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Google COM UA Search Engine. Google Search Engine - History, Figures, Facts

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Hello, dear blog readers Website. A couple of months ago, I wrote and the features of promotion precisely under this search engine, arguing this by what I can't not pay the same coin of the company, which leads to my blog more than half of all visitors. What do you think happened since then?

That's right, everything turned upside down on the head and now Google leads to my blog more than half of all visitors. I'm a little afraid that after this article and will also turn back to me, but still risk. Although he stands it, because now it is one of the most expensive and promising companies in the world.

Yes, and the quality of the search for Google largely exceeds the analogue from the Runet mirror (read about that,), but most are still sitting in Yandex, mostly the habit (like me, actually). search history

So, the history of the development of this company can be started to count since 1996, although officially search system It began to work only since the fall of 1998 (it turns out Google for a year behind Yandex, but nevertheless managed to catch everything).

From 1996, it was exactly since 1996, a prototype of today's search engine began working on the territory of the Campus of Stanford University, in which at that time he studied in graduate school (doctaratura) not unless in the world Sergey Brin and Larry Page.

Both of these gentlemen were born in 1973 (practically my peers) and both came from professorial families with Jewish roots. Moms and dads of both the founders of Google were engaged in mathematics (taught) and computer technologyWhat, in fact, and confused the interest of their Chad to these areas of science. And Sergey Brin, and Larry Page in the chapter of the corner always put the receipt of a highly class profile education (well done, what to say).

They had, however, the difference in origin. Sergei Brin was born in the Soviet Union in the glorious city of Moscow and was taken out by his parents in 1979 in the state of the emigration program of Jewish families. And Larry Page was already initially neborn, although, in fact, it is not so important, for Sergey was only six years old when he stopped being our compatriot with you. What is noteworthy, Brin still does not speak Russian very well.

If you read the story of Yandex, then, probably, noticed that in fact he appeared as the development of the theme that his creators were engaged in the extent of their scientists. The same can be said about Brin and Page, being graduate students of Stanford, dealt with the problem of searching for unstructured enormous data arrays. Initially, they wanted to fasten to something there associated with the definition of the most sought-after goods, but they turned up to the Internet search problem in time.

The search engines have hardly coped with their task. The search results had a very low correlation with what I wanted to see in response to your user request. The fact is that then the main marker (factor), according to which was carried out in the extradition, was frequency of use of words From the user request in the document.

It is clear that such a selection criterion is very easy to cheat from webmasters by simply increasing the nausea of \u200b\u200btexts. Imagine how much time has already passed since the text spam has appeared, with which the search engines have just started to seriously fight and eradicate (for other factors appeared, which make it possible to significantly reduce the importance of the frequency of key entry in the text during ranking).

Here you go. Larry Page since childhood on the example of his parents, rotating in scientific circles, saw and understood that the authority of this or that scientist depends largely on how many scientific works referred to him as for a primary source or as an authoritative specialist. The more links, the authoritative name of the scientist. Logical?

Of course, logical, but where is Google? The fact is that Page has an idea to transfer this ranking system to search on the Internet. He associated scientists with separate documents (not sites, namely by individual webons), and links on the Internet existed since from the moment in the distant 1989 (by the way, after a couple of years, it was Tim who founded).

Well, as a result, a well-known ranking factor has appeared, which is taken into account by search engines so far - PageRank.. The term is composite. Rank - means ranking, but the page can mean either a web page in the English variation of writing, or that this ranking parameter has come up with any other as Page (which Larry).

But this is not important, because PageRank made a revolution and allowed to raise the quality of the search for the future Google to an inaccessible height. In general, for common development You can read the article about in which I tried to explain their essence on my fingers, well, or see my biggest creation diagonally on this blog, which is entirely devoted entirely.

PR allowed me to take into account when ordering documents not only the quantity, but also the quality of the leads leading to one or another link web. Well, the quality of reference, respectively, depended on the number of incoming backelings on the donor page (the donor in SEO is customary to call the link, and the acceptor is the acceptor to whom it is affixed).

Those. Here the concept of static weight pages on the Internet appears, according to which the quality of the references from them is evaluated. All this disgrace was calculated by Google in several passes (iterations) and was (at least at that time) an excellent ranking factor. In general, the topic of PageRank is not so obvious, so for a detailed acquaintance will have to read the above-mentioned articles.

