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Transfer WordPress to another hosting, domain or denver. Transfer WordPress to another hosting, domain or denver how to go to a new hosting

The Internet does not stand still, and those hosters that do not understand this will certainly lose their customers. If the site owner found a proposal on the network with more favorable conditions than those that the valid provider offers, he should think about "moving". Website owners, for example, on WordPress. Technical difficulties should not scare - in their case, the domain transfer procedure is not difficult. If the portal is made on a more severe CMS, it is worth seeking help from specialists.

The problem may be that the user has already paid for the year hosting - the money will not return to him. For this reason, it is recommended to pay the provider monthly, whatever "buns" and discounts he seduced.

How to choose a provider to transfer a domain to a new hosting?

There may be such a situation that the user decided to abandon the services of the operating provider before decided on the new one. In this case, the question of choosing a suitable hosting comes out in the first place of importance. There are several recommendations that will help avoid mistakes:

  1. Listen to opinions. Job with friends who have long been owned by sites, and find out how satisfied with your hosting. Also, read the reviews on the thematic forums.
  2. Browse the "Contacts" section on the Hoster website. The provider must be accessible - the more communication methods indicated on its portal, the better.
  3. Explore tariffs. They should be at least three or four. If the provider offers only one tariff, the risk is great that its conditions will not be arranged.

Highly good feedback Experts and simple users have Timeweb. Therefore, we will look at how to transfer a domain to another hosting, on its example.

How to transfer a domain from one host on another?

First of all, select the service on the provider portal and specify email. Feature registration on many hosting portals ( including Timeweb ) is that before the selection of the tariff account It is impossible.
Next you need to act like this:

1. In the control panel, select the "Domains and subdomains" section.

2. Purchase a "place a domain to NS servers" subsection.

3. Make the address of the site in a special field and click "Place on NS servers."

Please note that the transfer procedure does not end. The actions described are just preparation for the change of hosting.

How to transfer the site after the domain?

As soon as I place a domain on the NS servers of the new Hosphera, read the "admin" of the portal - for this purpose is provided with a trial (free) period. Duration it may be different. For example, on TimeWeb. Duration trial period It is 10 days. Another famous provider - Sprinthost. - Whole 15.

At the end of the trial period, pay the services of a new hoster (if everything was arranged). Choose a way of transferring money, guided not only by own convenience, but also the terms of enrollment.

By paying payment, take on the translation of the site to the new hosting:

1. Transfer files to another server. In order to accomplish this operation, it is recommended to use a file manager or FTP client. You need to copy the set of files belonging to the site, and insert them into the "Public_HTML" directory. On the TimeWeb portal, this folder is located in the "File Manager" section.

Note: Files can be quite a lot, so it is recommended to use archiver Zip.. Then the transfer will leave much less time.

2. Transfer MySQL database. If your portal uses content management system (CMS), without this item you can not do. First you need to copy files on the old hosting (preferably also in the archive). Then you should place the database on the portal of the new provider. On Timeweb it is done through the section MYSQL databases.

3. Tie a site files and MySQL databases. You will have to find a configuration document - as a rule, it lies in the Public_HTML folder. If you use the WordPress platform, this file will be called WP-config.php. Open it with text editorAnd you will see about such a set of characters:

/ ** database name for WordPress * /
Define ('db_name', 'xxxxxx_xxx');
/ ** Name mySQL user */
Define ('db_user', 'xxxxxx_xxx');
/ ** password to the MYSQL database * /

Replace X characters to the data that specified when the database is generated.

4. Check how well the site works on a new hosting. Almost all providers provide such an opportunity before the completion of the "Moving" procedure is completed. As a rule, a technical domain of 4 levels is allocated (like At this address of the page are available, even if the main name is not tied to hosting.

5. Final step Cross the domain. To do this, you need to go to the settings on the name of the recorder name and specify other NS servers addresses than those that are currently present there. For example, when "moving" on TimeWeb, such entries follow to the fields:

Usually these actions are enough to transfer the domain to another hosting. Remember that the delegation of the name is not immediately - you may have to wait a few hours. If the binding of the domain is completed successfully, but the site does not work anyway, it is recommended to try to delete the so-called plug - File index.htm. - from the folder public_html . Most importantly, do not confuse with the main page index.html ! If the removal of the plug did not help, please contact the support service - no wonder we advised to choose exactly that hoster, which is always "in touch."

