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How to make a BAT file for Minecraft server. Installing Minecraft Server (Windows)

This manual will tell you how to install and launch the Bukkit Minecraft server.

To begin with, you will need to make three uncomplicated actions. Download java to your computer. Here you can download the version for.

Then you need to download the file itself Bukkit Servers - having an extension RAR.

(Dropping: 1263)

After you downloaded everything files. Skip the jar file Bukkit server to a folder where your server is. As you can see, everything is simple enough.

Starting server on windows

You can download ready-made packages and unzip the desired batch file to the Mincraft server folder. You can edit the things you need, for example, resize random access memory Allocated by the server, (by default it is 1 GB). Also, downloading you can safely skip 1-3 points described above.

Next, you need to create a mincraft server in a folder with a text document, it will be the basis for running your server. A warning:The following text, if you copy and insert it into your text document, should not contain any unnecessary characters if they appeared there. Remove them.

Startup code for 32s discharge system

@Echo off set bindir \u003d% ~ dp0 cd / d "% bindir%" java -xincgc -xmx1g -dfile.encoding \u003d UTF-8 -Jar craftbukkit.jar

If this code has not worked, try the next one.

"% ProgramFiles% javajre7injava.exe" -xmx1024m -jar craftbukkit.jar

-Xms1024m -xmx1024m.

this is a size consumed by the RAM server.


The name of the server that is entered into the file name. jar.

Specifying everything you need, we save the received document with the extension - your name.Bat. If Windows does not work out to be saved with the desired extension. You use the TotalCommander program. In it, press the Ctrl + Mows keys in the window with the inscription. Enter - Bat. Click apply.

Now you can run the server with one click, just press twice the LX on the file - your name.Bat. If everything is done correctly, the Mincraft Server window opens.

In order to stop the Mincraft server, you just need to enter the usual team - stop..

Startup code for the 64-bit system

All the same as for the 32-bit, only code needs to be prescribed another one that is shown below.

@echo off "% ProgramFiles (x86)% javajre7injava.exe" -xms1024m -xmx1024m -jar -dfile.encoding \u003d UTF-8 CraftBukKit.jar Nogui

Starting server on Linux

This cobe is universal for all Linux systems. First, you swing Java / then, the server file with the extension JARNAM must be placed in the folder, for example, it will be / home / minecraft. Having done this, open the console, further, applications / standard / terminal. For Ubuntudekstop, you can use the key combination - Ctrl + Alt + T.

Go to the server folder entering the command - cD /hOME /minecraft /

We enter the team -

And insert the following code:

#! / BIN / SH bindir \u003d $ (Dirname "$ (readlink -fn" $ 0 ")") CD "$ bindir" java -xms1024m -xmx1024m -jar craftbukkit.jar -o true

Now, it remains to make the file performed by entering the command - chmod + x /home/mincraft/

cD / Home / Minecraft / To start you need to introduce - ./

If suddenly you do not work, try to enter 1) CD sequentially home / Minecraft / 2) sudo ./

If everything happens, repeat it for the subsequent launch:

To go to the catalog, introduce - cD / Home / Minecraft / To start you need to introduce - ./

To stop the server, enter into the STOP console.

Server Settings You will find in the file - ServersProperties. What is responsible for which you can see looking under the spoiler.

#Minecraft Server Properties.
#Sat Mar 02 14:08:14 MSK 2013 File creation
generator-settings \u003d Will not need
aLLOW-NETHER \u003d TRUE Allows the transition to the lower world
lEVEL-NAME \u003d WORLD Folder name with world map
enable-Query \u003d false It is unlikely you will need
aLLOW-FLIGHT \u003d FALSE Let fly
server-port \u003d 25565 Port Server
level-Type \u003d Default Type of world. Default / Flat / Largebiomes Standard / Flat / "Huge" Biomas
enable-RCon \u003d false Remote access to server console.
level-SEED \u003d Server LED
server-IP \u003d IP server (you can not write, especially if dynamic)
mAX-Build-Height \u003d 256 Maximum height from Niza to top
sPAWN-NPCS \u003d TRUE Spawn residents
white-List \u003d false Enable a white list (list of okov who are allowed to play on the server)
sPAWN-ANIMALS \u003d TRUE Spawn animals
sNOOPER-ENABLED \u003d FALSE Departing statistics to developers
hardcore \u003d False. Hardcore mode (when death does not revive)
texture-Pack \u003d The name of the ZIP archive with textures located in the server folder
online-mode \u003d false Premium authentication
pVP \u003d True. Allow PVP
difficulty \u003d 1. Difficulty from 0, to 3
server-Name \u003d VlomServer Impurver
gameMode \u003d 0. Game Mode. 0 - Survival, 1 - Creative, 2 - Adventure (available in new versions)
max-players \u003d 20 Maximum number of players
sPAWN-Monsters \u003d True Safavindomstrov.
view-Distance \u003d 10 Distance distance, with "lags" can be reduced
generate-Structures \u003d True Generates villages
sPAWN-PROTECTION \u003d 16 Number of non-spawn blocks
motd \u003d Server Description (up to 60 characters)

