VAT, Only usually the salary for the closure of the month is already considered and is reduced, so I do not want to touch it with recovery. With the formation of the book of shopping and sales the same. What to do?

In 1C provided such a turn of events. And if Accrual of salary and formation of books of shopping and sales For the month, they were already produced, they will not be recalculated and reproited. Near these operations next to the check mark on the holding, a pencil symbol will appear, meaning that the operation could have ruled manually.

If the salary accrual was not carried out, but the salaries were established, during the month, salary and contributions are accrued automatically on the basis of salaries. There are situations when it really does not need to accrue the salary for the period. Then or open the formed salary and reset the amount, or pre-create an empty salary document.

It should also be noted that the available items at closing the month depend on many factors. For example, regulatory documents on VAT appear at the end of each quarter, and the balance of the balance in December. If the company has no fixed assets or do not write off the cost of overalls, then such operations will not be in the list available. As soon as the situation changes, the number of items in processing when closing the month will increase.

If you want to cancel the closing of the month, there is a special button for this. At the same time, the operations marked as adjusted manually will remain conducted.

Let's look at the situation when, despite the warning about the need to bope the documents, they simply canceled the closure of the month and decided to fulfill it again. An erroneous depreciation point appeared. By clicking the mouse, you can call the context menu and see the errors.

In this case, they offer to bope documents. Also also attention that the closing operation operation is performed on the last day of the period, indicating the time - 23:59:59.

It should be noted that within the first block of operation, they ran away independently of each other, but since one of them is erroneous, then there was no closure of the month.

If we decide to bope past periods, then the correct operations will change their status with Done on the You must repeat.

All formed certificates - calculations can be viewed by pressing the corresponding button. There are still button She will not show anything new, there is no detailed calculations on it, only the statuses of operations that are so clearly visible.

Consider certain types of calculations when closing the month. We have seen wiring for depreciation, they are calculated depending on the residual value and the useful life of the useful operation, which were specified for each main means.

Block 1.

There is a paragraph Adjustment of the value of the nomenclature. Before calculating the cost, the value of the nomenclature must be correctly calculated. This acquires a special relevance if the materials are written off in average prices, and during the period there were several income at different prices. Or in addition to the value of the materials there were days of interest, which were not immediately carried out, and the materials had already managed to write off. Then the cost should be adjusted.

For example, for the month there were two materials receipts (sewing threads), the number in both cases coincides. Price pc. In one case - 30 rubles., In the second - 40. The average price must be 35, but to the second receipt of 10 pcs. Already managed to write off into production. Then, when closing the month, the cost of the wrured materials will be increased.

Sometimes there are reversal wiring in such a situation.

This unit is associated with the calculation of the debate of indirect expenses. The fact is that according to the Tax Code of the Russian Federation, some expenses may not be taken into account, but depending on some base. For example, sometimes advertising costs or executive expenses are subject to normalization, etc. In 1C, all such types of expenses are considered indirect. It should not reflect them on account 20, it can lead to errors in tax accounting. In our case, the option is shown when the cost of advertising amounted to 5,000 rubles, and you can only take a thousand. Help-calculation will show this situation.

Here we turn to the closure of cost accounts. At this point, cost is calculated, adjusting the actual cost of finished products and adjustment

the cost of the cost of implementation. Perhaps this is the most important and surround item from all when closing the month. On the formation of wiring in this case will affect the accounting policy settings in the bu, as well as a list of direct and indirect expenses for well.

Note that the greatest number of errors usually occurs when you close exactly these accounts. Thanks to the prompts of 1C when closing, you can find an erroneous document and make a correction. Most often, errors are associated with the incorrect use of nomenclature groups. For example, the costs were reflected on one nomenclature group, and the release of products or sales was carried out on another. Or any costs should be distributed, and there is not enough data for automatic distribution. For example, they did not indicate the nomenclature group or cost article, or there is no revenue, and it is the base. After making changes, the closing of the month should be renounced.

The final result of the closing of the month will be the calculation of income tax. After the closure of the month in the bu should close the accounts 25 and 26. The 20th may remain in the amount of unfinished production. If there is no incomplete, the 20th account should also be closed. According to accounts 90 and 91, the final balance should not be at the top level, but the deployed balance on subaccounts is reflected during the year.

The tax accounting 26 may be the difference in the amount of indirect expenses that are calculated in the second closing unit of the month.

When the account balance is reformed 90, 91, 99, it is closed, transferring the financial result to the account 84. If the balance is at the expense. 84 credit, profit received if debit - loss.

