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What to do, does not turn on iPhone 5S

The iPhone line is the most popular phones in the world, drowning all records of sales. After buying, they become pets. Agree, it will be unpleasant if one day the most beloved and expensive gadget will cease to turn on.

How to enable iPhone 5S if it does not turn on? The solution to such a problem will be discussed below.

Causes and ways to solve

Causes of malfunctioniPhone 5S.maybe a lot but the most common:

Problems with the power controller

The power controller is such an element that is responsible for the charge and correct operation of the device battery. The reason for the exit from the system may be a poor-quality charger (cheap Chinese fake of the original IPhone charger), a drop in the phone, entering the water.

The most interesting thing is that the failure of the power controller can be similar to the symptoms on the battery breakdown, respectively, many buy a new battery. Imagine their surprise when the phone does not work with a new battery! So before doing something, we strongly advise you to attribute the device to the service center, they will determine the exact cause of the breakage.

If the controller was broken, it needs to be careful. Alone, it is better not to try, you can spoil the fee, but it is not cheap, especially for the iPhone 5S.

Video: Repair iPhone 5S

Water getting

If you managed to drop the phone into the water, or even into some kind of liquid, experts are recommended to immediately put a smartphone in a plastic bag or a container, and then transfer to the telephone to the nearest service center as quickly as possible. If the gadget after moisture ceased to turn on, then the chances of being repaired are minimal.

If there is no service center in proximity, then do such actions:

  1. immediately turn off the phone and do not turn into a service center;
  2. check the moisture indicator. It is in the headphone jack. If the water fell inside, then the color of the indicator is changed from white to red;
  3. if noted that the red indicators immediately pull the battery from the phone. To make everything right, we advise you to watch educational videos from professionals on the Internet.

If you do everything on time and right, then the chances of restoring your favorite phone increase significantly.

It is worth saying that after the water it is beneficial to resell the phone no longer work, except for a non-noting person.

Voltage drops

Apple technique is very demanding on the quality of the incoming current, respectively, their chargers are made in a special way, have a complex design and principle of operation. If you charge not with an original device, even a small voltage jump can output a smartphone.

When the voltage drops, the power controller suffers, which was mentioned above. It can be replaced, the cost, thank God, a small, but unpleasant precipitate remains, and I don't want to part with my favorite gadget for a long time.

The battery was aged

The battery failed is another reason why the iPhone 5S does not turn on. This happens so far rarely, as the phone went on sale relatively recently, but the farther, the more often the phone owners face such a problem. The output is only one - replace the battery, you will not do anything with it.

You recommend buying a new battery exclusively in the licensed service center Apple, so you can insure from the purchase of fake. Before buying, be sure to give the phone to the diagnostics to determine whether the problem is really in the battery. In official service centers, diagnostics are free.

If the battery after charging is smaller and less held the charge, and one day the device simply did not turn on, then the problem is 99% in the battery.

iPhone 5S does not turn on

The reasons why the phone does not turn on can be a lot, and they all concern not only our today's hero iPhone 5S.

Does not turn on due to broken charging connector

If the phone is discharged and does not turn on when charging, it does not respond at all to connecting the cable, then most likely the problem with the socket. It breaks very rarely, but clogs constantly. Those who only bought themselves the iPhone 5s have not come across this problem yet, but still ahead.

The connector is strongly clogged with mud, down, and other garbage, as a result of clogging block charges of charging and connector, they stop touching.

It is possible to clean the connector and an ordinary toothpick, but it is not desirable, by negligence you can damage the contacts, and then you will have to change the connector at all, and this is a decent amount.

It is much better for a squeezed air balloon, but due to the fact that you just need to clean one phone, no one will buy it, except for service centers. By the way, some SCs can clean the nests with compressed air for thanks, they appreciate regular customers and want them more.

It is also worth noting that if you charge a non-original charger, it can deform the socket, after which the standard charging will not work correctly.

After automotive charging

The problem is that some do not know how to choose a car charging for your iPhone. People are trying to save, respectively buy the cheapest options that do not always have at least average quality.

After using poor quality charging, it may fail:

  1. battery;
  2. charging connector;
  3. power controller;
  4. defined power supply chain.

As you can see, a small savings on the charger can pour out a decent amount for repairs.

If the phone stopped turning on after the use of poor-quality car charging, nothing remains except to carry it into the service center. Himself to try to determine the breakdown, or, even more so, to repair the smartphone in no case is, as inexperienced hands you can bring the phone into disrepair.

After the firmware

iPhone - the technique is very difficult, it is not recommended to reflash it yourself. If you do at least a small error, you can get a phone that will never call anymore, or no longer turn on.

The reasons for which the iPhone 5S does not turn on after flashing the mass, but the most common - three:

  1. nor Flash microcircuit broke. She is responsible for the normal operation of the GSM module. Without this chip, your smartphone will not call, as the settings of all country operators are saved in it. The problem is solved by replacing the chip in the service center;
  2. the Nand Flash microcircuit failed. It is responsible for the safety of personal data, that is, programs, notes, contacts, photos, music, and so on. Decides, as well as the previous problem, the replacement of the chip in the service center.
  3. Incorrect firmware. Take the phone to the official service center, let you establish a normal, working and stable version of iOS.

Unsuccessful updates can also be attributed to this section.

Video: short circuit definition technique

After the fall

If the phone does not turn on after it fell from a high height, carry it to the specialists. Without diagnostics there is no way. If the external damage does not affect the operation, then the internal is completely able to completely disable the phone.

The most popular inner breakdowns when the iPhone 5S fall:

  1. printed circuit board;
  2. disconnection, or loop damage.

In the first case, without a specialist could not do. The repair of the printed circuit board is very complicated, who does not know the necessary details not impossible to get the necessary details. As for the plume, it is enough to order an analogue of damaged and replace. There is nothing complicated, even nothing needs to solder. In some cases, you can just put it in place and everything will work.

The most important thing is that before disassembling the phone to see the relevant master classes on the Internet, otherwise you can hardly damage some elements.

After replacing the display

If the display is changed in the service center, then everything should be in order, but if you change home, on your own and without much experience with Apple phones, then the problem may wait for you at any second. Something slightly hooked, and everything, when trying to turn on, can wait for "surprise".

iPhone 5S does not turn on, apple is burning

If, when you turn on the smartphone gives you a branded "apple" and does not want to boot further, it means only one thing - firmware flew. It is worth noting that in this case all your personal data from the phone will be lost. In order to prevent this in the future, we advise you to constantly update backup copies. If the apple is on - your data is lost. This is if you put it briefly.

The solution is only one thing - carry to the service center to restore the firmware.

In conclusion, I would like to say that whatever problem happens to your favorite iPhone 5S, immediately carry it to the service center! Do not try to eliminate the breakdown yourself, otherwise the high probability that you have to buy a new phone.

Even if the breakdown seems insignificant, it is not worth risking, because the amount you plan to save may increase at times to eliminate breakdowns after your repair.