Hi, my readers. I'm with you again, Yuri Boshnikov. Glad to see your desire to learn and develop, receive new knowledge and useful skills. Today I want to raise actual topicHow to transfer the site to hosting if the old one does not suit you. There are several reasons why the need to change hosting arises. But it is the "standard of living" of your site largely depends on it. Having studied the information provided, you can easily realize your ideas, breathe new life into a personal Internet resource. I note that in how to transfer the site to another hosting, there is nothing complicated. Just follow my detailed instructions!

Note! Perhaps, when reading the article, you replace that I repeat some information. Do not think - it's not about my forgetfulness. No, I do it so that you do not miss important steps and actions.

Talking about how to transfer the site to hosting, for the beginning, let's decide on why it is generally necessary to do.

By the way! If you make a new site on local serverIn this case, the reason is understandable - it needs to be transferred to hosting so that it is available to users. But we are talking about the need to transfer to another, new hosting.

There are several real and reasonable reasons for the need to perform such actions. Briefly consider all of them.

For example, tariffs have significantly increased on the old platform. Or they grow slightly, but constantly. And unreasonable. In this case, the use of the platform looks unpromising.

With the development of his site, the owner of the resource may face the fact that the list of services provided is not so big. And more opportunities are required for the site. In this case, moving to another hosting looks quite reasonable.

Unfortunately, servers can exit. Not a single equipment is insured. However, some companies are worried about the work of the servers, constantly take measures to minimize such troubles, while others are not paying attention to such problems.

Failures in server work - negatively affect the site. First, visitors to "turn away" from the resource, which is periodically unavailable. Secondly, search robots will lower it in search results.

Lack of archiving and backup

If the hosting selected earlier is not made back-up, it is worth thinking about his emergency change.

If the services provided are slow, it is also necessary to think faster on how to transfer the site to another hosting. Since users do not like pages that are loaded for a long time.

Tip! It is better to place your site on a dedicated physical server. This is positively affected by his work, even if your site is too visited.

2. Choose a new service. How to transfer WordPress site to hosting

Continuing to consider the topic, how to transfer the site WordPress to hosting, let's talk about what you should consider when choosing a new hosting.

Note! By the way, about working with WordPress - if you want to deal with this engine, write down on. Its free part of it is the 4th day of online lessons - you will learn how to create a website with your own hands. There is a more advanced option - the paid part on which I tell how to work with the engine, how to develop my site and how to make money on it.

When choosing a host, a number of factors should be taken into account, among which are the mains:

  • the tariff is not the most important, but still a weighty aspect, especially for a novice webmaster;
  • disk space;
  • the cost of registration of the domain name from the provider who is interested in;
  • user reviews about providers.

Tip! In no case do not use the services of free hosting. It will negatively affect the site itself, on its promotion in search engines. And at the work of the resource as well.

The next step is to master the basic information about the transfer. So you can eliminate the problems, difficulties in the functioning of the site. Yes, and the movement itself will turn out to be simpler and more convenient.

  1. Once you have started transferring data, do not make any changes in the Internet resource itself, nor in its database, nor in the DNS records until you finally move. Any changes made will not "move".
  2. While there is a process of "moving", the site will function at the previous hosting.
  3. Even if you have transferred all the data, it does not mean that your resource will work immediately from a new hosting. No, he will open with the old one. To do this, you need to reconnect - that is, just switch the site. To do this, open hosts file on the local computer And change some data. In particular, the IP is prescribed as the address of the new server, Domain - the name of your resource.
  4. After that, making changes, you will see the site, opening with the new hosting for it.
  5. In such a situation, you need to download an additional file to the previous hosting. For example, it must be called transfer.html. In this file, write information, thanks to which users and "recognize" that you moved to a new hosting.
  6. Do not know how to manage your resource and DNS records from the new hosting panel? Yes, there is nothing easier! Just remember that the full update of information will take up to 72 hours. During this time, your resource will be inaccessible. Therefore, any changes are recommended to be carried out only at moments with the smallest attendance - at night, on holidays, on weekends.

Tip! To significantly speed up the update of the DNS data, you need to reduce the TTL indicator for entries A and NS type.

7. After changes were made to A-record, you can safely change any information on the site, change content, change databases.

8. After making all changes, after the end of the DNS-PROPAGATION period, return to step 3 of this section and eliminate the earlier entry in hosts.

4. How to transfer WordPress website to another hosting: files

I continue my story how to transfer the site to another hosting. The next stage considered by us is a question of "moving" directly to the files themselves. This is one of the most important moments In the whole process. Therefore, as carefully and responsibly will learn this information.

