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Basics of bibliography. Basics of bibliography theory


Bibliography is one of the most important components of science and social communications. The level of cognitive-communication processes also depends on the level of its state. This forces society to constantly increase the volume of bibliographic resources, improve their quality, make these resources available to an increasing number of users, strive to maximize the use of all potential bibliography capabilities.

"Bibeardy" - the word of ancient Greek origin. Literally, it means "booking program." About the 5th century BC. In Greece, "biblies" began to call people who rewrite books.

Bibliographic activities are carried out in the libraries of all types, regardless of their departmental affiliation, the composition of readers, the volume of funds and the profile of work.

It can be said that the bibliographic activity is a "through function" of the library, since it is carried out in the presence of a bibliographic unit, it is carried out at all major areas of its work. Strengthening in recent years this "cross-cutting function" is associated with the introduction of computer technology in bibliographic units. This has opened remote access to both domestic and international information resources. It is bibliographic processes to bring together library and research and informational activities to meet dynamically developing information needs of both scientists and specialists and other populations.

Requirements for bibliographic activities in all types of libraries, especially in large scientific, are constantly growing, primarily due to the quantitative and qualitative changes occurring in the system of documentary communications.

The need for all-time intensification, improving the quality and effectiveness of the library's bibliographic work requires the improvement of its organization. The effectiveness and quality of the library's work in a large extent depends on the correct formulation of bibliographic activities in a large extent and its contribution to the Company's informatization processes.

Section 1. The subject of the bibliography.

How to "manage" with book wealth? - This question was worried about people long. The collections and the advantages of the best works and collections of works were compiled. In ancient Russia, for example, people of books are still with x1. They began to draw up and rewrite the shitomatology, called the beautiful Cattle in the word - "Ilamores".

Already in the ancient world of the library were so extensive that the ministers could not remember all the papiral scrolls or clay plates - the number had reached many thousands. Inventory of libraries came to the rescue, which, gradually improving and developing, turned into modern card directories. Over time, the library catalogs added a variety of lists, pointers, book reviews and articles to the library catalogs. All of them were usually called bibliographies, and in modern terminology it is bibliographic benefits.

With the crash of the ancient world, the book culture created by him was killed, the word "bibliography" disappeared. They remembered it shortly after the invention of a typography coincided with the onset of the Renaissance. Bibliographs began to call sometimes typographs. And only in the first half of the 17th century, French scientists Gabrielle Nodews and Louis Jacob first used the word "bibliography" in the sense: "References". Then it has acquired a wider point: "book card". In the future, during a long historical practice, the use of the term "bibliography" he acquired the features of pronounced multigid. It is possible to distinguish five most significant and sustainable values:

1) "Bibliography" as a separate bibliographic work, a bibliographic reference pointer;

2) "Bibliography" as a set of bibliographic works allocated by any sign or bibliography of periodic press;

3) "Bibliography" as a science, the subject and tasks of which at different times and different authors were formulated in different ways;

4) "Bibliography" as a field of practical (or scientific and practical) activities for the preparation of various sources of bibliographic information and bibliographic services of consumers of information;

5) "Bibliography" as the most wide collective concept, which includes all the above and any other bibliographic phenomena.

The last two definitions prevail in modern bibliographic science and practice.

In the course of the historical complication of the bibliographic activity of its task and functions, organizational forms and techniques are becoming more diverse and in the limits of the very bibliographic activity, the process of division of labor inevitably begins. Two main processes of bibliographic activities are distinguished: bibliography and bibliographic services.

As a result, the terms "bibliography" and "bibliographic activity" were synonymous. It is because of this identity of the concepts of "bibliography" and "bibliographic activity", the second term was excluded from GOST 7.0 - 77.

Meanwhile, active meaning is much better transmitted by the term "bibliographic activity".

Now the current GOST 7.0 - 84 covers the main terminology of practical bibliographic activities. The bibliographic activity itself is defined in it as "the area of \u200b\u200binformation activities to meet the needs in bibliographic information."

In recent years, there has been a desire to find the term "bibliography" a logically justified place in the system of bibliographic terminology. In this value, "bibliography" can be defined as a system of various activities (practical, research, educational, managerial), ensuring the functioning of bibliographic information in society.

Thus, the term "bibliography", heading and uniting the system of bibliographic terminology, does not coincide in meaning with any of the elements of this system. In particular, the identity of the concepts of "bibliography" and "bibliographic activity" is eliminated.

Section 2. Bibliography Functions

1.1 Basic functions

Bibliographic activity

The concept of "bibliographic activity" is among the most common concepts of library science. In the 70-80s, it received theoretical substantiation in the light of an activity approach to the bibliography and acquired a categorical value, although in the literature and among practitioners used before. There was a need to correlate it with the basic concept of "bibliography". Clarification of concepts should be considered as a natural and continuous process due to both the development of bibliographic practice and the development of science, enriching new possibilities for explaining new bibliographic phenomena.

Many authors consider the concepts of "bibliography" and "bibliographic activity" as synonyms. In many cases, this is possible and rationally, however, these concepts are not always interchangeable, which indicates certain semantic differences, their nestricness.

All the variety of submissions about bibliographic activities are combined into two approaches that can be designated as restrictive and expansion. The first is associated with understanding it as a bibliographic practice and he was for a long time Dominant. The second approach meets the integral presentation of bibliographic activities, which includes all the variety of bibliographic phenomena. The traditional interpretation of bibliographic activities The most completed forms adopted within Dichotomy: Bibliography (as a field of scientific and practical activity) and bibliographer (as a science on this activity). Thus, since bibliographic activities are equal to practice, and the bibliography is also understood as "scientific and practical activities", then, therefore, bibliographic activities are equal to the bibliography.