People who are familiar to the term Batnik know that BAT files can significantly simplify life and save time if you can write them correctly and use. In this article, I will tell you how to create BAT files and introduce you to common mistakes that usually occur when writing them.

Create a bat file is very simple. Just open notepad and save blank sheet With the .bat extension by selecting the Save As ... and writing the file name of something ending on .Bat, for example Test.Bat.
File type Indicate as a screenshot below - all files. Save and get a BAT file.

Edit BAT file can be in a notebook or any other text editorfocused on working with code.

Now let's go directly to practical information. In the network, many are looking for an answer to the question of how to be with spaces in BAT files? . In the paths to folders and executable files, the presence of a space causes an error. The most common answer: enclose the path in quotes. And this answer is not true. True, some will be with foam at the mouth to argue that it works. So, two people appeared why - why not faithful and why some will be.

On Windows (as, however, and on UNIX), the program installed in the system is appropriately recorded by the system. Therefore, some are installed programs They can run one simple command from the BAT file or from the applet to run the Start panels. One of these programs is Firefox:

Start Firefox.

If after this command write the path to the executable file, then the following happens: starts browser Firefox. And tries to process the request, that is, the file, the path to which is specified. That is, if you specify the following:

Start Firefox C: \\ Program Files \\ Mozilla Firefox \\ Firefox.exe

The browser will open to not be written after Start Firefox. That is why some comrades will assure that everything works fine. However, if you take a portable program, then the situation will be completely different. Consider as an example FTP client FileZilla. Since the system does not know about the program, the aforementioned line

Start Filezilla.

it will not work. To launch an unknown system program, you need to specify the path to it:

Start D: \\ Filezilla \\ Filezilla.exe

Long names in bat-files

Now let's talk about paths and spaces. The first way to avoid this problem is to use a short name.

Start C: \\ Program Files \\ Sound Club \\ scw.exe

In the example, the two names with spaces. We replace them short. The rules for creating short names are as follows: In the short name, the first six characters of the name of the spaces are used, after the name indicate the sequence number of the folder with the symbol ~ . Since the Program Files and Sound Club folders are in my singular, the following is:

Program Files - Prograpra ~ 1 Sound Club - Soundc ~ 1 START C: \\ PROGRA ~ 1 \\ Soundc ~ 1 \\ scw.exe

If two folders will be present nearby, such as Sound Club and Sound Clown, then following the rules, in the example above it will be necessary to specify SoundC ~ 2, since in this case the Sound Club will be the second name (names are considered alphabetically).

But this method is inconvenient by what you have to indicate sequence numbers. The situation with Program Files is less normal. Few people will meet two similar folders on the system disk. But if you decide to install several Mozilla products on your computer. You will have several folders, for example:

Mozilla Firefox Mozilla Thunderbird Mozilla Sunbird

Short names for them will be

Mozill ~ 1 Mozill ~ 2 Mozill ~ 3

And now imagine that you wrote a BAT file with reference to these programs. If you delete Firefox, the remaining records will stop working, and if you delete Thunderbird, recording will stop working for SUNBIRD. In short, the method with short names is not our way.

Spaces and quotes in bat-files

Quotes actually work, but not with those methods that usually advise. We usually advise the following:

Start "C: \\ Program Files \\ Sound Club \\ scw.exe"

So the command does not work, because if you look at the help on it (start /?), In Help you will see the following:

Start ["Title"] [Command / Program] [Parameters]

As you can see, the first parameter goes the title window and it is just in quotes. This parameter is optional, but it is still advised to specify () to avoid errors when executing the command. Inside the quotes, you can write anything. It turns out like this:

Start "" "C: \\ Program Files \\ Sound Club \\ scw.exe"

It will also work and the option with the conclusion in quotes of all names with spaces separately:

START C: \\ "PROGRAM FILES" \\ "SOUND CLUB" \\ scw.exe

However, in some cases does not work anything described above. In such cases, I can advise using the CD command. Go to system section, then using the CD to the Program Files folder and run the program (START):

% SystemDrive% CD \\ Program Files \\ Sound Club \\ Start SCW.exe

I think this way will work everywhere. Now another para important moments. Suppose you created a batch file that runs three programs and you need to exclude the launch of one of three for a while. This can be done by removing a string or its commenting. The first method is vandal, and the second look below.

