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Domain st which country. Explanatory dictionary.: Top-level country domains

Whose and which country he refers, which means. The history of the domain zone.

Domain.Co. national Domain Colombia. This is a major South African state on the coast of the Caribbean with the capital in Santa Fe de Bogota. The official language of the country is Spanish.

The domain zone was created in 1991. Free registration for everyone became available in 2010. A successful letter combination immediately ensured the popularity of behalf among resources dedicated to business and communications.

To date, after opening free registration for residents of any countries, the domain name is positioned not only as Colombia. CO usually means the company, communications, corporation, commerce, cosmetics. So, for example, Twitter owns a single-piscus domain T.CO.

Characteristics of the domain zone of Columbia.

Hiding the name of the owner of the name is not practiced. The data provided during registration will be in public affairs. The provision of false or erroneous information during the registration of the domain is not recommended, since when disputes arise, you will not be able to provide documents confirming the affiliation of the domain.

Among the anime fans domain name .Co gets an interesting meaning. The "KO" ends a significant number of characters names. Sufifix "Co." in Japanese has a diminutive value.

In the Russian-speaking segment you can choose interesting combinations and words ending with NA.Co, such as "milk", "close" and so on.

Requirements for registration of CO domains.

Rules for registration of domains CO:

  • Permissible Length: The recommended name of the name up to 12 characters. Officially, the length of the name from 3 to 63 characters.
  • Symbols in name: You can use the letters of the Latin alphabet and the numbers. Spaces are not allowed, lower underscore.
  • Domain Extension Procedure: Duration of registration name in this zone from 1 to 5 years. Extension is possible for a period of one year to five years (1 - 5).
  • Restrictions: Restrictions on the registration of names and content of sites are common. This is a ban on the placement of illegal information, expressions of intolerance, calls for violence, pornography. It is forbidden to use the names, consonant sites of government and administrative bodies.

Who needs to buy a domain name CO?

The CO domain is open to free registration, so anyone can buy a CO domain in this zone. Most often, the CO domain is registered:

  • Colombian branches of international companies.
  • Touristure organizations.
  • Local business (residents of Colombia).
  • Information resources (blogs, media).
  • Services. (Also popular
  • Transport and logistics companies. can be purchased due to information significance (the name of the site and domain form a recognizable word), and also considering possible error User, if instead it will drop .Co.

Pros and cons of the domain zone CO.


  • Small popularity: The probability of finding an interesting free domain is higher than in international zones.
  • Simplicity of registration: Unlike RU and the Russian Federation, extended passport details are required.
  • Domain recognizable: Domain is not uncommon in RuNet, the site does not cause suspicion of users due to excessive domain exotic.

Basic Disadvantages:

  • Writing: It is difficult to determine on the hearing - to write a domain through C or through K.
  • Cost: Not the cheapest from country domains.
  • Features of the selection: In the case of a coincidence of a domain with a registered trademark, it can be selected. In this case, to decide whose domain will eventually - will have to be through the official registrar, and it is possible to prove its right to the domain in court.

Frequently asked questions about domain

When paying tariff plan "Business", a period of a year or more - a domain registration is possible worth up to 1000 rubles for free (for a period of 1 year). The standard price of the CO domain is higher than this amount, so it is possible to register it only by stock (if its price is less than 1000 rubles). Virtual hosting rates are represented. A year later, the domain name can be extended at a standard price for the selected zone.

The larger the company, the easier to work with it, the scripts are better automated, the probability of employees error is better, the likelihood of personal disputes between the client and the employee of the company is practically excluded. Choose a major recorder that has long been operating in the market.

It happens that minor recorders provide more favorable conditions. You can use stocks, but do not count on the efficiency of technical support, if you need it. An independent transition from one recorder to another, the case is troublesome, besides, in some companies there are inshanced instructions on the maximum complication of the domain transfer (up to a personal visit to the office). Carefully read the terms of the agreement. If the domain is registered on you, as on physical or entity And your data are displayed in registration information, this is a profitable and interesting offer. If the domain is registered with the company that provides services, you should not communicate - you will not be the owner of the domain.

