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What to create a VKontakte group about. Step-by-step instructions: How to create a public Vkontakte? Types of communities in VK

Let's consider the main issue for communities - their content. What is being written about now, what content is popular on social networks. What group topics are the most popular?

According to the current situation today, based on existing VKontakte communities, a certain list of the most popular topics for VKontakte publics can be identified. If you don’t know what a group or public is, or doubt the need to create your own VK community, then. Perhaps this is the fastest and easiest way to make money online today!

Number of publics by topic

According to our research among million-plus public pages (more than 1 million participants), the quantitative ratio by topic looks approximately as follows (in terms of ~60 highest-rated public pages within the social network):

  • quotes of various kinds - 35.3%,
  • humor - 29.4%,
  • healthy lifestyle and caring for your body - 15.7%,
  • world of cinema and music - 11.8%,
  • news from the world of design and cooking - 7.8%.

Topics with the highest engagement

Judging by the number of subscribers, the leading position is occupied by the topic of humor. Its representatives are “Evil Corporation” (3,704,600 subscribers), “MDK” (about 3,373,000 subscribers), “Positive” (about 3 million subscribers) and other VKontakte public pages.

Most popular topics

But in terms of the number of public pages with more than a million subscribers, the first place is taken by communities that reveal various kinds of quotes. These are quotes of a philosophical, everyday, sometimes scientific nature, as well as quotes from famous people, quotes from books and films. Examples of such publics are “Happiness”, “Beautifully said...” (philosophical quotes, communities have more than 2 million subscribers), “Zero” (more than one and a half million users), “Best quotes of all time” (quotes from scientists, writers and philosophers, the community also has just over 1.5 million subscribers).

No less popular in terms of the number of subscribers, although significantly inferior in the number of communities themselves, is such a topic as news from the world of cinema and music. This topic is represented by such VKontakte publics as “5 best films” (just over 3 million subscribers), “Music” (more than 2,700,000 subscribers), “New Music 2013” ​​and “Movie Mania” (each community has more than 1,800 000 subscribers).

Communities that offer rules for leading a healthy lifestyle and rules for caring for your body are “Beauty School”, “40KG”, which have more than 2 million subscribers and others. The owner of a number of such public pages is a graduate of the Internet Money project, Alexey Dobrynin. In this video tutorial he will tell you how he did it >>

Thematic niches on VKontakte

Communities focused on such topics for VKontakte public pages as design and cooking have recently begun to gain particular popularity. There are not too many large such communities yet, just as the number of their subscribers is small, but they are developing very rapidly and actively. Among them we can highlight “Cook it! - delicious recipes” (more than 1.5 million people subscribe to the public), “Just Design!” (news from this community is read by more than a million users).

Topics for public pages provide us with a huge selection, each of them can be developed at a decent level and, as a result, acquire a popular VKontakte community. The most interesting areas among the topics for VKontakte public pages are news from the world of science and specialized public pages (“Science”, “National Geographic Russia Club”), IT technologies (“Apple”, “Zuckerberg will call”, “Typical programmer”, “Habrakhabr”, “World of History”), new items from the world of books, as well as other niche communities. For example, the “Men's Lux” community can also be called niche, the topics of which include publications about a luxurious lifestyle, style, publications expressing the aspirations and ambitions of people (the topics do not blur into the publication of various beautiful things in general). How to choose a niche correctly for public >>

Mass popularity plus niche

A separate category of publics should be considered those that are on the verge of different directions. For example, as we have seen, the quote direction is very popular, and design news is a niche. At the same time, at the intersection of these spheres there is, for example, the “ART Thoughts” community, which is in the mass-segment, but at the same time has an innovative design approach to the format.


It should be noted that in the context of open groups (the format of which provides more opportunities for discussion), fan communities are most often created. Examples include the groups “Game of Thrones”, “Hannibal” (uniting fans of the respective series), “Geeks Empire” (discussion of comics and superheroes, fantasy). Groups provide ample opportunities in terms of speed of development and choice of niches (for example, about a month ago, the community of the series “Ray Donovan” consisted of only 3 participants, and was in this position for several weeks, which provided the opportunity for competitive development). At the same time, fan groups of TV series now tend to create support sites (they have lost such a driver of their development as the ability to watch films on social networks after the adoption of anti-piracy legislation).

