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Which categories can be invented for the group. How to choose a profitable topic for VKontakte Group


To make money on the VKontakte group, you need to actively engage in advance. According to statistics, the first income in groups of general topics appears with the number of participants at least 50 thousand people. In more specialized associations - from 20 thousand. And to attract people will not be in all groups, attendance depends on the choice of the topic.

Popular topics for VKontakte groups. In 2013, groups were relevant with quotes, jokes. They gained an audience in a million people in few months. But today they have become too much. It's almost impossible to go to the leading dozen, which means attempts to make a competition worth leave. If only million painters come in Top 10 - this topic is not relevant for beginners.

Related topics. In the subject of the group it is convenient to combine several directions at once. Of course, they should not be contradictory. For example, esoteric can be united with psychology. Using two topics in the title will help exit the top for two requests. And now such public findings issued in good positions, although a couple of years ago they were always below the thematic groups. Cooking is good complete with tricks of home improvement, needlework with gardening, etc.

Groups of fans of serials and gear. Every month new serials or transmissions appear in the world. And they will be discussed and watching them. And the communities dedicated to them will quickly rise in the search. For example, 2 weeks ago came out new series - Heartbeat. It was translated into Russian in different way - the heartbeat silt heartbeat. And immediately after the premiere, the first groups appeared. Today they are not too big, but after a couple of months the number of subscribers will grow at times. But you can create groups in advance, because you can learn about the premieres easily for many months.

The procedure for creating a community in VC will take 10 minutes from force (including the time spent on reading the current article). Another 10 minutes - to carry out preliminary settings ...

Group VKontakte, Public (Public page), Event - All this is now united by one term: community. However, the types of communities are now 6 pcs., But ... about it literally through a couple of paragraphs. Now, without unnecessary words - proceed to practice!

Go to the list of your groups from the main menu, we find the "Create Community" button - we click it, we get to the community type selection page:

Community Types in VK. What to choose?

Names speak for themselves, plus, at your service - brief tips under the headlines to make it easier to navigate. If you still experience difficulties with what type of community to choose, now we will tell you everything ...

Events - In case you have a red marker on the wall calendar, some kind of date is marked, and some event is scheduled for this date.

Business page. Everything is simple: you have a "off-line" business - you here (however, not only "off-line").

Public page - This type is designed specifically for public individuals or groups of public persons.

Brand or organization. Read the name of this type, read 2 lines "Descriptions" (in the picture above): If this describes your future community - consider that you have already made your choice 😉

Group of interest. This type is designed to create a community with limited access: For private discussions of personal or workers' topics (publication of content and everything else, which allows VC) a limited circle of people. Interest Groups can be private and closed, they are different here than:

  • Only the head of the group can invite new participants in the private community (it is impossible to apply).
  • In the closed, the group someone can apply for accession.

Thematic community. This type is suitable for everything else, for which there was no place in the previous sections: a humorous public, where you are going to post the memes, or the fan community of Shawarma fans (shaver). Most likely, this is exactly what you need.

Total 3 fields in the next window: title, subject, website URL (if any).

After clicking on the "Create Community" button, your group will officially be considered created with what you congratulate!

You are in charge of the "Management" page, where you will be asked to fill out a few more information fields and carry out a number of settings.

Basic Public Settings

P.S. To this page, you can always return and change the information / settings (for this, use the "Control" button in the menu to the right page of your public page).

basic information

Name We already pointed out in the previous step, here you can change it.

Community Description - Several proposals characterizing your group. It must be prescribed, firstly, in order to immediately understand the visitors of your community "What will we talk about?", Second, perhaps, in the future, it will help bring the additional audience to your public. search engines (from Yandex).

Community Cover - Image, 1590 size per 400 pixels: Click "Download", select the picture on your computer. P.S. In the next article, we will tell you how to create or where to get beautiful cover For your community in VK.

Address Pages - Community URL. The way it will look like the path to your page in the browser's address bar (the English letter, numbers, lower underscore) are allowed.

Actions button

It will be displayed at the most prominent place of your group - immediately under the cover of the page.

Possible options: Go to the site, write to the mail, call, etc. Depending on the type of action selected, you will need to specify additional information: Button name (what will be written on it), enter the URL of the site, phone, etc.

Additional Information

Here you can specify the subject of the community (in our case, these are "sites"), choose its type: Community of interest, blog, or shop, companies, person.

If necessary - set age restrictions (18+), register a link to your website (in case of its presence), phone number, etc. In the "Foundation Date" field - specify the current date, or any other is not important.