So, at this stage of your process, the following manipulations on the transfer of files should be performed:

  • load all files to your computer;
  • and then download them in the Personal Account in a special folder / public_html.;
  • implement this process Easy through the File Manager or by FTP.

File Manager implies to use CPanel. When you go to the file manager, in the menu section, click the Public_html menu, and then select the "Send" option or the like - it can be called differently. This option is located at the top of the menu.

In front of you will open new screenin which it should be noted files intended for download. To make a choice the necessary files, "Put the" Choose File "lettering with the mouse.

By the way! What to do in a situation where the files are very a large number of? In this option, it is recommended to pack them in the archive. Then it is loaded in the same way as ordinary files. To extract all files from the archive, you need to go to the File Manager and unpack the archive there. Just remember that only two formats are supported in CPanel .Zip or tar.gz. But pro.rar need to forget!

When the unpacking is over, check that the index file is located at the root of the Public_HTML folder. After that, the archive remains unnecessary and you can simply delete it.

Continuing the story how to transfer the WordPress site to another hosting, I note that if you are more convenient to use the FTP client, then you will need to use the data that is used to enter the panel. In addition, you will need to register the IP address of the physical server, where the hosting is located.

Note! Do not forget to register the port number - 21.

  • select all the files you need to work correctly;
  • these files must be downloaded to public_html;
  • if you decide to download file archive, simply unpack it later - for this you should use CPanel - how to do it, I described above.

Continuing the story how to transfer the WordPress site to hosting, be sure to tell a separate step on how to transfer all the files you need manually.

Although it is necessary to recognize that a similar manual transfer is not available for all services. However, I still consider it my duty to tell about it so that you better understand the principle of work and the process of moving from one place to another. The sequence of actions is very, very simple:

  • download the folder with all the files you need from the old hosting;
  • download the database;
  • from the old service, you must "demolish" all files and data;
  • in the new hosting fill in all necessary information - in particular, write the name of the site;
  • change DNS addresses on topical;
  • load on new service Downloaded folder with files, also download the entire database.

That is, there is nothing particularly difficult in manual transfer. The main thing is to preliminary training.

The sixth step in our process, how to transfer the WordPress site to hosting is the preparation of data. Of course, if we speak in the chronological sequence, then it should be slightly higher. However, you still first read the article fully, and then you will only perform the necessary actions.

Initially, the folder is loaded with all the files from your old hosting. This procedure is performed by one of three ways:

  • through the server control panel

Note! The advantage of the WordPress platform is that it is enough to download only one folder - called WP-Content. It is in it that all the files and data, templates and extensions you need are located. That is, in fact, you only perform reinstalling the platform itself for a new hosting. And after completing the installation, replace the specified folder to downloaded from the old host. Although I strongly recommend downloading everything completely - in case you have other folders with stored data.

There is one more option - it involves using the control panel of the server itself. With "implementation" of this method, it is recommended to choose the tool you need, which allows you to work with the database. Such a tool will allow you to download and download the database.

There is another option for website owners on WordPress Platform

It is fundamentally different from the two methods listed above. In the platform itself, developers are provided additional featureallowing you to carry out import and export data.

To perform exports will have to additionally activate a special plugin from the creators of the platform. Next, follow the following manipulations:

  • Instruments;
  • Export;
  • set the marks in front of the data you want to export.

Note! I strongly advise you to mark marks on the following data: records, pages, comments, rubrics.

As a result of the manipulations carried out by you, the file will be downloaded in XML expansion.

Downloaded data simply download to the installed platform on a new hosting. It is done through imports. However, note that the function allows you to import data that does not exceed 2 megabytes.

By the way! If the downloaded file turned out to be larger, then this method Not relevant for you. In addition, it exists only the above data. But not all that is available in the database.

How else can you download data for a new hosting: additional tips for beginner webmasters

Talking how to transfer the WordPress site to another hosting, I can not give a few more additional and useful advice.

As you can see ways, how to download data, there are several. For example, it is enough just to copy everything completely.

If you are also like me, you prefer to work with WordPress, you need to specify the following information in WP-Config:

  • the correct name of the entire database;
  • your username;
  • your password;
  • table prefix.

All the listed data must necessarily up to the last symbol, the coincidence specified in PHPMYAdmin is additional programThrough which data is injected on hosting.

After transferring data, removing them on the old hosting, it is necessary to change the DNS address. Replacing addresses is performed directly from the registrar of your domain name.

