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Finding customers. What does the manager know about his clients? Customer Feedback

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Choosing your customers, you choose your future

Seth Godin

Customer search: Where to start a manager in a new place?

Customer search is the main responsibility of the sales manager. Without performing this task, all other functions lose meaning. Therefore, at a new workplace it is important to be able to quickly form your own base, determine the locations of their search and ways to attract.

So, first of all, it is worth paying attention to what the company is engaged. After analyzing its activities, you can understand who may be interested in its services: both directly and indirectly.

When the main direction is clear, you can make a list of enterprises that can be interested in the proposal of this organization. Selecting enterprises in such criteria as:

  • Industry;
  • The number of employees;
  • Location;
  • Annual turnover of products;
  • The presence of a developed network of branches.

Each enterprise, which is a potential partner, must be described according to these features. As a result, it turns out a list of priority enterprises. When working with them you can use traditional methods Work with customers.

Manager at a new job place: where to get the customer base?

The customer database, undoubtedly, plays a decisive role in the work of the manager. Therefore, its formation needs to do without delay. To do this, it is necessary to determine the sources of its formation. It can be:

  • Sectoral directory of enterprises;
  • Advertising publications;
  • Telephone directory of enterprises;
  • Electronic cards;
  • Catalogs of organizations on the Internet.

These resources will make a search for new customers more quickly, as the circle of potential partners is significantly narrowed. You can also contact the Customer Search Agency, where, for a reasonable fee, experts will constitute a database of possible contacts for a particular organization.

Do not forget about Internet resources. To date, this is a large platform where you can conduct active customer search. The manager is recommended daily to view information about tenders and states.

If the industry appears on the industry or the subject of the order, it must be urgently discussed with the manual. If you confirm the participation of the organization in the tender, the manager must collect the necessary documentation and apply for participation.

The Internet offers other ways to search for new customers. For example, participation in thematic forums allows you to enrich the database. On such resources, potential partners and consumers of organizations employed in the right sphere are often communicated.

Seminars, Conferences and Exhibitions - Effective Customer Attraction Methods

Seminars, exhibitions and conferences relating to those close to the activities of the organization in which the manager works, it is necessary to attend. This is a great place where people are gathered, obviously interested in this area.

Among them are for sure many potential customers. In order to estimate in advance, with whom from visitors you need to talk more closely, you should learn from the organizers of the event the composition of invited and speakers.

This will help pre-prepare for productive dialogue. Attracting new customers will be more effective if the manager appears at a conference or seminar with his own report on the activities of its organization and its advantages. It's a chance to declare yourself large quantity People rotating in this area.

Such events should be prepared in advance: stocking of business cards specially drawn up by commercial offers, to make a well-distinguishable and understandable bageik.

New methods of attracting customers: Professional clubs

Professional clubs are communities of people united in the same area. If the manager succeeds in becoming a member of such a club, he will be able to contact people who have direct interest in the organization's activities that it represents.

This will significantly increase the effectiveness of its work. In associations on professional interests, you can not only find partners, but also explore alternative methods Attracting new customers who use colleagues.

Customer attraction activities should necessarily include work with recommendations of existing customers. When the transaction is concluded, the manager must clarify whether the Customer can advise a new client from among its partners, employees, relatives or friends. Sometimes it is worth offering a small discount for such a service or present a pleasant present.

Customers can become familiar to the manager himself. All environmental surroundings should be aware of what he is doing. IN social networks, on the forums, blogs - everywhere there should be information about the services that can be obtained by contacting this person.

Novice businessmen are quite difficult to conquer consumer confidence. They have to go through hundreds of "cold" calls and meetings with people who do not have any ideas about who they are and what they do. How faster to create a database of regular customers, argued users of the discussion service Quora, popular among residents of the valley.

More enthusiasm

"I was lucky to start a business with an experienced sales director. And not lucky with the fact that he was completely hopeless. At one of the meetings with a potential customer, he admitted that it was not particularly dealt with technology and does not use email. I had to learn to sell myself.