    A list of top-level domains is shown. Basic information is given in the top-level domain article. The official list of all top-level domains is supported by the administration of the address space of the Internet (IANA). Contents 1 General ... ... Wikipedia

    - (English Country Code Top Level Domain (CCTLD)) top-level domain, highlighted for a particular country, for / .rf for Russia, .ua for Ukraine, .de for Germany ,.it for Italy. Contents 1 Recommendation ... Wikipedia

    National domain top level top-level domain, highlighted for a particular country, for example, Russia or Germany. Recommendations about national top-level domains are set out in RFC 1032 from November 1987, as well as in RFC 2240. In ... Wikipedia

    The domain of the top (first) level (eng. TOP LEVEL DOMAIN TLD) in the hierarchy of the domain name system (DNS) is the highest level after the root domain (English root domain). It is an initial point of reference (right to left), with ... ... Wikipedia

    Contents of 1 domains of the top level of countries 2 domains related to the group of countries ... Wikipedia

    Contents of 1 domains of the top level of countries 2 domains related to the group of countries ... Wikipedia

    Domain name registrar Organization with powers to create (register) new domain names and extend the validity period of existing domain names in the domain for which mandatory registration is established. Such domains ... ... Wikipedia

    Domain name A symbolic name that serves to identify the areas of administrative autonomy units on the Internet in the superior to the hierarchy of such a region. Each of such areas is called a domain. Common space ... ... Wikipedia

    Domain area (branch) of the hierarchical space of domain names of the Internet, which is indicated by a unique domain name. Domain name Symbolic domain name. It must be unique within the same domain. Full name The domain consists of names ... Wikipedia

(and 18 - with the creation World Wide Web), And people are so fully and not covered in the question of choosing a domain name for the site.

Until now, ridiculous superstition is common, as if the third level domains are less attractive than the second level domains; Moreover, not so long ago I had to deal with allegations, as if the domain in is unpaid - and why? Only because of the low price!

Those who have not confidently feel confident in this matter, as well as some of those who feel quite confident, I decided to tell what considerations, in my opinion, should be guided by choosing domain zone.

The basic principle

The zone should be selected, based on the destination of the resource and adhering to the semantics of the top-level domains.

Short Likbez

The domain name consists of several words separated by dots. By the number of these words (which I will call steps) is determined domain level: so, is a second level domain; or - the third; - fourth. The hierarchy is no left to left. In particular, the right level is called the top-level domain.

As a rule, the domain can be divided into three main semantic parts:

  1. Domain zone
    The right side of the domain name, which includes one or two (more - rarely) steps. It is not a resource property, but a public domain designed to register in it domain names.
  2. Resource name
    Own resource name. For example, if it is a corporate site, then the name of the company. Usually contains one step.
  3. Subdomain
    Optional left part of the domain name. Indicates a separate resource subsection, containing logically separate information or performing its dedicated role. For example, the FTP subdomains may be on the resource for the FTP server, WWW for the main site, Forum - for the forum, etc.

Examples: - google com. - google cOM.UA. images google cOM.UA. - vasia.pupkin. name. fTP. pupkin.

This article is devoted to the issue of choosing a domain zone.

Classification of domain zones

The domain zone as you noticed may consist of one step (in this case it coincides with the top level domain) or two. More than two - rarely.

Top-level domains (TLD) formally divided into country domains (ccTLD), domains general purpose (GTLD) and service domains (ITLD). The latter will not be useful for us.

Among the general purpose domains are some domains allocated on a language, cultural or territorial basis, therefore CCTLD and GTLD offer to regroup in geographically linguistic and thematic domain zones.

Territorial language domain zones

These domains are designed for specific countries, languages \u200b\u200bor cultures.

Rule: The territorial-language zone should be chosen when the resource is focused on residents of one country or carriers of one language or one culture. For example, this is a purely Russian-speaking website or the website of the company operating within Ukraine.

Domains of countries always consist of two letters and, with rare exceptions, obey iSO standard 3166-1 Alpha-2:

General destination domains, isolated on a cultural or territorial basis (a number of such top-level domains are in the process of consideration - they are marked with stars):

Some of the territorial language zones impose certain requirements for registrans. For example, in the zone of Ukraine, a domain can only be recorded in the presence of the same brand. Other countries allow you to register domains to everyone, including residents or citizens of other countries.

