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How to avoid mistakes when promoting groups on social networks? SMM promotion in social networks Promotion of the group in social networks.

Everyone makes mistakes when promoting in social networks. But how, then, does a good specialist differ from a bad one? The fact that the first learns both from his own and others' mistakes. We've collected the most common bugs in community promotion.

Mistake 1: group promotion is quick

One of the most common mistakes when promoting communities is waiting for results soon. Sometimes groups take off very quickly, but this is an exception to the rule. Moreover, no one will tell you the exact terms for which the promotion of the community will give the desired result. For one topic a month will be enough, while for another it may take six months. Of course, you can promote the group by winding up subscribers. Will these people only benefit your business?

To gain the right subscribers, who will be your actual target audience, you need to promote the group only with "white" methods. But even in this case, you should not count on an instant increase in sales. The relationship between group promotion and sales may not be obvious due to its lengthy time span. The fact is that often a client needs a lot of contacts with advertising to make his choice. He watches ads, reads reviews, monitors publications in social networks and only then makes a choice in your favor. If you do not have a group on the social network, the choice will most likely be made in favor of the brands that are there.

Mistake 2: anyone can promote communities

From the outside, it may seem that running a group on a social network is very simple. It is enough to entrust this to one of the employees of the marketing department, moreover, to the load on the main activity, and the job is done. Such an employee can begin active promotion activities (as he himself understands this process).

However, it will most likely cool off quickly. As a result, the group will become "dead", and this can seriously damage your reputation. Judge for yourself: a potential client enters the community hoping to get information and sees that the information in it has not been updated for several months. Most likely, he will conclude that the company is not working and will go looking for competitors.

Another mistake of "amateur performance" is the temptation to take a successful case of promoting a group on social networks and try to transfer it to your company. Promotion is an individual process. If some technique worked for some, then it is not at all a fact that it will work for others. You need to promote your group according to a strategy developed specifically for it.

Community leading involves deep immersion in the interests of the target audience. You need to understand what she likes and what, on the contrary, annoys. To feel this, logging into the social network once a day for 10 minutes is not enough. The result of this "group advancement" will tend to zero. The conclusion is simple: you need a separate specialist who will promote the group during all his working time.

Mistake 3: silent group promotion

It's not uncommon for a company leader to think that the community is just an add-on to the site. In this case, the entire promotion of the group turns into posting news posts with closed comments. As a result, you are deprived of the main advantage of social networks - the possibility of direct communication with the target audience.

It is also very important to answer any questions and do it as quickly as possible, at least during the day. All your efforts to promote the community will be useless if people don't get responses. But the answers must also be "live". If your employees give out template formalized remarks without reference to the situation, you are unlikely to win the love of subscribers.

Here it is necessary to say about working with the negative. In any community, not only in social networks, but in general on the Internet, you will encounter negativity. Such comments in a group cannot be ignored or, even worse, deleted. By doing this, you will only make it worse. You need to work with the negative, that is, talk with the dissatisfied, but not brush it off, but really try to solve their problems. If you can help an unhappy customer, you can turn negative into positive and improve your reputation.

Mistake 4: a group just like that

It would be a big mistake to create a community without any specific goals, simply because the group, for example, was started by a rival company. There will be more harm than good from such "advancement". The activity in such a group will be haphazard, which will lead potential customers to the idea of ​​a mess in your company. Without a specific goal and strategy, the promotion will quickly fizzle out, and there will be one more “dead” group on the social network. We have already written above about the harm that the abandoned community of your company will bring.

If you create a group and decide to promote it, then first answer the question why you should do this. Do you want to build a channel for interaction with customers, or do you need a new way of selling? Do you need to test a new service, or are you determined to increase your average bill? Would you like to strengthen your brand reputation or organize an upsell channel? Depending on the goals of promotion in the social network, you will need to choose your own strategy for promoting the group. Agree, you can achieve results only if you understand what you need.

Mistake 5: no time to think, you need to promote

It would be a serious mistake to invest a lot of money in the first communication channel you like without testing it. For example, to buy advertising in thematic groups for the entire budget. Of course, you may get lucky and a large number of subscribers will come to the group, but most likely the money will be wasted. It makes more sense to test a few channels first, and choose the one that brings the most bang for your buck.