With an expansion approach, bibliographic activities include the entire range of bibliographic phenomena, as well as a bibliography in a broad sense. Terms act as synonyms and one of them becomes superfluous in the aspect of scientific terminological rigor.

Bibliographic activities are defined as an area of \u200b\u200bactivities to meet the demand in bibliographic information, that is, only a practical sphere is included in it, the research, educational and pedagogical components remain outside the limits. Meanwhile, in the very concept of activity, the unity of science and practice, knowledge and transformation is generalized. Considering bibliographic activities only practical, the content of this category is limited.

You can come to the conclusion that the concepts of "bibliography" and "bibliographic activity" are the most common in volume and maintenance.

This is one of the most difficult and defining problems in modern biblies. There are still disputes around it, since the qualifications of the public essence of bibliographic activities depends on its scientifically substantiated solution.

The bibliography expresses the totality of all bibliographic phenomena in general, it performs the function of the generalized characteristic, allowing all the bibliographic to fix as unity. This concept contains the qualitative specificity of this special phenomenon compared to others, as well as its internal invariance, repeatability.

Since bibliographic activities, like any other activity, includes two spheres: practice and knowledge, it would be unlawful to identify it with only one part of it - practical. Consequently, there is a need for a special concept, more precisely reflecting the latter, the concept of "bibliographic practical activity".

The presence of a subject moment is expressed in activity as a bibliograph-creator and distributor of bibliographic information and its consumer. At the same time, the bibliographer not only affects the subject, but also involves the interaction on the subject with the second subject - the consumer. In the sphere of knowledge, the subject acts as a researcher - bibliographer, teacher and training. The subjectivity of bibliographic activity is also in the presence of the author of the document, which is reflected in the creation of personally-oriented elements in all types of bibliographic resources (in bibliographic manuals, card and electronic catalogs, reference publications).

Based on the holistic understanding of the bibliographic activity as an organic unity of its sensual practical and cognitive forms, their relationship that detects with their correlation with each other should be noted. Practical activity is conscious, it is inherent in ideal components (in the form of knowledge, emotions, feelings, attention, will, goals) aimed at performing a practical action. In addition, along with the conversion, it performs both a cognitive function, being the basis, the base for knowledge, the "criterion" of truth. Cognitive activity is also not absolute: the practice is included in it and as an object of study, and in the form of research funds.

In bibliographic cognitive activities, two subsystems should be distinguished: scientific and cognitive, in which new knowledge is produced, and the educational and informative, within which the ready-made knowledge is reproduced. Both subsystems are closely related to bibliographic practice: the first subordinates the goal of improving bibliographic practice through the search for new forms and methods; The second is associated with the professional training of the subject - one of the most important elements of the bibliographic process, without which the activity cannot be carried out.

Educational and educational bibliographic activities organically includes elements of scientific activities (production of new knowledge) and elements of practical activity (participation in bibliographic processes). The practical activity is influenced by scientific and educational and educational and educational spheres. At the same time, practical activities are also included in the educational and informative through direct experience (practical training) and mediated (published in the press included in educational, methodological materials).

Thus, bibliographic practical activities are associated with cognitive in all its varieties. At the same time, practical and informative activities are not visible, the second is generated by practice and exists on its basis, at the same time stimulating its development.

1.2 Principles of operation

Bibliographic activity

Bibliographic activities are suitable, implemented in accordance with certain goals, projects, programs. In the process of its development, certain postulates are formed, which people are guided in activity, that is, specific principles.

Principles are the main source provisions, the most sustainable, defining system of requirements for content, organization, methods and technology activities. They are different in their meaning. The most important of them play the role of senior, methodological, defining a qualitative level of activity. These include: scientific, democratism, principle of organization and self-organization. Other principles are primarily associated with the choice of funds, forms and methods of work, that is, with the moments of methodical and organizational nature: compliance of methods of activity objectives, integitivity, differentiation of activities, systemicity.

The synergistic effect of self-development bibliography is expressed, for example, in the fact that the interpenetration of bibliographic and primary information is occurring, the bibliography is synthesized with various forms of knowledge presentation. The genres of interdisciplinary nature are formed, in which various forms of metatetops are combined - the interpretation of the primary source. Bibliography is approaching the functions to the "expert system" analyzing, interpreting, evaluating documentary arrays.

The synergistic approach to the bibliography has not yet received proper development, but promises to be quite productive. It must give an argued substantiation of the patterns of formation and improving bibliographic activities as an independently functioning system, which has its own specifics and specific tasks.

The leading principle of a methodological nature, which determines the bibliographic activities should be considered the principle of compliance of methods of activities. Its essence lies in the fact that the necessary effect is achieved only when those and methods that are used in each form of activity that are optimally complying with the objectives. In the preparation of the bibliographic manual - this is the accounting of the characteristics of the consumer (age, education, profession), accounting for the purpose of appeal to the manual (self-education, educational, scientific activity), accounting of the level of bibliographic culture (primary, medium, higher, professional). Depending on these characteristics, the selection, location, document characteristics, equipped with an auxiliary apparatus are made.