Last item: Select whether you want your subscribers (or just Vkontakte users) can offer your posts to publish in your community.

In addition, you can connect your twitter account in order to export publications on Twitter (auto-postting) from your VC Group.

After making changes, do not forget to click "Save".

Hit main page You can (to see how it looks) by clicking on the button "Back to page".

The VC community page is created and, partly, is configured, but! If you still have the strength, the next 10-15 minutes we suggest spending to play a little more with.

I think that I will not open any secrets in this article and everyone who even faced the creation of something commercial, should know all this or, at least, guess these things, as they are logical and understandable.
I will immediately say that the biggest public that I have is a public with a little more than 300 thousand subscribers, you decide whether my advice of your attention or not.
An article for those who want to make publics and groups of VKontakte.

Interesting or unique idea
Invent a unique idea for a public on one side is difficult, since there are a lot of publics on a pile, on the other hand, just, since most of public and groups simply copy ideas. Since you live with this community to live, and to invest strength and money in it, it is better to approach the question in detail. You can choose what you understand well.
It makes no sense to create another public with vanilla quotes or a group with aphorism there is no. Do not waste your time.

Unique content and filling
99.99% of all communities in VKontakte, in my opinion, simply copy the content from each other or from Internet sites, which reduces the value of such communities to a minimum. The better and more unique to your content, the easier it will be to unwind your group or public.
And for this you need to easily understand the topic, or to be able to do something and tell about it, or you have to pay for it.
In addition, if you have unique content, the promotion will go enough simply if the content is interesting to people.

Investment and money
Without it, most likely nowhere, if you create a public, only on your own, creating content yourself, then you may not need money, except for the promotion. But in this case, it is possible not to spend at all. Just promotion and promotion will be naturally.
If you are not endowed with special talents or skills, or knowledge, you will have to spend money on:
- Content
- on Promotion

These will be two basic items of expenses, which will have to fork. It is difficult to say about the necessary budget, because you can start with empty pockets, and you can with a pair of tens of thousands of evergreen.
But I would recommend to have at least 3-5 thousand conventional units in stock.

It is necessary to work anyway, and the only difference is that if there is more money, then it will have to work less, and if there is less money, then it will have to work anymore. Calculate at least 2-3 hours a day. You can and more if you want a faster and more powerful result.

Pros of social networks, including VKontakte, is a fairly quick effect of your actions, compared with ordinary sites and Internet projects. However, now this is not exactly the stage of the development of the industry, in my humble opinion, so that everything happens also quickly, as a year ago. So, it is necessary to prepare for 6-12 months at least to any tangible results.

I listed the highlights to which it is important to pay attention if you want to create public or group of VKontakte and then earn on them. If everything matches them and everyone will be paid worthy attention, then I think you will have to create a popular community, which may well get out to the amount of a million participants, although, as I said, I have no such community yet, and maximum - about 300K.
On the other hand, at the moment, I myself am not sure that the community on social networks is rationally, since with the same approach, it is quite possible to create sites and Internet projects that are more promising.

    I have long been filmed with questions about the earnings of VKontakte. To be accurate, then on earnings in contact with a group or public page.

    I think that this topic is known to many, because it is very rapid, and raced, unfortunately, not for the better. The fact is that most people who teach earn in VKontakte, they say that it is very simple, here you create a public and, literally through some kind a certain amount of Time, you will receive an income of 30-60 thousand rubles per month. And this is only at the first stage, and with time there will be a tenfold increase in profits. In fact, most of what they say about earnings in publics - it's not exactly true, or it is better to say the inquired truth.

    Why do you care many? Of course, everyone likes easy money, but everyone likes to earn well, everyone needs money for some kind of needs, but not everyone wants to strain hard for this. This is the opinion that the earnings on the package - this is the complete "freebie", that is, he created a public, a little spinned him and everything, you are already with money. No, it is not. In his course, which will also be in the video format, I will reveal all the truth. In it, I will gain such exciting topics as the creation of a public, promotion, promotion, proper design, filling. I will tell you how to minimize the cost of the subscriber, how to create effective posts, which tools to use, what consequences from poor-quality promotion and much more.

    Today I will tell you about the first question, with whom all beginners of Public Administrators are faced in social network In contact with:

    What topic to create a group (public) VKontakte?

    Currently exists three main topicswhich are the most popular VKontakte social network and about 80 percent of all successful publications are created on them. The main secret of selecting data theme is that they are relatively easy to unwind and easily monetize.

