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How to argue with the seller for Ali Spress. When to open a dispute if the goods go long or track number is not tracked

Unfortunately, not in all cases of booking Aliexpress service can be enjoyed to enjoy the desired purchase. The troubles may be very different - the goods did not reach, not tracked, came in an inappropriate form and so on. In such a situation, you should not lower the nose and complain about the evil fate. The output in this case is only one - open the dispute.

The dispute is the process of presenting a claim to the seller service or product. Aliexpress takes care of your image, therefore does not allow the services of fraudsters or low-quality merchants. Each user may submit a complaint of the administration, after considering the verdict. In most cases, if the claim is adequate, the decision is made in favor of the buyer.

Claims are presented in the following reasons:

  • the goods are delivered to the wrong address;
  • the goods are not tracked in any ways and does not come long;
  • the goods are defective or has obvious defects;
  • the goods are not in the parcel;
  • the goods have poor quality (not caused defects) despite the fact that it is not specified on the site;
  • the goods are delivered, but does not correspond to the description on the site (namely, the description in the application when purchasing);
  • the technical characteristics of the product do not correspond to the data on the site.

Buyer protection

For about two months after placing the order acts "Buyer's defense". With regard to a number of goods (most often expensive, or large - for example, furniture) this period may be more. During this period, the buyer has the right to use the guarantees that the Aliexpress service provides. Just in their number and it includes the ability to open a dispute in a conflict situation, if without this a negotiated with the seller failed.

Also here includes additional obligations of the Seller. For example, if the goods received by the Buyer differs from the claimed, then the rule is distributed to the Lotov group, according to which the seller is obliged to pay twice compensation. This group of things includes, for example, jewelry and expensive electronics. Also, the service will not translate the seller the goods before the expiration of this period, while the buyer does not confirm the fact of receiving the parcel and the fact that everything suits him.

As a result, you should not delay with the opening of the dispute. It is best to start it until the end of the buyer's protection period so that there are fewer problems later. You can also request the extension of the duration of the buyer's protection, if the supplier is a legislative agreement that the goods are delayed.

How to open spores

In order to start the dispute, you need to go to "My orders". This can be done if you bring a pointer to your profile in the corner of the site. The pop-up menu will be the corresponding item.

Here you need to press the button "Open dispute" Near the corresponding lot.

Filling out the dispute application

Step 1: Is the goods received

First question - "Whether you got ordered goods".

Here it should be noted, whether the receipt of goods was produced. Options for answering only two - "Yes" or "Not". Further questions are formed depending on the selected item.

Step 2: Choosing a Claim Type

The second question is the essence of the claim. From the user will need to note that not so with the goods. This offers several of the most popular problems of problems, among which it is necessary to note the one with which the buyer is dealt with in this case.

If the answer was previously selected "Yes"

  • "Differs in color, size, design or material" - The goods do not comply with the stated on the site (other material, color, size, functionality, and so on). Also, this complaint is served if the order came in an incomplete configuration. Often choose even in cases if the package has not stipulated, but must be default. For example, the seller of electronics is obliged to invest in the kit chargerIn the opposite case, this should be indicated in the order description.
  • "It does not work properly" - For example, electronics works with interruptions, the display dull, discharges quickly and so on. Usually applied to electronics.
  • « Low quality» - most often refer to visual disadvantages and explicit defects. It applies to any categories of goods, but in most cases to clothing.
  • "Fake Product" - The goods are fake. Actually for cheap electronics analogs. Although many customers consciously go to such a purchase, this does not cancel the fact that the manufacturer has no right to make its product similar to famous world brands and analogues. As a rule, when choosing this item in the design of the dispute, it immediately goes into the "aggravated" mode with the involvement of the Aliexpress specialist. If the buyer proves his rightness, the service in many cases ceases cooperation with such a seller.
  • "Obtained less ordered quantity" - Insufficient amount of goods - below indicated on the site, or less than the quantity that pointed out the buyer's application.
  • "Empty parcel, there is nothing inside" - The parcel turned out to be empty, the product is absent. There were options for obtaining empty packaging in the parcel box.
  • "Product damaged / broken" - There are obvious defects and impairment of performance, full or partial. Usually refers to such cases when the goods were initially in good condition, but was damaged during packaging or transportation.
  • "The used delivery method differs from the claimed" - The goods were sent not by the service that was chosen by the Buyer when placing an order. Actually for cases when the Customer made a payment for the services of an expensive logistics company, and the sender instead took advantage of cheap. In such cases, the quality and speed of delivery may suffer.

If the answer was previously selected "Not", then options will be as follows:

  • "Protection of the order is already expired, but the parcel is still on the way." - The goods are not delivered for a long time.
  • "Transport company returned order" - The goods were returned to the Seller delivery service. Usually it happens in case of customs problems and incorrect filling of documents by the sender.
  • "No tracking information" - The sender or delivery service does not provide data to track the goods, or there is no track number for a long time.
  • "Customs duty is too high, I do not want to pay" - There were problems with the passage of customs and the goods were detained before making additional duties. She usually should pay the customer.
  • "The seller sent an order to invalid address" - This problem can be revealed both at the tracking stage and on the arrival of the cargo.