The principle of integitivity means that the bibliography can act as a unifying start for related fields of activity. This phenomenon finds an expression in the penetration of bibliography into different branches of knowledge, processing universal on the content of documents. Bibliographic elements are included in various databases, combining the author's document, work, distributor, consumer into the unified information space. This is implemented through a single bibliographic record created at the beginning of the chain and valid until its completion.

Integability is also manifested at the level of scientific research, which is expressed in the tendency to strengthen interdisciplinary, the interaction of sciences. In this regard, it is more logical to speak not about distinguishing the areas of activity, but their convergence, transition to one to another, on activities in border areas.

The principle of integitivity is implemented in joint projects of bibliographic services of different levels, various departmental affiliation: in the publication of consolidated catalogs across the country or region; In creating uniform automated information systems. The bibliography integrates the internal and external resources of libraries due to the possibility of entering the wide world of electronic databases, which has a global information system.

If the integitivity refers to the integration into a whole elements, bringing the relationship to the state of interconnection, the ordering of functions, then the differentiation indicates separation, bundle on the parts that differ from each other. The principle of differentiation in bibliographic activities is as follows:

The creation of specialized information centers performing specific tasks;

Differentiation in the practice of creating benefits (by industry, thematic, regional and other signs);

The original set of catalogs and card files (traditional and electronic) in accordance with the profile of libraries and bibliographic services.

The principles of integration and differentiation opposite to character, mutually complement each other.

It would be unrealistic to list all the principles that are guided in bibliographic activities and which are produced in the process of its implementation. In addition to the most common, basic, private principles associated with individual bibliographic processes can be isolated.

Principles are concrete-historical, fully operate in a certain society and are modified in other conditions. At the same time, the essential basis is preserved in them, since it is directly dependent on the essence of the bibliography itself and its main specific tasks that remain unchanged in various historical periods. It is the constancy of these tasks that causes the existence of a bibliography as a public phenomenon.

The principles of bibliographic activities are interconnected with patterns. It is known that the latter reveal the other side of the essence of the investigated phenomenon, and the principles as the initial items are their expression.


From the point of view of coverage, the organization of bibliographic activities can be viewed at the following levels:

Across the country, separate region;

Across a separate library;

On the scale of the bibliographic department;

Organization of the activities of a separate bibliography (personal level).

The organizational and functional structure of the bibliographic service depends on a number of external and internal factors. The first is the type of library and its main tasks, departmental affiliation, the composition of individual and collective subscribers (users), species composition and volume of funds. Among the internal factors can be allocated: the number of library divisions, their territorial accommodation, the number of full-time employees, the level of their training, the degree of use of automation tools.

If we talk about the principles of bibliographic activities, it should be noted that the most important of them play the role of guidelines, methodological, defining a qualitative level of activity. These include: scientific, democratism, principle of organization and self-organization.

Analysis of bibliographic practical activity as a system, its internal structure is carried out, first of all, through the identification of the relationships of its main elements: the subject (one who carries out activities) with its goals as ideal prototypes of activity; processes as the appropriate activity of the subject associated with the application of material and spiritual forces; subject to the interaction of the subject; funds by which the intended purpose is achieved; Result (as a consequence of achievement or not to achieve a goal).

The main directions of bibliographic activities include:

Creation and maintenance of the reference and bibliographic device of the library;

Drawing up bibliographic benefits of various target and reader purposes;

Bibliographic informing;

Reference and bibliographic service;

Consultative and methodological work.

The organization of bibliographic activities of the library of any type lie:

1. The focus on the solution of priority in these conditions facing the library;

2. rational combination of centralization and decentralization in the organization of the library bibliographic service;

3. The availability of bibliographic services for all groups of readers (users), including services and products in the prescribed legitimate manner.

Signs that, together, reflect all the most essential characteristics of the bibliography as an object of systematization include: purpose, subject, method, genre, social, fullness, social level, structure, time, space, material design, need.


1. Bibliographic work in the library: Organization and Methodology: Tutorial / Ed. O.P. Korshunova. - M.: Publishing House "Book Chamber", 1990. - 254С.

2. Library science: Society. course: tutorial For a bibl. Fact In-Tov Culture / - M.: Book Chamber, - 1988.

3. Vaneev A.N. Library business. Theory. Technique. Practice: to the 80th anniversary of the author's birth. - SPb.: Profession. - 2004.

4. Kartashov N.S. General Library Science.: Textbook for stud. Higher. studies. Institutions: 2 hours / N.S. Kartashov, V.V. Skvortsov. - M.: Mosk. State University of Culture, 2002. - T.1.: Theoretical Basics of Library Studies.

5. Kartashov N.S. Comparative libraries.: Textbook for stud. Higher. studies. establishments. - m.; Ilo ProfiSdat, - 2000.

6. Kogotkov D.Ya. Bibliographic activity of the Library: Organization, Technology, Management: Tutorial / D.Ya. Caughty. - St. Petersburg. : Profession, 2005.

7. Leonov VB Bibliography as a profession. - M, - 2005, - 321 s.

8. Matulsky R.S. General Library Science: Tutorial for universities. - Liberia, - 2004.

9. Morgenshtern I. G. Library business and bibliography // owls. library science. - 1986.-№ 1.-s. 99-104.

10. Morgenshtern I. G. New textbook on funds // owls. library science. - 1992. -№ 5-6. - P. 77-84.

11. General Library Science: Reader / Sost. R.A. Trofimova. - M.: Liberia - Bibinform, 2007. - Part 1: Theoretical foundations of the BBK

12. Organization of the work of the centralized library system: instructions and accounting. Forms. - 2nd ed., Act. and add. / Ed. R. Z. Zotovova. - M.: Book, 1985. - 192 with

13. Directory of the Librarian / Ed. A.N. Vaneyeva, V.A. Mincina. - St. Petersburg: Publishing House "Profession", 2000. - 432 p. - (Series "Library").

