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How to call back to a hidden number? How to determine a hidden number? How to find out an unknown number on a megaphone. How to find out an unknown phone number.

Hi all! Lately, I have been receiving calls from unfamiliar numbers more and more often, and as a rule, these turn out to be either bookmakers, health centers, training centers, etc. Therefore, I want to tell you how to find out who called from an unknown number, so that you can know whether it was an incoming call or another phone spam.

Specialized sites

Quite often I get calls from an unfamiliar number, and there are often times when after you pick up the phone, everything on the other end immediately hangs up. This is terribly annoying. But don't worry. Most likely you didn't miss anything interesting. At any time you can go to any of the specialized sites and enter the same numbers to see what other people say who also received calls in exactly the same way.

There are many such sites, and you can use them individually or simultaneously to get an overall picture of the caller.

  • Who is calling

I think there is no point in listing all such online services for checking phone numbers, since they all work on the same principle: Go to the site, enter 10 digits in a line (for example, 4950111030) and click on the search button. After this, a separate topic for this phone is displayed, where it is discussed. As a rule, people say who called them, what they wanted from them and where they sent them.

It can be made even simpler. Just write the number in the Yandex or Google search bar, then go to the first sites you come across and immediately get to the required branch with the number.

If such a number is not yet in the database, it means that this office or subscriber does not make calls to different people and most likely called purposefully, although this is also not a fact. But most often the information is still there.

Mobile application "Yandex"

Not long ago, the Yandex application appeared on Google Play, which includes several programs at once, one of which allows you to find out who called from an unknown number in real time. If such an organization is in the database, then its name will immediately be displayed to you when you receive an incoming call from an unfamiliar subscriber. And it’s up to you to decide whether to pick up the phone or not.

Unfortunately, you cannot install a separate application with an unknown number detector on your smartphone, since it comes as an integral and indestructible system. You will have to install the Yandex program, which will include the following functions:

  • Voice assistant “Alice”, which I talked about.
  • Weather accurate to your area
  • Map and nearby places
  • Important Notices
  • Ribbon
  • Exchange rates
  • Discounts on various products
  • Poster
  • Automatic identification of unknown numbers.

On the one hand, it is too cumbersome, since installing this package requires freeing up more than 400 megabytes of space on the phone and sometimes this is very difficult to do. But there are a lot of useful things in one bottle.

But let's return to the determinant. It works in such a way that when you receive an incoming call, you will be shown either the exact name of the organization, if it is officially registered, or the most likely version of the caller will be displayed. For example, if advertisers call en masse from the same number, then Yandex will note that those who want to sell something are constantly calling from this phone.

My experience

In my experience, there are usually four types of annoying scoundrels who call:

  • Health Center. They say that comprehensive spinal correction programs are available, and the examination is free. Oh well. I'm so tired of them. And what’s most interesting is that they call on behalf of different organizations. I have already sent them in three letters, and talked to them calmly. No use. They always call from different numbers, so the blacklist is not helpful here.
  • Brokers. My “favorite” topic. These wonderful people are true altruists and really want me to make money. Therefore, I just need to invest 30,000 rubles in some incomprehensible office and thanks to them I will rake in the loot with a shovel. Well, yes. That’s how I took it and after the first call from an unfamiliar guy, I gave him 500 dollars.
  • Megadance party. They've called 10 times over the past three years. It's like the computer itself chooses the lucky person's number and I can get 10-15 tickets to the mega-powerful Megadance party, where each ticket costs 1,500 rubles. And they offer me 15 pieces for free. You only need to pay 500 rubles to the courier. In general, this is also some kind of dubious event.
  • Providers. Well, that's a different story. They constantly call to impose some useless service at a discount as a regular customer. Recently, I was offered to connect to unlimited mobile Internet for 15 rubles a day, although I don’t even waste my traffic. But they are annoying, like mosquitoes in summer.

Be that as it may, in any of the above cases, I easily found these numbers on the Internet, where my assumptions were confirmed.

Should I just not pick up the phone from unknown numbers?

I have long noticed that many people simply say that they never pick up calls from unknown numbers and live well, but personally I don’t want to do that and I don’t advise you to. I always pick up the phone when they call from an unknown number. How do you know that it’s not really your relative or friend calling? What if something important or bad happened, and I had to dial you from someone else’s phone?

Personally, I had a situation several times when an unknown call turned out to be really very important, and one such call was simply life-saving. If these are advertisers, brokers and other rabble, then it’s easier to throw it away and not take it anymore than not to take it and then regret it.

Well, that's all for me. I hope you liked the article. Be sure to subscribe to my public page on VK to always be aware of new articles. Well, I wish you that you will never be bothered with empty and unnecessary calls, and of course I am waiting for you on the vastness of my blog. Good luck to you. Bye bye.

Best regards, Dmitry Kostin.

Each mobile phone stores at least the last ten calls made, missed or received. Whether it's an old Nokia or a brand new iPhone, you can always find out who called you by pressing a certain key combination. So, depending on the type of phone (an old push-button mobile phone or a brand new smartphone with a touch screen), our answer to the question will be divided into two parts.

How to find out who called a simple mobile phone with buttons?

To display the list of recent calls, you need to unlock the phone (if it is locked), and then simply press green call key. This key brings up a list of recent calls on the screen on the vast majority of push-button phones. In general, on all phones that have a green button (even with a touch screen), it should display a list of recent calls. After you have seen the list of recent calls, you can use the up and down scrolling buttons to find the desired call and call your interlocutor back by clicking again on the same green button.

How to find out who called on a touch screen smartphone?

