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1C 8 Compatibility Mode affects. Changing or Disable Compatibility Mode

A new release of the platform 8.3.11 has been released, which allows you to add and change the objects of metadata through the extension. Are we now can we realize any refinement without removing the configuration with support? Is it worth promising the client of the Golden Mountains without any consequences?

First of all, you need to know about the constraints that have extensions.

Restriction on the objects created

At the moment you can create:

  • Directories
  • Documentation
  • Registers of information
  • Exchange plans

You can add details to:

  • Directories
  • Documentation

What do we have in the end? You can add not all types of metadata objects. The most common and in demand, but still not all. In addition, new measurements and resources cannot be added to the information registers. You can only create a completely new register.

Extension functionality depends on the configuration compatibility mode to which the extension is applied.

Compatibility mode 8.3.8 - You can change only the forms of objects and their modules, add your reports and processing.

Compatibility mode 8.3.10 - You can change common modules, object modules and manager, roles, use directives "before", "after", "instead" for any modules.

Compatibility mode "Do not use" - You can use the entire functionality of extensions, including adding new objects.

At the moment, the compatibility mode is 8.3.8. In UT 11.4 Compatibility mode 8.3.10, that is, for example, for UT, most of the extension functional is not available, including the creation of metadata objects.

It would seem that the question comes: why not to remove the root from support, install the compatibility mode "Do not use" and quietly use extensions? When changing the compatibility mode, the behavior of forms, query results, i.e. The behavior of the system as a whole. It is strongly recommended not to change the compatibility mode without pre-testing. But it is obvious that to take off completely (or at least in terms of the documents used) a whole applied solution is possible. Therefore, use this option Do not.

When connecting an extension to a typical configuration, borrowing typical objects The extension controls the compatibility mode of the main configuration and types of borrowed objects and their details. If the controlled properties fails, the extension turns off and does not work until the cause is eliminated. That is, with a large update, the likelihood of a change in at least one of the controlled properties and loss of expansion performance is high.

In addition, if the modifications are significant, a lot of procedures and the functions of a typical configuration are substituted, it will be necessary to carry out their careful control and, if necessary, lead to a typical configuration, retaining the changes made earlier.

In the above cases, the programmer's help will still need and, perhaps, considerable time on refinement (but still less than when updating the configuration, removed from support).


  • The new platform release has given new opportunities for the use of extensions, it has the opportunity to add metadata objects, but despite this functionality has certain limitations.
  • The configuration compatibility mode to which the extension is applied, strongly limits the extension capabilities, it is not recommended to change compatibility mode.
  • Large updates still require the attention of the developer, since the likelihood of changes in controlled properties is high.

Many have heard such a word "1C: compatible!", But few know what is hidden behind him. For most, it simply means correct operation of the product support and support from 1C. I recently had to receive a certificate "1C: Compatible!" To add to the configuration and I want to tell what work it is necessary to do the developer and what this certification gives.

Firstly, certification has a goal to improve the quality of programs written in the 1C system: Enterprise 8, and is focused for users. When buying a software product with a 1C icon: Compatible! " The buyer can be sure that:

  • this product comes with detailed documentation, containing a clear description of the product installation, a description of its operation and data structure;
  • each update will describe innovations in new version and a description of the update process;
  • when upgrading to a new version or edit, all current data will be transferred (subject to indication of the transfer);
  • the software product will contain the most familiar desktop and settings (or the menu item in the usual application), to which all users of typical configurations are used so.
  • the package includes a demo base, which can be used in order to teach the software product;
  • the code of the software product is written according to 1C standards, is equipped with comments describing code work.

Certification will improve the consumer's attitude towards your product and increase product sales.

All certification work falls on the developer's shoulders. Next, the basic certification requirements are briefly described, if you develop a configuration that you will need to be certified, then I advise you to familiarize yourself with the requirements of 1C immediately, what if you decide to pass certification, I did not have to rewrite comments and redo the interface for all configurations. But I will say right away - most of the work is the creation of documentation and delivery set. In writing the code, on my account, the most difficult is the primary filling of the database, tracking the versions and the output of the change in the new version.

Certification can take place:
  1. Designed for the program distribution of the program, interacting with the program "1C: Enterprise" (configurations, reports, additions to typical configurations, external components, client-banks, for exchanging)
  2. Computers intended for use in conjunction with the program "1C: Enterprise 8" as servers "1C: Enterprise 8"
  3. Cash and other specialized plug-in equipment.
  4. Mobile devices intended for organizing work with 1C data: enterprises directly on a mobile device.