Another mistake is to start promoting without analyzing the experience of promoting groups of competitors. Here, not only positive, but also negative examples are important. See how major players behave in your niche, how they communicate with customers, what materials are posted and how users react to them. So you not only "peep" good ideas, but you can also detach yourself from competitors in order to better position yourself. But you also need to borrow wisely. Do not copy, but take a good idea and adapt it for yourself.

It is important to analyze not only other companies, but also your potential audience. You need to try to understand her deeply in order to post to the group what she really likes. Otherwise, it may happen that you spend money on creating expensive content that will not be interesting to your subscribers.

Mistake 6: the group is the second site

It would be a big mistake to confuse the community on the social network with the site and publish the same content in the group. There are completely different laws in groups. Posts with a lot of text or monotonous posts do not work here. Subjects of messages should be alternated by focus, for example: news, comic test, product survey, competition. Remember that there should be much more entertainment and informational posts than advertisements. All people do not come to a group to read one advertisement.

Also pay attention to the decoration of the images. It is highly desirable that all of them are not just taken from the Internet, but decorated in the same style, for example, with the same frame made in corporate colors.

There are still many mistakes

We have listed only the main mistakes that can be made when promoting a group on a social network. Everyone who promotes probably has their own list, but that's not the point. Using this knowledge, you will be able to organize your social group effectively. And if all this seemed too complicated for you, you can always find a company that will do this work for you.

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Social Media Marketing (SMM) is a set of works to promote a business by attracting additional traffic or attention from potential buyers to a brand, to a company, its products and services using social networks on the Internet.

In connection with the implementation of the new policy by search engines, their trust is much higher in those sites that have groups in social networks. Accordingly, this brings them to the best positions in the search.

How it works?

What will the promotion on social networks give?

Increase brand awareness, increase the number of sales of services and goods.
It will help the company to analyze the opinions of consumers about the offered products (works), as well as find the target audience according to the necessary criteria.

Ability to maintain active customer feedback.

Timely provision of information about promotions, possible changes, discounts and more.

Improving the reputation of the site. Due to SMM promotion, its position in search engines is significantly improved.

VKontakte is one of the most popular Russian social media with about 30 million active users. It was originally created for communication between friends and acquaintances.

Today, almost everyone has their own profile on this social network, so it is a potentially profitable and in-demand trading platform with a high probability of finding a target audience. It is convenient to post posts in the VKontakte group, conduct various polls. Its main task is considered not just to attract new visitors, but to turn them into regular users of their resource. Such a promotion strategy allows you to choose a contingent according to your topic, which further contributes to an increase in the popularity of your brand.


Why it is worth promoting on Instagram:

  • People use this network literally on the go with the help of modern mobile gadgets.
  • The core of the audience is young people between the ages of 18 and 29.
  • In terms of gender, women dominate.
  • 57% of owners check their account at least once a day, and 35% of users do it several times a day.
  • Visual content is perceived by people many times faster than textual content.

It is worth remembering that the effective promotion of an Instagram account is a daily and constant work with photos and their descriptions, thematic hashtags, increasing the audience and likes. And thanks to the feedback left to the post in the comments, potential customers will trust the brand more, which can attract additional traffic to your site and have a positive effect on the purchase of a product or service. It is also actively practicing all kinds of contests and sweepstakes, which increases the number of people interested in purchasing products. Therefore, Instagram advertising is a great promotion tool.

As you know, Facebook is one of the five most visited websites in the world. Promotion of an organization in this network will become not only an effective way to attract potential customers to your own website, but also a good opportunity to find new business partners. Most of the users here are adults with higher education and a stable level of earnings, in contrast to the young audience of VKontakte. Therefore, by choosing Facebook, you create for yourself the ideal ground for the development and popularization of your business. Promotion of groups (pages) will help to significantly increase the number of visitors to your site and expand the geography of consumer coverage.

Social media promotion prices

The cost of website promotion in social networks will depend on the type and volume of work performed, as well as the competitiveness of the topic. When drawing up an agreement for the creation and promotion of a group on the VKontakte or Odnoklassniki network, substantial discounts are provided for prices for work in the second and subsequent groups.

More detailed information can always be obtained from our qualified managers.

It’s foolish to think that among 90 million users, you don’t have clients. However, users are already fed up with numerous communities and groups, they are much less willing to join new ones. Competition also affects, if a person is already subscribed to a couple of groups "Cargo transportation to ...", then, most likely, he will not go to another one. Of course, if he is not pushed to do it, which I will talk about in this article.