Thematic domain zones

This is briefly speaking, those GTLDs that are not addressed above to the territorial-linguistic. They all consist of more than two letters and determine some scope of activity.

Rule: The thematic domain zone should be chosen when the resource is fully (or at least mostly) corresponds to its purpose.

com. Actually general domain (Common) destination.
bIZ. Commercial organizations.
net. Organizations providing network services.
gov * Government organizations.
mIL * Military departments.
eDU * Educational institutions.
aero. Airlines.
jobs. Recruitment organizations.
travel Travel agencies and travel agencies.
coop * Cooperatives.
mOBI. Sites optimized for mobile devices.
museum Museums.
info Information sites.
org. Non-commercial organizations.
name. Separate people or characters.
pro. Certified Professionals (for example, doctors or lawyers)

Many GTLD have one historically established and very unpleasant limit for us: they are intended only for the United States. So, Gov means US government organizations, MIL - US military. These domains are marked with stars (and, moreover, I have doubts about Aero, Jobs, Travel).

How to be the rest of the countries are described in the following subsection; Here it is also necessary to note that thematic domains, not subordinate to the states, are implied, on the contrary, world or international world. That is NET - an organization that provides network services at the international level; BIZ - a commercial organization whose activity is not limited to one country.

Rule: Register the domain in the world (international) themed zone should only if its audience or activity is really not limited to one country.

Some domain zones require to register compliance with the stated topics; Some allow you to register everyone. Unlike countries, this most often leads to negative consequences, when sites are registered in the zone, which are absolutely not appropriate to its purpose. The most famous example is a intended for commercial organizations, but not nominated relevant restrictions; As a result, everything was registered in it, it was crowded, fully lost his destination and was rethought as a general purpose domain; De Facto .com began to be considered a reduction from COMMON (general), and the initial was called up to perform .biz, in which the necessary (albeit soft) restrictions on registration.

Rule: register a domain in its non-appropriate appointment with the thematic domain zone - bad.

Some of the CCTLD are also often used as thematic due to consonance, for example:

It is sometimes even officially supported by organizations controlling domains, and states themselves (as, for example, Tuvalu).

Rule: You can register the domain in the consonant zone if you really want.

Regional thematic domain zones

In most CCTLD there are second-level domains, duplicate some thematic areas, somehow:, , However, not all domains made up of the combination of GTLD and CCTLD are domain zones: so, was acquired by some Valentina Nikolaeva before the creation .info and the domain zone did not.

On the other hand, some second-level domains that are not combinations of GTLD and CCTLD are domain zones (for example, is intended for registration of domains à la (English "Music in Ukraine")).

In some countries, regional-thematic domain zones can wear a few changed names: for example, in the UK is used.

Regional thematic zones may have their limitations for registration: for example, allows you to register not by any educational institutions of Ukraine, but only higher, and not lower than the third level of accreditation.

It is the regional-thematic zones that are needed when the thematic domain is limited to the limits of the United States (.gov - the US government, is the Government of Ukraine, is not used).

It is the regional-thematic areas that should be used when the resource exactly corresponds to one of the thematic areas, but is not intended for the world (international) scale.

An example of a bad choice in this case is the Ukrainian mobile operator "Kyivstar", the site of which first was located in the domain, and recently moved to

In what error? The first domain means "a company providing network services at the World or International"; The second domain means "the company providing very wide spectrum Services in Ukraine. " Both of them do not correspond to the company's activities.

What are there options? or is wrong, is a zone of sites optimized for mobile devices, and not mobile operators. means a "commercial enterprise in Ukraine" and does not contain sufficient instructions of the subject; The option is, which and should choose in this case.

Rule: When the resource corresponds to both the appointment of the thematic domain and specialization in a separate country, the domain should be registered in the regional thematic zone.

In the absence of a suitable regional thematic zone (we will imagine that would not have essentially, and our choice would be limited to and the decision to take quite difficult; Perhaps, in this particular case, it would still be better than, however, it is not a fact that in other situations, the domain in the thematic zone will not be preferable.

Subregional domain zones

These second-level domains are intended for individual regions of the country. For example, - Lugansk region of Ukraine; is an autonomous Republic of Crimea.

The principle of choice is about the same as for the territorial zone, only with a narrowing to a separate region of the country. It should be remembered that themed subzones (, as a rule, do not exist.