    Probably you already guessed, the most popular and most mad themes are humor. Loves our people to have fun, laugh, loves good mood and positive. In principle, it is pretty good. This topic is very easy to unwind, that is, the price of the subscriber will be minimal, from 30 to 50 kopecks. But the fact is that this topic is very difficult to monetize, because most of the audience this topic is mostly school-age. This audience is practically not solvent. Here you need to take the quality of subscribers. I recommend about the monetization of this public to think with 300,000 subscribers, it will not be quite appropriate.

    The second topics is business, money, success And all that is connected with it. Excellent topic for public. But the cost of the subscriber grows twice. You will have to increase the budget for the promotion of such a public, but, nevertheless, the result will be several times more. This topic is easy to monetize, because mainly a solvent audience is going to, businessmen, enterprising young people, people with an active life position. Monetization begins with 50,000 participants, initially, of course, it is not quite large amounts, but with further promotion, several zeros will be added to your income.

    And the third is female themes. This topic is very effective. I know people who have done on these topics just mad money. The whole secret is that the women's audience of VKontakte is more willing to subscribe to publics than men's. Maybe the whole reason in psychology and a little in other thinking. This topic is easy to unwind and easy to monetize. However, women such a specific audience, which requires a certain skill of work, which, in most cases, can only understand the girl. Monetization begins already from 50,000 subscribers.

    Summarizing all the above, I will name the three most popular topics:

    1. Humor

    2. Business, Success and Money

    3. Women's topics

    The topic in which it is worth creating a public and work, choose to you. If you feel that you are closer to humor, create a public about humor and fun. If you are interested in the topic of success, personality development, business, then choose the topic in this direction. And if you are a girl, then create a female public, as in this topic you have a chance to succeed more than in men. And remember, when promoting a public is important not only financial investments, but also the attitude towards it. It is important that you work with a soul and full return, then things will go easily and quickly!

    In the following articles, I will tell you about the correct promotion, how, where to buy advertising, how much it should cost, how best to monetize a public, how to make a public, where to take the content so that he liked visitors and other important topics.

    Articles on the topic
2 votes

My respect, dear readers of my blog. Frankly, I never suffered from lack of ideas. However, the recent meeting with the administrator of one community VKontakte made me think about with which I did not come across.

Moreover, I had to teach this guy to generate something new. If I say that it was problematic for him, I will not give 10% of the emotions that he experienced. These were hellish flour. For me, it is rather good experience.

So, let's understand where the ideas are taken from the group in contact. I will try to teach even the tech in the fantasy and generate something new. You may be able to come up with a unique topic for the community, rubrics and even specific posts.

Theme for the community

So let's start with the main topic. This is the most difficult. I understand, but I hope that these three rules will help you ask the right direction.

  1. The information you will give people should be interesting and valuable.
  2. You will not achieve popularity if you just copy an existing public or start copying to other people's posts.
  3. Do not write about what you do not know.

It would seem anything new. America I did not open, isn't it? But let's turn these rules to your side and consider them more detailed. Think about what is interesting exactly you? What do you know more than others and do you have any hobbies.

If you are a brutal macho, then create a group for girls is just stupid. You will not be able to (or it will be very difficult for you) every time you get up to the place of teenagers and represent what they really will be interesting.

Take a piece of leaf and start writing words that come to mind. What you did today, yesterday, in childhood, in youth, what a hobby wanted to always do. Let it be just a set of words, understandable only to you.

"Tree carving, countries of the world, interesting Facts, anime. " Perhaps you always wanted to just lead a personal diary. Record options that seem to be stupid. Do not hurry, it is the most important step.

Let you go to this work all day or even a week. Please note that you will need to fight with laziness, motivate yourself. The topic should really like. Do not worry about how you will receive money. Now it is not so important.

If the work is satisfied, then there will be no problem with monetization. I will tell you how to act.


Another thing that I will not be tired of repeating. The prize must comply with the efforts of the contestants. If you ask a person to take pictures in your bar or restaurant with a rude salad, and in return to give him 50 rubles to the account mobile phone, be prepared that neither a single soul will not possession of a photo.

It is not always worth putting exactly the place of the contestant. Perhaps you do not feel about your own target audience. You are interested in the community, but you never participated in anything. This also happens. Think and all you will definitely work out.

Well, finally, I would like to advise you the course " From zombies in online entrepreneurs ", Which will help to understand the basics of content policies, will teach their job and not to throw it due to the lack of profitability in a year.

I sincerely wish you good luck in the endeavor. Subscribe to the newsletter and recognize more.