We are absolutely sure that everyone can earn good money on the Internet. And our subscribers have proven this more than once by their example. The main thing in this matter is to know how! The Internet Money course will tell you in simple terms how to make money and help you get started quickly.

Today we will touch upon a very interesting topic. Let's talk about what kind of community to create on a social network. After all, the social network VK today is not just a platform for finding old acquaintances, friends and relatives. It is also a web platform for new acquaintances. To communicate with unknown people whose interests are close to yours. To find such people, each of us joined a hundred or two groups and communities. In addition to the fact that they allow you to simply communicate, gain experience from others, and generally have fun, communities on social networks will also help you earn some money. But this is only if the group or public is truly original, interesting, visited and includes numerous users.

And so, you decided to create your own public page or group. You immediately ask yourself: what kind of community can you create on VKontakte? What topic? As I already said, the topic should be interesting to many and at the same time original. Unfortunately, today almost all niches are occupied. But let's talk about everything in order.

Public or group?

Before deciding which community to create on VKontakte on a topic, you must decide what it will be - a group or public. Each of this type of community has its own disadvantages and advantages. You can read in more detail about the differences between a public and a group in our previous one. On my own behalf, I will say that the good thing about the group is that you can invite your friends to it. The advantage of the public is that their list is beautifully located in the corresponding column for each VKontakte user. Thus, your public page will be more often seen by other social network participants.


Now, regarding the topic. First, understand a simple truth: it will be very difficult for you to maintain a community on a social network if its topic is not specifically interesting to you. For example, I don't like football. How can I create a community, promote it and generally talk about this sport if I can’t stand it? No way. This is all clear. Secondly, your community must be competitive. For everything to be exactly like this, choose a topic that is not very developed on the social network. For example, cars. There are many communities dedicated to cars. Choose something less popular. You can, for example, create a community that is dedicated to a specific car brand. It will include owners of this particular brand of car from all over the world, so to speak. However, before creating, be sure to make sure that there is no such VKontakte community. And if there is, then make sure that it is running/abandoned, etc. Only then is there a chance that your group or public will “outdo”, in terms of the number of users, a community previously created by someone else.

However, if your goal is not to receive money with the help of the community, then you shouldn’t think about which community to make a VK. Do you like aquarium fish? Don’t look at your competitors, just create a public page or group that will be dedicated to this. Do you like beautiful music about love? Why not create a community in which you will post one romantic song on the wall, say, every day? I hope that you understand what kind of community you can create on VKontakte in one case or another, and that our advice was not in vain.

At this stage, most people begin to have a dilemma: to becomeWebmaster or start studying SMO basics. The first involves learning new character encodings (programming languages) and making a profit by monetizing your resources.SMO is a way to make money on social networks, but not "raping" your page,but by creating a group or public. This seems simpler and at first glance promises great prospects. But is it? - Let's figure it out.

Rules for creating a group in contact

Recently, when VKontakte public pages were introduced, there was a wild rush to create them. The public posts were made haphazardly, without enthusiasm and about everything under the sun. Naturally, huge competition appeared and those who were luckier or smarter began to crush small public pages and capture the market of visitors. The fruits of this struggle can now be seen on VKontakte. 20-25 groups of 1.5 – 2.5 million, which drive the main flow of traffic, both user and monetary. And the owners of these groups travel all over the world, and most likely will not work again in this life.

Yes, the paragraph above is real stories of real people who, before anyone else, noticed prospects in public places and realized them, but time has passed and it’s too late to look for the harvest, because the best has already been taken away. True, if you manage to sow new grains, then you will reap your harvest, and the grains areseven rules for creating a group in contact.

Rule one: Everything depends on the topic.

You say: " Well, it’s already clear that it’s popular and should be done, it’s simple”, but in fact this is the intrigue of choosing a public topic. It’s like a double-edged sword; you can choose a popular topic, which, if properly promoted, will begin to generate income, or you can create a public page with an emphasis on the future and gradually develop it.

And, not surprisingly, the first case is less workable, because everything popular has already been taken apart, which means it will be very difficult "break off" a piece of the visitors' overall pie.

My advice: Create a public page with an eye to the future, but if you feel strong enough, create a public page on a popular topic, however, your chances of success will tend to 0.

Rule two: Create a public page (public), not a group.