Determine the goal

You need to start SMM promotion with a clear goal definition. Many do not understand what they need and that is why they immediately go down the wrong path. Why should a company that operates in a city with a population of 20 thousand people catch up with 50 thousand in its group? For likes and comments? But the company needs sales.

The goals can be as follows:

  • Receiving feedback from clients;
  • Sale of goods or services;
  • Informing clients;
  • Brand promotion;
  • Recruitment of the target audience for further work with it;
  • Hiring employees (you can create a personnel reserve);
  • And there are many more options.

Having defined the goal, you will define your target audience, which will greatly help in further promotion, choosing a social network and a presence strategy.

Choosing a social network

Today, most often they work with Facebook, VKontakte and Odnoklassniki and Instagram. You can make communities and pages in all social networks, but you can choose only one or two. In general, VKontakte has advantages in terms of audience size in almost any area. One simple example.

The most popular Facebook community for the query "Kazan":

And Vkontakte:

But this does not mean that you need to limit yourself only to VKontakte, even if there is the largest audience.

When choosing, you should focus on the format of the social network.

In contact with- the most popular social network in Russia, demography is presented as widely as possible. Suitable for publishing any content. The competition is very tough, especially when it comes to communities in general, of which there are a lot. That is, VKontakte users do not lack attention, most often a lot of new posts appear in their news feeds every day.

classmates- the audience overlaps with the VKontakte audience, most of the users who are on Odnoklassniki are also on VKontakte. It used to be thought that Odnoklassniki had a more adult audience, but today there are many young people. If a user puts "Class" on your post, then he shares it with his friends, this is the main feature that needs to be taken into account. That is, in Odnoklassniki, you can promote a page through excellent content.

Facebook- the audience is more mature and solvent, thanks to which this network is considered one of the best platforms for B2C. There is access to an international audience; Russian social networks do not have such an opportunity. Cheap targeted advertising is also a Facebook feature.

Instagram- well suited for the visual presentation of your products and services. The audience here is much younger than on any other social network, the number of registered users is growing. A good platform for B2C, however, Instagram is also good for brand promotion, not just for sales.

Twitter- suitable for informing about important events, with its help you can redirect users to other social networks, reporting new posts. The Twitter audience is politically and socially more active offline, in this it is about twice ahead of the audience of other social networks.

Youtube- the audience is huge, but many people watch videos on third-party resources. Suitable for promoting a brand (often personal), goods or services. Better than other social media for B2B, many CEOs watch videos that are relevant to their field of activity.

The best solution is to use multiple social networks, leveraging their strengths. In some social networks, you have the ability to search by specified parameters, so you can estimate the size of the audience, its interests and other information.

SMM promotion methods

SMM methods can be divided into white, gray and black. The difference lies in cost, efficiency and compliance with social media rules and sometimes legislation.

White methods

Targeted advertising


A popular method that allows you to significantly increase the number of subscribers in a short time, even when you are using inexpensive prizes. The downside is that a large number of freebie lovers will subscribe. For the entertainment community, this method of promotion is quite acceptable, but for business it is not very effective. It is better to offer not prizes, but limited discounts. This will increase the likelihood that those who are really interested in your products or services will subscribe.

In fact, a good and useful community will grow on its own, although the initial audience will have to spend money. SMM promotion for companies should not be about finding subscribers, but about finding clients, you should never forget about this. And customers are much more expensive than subscribers.


SEO should also be applied in social networks, where keywords should also be indicated in the descriptions of communities and pages, both for searching in the social network itself and for search engines. It will not become the main way to promote SEO, but it will be able to give additional subscribers. Please note that there is a Vkontakte group in the TOP for many commercial requests.

Interaction with users

Time consuming method, but free and can be effective. It is suitable for Twitter and Instagram, where the company's account has the ability to like or comment on user posts, and in this case it is very easy to search for them using hashtags. In other social networks, the method is less effective and looks more like crowd marketing. I classified this method as white, since in this case spam in comments or other actions that are useless for users are not supposed.

Gray methods

Cheat bots or cheat with offers

Catching bots into the community can be quick and relatively cheap. Offers (people who will subscribe, like, etc.) will cost more, but in both cases, the effectiveness of this method of SMM promotion will be low, since you will not receive targeted subscribers.