Start Firefox Start Jetaudio Rem Start Defraggler

In this case, the launch of the Defraggler.exe installed in the system is disabled. Comment rows, pointing to the REM command at the beginning of the line. All BAT files are performed in the console window. To disappear at the end of the execution of commands, do not forget to write the EXIT command at the end.

Start Firefox Start Jetaudio Rem Start Defraggler EXIT

Starting applications from BAT file

In the first part of the article, I told about BAT files. Now it has become clear - what it is and with what it is eaten. In the second part, we will discuss more specific things. For example, how to run a BAT file to run multiple applications with specific settings or in automatic mode to install a program so as not to spend time on the type of answers do you agree with the terms of the license agreement? And do not press unnecessary buttons.

Above there are several ways to run applications using a BAT file. The very first is a short command to run the program installed in the system.

Start Firefox.

It does not always work. Therefore, this technique can be completely applied on a particular system, but it does not fit as a universal solution. If there is a goal to make the bat file work everywhere and always, you need to use the full way:

Start C: \\ "Program Files" \\ "Mozilla Firefox" \\ Firefox.exe

I also noted that the BAT file must be attended by the command to complete:

Start C: \\ "Program Files" \\ "Mozilla Firefox" \\ Firefox.exe Exit

Running programs in BAT files with parameters (keys)

The program can not be easy to run, but give her additional commands when starting. For example, to command start rolled:

Start / Min D: \\ Filezilla \\ Filezilla.exe Exit

Complete in this case - it means to specify the key. The key is specified through a slash after the main command (command / key). The main command in this case is Start. True, the MIN key works only in half cases, because it belongs to the Start start command, and not to the programs that this command runs.

In general, there are a lot of keys and sets of keys of different programs can differ significantly. There is, however, somewhat common. For example, a certificate key (/? Or / Help). To trace the work of this key, consider a practical example. Open the console (click + R, Enter CMD, then enter) and dial the following in the console:

Start /?

The console will display a list of permissible keys with comments for the Start command.

Pay attention to the / WAIT key. In some cases, it is simply indispensable. For example, you have decided using a BAT file to unpack the archive with the program and run this very program. In the Batnik, there will be two teams - on unpacking and on launch. Since the commands when starting the BAT file, the file is performed almost simultaneously, the archive will not have time to unleash and will not run. Therefore, there will be an error. In this case, the key will come to the rescue / Wait.:

Thus, the system will first fulfill the first action, wait for its completion and only after that will begin to the second. If you need to wait for a specific period of time, it is easier to use the console utility. In the right place BAT file writes the following command (number - number of seconds):

Start Sleep.exe 15.

With the help of keys you can do a lot. It is possible to install applications. To do this, use multiple keys depending on the type of the installer using the program to install the program on the computer:

/ S / s / q / silent and a number of others

In some cases, it is very convenient. Antivirus Avast. It has the option of a quiet installation in the corporate version. In the free (home) version of the quiet installation allegedly no. However, if you know how the InstallShield installer works, you will understand that this is a duck, since this installer itself supports the quiet installation key / s. So all products performed on its base are also. And Avast is no exception. Just create in the folder with Avast "OM BAT file with content

Start Avast.exe / S Exit

run it and the program is installed on a computer with almost without your participation. Thus, you can write a whole list of software for a quiet installation and save time, for example, on reinstalling the system. The article uses more detailed information on the keys.

There are other programs for managing programs using BAT files. You can run the program by ordering it to open the file when starting. I use this method when developing sites. Very convenient when all your toolkit opens the necessary documents and folders with just one button:

rEM connection with FTP server START / MIN D: \\ FileZilla \\ Filezilla.exe "FTP: // Login: Password @ server" rEM Opening index.php in Firefox Start C: \\ "Program Files" \\ "Mozilla Firefox" \\ Firefox.exe "http: //localhost/pad_sight/index.php" rEM Opening Start.html in text editor START / MIN C: \\ "PROGRAM FILES" \\ text_dactor.exe "E: \\ server \\ folder_set \\ index.html" rEM Opening a folder with site files START / MIN E: \\ server \\ folder_s_sight rEM Exit Console EXIT

I note that all the above techniques can be used in various combinations and combinations.

START / MIN / WAIT PROGRAM.EXE / M / S START C: \\ Directory \\ Program2.exe "C: \\ Files \\ File.odt" Exit

But it is important to remember: everything related to performing the program running in the Batnik, is written with it in one row.