Therefore, you need to go to the service where the domain name registration was conducted, log in to your account and select the domain required for your work. Carefully examine the account - there must be a graph / button "Change DNS" or similar to it. It is there that the new addresses are prescribed. By changing them, do not forget to click on the save button.

It is likely that you may not know the DNS addresses. After all, each service providing hosting services, its addresses. How to find them? Very simple - there are two ways:

  • request from hosting specialists by contacting the support service;
  • examine the section "Questions - Answers" or FAQ.

After making changes to the DNS address, it must take from 12 to 24 hours to the registration of all changes made.

Tip! Do not want to wait for so long? Unfortunately, accelerate the process is practically no possibility. Unless to contact support and specify, and stipulate possible options for accelerating the process.

And ending the article how to transfer the site to hosting I want to give a few additional advice to help you speed up, simplify and make a more efficient process of moving. Be sure to use them - they are proven and effective.

Create backup copies of the database

After all, the only copy can be easily or late to get lost or some kind of mistake happen in it. In general, all kinds of trouble can be a premil set. As an option, you will change something, and then you will not understand what happened, and how to turn everything to reverse.

Personally, I have several copies of the database and files. Two or three on different disks of the laptop-beech, one - on the flash drive, one more - loaded on cloud storage. This is not reinsurance, but a fully justified action.

Contact Support

If any problems occur, in any incomprehensible situation, do not hesitate to contact support.

By the way! Hosting, where you decide to place your site, must be loyal to customers. That is, the support service must help in any situation. If the support service does not differ loyalty, then you didn't do not right choice in favor of a specific service.

Specialists in the support service for sure much better than you know what and how to do to make relocation.

And if VDS?

Separate mention deserves moving to VDS hosting. Before making it, check if access to a convenient server management system will be possible. And also ask what exactly this is for the system, as it functions. Preliminary information, as specifically to work in a similar system, will be very valuable and useful!

Summing up: how to transfer the site to another hosting

In this article, we are in detail, step by step reviewed with you how to move to a new hosting. It is clear that I will not fully answer this question. Since various pitfalls may occur at any time. In this situation, refer to specialists from technical support.

In addition, the process of moving is largely depends on the control panel of the selected service - are possible, both minor and significant differences.

If technical support for the selected service provides services for moving hosting, I strongly recommend using this option - so you definitely do not block the firewood. Although you still need to do it yourself. backups.

Finally, I remind you that I spend the author's training ,. Training is completely free. It addresses many interesting questions. Including how to upload a site to hosting. After 4 days you will have your own website and a lot useful information For its further development. Sign up right now, so as not to miss the next stream of students.

Hi friends. In today's article, I will tell you on the steps and show how to organize the transfer of the site to another hosting. Before the new year, I just changed the registration for two of my sites and my fresh experience is able to help the suffering :). The process is not complicated, but step-by-step instruction still did not damage anyone.

Previously, my sites were posted on servers of three different providers, I decided to abandon one of them. Just the period of its payment ends, and there are enough space on the remaining two.

Perhaps you, someday, will also have to face such a task. Causes can be different. For example, a change in the pricing policy of the company, or you will stop satisfying the quality of services, or will change your requirements for server functionality, or for a different reason.

In my case, I just disappeared the need, before I used one American hosting for storing large amounts of data, as it does not have restrictions on the size of stored information.

What exactly needs to be transferred?

In my article "" I talked about the three components of each Internet resource. When transferring, we must work with each of them.

First, you need to find a new hosting that will meet all your requirements.

Secondly, you need to change the binding of the domain name of your site. The domain name should send user requests to new servers that belong to the new company.

Thirdly, you will need to transfer all the data (files, databases) from the old hosting to the new one.

It is brief, now let's look at the whole process in detail. Maximum, for transfer it will take 8 steps. I will describe the process based on the assumption that you already have a new hosting, if you don't have it, you first select the appropriate and register an account in it, I can recommend one of these (partner links): TimeWeb or Sprinthost.

Transfer the site to a new hosting

Step 1. Add a domain to the administrator of a new hosting

The first thing we need to do to transfer is to add to your account and tie the corresponding folders to it, in which we, in the future, will carry the files of your Web resource. To do this, find in the control panel section associated with the management of domains, usually, it is called.

In this section, as a rule, there are two functions - register a new domain and transfer the domain. Select the domain transfer and specify the portable address. This action does not yet connect a domain to a new hosting, it only prepares an account to the future connection. In the administ of hosting, which I transferred sites it looks like this:

Step 2. To transfer files from one server to another

File transfer is perhaps the simplest action, of all you need to do. Using FTP client or built-in file Manager You need to download all the files belonging to the site, from the old hosting to the computer, and then, just, throw them on the new in the Public_HTML folder, which is responsible for the operation of the portable domain.