The configuration developer must perform the following conditions:

  1. You can not use the word "1C" or "1C" logo "1C" in the title of the configuration without the permission of 1C.
  2. A written guarantee of the head and the printing of the manufacturer's firm is needed that the product does not violate anyone or copyright.
  3. You need to numbered configuration versions according to the standards system and configuration development techniques for the 1C platform: Enterprise 8. Moreover, the release of the new version must ensure the transition from the previous one with the preservation of data, and when the new edition is released, the transition to data saving or describes the procedure for the transition to a new edition.
  4. You can not use the term "typical configuration" in relation to the configuration created.
  5. If your configuration is written using the managed application mode, it must be specified in the documentation. It should also function in the web and a thin client. If a part of the functions cannot be performed in the web client, it must be described in the documentation.
  6. The configuration should be able to distinguish the first and subsequent launches. When you first start, the configuration should produce mandatory primary filling of the database and must have optional fill to simplify working with the database. After the first launch or after the first launch of the new version, the configuration must submit a report on the changes made to information base.
  7. All metadata objects must be determined by synonym
  8. Top-level metadata objects must be sorted by alphabetically, except for objects with the "Delete" prefix. They must be downstairs.
  9. There must be a role for the administrator with all rights other than interactive removal.
  10. If there is a split role, it should be separated by role with common rights and roles in which there are some other rights. For example, the role of "Basic Frame"
  11. The reference information of the main configuration objects must be completed.
  12. You must use the controlled lock mode.
  13. Tips must be filled with all elements in which the user is entered by the user.
  14. For a managed application, the desktop must always be, the last partition must be partition for administration.
  15. For regular app There must be a common interface and full, as well as the possibility of switching it from the "Service" menu.
  16. For a regular application, all form elements must be aligned.
  17. In the code, each line must contain only one statement, the code of the code must be aligned with the tobami, there should be no errors when checking modules and checking the configuration. Functions must be comments with a description of the action, parameters and a returned result.

In this article, consider the configuration properties palette using the example of 1C trading management 11 on the platform 8.3.

Configuring configuration properties 1c

Consider each of the configuration settings.

  • Main start mode - Maybe the values \u200b\u200bof the controlled application or normal. For each user can later be set separately.
  • Embodiment of the built-in language - Defines the default programming language syntax. If you change it, then in the configuration, the modules automatically not change the language.
  • Main role - The role in the default configuration. Typically, a role is established with the greatest rights.
  • Managed (or regular) application module - a module that describes global configuration variables and global configuration handlers - front-industrial systems, receivers, preparationsystems, and the development of refurbishment, workshop, processed.
  • Session module - The handler that is working out at the start of the system in which it is customary to initialize.
  • External connection module - module available at external compound, Contains handlers - the workshop, primarily asystems.

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  • Primary language - The default interface language.
  • Brief information, detailed information, logo, screensaver, copyright - Property information fields for configuration information.
  • Address Information about the Supplier and Configuration - Properties where you need to specify information about the developer and page about this decision.
  • Main report form, report settings, report option - Forms opened by default for relevant objects.
  • Provider - The company that has made development.
  • Version - Configuration version, the property almost always must coincide with the version of the supplier.
  • Address update directory address - place on the Internet where you can download fresh updates.
  • reference Information - General configuration reference information. Check mark Include in the contents of the reference Adds current reference information to a general list of documentation.
  • Data block management mode - Select mode. 3 options are possible - manageable (the configuration developer is responsible for blocking), auto(DBMS responds for locks), automatic and manageable (Combined mode, controlled at the level of objects).
  • Mode autonumbering objects - Possible two options, release automatically and do not free automatically. The first option allows you to fill the gaps in the numbering in the case of their occurrence. Do not free automatically Makes the numbering continuous.
  • Compatibility Mode - A purely technical flag that allows you to enable or disable compatibility mode with older configuration versions - 8.1 and 8.2.13 and 8.3. These two versions of the platform were transitional, new metadata objects were added, so the system requires configuration conversion. To this you need to treat very carefully,


How to find out the version of the technological platform "1C: Enterprise", which is specified in the configuration compatibility parameter.

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Most users who have long been working with the program "1C: Enterprise" programs, can easily open the program with information about the program ("Help"\u003e about the program or button "Show information about the program" on the toolbar) and call the exact releases of technological Platforms "1C: Enterprise" and configuration used, refine the launch mode, client type and mn.

But sometimes the specialists of our consultation line are asking the client to name the release issue of the compatibility mode platform, which put most of the ordinary users in a dead end. There is no information in the standard window of information "On the Program".