14. Library standards: Collection / Sost. Zakharchuk T.V., Petrova L.I., Zavadovskaya TA, Zusman O.M. - St. Petersburg: Publishing House "Profession", 2000. - 512 p. - (Series "Library").

15. Stolyarov Yu. N. Library - two-kinning system // Scientific. and tech B-ki. - 2002. -№11.-s. 5-24.

16. Works on the library. Guide for public libraries.: Stratic. benefit. - M.: Liberia, - 2002.

Target installation:Form an idea of \u200b\u200bthe basic principles of the operation of the Internet search engines, to study the technologies to effectively search for information resources; Create skills to use the University Library Web Site, full-text collections.

After studying this topic, students will be able to:

    explain the need for bibliographic accounting of emerging publications;

    call the addressing system on the Internet;

    explain the possibilities of using the SPBUEE Library Services in training activities

    characterize the subscription full-text resources of the Library Library;

    describe the reliability and objectivity of information on the Internet

The following issues are considered in the lecture:

3.1. Basics of bibliography. Bibliographic products

3.2. Internet as a source of information

3.3. Using the Web site of the SPAUEE library in training activities

Check questions for self-test

3.1. Basics of bibliography. Bibliographic products

Traditionally, the human reference in large amounts of information is a bibliography. It is she who acts as a kind of guidebook for documented information, "saving" thinking of a person from "information overloads".

The term "bibliography" appeared in ancient Greece in V c. BC. It consists of two words BIBLion (book) and Grapho (I write). Translated from the ancient Greek, he meant a bookwork, or rewriting books. Before the invention of typography, this word was designated work of book correspondence. In those days, the only way of replication of books was hand, and people who were engaged in the penishment were called bibliographs. After the collapse of the ancient world, the word "bibliography" disappeared for a long time. They remembered it shortly after the invention of typography and bibliographs began to sometimes call typographs. And only in the first half of the XVII century. French scientists Gabrielle Nodes and Louis Jacob first used the word "bibliography" in the names of their work in the sense of "References". Soon it acquired a wider sense: "book-friendly" (by analogy with the words "geography", "biography", etc.). For a long time, the bibliography theorists argue about what is a bibliography. There were many different definitions. However, over time, the importance of bibliography remains the importance of bibliography in domestic bibliographies, which has a system and structure. Thus, a bibliography is a field of scientific and practical activity on the preparation and dissemination of information on the documents necessary for their identification and use. .

The main feature of the bibliography is that it organizes the movement of documents not as sources of information, but only information about them, which can be used separately and regardless of the documents themselves. It is possible to organize the movement of the documents themselves, and this is a book-prompist (book trade). But this sphere operates mainly in fresh publications, which has just left the printing house, while a large number of previously published printing of printing can be lost in a huge stream. In addition, the form of a document is discrete, which is why it can only be at one point. If the document itself cannot be addressed to all significant points of space, then information about it, its location, content, value and value can be submitted thanks to the bibliography much easier and less expensive. The most effective and recognized means of bringing the rolled information to the consumer is bibliographic products.

The concept of "bibliographic products" is generalizing. Bibliographic products are documented document information that allows it to be identified by the mass of others. But this information exists not abstractly, by itself, it has a real embodiment, has a structure. The main structural unit, atom is a bibliographic record. Under the notion of "bibliographic products" is implied primarily by bibliographic benefits. Thus, the bibliographic manual this is an ordered multiple bibliographic records.

The classification of bibliographic manuals is closely related to the classification of bibliography, and many types of bibliographic benefits are also called the same bibliography. Differentiation of bibliographic manualsit is carried out on different bases of division:

1. Differentiation of geographical coverage.

The differentiation of the bibliography on geographical coverage shows different types of bibliography, depending on which territory there are or what territory documents are devoted to, which bibliography reflects.

      National (state).

National or state bibliography (the difference between these terms is insignificant) information infrastructure, which provides preparation, dissemination and use of universal bibliographic information on documents issued in the country (state), based on the state registration of these documents. National (state) bibliography, seeking to complete all documents that appeared in any country is a basic type of bibliography. It is aimed at meeting the interests of society as a whole and is primarily supported by the state.


Regional bibliography reflects the documents created in a specific region and / or documents related to this region in content, origin or other signs.

      Local history.

Local history bibliography reflects documents about a certain area (city, regions, village, etc.). Often, although it is not necessary, these documents are created in this area.

    Differentiation of publishing time and publication of reflected documents.

2.1. Retrospective.

Functions of retrospectiveBibiliography - summarize the development of documentary streams for a certain time and provide the consumer with the possibility of retrospective search for information on the industry you are interested in or the topic in already accumulated documentary arrays.

Current bibliography performs the function of informing about new documents that appeared. It gives the consumer the opportunity to follow the new documents in his area of \u200b\u200binterest or on his topic that interests. Many species of the above bibliography specified on other criteria can be simultaneously both currently, but the national (state) bibliography is always current.