Despite the fact that I was not a seller in a classic understanding, with slit hair and in a strict suit, I was full of enthusiasm, and it turned out that it means much more than appearance. People buy in people. They can infect your inspiration, and a clear execution of the order will help make these customers permanent.

there are impressions of loud names.
so the project for a well-known company may entail
behind new orders

When your business has no reputation, people must trust you. As a student, I made a social network for my university for free. Thousands of users registered in it - many have learned about what I am doing sites. Create free projects at the beginning of the business is very helpful: they greatly raise the rating of confidence in the company.

By the way, the reference to the fact that I did a website for the university, I brought me extra glasses at the negotiations: there are impressions of loud names, so the project for a well-known company may entail new orders. "

- Oliver Emberton, Founder Silktide

Look for the right customers

"When we started, we tried to do so that each new client gave us access to the highest quantity potential customers. At first we found such a company or the association, made her the best offer, created a service for her. Then other associations paid attention to us - we formed a package of proposals, drove into a small tour for sales and signed new agreements. We continued to act according to this scheme until they became one of the largest suppliers in the country. Even in the crisis, we continued to grow thanks to such a system. By the way, that first customer remains with us for 10 years. "

- Farhad Meher-Khomdzhi, BRIGHTLABS Founder

Start among competitors

"To find new customers, you need to write a marketing plan. To do this, you need to explore the market where you work, find out if such a product may appear in the next five years that your offer is uninteresting. In addition, you need to write a sales plan and revenue from them. Decide in advance what methods you will interact with customers.

It is also worth considering all the risks. Learn how to work
your competitors, and play on their weaknesses

You also need to look at your offer from the buyer's position. If you are not sure about the pricing policy, follow these rules. High prices Many people are associated with excellent quality and service, and low - with tolerant quality and minimal service. Make sure your quality is higher than that of competitors if prices are high. And if the quality is so-so, reduce prices.

It is also worth considering all the risks. Learn how your competitors work, and play on their weak places. If you open a restaurant in front of a popular institution, it is worth working in those hours when it is closed, and develop the delivery service. If there are no analogues of the product on the market, it is also dangerous, as you have to create the market yourself. Different trends and seasonal factor also affect business. It is necessary to find the main risk for your business and try to minimize it. "

- Ken Larson, business consultant

Hire people with connections

"It is necessary to find a person with big connections and a circle of dating in your field. Many companies endure collapse, trying to attract the first client. Personal connections help find it. In addition, familiar people with great interest listened to the proposal and make it easier to purchase. And you still need to be ready to spend some money to attract the client. Let it be a small amount, but it will show how interested you are. "

- Scott Ingland, Evangelist Sales

Make a bet on individuality

"Attracting the first client looks like a flirt in the bar. Your business should have individuality, your brand and distinctive features that will help allocate you among other fish in the ocean of business. Let you offer the same service as the rest, you have to be hidden by some kind of ace in the sleeve. "

- Aleksis Trinidad, head Blogger Outreach

In order to sell your service, you must first find the one who will be interested in purchasing it. Therefore, the first stage in the work of the realtor will always be a client's search. People providing services for real estate transactions are quite a lot, which speaks of a high level of competition among realtors. However, everyone can find their client if it is professional to approach this issue.

Customer search for realtor

Conditionally, customer search methods can be divided into two categories: online and offline.

TO online methods You can attribute:

  • Blog in social networks;
  • Sites aimed at selling or renting real estate;
  • Advertising through online bulletin boards;
  • Personal site.

To offline methods relate:

  • The "Sarafan Radio" method;
  • Placement of advertisements in the media;
  • Creation and distribution of business cards, flyers and other typographical products informing about your services.

The listed methods are effective in cases with the purchase and sale of real estate. Separately, it is worth considering the client's search location for the rental realtor.