Rule: In the subregional zone, the domain should register if the orientation of the resource to the region significantly outweighs thematic.

Long subregional zones, at least in Ukraine, may have brief synonyms:

It can be assumed that such subregional zones exist in all countries.

Choosing a domain zone

So, in order to choose the right domain zone, you must first answer such questions:

  1. Is the resource oriented on one of those corresponding to thematic zones?
  2. If so, is this theme zone for jurisdiction of the United States limited?
  3. Is the scope of activity or an audience of a resource any country limited?
  4. If so, and if in this country there are subregional zones, is it limited to the field of activity or the audience of the resource one of the regions of this country?
  5. If the 1st and 3rd question are positive answers, is there a regional-thematic zone that is complied with the thematic and regional zones chosen in 1 and 3?

After that, it is possible to make a decision, guided by the above rules and, in conflict cases, thoughtfully aroused priorities.

Nothing shameful in using if your site is information blog,, if you exercise commercial activities within Ukraine, no. If you wish, you can call resources in zones of (not enough money for the domain), but not correctly selected domains - regardless of the registration price and domain level.

Oh yeah, I almost forgot. If you want to start personal site (For a personal blog or portfolio, for example), it is not necessary to choose anything here. For this there is a It can register the domains of the third level of, while automatically receiving an e-mail view [Email Protected] The second level domain in this case remains publicly available to all other faddles that wish to register.

Registrars often do not allow to bind a domain to hosting, limited to a redirect (when entering, the user moves to However, not so long ago for zone .Name has become available and the usual version with the registration of the second level domain and binding to hosting was available.

And also, remember: by choosing and registering the domain, do not forget to register similar domains in all other available areas in order to avoid fraud. If your domain is called, users can mistakenly try to log in, for example, on or; Naturally, it will not be very good if these domains belong to fraudsters collecting the harvest with the popularity of your resource.

Good luck in the choice of domain!

The history of the ME domain - which country is domain, the appearance on the Internet, the date of open registration.

In 2007, after the final breakdown of Yugoslavia and the branch of the Republic of Montenegro from Serbia, the former Yugoslav geographical domain yu was recognized as obsolete. Montenegro was allocated its own national domain -me.

The opening of the domain registration took place on July 17, 2008. On the very day, the number of registered names belonging to this zone exceeded 20 thousand. Currently search engines On request.ME gives about 166 million results. And, judging by the forecasts, the popularity of this domain will only increase over the next few years.

Characteristics of the domain zone - why many are in a hurry to buy a domain me?

The domain name comes from the English word Montenegro denoting Montenegro. The same name is also translated from English as the pronoun "I", "Me", "I". This made it possible to turn the names of sites into the sore senses of the phrase, like (follow me), etc. Added popularity to the domain and the well-known cartoon film "Nasty I", in English - Despicable Me.

This feature is the main reason for the popularity of the zone - it is used not only for services, but also for personal sites and pages.

What requirements do you need to follow to register the name of the site in the ME zone?

Rules and features of registration of domains ME:

  • Permissible domain name length: From 3 to 63 characters.
  • Allowed characters: The name is allowed to use in various combinations all the Latin letters both upper and lower registers, all Arabic numbers. A dash can be used, but not everywhere. It is not allowed to use this symbol at the beginning and at the end of the name. The third and fourth position may not be occupied. The name of the domain zone ME cannot contain a space.
  • Domain Extension Procedure: After the validity period expires, there is an opportunity to extend the domain on preferential terms within 40 days. After that, you can buy a domain for 30 days, however, it is necessary to pay an additional fee.
  • Registration time: Registration of the ME domain is allowed to citizens of any country. Registration period - from year to 10 years.
  • Removing from delegation and removal: Removing the domain from delegation occurs the next number after the date specified in the Expire Date, it is removed from it 5 days after the expiration of Grace Period.

Who comes the domain zone ME? It is inexpensive, memorized to visitors.

Considering that the English word ME present in the title of the site gives a confidence in it, the use of it is most appropriate. personal blogs, social networks, diaries, home pages, etc. For which ME domains are most often registered:

  • Personal sites and blogs.
  • Social networks.
  • Local business.
  • Services.