Well, we will return to Google's history and see how two talented gentlemen from the detachment of democracy managed to embody the idea of \u200b\u200branking documents of the global network to life and to earn money on this twenty billion greens (although for them it was not an end in itself, but simply became the result Their work from which it is silly to refuse).

First of all, it was necessary to obtain a huge data array to check the performance of the Page Rank Calculation Program. Larry Page decided that he could for this purpose download to your computer all internetthan it is in the perplexity of their managers.

However, on the funds of Stanford University, Larry and Sergey managed to collect from the components (this allowed for the same money to get into three more iron components than when purchasing already collected servers) the required number of computers and run their spider (a program that comes from the web page on the Internet) .

By the way, I will note that Larry and Sergey remained faithful to their idea - Google is now collector computers number one in the world (Significantly ahead of Dell and HP) With this server without a single server, but using them all for their data centers, in which more than a million units have already been around the world. This allows them with the same costs to obtain significantly greater performance and not save on reservation, which makes it an absolute leader in the speed and reliability of work.

But back again to the story. So, as a result, the brain and paging brain began to serve as a search tool for all users of Stanford University. Sergey and Larry asked their first users to express their impressions and comments on the work of the search, they tried to consider them and finalize (in fact it was the stage of alpha testing). Search has become available in 1997 at From Standford was filed with a search technology using PageRank.

As you can see, the Google word is already used in the URL (although there was a time when the search algorithm had the name of the backrub, because it was built on backlinks), which was invented on the eve as one of the possible names of the search engine. The origin of this word is associated with the wrong writing. Termin Googol (Gugol)which denotes a tricky number consisting of a unit and a hundred zeros standing after it.

In general, at first there was a proposal to name GooglePlex search (in the correct spelling of Googolplex - a dozen to googol), but it seemed too long and stopped at the mentioned term (for some reason it was not correctly written, but not to change no longer, . at. It was almost immediately acquired by the domain). This name the creators probably wanted to emphasize or predict the grandeur of the index base of the future world search leader.

Google and Yandex - General Moments in Development and Formation

A distinctive feature of the main page of Google at that time was the full asceticism, which remained still. Compare (sometimes under the search string you can see the banner, the cost of placement of which is the cost of the apartment in Moscow for a week):

And look at the Main Page

As they say, feel the difference. In the distant nineties, all sites and portals were multilie with multi-colored banners and inscriptions (Ala today's Terekhoff, and I, too, not without sinner), which caused genuine irritation in Larry and Sergey. Therefore, working on the design of the main page of his search, Sergei Bryn used the principle of minimalism, allowing himself only to calculate the letters of the Goglet logo in different colors.

It turned out well, but there was a curious case when the test group, which was tasked with something there to find through, was sitting in front of the computer screen with a fairly puzzled view. It turns out that they were waiting for when the main page is completely loaded (there was no on the Internet then sites in the style of minimalism).

Therefore, developers had to increase the font at the bottom of the main thing so that it became for users a kind of marker of the end of the page loading.

Do you know what is the most interesting in the history of Google? The fact that she could end about this place. As I mentioned earlier, for Sergei and Larry, the main thing was obtaining qualitatively education, and work on the search engine took all the time and did not leave him for study. What do you think they came up with?

Surely, sell \u200b\u200ball rights On the use of PageRank technology and put a cross on the development of the Google project. What is noteworthy, they offered their product for a relatively small amount in one lemon greens so famous at the time of Titans like Altavista, and others, now no longer as a hearing, companies. What is noteworthy, Altavista even managed to knock down the price of a quarter, but in the end still did not bought it.

After that, Larry Page and Sergey decided to score after all the time (many of us have taken the same decision even in mind much less significant reasons) and go closely to the finalization and promotion of innovative, by the time the search engine with anyone unknown name Gogle.

Everything rested in the fact that for development needed money to buy servers. Without it, it would be impossible to move on, because even with a relatively small google's popularity, he demanded quite large resources for storing and processing numerous user requests on the fly.