Answer 1. With regard to current bibliographic accounting in Russian Federation, then it is currently carried out by a special state institution - the Russian Book Chamber (RCP) ( Decree of the President of the Russian Federation No. 1499 dated November 30, 1992 "On the Russian Book Chamber" of its functions at the present stage are defined as follows: RCP is the "Center for State Bibliography, Archival Storage of Editions, Print Statistics, International Standard Numbering Printing and Scientific Research Book business area. The RCP in accordance with the procedure established by law receives a mandatory copy of each print job published in the country for registration, accounting and organization of bibliographic information. For this purpose, bibliographic signs are published - "Book chronicle", "Chronicle of periodic and continuing publications", "Chronicle of the journal articles", "The chronicle of newspaper articles", "Chronicle of iszdaniya", "Light chronicle", "Chronicle of dissertation authorities", etc. The chronicles of the RCP as state bibliographic signs of the Russian Federation are official publications.

    Differentiation of the content of reflected documents.


For universal it does not matter what the content of the document is. It performs a registration function. It is based on state statistics of printing.


The sectoral bibliography is very important when searching for scientific, including scientific and technical, information. Sectoral bibliography reflects documents related to a certain branch of knowledge or to a complex of knowledge branches. Three main complex of industry bibliography can be distinguished: the bibliography of natural science, technical, biological and agricultural literature, the bibliography of socio-political literature, the bibliography of fiction, sciences about the language, literary studies, culture, art and sports.


Thematic bibliography reflects documents for any topic within a certain industry or at the junction of different branches of knowledge. Thematic bibliographic manuals may reflect documents on any relevant topic within the industry, but more often their goal is to familiarize readers with information dispersed on sources of different industries and representing intersectoral interest.


Personal bibliography reflects documents dedicated to one person to the writer, scientist, to the public figure. The same group includes indicators of scientific groups and organizations. The 20th anniversary of the foundation of the St. Petersburg University of Management and the economy was published a bibliographic pointer, reflecting the results of the research and educational activities of teachers and staff of the university. The pointer contains information on publications in the Library Fund: scientific monographs, textbooks and textbooks, collections of scientific papers, conference materials, etc., published at university and third-party organizations. The material of the pointer is grouped by type and nature of documents, provided with a personal pointer (bibliographic signpost of works of teachers and employees of the St. Petersburg Academy of Management and Economics 1990-2010 (from the Funds of the Academy Library) [Text]: Collection of biographical information / S.-Petersburg. Acad. Ex. and Ekon; Cost. V. A. Svetlova; Avt. Preport. E. S. Ivlev. - SPb.: Publishing house SPbaue, 2010. - 452 p.)

Bibliographic manuals may be an independent publication, and can be an integral part of any non-bombing publication (books, magazines, newspapers). However, there are types of bibliographic manuals that will not be fundamentally published separately (touching and pretty bibliographic benefits).

The bibliographic manual is a manual placed in the book, and reflecting documents on its subject - used, cited or recommended. Bibliographic lists have typical names: literature, references, list of references used, list of cited literature, list of recommended literature, bibliography, etc.

Similarly, a touch bibliographic manual can also be determined to determine a lookbook bibliographic manual, with the difference only that it is placed after the article (in the journal, compilation, etc.). The lookup bibliographic manual is always a bibliographic list, very often quite small volume, especially in natural science and technical publications, and a small list of sources used may not testify not to the scientific unscrupulousness of the authors, but about a minor study of a particular issue considered in the article.

The author, writing any work, always relies on some knowledge that can never be fully obtained by experimentally, part of his knowledge is drawn from publications, among which there may be work, directly preceding it. Therefore, the lack of bibliographic information in the scientific article or even in the book causes bewilderment and suspicion of the author's unscrupulousness, or, at best, about his negligence, as well as lists, "bloated" by incorporating publications that are not related to the subject matter or book.

Thus, bibliographic products not only reflects in the folded form of documents on a particular area or the topic, but also to the extent to which the problem of the problem is developed. Based on the analysis of bibliographic manual, authors or copyright groups studying this particular problem can be identified. Bibliographic manuals can provide an idea of \u200b\u200bthe activities of certain institutions and organizations, characterize the development of this problem in specific countries.


The relevance of the chosen topic of the course work is the need to study the history of the bibliography of other countries in order to identify modern trends in the development of the bibliography, which is due to the spread of the bibliography on the work of literature, museum exhibits, painting and graphics, theatrical and archaeological artifacts, and even Internet sites.

The following tasks were delivered in the work:

Reveal the essence of the concept, in view of the presence of a set of interpretations;

Consider the prerequisites for the development of the bibliography in Hungary;

Analyze the development of bibliography in Hungary and countries of socialism;

Consider and analyze current trends in the development of the bibliography of Hungary;

To identify the place and role of the Hungarian bibliography in the world.

The purpose of the study was to study the history of the bibliography of Hungary, the object of research - the current position of the Hungarian bibliography in the world.