  • People are easier for renting an apartment, therefore, it is unlikely that in this case sites, business cards and ads in the press will be relevant.

So where to find customers to rent a rental center? Through social networks, advertisements on the Internet and with the help of "Sarafan Radio", which was mentioned above. However, it is possible to take advantage of non-standard ways, for example, to convey information to students who come to universities, they are often in search if they change the city of residence. At the same time, the same category often do not have people who are ready to advise the realtor. And the paths of interaction with them can be the most different, starting from working with teachers who can assist the realtor in finding customers, ending with youth "parties", on which you can unobtrusively affect the scope of your activity.

Revealing the theme where the realtors find customers for rent, it is worth touched upon customer search sites in principle. They can be the most non-standard. But, first, it is worth examining the main of them.

Where to find customer real estate:

  • Bases and sites for realtors. The presence of narrow-controlled platforms will significantly facilitate the reunion of the seekers of each other. This method can be considered the most simple and convenient.
  • With the help of social networks. Customer search for labels # renovivokumosocaw (or others), tracking updates in groups dedicated to the search for real estate, advertising your blog - these are all modern and effective tools that allow not only to find a client, but also study his views, lifestyle and interests based on On information from his social networks.
  • Forums. This is not the most popular method, but due to this, you can play on the fact that the competition is low enough for them. If you do not quite understand how the realtor find customers through the forum, let's figure it out. Many cannot make a decision without the Council of another person, if among loved ones no one can give advice on any question, these people go to various forums, where you are interested, for example, in which area it is better to buy an apartment, or to pay attention to Her purchase. You can enter into a dialogue, demonstrate your knowledge and offer real estate services.
  • Similar search methods have a place to be when you have at least a little work experience.

If you are just starting familiarizing with the profession, potential customers can skeptically treat your professional skills and make a choice in favor of another candidate. Therefore, this situation should be considered separately.

How to find a client novice realtor

For novice realtor best option Work in the agency will be. Agencies provide their employees access to the client base, besides, you can get support, new knowledge and experience from employers and colleagues. Also, customers belong to the big confidence in the realtor from the agency than to the newcomer working independently. If, for you, work on the agency is not a suitable option, and you still think where to look for customers a newcomer, let's consider other options.

It is necessary to understand that without the Agency, the search methods will be identical with those described above. However, how to find the first client to the realtor?

Perhaps someone from your friends need real estate services, offer their help for a purely symbolic feeIf the transaction is successful, you can get new customers. Also, call on announcements similar subjects, see and offer your services. Even if the client does not find immediately, there is a chance that someone will save your number and turn to another time.

Having understood with how the novice realtor find the first customers, it is worth moving on to the question of attracting customers.

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How to attract customer customer newcomer

  • Discounts and promotions. These tools almost always have people. Offer a pleasant discount to your client, which applies to people whom he will lead to you. Offer free legal advice.
  • Show care of the client. Be friendly when communicating, offer your help regarding your professional activities, such as help moving. It will be a pleasant gesture, a little going beyond the duties, which will clearly be appreciated by the client.
  • Presented your inexperience from the favorable side. You can show yourself as a new specialist who focuses on modern approaches in work. Carefully examine the real estate market and when communicating, let us understand that you are interested. After all, for someone closer a cold experienced look, and the other will be much more pleasant to work with a young specialist who is not only professional knowledge, but also a burning look speaking of your interest.

If you are already an experienced realtor, the number of available ways to attract customers expands.

As an experienced realtor to attract customers

  • Professional image. Newbies with "burning eyes" are interested not all. In most cases, the reputation of a banner constantly expanding the volume of professional knowledge is the main criterion when choosing a realtor. Do not forget to unobtrusively convey to a potential customer information about your work experience.
  • Work with partners. Partners in the adjacent region (lawyers, appraisers, builders, developers) may be interested in mutually beneficial cooperation. Barter or percentage for the recommendation will allow not only to attract customers, but also improve their reputation as a realtor.
  • Remind yourself. Subscribe to customers in social networks, congratulate them on the main holidays. So you can stay in easy access in case the past client will again need the assistance of the realtor.