I won’t write much here; I’ll turn to statistics. Let's take popular communities, publicand the group, both projects on the topic of humor and comics.


Comparing the founding date, the number of users and the average number of likes per post, you can understand that groups are becoming obsolete, and public pages, on the contrary, are taking their place in the sun. But, in truth, usability, in other words, ease of use, played a role here. After all, using public pages is much more convenient than opening a cat and looking for your group. These split seconds, which seemed like an instant, played a cruel joke on the groups and drove them into the grave.

Therefore, do not reinvent the wheel, make a public page.

Rule three: You only need targeted visitors.

I hope this is also clear, but some people neglect this and lose their money.

Remember: any type of acquisition of public subscribers is an extremely ineffective activity, because in this case, visitors are indifferent to your content, they are only interested in the money that you pay them for joining. This layer of subscribers will be dead weight in your group, and you will be surprised at the small activity of the public, and therefore at the small income.

Therefore, make the public interesting, so that they not only want to come back to you, but also recommend you.

Rule four: Content is the king of the public page.

Content is the content of your public page, its filling, and whether it will be sweet or not is up to you to decide. Under "sweetness" I mean the content of the public page is interesting and relevant for users, but you have to be careful "sweeten" and then nothing good will come of it.

In order for the content to be attractive to people, you will have to analyze your competitors and create tables of their pros and cons, and then turn their cons into your advantages.

Let's look at an example:

Let's say you're doing a public service on humor. The competition in this area is off the charts, but in reality the niche is shared by only a few public pages. They differ from everyone else by having unique content, and this makes them leaders. After all, as you know, people always need to be given something new, we quickly get bored with everything and we need to focus on this in our content.

True, be prepared for the fact that your content will be copied and pasted, and the more you do something new, the more people will steal from you. Therefore, keep the share of unique materials around 30-35% of the total number.

Rule five: High-quality logo.

Countless times, all of us sitting on VKontakte paid attention to the change in the avatar of our favorite group. And oddly enough, the new logo always looked more attractive than the previous one. Of course, most likely this is due to boredom with the old picture, but this is not only the case.

Firstly, changing the logo is a key point in the public redesign. It is done when the old one has already become boring and a decrease in the activity of subscribers is felt. The same rule applies here as with unique content; people constantly need something new.

Secondly, the logo of a public page is a key factor in its memorization and adequate perception. In other words, if you have two identical groups, but the first one will have a high-quality logo that you ordered from professionals, and the second logo will be presented "art" in Paint. Then, other things being equal, the growth of the first public will be much faster than the second.

Don’t even think about making your logo using copy-paste, because even though it’s not SEO, people won’t appreciate it. Remember, you always need to do something new, otherwise forget about big profits.

My advice: If you don’t have the money to order a logo from professionals, but with Photoshop you "to put it mildly" If you’re not friends, you can use logo creation services. They are simple and practical, and with experience, the time spent creating a logo in these services will be tens of minutes.

Rule six: You need your own chip.

Do you love shopping? I think so, because shopping or "zyring" have been gaining popularity lately. But tell me, how do you decide where to buy the necessary thing? Of course, you buy bread at the kiosk in front of your house, but what if, for example, you need a TV, where will you buy it?

You will go around a bunch of stores, listen to dozens of consultants, maybe even conduct a market analysis and calculate the most favorable phase of the moon for a purchase, but all this fades if the supermarket gives you a discount or promises a bonus on the purchased product. I'm right? You will make your choice in favor of a more attractive option and, all other things being equal, pay the check.

This is a typical situation when stores use a variety of features to attract customers. But we are not talking about marketing and sales theory, but about the basics of SMO. Therefore, let’s look at our niche from the angle discussed above and get some interesting statistics.

Groups that come up with various games, competitions and give bonuses to their users are very popular and their traffic conversion is much higher. In other words creating an interactive public profile is a direct path to success. This has been confirmed experimentally and is true.

Therefore, already at the initial promotion stage, you should think about the feature of your brainchild. These could be evening chats in the comments under a certain post, where a prize is awarded for the best line. There may be competitions for photographs, the best comics or melodies. In general, in creating an interactive experience, your only obstacle is your head. Therefore, think and create something new and interesting.

Rule seven: "Nerves of steel".

If you do, you live, if you dream, you are stupid and will die without living.