Theoretical Basics Bibliography

The concept and relationship of bibliography with other sciences

The term "bibliography" arose in ancient Greece and initially meant the "book traffic". Only from the middle of the XVIIV. He began to be used in the sense of "booking program." In the scientific circulation, the term "bibliography" entered only in the works of the XVII century. in France. Jacob de Sat-Charles entitled his 5-languid reference book "Paris Bibliography" (1643-51). In the XIX - beginning. XXVV. The idea of \u200b\u200bthe bibliography was dominated. As science, special knowledge of the book, its description. In the concept of N.M. The Lisovsky bibliography was already allocated as a descriptive part of the bidders. Most significant. Historical and bibliographic work became essay to K.N. Derunova "Life tasks of bibliography. (Results and lessons of the past Russian bibliography for 200 years). " Exceptional significance To understand the socio-cultural essence of the bibliography and the consolidation of the bibliography was the work of B.S. Bodnarsky "bibliography as a synthesis of book thought", published in "Bibliographic news" (1916). Bibliography. defined as "solid knowledge of books", "the formative taste of good essays"And" constituting a substantial part of the history of popular education "(V. S. Sopikov)," Booking or a bookcondition and in the sense of its name - booking program "(G.M. Gennadi), the science of books, the industry of human knowledge, a guide and a mentor The choice of books (V.G. Anastasiewicz), as a science that gives the conclusions as a result of its achievements. And the strap. The values \u200b\u200bof the number and the qualitative composition of printing works (N. Yu. Ulyaninsky).

As M. N. Kufaev believed, the bibliography is an independent knowledge of the book, exploring and describing it, just as historical sources explores and describes historical monuments or as geography describes individual countries and the peoples of the Earth. " Other character has the definitions of bibliography developed by representatives of the management, auxiliary and ideological direction, originated in the XIX century.

From the middle of the CHV. Recognition of the information and activity concept of bibliography, its main categories and components of the definition are bibliographic information and bibliographic activities. The most deployed system-information. Understanding the bibliography was set forth in the information and documenographed concept of O.P. Korshunova, according to which it is not considered as an object of bibliography (a bibliographic activity), but a document under which any social information is found recorded by a person on any material carrier in order to store it, distribute and use. Bibliography is dismissed beyond the book case, spreading to museum exhibits, painting and graphics, theatrical and archaeological artifacts, tram tickets, sites in electronic networks, etc. (for they are all material carriers, on which social information recorded) and expands to the concept of "Documentography".

In a modern understanding, the object of the bibliography is the works of printing of all kinds, handwritten books created before the invention of typography, the manuscript of the modern time, which are social and scientific importance (for example, dissertations, deposited manuscripts, i.e. manuscripts deposited). Transformation of graphic text, due to the development of technology, the appearance of microfilms, gramis and other audiovisual materials lead to a gradual expansion of the bibliography object.

Thus, Biblion Bucklion - Book, Grapho - I write) to be viewed from three sides: First, this is a bonus - a branch of scientific and practical activities involved in the preparation, distribution and use of bibliographic information (information on printed works. necessary for their identification) (scientific systematized description of the booksessions, drawing up their lists, pointers and reviews); Secondly, this list of books that unites something (for example, a common topic or a common author); Thirdly, this is a department in journals containing information about published books, publications, magazines, etc.

Bibliography Development is provided by a system of special institutions (bibliographic service), the result of which is bibliographic products, which makes a kind of reference literature.

For a long period, the bibliography developed together with literary and scientific criticism. With increasing differentiation of knowledge led to the placement of bibliography with these branches of activity, although the assessments that are given by the literary and scientific criticism of printing works (in quantitatively less than them), serve as the basis for the characteristics of these works in the bibliography. The magazine forms of the bibliography are still largely developing with criticism. In the study of works of printing in content, the bibliography comes into contact with individual sectors of science and adjoins them as auxiliary partitions.

It is worth paying attention to the fact that the development of bibliography has a great influence of the successes of science and culture, the growth of the reader requests of society. In turn, the bibliography affects scientific, literary and technical creativity, publishing and library, book trade, education and self-education. This is expressed in the fact that, revealing the works of printing, selecting and describing them, the bibliography helps summarize the development of science and creating an initial base for further research; reflects the contribution of individuals, peoples or countries in the development of culture; Indicates the literature necessary to study the historiography of the issue, in this case, at the same time, both new published works and old, who are not familiar or forgotten. Propaging the works of printing accumulated in libraries or newly issued by publishers, the bibliography contributes to the spread of certain scientific provisions, political, philosophical and aesthetic views, as well as technical improvements. She plays a big role in the reading manual and thus contributes to the formation of public consciousness.

Bibliography is closely related to scientific and technical information. However, unlike her, the bibliography informs not about the scientific theories themselves, ideas, facts, but about the works of the press, in which they are set out, and has, except for research and informational, educational, educational and educational functions.

Regarding the Bibliography Tools, it can be noted that they provide accounting and registration on a certain system of new, as well as published in the past texts, informing them to promote the development of professional, educational, pedagogical, popular-educational, socio-cultural and other activities, education, implementation of printed Products and other documents as a product.

Currently, the understanding of the bibliography as a method of social and cultural and communicative activities is enjoyed significant recognition. The social essence of the bibliography is pronounced in bibliographic activities (a set of bibliography and bibliographic service processes) and in its results (bibliographic products, the system of bibliographic manuals - traditional and non-traditional, created on the basis of electronic technology, new information technologies).

Modern bibliography is perceived by experts as well as protobiography XXIV., Because Modern humanity is witnessing the "incumbulous period" era (digital, screen) civilization (B. A. Semenovker, V. A. Fokeev) in 1991 a successful experiment was held on the publication of the state. (nat.) Bibliography. information is several. Europe. countries on one disk. Widely used using new inform. Technologies database of such well-known firms as "R.R. Bucker "," Wilson "," Whitaker "and others. Great importance It has the development of international. Bibliogr. electron. Networks that allow you to make various sources of information about fixed texts for consumers. Really embodies in the global practice "holographic" principle of bibliography - the possibility of obtaining any bibliographic information from any respect. technologist. Equipment places. A practically solved on a global scale can be considered to overcome temporary and spatial communication barriers.