So, I remind you that the domain was registered in September 1997, and exactly a year later was registered google Inc. Company. A few days before, Sergey Brina and Larry Page managed to get his first check on the development of competent uncle from Sun Microsystems. It is said that when the check is discharged, the company has not yet existed, therefore, indicating the name in the check, already on the official registration of the company I had to focus on this name (otherwise there would be a problem with the cashing of money).

This amount was spent on the purchase of components and assembling new servers, which were called upon to process the ever-increasing number of requests to, for the popularity of the search engine grew. Although even despite the fact that at the end of 1998 on their main page Beta's inscription, leading media writing about IT technologies, was still concerned about the young search engine and expressed their positive reviews about her work.

Google's popularity grew and received hundred thousand greenery was very quickly spent on components. The guys again rested in the wall, but again they managed to make an incredible - get twenty-five laming of greenery on the development of two venture offices, while not taking themselves in Kabalu (leaving for themselves the full right to control the company and solving all questions at their own discretion). Well done, what can I say.

I again do not get tired of carrying out parallels between the development of Bourgeois and Russian search. Arkady Volozh and Ilya Segalovich was just as forced to look for money for the development of investors, and in the same way they managed to defend their right to manage the company at their own discretion.

In general, between the ideologists of Yandex and Google a lot of common (smart, educated and intelligent people) and the main thing is that they are united - the desire primarily develop their projects (and catch from this buzz), and not stupidly smoothly smoothly (although not without it):

It is clear that it could not continue indefinitely. The project must generate income or at least be at the level of self-sufficiency. True, there are examples of large Internet projects that do not earn their brainchild. . However, it helps to keep on the way other wealthy companies, whose owners understand the importance of wiki for the Internet.

Such an understanding company is Google, who donated several Lamov to Vicky. By the way, the owner social network "" "Also threatened to recently transfer Wikipedia about Lyama Green, which makes him the honor and puts in one row with great.

But Gogl (as well as Yandex) did not decide to go along the path of nonsense. Sergey Brini and Larry Page had to go a little principles for the rejection of advertising on the pages of his brainchild. But they made it very elegant and their way of granting advertising carries much more positive users than the extent used then banners.

I speak pro contextual advertising Google Adords.which represents text strings with reference to the advertiser's website. Moreover, the ads are shown in strict accordance with what kind of request entered the user in the search bar. Such advertising does not create discomfort for users, but it brings it truly fantastic income:

By the way, Gogl is not greedy and allows you to make money on contextual advertising to anyone who wants to webmasters showing it on their sites. True, he leaves himself about half the amount that the advertiser pays, but this is a completely logical fee for the use of the base of advertisers. Many webmasters live alone with the desire to go.

Since we compare here periodically Google and Yandex, I will say that the Mirror Runet has a way to make money on life no different from the leader of world search - all the same context, but is called all this. Well, and webmasters, it also allows you to earn money on my context (half of the margin) and for this was created with which you can work directly and through partner service centers (I work through a partner profith).

Google has launched its context in 2000, and Yandex - in 2002. The question of the source of the idea, probably, does not occur. Although the source not immediately began to use the payment scheme only for clicks committed by users on advertisers ads, and went for several years.

Well, and the idea of \u200b\u200borganizing a continuous auction for the sale of certain search queries (with the introduction of which advertisers will be shown) in general is a brilliant solution that allows you to significantly increase revenues and simplify and facilitate the pricing scheme. As they say, got into the apple.

For 2001, turned out to be in a plus at seven gays of greens, and now the profit of the world search leader is calculated billions. In addition to the American audience, it has long been focused on the whole world. Search can be exercised in 200 languages On various regional sites. In addition to actually, the search technology, this company during its existence opened a mass of related services, starting with and, and ending with.

He has already encroached the reign of the most popular in the world, opposing her his brainchild called her. Even at the departure of the small melkosphat in the market operating systems He is ready to turn off, working out its OS based on chromium. Well, on the market of mobile operating systems, he has already made a coup with his android, which is now installed on most tablets and smartphones.

I already wrote that Yandex in 2011 went to the IPO and very successfully became JSC with a rather large margin for myself. In 2004, Gugol came out similarly on the IPO, although not so successfully as it could be. However, in both cases, the ideologists of companies still remained at the helm and can choose their own development paths and not to go for anyone. In principle, this is good, for enthusiasm is not borrowed. - Features of promotion and SEO optimization

Now let's talk a little about Google and what it differs from similar act under Yandex. Of course, by and large, do not make special differences in these search engines, but they have their own characteristics and different ranking factors in different ways are taken into account.