The plus is that on social networks, one of the ranking factors is the number of subscribers. For example, VKontakte will always show the groups and communities with the most participants in the first places. The downside is that using this method can block your community, offers are banned less often than bots, but there are complaints about this on thematic forums. Commercial communities are more at risk.

Spam in comments or private messages

Spam is prohibited by the rules of any social network, spammer accounts are quickly banned, but this method is much better than the previous one. Just because you spam with links to your community, if a person subscribes, it means that he is at least interested in it. That is, you can get some kind of audience.

You can write to private messages, but today it is less and less effective. Firstly, users are increasingly closed private messages from strangers, and secondly, after several complaints about spam, the account will be blocked. In some social networks, it can be quickly unblocked, then study the rules of social networks.


Massfollowing is a subscription to users in the hope that they will subscribe in return. The method is relevant, first of all, for Instagram, where it is one of the main in promotion. It is possible to use this method in other social networks, where fake pages of people are created for this, who are massively added to friends, and then offer to subscribe to the pages.

Black methods

Black methods usually violate not only social media rules, but are also a criminal offense. For example, here spam is made from hacked accounts, and links are sent by friends, who in this case trust the sender much more.

Black methods of SMM promotion are associated with hacking accounts or with the vulnerabilities of social networks themselves. I do not recommend using them.

Today, in the form of an overview, we will tell you how to organize promotion in social networks, which platform to choose for promotion and how to prepare content.

Is there your target audience on social networks

Different people are sitting on social networks - with an average income and good incomes, from large cities and small settlements, young and old. Famous artists, Youtube bloggers, ordinary residents and even politicians have their own pages on social networks. According to a study by Levada Center sociologists, more than a third of Russians - 37% of those surveyed - use social networks every day. And more than half of Russians are active users of social networks.

There is any target audience on social networks - young mothers who will be interested in children's things and toys, directors of large companies who are interested in business trainings, busy people who often use cleaning services and food delivery to their homes. The main thing is to be able to correctly search for your target audience and work with it.

Materials to help you better understand the topic:

Choosing channels for SMM promotion


The main feature of the social network is the emphasis on the visual component, that is, on photography. It pays little attention to the text, so without high-quality pictures or at least bright pictures from the Internet, promotion will be difficult.

The main feature of the audience of the social network Instagram is that more than 79% of it are women. There is no exact age data, but most experts believe that young people under 30 are registered on Instagram. Perhaps this explains the effectiveness of the promotion - the level of engagement on Instagram is 15 times higher than on the social network Facebook.

Pros: high reach, relatively simple advertising setup, simple promotion using mass-liking and masfollowing.

Minuses: the inability to publish links in posts and the dependence of the visibility of posts on the level of engagement, which makes it difficult to promote from scratch.

Instagram is suitable for promoting products and services that can be sold with “eyes”: that is, those that can be beautifully portrayed. Popular here are clothing stores, flower and food delivery services, various souvenirs and hand-made goods. Services are getting worse, but with the right approach, you can sell them too. For example, Instagram often offers business advice and other types of advice.

In contact with

On VKontakte, according to statistics, more than half of the registered users are women. 37% of active authors are users in the 25-34 age group. And 25.7% of active users are people between the ages of 18 and 25. That is, more than half of the audience are paying users.

Vkontakte also pays special attention to the visual component, as in other social networks. There are no particular difficulties in promoting public pages, groups and communities - it is enough to publish unique interesting content and use standard ways to attract subscribers. A good advantage of a social network is its multidisciplinary development: depending on the needs of the target audience, you can choose an acceptable publication format. For example, Instagram doesn't offer that much flexibility.

Pros: high audience coverage, a large number of targeting settings, normal organic reach, the ability to invite users to a group.

Minuses: high competition, prohibition by users to invite themselves to groups and meetings, very strict moderation.

In terms of promotion, Vkontakte is good for anything that cannot be sold with a few beautiful photos. It actively promotes the services of medical centers, information businessmen, restaurants and cafes, travel companies, services of driving schools, banks, various goods and other products of the middle price segment.


The main feature of the Odnoklassniki audience is that the age of active users often exceeds 30-35 years old. At the same time, promotion on social networks is relatively inexpensive, especially when advertising in public.

Pros: coverage among a paying audience, viral content of interesting content - if someone appreciates your post, all the friends and subscribers of the person who put the "Class" will see it.