Step 3: Compensation Selection

Third question - "Your Compensation Requirements". There are two answers here - "Return money in full"either "Partial refund". In the second variant, you will need to specify the desired amount. A partial return of funds is preferable in a situation where the buyer still leaves a product, and wishes only a partial compensation of inconvenience delivered.

As mentioned above, in relation to some categories of goods, you can achieve twice compensation. This applies to jewelry, expensive furniture or electronics.

Step 4: Reverse Sending

In case the user previously answered "Yes" On the question of whether the parcel was received, the service will offer to answer the question "Do you want to ship the goods back?".

It should be known that in this case the sender is already a buyer, and it must all be paid independently. Often it costs decent money. Some suppliers may refuse to complete compensation without sending goods back, so it is best to resort to this in case the order is really expensive and it will pay off.

Step 5: Detailed description of the problem and evidence

The last part - "Please describe your claim in detail". Here you need yourself in a separate field to describe your claim to the product, which does not suit and why. It is necessary to write on english language. Even if the buyer owns the language of the country in which the company is located, this correspondence will still be read by an Aliexpress specialist if the dispute comes to the aggravation stage. So it's best to immediately talk to a generally accepted international language.

Also, it is also necessary to attach the proof of its rightful (for example, a photo of a defective product, or a video where equipment breakdown is shown and incorrect operation). The more evidence, the better. Adding is done using the button "Add applications".

Process dispute

This measure forces the seller to dialogue. Now each respondent will be given a certain temporary period for the answer. In the event that one of the parties do not meet in the allotted time, it will be considered wrong, and the dispute will be satisfied towards the second party. In the process of dispute, the Buyer should make its requirements and justify them, the seller must justify its position and offer compromises. In some cases, the supplier immediately agrees to the customer's conditions.

In the process, you can change your claim if such a need arose. To do this, click on the key "Edit". This will add new evidence, facts and so on. For example, it will be useful if the user has found additional malfunctions or defects during the management of the dispute.

If communication does not give results, after an expiration, the user can translate it into a category "Claims". To do this, click on the button. "Again the dispute". Also, the argument turns into the stage of exacerbation automatically in case the arrangement has not been achieved within 15 days. In this case, a representative of the Aliexpress service, which is an arbitrary judge, also comes in disassembly. He thoroughly examines the correspondence provided by the evidence by the buyer, the seller's arguments, and makes a unconditional verdict. In the process of work, the representative can ask additional questions to both parties.

It is important to know that the dispute can be opened only once. Often, some sellers can offer discounts or other bonuses in case of reference to the claim. In this case, you need to think twice about making concessions.

Conversation with seller

Finally, it is worth saying that you can do without headaches. The service always recommends first of all to try to negotiate with the seller in a peaceful way. For this there is a correspondence with the seller, where you can make a claim and ask questions. Combating suppliers always try to solve problems already at this stage, so there is always a chance that the dispute may not reach the dispute.

Any purchase on the Aliexpress shopping area comes under the Escrow program, i.e. Has a definite protection. And if something with the order went wrong (for example, he is in the way for a long time or came with marriage, etc.), then the buyer has the right to open a dispute with the seller.

According to the rules of the trading platform, the seller receives the buyer's money only if receiving the order is confirmed or if the order protection period has ended. In this regard, to solve questions about compensation directly with the seller - meaningless, he simply can not return the money of the buyer, because also did not get them. Dispute is the only and the right way Solving problems that may arise by transaction.

Detailed information about the trading platform Aliexpress, its rules and working conditions can be found in the "FAQ: Aliexpress - Directory of the Buyer" of our forum.

This article will be devoted exclusively to the procedure for opening and conducting a dispute on the Aliexpress trading platform. Since the site Aliexpress has already fully localized and Russified the opening and dispute pages, then all the examples given in the article will be just from the Russian version. The translation here is made quite well and will be quite understandable to any user.

Opening a dispute

So, you decided to open a dispute. To do this, you need to go to the details of your order and opposite the goods according to which it is decided to open the dispute, to find and click the "Open Spore" button.

The first thing it will be necessary to do on the dispute selection page that opens is to designate whether the ordered product is obtained or not. Will depend on it possible reasons dispute, as well as solutions for the dispute, which will offer the system.

If the goods are obtained, but differs from the seller described by the seller, has a marriage and TP. In this case, the item "Yes" is selected. Next, a list of reasons for the opening of the dispute will appear, from which the buyer needs to choose the reason most relevant situation.