Well, I think, it is clear that it will be about Russian-speaking, carries out a ranking on another formula and there are several other factors (backward, we say). I already wrote about the share in the search market:

    But it is worth considering the fact that the selling requests are much more frequent in Yandex (maybe even more often), but the share of information requests is higher in the Bourgeois analogue. Therefore, blogs like mine can have a fraction of transitions from Google is even higher than from the Runet mirror.

    All this is due to the targeting of the audience of these search engines. Let no one is offended for me, but in Yandex there are ordinary people who wish to buy something or have fun, and intellectuals sit in the brainchild and Brin (well, like that) who want to know something. Personally, I use the domestic product as a habit, but if he does not give me an exhaustive answer, then I already appeal to the bourgeois, and he usually does not disappoint me.

    Probably, all of you already felt on ourselves that Google works not only faster, the new pages index faster, but also the fact that it can be much faster to get out in the top.

    The main factor here is most likely that Yandex entered the lag (from several months to a year, depending on the topics of the search query), after which the backlinks were taken into account (thus purchased) on the document (thus it raised Its income, because during the period necessary to promote to the top, the owner of the site will be forced to attract users through Yandex Direct).

    Gogle, this lag is significantly less (if there is at all) and you can get out in the top pretty quickly, having a good and not realized text on a decent site, as well as a certain amount external references.

  1. A little minor fact, but I remembered that the Bourgeois search will be (from the same article) leading to the same page only if it is hash references.
  2. Well, and again, as it seems to me, Google more Yandex loves texts like that you can meet on this blog - large volumes and structured (headlines using H1-H6 tags, OL or UL lists, well, it was still possible Would use tables for a variety).

    For any structured texts will give you an advantage. Search engines take into account key density in passages, and lists, tables and headlines allow create a greater number of passagesSo it will be possible to use a greater number of keys without the risk of entering under.

  3. In Google regions They represent the countries, and not separate subjects of Russia or Ukraine, as in Yandex. Therefore, it should be considered, as well as take into account those factors by which it can attribute your site to a particular region (read more ... Read more).
  4. He also has one feature - it pays more attention when ranking at the indicators of a specific web page (which calculates the relevance) and less attention pays for the entire site entirely. It is meant in comparison with Yandex, to promote in which it is very important to have a trust resource.

    What does it give us? It turns out that a young project does not have enough trust much easier to break into the top googlethan in the top mirror of the Runet, provided that the article will be high-quality, optimized and well-grained references from high-quality donors (for example, from the Exchange eternal Links or from the Exchange of Articles) and from the internal pages of the same site (and along with external references contributes to the increase in static and dynamic page weight).

    For example, my blog in many frequency requests is in the top of Gago, but not in the top of the Runet Mirror. It turns out that either the total trust of the resource is not enough for this, or the backlinks have not yet begun to work due to the lag used, or these documents are under the filter for overcoming the texts (which is also possible).

  5. Search google attaches great importance the presence and number of incoming links (external and internal) on the document and more respects direct entry search query. In Yandex, the reference factor has a slightly smaller value and it will not be very important there, it will not be for direct entries, more to use wordforms and dilutions. But, again, search algorithms develop and over time they will approach what we now have in the world search with the
  6. He himself did not check and did not feel, but it is believed that end-to-end links (made from all the resource pages, for example, in the donor siedebar) work well in Google, because It is important for him that the quantitative ratio of reference mass is precisely. Yandex simply glues drafts and is hardly their total weight exceeds the weight of the usual external reference with one single page of the same donor.

Search traffic - This is the Heavenly Manna for any web resource owner, the most stable and, as a rule, the main source of visitor inflows to the site. For example, I have about three quarters from the total attendance. Therefore, I do not get tired of repeating in almost every article - we take all seriousness to all the slightest nuances search engine optimization. What you may seem like a trifle or excess can become a key point in the success of your project.

True, in compliance with all the requirements, there are also not few nuances, the main of which is fast change Rules game search engines. Of course, the basic basic and fundamental techniques of optimization remain unchanged (in any case, within a long time), but nevertheless, Yandex is characterized by a sharp change of relations to one or another coolant.