Sometimes, sites can have a large amount of data and many files, so it is best to fully pack in Zip Archive Even in the old place and then throw one archive file. Such an archive is unpacking without problems at any hosting, and the time to move is much smaller, and the load on the server will decrease.

Squeeze files:

Download files to a computer:

Step 3. Download Database from Old Hosting

If your resource is very simple (performed on the simple HTML) and does not have databases, then items from 3 to 6 can be skipped. But any site that uses the content management system (CMS) requires the MYSQL database for its operation, it also needs to be transferred.

To do this, in the administrator of your old hosting, find the "Mysql database management" section. Come in the PhpmyAdmin admin panel. Choose the desired database and select the Export tab.

In the Database Export menu, set to download the archive ZIP or GZIP format. Press the "OK" button and specify a place on your computer where the file will be saved.

Step 4. Create a database on another hosting

Similarly, as in the previous paragraph, open the "Database Management" section on another hosting ( MySQL database), Only instead of choosing the desired database - choose the item to create new base data.

For her, you will need to specify the name, as well as the user login and password for access. Some hosters automatically install the username (login) corresponding to the database name, so they are asked to enter only the password. Write down this data, they will need them.

Press the Create button, and you will have a new database. If you go inside this base, there will be no table there until it is empty.

Step 5. Import a database to a new hosting

After you have created a new database, you need to copy information from that base you exported from the old server. To do this, select the menu "Iporret". Through the window, specify the path to the database saved on your computer, and click Import.

All tables will be created and filled automatically. On servers of different providers can be used different software, Therefore, despite the full compatibility of all the databases, sometimes problems may arise. I jumped out. In 99% of cases, the transfer will go smoothly.

Step 6. Fix your CMS configuration files

After we have transferred files and database, we need to tie them together. To do this, find configuration file. Your CMS. In WordPress, it is called WP-config.php, it is located in the root directory of the site (right in public_html).

Open this file to edit and replace the following lines:

/ ** database name for WordPress * /

define ('db_name', 'xxxxxx_xxx');

/ ** username mysql * /

define ('db_user', 'xxxxxx_xxx');

/ ** password to the MYSQL database * /


Instead of XXX, you prescribe the values \u200b\u200bthat indicated when creating a database. It is necessary that your CMS files connect to the database and can share information with it.

Step 7. Check the operation of files and databases

If you are not disturbed by interruptions in the site of the site, you can skip this step, but if your resource is promoted, it has and regularly visits search robotThat is better to check everything before you disconnect the domain from the old hosting.

Check the work of the site on a new hosting:

- Some hosting for each site create a technical domain. This is usually a domain of 4 levels similar to - At this address your pages are working, even if your main domain does not work. Check if everything functions normally there, it means that go to the next item.

- Another option will be suitable if the technical address is not available on your hosting, but you have other working domains on it. You can create a type of type for one of them. Connect this subdomain to the Public_HTML folder of your new site and check as in the previous case.

- if none of the previous options is available, then you can contact technical support Your new hoster and ask to help check out the work.

Step 8. Change DNS Domain Recording

So, you are all ready, files and bases work normally on a new server. It remains only to redirect domain name On another hosting. To do this, you need to change the NS domain entry. Now they are registered by the NS server of the old hosting, so all the information is taken from them. We also need to rewrite them.

We go to your account at the domain name registrar if you registered a domain directly from the registrar. Find the "DNS Management" section and make a request for replacement. New values \u200b\u200bYou need to find either on the website of the new provider, or recognize them through technical support.

These records look something like this (this is for my hosting):

Any other Hoster DNS has its own.

In the event that your domain was registered through the hosting company - contact DNS to change its domain service or technical support.

After you give a request for replacing records, it will take some time before the site is postponed to another hosting. It can take from several hours to several days, during this time it is better to carry out any work with the site.

I always spoke, I say and I will say that the most important thing for the site is his domain! Because all the promotion, all advertising, all customers are tied to the domain. And if you lose it, then it will be almost impossible to restore it.

That is why I repeat my main recommendation again: register a domain from a reliable and major registrar, and then delegate it to any hosting or designer.

Therefore, today we will take our domain that registered with registrar and I will show how this domain is transferred to TimeWeb, Beget and on Wix.

Important! We are not talking about how to register a new domain. We are talking about transferring an existing domain from one hosting to another!