Thus, it turns out that the bibliography, and the world in particular develops in terms of cooperation. For example, UNESCO subsidizes a number of international publications in the industry bibliography and assists developing countries in creating a national bibliography.

3.1 Libraries and their reference material

New information technology has occupied a strong place in society and provided their indisputable impact on all spheres of human activity. What would have been a person, a specialist what area of \u200b\u200bknowledge would not be, he should know well how to navigate in a huge information space. Librarians due to the specifics of their profession know how a huge field of this space was and then when computer techologies have not yet affected the scope of information. Currently information space, surrounding every person, has become almost limitless. It can be said that this information space was metacious, in which it does not even depend on his desire modern man In general, the library as an informational institution in particular. In order to live and work in this metasystem, be able to contact her and extract useful information In almost limitless space, we must form a new type of culture for themselves - information culture. A huge role in its formation belongs to the university library in particular the library of our university.

The purpose of the lesson is to familiarize with the organization of information services and information resources NTB FGBOU VPO "KemTIPP". The organization of information services for readers in the university in modern conditions is based on the introduction of new information technologies. Under new information technology, the processes of obtaining, accumulating, storing, searching, processing and transmitting information in digital form using multimedia tools. The introduction of information technologies in the library led to the automation of the main technological processes (from ordering a book in the recruitment department to its issuance to the reader) and to the creation of an electronic library.

Digital library - Digital library, view automated information systemin which full-text and multimedia documents are stored and can be used in computer-readable (electronic) form, and software tools provide a single access interface from one point to electronic documents containing texts and images.

Electronic resources - electronic data (information in the form of numbers, letters, characters, or combinations thereof), electronic programs (Sets of operators or subroutines that provide certain tasks, including data processing) or a combination of these species in one resource.

Depending on the access mode, electronic resources are divided into local access resources(with information recorded on a separate physical media, which should be placed by the user in the computer) and resources remote access (with information on Winchester or other storage devices or placed in information networks, on the Internet).

The materials contained in electronic resources Local and remote access are considered published.

Electronic document - A set of data in the memory of a computing system designed to perceive by a person with the help of relevant software and hardware. Electronic documents are batch and network:

batch documents- these are optical CDs, which are electronic publications (classical literature, rare books, encyclopedias, databases, computer programs etc.).

network documents- It is textual and other information provided in electronic networks fixed on the hard disk. It can be modified.

Electronic edition - electronic document (group electronic documents), the last editorial and publishing processing is designed to spread unchanged, which has output.

Database (database) - A set of data that is sufficient for the set target and is represented on a machine-readable carrier in the form that allows you to carry out the automated processing of the information contained in it.

For full mastering the possibilities of the library, it is not enough just to familiarize yourself with the rules for using the library. According to the modern philosopher M.A. Lifshitsa, "You can not know everything, but you can also know where what lies in which direction to move to have the desired knowledge." The library provides readers tools and methods for orienting in a book fund.To do this, the library creates a reference and search apparatus (SPA).

Reference search apparatusthe libraries are a means of disclosing the content of the Library Fund and assisting in the selection of books. Spa combines an electronic directory and traditional directory, as well as electronic databases using the appropriate software, Provides an output to open information space.

Electronic catalog (EC), Including the possibilities of alphabetical and systematic traditional directories, when looking for literature, has undeniable advantages. The electronic catalog is a machine-readable library directory that operates in real time and provided to readers. The electronic catalog provides simultaneous multidimensional operational search. He absorbed the functions of traditional directories: accounting, informational and search. The electronic catalog provides fundamentally new search capabilities compared to traditional library catalogs. It can be sent from the Web site of our library (

Electronic catalog of NTB FGBOU VPO "KemTIPP".

Is conducted since 2004. The electronic catalog makes all types and types of received documents posed for accounting in NTB.

Conditional notation used in document descriptions for an electronic catalog:

OKHF - Fund Storage Department;

Ab.Nouch.Lit. - subscription of scientific literature;

Ab. studies. Lit. - subscription of educational literature;

Ab. Hood Lit. - subscription of fiction;

CIDS - student reading room;

Chzp is the reading room of teachers.

BD - Food Industry

Since 2005, the filler is conducted - the analytical painting of periodicals on the food industry (45 publications).

The filler is the analytical painting of all the dissertations and the abstracts of the dissertations stored in NTB.

BD - Higher School

Since 2005, the reservation is conducted - the analytical painting of periodicals (27 publications), analytical reviews of higher education, books on the problems of higher education.

BD - Humanitarian and socio-economic disciplines

Since 2010 is conducted - analytical.

In chapter "Electronic scientific resources"references to the institutions of science and education (universities and scientific institutions, domestic and foreign libraries, bibliographic databases, electronic libraries, organs of scientific and technical information, publishing), foreign and domestic resources for the university profile (Russian-speaking and foreign electronic journals, search engines, other information.

Reference bibliographic fund (SBF) - This is part of the spa, including publications and materials containing a variety of information and the library bibliographic activities necessary for the implementation of all processes. The SBC from the General Fund of the Library is allocated:

Official periodic and non-periodic publications (meeting of the legislation of the Russian Federation, collections containing the texts of official documents: Decrees of the President of the Russian Federation, laws, decisions of the Government of the Russian Federation). Database on legal subject (full-text and bibliographic), among which the "ConsultantPlus", "Code" is particularly popular, the database is regularly updated with the texts of the legislative acts of the federal level, the publication of vinity scientific and technical information authorities,

References of various targets - encyclopedia, reference books, dictionaries, guidebooks, etc.