When at the end of the year it turns out a loss, before the balance of the balance you will have to manually enter an additional operation. For example, at the end of the year, a loss was obtained 200,000 rubles. Since in well this amount can be written off later upon receipt of the profit, it arises and the need to take into account these amounts somewhere. In accounting on account 09 will reflect 20% of the amount of the loss with an analytics "loss of the current period", and 80% of the amount (160,000) will see in Dt 84 as a loss. At the same time next year on account. 09 The amount must be indicated as "future periods". If you do not enter additional hand wiring in December, then when closing the January of the next year I will get an error.

Create a manual operation. According to the prompt from 1C, in the account 09 transfer analytics with Loss of the current period on the Future spending (Analytics is selected from reference books).

Included 97 V well (do not change) write a loss amount. In different sources, different subaccounts of the account 97 are mentioned for this operation, in our case the most suitable - 97.21. One of the types of subconto sch.97 may be the divisions, it should not be indicated in this operation.

Create a new type of expense, arbitrary name, view for well, from the directory - Recognition of expenses - in a special order. We ask the period of write-off, in our case - 10 years, starting next year. You can specify the amount and comment as a prompt.

As noted above, in the sch.97 in the BO summons do not put, in well, indicate the amount of the loss. To comply with the rule bu \u003d well + differences, by type BP, we put the amount of the loss with a minus.

After that, we carry out the balance of the balance.

In January of the next year, there will be no mistakes for calculating the tax, and in Block 4. The closing of the month will appear to write off the losses of past years. In case of profit, they will begin to be written off.

We reviewed the main points when using the processing of the closure of the month in 1C Accounting 8.3. It should be noted that on our information resource you can find more detailed articles on the accounting of those operations that participate in the closure of the month, for example, the accounting of the OS or overalls, the calculation of property tax or profit, calculation of the cost, etc.

Data Editing Prohibition Date This feature Bsp. (Libraries of standard subsystems), which is available in almost all standard configurations 1C:. In this article, we will consider a specific option on the example of the configuration 1C: enterprise accounting 3.0.

This functionality allows you to limit the input and change of documents for a certain period of time. Speaking in accountants, it is necessary to "close the period in 1C". The ban can be installed even for specific users and organizations in the database.

Where is this setting?

In the interface, this feature is located on the Administration tab, in the "Support and Service" section:

If you have not yet included in 1C 8.3 Editing Prohibition Date, then install the desired flag:

Configure Data Editing Date

First you need to decide whether we will distinguish the rights to change by users or will use the date for all:

For example, choose the option "by users". Now it has become possible to specify the individual setting for each of the employees.

Example: For employees "Sergeyev" and "Ivanov" you need to configure the date of editing 01.01.2017, and for the others - 03.01.2017.

Stand on the line "<для всех пользователей>"And to register on the bottom of the screen the date - 03.01.2017:

Next, add using the "Pick up" button you need. In the same way, we will install for them date 01/01/2017:

Does it take a thinner setting?

Complete the task. For the user "Ivanova" you need to put a limit on changing the data of the organization "confetprom", like the other users, on 01.03.2017.

We allocate an employee in the list and at the bottom of the screen, install the "Method of specifying the Date of the Prohibition" switch to the "Objects" position:

The setup menu of editing dates to organizations appears. We add with the help of "pick up" in the table the necessary organization and prescribe a ban date:

Setting the "dynamic" date of prohibition

The method described above is not always convenient: it requires constant administration. That is, every month / quarter / year the date will need to be installed manually.

In 1C there is a way of simplification - the installation of the "dynamic" date of the prohibition. That is, the program can be configured so that the system will automatically "move" the ban date. Example - at the end of the year, month, quarter, weeks, day.

To customize it is not difficult. As you probably noticed, in all the settings there is a field "Date of Prohibition". Just it is responsible for this setting.

Total date for all users:

Or individual setting.

After all the primary documents are entered into the program, it is necessary to close the period, for this, an accounting service officer performs closing procedures. All regulatory operations are formed on the basis of the correct data entered in the section "Accounting Policy" section. It is made in accounting information, data on the tax system, indicate the activities of the company. Filling data on the organization accounting policy is needed in the "Main" partition panel in the "Settings" block.

The procedure for closing the month in 1C, what is it?

It must be borne in mind that the closure of the month in 1C is a constant procedure that is performed every month.

All decorated documents (operations) with this procedure are regulations, they influence:

  • creating the cost of production in production;
  • results, both tax and accounting.

Regulatory documents, after the implementation of these procedures, determine the financial activities of the enterprise.

Where is the program "Closing the period" in the program?

In the section panel "Operations", there is a block "closing a period", it includes five sections:

  • "Closing the month";
  • "Regulatory operations";
  • "Help - calculations";
  • "Assistant Accounting VAT";
  • "Regulatory operations of VAT".

Why do you need an "assistant to close the month?

The assistant performs regulatory activities for the closure of tax and accounting accounts, they are performed by each other in strictly defined odds.

It is necessary in order to monitor the correct and consistent implementation of all regulatory operations on the enterprise (organization).