If you are the happy owner of a modern smartphone on Android, or an iPhone or, God forbid, a communicator from Nokia, your phone most likely does not have a green call button. To display a list of recent calls on the smartphone screen, you must also unlock the phone (if it is locked), and then select the option in the main menu telephone, and further calls or challenges. On the iPhone it is located at the very bottom of the screen and is marked with a green tube. The list of recent calls on the vast majority of smartphones is displayed immediately when you click this icon. Next, you can scroll through this list and select the phone number you need to call back.

How to find out who called when the phone was turned off?

If your phone has been turned off for some time, when you turn it on, your operator should send you an SMS with missed calls. If this does not happen, contact the office of your mobile operator and ask to connect you to the “Who called?” service. or do it yourself through your personal account on the operator’s website.

Today is December 22, 2019. Do you know what holiday is today?

Tell me How to find out who called me friends on social networks:

Many users have encountered a problem that the subscriber making the call hides his phone number. However, there is a special application for Android smartphones that will declassify any number, so don’t despair. As you probably already understood, we are going to talk about just such a utility.

Have you ever heard of an application called “Yandex. Directory". If not, then we advise you to familiarize yourself with it, because it will be the one that will be able to declassify a specific phone number. The principle of operation of the utility is quite simple: after the user receives a call from a person who has hidden his number, the application will compare this contact with other users from the directory and after some time declassify the subscriber’s phone number. In addition, Yandex. Directory" will inform the person and organization that called him from a hidden number.

Thanks to this application, you can safely reject or accept certain calls. This utility can help if, for example, you received a call from scammers or other people who want to deceive you.

It should be noted that you can leave a review about the person you spoke with. Other users will see your review, to which the number of the subscriber who called you will be attached. Thanks to this feature, you can protect other users. Leaving a review is very easy: after a conversation with a certain user, a window will appear on your smartphone, which will prompt you to leave a review.

Surely, everyone who has ever received a call from an unknown number on their phone has wondered how to find out a hidden phone number. We will look at several ways to accomplish such a task.

Method number 1. Turn off your phone

This method will only work if you know for sure that a call from an unknown number will definitely come to you again. This is possible, for example, if someone calls you constantly. Often hooligans call people with threats or just pranks almost every half hour.

So, during this time you need to turn off your phone. When you turn it on, you will receive a message saying “You have been called” and the caller’s number. Actually, in such a message the number can no longer be hidden.

Depending on the operator, this message may look different. Most often, SMS comes from the caller’s number with the text “This subscriber called you...” This is how it looks, in particular, on Beeline and MTS (Russia).

For other operators, SMS comes from some system phone. The text says that “such and such numbers called you such and such a number of times.” Such messages could be seen by subscribers of MTS (Ukraine), also known as Vodafone.

In any case, this method works great. But if the call took place only once, it will not have any effect.

Method number 2. Service from operators

Some operators provide a special service to identify all numbers that call the subscriber. It is interesting that the number is unknown only to you as the receiving party, but not to the operator. Therefore, it is not surprising that he may well allow people to see these very phones.

It is worth saying that these are not some kind of “underground” or illegal services. To hide your number, you must also order the corresponding service from the same operator. Therefore, he can hide phones for some, and show them to others.

For example, MTS (Ukraine) has a “Super Determinator” service. She is the opposite of the Anti-Determinant. To activate this service, you can send a blank message to 3410 or dial *101*410#.

In addition, you can simply contact the operator by calling 111. If none of these methods work for some reason, you can go to the nearest Vodafone office, also known as a customer service center, and find out all the information about the “Super Determinator” "

Kyivstar has a service with the same name. There, to connect you need to dial *168*1#. The payment is small - 1.81 UAH per day.

Russian operators, be it Megafon, Tele2 and others, also have such services. For more detailed information, it is best to contact an employee of your telecom operator.

To do this, you can also go to a customer service salon or call the appropriate number, which is written on the SIM card and is definitely in the phone book.

Method No. 3. Forwarding

In addition to the “Super Determinator” service, all operators also have a forwarding service available. Its purpose is to redirect calls from one number to another.

So, it’s interesting that when you forward a call on another phone, the number will be displayed. At least this very interesting effect occurs in most cases, but not always.

Again, to order such a service, it is best to call a representative of the telecom operator and find out all the details of its order. You can also visit the website or go to the customer service center.

True, again you need someone to call from an unknown number again. If the call took place once, only method No. 4 will help.

Method number 4. Contacting the operator or law enforcement agencies

Be that as it may, the operator definitely has the number that you displayed as unknown. And to find out, you need to order call details. This is a simple list of all telephone numbers that called you, printed on A4 paper.

It would seem like nothing special, but this list shows absolutely all numbers, including unknown ones.

If this cannot be done, you will have to go directly to the administrator or simply a representative of the operator and tell him that you want to find out who called you. This is only possible under certain circumstances.

It is not always possible to complete the task in this way. For example, if you have received threats, then this option will become available.

On the other hand, if there are threats, it is better to immediately go to law enforcement agencies.

Interestingly, due to the recently adopted Yarovaya laws in Russia, all telephone conversations are recorded. Therefore, a telecom operator employee may well find your conversation and provide the recording to the police.

Remember! If you receive threats, it is better to immediately contact the police.

Choose the method that will be more accessible to you.


  • Never call back. There is a well-known fraudulent scheme in which a subscriber calls back to an unknown number and a large sum of money is withdrawn from his account. Don't fall for the scammers' tricks!
  • Perhaps there is no need to worry. If nothing serious happened during the conversation, that is, there were no threats, or there was no conversation at all, do not worry. The fact is that sometimes the number may be displayed as hidden due to problems with the operator.
  • Even if they tell you something unpleasant about your family, you shouldn’t listen to it all. A classic scheme of scammers - they call a person and say that his son is in trouble and he needs money, which needs to be deposited into a certain bank account. Information about the son is taken at random. Of course, everything is fine with the relatives.

Remember this.