It is possible that the domain will also be useful to commercial organizations and individual entrepreneursproviding various services to users of the Internet. This is due to the possibility of the occurrence of a psychological effect, in which the client's trust increases significantly. Since ME is a national domain of Montenegro, it seems promising to use it on sites related to recreation and tourism in this country.

Pros and cons of the domain zone ME.


  • Meanness: The benefits of the domain name are, first of all, the ability to compile various meaningful phrases in the names of the site used to increase its attractiveness among various user target groups.
  • Country: In addition, if you need a geographical binding to Montenegro or the Balkan Peninsula, the choice of the domain zone ME seems to be the best.

Basic Disadvantages:

  • Geotherness:the flaws of the domain appear primarily in the situation when the geographical binding to Montenegro interferes with its owner. This is because in a number of cases I remember the name of the site, to drive it in international zones like COM or NET.
  • Cost: There are cheaper domain names.

Where is it better to register a domain in the Me zone?

Given the difficulties arising from the geographical binding of the domain zone, it is recommended to refer to reliable and proven companies. As a rule, these are licensed companies that work for more than three years and have numerous positive feedback. Whatever attractive price was in a little-known company - think twice, whether you will be ready to lose your domain because of 50-200 rubles of savings.

Other questions about domain

What do you need to buy a domain me?

After registering the account, you must replenish the balance of the amount sufficient to pay for the value of the domain registration in Zone.Me. Fill out the domain owner's questionnaire for the desired domain name, pay for registration and within 12-48 hours you can already place a website on the domain that you bought.

Is it possible to get a domain me for nothing?

When paying the tariff plan "Business", a period of more than 12 months - it is possible to register a domain worth up to 1000 rubles for free (for a period of 1 year). Hosting tariffs are posted. The domain name can be extended at a standard price for the selected zone, a year after registration.

What domain is better me or com?

Depends on what the site is planned to develop on this domain. If this personal blog is the ME zone will help stand out. If a serious business project is better to choose an international domain zone - COM.

Does it be necessary to check the history of the domain name?

ME is a popular zone, and the likely probability is that a short and sonorous domain was previously registered, but for some reason was not extended. It can play for your project both in plus and in minus. Therefore, before buying an inexpensive domain ME - check it in the history in the Webarhiv, whether it was not previously posted on it.

Tell me the cost of registration for several years?

Domain names in this zone are extended for a period of 1 to 10 years, according to the price indicated at the top of the page. (The cost may be higher if this moment Action is valid for this domain zone).

N and many languages \u200b\u200blettering "to" anything so. That's why domain to. Enjoys a certain demand in the global domain industry. In English, there is a pretext to, in Canada - "to" means Toronto, there are particles in Slavic languages, that's. As a result, in the preparation of domain names in the TO Zone, interesting homonyms can be obtained. That's just came to mind -

Domain to - Quick description

D trans in zone to May acquire anyone, just go to the registrar's website here. Of course, everything is in English there, but if you use Google Chrome browser, it will be available quite acceptable translation into Russian. In principle, everything is simple there.

D B T - National Top Level Domain.

D Lina domain, as usual, from 3 to 63 characters.

R Egyptation is at least 2 years, it turns out 50 dollars per year. Five-year registration will cost 40 Greeks for the year and so on. But they immediately warn that there will be censorship sites on illegal content, also spammers to do in the domain zone to.

Is it like such a wonderful domain?

Kingdom of Tonga - domain zone owner to

D trans.To belongs to the small island state of Tonga.

PRI Wikipedia.

Tonga (Tong. Tonga, Eng. Tonga. [Toŋa]), the official name is the Kingdom of Tonga (Tong. Pule'anga Fakatu'i'o Tonga, English. Kingdom of Tonga.) - Pacific in Polynesia. It borders in the north with the territorial waters of Samoa, in the East - with the territorial waters of Niue, the West - with the waters of Fiji. The length of the coastal strip is 419 km. Tonga is located on 172 islands of the same archipelago. The total area of \u200b\u200bsushi is 748 km². Population of the country - 119 009 people. (2008, evaluation). The capital is Nukulyf.

Tonga has rich history and interesting traditions. Here is one of them - love for rugby. The combat dancing islanders before the match - such rye will not see anywhere else ... Tongsans in red.

H al how not to know him, studying