Documents in the regulatory procedure are highlighted in four blocks:

  • I (first) - includes documents (operations), which after their implementation take into account the costs of the organization. All expenses of the company must be carefully monitored so that the operations when closing reflect full and reliable accounting;
  • II (second) - a document - "Calculation of the write off of the share of indirect expenses." When conducting it in the database, preliminary calculations on cost accounts occur;
  • Iii (third) - includes a regulatory procedure for closing the cost of accumulating costs and costs of circulation (account 20, account 23, account 25, account 26, score 44);
  • IV (fourth) - operations that determine financial results for the period (account 90, account 91).

Inside the block, the regulatory documents can be performed in an arbitrary order, the operation of each block must be performed sequentially. The documents of the second and subsequent block are carried out, in case without the erroneous end of the documents of the previous block.

For the commission of regulatory activities, the period is indicated and the organization is selected. These regulatory operations are performed by clicking on the "Closing of the Month" button. Each operation creates a separate document. Conducting the closure activities, quite often, the message of errors comes out, in this case you need to read the error description, then correct it and then again continue the procedure for closing the month.

Be sure to carry out all the closing activities in a strict priority, so as not to spend too much time to re-identify errors and carry out operations in the database.

If, after performing operations on the closure of the month, all items acquired:

  • Greenish color, then this means that everything is completed successfully;
  • Pale bluish color, and the error message was issued, this means that the procedure must be minimized until all errors come true.

Marking documents in red means that they are not completed due to errors.

What errors are when closing a month?

Frequently encountered errors:

  • Not specified in the implementation documents a nomenclature group of income on accounting or tax accounting;
  • NOT closes the account 25, as it is impossible to determine by some divisions of the base for the distribution of expenses;
  • In documents reflecting operations on other incomes and expenses, an analyst is not specified;
  • The procedure is violated in 1C conducting documents for closing the month in the required manner.

The labeling of the regulatory documents is greenish color, does not mean the successful completion of all regulatory operations. In order to check whether the closing procedure is correct, it is possible to form, and then analyze the data in the operating station, taking into account the checks of the residues at the end of the period.

When closing the reporting (calendar) year, you must additionally hold regulatory documents:

  • Write off losses of past years;
  • Balance Reformation.

When the balance is reformed, tax accounts and accounting accounts are closed, such as the account 90, account 91.

If a team of accounting staff and other services is working in the 1s program, it is desirable when identifying and correcting all errors, restart the database, and then close the time for editing, to avoid random changes in the documents carried out.

How to close the period for editing in the program 1C: "Accounting 8 edition 3.0"?

In the "Administration" section panel, there is a "Support and Service" block, we find the position of the "Data Prohibition Date" position.

Prohibition of data changes in the program 1C can be determined as for:

  • Specific user;
  • All users.

For example: Date of document editing documents installed on March 31 of this year, the documents previously preceding this date will be available to users only. If a user tries to change the data in the document, a warning appears on the computer screen. With regard to the documents, starting on April 1 of the current year, you can not only go and view, but change and repay.

Do not forget that the correct procedure for the closure of the month will show the full and reliable result of the financial and economic activity of the organization as a whole.

How to set the date of prohibition of data change in 1C: Accounting 8.3 (edition 3.0)

2017-10-30T11: 17: 25 + 00: 00

Often when working in 1C: Accounting 8.3 you need to prohibit changing these periods. This may be needed, for example, if the reporting on them is handed over and changing the accounting data in these periods is unacceptable.

And in order not to change the data of the past periods by chance, or to another less experienced accountant, accidentally not launched the transfer of documents for all periods - required set the date of prohibition While (inclusive) cannot be changed in the database.

I will tell you how to do it in 1C: Accounting 8.3 (edition 3.0).

1. Open the "Administration" section and find the item "User Settings and Rights" ():

If you do not find the "Administration and Right Settings" item in the "Administration" section - most likely you just have no right to install this restriction. To fulfill this operation, the user must have relevant rights - for example, administrator rights or chief accountant. Read more about rights.

2. In the "User Settings and Right Settings" window that opens and install (if it is not yet installed), the dawn "Date to change the change" and click on the link to the right "set up":

3. In the data change dates window that opens, select the data prohibition option: "For all users" or "by users". Meaning I think is clear. Let's stop at paragraph " For all users".

4. Select the way to specify the date of the ban "Total Date" or "Objects". The second option is needed if we want to indicate different prohibition dates for different organizations within our database. Let's stop at paragraph " General date".

5. As the date of the prohibition, we specify the date to which (inclusive) cannot be made to the database. I got like this:

6. Close the shape through the cross in the upper right corner. Ready!

Regards, (teacher and developer).

