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Life in the virtual world or about the dependence on social networks.

Good day, dear readers. Today we will talk about what youth addicted to social networks. You will find out for what reasons it develops. Find out how to determine the presence of addiction. Learn how to deal with it.

The reasons

  1. Desire to get approval from the side.
  2. Dependence on someone else's opinion.
  3. The desire to become popular.
  4. Interest in high flow information.
  5. The ability to communicate simultaneously, listen to music and view photos.
  6. Method to get away from loneliness.
  7. The result of traumatic experience when communicating with real people.
  8. Lack of interest in life, hobbies.
  9. Desire to be aware of all news.

Symptoms of dependent state

  1. Virtual communication becomes more priority.
  2. Began problems with personal hygiene.
  3. There are serious difficulties when communicating with people.
  4. Sleep disorders, due to its partial absence.
  5. With ease spend cashBy investing them in paid Services social networks.
  6. Food is broken, more used quick food products. A person often feeds in sandwiches, so as not to disappear from communication.
  7. When there is no possibility to enter the Internet, there is strong irritation and anxiety, excitement that he will not be able to read the message.
  8. Holds online at least four hours per day.
  9. A large number of friends and groups.
  10. It can not calm down until it looks all the news in the ribbon of friends, will not mark their photos.
  11. Adds to friends of unnecessary, unfamiliar people to feel their popularity.
  12. Constantly photographed to upload photos for universal review. Waiting for a response to them, likes and comments.

When I registered in contact, I spent a lot of time there. Added a large number of friends, classmates, viewed all their photos, commented, watched the news on their pages, was added to interesting groups. There was a lot of time on social networks, it was often sitting at night. So it lasted a couple of months, and then the interest began to subsoine. Today I am practically not in social. Networks, I can do not look there for a few days.

Possible consequences

The problem of addiction is as follows:

  • a substitution of real life values \u200b\u200boccurs;
  • instead of positive features, well-being and external appeal are prioritized;
  • social networks affect the development of depression in humans;
  • when a person begins to compare herself with people from other accounts, with his friends, a complex of inferiority begins to develop;
  • there is stress when there is no possibility to go online.

Let's look at how addiction can be reflected on your health.

  1. Reducing the concentration of memory deterioration. Seat in networks allows you to absorb information to small portions. In addition, the person's attention is constantly switched from one news to another, thereby worsening the opportunity to concentrate in one case.
  2. Stress and fatigue. Man located in social. Networks will receive approximately the same impressions. Conducting for a long time in online, apathy arises, a sense of stress and fatigue.
  3. Intellectual abilities are reduced. A man digested meaningless information for him, thereby not exposing his brain to workout, which can be achieved by reading books or solving crosswords, other logical tasks.
  4. A person ceases to receive new knowledge, gradually loses interest in the whole surrounding. This is reflected on his psyche.
  5. Social degradation. People absorbed in the virtual world, over time, completely cease to be interested in what they surround them in the real world. For this reason, you can lose close friends, spoil relationships with your relatives, sometimes staying without work, have the opportunity to arrange a personal life, even the flirting arrange over the Internet.

Methods of struggle

When aware of the fact that a person is dependent is already the first step to get rid of the problem. Let's look at what methods can be struggling with data from the disease.

  1. Disable the Internet. It is the most radical way of struggle. First it will be very hard, there will be something resembling breaking. However, over time, a person will begin to be interested in what surrounds him, remembers his former hobbies, about life without a virtual world. This method It will be especially effective for people who have dependence not only from communicating online, but in general from the Internet.
  2. Remove your account in Soc. Networks if the rest of the sites do not cause affection. First, friends can be offended, then aware of the reasons for your decision. In addition, you can still communicate with them by phone or see in real life.
  3. If you delete the account there is no desire, you can do it cleaning. Remove people from the list of friends, with which they have not communicated for a long time. Remove the extra groups, leave the minimum of information about yourself. Program yourself that the account should be visited only for some reason or associated with some reason, which is less time to go, after that you need to immediately go out.
  4. Use programs that limit the time spent on a specific resource. You can specify the site permissible time. If it is exceeded, then access to the page will be closed for a day or a week depending on the settings.
  5. Learn yourself to control. For example, to take time for social networks from 20 to 21. Clearly adhere to your schedule.