Ways to find a client exists a lot and if you are still like a question "Where to look for customers a newcomer?", Re-read the article, highlight several methods for yourself and implement them in parallel.

When you become well known in your business, customers will constantly contact you, and not to look for them. When there is a lot of work, then try to sell your services will not be special needs.

But what to do, if you just start? Before you become customers, there may be problems with what to do a whole day. This is the perfect time to let yourself know.

Do not concentrate on Freilance sites

If you have nothing to do all day, it can be tempting to climb on freelance sites such as Elance, Guru or Freelancer. I mean that there is a ton of customers, it offers work, right?

In fact, such sites can create many problems for freelancers and therefore it is worth approaching them with caution. Watches spent on sites, participating in contests and low (sometimes too much) payment, in comparison with the real cost. It is much better to spend this time to promote your name.

Glows everywhere and always

The reason why customers began to find me was that I seemed to be everywhere where they were. I left comments on the blogs that they visited. Then I began to write for these blogs. I "Twittil" useful articles and advice throughout the day and began to conduct your own blog with unique articles.

I am often asked how I manage so much on the network. In fact, I often happen in the network after work or on the weekend, but I continue to "twit." My Twitter account is connected to Facebook, my site, LinkedLN and some other social networks, so it seems that I always and everywhere. Thus, the client will remember you, will consider an expert and contact the work.

Optimize portfolio

I have many interests and hobbies. When I created the first portfolio site, I placed everything I did: printing design, web design, logos, layout, photos and pictures. The funny thing is that I have not received any work, although I had many talents. Customers could not understand what I did. Now I have a simple portfolio with the best projects in one area - layout. And customers can say for sure what I do.

Write, write, write and write again!

Customers want to know what the best in their business takes about them. If they need to choose between the freelancer, about which they did not hear anything and the one that wrote on several popular blogs and published a book, how to invent whom they consider expert?

You do not need to write books, but blogs are a fantastic way to make your name recognizable. Most sites will even pay for articles - and this is a great way for additional earnings.

Old-fashioned marketing

Social media will not make you rich and will not solve all your marketing problems. Sometimes a few good old-fashioned marketing methods can be the best source of new customers.
  • Bulletin boards - job search sites in the form of bulletin board differ from the freelance sites because they only contain short description Companies and what they want to do. Such customers often prepare fair money than on the freelance sites.
  • Cold letters - the best source of customers in the first days was sending them cold letters. I just "Google" the type of customer I needed and sent them a pre-prepared proposal. I still receive from this orders, although I stopped sending letters more than a year ago.
  • Personal communication - I know most of us, freelancers - hermits, but visiting events - a great way to find local customers. At conferences, such as Barcamp and Podcamp, it is simply interesting to present and communicate with other freelancers is invaluable.

Search customers with RSS channels

On most social sites, you can subscribe to RSS feeds and they can be super useful to search for new customers.

For example, if you win on Twitter and get in search "I am looking for a freelancer", what messages will be displayed? What other phrases can be useful for finding customers?

Take the RSS button for each search that you are on Twitter, so it would be nice to subscribe to them to track the messages of potential customers.

In addition, almost all the bulletin boards usually have newsletters. By subscribing to them, will save precious time, never miss useful messages and there will be no need to visit different sites every day.

Tell all what you are looking

When you just start, let all your acquaintances be aware that you are looking out. There is a possibility that someone knows someone who needs your services. So be sure that everyone knew that the output.

Post information about yourself wherever you can

There are literally thousands of sites that allow you to place your name and link to your site. This is not only a good practice of sharing links for SEO, it also returns us to the idea everywhere glow. Here are some ideas:
  • CSS galleries.

First of all, it is worth understanding that whatever way you do use is extremely desirable to have your own website. Ideally, advertising on the Internet should lead to the site where you, using all creativity and tricks, will turn the visitor to a potential client.