I’ll say right away that this rule does not apply to the creation and promotion of groups and public pages on VKontakte, and if it does, it does so indirectly. But it is no less important than the others, I would even say that this is the key rule

The point here is simple, you need to understand that in order to do something great you need to do something that is passable. Just understand that you cannot achieve your desired goal immediately and quickly, and if you can, then this is not the right goal.

Therefore, I warn you right away if you are wondering « How to create a popular VKontakte group?» and now we intend to create it, then do not expect gifts of fate, even the slightest indulgence. This is a serious niche of work, and "weaklings and wimps" Those who cannot work hard for 10 hours in a row will fail.

Yes « contact » - a place of easy money, however, easy only for those who are in the know. But if you have nerves of steel, iron endurance and great motivation, join the fight and you will succeed.

Related video: Tired of a lengthy article? - Look at the mesmerizing landscapes of night cities.

How to make a VK group popular: step-by-step instructions for creating a group + 3 ways to make content unique + 4 main methods of promotion.

The VKontakte group allows you to unite a large number of users based on interests.

This is a tool with which you can popularize ideas and lifestyle, as well as share your own creativity if you are an aspiring writer, musician, hair stylist, etc.

You can even make money by placing advertising posts if you gather many “live” participants in the community.

Find out, how to make a VK group popular and attract the maximum number of users.

1) How to create a group on VK and make it popular: 4 steps

Obviously, before you promote a group, you need to create it. If you already own a public account, feel free to skip this section. And for those who are still at the very beginning of their journey, we suggest you carefully study these step-by-step instructions.

Step 1.

Go to “Groups” and click on the “Create Community” button.

Step 2.

We come up with a name and determine the theme. It is important that the “name” of the community contains a keyword by which it can be found in a search.

The main difference between a group and a public page is that the latter’s posts are visible to absolutely all VKontakte users. But the group can be made closed or private. Then its contents will be available only to participants.

PS. You can also choose the "event" format if you want to spread the word about an upcoming concert, festival, etc.

You can read about additional features of the group, public page and event here:

Step 3.

Choose a stylish photo that reflects the theme of the group.

*Crib sheet for choosing cover size

It is also important to make a short but meaningful description to attract readers.

Step 4.

Ready! Click on your avatar and add a photo. You can also click the “three dots” button in the left corner and the group management menu will open.

The picture above is the cover we chose in the previous paragraph.

2) How to create popular and unique content for your VK group?

The next important step, without which we will not figure out how to make a group on VK popular: it must be filled with thematic information.

The easiest and fastest way is to copy posts from similar communities, but this approach will only make you “one of.” But to create unique content you will have to work hard.

In a group you can:

Publish interesting materials in your VK group that a person would like to repost and save on his page:

  • collections of books on popular topics (self-development, startups, health);
  • lists of useful mobile applications;
  • lists of sites with free online courses;
  • selections of videos from TED conferences;
  • tops (“top 5 products for healthy skin”, “top 7 romantic comedies”);
  • posts with links to your previous articles in the public.

Where can I get pictures for a VKontakte group to make it popular?

Collections with beautiful pictures always attract readers, collect a lot of likes and reposts, which allows you to make the VK group popular.

To avoid violating copyright, you need to use free stock photos. There are not so few of them, and there you can find a large number of high-quality photos. All you need to do is go to a stock photo site and enter a keyword that describes the picture.

In order to make beautiful collections, use popular stocks:


How to increase the audience for a VKontakte group and thereby make it popular?

When to publish posts for the VK group?

To make your VK group popular, publish posts every day at a certain time.

In the media sphere, there is the concept of “prime time” - this is the most convenient time for a person to listen to a radio station or watch a TV channel.

Well, you and I have to determine when the largest number of people view the VKontakte news feed. To do this, it is important to study your target audience.

For example, schoolchildren and students often open their pages on social networks after studying at 16:00 and before going to bed at 22:00. Those who are a little older check their accounts during the lunch break from 12:00 to 13:00.

The infographic shows the best time to publish posts in green, and the worst time in red, respectively.

Also, you should not update your VK group wall at a specific time, for example at 12:00 or 18:00. Because large popular public pages will do this with you, and users may simply not notice your post.

3) 4 best methods on how to make a VK group popular

So we have come to the answer to the main question, how to make a group on VK popular.