What is a compatibility mode in Systems 1C: Enterprise 8

Technological platform "1C: Enterprise 8" is rapidly developing, the capabilities of the platform are constantly expanding, new mechanisms, tools and entire classes of objects appear. Naturally, the developers have no physical opportunity to immediately rewrite the entire configuration, taking into account the new innovations that appeared in the platform. To ensure simultaneous and collaboration, both older and new configuration elements use a compatibility mode that allows you to start the configuration on the new version of the platform, designed in the more younger versions of the 1C: Prefect Platform, without making changes to the configuration and restructuring of data.
This allows you to move to the older version of the platform gradually. New configuration elements are added taking into account the new features of the platform, and the old elements continue to work first without making changes to the configuration. The necessary changes in the old elements are made for a dumb later, which allows you to smoothly raise compatibility mode.

How to find out the version of the 1C configuration compatibility mode: Enterprise 8

In order to find out the current release of the compatibility mode, you must start the information base in the "Configurator" mode.

Select the menu item "Configuration"\u003e "Open configuration".

The configuration tree opens. On the top string With the configuration item, press the right mouse button, select the "Properties" item in the drop-down menu.

The configuration properties window opens. Sunday at the bottom of the window to the last group of compatibility parameters.

In the last line "Compatibility mode", the platform release number is specified in this configuration.

Attention! Important!

If you are not a developer of this configuration and do not know, the mechanisms of which version of the platform are used by all configuration objects, then in no way attempt to change the version of the compatibility mode! This can lead to a disruption of the performance of the configuration and loss of data.
If you use a typical configuration, then when changing the compatibility mode, the configuration will be removed from the support and you will lose the ability to automatically update.
This article is referenced and intended only for what you could refine the version of the compatibility mode.

If a this information It turned out to be useful for you, then Laika, an article in social networks and share a reference to your favorite forums.

Company "Online", 2018

Program compatibility mode: Enterprise, how to find out the version of compatibility mode 1c: UPP, how to find out the version of the compatibility mode of the 1C technology platform compatibility mode: Enterprise, how to find out 1C compatibility mode: Ut, how to find out the release mode of the 1C program compatibility mode: Enterprise, how to find out the version of the compatibility mode 1C: Managing Trade, how to find out the version of the version of the compatibility mode in the 1C standard configuration mode: Enterprise, how to find out 1C compatibility mode: BSU, how to find out the version of compatibility mode 1C 8.3, how to find out the 1c configuration compatibility mode release mode: Enterprise, how to find out 1C compatibility version : Accounting of a public institution, as in the standard configuration of 1C: Accounts to find out the version of the platform compatibility mode, how to find out the 1C configuration compatibility mode: Accounting 3.0, how to find out 1C compatibility mode: UPP,

Tags: how to find out the release number 1c, how to find out the release of 1c, how to find out 1C version, certificate of program 1C

Cost of works and transfers from different releases

Translation 8.1 → 8.2.13 Translation 8.2.13 → 8.2.16 Translation 8.2.16 → 8.3.10
price, rub. * 54 000 ₽ 12 000 ₽ 76 800 ₽

List of all changes in different versions Platforms are available on the links:
For platform 8.2:

Before the start of the translation to 8.3, you need:

Check the mode controlled blocking. If you are using "automatic", then when you go to 8.3, additional costs for translated into controlled locks may be required.
If compatibility mode is used from 8.2.16 and higher, then you need to check whether the restructuring of the tables
Determine which types of customers are used (thin, thick, web client)
Determine whether there are cars that work under Linux

Configuration Translation 8.1 → 8.2.13

Cost of work: 54 000 rub.

Configuration transfer 8.2.13 → 8.2.16 (including restructuring)

Key changes:
Changed the storage mode of the constants and settings of the accumulation registers. For each object used its database table.
The implementation of the mechanism of controlled locks was redesigned.
For the events of the TLOCK technology log, the TXT property is recorded only in the compatibility mode with version 8.2.13
The influence of debugging mode on the speed of operation in "1C: Enterprise" mode for thin client, Tolstoy Customer, Server and External Connection.
Optimized execution of a query query "Type (FIELD1) \u003d Type Description (Field 2)", if the "field1" and "field2" contains the reference type values.
For controllable fields displaying compound data props, accelerated the opening of a quick selection list in cases where the type includes reference types with different settings quick choice.
For a new independent and non-periodic information register, the measurement index is cluster

Changes requiring changes in configurations:

With the compatibility mode disabled, the parameter "Period" method of the periodic register of information "Get ()" is mandatory. In compatibility mode with version 8.2.13 and version 8.1, the behavior has not changed (the method can be used without specifying the parameter, but the result is uncertain).
With the simultaneous use of the "Installation ()" and "use of the factory ()" () "objects, the object of" element-blocking "is caused by an exception. In the compatibility mode with version 8.2.13, the behavior has not changed (the priority is considered to be the method established by the method of using the test () ").
The room is not supported in the data value repository that do not support serialization. In compatibility mode, behavior has not changed.
If the base file, the information base must be configured. After the start of the transformation, work with this information base previous versions Platforms "1C: Enterprise 8" will be impossible. If the development is executed using the configuration storage, before converting the information base, you must definitely make a copy of the repository

IMPORTANT. To get an effect from changing the compatibility mode, you need to restructure through the configurator: "Administration → Testing and Correction → Restructuring of the Tables of the Information Base".