Previously, with Google, it was possible to feel more calm, for it did not eat it so much. But Spring 2012 came and a zoo came together with her: Penguin and Panda. They came immediately on a global scale and touched upon all countries. After that, the search for the beginning is constantly shaking and almost every second site in the world to one degree or another suffered from these filters.

It was like a thunder among clear sky. All Yandex scolded together, and then sharply switched to his bourgeois competitor. Penguin began to punish the poor quality of the incoming reference mass to the site, and the panda for overmining the content. It seems that the developers set themselves the task - to make promotion under Googol as unpredictable as possible (Today you are in the top, and tomorrow in ...). Why do they need it?

Most likely the reason is the money. If SEO does not give any guarantees and stability, then everyone will start more actively to use an alternative method, namely buy contextual advertising. Actually, so now it happens. While there exists search engines, the situation will increasingly deteriorate.

But nevertheless, search traffic is formed from Yandex and Google, and in many cases these two search engines will give approximately the same number of visitors. So it will be necessary to take into account the nuances of optimization under both.

Global ( and regional search (.ru, .ua)

Let's start with the fact that Google positions itself as a search system throughout the world Internet. In this regard, it has both a global search that works with English-speaking users from around the world and regional search engines (for example, .ru related to Russia and Ukraine).

In the global, except for a huge number of visitors, there is a huge number of indexed sites in the database (a huge collection is collected there), and hence it follows that it will be very difficult to get into the top issuance. In addition, in the global search engine, it will almost impossible to take a place in the top of high-frequency requests in a short time.

This is primarily due to the large number of filters that are used. Global search uses pessimization, thereby carrying hard control over the quality of donors (sites that will be linked to your resource), for the development of your project, for the rate of extension of reference mass, etc. Things.

As a result, in the top of highly competitive requests, there will be only resources that exist and developing quite a long time (sufficient so that the search is convinced of their consistency).

At the same time, in regional search engines (for example, it is quite possible to get into the top high-frequency request Already one or two months after the project is created. This is due to the fact that many of the filters used by V.Com do not work there, or do not work on the full program.

But it gradually transfers and strengthens the filters of its regional search engines, so this problem will also have to face in the near future when promoting. Actually, it has already happened. After the arrival of the panda and penguin, everyone became equal.

With all his trouble and perfection, the search engine cannot guarantee an absolutely correct definition of the region to which your resource belongs. As a result, a rather unpleasant situation may be able to develop in the lack of your site in the search for the desired Regional Google search engine (advanced, say, under England, and the search decided that your site belongs to Australia, as a result of which, in the English issuance of your project will not be ).

Even the content language of your resource cannot serve the guarantor of the proper determination of the region. Alas and ah, even the fact that your site in Albanian does not mean that it will appear in the Albanian issuance of Google. How does it define the region to which one or another project belongs and how can we help him make the right choice for their part?

Everything is quite simple here. First of all, when you try to attribute a resource to a particular region, Google looks at which this online project belongs. If the domain explicitly indicates regional affiliation (for example: - Russia, .de -Germany - states), then the search engine will choose a region for the site precisely relying on it.

Therefore, if you use for your site domain namebelonging to a zone of a country, then there should be no problems with the wrong choice of region for your resource.

But your resource may well have a domain belonging to any common zone (like am What is guided by the search when choosing a region in this case? It turns out that he analyzes IP address hosting serverwhere this project is located. Which country will own this IP address, the site will be attributed to this region.

Therefore, when creating a new project focused on promotion in the Google search engine of a certain region (country), you should be overlawed that it immediately and unmistakably identified the region of your site. To do this, you will need to either choose a name in the domain zone of the desired region, or use hosting with the IP addresses of the servers you need.

If for your resource it does not correctly defined the regional affiliation, then you, in principle, can add to keywords Tech search queries for which you are moving, an additional word specifying regional affiliation (for example, " search promotion Russia").

And in this case, your website will participate in the regional issuance of Google for the country you need (Russia), but no longer at a high-frequency query ("search for promotion"), and in much less high-frequency ("... Russia").

