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The correct laptop screen is the best concern about the eyes. How to clean the monitor from dust and divorces than wipe the laptop from dust screen

Each laptop owner is asked as a question about how to wipe the computer monitor. Mostly the dust is placed on the screen, but there are more serious contaminants (fat spots, traces of insects, dirt, etc.). For this reason, you need to know than and how to clean the laptop. An ordinary rag or dining napkin will not help. Consider more efficient ways.

Screen cleaning from dust

  1. Turn off the laptop and let it cool. Take advantage of a hard way with a thin cellophane package. In this case, physics and static electricity, obtained by contacting the package and the screen, will help you. You will see how dust sticks to cellophane.
  2. Do not be lazy to wipe the monitor regularly. From dust it is quite easy to get rid, you just need to use a special napkin from the microfiber. You can also take a cosmetic tampon and wipe the surface of the monitor without push.
  3. With the help of a microfiber napkin, other similar surfaces can be cleaned: compact discs, glasses, camera lens, etc. The principle of operation is that dust and microscopic substances are attached to the special method of fibers.
  4. In case the "dry" method does not help get rid of stains, moisturize the rag so that there is no excess water. Be careful, follow the humidity of the napkins, otherwise the drops will fall under the body of the monitor, as a result of which the divorces on the matrix will be visible.

Napkins and means for monitors

  1. It is allowed to use simple wet napkins, if you have no special at hand. Before using products, see the absence of alcohol in their composition. Try to choose not very wet napkins, so you will avoid divorces on the screen. You can re-wipe the monitor with a lint-free cloth.
  2. Popular manufacturers manufacturers produce complexes made of dry and wet wipes. Similar funds have a beneficial effect on the display, and also perfectly clean it from dust and dirt. There is another effective option - on store shelves you can find spray and dry napkins complete. It is more effective than other means. Apply spray on the napkin and wipe the monitor, then wipe dry with a lint-free cloth.
  3. Do not use the wind cleaning agent, it is too rigid and is not suitable for LCD screens. It is also not recommended to separately use the "computer" spray, otherwise the applied composition may leave a divorce that is hard to get rid of. Parently treat this procedure and do not spray the composition directly on the screen. Apply it first on the cloth and only then proceed to business.
  4. Purchase a soft napkin for office equipment. The best choice is the microfiber fabric, it is perfect for cleaning monitors. The secret of this napkin is that it practically does not contain a vain and is very soft. If you fell into a hopeless situation, and at hand it turned out to be the desired material, you can use the flannel cloth. This material is not inferior by the properties of specialized napkins.
  5. Purchase special napkins for office equipment in the appropriate store. If you use simple water, you should squeeze the napkin so that it is slightly wet. Do not allow direct drops of liquid drops on the screen.

Folk screen cleansing methods

  1. In case you do not have facilities for the purchase of professional chemistry, or urgently need to clean the monitor, you can prepare a soap solution. Take advantage of cosmetic discs, they do not leave the villion due to a dense structure.
  2. Water tampon, squeeze well, start gently wipe the display in all directions. Do not be afraid of soap divorces that appear as drying. Now take clean woven discs, Moisten them, go through the screen again.
  3. Conduce the procedure until then, until you get rid of divorces, change the discs as dirty. The LCD Matrix dries quickly, so the procedure does not require much time.
  4. Similar properties have a table vinegar concentration of 3-6%. To remove pollution from the screen, prepare the solution. Mix 100 ml. filtered water with 10 ml. Makeup, plunge into a tool. Cleaner. After the procedure, the LCD monitor should be wiped with a dry lint-free cloth (the microfiber napkin is suitable).

