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Insert the species screen in the autocada. Species screen in autocada

Their main task is to organize a drawing and prepare it to print it. Can be created various number such screens by asking them the desired size, properties, scale of the model, etc.

Autocadus - species window on sheets

To prepare the drawing to print, you need to switch to the space of the sheet. In other words, Sheet is a prototype of your drawing of your drawing.. First of all, you must go to the sheet space, for this you need to click the LKM on the list tab1, as shown in Fig.:

As a result, you will fall into the space of the sheet, which is shown in Fig.:

View screen. (VE) Sheet space is nothing but a primitive. Each type of sheet screen is a kind of frame of the image in the model space, containing the view in which the model is displayed on a specified scale and orientation. Thus, through the species screen, we fall into the model space. If you double-click the LKM inside the species screen, then it will be active And we will have access to the model space where the drawings are located. Rotating the mouse wheel, we can change the scale, thereby giving up or approach the objects of the drawing.

Pay attention to the numbers that change when scaling at the bottom of the screen:

This is the current scale of the drawing. To select a standard scale value that meets GOST, you need to click on the small arrow near the numbers, as shown in Fig.:

A list of standard scales will open. If necessary, you can add a new value. To do this, select "Custom ..." - "Add".

A dialog box opens in which to specify the name and properties of the scale. Create a new value of 1: 200, as shown in Fig.:

Now set a new scale value:

To get out of the viewport, double-click the LKM on the sheet below the VE.

In the sheet space, one species screen can be created, which occupies the entire sheet, or several species screens. If you are allocated, then four editing knobs will appear.

Sizes, properties, scale and location of view screens may vary. In addition, they can be copied and taken out of the sheet.

Creating a new WE in the list of sheet

To create a new species screen, you can go to the sheet tab - panel "Leaf Speed \u200b\u200bScreens". Notice, there are several options for creating a VEU: rectangular shape, polygonal or an arbitrary form.

AutoCAD users accustomed that the form of the species screen is a rectangle. There is a great opportunity to make the form of the species screen arbitrary.

For example, we will make a remote element that will show a welded connection on an enlarged scale in the drawing.

To do this with the team _VPORTS. Create a regular rectangular species screen, tighten it to the desired position of the model, exhibit the scale and close it "on the lock".

In the first case, we draw a certain object above the species screen in the sheet space, such as a circle. Choose it as an object for trimming, as a result of which the species screen automatically acquires the boundaries corresponding circuit contour.

If we choose the polygonal border of the species screen, then we can actually build it not only from the broken line, but also from the arc of circles. Thus, you can get a beautiful curvilinear boundary of the type of remote element, which can be edited by "handles" like a polyline. Choose what you like best. Of course, a way with a sequent circle is much faster :)

In most cases, the image border of the external EECD element should not be closed. The circuit of the curvilinear view screen can be trimmed with a team. _Trim. On the securing lines carried out in the appropriate places over the species screen.

Compromise between compliance with design standards, convenience and speed to choose to you.

I wish all the right and beautiful drawings!

The concept of "species screens in autocade" implies the partition of the working space of the program into separate areas. Moreover, species screens can be both in the space of the model and in the sheet space. And this is not the same thing! So, let's look at work with the species screens directly in the model.

Specified automotive screens in the model space.

The graphic area in the model space can be divided into several separate rectangular areas, so-called species screens on which your model will be displayed in various kinds (for example, top view, view "right" or any isometry). As a rule, it is very convenient to work with the species screens with 3D modeling (see Fig.). Also, if the drawing contains a large number of Objects, on different species screens, you can use pan and zoom command commands regardless of each other. This makes it possible to avoid errors and make the documentation correctly and quickly.

To split the model to species screens, you need to go to the "View" tab and work with the "Model Scripts" panel (see Fig.).

To create multiple view screens, you need to disclose the "Configuration of the Cost Screen" list and select the appropriate option of their location (see Fig.).

To make an active one or another species screen, sufficiently click inside the LKM inside it. He will immediately stand out in a blue rectangle.

In the upper left corner of each viewport of the autocada displays their controls. By clicking on "+" you can deploy this screen to the entire monitor. Reverse action - Pressing the "-" sign. You can also change the view and visual style.

AutoCAD users accustomed that the form of the species screen is a rectangle. There is a great opportunity to make the form of the species screen arbitrary.

For example, we will make a remote element that will show a welded connection on an enlarged scale in the drawing.

To do this with the team _VPORTS. Create a regular rectangular species screen, tighten it to the desired position of the model, exhibit the scale and close it "on the lock".

In the first case, we draw a certain object above the species screen in the sheet space, such as a circle. Choose it as an object for trimming, as a result of which the species screen automatically acquires the boundaries corresponding circuit contour.

If we choose the polygonal border of the species screen, then we can actually build it not only from the broken line, but also from the arc of circles. Thus, you can get a beautiful curvilinear boundary of the type of remote element, which can be edited by "handles" like a polyline. Choose what you like best. Of course, a way with a sequent circle is much faster :)

In most cases, the image border of the external EECD element should not be closed. The circuit of the curvilinear view screen can be trimmed with a team. _Trim. On the securing lines carried out in the appropriate places over the species screen.

Compromise between compliance with design standards, convenience and speed to choose to you.

I wish all the right and beautiful drawings!

To accommodate on the layout layout, the B-B and technical requirements are needed to create two additional species screens.

1. Select the command from the menu View »Widow Screens» 2 Escran. AutoCAD will suggest choosing the placement of new species screens. Enter Horizontal or simply g..

2. In response to the offer to set the size of the area that both species screen should occupy, select the point first, which should be in the upper left corner of this area, and then the point that must be in its lower right corner (Fig. 13.33).

Fig. 13.33 Definition of a rectangular area in which two new species screen should be placed

3. Once you specify a point that is located in the lower right corner of the rectangular area, AutoCAD will create two new species screens. Correct their vertical size using the selection markers by reducing the height of the lower screen approximately twice and appropriately increase the height of the upper screen.

4. On your own, configure the image on the top view screen so that the b-b is displayed on it. Correct its scale and using the command Format Align the section B-B vertically using the dotting point and point levels that are located in the upper left corner of each of the cuts.

5. In the bottom view screen, place the text of the technical requirements by setting the scale of 0.1xp for it. After adjusting view screens, the layout sheet should look like shown in Fig. 13.34.

Fig. 13.34 Layout Layout Format A3 After creating and configuring all view screens

6. Select all four species screens and move them on the layer of the species screen, and then freeze this layer.

7. To complete, you need to adjust the scale in the main inscription. Since we inserted it like a block, you need to use the team Reference. Enter this command in the command window.

8. AutoCAD will offer to choose a block to be edited. Click on any element of the main inscription.

9. In the window that appears Editing entries On the Link Information tab, an object with automatically created AutoCAD is highlighted as shown in Fig. 13.35 (an object that is on upper level The hierarchy is the source block, which is on the A2 sheet sheet).

Fig. 13.35 Dialog box Editing entries

10. AutoCAD switches to block editing mode. Double-click on the text 1:10, which is in the scope of the main inscription, and enter 25 to the text purchased 1:25.

11. Two times press ENTER to complete the text editing, then click on the button Save changes to entering automatically appeared on the toolbar screen Redssyl or enter the command in the command window Link.

12. In the warning window that appears, click on the button. OK.. On this, the creation of a drawing with multiple view screens is completed (Fig. 13.36).

Fig. 13.36 Layout A3 format with configured species screens and edited main inscription

13. Save the current drawing status in the Work132.dWG file. In the next chapter, you will secure the skills of working with the species screens, as well as study the output methods prepared for printing drawings.