When determining the amount of compensation in the dispute, you can choose both the full compensation of all paid for the goods and its delivery of money and partial refund. In this case, it will be necessary to indicate the amount of partial reimbursement.

Next, you must specify whether you are going to return the goods to the seller or not. It should be borne in mind that in the event of a return of goods to the seller, the cost of such a return carries the buyer. If you do not want to return the goods, in this case it is better to request a partial compensation, the size of which you determine.

In the message field for the seller, it is necessary (if possible detail) describe the problem that has arisen, on the basis of which the dispute opens. All messages are desirable to write in English, because Russian sellers from China are unlikely to understand, even if they use automatic translators.

If you need to attach any photo or video title to the dispute, you can make it using the "Add Attachments" button. To download, file formats are supported to the dispute: JPG, JPEG, BMP, GIF, PNG. File size - up to 2MB. If you need to download a video or file with a volume of more than 2 MB, then you must first download them to the service, and then insert links to downloaded files to the message for the seller.

After everything is filled and all proofs are loaded, in order to open the dispute, you just click the "Send" button.

If the dispute opens due to the non-receipt of the parcel, the list with the choice of the cause of the dispute will be as follows:

After selecting the reason for the opening of the dispute, you must specify your requirements in this dispute and submit evidence of non-fulfillment by the seller of your obligations.

Please note if the dispute opens because of the non-receipt of the goods, then in the Request request section there will be no possibility of indicating a partial refund. The system will automatically set to return the full amount of your initial payment.

After all the fields on the dispute page are filled, the reason for the dispute is selected, the compensation size is described, the situation on which the dispute opens, the evidence is applied and the "Submit" button is pressed - the dispute will be open.

The open dispute page will look like this:

The initial status of the dispute will be indicated as "in anticipation of the approval of the dispute by the seller." Next, the Time Counter will be specified on the page, which is given to the seller to answer in the open dispute. If at this allotted time the seller does not respond to your problem, the dispute closes in favor of the buyer.

If an error is allowed in the description of the dispute (the reason for the dispute or the amount of compensation is not correctly selected, it is necessary to add something to the problem description and TP.), The open dispute conditions can be edited by pressing the "Edit" button. If you need to cancel the dispute (for example, the dispute is open on non-treatment, but the goods have already been received), then this can also be done using the corresponding button to "cancel the dispute".

Next on the dispute page will be displayed basic information about your dispute:

Even below, all the correspondence will be displayed on the same page, which was conducted with the seller in the order items (if it was conducted) before the opening of the dispute:

Further correspondence in the dispute will also be conducted in this place, so there is a field for new messages to the seller and the possibility of downloading additional photo-proof photos.

IN personal CabinetThe information about the open dispute will be reflected in My Aliexpress / Operations / Disputes & Returns:

In the general list of orders, the order for which the dispute will also appear, the corresponding status will also appear:

Maintain a dispute

After the dispute is open, you must wait for the response of the seller.

Event development options here may be as follows:

1) The seller will take your offer, the dispute will close and return the money.
2) The seller ignores the open dispute and the time to the seller will end. In this case, the dispute will close in favor of the buyer and will be refunded.
3) the seller may refuse your requirement and suggest a solution to the problem.

The first two options for the development of events are quite unambiguous and therefore consider them in detail does not have a special meaning. Therefore, we will dwell only in the third version.

If the seller refused your requirements in the dispute and suggested any solution to the problem, then information on the dispute will be displayed as follows.

On the My Aliexpress / Operation / Disputes & Returns, the status of your dispute will change and options for further actions will appear:

You don't need to press anything on this page, it is better to immediately go to the details of the dispute and get acquainted with the offers of the seller.

The part page of the dispute will look like this:

As can be seen from the screenshot, the status of the dispute has changed from " Waiting for the approval of the dispute by the seller" on the " Waiting for your consent with the seller's response"Also on this page will be a reminder that" the seller did not accept your dispute request, but suggested a solution. "Next is the time meter, during which you can communicate with the seller and look for ways to solve the problem. If a compromise is not found , At the end of the time of this meter, the dispute will automatically be translated into the category of complaints and will be transferred to the Aliexpress administration.

Then the dispute control buttons "accept", "edit", "cancel the dispute" and "exacerbate the dispute". We will look at them a little later, but still back to the page details page. After the seller's answer, she changed a little. First, the seller's response appeared on it with his vision address of the problem of the dispute. In our example, the dispute is open due to lack of tracking information. The seller does not explain why the track number is not tracked, but offers to close the dispute and he will send the goods again. In general, the standard seller from China. Then it can be seen that the seller, for some reason changed the conditions for the return of the goods. Why did he do this not entirely understandable ... the rest of the dispute points remained unchanged.

Important: The most important moment at this dispute stage is to check the amount of the request for compensation. Always pay attention to it. In the example of the example, the seller left the amount unchanged. But the seller may well change this amount and put the amount there at its discretion, up to $ 0. If you do not pay attention to it and transfer the dispute into the category of complaints, then it will be impossible to change the amount of compensation. Accordingly, the claim filed in this case will be insignificant.