If you do not have your own platform on the Internet, you will have to agree with the rules of placement on other people's sites, have very limited opportunities (or pay extra) and compete with other companies.

The site is an analogue of a physical office / store / showcase on the Internet. And all other sites on the Internet, where you can collect customers - this is an analogue of advertising panels / newspapers / leaflets, etc. When a potential client finds out about the company, he needs to come to you or go to the site to get to knowing it closer.

At the moment, to search and attract customers more efficient methods:

  • Promotion of site B. search engines
  • contextual advertising
  • Email mailing and email marketing
  • Partnership programs
  • PR on the Internet and reputation management

Consider every detail.

Website promotion

The essence of the site promotion is to collect all possible phrases that introduce your clients in the search string and make your site can be found on these phrases.

For this, the phrase must be carefully filtered, grouped and on the basis of groups to make the structure of the site (or invent, how to impose on an existing structure). Then, all pages need to be optimized for search engines so that search engines easily find these pages and accurately understood what search phrases they correspond to (it includes work with meta tags, page layout, text formatting, image design, etc.).

It would seem that everything is simple, but because Sites for each topic are a lot, then search engines use a specific algorithm to put some sites above the others. The assumption as the search engine algorithm works and an attempt to make an ideal page to get to the 1st place - the main task of SEO. To successfully solve it, you need to be able to analyze dozens of sites that already occupy the first places to identify regularities and use them.

Thanks to successful promotion, potential customers easily find your site. The more visitors on the site - the more appeals to the company. .

contextual advertising

There is more fast way Find customer. It is not necessary to promote the site, you can just buy advertising in search engines. You can show advertisements for money for money in response to phrase entered by humans. But usually, it is much more expensive and as soon as you stop paying, then the transitions to your site ends.

Contextual advertising also requires professional knowledge and experience. You need to choose the right phrases to display advertising, and specify phrases for which you should not show advertising. In words, everything is very simple, but in practice, people spend large sums into the empty. In contextual advertising it is very important know exactly In which case is your advertisement.

Tell me contextual advertising and SEO in a long run, then SEO is more profitable. For example, you can spend on SEO 180 thousand rubles / year and have hundreds of visitors per day with search results. On the other hand, the average price of the visitor in competitive niches is 100-200 rubles. 100 people per day can do it 10,000 rubles / day or 300,000 rubles / month.

Promotion in social networks

This method is most suitable for answering the question "How to find customers via the Internet". Because The principle of which social networks work allows you it is to find potential customers According to the specified parameters: city, age, gender, interests.

I do not like the idea of \u200b\u200bcreating and maintaining my group to find a client, because It takes time and makes sense only for some types of business. Very fun look at the group "Sale of cement", "Ritual monuments", what are they talking about there? But targeted advertising on social networks is a good tool.

Email mailing

In the worst case, this is spam. On the Internet are sold (and can be found and free of charge) base electronic boxes. For example: all firms of a certain city, users of some portal or service, etc. You can order a newsletter on these addresses. If you have turned to a competent specialist, the mailing will not fall into the Spam folder and considering the large size of the base, you can count on sales. This method works, verified.

The second way is imile marketing. This means that you are collecting mailboxes Potential customers (at exhibitions, during the first sale, in exchange for some product, etc.) and then periodically send them letters with interesting information and advertising proposals.

It is worth adding that email marketing is the most efficient Internet sales channel. But requires high mastery. And the skill needs not only to keep customer interest in letters, but also to collect mail addresses quickly and in large quantities.

Partnership programs

If you do not want to engage in anything listed, affiliate marketing is available for you. You decide how much you are ready to pay for the sale or access of the client and go to specialized sites to attract partners.

Partners use all their capabilities (including the methods listed in this article). To attract customers to you, and you pay for it. If you have a clear and interesting product with a good margin, then this method is very good.

The most common path: +.