The main part of the reference bibliographic fund is in the Scientific Bibliography Department, references are also available in the reading rooms and on the library subscriptions.

The fund has vinity editions:

Reference magazines.

The abstract magazine of the All-Russian Institute of Scientific and Technical Information (RS Viniti) is the largest information publication of world importance. This is like a visiting vinity card. The task of the magazine is the maximum coverage of scientific literature and is possible a more detailed disclosure of its content. RJ reflects all types of publications (books, articles, dissertations, reviews, patent descriptions) emerging in many languages \u200b\u200bof the world.

The abstract vinity magazine is a periodic edition, which publishes abstracts, annotations, bibliographic descriptions of books and articles from magazines and collections, materials scientific conferences, deposited scientific works and other scientific and technical publications (including foreign). Abstract Journal B. print form It consists of more than 200 issues on various thematic areas of science and technology, which are combined into summary volumes. RZ in print form goes monthly, stored in the reading room of periodicals.

Another type of spa is reference publications.

Referencesdesigned to quickly obtain any information of a scientific, applied, cognitive nature. The text of these editions is ordered in alphabetical or systematic order. Encyclopedias and encyclopedic dictionaries have the greatest importance.

Encyclopedia - a reference edition containing in a generalized form of basic information on one or all branches of knowledge and practical activity set out in the form of short articles located in alphabetical or systematic order. Depending on the circle of inclusive information, the universal (general), specialized (sectoral), regional (universal or specialized) encyclopedia is distinguished. Depending on the volume of the encyclopedia, they are divided into large (several dozen volumes), small (10-12 TT.), Brief (4-6t.) And 1-3-languid, commonly referred to as encyclopedic dictionaries.

Vocabulary - a reference edition containing an ordered list of language units (words, phrases, phrases, terms, names, signs), equipped with reference data; Systematized in alphabetical, thematic order or for any other feature. Dictionaries perform two functions: regulatory (fixing the values \u200b\u200band consumption of words, contribute to the improvement and unification of the language as a means of communication) and informative (allow the shortest way to join the accumulated knowledge). In accordance with this, dictionaries are divided into two groups - philological and terminological. Among the philological dictionaries - Russian dictionaries, foreign words, intelligent. Terminological dictionaries are divided into complex (inter-sectoral, industry) and specialized (for individual specialties, thematic).

Directory- Reference edition, wearing applied, practical character, having a systematic structure or built according to the alphabet of the title of articles. In terms of purpose, the scientific, mass-political, production and practical, educational, popular and household reference books are distinguished.

Throughout the learning process, students perform a large number of Abstracts, exchange rates, coursework and the final stage of learning is the graduation project.

Drawing up a list of literature. The list of references is the necessary structural part of any scientific work (published and unpublished): monographs, dissertations, scientific article, as well as coursework or thesis, etc. It includes literature used in the preparation of the text: a cited, referred to as well as a direct relation to the topic under study. The list of list depends on the thoroughness of publication collection. A properly compiled and competently designed list indicates how the author is familiar with the literature on the topic of research.

The bibliographic list is an independent value as a reference device for other researchers and is a bibliographic manual. The bibliographic list is placed after the main text of the work.

When selecting a material for a list of literature used various methods Location of bibliographic descriptions:




in order of the first mention of publication in the text, etc.

The most common way is alphabetical. The location of bibliographic descriptions in strict alphabetical order of authors and title publications (if the name of the author is not specified). The work of one author is located according to the alphabet of the titles of work, the works of the authors of the same name - according to the alphabet of the initials. When transferring the works of one author, his surname and initials indicate each time without replacing with docking. The alphabetical way can be used when the list is small in volume and concerns a narrow question. In one row, you should not mix different alphabets (Russian, Latin).

IN chronologicalthe material is located in the years of publications, and in each year - according to the alphabet of the authors or names of books. Chronological order allows you to show a history of studying any question. The location of the material in the reverse order is recommended for work, which focuses on the modern state of the issue.

For systematiclocation of literature Bibliographic descriptions are located on the branches of knowledge, individual issues, themes in the logical coensection of individual columns. Systematic sections are better to establish in accordance with the heads of manuscript or important theme problems. General literature relating to the topic as a whole, it is advisable to allocate into a special section.

Location of literature in order of first mentionthe text uses quite often. However, this location makes a list difficult to use, because It is difficult to browse the coverage of the topic, it is difficult to check it on what works of this author there are links in the material. The list thus compiled will be incomplete, as it includes only the literature mentioned and quoted in the text, and does not reflect other used works.

Examples of the Bibliographic Description of Documents On the website of NTB ( under the heading "Bibliographic description of documents".

3.2. Information search methods

Practical part of the class: Search for literature on the electronic catalog. To do this, go to the site of our library and open the Database "Electronic Catalog".

The "Search Type" menu provides various search capabilities, the easiest of which is the "standard", it is on it that the program opens by default. The search area includes the following search criteria:



The year of publishing.

Choosing the necessary "search area", you need to enter a request in the field: author, title or year of the edition of the source, keyword Or phrase on the topic (for example: "cheese and") - then click "Search". The result is as follows

Start of form

Access additional accomplices:
Gudkov, S.A. \\ Ed. \\
Copies total: 7
Free:ab.Nouch.Lit. (1), AB. NACH. Lit. (3), CID (1), CBDP (2)
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