What should not be done

  1. There are certain materials that are not recommended to clean the monitor at home. These include terry towels, toilet paper, coarse cloth with abrasive pile, paper napkins, kitchen sponges.
  2. When using the above compositions, VILROWS will continue to remain, so there is a risk of scratching the screen. Sponges, in turn, leave a divorce. Do not skimp and purchase high-quality care products for LCD displays. The only thing that is worth paying attention is the lack of alcohol in this product.
  3. The use of such napkins threatens the fact that with frequent use in a short time, the protective anti-reflective coating is simply shred. The display of the gadget will begin to be covered with small cracks. When choosing a material, do not forget to pay attention to the humidity of the napkin. The surface of the LCD dispersion has a feature to absorb water. For this reason, you should not forget that the material for cleaning the screen should be slightly wet.
  4. Do not try the tip of the nail to scrape pollution from the liquid crystal screen, so you damage the protective anti-reflective coating. Do not use conventional paper napkins, because when interacting with water, paper dissolves, and wood particles or scratch the surface, or clogged into hard-to-reach places.

  1. To remove dust it is worth using microfiber napkins or a soft cloth without a pile.
  2. After wiping the screen, do not press it on it, movements can be performed in different directions.
  3. If you often work for a laptop, cleaning must match the operation.
  4. Use cotton wands to clean the hard-to-reach places on the computer case.
  5. With each procedure, use clean materials and means that do not contain alcohol.
  6. Check before cleaning, whether the laptop is turned off, while the screen must be cooled.
  7. It is possible to renew the work on the computer only after the complete display of the display.
  8. Replace the usual water with a weak solution of vinegar (no more than 3%). The simple composition is able to remove even the most complex pollution.

If you comply with simple rules, your computer monitor is easy enough. Purchase special tools for cleansing the screen, use folk methods (dining vinegar or soap solution). In the process of cleaning, do not press the display, make sure that the liquid drops do not fall into the instrument housing. Do not use abrasive materials, as well as drugs containing alcohol.

Video: how to clean the laptop screen

Good day.

No matter how clean it was in your apartment (room), where there is a computer or laptop, over time, the surface of the screen is covered with dust and divorces (for example, traces from oily fingers). Such "dirt" not only spoils the appearance of the monitor (especially when it is turned off), but also prevents the picture to view it when it is turned on.

Naturally, the question of how to clean the screen from this "dirt" is quite popular and I will even say more - often, even among experienced users There are disputes according to what can be wiped (and the better not worth it). So, I will try to be objective ...

What means do not clean the monitor

The fact is that modern screens are covered with anti-reflective (and other) coatings, which "fear" alcohol. When used when cleaning alcohol, the coating begins to be covered with micro-cracks, and over time, you can lose the original view of the screen (often, the surface begins to give some "white").

2. It is also often possible to celebrate the screen cleaning recommendations: soda, powder, acetone, etc. All this is extremely not recommended to use! Powder or soda, for example, can leave scratches (and micro scratches) on the surface, and immediately you can not notice them. But when they become a lot (very much) - you immediately pay attention to the quality of the screen surface.

In general, you should not use any funds except those recommended for the cleaning of the monitor. An exception, unless the baby soap, which can be slightly moiste with water used for wiping (but below in the article).

3. For napkins: It is best to use a napkin from glasses (for example), or buy special screens for cleaning. If this is not - you can take a few pieces of flannel tissue (one to use for wet wipes, another - for dry).

Everything else: Towels (except for individual fabrics), sleeves jacket (sweaters), handkerchiefs, etc. - Not worth use. A great risk that they will leave the scratches on the screen, as well as villi (which, sometimes, worse dust!).

To cart clean: a couple of instructions

Option number 1: the best way For cleaning

I think that many people have a laptop (computer) in the house, there is also a TV, a second PC and other devices with a screen. So, in this case it makes sense to buy some special set for screens. As a rule, it includes several napkins and gel (spray). Mega is comfortable to use, dust and divorces are removed without a trace. The only minus - for such a kit will have to pay, and many neglect them (I, in principle, also. Below I will give free wayWhich I use myself).