The relationship of social. networks lately is enough relevant problem Modern youth. Therefore, it is important to know how to deal with it.

  1. Limit yourself in time to find online. Put clear time intervals, not to break them, gradually reduce.
  2. Put in priority live communication over virtual.
  3. Clean the list of your contacts, removing unnecessary people. Leave only your friends, write it only for serious necessary.
  4. Unsubscribe from unnecessary groups, leave only those that really benefit.
  5. Stop hanging on the pages of friends, lick their photos, celebrate the news. It takes a lot of time.
  6. Stop informing friends about your news, posting photos and recordings, waiting for comments and likes.
  7. In the browser, cancel the display feature of the pictures, their downloads. Then social networks will no longer seem so attractive, without bright illustrations.
  8. Create your day routine, it is desirable, so that there is very little time for sitting in online.
  9. Find your favorite business and devote all your free time a hobby.
  10. Teach yourself for the need to eat only at the kitchen table, do not keep the mobile phone or tablet in the hands.
  11. Bring out an active lifestyle, attend exhibitions, go to the theater, movies, often in the circle of people.

Now you know how to get rid of the relationship from social networks. The main thing is to realize your problem in time and start fighting with it. Remember that the real world is much more interesting, the most colorful virtual. Being on social networks, you miss your life.

Good day! Let's try to figure out how to get rid of the relationship from social networks. Its scientists are called a quasi-bind, that is, an imaginary form of relationships, which creates illusions regarding a partner or interlocutor, not completely combined with reality. After all, the Internet is present in almost every home, and only a small percentage of the population has no account on social networks. Under threat of not only adolescents, but also adults, mature people who find the yield of energy from stress and failures in the virtual world.

By the way, to determine the degree of your dependence, you can go here.

What it is?

The addiction is developing gradually, sometimes may even take the time of time. Signs should be familiar to many, and if you find at least a third of the list - it's time to beat the alarm.

  • An irresistible desire to check mail, your account, hoping to see a new like or comment. And this check is happening more than 10 times a day.
  • In places where there is no access to the Internet, it is not at all interesting to be. I want to quickly detect Wi-Fi to "go bend", search any news or entertainment.
  • The tension and irritability are felt, if the time without virtual communication was delayed at least one and a half.
  • It becomes easier to send a message than to call anyone, with friends you already basically chat instead of real meetings.
  • Constantly ledge the news feed, in the hope of finding out something interesting and sometimes you find yourself reading at all unnecessary and uninteresting information to you.
  • Relations in the family began to deteriorate, as you prefer to spend your free time with a telephone or tablet.
  • Instead of family dinners, when everyone communicate and share events for the day, you drag your plate to a computer, preferring is in front of the monitor.
  • Even at parties and in noisy companies, you are trying to retire with the phone, or make a photo specifically in order to put in the social network.
  • Do not notice the time spent. For example, looked for a minute, and got carried away and "seized" a few hours, forgetting about work or sleep.
  • It is simply the need for constant commenting and posting information about each of its steps. The feeling of the quality of the lived moments is lost, because on a trip or meeting with friends it is important to make beautiful photos to get a lot of likes.

All these symptoms manifest themselves mainly as a result of loneliness, and sometimes invented, because in reality there are close people, but from which it does not come out to get the necessary number of recognition or attention. Also, of course, addiction appears due to the presence of complexes, because you can hide old repairs of a removable apartment and take pictures on a beautiful background so that others have envy or admiration.

Study addiction

There are 3 groups of people in terms of dependence, which have at least one account:

  1. Independent. Checking information is very rare, maximum once a day, mostly once a week or even a month. Personal data is most often hidden from viewing, the account is needed more in order to find the contact of the right person, or contact him when it is not possible to find in reality.
  2. Transition period. Already appear online not by acute necessity, but from the interest and feeling of boredom. Most often, on this period, gradual addictiveness occurs and the need for virtuality increases than again return to independence.
  3. Dependent. Present permanent update Pages, and even realizing that at the moment there was a nonsense in the tape - her leaf continues. A sense of despair may appear due to lack of messages, likes or comments. Or, on the contrary, arrogance in case of illusory popularity on the network.