Further, on the same page you can see the history of the development of the dispute, correspondence with the seller, add your answer to the seller and, if there is a need, new photos or links to video.

Now let's turn to the consideration of the dispute control buttons that mentioned above: "accept", "edit", "cancel the dispute" and "exacerbate the dispute."

Button "Cancel Dispute"
This action means that the buyer agrees to close the dispute. It should be noted one nuance. It will be possible to re-open the dispute only if there are still time in the order for the order protection meter. If the dispute was opened when the order protection time was already suitable for completion and, at the time of receiving the answer from the seller in the dispute, this time was over, then in this case, the contraction of the dispute will lead to the completion of the order. Open repetition will be impossible. So that this does not happen, you first need from the order details page to make a request for an extension of the order protection time, make sure that the seller extended this time and only after that cancel the dispute. If this condition is observed, the dispute can be opened again.

"Accept" button
This action means that you agree with the offer that the seller made. Pressing this button will result in the closure of the order and accept the seller's conditions. Use this feature if you accurately understood the seller's offer and (most importantly) the amount of compensation specified in the seller's proposal corresponds to your desire.

"Edit" button
This action is intended to change the conditions of the previously open dispute. The terms of the dispute may be changed in two cases: they changed the seller or you yourself want to change them. For example, you requested the compensation of the total amount, and the seller suggested returning only half. Or you discovered the dispute on the non-receipt of the goods, but received the goods during the level of dispute, but the goods do not correspond to the description, has a marriage, another size, color and TP. In this case, by editing a dispute, you can change its cause and the amount of compensation.

The dispute editing page is very similar to start page Opening a dispute and has the tighter logic and structure. Those. We need to re-specify the product received or not, choose the reason for the dispute, designate the amount of compensation, the desire to return the product or not.

On the same page below, you can also write a new message for the seller and attach any new files in the form of evidence.

After filling out the order editing form and confirm it, the dispute page will look like this:

As can be seen from the screenshot, the status of the dispute was again changed to "Waiting for the approval of the dispute by the seller," the time meter appeared again for the seller's response and the condition appeared again that if the seller does not respond in set time, the dispute will be closed in favor of the buyer. The result of editing conditions in this example It became that the dispute was returned to the initial state. It is also seen that the dispute preserves the possibility of its further editing, cancellation and translation into a claim.

Below on the dispute details page, in the "Dispute History" section, an appropriate record will appear that the dispute conditions have been edited by the buyer.

Thus, with the help of editing, the arrangements of the dispute can be negotiated with the seller and try to find a compromise solution to the problem.

Button "Exceit Spore"
This action is intended to transfer the dispute into the category of complaints and means that the buyer and the seller could not resolve the controversial issue among themselves. Thus, the buyer conveys a dispute for consideration and decision of the Aliexpress administration.

Translation of the dispute in the claim

After pressing the "Exceit Spore" button, the following notification will appear:

The system asks the buyer to make sure that all necessary evidence is added to the dispute. After the conversion of the dispute to the Claim at the Buyer will not be able to add additional evidence. It will be possible to do only if the Aliexpress administration requests them additionally. If you reflected in the dispute all necessary information And firmly intend to translate the dispute to the claim, it will only be left to confirm this action, by pressing the "Exceit Spore" button again in the notification. If you need to add something to the dispute, then in this case you can close the notification or click the "No, thanks" button and return to the dispute page for its further editing.

Important: Before transferring a dispute to a claim, be sure to make sure that the amount of compensation in the dispute is correct.


After the conversion of the dispute to the claim, the dispute page will have the following form:

The status of the dispute will be changed to "aggravated disputes" and a reminder will appear " The dispute is transferred to the next level. Your dispute will be filed with our dispute group. Our Claims Consideration Center will contact you as soon as possible.".

Below on the part page of the dispute, in the "Dispute History" section, an appropriate record will appear that the dispute was exacerbated and translated into a claim.

On My Aliexpress / Operations / Disputes & Returns, your dispute status is indicated as "aggravated".

A further possible action on the side of the buyer will only be one - this is the abolition of the dispute. It is necessary if the problem has been solved or the buyer and the seller found a way to solve both parties.

Important: Cancel the dispute translated into the claim will automatically close the order regardless of whether there is a time on the counter of the defense time in the order items or it is not. The order will finally close. The buyer's money will be transferred to the seller and open the dispute to this order will be impossible.

After some time after the conversion of the dispute to the claim (it usually happens quickly, 5-10 minutes) on the page of the dispute will appear a new status "Spore is an exacerbated - consideration", denoting that your claim is accepted for consideration by the Aliexpress administration.

The Cancellation button will also appear on the dispute page. On this procedure, the discovery of the claim can be considered completed.