If you, on the contrary, want to create a resource focused on a variety of countries, then definitely choose a domain name from the total zone (like amm, and the hosting choose with the IP address of the country from which it is expected the greatest number visitors.

Setting the site in the Yandex search engine

The search engine Yandex has recently began to distinguish websites by region. But in this case, under the regions are not understood by the country (as in Google), but the areas of Russia. The regional affiliation of the site is determined based on the reference of the region on its pages or based on the settings that the owner of the resource in.

After you enter from your account in the webmaster panel, you will need to choose from the left menu Points "Geography of Site" - "Region":

As you can see from the above screenshot, for my blog Yandex did not define the region: the content site does not have a pronounced regional affiliation. Otherwise, you will need to enter the desired region of the site in the corresponding field and specify the field below URL pages Your blog, where the name of this region will be met.

Once again I will seek your attention that you should choose hosting not only for considerations of the correctness of the regional definition (with the IP address of the country, in the extradition of which you want to see your resource), but also by the degree of its reliability. In terms of site optimization, the reliable and stable hosting work is very important, for constantly for bots of search engines, as a result or other host failures, can lead to a decrease in site positions in search engine issues.

Therefore, come with full responsibility to your project. Personally, at the moment, after a number of experiments, the most impresses provider InfoBox. , My first impressions you can read in the article by.

If you say briefly, then in InfoBox, at the moment, a lot of bonuses (30 days of freebies plus a free domain forever, in the case of payment of hosting for three months) and the magnificent technical support service.

If you think that I creep here about this hosting only in the hope of getting, I hurry to disperse you, for infobox exists only for legal entitiesAnd I am a physical face. Just really not bad hosting and I sincerely, without any benefit for myself, I advise him.

How the Google search engine works

In principle, any special differences in logic google works There are no other search engines from the work. I already wrote a fairly detailed article about, and almost all this can be attributed to our hero. Therefore, without stopping on the details, I will try briefly describe how it works all this case from the point of view of identifying documents of the most relevant to this or another request.

So, in Google, as well as in other search engines, two basic principles are used, guided by which it determines the position of a document (under the document I mean the webcondition) in extradition on a specific request. First, it analyzes the text content of the document, thus determining its subject and the calculation.

And already on the basis of two of these factors (the contents of the document and reference ranking), it defines the position of the site in the issuance of such a search query. Google search not on real sites, and on the so-called collection, which is all documents indexed by the search engine on the network.

Indexing is the reading of the page content and the preservation of all the words contained on it in the form of reverse indexes, where the location of this word is taken into account in the document and the frequency of its use.

Also, saved copies of documents are also added to the search base, on the basis of which, then the search engine will form under certain requests. Scanning sites in the network are engaged in the so-called search bots, which are moving from the document to the document on the links leading to these documents.

How can Google's search bots be able to find new resource pages? First, the task to visit a particular search bot document can get after you add the address of a particular page in. Secondly, the bot can index the document by clicking on it by reference from the other or from your own resource.

From here we can conclude that good and thoughtful navigation will be useful not only to your visitors, but can accelerate search engines. One method of such acceleration is intended for bots.

Reverse links to this document Google search system when indexing those documents on which they were affected. As a result, when entering the user certain request In the search string, it will analyze and find all the documents that have at least some attitude to this requestAnd then among them will be sorted by relevance (compliance) of documents to this request.

When calculating the relevance, the content of the document is taken into account, as well as the number and quality of back links leading to it.

Basic and Additional (Supplemental) Gugol Indices

The material capabilities of the Gugol company (both monetary and hardware) allow this search engine to index all pages in a row and store them in their index base (collections). Smaller search engines, including Yandex, cannot afford such luxury and remove dubbed content from the index (for example) and other non-quality documents.

But our hero is not like that - it has so much capacity that it is capable of keeping in his collection all documents indexed in the network (webons).

True for webmasters from this benefit is not enough, because the Google base consists of two parts: main index and additional (Supplemental, it is sometimes called snotty or simply snot). So, it produces a search only on documents in the main index, and documents (webons), which have fallen into snot, are practically not involved in the search, except that only if mainly no relevant response requests. And the likelihood of such a case is extremely small.

I already wrote about special and, therefore, indirectly assess the quality of your web project. Although you can yourself, without using any services, see how many pages of your site is mainly the google index.