  • Relations with loved ones, friends, colleagues are destroyed, since the involvement and empathy disappears. The dependent person gets used to superficially to all kinds of information, especially not surcharged.
  • The level of attention concentration is reduced, it becomes "floating", due to the constantly emerging temptation to engage at the same time several cases - to do the work and peeling the news on the Internet, for example. And even adult people can develop hyperactivity, with such symptoms as impulsiveness, anxiety and sleepiness of sleep.
  • In addition to attention, the level of intelligence is reduced, since the brain most of the time is busy with useless information that is not absorbed. Therefore, development is suspended, although resources are spent.
  • Due to the fact that resources are used completely aimlessly, without bringing benefit, with time the body is depleted, which is why fatigue, lethargy and irritability arises.

If you realized that you have an addiction from the Internet, and decided to fight for the quality of your life, then the following recommendations will help you:

1. Be ready

To what you have to have very difficult. In order not to complain that the psychologist's advice does not help, it is necessary to understand that 90% of the result depends on you. Connect the will of the will, all your resources, enlist the help of loved ones, their support. But hold from the temptation, learn to control yourself.

2. Start with time limit

For example, allowing at first to "walk" in the network for no more than two hours a day, while reducing the limit at least once a week. For non-compliance - punishment in the form of a reduction per hour. You can also come up with a list of cases, only after the execution of which you will allow yourself to look into the smartphone.

3. Act about your hobby and take yourself in your free time.

It is best to suit something related to small motility, as well as start practicing meditation, it will help to restore the ability to concentrate. Let me remind you that meditation we disassembled in the article: ".

4. Entertain the revision of all the groups that you are signed

And leave only those with the help of which you will develop, and recognize something new and important. Do not overvolt your brain unnecessary trash, beat yourself. Similarly, with a list of friends. Leave really important and not added for quantity.

5. Take the book, develop, act

For example, instead of infinitely louncing any photos with recipes - sign up for culinary courses.

6. Sports

The resulting number of endorphins, hormones of happiness, which are produced during physical exertion, will be enough to switch attention to reality. And if you encounter group classes or play, then the real communication will also be added, the circle of dating will expand.

7. Drug friends

In nature, in a cafe, having arranged to leave phones in a pocket or a bag with a sound off. Each for itself determines himself, it is good or bad - the availability of accounts and the constant desire to control them, but during the meeting it is important to be able to notice another person, because the benefits received and lived feelings will never be able to replace virtual, although on saturation first They may be brighter. You have noticed that you do not always open your condition in the correspondence? Send a cheerful smiley, and at the same time sit with tears in your eyes? Over time, virtuality leads to isolation, a feeling of acute loneliness and depression. The inconsistency of beautiful photos in the account with real life can even lead to suicide. So call friends to see them with real, and not behind the series of pictures and status.


That's all, dear reader! And it does not matter whether the social networks of evil are carrying you or you still know how to control yourself - be careful and remember that life is worthwhile, without wasting the valuable moments. Nobody will be able to return them, and the time spent on the Internet will not be remembered, will not postpone the pleasant memories to which they will want to return again and again.

Social network is a universal means to communicate. But such resources cause dependence on social networks, although they allow you to find friends around the world. Being completely addicted to social networks, a person and day cannot live, without looking at their page or on the page of familiar people.

Dependence in adolescents from social networks

Dependence on social networks makes people constantly be in online communication, forgetting about real people And real time. Finding into such a state, some individuals begin to rapidly spend all their savings on paid newsletters, reaching full fanaticism. Over time, such persons, not realizing, constantly check email, Pages in socialki.

The longer a person spends time for virtual communication, the harder it will be without Internet opportunities. Dependence on social network is similar to drug addiction or alcoholism. Social network and treagors for virtual interlocutors are, a kind of psychological disease arising due to a lack of attention to the surrounding people or their own internal complexes.