In order to do so, it is necessary to disseminate information about the community as much as possible. The easiest way to do this is through advertising and sending messages.

a) Advertising on VKontakte.

b) Contextual advertising in search engines will help make your VK group popular.

In this case, you need to come up with a correct name for the group that would specifically describe it. For example, “Nail salon in Moscow”, “High-quality furniture in Kazan”, “Children’s toys”, etc.

It is important to note that here you pay for each link click. Thus, the minimum order amount ranges from 300 to 500 rubles, while the rate per “click” starts from 30 kopecks.

c) Advertising a VK group in another community.

Choose a popular community with a large number of post views, likes and reposts. Also keep in mind that his topic should be similar to yours.

Often, administrators publish the price list for advertising on their page (in the “information” section or in the discussion form).

The video below shows an example of how the popular messaging program Vkinformer works (

The license is paid, but you can create your first free newsletter in a two-hour test mode.

d) Sending out advertising messages for joining the VKontakte group.

Send private messages to users inviting them to join your community. You can do this manually or use special mailing programs.

Summarize: in order to make the VK group popular— you need to create interesting and high-quality content, and then take care of its promotion.

Such a community with a large number of participants allows its owner to earn money without leaving home by selling goods or placing advertising posts.

Today, perhaps every third user of the VK social network has at least once tried to create their own community or group. However, if earlier people sought to create a group only for the sake of uniting common interests, now a personal public page can become a source of good, almost passive income. Some have already managed to take advantage of this, while others are just planning to launch their own business.

It would seem nothing complicated. Create a group, invite friends and acquaintances to it, regularly post new information, and make a profit from advertising. Whereas in practice, everything turns out completely differently than many businessmen plan. Moreover, the most common problem is not the recruitment of subscribers or promotion, but the choice of the initial topic. Popular niches of communities of interest on VK have long been crowded, and by creating another clone of an already existing successful group, you are unlikely to succeed.

So how do you get out? What kind of group can you create that, on the one hand, will be unique, and on the other hand, interesting for subscribers?

Uniqueness is the key to success

I have already repeatedly talked about my unsuccessful achievements regarding the development of VK groups. This is despite the fact that the topic of my community was unique. Nowadays, in the search spaces of the social network, you can meet groups of absolutely any direction, from the stories of mad cucumbers to the next daredevil’s trip to the million. It makes no sense to create a copy, because if you have a good original, people are unlikely to come to you. Creating something new is another question, even a problem. With creativity, even the most experienced craftsmen cannot create something unique.

I'll tell you how I did it. In each niche of VK there are additional so-called sub-niches, where the common interests of people are already scattered across other industries. In other words, if a person, for example, is interested in watching films and TV series and is a member of a large community of the same genre, then he can also be a member of groups with quotes, specific genre trends, and so on. So why not combine the best of everything into one to create a more convenient, larger community?

Competitor assessment

People are becoming more and more lazy now. The same YouTube is an example of this. Why read something if now you can just look and listen to the person reading? Then why switch between groups and get lost in your news feed when you can literally get everything you want in one place? It turns out that we have on our hands an analogue of a hypermarket, where you can find everything you need without additional trips to other stores.

Now choose your favorite niche, conduct a short review of existing VK communities on similar topics and draw the appropriate conclusions. How can you become unique in this case? Creating sections based on interests that could unite members of other communities, and preferably in a timely manner, could be an excellent solution to this problem.

You select the main interests of subscribers of other communities and implement appropriate sections on a specific topic to make it more convenient for the user to search for a new post if he misses it, and you get the result. The rest depends on your ideas and creativity.

Why is it even needed?

Exactly, why? Sooner or later you will have a question like:

  • Why do I have so few members in my community?
  • Why is there no activity?
  • Could there be a mistake in the promotion?
  • Still, the choice of topic is to blame?

If such “symptoms” appear, a person immediately begins to reconsider current strategies and change what, in principle, does not need to be changed at all. Again, don't do this. Everything comes with time and there is no need to change the chosen strategy at the first doubt, because this is how you can lose all your uniqueness, bringing the appearance of your community into a standard template VK group, of which there are now hundreds.

If you are not satisfied with something, do not rush to draw conclusions and you will figure it out over time. This is not a matter of one month, so good luck!

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