I advise you to watch the video, because it is one thing that it is easier to see once than 100 times to read. But at the same time, the article will have some additions that forgot to mention in the video

Transfer the domain on Timeweb

Timeweb is a very big hosting, but is not an independent registrar. This means that all domains purchased through TimeWeb are actually stored not on it and not even in one place. It means that if you bought a domain through Timeweb and want to transfer it to another hosting - then it will not work. We will have to see if it is registered, then restore the password ( the only way Restore the password is to specify your true mail and name domain, otherwise you do not prove your domain that your domain and it will be lost for you). Therefore, if you are here to transfer a domain bought on Timeweb - either go to Google to read "to find the WHOIS recorder", or go to this question - there will be done for 500 rubles.

If you want to tie a domain to the site on Timeweb, then:

  1. In the Timeweb Control Panel, go to: Domains and subdomains\u003e Laying domains on NS servers\u003e Enter your domain

2. Go to the registrar where the domain was registered and look for any phrase where there is "DNS" or "domain delegation". Usually they all call it that way. Accordingly, you need to change these most DNS on


It is necessary to specify all 4, no longer need to change anything. This is how it looks like it.

Transfer a domain to

Become is also not an independent registrar, so it is better to buy only hosting, and to transfer the domain. In the video for example, I use it.

Choose the "domains"\u003e "I already have" and enter your domain. DNS servers are written here.

  • nS1.Beget.Pro.

As a bonus, the domain can immediately bind to a new site. More precisely, create a new site and tie this domain to it. It's very cool, because In Timeweb, for this you have to ride in different folders.

Transfer the domain to the WIX

Let's try to transfer our domain to the site created on the WIX constructor.

If your domain is placed on, then with the Wix there is a joint program. Those. You do not have to ride between different panels management, and everything can be done from personal Cabinet REG.RU. Moreover, you do not even have to carry domain - everything will be transferred automatically. It is very convenient, because all your data, money and domains will be located on Wix should not trust anything but the creation of the site. At any case, they try to steal unnecessary from the client.

PySy: I apologize, we got to now make a domain binding to WIX, but it turned out that the case was just a little more difficult. I will make photos S. detailed instructionswhen will test designer Wix.. While leave an article not finished.

Transfer the domain to ukit

Everything is much easier here. In the main control panel there is a "Domains" item, where you immediately offer to register a new one or bind an existing one. 3 simple steps: specify domain -\u003e You report NS server -\u003e Checking the correctness of work.

There are only 2 NS servers and this is normal.

The most frequent questions

  1. All you need to do to transfer the domain: where you want to transfer - "place on NS servers", from the registrar - from where you want to transfer - to replace in the "delegation" of the DNS server on hosting servers where you want to transfer.
  2. Very frequent situation: you have a domain on and the site on Timeweb. And then you decided to postpone the site on So the domain is not necessary to redirect over the entire chain (\u003e TimeWeb\u003e Beget), it needs to be redirected only from the place of registration (\u003e beget).
  3. After buying or transferring the domain, you need to wait from 12 hours to 5 days. The fact is that the update of DNS is in stages - at the registrar, the provider, at hosting. For example, I had a situation that after the domain transfer of the client in Moscow, the site already worked, and I still do not have in St. Petersburg.
  4. How exactly the transfer is happening: the first thing we have to place a domain on the hosting, we inform about what exactly the account is waiting for it. And then rewrite DNS, i.e. In fact, send the way. If DNS does not rewrite, then nothing happens at all, because he will not go anywhere. And if you do not place on NS servers, it will be an error - because The domain will come to hosting and will not know what to do next.

3. Letters (if you use RU-CENTER mail)

You can download all letters using mail client via the IMAP protocol and then synchronize them with new mailbox With the same name on the new hosting.

2. Deleting a domain from the old hosting

To transfer the site from one host on another first you need to remove the domain from the old hosting From sections:

  1. Sites Your_Domen(This site files are not deleted);
  2. post officeYour_Domen Settings

When deleting a domain from the "Mail" section, all letters will be deleted.

After that, you can proceed to the transfer of site files and postal domain.

3. Transferring site to the new hosting

1. Adding a domain to hosting

The new hosting should create:

  • website in the section Sites,
  • mail server in the "Mail" section (if you use mail ru-center).

2. Transferring site files

Site files must be placed in the DOCS folder, such as / home / login / your_domen / docs. Where Login is a hosting identifier, "Your_Momen" - site name, DOCs - folder to place the site files.