In confirmation that the claim was adopted by the Aliexpress administration, the buyer will additionally receive email next species:

You do not need to answer it, it's just a notice of obtaining Aliexpress your claim.

According to the rules of the trading platform, the timing of consideration of customer claims is 15-60 days. So it remains only to wait for the decision of the administration of the trading platform on this complaint. In the process of consideration of the claim, the administration may contact the buyer to request additional evidence on the dispute or suggestion of some alternative decisions on this complaint.

About 3 days after the conversion of the dispute to the claim, the buyer will receive another letter from the Aliexpress consideration team:

The letter will indicate that the claim is in the status of "AWAITING THE OTHER PARTY S RESPONSE" (waiting for the response of the second side of the dispute). Also in the letter will contain information about what actions have already taken the Aliexpress administration on this complaint. If the buyer will be Any additional data is needed for consideration of the claim, the Aliexpress Dispute Consideration Team can request them additionally. Pay attention to the notification at the very end of the letter. This is a warning that if the claim is closed by the Buyer, this will mean that the order Close, and the buyer's payment will be listed by the seller.

Claim decision

The decision on the claim in favor of the buyer can be accepted in two cases:

1) the seller still agrees with your claims;
2) The decision on the claim will result in the Aliexpress administration.

In this case, the buyer will receive a corresponding email notification. Example:

In this example, it can be seen that the seller himself agreed with the claims in the claim that the system automatically closed the claim and that the buyer will return the money.

In the Personal Account, in the My Aliexpress / Operation / Operations / Disputes & Returns, information about the closed dispute and the amount of returned funds will appear:

When clicking on the link "See data" under the status of the dispute, there will be a transition to the part of the dispute details, where its new "Spore closed" status will also be marked:

On a list of all orders list, this order will also change the status with "confirmation" is expected to "process payment".

After the payment is processed (it usually happens within an hour), the order status will change with the "Completed" processing ". In addition, the status of a completed dispute for this order will also appear:

Next, you need to go to the details of this order and go to the "Payment" tab, which displays all payment information on request:

A new section "Information about return information" will appear here, in which the refund itself will be indicated and the status of this return.

According to the rules of the trading platform, Aliexpress, the deadline for the return of funds is 7-10 business days.

Now the buyer remains only to wait for funds to enroll bank card (Qiwi-wallet, WEBMONEY Wallet and TD.) And on this disputed situation can be considered closed and solved.

Many Internet users are familiar with this foreign Internet playground with inexpensive goods. The lower cost pushes to the purchase, but sometimes the sellers are sent not the goods or he simply does not reach. Opening a dispute to Aliexpress will help you return completely or partially the purchase amount.

When you need to open a dispute on Aliexpress

On the Aliexpress dispute with the seller is the generally accepted formats of finding out relationships, if the supplier does not fulfill their obligations. This communication is directly, where you can express your discontent, provide evidence through a special form. Only you will participate in it, without third parties in the form of the site administration. Open the dispute on Aliexpress should be if:

  • the goods did not come to you, and to the end of the transaction less than 2-3 days;
  • the parcel came, but the contents do not correspond to the description on the site (not that size, color).

If not received goods

The trading platform when buying, as a rule, indicates the delivery time of the goods to the buyer (often movement is tracked by the tracker), it is often about 40 days. This is due to the fact that the warehouses are located in China, and the order must do a long way. It should be understood that the parcels can be on the road almost until the end of the protection. Open the dispute ahead of time is not recommended, it should be done if the day remains. Can .

In the order for residents of Russia, delivery is indicated within 2 months, but by virtue of the features of the work of "Russian Post" a full refund of the funds you can request 90 days later. Sellers are familiar with the peculiarities of logistics and before this period will not reimburse anything. You can safely request an extension of time to 3 months, only after 90 days you can start the dispute.

After receiving the goods

Sometimes the situation happens when the purchase has reached you, but did not meet your expectations. The Aliexpress administration ensures that all sellers conscientiously fulfill their obligations, did not deceive buyers, so the product description on the site should correspond to reality. You have a reasonable right to argue for the refund with the seller for the following reasons:

  • marriage, defect;
  • discrepancy description;
  • fake;
  • inconsistency of the size of the thing (shoes, clothing);
  • damage;
  • low quality;
  • the inconsistency of the amount (paid 5, and came 2).

How to open a dispute to Aliexpress

By the rules of service, open the dispute (dispute) you can 6 it after sending. In fact, the parcel does not go to the CIS countries. The filing time was described above: if the time comes to an end, you must start the dispute. Instructions, as an aliexpress, open an argument:

  1. log in to your account;
  2. click the "My Aliexpress" tab;
  3. open the page with orders "My Orders".

Here are all the purchases on AlExpress you. Open the dispute is the easiest of this window. Opposite each product there are several options:

  • View Detalis - see the details of the order, full information;
  • Confirm Order - Confirm receipt;
  • Open Dispute - open the dispute.