To start, enter the following query in the search string:

Site: Site

replacing the domain name of my blog on your own. As a result, the page with the issuance of which will be listed all pages of your resource located in the index. Here documents will be given not only from the main, but also from the additional (Supplemental) index. Under the query string, the total number of pages of your resource indexed by this search engine will be given:

Now, remembering the total number of pages in the index, modify the request in the Google search box to the following:

Site: Website / &

replacing the domain name of my blog on your own. As a result, the page with the issuance of which will be listed only those pages of your site, which are mainly index:

Only on these documents in the main index will be a search. What reasons can lead to pages in addition, and not the main index, I already wrote, but I repeat a little and, perhaps, add a few new possible causesWhy a page may be in Google snot:

  1. not the unique content of the page content (full or partial duplication of the text of another page of your own resource or any other)
  2. too few text on the web page (pictures, although they are accounted for by searching for images, as well as hyperlinks do not count). I can not say exactly how many text in characters or words should be in the document to output it from Google snot, but here's about what should be the size of the text for it best optimization under search queries, I already wrote
  3. page can get into an additional index if you forgot to register for her
  4. also, snot threaten pages that have mega tags Title or Description are not unique or consist of one word

Video from Pro Provision Principles in Google:

Good luck to you! To ambiguous meetings on the blog pages Website

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And so I remind once again when you are looking for some kind of goods in Google, such as a laptop (you want to know the price or info), then in the issuance of Google sites are not only Russian, but also Ukrainian or Belarusian.

Many may say, "point in an extended search for a country," and will be right.

But when I'm looking for something, I got used to using browser search tools, for example:

In Firefox \u003d\u003d\u003d\u003d\u003d\u003d\u003d\u003d\u003d\u003d\u003d\u003d\u003d\u003d\u003d\u003d\u003d\u003d\u003d\u003d\u003d\u003d\u003d\u003d\u003d\u003d\u003d\u003d\u003d\u003d\u003d\u003d\u003d\u003d\u003d\u003d\u003d\u003d\u003d\u003d\u003d\u003d\u003d\u003d\u003d\u003d\u003d\u003d

In Opera \u003d\u003d\u003d\u003d\u003d\u003d\u003d\u003d\u003d\u003d\u003d\u003d\u003d\u003d\u003d\u003d\u003d\u003d\u003d\u003d\u003d\u003d\u003d\u003d\u003d\u003d\u003d\u003d\u003d\u003d\u003d\u003d\u003d\u003d\u003d\u003d\u003d\u003d\u003d\u003d\u003d\u003d\u003d\u003d\u003d\u003d\u003d\u003d

In chrome \u003d\u003d\u003d\u003d\u003d\u003d\u003d\u003d\u003d\u003d\u003d\u003d\u003d\u003d\u003d\u003d\u003d\u003d\u003d\u003d\u003d\u003d\u003d\u003d\u003d\u003d\u003d\u003d\u003d\u003d\u003d\u003d\u003d\u003d\u003d\u003d\u003d\u003d\u003d\u003d\u003d\u003d\u003d\u003d\u003d\u003d\u003d\u003d


And the solution was simple. I analyzed the marker in the Google search row, and found that the Marker & Cr \u003d Countryru is responsible for a sign of searching by country.

It remains to fasten this phrase to search queries in browsers.
You also need to add, as the search is implemented in different places of the browser, it is necessary to take into account, i.e,
1. When clicking on the word, the context menu (Firefox, Opera, Chromium).
2. When entering the address string (Firefox, Opera, Chromium).
3. When entering a search string (Firefox, Opera).