On the package, by the way, instructions are always given on how to properly clean the monitor and in which sequence. Therefore, as part of this option, more, I will not comment on anything (especially, to advise the tool, which is better / worse :)).

Option 2: Free monitor cleaning method

This option is suitable in most cases absolutely to everyone (unless in cases of completely contaminated surfaces, it is better to use specials. Means)! And in cases with dust and divorces from fingers - the method copes excellent.


First you need to cook a few things:

  1. a couple of rags or napkins (those that can be used, the tips gave above);
  2. capacity with water (water is better distilled, if not - you can use the usual, slightly moistened with children's soap).

Step 2.

Turn off the computer and de-energize it completely. If we are talking about ETT monitors (such monitors were popular about 15 years ago, although they are now used in a narrow circle of tasks) - wait at least an hour after turning off.

Step 3.

A slightly moistened with a cloth (so that it is simply wet, i.e. it should not drop anything from it or flow, even with a nahm), wipe the surface of the monitor. You need to wipe without push on a cloth (napkin), it is better to wipe the surface several times than a strongly pressing once.

By the way, pay attention to the corners: Dust likes to accumulate there and it is not smacking so immediately ...

Step 4.

After that, take a dry napkin (rag) and wipe the surface of dryness. By the way, the traces of divorces, dust, etc. are clearly visible on the monitor turned off, etc. If there are places where the divorces remained - wipe the surface again with a damp cloth, and then dry.

Step 5.

When the screen surface is completely dry, you can turn on the monitor again and enjoy a bright and juicy picture!

What then to do (and what not) so that the monitor will serve for a long time

1. Well, firstly, the monitor needs to be correctly and regularly clean. This is described above.

2. Very frequent problem: many put paper for the monitor (or on it) than the ventilation holes are closed. As a result, overheating (especially in summer hot weather). Here the advice is simple: No need to close the ventilation holes ...

3. Flowers over the monitor: By themselves, they do not harm him, but they need to be watering (at least from time to time :)). And water, often, begins to drip down, right on the monitor. This is a straight sick topic in various offices ...

Logical advice: If it happened and placed the flower above the monitor - then simply move the monitor before the watering, so that if the water bends, it did not get on it.

4. No need to put a monitor near batteries or heating devices. Also, if your window goes to the sunny south - then the monitor may overheat if it has to work under the right sunlight most of the day.

The problem is also solved simply: either put the monitor to another place, or just hang the curtain.

5. Well, last: try not to poke your finger (and everything else) into the monitor, especially pressing the surface.

Thus, observing a number of non-hard rules, your monitor will serve you faithfully not one year! And on this I have everything, all bright and good pictures. Good luck!

09/27/2017 6 57 066 views

Complex devices simplify and divert our lives, but require care. Find out how to wipe and clean the computer monitor at home to contain it clean.

How can I wipe the monitor?

Remove from the surface of the monitor spots can different waysBut it is important to know what is allowed to wipe it, but what is not. First, select the appropriate material to which you will apply. It may be a segment of unnecessary fabric, but well absorbed and not having a pile, particles of which will invariably settle on the display and adhere to it.

Do not wipe the monitor and dry paper napkins, which are also left on the surface of trash. Do not fit towels, rude and relief materials, sponges of foam rubber or disturbing the integrity of the coating and leaving divorces. Old fabrics are also undesirable, since their fibers are destroyed and settled on the surfaces.

You can use a flannel fabric or a microfiber cloth purchased in the store. Many are interested, is it possible to remove dust with a dust napkin? If it is designed specifically for these purposes, you can even preferably apply it precisely. But the usual hygienic napkin is not suitable, since it is very moistened, and the impregnation may contain components that damaging the protective coating of the screen. As a result, there will be a divorce on the monitor, the image will deteriorate, and eventually breakdowns may occur.

It is equally important to choose a means for cleansing. It should not be aggressive, since when using a protective anti-cancer coating of the monitor will be damaged. It is undesirable to use compositions containing alcohol, acetone, ammonia, concentrated acids: they all penetrate into the outer layer of the display and destroy it. Invalid the presence of abrasive particles, as they are inevitably left on the surface of scratches. The tool must be effective, but gentle and careful.

The use of folk methods to maintain the cleanliness of a computer display is possible, but not all methods are permissible and suitable for such complex techniques. Effective tools that are well coped with pollution on different surfaces may not be suitable for processing the display due to risks of damage to the coating and education. Forget about recipes involving the use of such components as soda, toothpaste, salt, solvent, and so on.

How to clean the computer monitor at home?

To clean the computer monitor, act according to the instructions:

  1. First turn off the device and disconnect it from the network to avoid troubleshooting and short circuit Due to moisture from entering the housing.
  2. It should be wait for the computer to fully cooled: if its surface is hot, it can affect the cleaning process and change the properties of some used to process funds (so, they can become more aggressive or prematurely evaporate from the surface).
  3. Prepare two clean rags. To remove dust, use dry: Wipe the screen by it, moving from one edge to another. Do not press the display too diligently so as not to damage the pixels. Also hold it with a free hand to avoid accidental fall.
  4. If there are noticeable stains on the display, for example, traces of drinks or food killed insects, then moisten a cloth, but not much: it should be wet, but not wet. Treat the screen by paying special attention to contaminated areas. But do not try to scrape pollution! It is better to carry out the procedure several times. If it did not help, apply a means to a rag, increasing the familiar dosage, treat the problem zone, wait, and then carefully remove the pollution with a damp cloth.
  5. After a wet processing, wipe the computer with a dry cloth to completely remove all the residues of moisture and avoid the appearance of divorces.

It should not be cleaned too often. So, enough single dry processing per week. Wet cleaning is carried out less often - once or two per month as pollution is contaminated. If the screen is dirty strongly and quickly (for example, because of the habit of drinking and there is about it), then wipe it with a moistrated cloth follows more often - weekly.

Special means

There are specialized cleansing agents designed to care for the computer display and made with the features of its coverage. You can buy them in the store or department of equipment and electrical appliances. You can visit the usual major supermarket and find the electronics zone and accessories for her care.

You can find napkins on sale. They do not have a pile, are made of soft materials and therefore do not damage the display of the display. Napkins can be wet, fully ready for use and impregnated cleaners, naturally suitable for processing the screen, including modern liquid crystal. Dry are ideal for removing dust, they can be complemented with cleaning agents. Often, manufacturers are included in packaging and wet, and dry napkins that can be cleaned not only computer or laptop, but also TV, tablet, telephone and other gadgets and instruments with a display.

Purchase a special spray for a computer, which contains no alcohol and other aggressive components. The dispenser makes applied comfortable: it is enough to simply spray the composition on a napkin or a rag and go to the cleaning. There are means produced in other forms, such as foam and gels. Often, the kit includes dry napkins.

Folk Methods

Several home computer screen cleaning methods:

  1. You can remove the dust on the surface with a conventional polyethylene or cellophane package. Its static electricity will literally attract the dust deleting them from the display. And to enhance the attraction you can additionally lose a package of any synthetic fabric, your own hair or a pet wool.
  2. Clean the monitor from dust can be a balloon. The principle of action is the same as in the cellophane package. To "charge" a ball, that is, strengthen the charge of static electricity, it can be lost on a woolen product, hair, cat wool, a soft toy or a dusty synthetic material. And then bring it to the display, but do not touch: dust and without contact will be attracted.
  3. If there is no special tool at hand, and cleaning is necessary urgently, use the usual soap, but only not an economic containing alkali. Baby or liquid is suitable, but preferably without dyes and with a minimum content of flavors and other chemical additives. Prepare a glass of water, heat it up to 35-36 degrees and dissolve two tablespoons of liquid or about 10-15 grams of solid soap. Stir everything thoroughly and in the finished soap solution, moisten a soft cloth, squeeze it well.
  4. You can clean the screen using a table 9% vinegar. But it is used in minimal dosages: in a glass of warm water, one or two tablespoons must be dissolved. Apply the received home for a rag, pull it out and proceed to processing. After such a cleaning, wash the fabric and wipe the surface again. And then wipe the display completely dry cloth.
  5. Limonic acid can be applied, but extremely neat. In 150 milliliters of warm water, completely dissolve literally a quarter or a third of a small spoon of powder so that not a single grapple is left. In this liquid, wet the rag and process the display, then wipe with a damp clean cloth, and then dry.

Video: How to wipe the screen?

To properly clean the computer screen, follow the recommendations:

  • Do not spray sprays directly on the display, they can be applied solely on a napkin or cloth. If the moisture falls into the housing, it will provoke serious breakdowns or even failure.
  • Do not wet the rag too much, be sure to press it well and prevent the presence of excess moisture on the surface of the display.
  • To wipe the screen without divorces, do not apply the selected tool on the rag in large quantities, do not move chaotically (it is better to go from one edge to another), do not overcoat the napkin and be sure to wipe the display dry.
  • If the contamination is significant, then it is necessary to wash the wipes well several times to achieve complete removal Stains, prevent divorces and get an ideal clean surface.
  • Before conducting the procedure, it is desirable to explore the instruction attached to the instrument. It may provide recommendations regarding the care and maintenance of purity. And if you purchased a specialized agent, then inspect the packaging and find the instructions about the application.
  • In order not to allow significant pollution, you should not drink and eat in front of the computer: try to do it in the kitchen or at least move away from the device while eating and drinking.
  • Do not touch the monitor with your hands, otherwise traces and noticeable prints will remain on it, especially if the fingers were evaponic.
  • To protect gadgets and maintaining them in cleanliness, you can stick a protective thin film on the display, which will not allow dirt and extends the life of the screen.
  • If there are children in the house, then the computer or laptop is preferably located in the zone inaccessible to them.
  • Fresh contaminants are easier and easier to be removed, so if the spot appeared on the screen from drink, insect or food, then immediately eliminate it. And for this you can use moistened in water and well pressed rag or a specialized napkin.
  • You need to clean not only the monitor, but also the computer case, because the dust moves from it, attracted to the display and re-contaminates it, and almost immediately.
  • Include the instrument only follows the complete display of the display.
  • Corners of the display, recesses in the housing and other hard-to-reach areas can be cleaned with cotton sticks or toothpicks wrapped with a special napkin or a small piece of moisturized louchery fabric.
  • Before the procedure, it is recommended to remove the decorations in the form of bracelets and rings, as they may accidentally damage the display during its wiping.
  • Do not walk the screen with nails, knife and other acute objects, because it may remain scratches or chips.
  • If the monitor cleaned, it is not turned on, then, possibly water or cleaning agent hit the housing. In this case, it will have to disassemble and completely dry. But such manipulations should be trusted by a specialist. If the moisture fell on important details, they may fail, which will require repair. To avoid such problems, do not violate the cleaning rules.

To display the computer was clean, and the image is high quality, maintain its cleanliness and follow some important rules.

You still think that it does not matter how and what to clean the laptop screen? To wipe the monitor, you breathe first on it, and then polish the sleeve? Or wash the screen with baby soap? Then do not be surprised that your technique quickly comes in disrepair. And we know how to clean the screens properly, and today we will tell about it and you.

What to clean the laptop screen, computer, television?

To care for the monitor you will need two things: a napkin (and better two or three) and cleansing fluid. You may think that it doesn't matter at all what material wipe the LCD monitor. In fact, the wrong selected napkin for the screen can leave the scratch monitor on the coating. So what to clean the laptop screen? What fabric is suitable for cleaning screens, and which is not? Let's consider the most common materials for cleaning monitors.

Paper and paper napkins. The paper is not suitable for the care of LCD monitors, but it perfectly cleans the screens of phones and tablets, however, only if they are made of Gorilla Glass glass. If the screen is plastic coating, then the paper can leave scratches.

Wool and cotton disks. Like the paper, only suitable for cleaning glass tablets and telephones. On plastic can leave microcarabs.

Wet wipes for screens. Not the cheapest, but the easiest option. Such napkins do not scratch the surface, and their impregnation leaves no divorces. However, be careful when choosing wet napkins and do not buy cheap, because they contain alcohol, which can corrode a plastic screen coating. Remember that wet wipes for equipment dry quickly, so you prefer to the topics that each napkin is packaged separately into hermetic sachets.

Sponge for washing dishes or foam washcloth. It is categorically imputed to care for the screen, especially the same you have already soapy dishes! The sponge absorbs dust and scratches the screen, especially the rude side. In no case do not use the melamine sponge to wip the monitor - so you will leave deep scratches on plastic!

Synthetic napkin. Not suitable for cleaning plastic screens, because leaves scratches. In addition, dust attracts very strongly.

Microfiber. The best material for care of the screens. Microfibe reads well and glass, and plastic, while not scratching them. But microfiber microfibre Returns: To care for the monitor, napkins made of microfiber, designed for cleaning. But microfiber for points and optics is suitable for cleaning LCD screens.

Cotton napkin. Oddly enough the best choice. Cotton fibers are rather rough by its structure, because of which the screen coating will scratch and with time will look like a lured. In addition, the pile of a cotton napkin will pester to the screen, and completely remove it - a difficult task. But if you still decided to use a napkin from a natural material to wip the monitor, then always wet it before the procedure in a special detergent or in distilled water.

In addition to the material, you will need a liquid for cleaning the monitor. It can be bought in the store (make sure that there is no alcohol) or do it yourself.

How to make a fluid to care for the monitor at home?

First, you will need the basis for the solution - water. You will have to take distilled water that does not contain salts and minerals capable of leaving scratches on the screen. No other water - neither mineral, nor water - not suitable.

Secondly, it will be necessary to add a cleaning component to the water. In the optimal version, this is a grape vinegar, which is diluted with water in proportion of 1: 1. However, even if you add more vinegar, you will not spoil the monitor.

If you do not have grape vinegar, add isopropyl alcohol or vodka in the same proportions. But remember that such a tool cannot be used constantly, since the alcohol corps the monitor coating.

Also on the Internet one can find that instead of a cleaning component, you can take a chips of children's soap and dissolve it in water, but this composition is ineffective to clean the screens, since soap divorces remain after it.

And in no case do not add to the homemade liquid as a cleaning component containing ammonia substances, for example, a liquid for washing windows! Ammonia can enter the reaction with the screen coating, which is why white spots will appear on it.

Correct monitor care: instruction

So, you have a napkin and a means for cleaning monitors. What to do next? Just follow the items of our instructions.

1. De-in the monitor. In no case, do not rub the monitor turned on: so you will not only work with difficulty dust and pollution, but also risk getting a shock.

2. Wipe the entire monitor, except the screen, a separate napkin.

3. Wipe the monitor screen with a dry cloth, almost not pressing on it. If you have a cotton napkin, flush it a little in distilled water.

4. If dust accumulated in the corners of the screen, do not attempt to get it with a nail or needle, because you will spoil the coating. To remove dust from the corners of the screen, use the fringe and blow all the dust.

5. Apply cleaning solution on the fabric (not on the monitor!). If you have fallen a lot of solution, press the napkin.

6. Light circular movements wipe the screen with a napkin. Do not rub off the stains, and better allow the cleaning agent to dissolve them, and then wipe the places with severe pollution again.

7. Wipe the screen with a dry napkin.

What to wipe the screen with a glossy coating?

Cleaning the glossy screen in the sequence of actions does not differ from the cleaning of the matte, but there are several subtleties that preferably take into account.

First, it is unwanted to wipe the glossy screen with a dry napkin, even if it is a napkin from high-quality microfiber, because such a coating is very easy to scratch.

Secondly, do not forget each time you wash the napkin, because dust accumulates during cleaning it. If just shook the napkin, then some of this dust will remain in the fibers and scratch the screen.

Thirdly, wipe the glossy screen without circular movements, and movements in one direction horizontally or vertical.

And, fourth, after cleaning the glossy screen, you do not need to wipe the dry napkin. Just wait for it to dry.

What to clean the tablet and phone screen?

The touch screen can be cleaned the same way as the screen of the LCD monitor, but only without the use of any household chemicals (except for a specially intended), especially containing alcohol or bleach. The fact is that most touch screens are oleophobic coating, that is, repulsive fats. Therefore, fingerprints can be easily erased by a conventional microfiber cloth.

If on touchscreen There are splashes, drums and other solar stains, they can be lined with a microfiber napkin moistened in distilled water. Just do not wet the napkin too much: if the moisture falls inside your gadget, it can break.

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Fat stains on the monitor, dust particles make it difficult to perceive the image, and also have a negative impact on vision. The liquid crystal monitor does not own the ability to repel the dirt, so dust is gradually falling on it, prints remain, divorces. In the article, consider how to wipe the computer monitor at home, which methods are more efficient, comfortable.

To wipe the computer screen, you need to purchase all the necessary tools for the procedure:

1. Wet wipes intended for cleaning monitors. Watch them to fit for TFT TN matrices, TFT IPS. They must be made of lounge material. Pay special attention to the composition of the impregnation. It should not be attended by alcohol. Preference should be given to napkins impregnated with water that do not leave divorces.

Glossy screens are more sensitive to divorce, wipe them with special accuracy. It is advisable to capture a large area at once.

Use wet wipes to clean the monitor:

  • wipe the wet napkin display, capturing all the corners;
  • we are waiting for the napkin;
  • re-wipe the screen by means of a dry napkin;
  • re-wiping with a dry napkin guarantees the absence of divorces and a clean shiny of the monitor.

2. Dry napkins. Cleaning napkins can be wet or dry. They remove not only dirt, dust, but also have the ability to remove static tension. They can be combined to eliminate pollution from the screen. Such a set of dry and wet wipes can be purchased in a computer salon. Wet impregnate with a special composition, thanks to which all the dirt from the screen is eliminated efficiently and quickly. Dry is designed to remove moisture residues, contaminants.

3. Laptop Monitor Cleaning Complex. It includes a bottle with cleaning spray, packaging of dry napkins. Fluid from the bottle cannot be sprayed on the screen. A small amount of fluid is applied to one of the napkins, then the surface is wiped. The second napkin displays wipe dryness.

4. Fabrics intended for wiping glasses. An ideal in cleansing spots from the display is the microfiber. It is designed to collect dust, eliminate divorces, fatty spots with sensitive surfaces. This fabric is due to the effectiveness of this fabric.

5. High quality cotton wades. If the quality is low, a wool will fall out of the disks, the villus sticks to the monitor, which are difficult to retract.

Monitors care napkins

How to clean the monitor without cost

There are many simple, but not always economical monitor cleaning options. But in some cases it is necessary to resolve the question than to wipe the laptop screen at home so that the costs are minimal. Options are sufficient, the main thing is that they are safe for your laptop and you.

Than you can wipe the laptop screen if you are not enough to buy special set Or spray? In this case, it is possible to wash the technique, using elementary means: water, soap.

We offer the following applications of these substances:

  1. Use of ordinary water. because of low quality Water water, recommended to purchase it in the store. With this liquid, we watter a lounge fabric, wipe the display. The rag can be made of materials: flannel, cotton, microfiber. With this method of cleansing the screen from contaminants, it is important to ensure that the water does not penetrate into the corners of the matrix, on the keyboard, inside the laptop housing. The rag should be wet, but not wet. The display should be placed parallel to the floor.
  2. Using a soap solution. Usually use baby soap for cleaning matte displays. Initially, the monitor is wiping through a rag moistened in a solution, then the matter is spinning well, pressed, wipe the dry screen. Before cleaning the monitor, it should be squeezed with a dry rag dust.

To care for the LCD monitors, it is best to use soft napkins from microfiber, which do not leave the Village

Folk Media Clearing Computer Screen

We describe how it is possible at home correctly, without harm to the technique, clean the computer monitor. Select the screen care product is difficult, because on the shelves of specialized stores the range is great. In addition, not everyone has enough money for the purchase of an unnecessary spray can.

In such cases, you can do and folk remediesYou can clean the laptop screen:

  1. Use polyethylene to remove dust ,. Dustks will be attracted to it thanks to static electricity. Strengthen attraction, you can lighten a package of synthetic fabric.
  2. Using a balloon. It works like a package, but rub the product to enhance static electricity. It follows wool, hair, a soft toy, a dusty synthetic material.
  3. Normal soap (not economic). It is desirable that the soap does not have a dye, flavoring, chemical additives or their minimal content. In a glass of water (35 - 36 degrees), we dissolve liquid soaps (2 tbsp. L.), We stir, wet the cloth, press, wipe the monitor.
  4. Table vinegar (9%). For a glass of warm water, we take 2 tbsp. l. Means, apply to a cloth, squeeze, process the dirty surface. Once again my fabric, wipe the surface. At the end of the display wipe the dry cloth.
  5. Lemon acid. In warm water (150 ml), solvent completely 1/3 or ¼ part of a teaspoon of powder. In the liquid, moisten the rag, process the monitor, wipe with a damp cloth, in the end wipe with a dry cloth.

Non-containing means should not be applied, it is better to replace them with a weak acetic solution

What can not be used to clean the LCD

You can wipe the laptop monitor not by all means. Not every sponge is suitable for this procedure. Bad material, the inept use of cleaning agents can damage the display:

  • random scratches;
  • damage to the LCD display due to the use of inappropriate detergent liquid;
  • the destruction of liquid crystals (with very strong pressed on the screen).

Some detergents contain substances that gradually destroy the surface of the monitor. Before starting cleaning, read the list of actions that cannot be used to wash the LCD screen:

  1. Fabric with a pile, a terry towel. These materials leave on the surface small threads adhered to the laptop. Vile can scratch the screen.
  2. Products from paper, paper napkins. If you clean these means LCD, the material particles will remain on its surface. They damage the screen in the same way as the threads, the villi from the fabrics.
  3. Any brushes.
  4. Rough, hard fabrics.
  5. Waffle towels (these products are capable of scratching the screen).
  6. Sponges made of foam rubber, intended for washing dishes. This material leaves a divorce. Therefore, such cleaning will entail one more. Pores of the sponge can maintain dust, grains, crumbs that damage the LCD.

Paper can scratch the screen

If for cleansing spots of fat, fingerprints, dust you decided to use detergent, do not apply such:

  • Funds, which contains acetone, alcohol. These substances have a destructive effect on anti-reflective coating. After the first cleaning of the display, you may not notice with such a means of damage. But at this time, microcracks arise, which will expand over time. If the alcohol mixes use to clean the screen regularly, it will affect appearance Glass. It will look transparent from the side. It will be noticeable that it is not new.
  • Cleaning powder, abrasive compositions. They leave scratches on the screen.
  • Soda. This folk method is recommended for rubbing. of different types Mud at home. This tool, of course, perfectly copes with the elimination of burnt food from the stove, but it is not suitable for removing fat spots from the display.