Before you open an argument on Aliexpress, make sure that there is enough foundations for this. Press the corresponding button opposite the goods. Standard form will open, it must be sent in it:

  • reasons for return;
  • type of compensation;
  • order details;
  • attach evidence.

New users are not always clear, in what language to open a dispute on Ali Ekspress. The generally accepted version on the trading platform is English, and the dispute should be conducted on it. To make a complaint, enough basic knowledge of the language can be used the online translator. Some people do not open an argument on Aliexpress for the reason that a couple of Russian characters also slipped in the text (often this letter "C" or "O") or a message exceeds the permissible number of characters.

What to write when opening a dispute to Aliexpress

Dialogue during the dispute, as a rule, is conducted in English, but sometimes the seller is trying to write in Russian with the help of the translator. As a result, the sentences are succeeded, sometimes lose meaning, so it is better to use the generally accepted. The definition of the dispute is simple - these are the main items to indicate:

  1. Opposite the line "Did You Receive Your Goods?" (Whether the goods were received) it is necessary to set "yes" (yes) or "no" (NO).
  2. In the Please Tell US Solution line, you must evaluate the damage obtained. If the defect is small or mismatch only in color, then you can request several compensation dollars. When there is no possibility to use the product, you should require the entire amount completely.
  3. Option "Do You Want to Ship The Goods Back" implies sending goods back to replace. Do not agree to him because you lose much time. It is much easier to win a dispute and get money back. In addition, you will pay for shipment in the opposite direction.
  4. The "Please Write Your Request Detail" section provides an opportunity to write more detail about the problem with the goods, contact the seller (write everything in English).
  5. To attach evidence (photo, video), you need to use the "Please Upload Attachments" item.

What evidence needs to be provided

Every buyer who is looking for how to open on Aliexpress, the dispute should understand that no one will believe you, you need to add proof to the application. Photos or video materials can be in this role. Always during the opening of the order with Aliexpress:

  • turn on the video camera on the phone (if not usual);
  • remove the box, product from all sides;
  • explore defects, poor-quality materials, damage.

If you open a dispute and not confirm its evidence, in 99% of cases you will be refused to pay. It is allowed to open the parcel per mail to check its condition. In case of damage, employees must compile an act that would describe the order status at the time of receipt, but this method does not use. Do not forget to display the shipping address and other data from the box.

Terms of consumer complaints

After the dispute was opened to Aliexpress, the seller was opened 5 days to agree with you. A consensus must be reached, which would suit both, otherwise the application will turn into a claim and will go to the site. The administration will study it from 7 days to 2 months. The process turns out to be protracted, so it is better to negotiate with the seller and not waste time.

Sometimes they are not in a hurry to respond to the dispute, you can wait 5 days, and in the absence of messages from the supplier side, you can exacerbate the application and change it to the claim. If your dispute is open, and the goods came, its quality suits you completely, it is better to close the application for refund and confirm receipt. Otherwise, you will get a penalty for your buyer's reputation on the site.

How many times can you open a dispute on Aliexpress

Sometimes there is a situation where you need to know how to re-discover the dispute on Aliexpress. Such an opportunity exists, you have the right to make this the right number of times until there is a transaction protection from the site. Open dispute can be even for 2 weeks after confirming the receipt of the order. If you accepted the seller's conditions for your claim, then there is no more opportunity to file a complaint. You will receive what was specified in your arrangement.

Note that with the discovery of disputes with different sellers and the winning in them can be blocked by your account, especially if you only appeal with such claims. Each profile has the "Buyer Rating" parameter. You can set "bad karma" for frequent claims, and other sellers will avoid transactions with you. This is a kind of protection against "problem" or unscrupulous customers.

Video: What does it mean to open a dispute on Aliexpress

admin | May 19, 2017

In the previous article, I wrote in general terms, and starting with this, I will begin to describe each of the aspects of the management of disputes to Aliexpress and will begin of course from the instructions how to open the dispute to Aliexpress. Since now it is possible to open a dispute like through Mob. The device, tablet and through the computer, then I will consider step by step both options.

Why reveal the dispute to Aliexpress?

Buyers open disputes due to many reasons. From the banal discontent from the type, or the quality of the goods, to the fact that he did not come at all, or something did not come at all. The most frequent, and the overall reasons for opening disputes I brought in the previous article. The dispute can also be discovered in order to still be satisfied with the purchase, having agreed with the seller some minor problems.

Preparation for the discovery of the dispute to Aliexpress

Before opening the dispute, you need to prepare a little, carefully consider the goods, or its description, to know exactly what you will point out in the dispute, also prepare any of the available online translators if you do not know English. It is also desirable to prepare a photo if the product is damaged or screenshots of the tracking if the goods did not come.