Start C: \\ "Program Files" \\ "Mozilla Firefox" \\ Firefox.exe "http: //localhost/pad_sight/index.php"

As an epilog, I will offer to familiarize the BAT file converter to the .exe application application. BAT file is not always aesthetically, but using the converter you can pack the batch file in the EXE "Schnick, placing it with any icon on your choice.

I came across another BAT converter in EXE, you can consider as an alternative to the previous program: Advanced Bat to Exe Converter

And so on this topic, I want to talk about creating a BAT file to start the Counter-Strike server. In order to create an empty BAT file to produce the following actions. In the folder with the server (where the HLDS.EXE file lies), create an empty text file.
Run it using a notebook

In the top menu, select Files\u003e Save As.

In the File Name field write Start.Bat. File type Select all files and click Save.

BAT file ready!

Now we need to run the server itself. Enter into our created BAT file the following line

The START / HIGH command - suggests that we must run our server with a high priority. And the server parameters was mentioned more than once on our forum.

But I think that this most of you knows, so I will continue this article.

Probably, many would like to run through 1 BAT file multiple servers with different ports and connect HLTV to each?)) Now we are implementing it. Remove the content
Our file and write like this.
title "(! Lang: Start Server Counter-Strike"!}

@echo off.
@Ping -n 10 2\u003e NUL\u003e NUL
rEM "HLTV One"

@echo off.
@Ping -n 5 2\u003e NUL\u003e NUL
@echo off.
@Ping -n 10 2\u003e NUL\u003e NUL
START / MIN / HIGH HLTV.EXE + CONNECT -port 27021 + Record HLTV_ -Nomaster

Explanation to the code. At the beginning, 1 server is started on the port 27015 after 10 seconds the HLTV is connected to 1 server (HLTV 27020 port). After some time, HLTV starts recording a demo titled HLTV_-Date of time-card.dem. After 5 seconds, the second server is started with the HLTV connection to it.

More detailed description.

Runs 1 server with high priority on port 27015
@echo off.
@Ping -n 12 2\u003e NUL\u003e NUL - acts as a timer. So that everything does not start at the same time, in the time through which the second server opens, the line -N 12 responds. If you deliver a string -n 5, then the second server will open in 5 seconds)
START / MIN / HIGH HLTV.EXE + CONNECT -port 27020 + Record HLTV_ -Nomaster
Connection to 1 HLTV Server

well, the launch of the Second Server itself with the HLTV connection
Start / Min / High HLTV.exe + Connect 27021 + Record HLTV_ -Nomaster

Thank you, have not yet expressed.

Install and configure Bukkit plugins is not so easy. Here we will look at the installation process of the main plug-ins that are required to launch a multiplayer server (but not the Vanilla server). First install the Essentials plugin. Open new tab In the web browser and go to the address

Click "Download" (download) on the right side of the page. On the page that opens again click "Download". Now open the downloaded zip file and copy the JAR files that are in the archive. Go to the folder with your server files. Find the Plugins folder in it; Open this folder and insert copied jar files into it.

Return to the main folder with server files. Find and double-click the "Run.Bat" file to start the server. Several messages with the word "Essentials" appear on the screen. file required In the Plugins folder. Now enter the STOP command to stop the server.

Now the Essentials plugin is installed on the server. Go to the main folder with server files, and then find and open the Server.Properties file. You may open the pop-up window in which it will be prompted to find a program to run a file - in this case, simply click on the option to select one of the programs, and then click on OK and select "Notepad".

In the "" file, you can configure your server. For example, you can specify maximum amount Players and activate a "white list", which will allow you to connect to the server only to the players that you specify (in another file). To disable or activate a specific parameter, change the value from "TRUE" to "FALSE" and vice versa. For example, by default, the "ALLOW-NETHER" parameter, which activates the lower world, is "TRUE". The lower world is usually hampered by the server. Therefore, change the value of this parameter from "True" to "FALSE".

Another example is to change the game mode set by default. This mode is survival mode. Change the value from "0" to "1" so that the main mode is the creative mode.

Save the Server.Properties file and close it. Now double click on the "Run.Bat" file to start the server and then run minecraft game game. Log in to Minecraft, go to the Multiplayer Server page, select Connect and enter "LocalHost" (without quotes). You connect to the created server. IN command line Enter the command: Op<имя вашей account\u003e. This command will provide your account status of the operator, which opens access to almost all commands. In the world of Minecraft, select a beautiful area, press the "T" key and enter the / setspawn command