Mozilla Firefox.
1. It is necessary to correct search query with standard googlovsky on his
User_Pref ("Keyword.url", "\u003d");
User_Pref ("Keyword.url", "\u003dcountryru&q\u003d");
You can make these records in the file. user.js. or prefs.js.
2. Now you need to fix the search string in context menuTo do this, open the file search.json. (it is prescribed by your search plugins) from profile Firefox.. There are 3 variations in the search phrase (I really do not know what which answers).
We need to add such a string (by analogy with others)
("Name": "CR", "VALUE": "Countryru").
And so that it would be easier to find it, then I was focused on the line ("Name": "AQ", "Value": "T") and put his string after it.
That's all now your Google Search Will be only in Russia.
I tried to find some configuration file responsible for the search query, but I did not find it.
But the solution in this case is even easier.
Open general settings Opera, on the "Search" tab, select Google and click the "Edit" button, then "more".
We open a string in which you need to insert our new Marker & Cr \u003d Countryru, i.e.
It was like that -\u003d%s&sourceid\u003dopera&ie\u003dutf-8&oe\u003dutf-8&channel\u003dsuggest
It became so -\u003d%s&sourceid\u003dopera&ie\u003dutf-8&cr\u003dcountryru&oe\u003dutf-8&channel\u003dsuggest
There is the most strange, as I seem to implement.
Open the settings, the "management of search engines" adjustment, and create a new PS.
Name for example "Google Russia"
Keyword ""
Link with parameter (Google: BaseURL) Search? (Google: RLZ) (Google: AcceptedSuggestion) (Google: OriginalQueryForsuggestion) (Google: SearchFieldTRialParameter) (Google: InstantfieldTrialGroupParameter) Sourceid \u003d Chrome & Cr \u003d Countryurance & Ie \u003d (Inputencoding) & Q \u003d% s
Well, now I specify a new PS by default.


If it is more convenient for you to watch the video. Please see (better immediately in HD).

And what in the end?!

And in the end, this is just a small search tuning in the browser, but who personally helps me.
We live in Belarus and you are not satisfied with Russian sites, then change RU on BY.
We live in Ukraine, then change RU on UA.
I also want to remind you that Habre read not only personally you, but also many people for whom this solution May be useful.
Thanks for attention.

Please do not discuss national issues and quit.
For all who can be useful.
Google Search in Countries

Use everything! Copy, right, use.!

Google Search Engine (Google) The world famous and largest search engine.

The name happened from the distorted "googol" - the number depicted as 1 with 100 zeros. The creator of the search engine Sergey Brin just wrote the word incorrectly, and this typography tightly entered the use of Internet users.

Why it all started

Personal information was posted on the Internet, while taking memory World Wide WebThey seemed to be "settled" in the network, which arose the name of the information unit of the Internet, Site (letters. Translation. Like "Seat").

Soon the owners of sites, especially businessmen, wanted fame in the network. Sites were advertised in all sorts of ways, even by distributing leaflets.

But, as you know, the offer gives rise to demand. To buy goods, the client will search for other options for a long time, for example, cheaper. There was a need for a search, and the Internet was to satisfy it: sites were developed focused on finding goods, services, and soon and information. They were the name of search engines or systems, one of which became Google.

Flash supernovae

Responsible for the emergence of Google are students of Standford University, Larry Page and Sergey Brin. The innovation agreed with enthusiasm, as a result of which originated, after 20 years, which took place of the search engine No. 1 around the world. The search engine domain was registered in September 1997, and a year later, Google Inc. was specially opened for Google.

Google work mechanisms

The search engine continuously converts all new and new features in terms of algorithms and functional.

Any search engine algorithm is based on software templates ranking sites to match query results and in terms of significance. In 1997 Algorithms considered the number of external links to the site. A large number of Links were the key to high positions in the issuance of the search engine. Over time, the site's authority and the external links were also taken into account, and the term "weight of reference" was introduced.

Google has gained world fame, as in every way improved its navigation and facilitated the search for information. It was worth the user to write a part of the word, how the options for its end appeared in the pop-up menu, on any of which could be clicked.

Google in SEO.

The search engine and search promotion is inextricably linked with each other, because the webmaster is striving in every way to increase their positions, but without indexing the site it is impossible. Therefore, a webmaster to attract the attention of Google's robot, optimizes its website with white and illegal, black SEO methods. The latter is better to avoid, otherwise you can get under the ban or filter.

Each page of the site is assigned a certain degree of quality, rank - PR, or Page Rank. Random coincidence of the name of Larry Page and Page Rank even led to the fact that the Internet there is an opinion that PR is based on the sympathy or antipathy of the search engine for a particular site.

Given the authority and scope of Google, optimizers try to promote their sites in this search engine. But a huge number of external references and prohibited, black optimization methods do not guarantee positions in the top. First of all, it is necessary to focus on the desire of users.