Odnoklassniki often promotes complex products, for example, building houses, comprehensive examinations in medical centers and other expensive goods and services. This social network is suitable for businesses working in the field of cleaning, construction, legal support and others, but most of all - for private services: for example, plumbing companies, car services, craftsmen.


The main Facebook audience is paying people: 37% of active authors are 25-34 years old, 30.6% are people from 35 to 44 years old, and 23.5% are people over 45 years old. Facebook pays special attention to text content, but at the same time the social network claims to be a general site. The effectiveness of the promotion is usually high - a large number of business accounts are registered on the social network.

This social network is suitable for most areas of business. It sells B2B products, that is, business-to-business services, and promotes a personal brand. The social network itself gives examples of successful promotion of restaurant and telecommunication brands, gaming, sports, automotive, financial, educational spheres.

Pros: a huge number of advertising settings, wide functionality for promotion, good coverage of foreign target audience.

Minuses: stripped down organic reach and complex interface.

The selection of promotion channels - one or several social networks - should be depending on the specifics of your company's work and the product being promoted. In most cases, large companies set up accounts on all social networks, while small businesses need only one well-chosen site. For example, home delivery services are often published on Instagram. And medical clinics find their audience on Facebook, Odnoklassniki and Vkontakte.

Launching social media promotion

We will talk about promotion along a clear structure: first - about design, then - about content, promotion and tracking performance. You can write a book about each of these points: we will try to talk about the most important thing.

In Vkontakte

Publish interesting content: product reviews, guides, user reviews. If you are out of ideas for posts, check out the competing communities to see if you can learn something useful from their content plan. Try to alternate between entertaining and selling posts - this tactic on social media gives good results. A content plan should be drawn up only on the basis of an analysis of the needs of the target audience and the specifics of your business - there cannot be universal recommendations. You can also add products - both to a group and to a personal page.

Even pictures have their own audience.

You can promote your group, personal account or public in different ways. In the social network itself, they offer to set up targeted advertising and advertising in other public pages. Targeted ads will be shown to users when they visit Vkontakte, in the left column, and on third-party sites. And advertising in publics is in the community of your choice.

Efficiency analysis can be carried out directly in VK. Personal pages, groups and publics have a "Statistics" section. It shows the reach of users - the number of people who saw the posts on the group's wall or in the news feed, as well as the characteristics of the target audience. You can also view statistics for each post, and in the future do not publish posts that are gaining few views and likes.

In Instagrame

The design of an Instagram profile also requires attention. Firstly, Instagram is a social network where visual effect is primarily evaluated. Therefore, it is worth taking care of high-quality photos. Second, do beautiful profile design- one of the few places where you can leave an active link to a third-party site. Therefore, it makes sense to describe in detail what you do and what you offer subscribers, right in the profile description. By the way, it is advisable to immediately link your Instagram account with Facebook business page to easily customize your ads.

At drawing up a content plan for Instagram pay special attention to photos, pictures or videos. It depends on them whether your post gets noticed. Therefore, try to take clear, bright and detailed pictures or draw pictures from which it is immediately clear what you are offering to the subscriber. Do not forget to fill in the description - it is convenient to place a call to action in the text, a question for subscribers, additional information about the promoted services or goods.

An account of a service offering sushi delivery: everything is beautiful, bright, appetizing

There are many ways to promote your Instagram account. Free and quite popular - mass following and massliking... You can also promote individual posts or run standard targeted ads. And also - advertise with bloggers with a large number of subscribers. Instagram contests also work well. Read more about them in our article “Instagram Stories.

In Odnoklassniki

After creating a group in Odnoklassniki, think over the design of the community. Please note that older people often sit on Odnoklassniki. Tell in the description what you offer, put an attractive photo on the front page and choose the appropriate cover.

Example of a group header with a cover decorated with cartoon characters

When publishing posts, pay special attention to the text. Sometimes the usual statuses of people or groups get thousands of likes and comments. Jokes, anecdotes, comments on a political topic often become viral posts. But be careful - "hype" doesn't always help to promote the group.

Example of a post in a group offering flower delivery services

Statistics on Odnoklassniki show coverage, activity, what types of content are popular and many other parameters - all that is needed for primary analysis. Statistics are located in a group, in a separate menu. To promote your community wisely, analyze engagement and the types of content that subscribers enjoy the most.

Example of group statistics in Odnoklassniki