The ability to work with the "Refnote date" is included in the Administration section - Support and maintenance, tick installation in the Date of Problem Prohibition:

The "Declaring Date" is a constant that gives a 1C program when working with the database data to analyze the information register "Date of change of change".

This register is common to ban dates for changing the 1C database objects and data load when synchronization:

While the prohibition date is not configured, the register is empty, then the 1C program does not prevent data change in the database. This may cause inconvenience when working in the 1C program.

How to open or close the period

Only 1C users can work with the date of prohibition of changes:

  • Full rights;
  • Rights "Adding and Changing Message Problem".

Customize the "date of change of change" in the program 1C 8.3 Accounting 3.0, you can use the Administration section - Support and maintenance - Set up:

In 1C 8.3, the following options for setting the date of prohibition of changes are applied:

  • not to be installed;
  • to be installed for all users;
  • mounted different users.

Setting the date of the ban change for all users 1C

If this setting is selected, the same rules are valid for all 1C database. Install the "General Date". It is convenient to do this after the month is checked, closed and reporting is formed.

Manual setting "Dates of prohibition of changes" in 1C

When manually changed the "Date of change of change", an arbitrary date is selected and a manual input of the date is carried out with a responsible user 1C:

Setting the date of the ban on setting "None of the users" in 1C

In our example, with this setting, none of the users of 1C will be able to change the data to March 31, 2016. The responsible user 1C, with the necessary, enters the setting and changes the date of prohibition of changes after closing the period.

Setting the automatic change "Date to change the change" of data in 1C

The automatic change in the "date of change of change" data is applied to periods:

For example, set the ban date at the end of last month:

Automatic replacement date is performed by a special regulatory operation. You can check the execution of this task from the Administration section - Support and maintenance - Regulatory operations:

We introduce a regulatory operation to automatically calculate the date of prohibiting changes and configure the schedules for its execution: KN. More - Add - Filling data to restrict access:

Customize the schedule of execution of the regulatory task, for example, 1 time per day, daily, from 01-04-2014. Schedule Setup - General tab:

Schedule Configure - Full time bookmark:

Schedule Configure - Weekly tab:

Schedule Setup - Monthly Bookmark:

Complete setting:

In the executable regulatory tasks, a new job "Filling data to limit access" appeared:

Check the execution of the regulatory task by running it on the implementation of the CN. Perform now - The task has been successfully completed:

Now in 1C 8.3 will automatically be checked every day and at the end of the month change the date of editing.

Setting up an automatic "date of change of change" in 1C on the example

For an example, make settings to automatically change the "Date of the Prohibition", where it will not only be a change in the change date at the end of the month.

It is convenient because the documents are sometimes delayed and entered into the 1C database after the completion of the month is another time. This time is necessary for users 1C for all regulatory operations. Therefore, accountants can be provided with the opportunity to work, for example, within a week after the end of the month and edit data over the past month.

It will look like this:

Setting the "Date of Prohibit Change" in the presence of several organizations

If there are several organizations, in the 1C database, you can set the editing date for each organization separately. To do this, configure the "way to specify the date of the prohibition - on objects":

By button Pick up We enter the appropriate settings in the 1C program and select the organization for individual settings of the ban date:

This is how the setting on organizations may look like:

Setting the "Date of Prohibit Change" for different users 1C

Select in the "Setting Date of the Prohibition" in the field - by users:

Consider already on the basis of the settings disassembled above, which options for setting the date of editing date are possible.

Manual setting "Date of prohibition of changes" for different users 1c

For different users, the "General Date" is specified and manually set by the responsible user 1C:

Automatic configuration of the "Date of Prohibit Change" for different users 1c

The general date of the prohibition for different users 1C is set by an automatically regulatory task at the end of the month. At the same time, it is possible to change the data in the 1C database after the prohibition date. For example, install 5 days:

In the 1s program, it is possible to configure a separate ban on each user:

Automatic configuration of the "Date of Prohibit Change" for users 1C by organizations

For some users of 1C, the date of prohibition is entered by the organizations with which they work. For example, make setting for the user Lyubimov V.Yu. By organizations:

So, we considered the settings of the prohibition date in the accounting configuration 3.0 through the administration section. All settings have been saved in the information register "DATA DATA DATE Change (download)":

We can always print a report on the settings for the change of data change in the 1C program on the button. Report:

The printed form of the report on the settings of the Data change is formed:

Data loading date of 1C 8.3

The ability to work with the "Download Refnote date" is included when configuring "data synchronization" in the Administration and Setup section in the "Change Prohibition Date" field:

Setting is fully identical to the change date setting of changes:

As we see, the date of prohibition of changes can:

  • not to be installed;
  • to be installed for all information bases;
  • mounted differently in different information bases.

Setting the dates of the prohibition for all information bases 1C, taking into account the above, the configuration mechanism may look like this: