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Download SUBLIME TEXT 3. Additional features Sublime Text

    Sublime Text 3208 DeV (32-bit) Latest

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    Sublime Text Build 3208 Setup.exe


    Sublime Text (32-Bit) 2019 Full Offline Installer Setup for PC

Sublime Text IS A SOPHISTICATED, MARKUP AND PROSE. You "LL Love The Slick User Interface, Extraordinary Features and Amazing Performance.

Sublime Text Features:

Goto Anything
Use Goto Anything to Open Files With Only A Few Keystrokes, And Instantly Jump to Symbols, Lines or Words.

Multiple Selections.
Make Ten Changes AT The Same Time, Not One Change Ten Times. MultiPle Selections Allow You to Interactively Change Many Lines At Once, Rename Variables Faster Than Ever.

Command Palette
The Command Palette Holds Infrequently Used Functionality, Like Sorting, Changing The Syntax and Changing The Indentation Settings. With Just a Few Keystrokes, You Can Search for What You Want, Without Ever Having to Navigate Through the Menus or Remember Obscure Key Bindings.

Distraction FREE MODE.
When You Need to Focus, Distraction Free Mode Is There to Help You Out. Distraction Free Mode Is Full Screen, Chrome Free Editing, with Nothing But Your Text In The Center of The Screen. You can Incrementally Show Elements of the UI, Such As Tabs and The Find Panel, AS You Need Them.

Split Editing
Get The Most Out of Your Wide Screen Monitor with Split Editing Support. Edit Files Side by Side, Or Edit Two Locations in the One File. You can Edit with AS Many Rows and Columns As You Wish.

Instant Project Switch
Projects in Sublime Text Capture The Full Contents of the Workspace, Including Modified and Unsaved Files. You can Switch Between Projects in a Manner Similar to Goto Anything, And The Switch IS Instant, With no Save Prompts - All Your Modifications Will Be Restored Next Time The Project is Opened.

Plugin API
Sublime Text Has a Powerful, Python Based Plugin API. Along With the API, IT Comes with a Built in Python Console to Interactively Experiment in Real Time.

Customize anything
Key Bindings, Menus, Snippets, Macros, Completions and More - Just About Everything in Sublime Text IS Customizable with Simple Json Files. This System Gives You Flexibility AS Settings Can Be Specified on a Per-File Type and Per-Project Basis.

Cross Platform
Sublime Text Is Available for OS X, Windows and Linux. One License IS All You Need to Use Sublime Text On EVERY COMPUTER You Operating System It Uses. Sublime Text UseS A Custom Ui Toolkit, Optimized for Speed. And Beauty, While Taking Advantage Of Native Functionality On Each Platform.

Note.: Sublime Text 3 Dev Builds Are Available to Licensed Users Only.

As is well known, the effectiveness of labor affects the environment in which a person works. And programming is no exception. Of course, there are a large number of similar text editors, where, if desired, anything. However, to find the same balanced as Sublime Text, it is unlikely to succeed. And that's why.

First of all, this is an intuitive window of development that is possible to fully adjust to itself, causing a "full screen" or specifying the window parameters in more detail. In addition, there are such convenient functions as vertical selection and horizontal scrolling. The developer can also see a complete picture of the project on his map, which will facilitate search for fragments for simultaneous editing. At the same time, a full-fledged syntax highlight for most existing programming languages \u200b\u200bis implemented. However, if it was not necessary, it does not prevent anything from attaching another application - TextMate - as the basis.

Features of the text editor with illumination:

  • Implemented fuzzy search;
  • It is possible to connect numerous plug-ins;
  • Vim-mode is supported;
  • It has ample configuration capabilities.

Activation and Russification Editor

In the assembly there are several relevant licensed keys Sublime Text 3 for the correct registration of the program. Important! Insert selected serial need together with rows "Begin" and "End" without spaces before and after. A third-party crack is present only for the editor menu.

In this article, we download, install on Windows and Russify Sublime Text 3, also activate it using License Key and install EMMET on it.

Download Sublime Text 3

Download Subline Text 3 You can from the site, or from my Yandex Disc (I recommend, since I was installed, Russified and activated, and there you will find keys and Russification).

Sublime Text 3 Installation

Set the subline text 3 is very simple, it is enough to start it and click on the button Next, I will not stop on this, I think no one has any problems.

Rusification Sublime Text 3

Unpack the archive ( and copy the folder Default. in " c: \\ Users \\ user_name \\ APPDATA \\ Roaming \\ Sublime Text 3 \\ Packages \\"(Path for windows 7/8/10)

Activation Sublime Text 3

To activate Subline Text 3 Open Text Document License Key , Copy one of the keys from it, then run the subline and go to the tab " reference» (« Help.«) - « Enter a license» (« ENTER LICENSE.") Insert the key and click" Use License.»

Installing EMMET on Sublime Text 3 and add Package Control to it.

Run the editor and press Ctrl + or " View» — « Show / Hide Console» (« VIEW.» — « Show Console."), After that, the panel will open from below, insert the code below into it, click" ENTER", Wait a bit and restart the editor.

import urllib.request, OS, Hashlib; H \u003d "DF21E130D211CFC94D9B0905775A7C0F" + "1E3D39E33B79698005270310898EEA76"; PF \u003d "Package Control.sublime-Package"; ipp \u003d sublime.installed_packages_path (); urllib.request.Install_opener (urllib.request.Request.ProxyHandler ())); by \u003d urllib.request.urlopen ("" + pf.replace ("", "% 20")). Read (); DH \u003d hashlib.sha256 (by) .Hextigest (); Print ("Error Validating Download (Got% S Instead of% s), Please Try Manual Install"% (DH, H)) if DH! \u003d H Else Open (os.path.join (IPP, PF), "WB" ) .write (BY)

import URLLIB. Request, OS, Hashlib; h \u003d. "DF21E130D211CFC94D9B0905775A7C0F"+ "1E3D39E33B79698005270310898EEA76"; PF \u003d. "Package Control.sublime-Package"; IPP \u003d Sublime. installed_packages_path (); URLLIB. Request. install_opener (URLLIB. Request. Build_opener (URLLIB. Request. ProxyHandler ())); BY \u003d URLLIB. Request. URLOPEN ("" + pf. Replace ("", "% 20")). read (); DH \u003d hashlib. SHA256 (BY). Hexdigest (); Print ( "ERROR VALIDATING DOWNLOAD (GOT% S INSTEAD OF% S), Please Try Manual Install"% (DH, H)) if DH! \u003d H ELSE OPEN (OS. Path. Join (IPP, PF), "WB"). Write (BY)

Now go to the tab " Options» — « »Or press the combination of keys" Ctrl» + « Shift.» + « P.", After which the window will float in which they choose" Install Package."(If I'm not mistaken 6 row).

After that, the window will come up, in which you need to enter " Emmet.", A lot of proposals will appear, click on the first (where just Emmet.).

We are waiting for a little until the tab will open that Emmett is successfully installed, close all tabs and restart the editor. Everything can be used!

In three words, how Emmetts works

I will give a few examples for Emmet.. Suppose we need a basic framework of a web page on hTML5.For this, it is enough to introduce "!" And click "Tab".

To quickly build a block with a class cOL-SM-6must be introduced " .col-SM-6"And click" Tab ", we get"


In order to build this design:

Lorem Ipsum Dolor Sit Amet, Consertetur Adipisicing ELIT. NESCIUNT NATUS QUIDEM QUI, OBCAECATI DOLOREM OPTIO NULLA Voluptates Suscipit Eligendi Laboriosam Quisquam Odio Provident Facilis Laudantium. Non, Tempora Mollitia Consequuntur Laborum!
Incidunt Fugiat Beatae Non Voluptatum AT ISte Inventore Obcaecati Rem Tenetur Obcaeciis Reprehenderit Soluta, Magnam Est Consequatur Accusantium, Fuga Aperiam Nesciunt ExercitationEm Dignissimos AUT, UT. Voluptatibus ID Explicabo, Suscipit Porro.
Ite Magni, Nam ID A, Maxime Incidunt Aperiam Hic, Aliquid Suscipit Aspernatur Maiores Quarate Sequi Asperiores Perferendis Eum Delectus Consectetur Sint Excepturi Laboriosam, Error. RECEE VOLUPTATUM SIMILIQUE SUNT SEQUI MAIORES!
Officiis Doloremque Cumque AB Quae Similique Totam Voluptates? Molestias Rerum Eos Dolor Nulla Quidem Nam Pariatur, Quisquam Reiciendis Tenetur. DOLORUM, AT, ILLUM! Corporis, ITAQUE, Impedit Repellendus Natus Accusantium Sit Sunt.

< div class = "row" >

< div class = "col-md-3" > Lorem Ipsum Dolor Sit Amet, Consertetur Adipisicing ELIT. NESCIUNT NATUS QUIDEM QUI, OBCAECATI DOLOREM OPTIO NULLA Voluptates Suscipit Eligendi Laboriosam Quisquam Odio Provident Facilis Laudantium. Non, Tempora Mollitia Consequuntur Laborum!< / div >

< div class = "col-md-3" > Incidunt Fugiat Beatae Non Voluptatum AT ISte Inventore Obcaecati Rem Tenetur Obcaeciis Reprehenderit Soluta, Magnam Est Consequatur Accusantium, Fuga Aperiam Nesciunt ExercitationEm Dignissimos AUT, UT. Voluptatibus ID Explicabo, Suscipit Porro.< / div >

< div class = "col-md-3" > Ite Magni, Nam ID A, Maxime Incidunt Aperiam Hic, Aliquid Suscipit Aspernatur Maiores Quarate Sequi Asperiores Perferendis Eum Delectus Consectetur Sint Excepturi Laboriosam, Error. RECEE VOLUPTATUM SIMILIQUE SUNT SEQUI MAIORES!< / div >

< div class = "col-md-3" > Officiis Doloremque Cumque AB Quae Similique Totam Voluptates? Molestias Rerum Eos Dolor Nulla Quidem Nam Pariatur, Quisquam Reiciendis Tenetur. DOLORUM, AT, ILLUM! Corporis, ITAQUE, Impedit Repellendus Natus Accusantium Sit Sunt.< / div >

< / div >

just enter such a small line " .row\u003e .col-MD-3 * 4\u003e Lorem"And click" Tab.«.

As you see Emmet a very cool addition, which is very accelerating the process of layout, the main thing is to use it correctly) I advise you to read the documentation.

Sublime Text - cross-platform proprietary text editor. Supports Python Programming Language Plugins. Versions are available for all major distributions, including Microsoft Windows., Mac OS X and Linux.

Sublime Text supports a large number of programming languages \u200b\u200band has the ability to highlight the syntax for C, C ++, C #, CSS, D, Dylan, Erlang, HTML, Groovy, Haskell, Java, JavaScript, Latex, Lisp, Markdown, Matlab, Ocaml (Objective CAML) , Perl, R, SQL, TCL and XML. In addition to those programming languages \u200b\u200bthat are enabled by default, users have the ability to download plugins to support other languages.

Sublime Text can be equipped with a package manager that allows the user to find, install, update and delete packets without rebooting the program. The manager supports installed packages up-to-date, downloading new versions from repository. In addition, it provides commands to activate and deactivate installed packages.

Sublime Text is often used as editor source code or HTML.

Some features sublime text

  • Fast navigation (Goto Anything)
  • Command Palette (Command Palette)
  • API plugins on
  • Simultaneous editing (Split Editing)
  • High degree of customizability (Customize anything)

Some features sublime text

  • Interface

The editor contains various visual topics, with the possibility of loading additional.

Users see all their code on the right side of the screen in the form of a mini-card, while clicking on which you can navigate.

There are several screen modes. One of them includes from 1 to 4 panels, which can be shown up to four files at the same time. Full (Free Modes) Mode shows only one file without any additional menu around it.

  • Selection of columns and multiple edits

Selecting columns entirely or arrange several pointers in the text, which makes it possible to instantly edit. Pointers behave like each of them is unnecessary in the text. Type commands: Moving for a sign, moving to a string, text sampling, movement on the word or part (Camelcase separated by a hyphen or undercuting), move to the top / end of the line, etc., affects all pointers independently and immediately, allowing Edit the complex texture text quickly, without using macros or regular expressions.

  • Autocum

When the user dials the code, Sublime Text, depending on the language used, will offer various options to complete the record. The editor also automatically completes the user-created variables.

  • Syntax highlighting and high contrast

The Dark Background Sublime Text is designed to increase the contrast of text. The main elements of the syntax are highlighted in different colors that are better combined with a dark background than with light.

  • Support for assembly systems

Sublime Text allows the user to collect programs and run them without having to switch to command line. The user can also configure its assembly system and enable automatic program assembly every time the code is saved.

  • Billets (Snippets)

Saving frequently used code fragments keywords For their launch.

  • Transition by files

Navigation tool that allows users to navigate between files, as well as inside them, with a fuzzy search.

Additional features Sublime Text

  • Additionally, the autosave function is implemented, which helps users not lose the work done.
  • Custom key combinations and the navigation tool allow you to assign your key combinations to the menu and toolbars (only for the first version, in the second and third - Command Palette).
  • The ability to search as the dial is used to search in the document.
  • The syntax check function works in a similar way, checking correctly during the input.
  • There is an ability to automate with macros and recent recent reasons.
  • Editing commands, including editing indents, reformatting paragraphs and row merging.


The developer allows for free and without restrictions to get acquainted with the product, however, the program notifies the need to purchase a license.

Sublime Text 3 is a text editor for writing codes, scripts in various programming languages. Allows you to work quickly due to the built-in tools and a large set of functions.

Sublime Text 3 is a good "workhorse" for administrators and programmers. Anyway, a person working with the code will appreciate the selection, labeling and processing of the desired fragments of the text. The program supports languages \u200b\u200bsuch as C ++, HTML, JavaScript, PHP and many others. For languages \u200b\u200bnot laid in standard part Sublime Text There is a lot of plugins that support not only syntax, but also the entire standard feature functionality and other things.

Sublime Text 3 Download for free in Russian, it is possible from the official website on the link below immediately after the characteristics of the application.

For Sublime Text 3, the Russifier is available on the back link, Russify the program is very easy and just enough to follow a simple instruction.

To work directly with the text there are several advantages:

  • Slifts;
  • Code Code;
  • Checking the correctness of writing syntax;
  • Quick search;
  • Multivation;
  • Bookmarks;
  • Multiple edits by selecting columns;
  • Auto storage, etc.

I would like to highlight such a function as a multiple edit. The user highlights the desired fragment or places the pointers in the text and edits it. In this case, each pointer performs the task in the same way that it performed it alone. This allows you to correct the complex code quickly, not for acting macros. There are also many plug-ins that expand functionality.

Very good in Sublime Text organized interface. About 20 color standard schemes are offered to choose from. The user's interaction with the user is instantly, the response rate is at the level. There is a full-on-screen mode. People who distract from work additional windows will appreciate. Also implemented multimedia panels that allow you to work immediately with multiple files simultaneously not including a bunch of windows.

In the corner of the screen there is a very convenient mini card. It is a column out of 5-6 screens with written text, because of which the navigation on the code occurs is also fast enough. The backlight of the nearest pairbars and many different functional rims will pleasantly surprise any person dealing with editing or writing code.

Setting is intuitive: almost everything is configured in text files. There are customizable parameters and their value. Also available to the destination of hot keys to the most frequent operations.

When writing a sublime text, the developer John Skinner pursued the idea to write the "best" editor. Currently available 2 versions of the program. The utility is free, you can download Sublime Text for free on your computer for Windows 7, 8 and 10.

It will be useful to programmers, cameramen, administrators and other people working with the code. Due to the support of many languages, it is applied quite wide, and a multifunctional and convenient interface made it popular among the "writing" people.