How to open a dispute on Aliexpress through a computer, step-by-step instruction

To open a dispute on Ali SPress through a computer, you need to do a few simple steps:

If, in steps from the first to the fourth, no questions do not occur at all, then there are a number of some questions on the fifth and sixth, and that's right. Is it that choose: return funds, or return the goods and money? So, the issue of logistics from China to our countries is very developed, but the question of reverse delivery remained at about the level of the nineties. Moreover, both at prices and time. Therefore, the majority, this is somewhere 95% of buyers, use only the return of funds, even if the goods are poor quality, or in general - faulty. Fortunately, Aliexpress and other online stores are given to customers the opportunity to demand partial, or complete compensation of funds for poor-quality goods.

How to choose the right dispute type

On the sixth step, it is necessary to stop longer and tell you about each of the buttons. The first choice that gives us is to inform you, we received the product or not. Accordingly, it immediately divides the disputes on the where the goods were obtained: poor-quality goods, a non-compliance of the order, or a lack of some details; And those when the goods you did not receive.

In the following form to fill, you must enter the amount you want to return with the help of a dispute. Return can reach the full amount of the goods, or only its parts. The full amount should be required when the goods did not come with Aliexpress, or when the goods were so corrupt so much that you could not use it for its intended purpose. Also, i recommend In the dispute point a little more than the amount from the one you want to return, because in my experience I will say - it is almost no different from trade in the market, only here you prove that you need to return one amount, and the buyer proves that another and digit The seller is always less.

In the next text box you need to write the causes of the dispute. Here you need to write in English and essentially. Depending on the type and complexity of the dispute, it is necessary to write from one small paragraph, to an almost judicial claim by type, referring to the product description, and the general rules of Ali Ekspress. Also here you can specify a link to the video proof that you before downloaded to YouTube, this is the only video hosting that they recognize. Over time, I will consider all types of disputes, prepare the instructions and examples.

Next, you are given possible to download evidence confirming your rightness. In all cases, this should be used and specify all possible facts that will help solve the dispute in your direction. These files will be private, and used only in order to resolve the dispute, so do not hesitate to show everything as it is, even if it is underwear, or something else like that. You can upload up to three images, the size of no more than 20 megabytes each and one video, up to 500 megabytes. If this is not enough for you, do not worry, already during the dispute you can add more images and videos.

How to fill in all the fields and will be ready to start a dispute, click the "Send" button

Well, that's all, detailed instructions How to discover the dispute to Aliexpress through a computer is ready, it remains to show how to open a dispute on mobile devices.

How to open the dispute on Aliexpress on the phone, step by step instructions

This instruction is certainly suitable for all platforms and for all devices that are called mobile: tablets, phones, even smart watch. Now I will not paint every step in detail, since the principle there is almost the same, I will dwell only on differences:

On the possibilities of Aliexpress online store users always leave excellent reviews, because on this shopping area you can profitably purchase any goods in any quantities in surprisingly low prices. On the site every year you make purchases more than a thousand people from different countries The world, enter into transactions on wholesale orders and choose products selling directly from the manufacturer's warehouse. To resolve all issues between buyers and sellers, the creators of the resource have developed a system for solving conflict situations that allows customers to contact sellers through the administration. Additionally, you can find out important moments in supply with personal messages and correspondence e-mail. When the problem is not allowed during a certain period, on AliExpress you can open the dispute.

In which cases you need to open a dispute on Aliexpress

The users of the trading platform, which have difficulties with obtaining purchased goods open the dispute to prove their rights or return money. To do this, first in the "My Orders" section on Aliexpress website checks the purchase status: it can be sent or expect your turn. For each type of goods, there are separate delivery times, which make up at least 15 days, and, given the distance between the countries, the parcel most often comes 30-50 days after payment. Trusting your seller, many customers are not worried and wait for the end of this period, but in some cases, it is more expensive to ask a question about compensation for expenses or return money. Since the goods are paid before packaging and shipping through the system, all transactions and the buyer's actions are recorded automatically, and this is a guarantee of returning funds in the event of an unexpected situations or conflict between the buyer and the seller.

Often buyers do not suit the form, color gamut or the quality of things received. According to some sellers, the photo in the product card is not always possible to determine what quality it is, and if the price is 1-10 dollars, then you can expect that the purchase does not justify expectations. In this case, when opening a dispute, you can specify such a reason for the claim as a "difference in color, size, design or material". It can mean how the wrong color of the sent thing is not like you specified in the application, or the difference between the image of the goods and its real external species.

Another reason to create a dispute (dispute) is a claim for the quality of the material "Low quality (for example, a T-shirt is easy to break)" or size "size". When you send jeans less on the size or instead of a ceramic cup metal, and cotton underwear turns out to be synthetically - boldly open the dispute (dispute).

Before opening the dispute by order on Aliexpress you can try to negotiate with the seller through private messages. Often suppliers go to meet, reduce the price, return money or agree to exchange purchased goods.