Previously, you need to restructure on the test base and measure the execution time of this operation.
If the 1C version of 8.2.19 server is used, for example, version 8.3, then the following type errors may occur when performing restructuring:

In this case, you need to do the following:
Install a separate server 1C version 8.2.19 and deploy the base on it
Open the database in the configurator on the 1C version 8.2.19 server, change the compatibility mode to "not use"
Perform the restructuring of the information base tables
After the restructuring will be executed, Move the information base to the source server 1C version 8.3

The cost of transferring a configuration from the compatibility mode 8.2.13 to mode 8.2.16 (no compatibility mode, when using Platform 8.2.16, 8.2.19 and compatibility mode 8.2.16 when using Platform 8.3) is 12 000 rubles.

The template of the work contract can be downloaded.

Configuration Translation 8.2.16 → 8.3.10

The following configuration refinement includes the following configuration configuration:

1. Elimination of property name conflicts. Changing variable names that coincide with the new properties that appeared in "1C: Enterprise 8.3".
2. Elimination of the conflict names of pictures. Rename the names of pictures with names, coinciding with names from the library of pictures.
3. Code refinement when changing the properties of a fixed structure. Replacing the specification of the properties of a fixed structure to re-create a fixed structure or replace its use to a similar type "Structure".
4. Replacing the room into the temporary storage of non-speriable values, on the code supported in "1C: Enterprise 8.3".
5. Replacing the use of calling the "Show" method for the details of the managed form, to use the "Scrolls" properties, "Current Instrument", "Activate" method
6. Replacing the names of metadata objects with long over 80 characters, on names with a name in 80 characters or less for metadata objects
7. Renaming methods and properties, according to the transition method to version 8.3.
8. Refinement of selection mechanisms, conventional design, groupings and order in dynamic lists.
9. Refinement of code for requests with keyword "Results by common", unloaded in mode
"Bypassure results" to preserving the former logic of work.
10. Changes in the names of COM classes. Replacing the names "V82.COMCONNECTOR" on "V83.comConnector", and "V82.application" on "v83.application".
11. Refusal in the program code from the start-creating event for the input fields in the selection mode from the list
12. Refusal in the program code from the Properties of the "Use button" for the input fields, by setting the "button hacking".
13. Change code taking into account changes in the value of the value returned by the global context method "Safety ()"
14. Changing the code, taking into account the change in the result of a request to constant (when referring to the "Value" field of the constant table, if the constant stores the value of the "repository" type, "unique identifier" or "external source database".
15. Replacing the Properties of the Configuration "Mainroller" on the "Basic"
16. Refusal to the Properties of the "User" and "Password" for the "InternetProxy" object and replacing the "Install ()" methods, "User ()", "Password ()".
17. Refinement of the code to support the "Show in the list" command, according to the transition to version 8.3.
18. Refinement of the code to maintain the former logic of the system with a changed value of the Property Property Property.
19. Refinement of the code to maintain the former logic of the system's work when refusing to use the system listing of the OPDATEOKOKOKNA, which is no longer available in version 8.3.
20. Code refinement, taking into account the failure of the use of modal windows.
21. Refinement of the support code for the web client, namely, the failure from server calls and opening windows in "conclusion", the failure of server calls in the "creepy".
22. Refinement of the code for the possibility of correct use of the role of the Rolling access (), when transmitting a function as a parameter of the missing role.
23. For controlled application: Starting from version 8.3.8 in the handlers of the managed application of the application, the development of refurbishment, the workshop, as well as in the handlers of the managed form events located in the closing mode, turning, closed, it is forbidden to open windows and execute any server calls.. The configuration is needed so that the forms close is correct - without server calls.
24. Variable name conflict: in the module form you cannot use the name of the variable parameters. Therefore, it is necessary to finalize all modules of controlled forms, where variables are used with the name of the parameforms, renameing these variables.

The price of these work is preliminary in nature, relevant for most configurations. Before starting work at concluding a contract, we check the configuration and after checking confirm the price and working conditions. Check required as configurations can be very different, including strongly rewritten.

Cost of work: 76 800 rub.

The template of the work contract can be downloaded.

The cost of transferring configuration to compatibility mode from 8.3.10 may be enharged, if a:
In configurations are used controlled forms
It is necessary to abandon the use of modality
It is necessary to maintain the performance of the configuration in Linux OS