How to prepare for the opening of the dispute (dispute) by the product on AliExpress

Opening a dispute (dispute) is the last opportunity to return money when buying goods on the site. If you get a refusal, then the decision will be final, so you need to carefully consider the claim, collect information and prepare for the creation of the dispute. In many cases, the reason for refusal is the lack of arguments and the rapid opening of the dispute. In addition, fraudsters enjoy the discovery of the dispute to Aliexpress, and in the absence of solid evidence, the administration has the right to refuse you to pay compensation.

Opening options for dispute (disputes):

  • If the timing of the protection of the transaction was held, and the goods did not reach, or went about 60 days from the payment of purchase, then the dispute opens with the condition "goods not received"
  • When the defective goods or things do not come, not the color that you specified
  • If electronics comes and computer technology, then the question of returning money needs to be thought out more thoroughly

To open a dispute in the last two cases, you need to bring direct evidence of which product you ordered which color was chosen, specific model or modification. To do this, you need to make an order screenshot (from the account), make a copy of the correspondence with the supplier, as well as attach a photo of the product obtained. You will also need to make the text of the claim in English and to justify the reason why you want to return money or make an exchange. When the device is broken or it works incorrectly, for example, the purchased phone does not turn on Wi-Fi, you need to attach the logbook log and screenshots, the presence of which will increase your chances of winning the dispute.

Opening of the dispute to Aliexpress

When the parcel does not come 30-35 days after payment, go to the "My Aliexpress" / "My Orders" site section, where the orders made are displayed, their statuses and price. Opposite the pictures with the selected product there will be a link "Open Dispute", which you want to click to go to the menu. There will be all kinds of claims, including those described above, and you can specify the required amount of compensation.

If the goods came to the whole, but you are unhappy with its appearance or quality of the material, then you should not specify the full cost of purchase. After the dispute is open, the order gets into the "Spore begins", then negotiations begins with the supplier who need to be conducted in the dialog itself.

How to negotiate and bargain in dispute

The purpose of the dispute is to receive money in compensation for defective or poor-quality goods. You must nominate your claims, and the seller in response contributes. It is necessary to bargain in the dispute (not counting personal correspondence with the seller), because the details of the negotiations are important for the Aliexpress administration that makes the final decision.

If the seller's conditions are satisfied with you, then you can agree with them by clicking "Accept" if you want to continue the dispute, you choose "Change" (modify) or translate the dispute to the claim (Escalate Dispute). IMPORTANT: After you click Accept, the dispute will be closed on the last offer and you will no longer be able to submit a claim for this order. When the buyer or supplier accepts the terms of the dispute, the order status is changing and fraudsters often use it, so be careful.

Cancel Dispute (dispute)

If you have not received the goods yet, the reception time did not come out and the order is under the protection of the system, then you will refuse a dispute by clicking "Cancel Dispute" (Cancel Dispute). If necessary, this order will be able to open a new dispute. At the same time, when the time to protect the order has expired, and you canceled the dispute, it will be impossible to open it again. You can also open a re-dispute when you received the goods and indicated it in the first dispute.

The seller wants to close the dispute

This situation happens when the parcel is not yet received with the commodity, and the track number is not working on the order. You can hurry to open the dispute, and the supplier asks you to hurry. If you decide to meet him, then you need to make sure that if you can open the dispute. To avoid aliexpress fraud, click "Cancel Dispute" (Cancel Dispute) only in complete confidence that you are not deceived. The dispute is your only chance to prove your rights and return the money.

If the seller accepted the dispute, but does not answer questions, then your claims will be satisfied unilaterally after the expiration of a certain period (keep track of the meter).

If the seller deflects the dispute (dispute)

When the goods do not come on time, and the seller does not respond to the dispute or rejects it, you can refer claims to the Aliexpress administration. Then the dispute will decide quickly. To reduce the terms of consideration of the claim, provide as many evidence of the seller's guilt as possible, protect your consumer rights. This situation has its underwater stones: a claim may be considered for a long time, and can make a decision not in your favor.

When to wait for the return of money on dispute

Money for goods is returned after the dispute in the same way they have been paid for 10 days. If you enjoyed when paying a card, they immediately fall into account. When using electronic payment systems (WebMoney, Yandex, QIWI, etc.), return takes more time, as weekends and holidays are taken into account. If you won the dispute, and the money on the card is not translated, then you need to clarify the issue first in your bank, and then write to the representatives of the Aliexpress administration.

Working with the Aliexpress trading platform you need to always defend your customer rights, but you should not hurry with the opening of the dispute too. This feature effectively works on the return of money, but you should be attentive and argue your claims. The order can be frozen, canceled, and the parcels sometimes go back to the seller (cases at customs). Also, think about the pros of the supplier's suggestions, carefully follow the order status and the timer counting the dispute time.

Good luck to you in disputes and pleasant shopping on Aliexpress!