Signs of dependence

Among the general features dependence on the social. Networks are characterized by such indicators:

All of the above signs directly say that a person has a strongly pronounced dependence on social. Networks on the Internet, and get rid of this state without the help of a psychologist will be difficult. If a person feels this craving for social networks at an early stage of communication on the network, there are chances to correct the situation on their own.

The reasons

The most susceptible to the dependent state of the person who do not lead an active lifestyle, social activities. Thus, they try to be aware of what is happening through communication with virtual friends. With the help of networks, they give the desired image for valid, living the illusory life. Among the main reasons for the dependence on the social network can be allocated:

  1. Minimum communication among comrades or family. Social structures make it possible to replace live communication.
  2. Dissatisfaction with the environment. If there are problems in a family or school, at work, then virtual life in force to change the concept of yourself and others.
  3. Problems of social adaptation. Teenage dependence on social networks leads to the fact that a person behaves insecure, and the second life in the network helps him join the society.
  4. Lack of self-realization. This happens due to loss of oneself, inability to self-expression, loss of interest different types Activities.
  5. Social nonsense. With the services provided by the services of social cobwebs, such persons have the opportunity to feel in demand.

For your information:

Almost all persons with pathologies of appearance or serious disabilities are replaced by social networks with real people.

Consequences addiction

Dependence on social network is a violation of the mental health of the personality, and the physical changes are a consequence. These include vision problems, headaches, digestion dysfunction, pain in the spine, sleep disorders, and so on. Like any dependencies inherent in humanity, social. Network addiction has its consequences in the form of a permanent desire to receive new information, view the diverse number of photographs, which leads to the loss of perception of real information with the development of inattentiveness, loss of concentration.

A person will not be able to concentrate on outsiders, as the brain will return to other people's problems and information. Adults will need carefully follow the time of the child's stay on the network, as the children's psyche is more susceptible to susceptibility when Internet dependence on the social network is formed.


For prevention, you need to follow these rules:

  1. More to communicate live or by phone. In the free from communication and occupation time to walk on the street, visit friends.
  2. Install a limit counter for staying on the Internet. This will help with time to overcome cravings to the permanent view of the news feed and incoming applications.
  3. Install the utility that resembles the time of staying on the social network. Upon completion of the time set in the program, the user automatically goes from its own page.
  4. The cardinal way to defeat the Internet addiction is to remove your account in the social network. This method It is the most effective on the way to full-fledged life and real communication.

Network Dependence - bad habitwhich requires getting rid of. After all, real real communication and physical activity is more interesting and diverse, besides will bring more fun and benefit.


Information in the article is exclusively information and is not instructions for use. Consult your attending physician.

Manifested by irrepressible imposition to something. Today I want to dwell on its varieties - psychological dependence on social networks.

Modern life is such that only a few do not have a profile in one or more social networks. Twitter, Facebook, Odnoklassniki, Vkontakte, Instagram. There are also narrower social networks - for physicians, programmers, webmasters, lawyers, education workers.

Are social networks need?

I will give only some examples of the positive impact of social networks in our life:

  • social networks help us share information, experience, communicate with friends, like-minded people who are hundreds of kilometers from us, and always be aware of everything that happens in their lives;
  • they allow you to quickly learn about new vacancies, as many companies place them on their page, and even get a job if they seek it;
  • thanks to social networks, there are a lot of people found new friends, and some are their soul mate;
  • they help travel, saving on pass and accommodation;
  • it is social networks that help many talented young people gain popularity, get support, recognition from completely strangers;
  • for someone, classmates or Vkontakte became a source of earnings, they help those who need to collect money for treatment;
  • the social networks in our time provide assistance to employees of law enforcement agencies: Very often I see notes in the press that the police (police) managed to find a minor girl who escaped to the cavaller, and the presence of Kavalera himself and his identity could establish according to correspondence in social networks.

You can continue this list of merit for a long time. But there is one huge minus - the problem of dependence on social networks.

What is so attracted by the social network?

People engaged in the development of social networking functional make everything to make them every day better, more painful. To go to the site, the person spent there as much time as possible, and preferably also hesitated, I bought something.

It is much easier to communicate in social networks, there is definite chance. After all, you can register not only under your name, but under a fictional pseudonym, and instead of photograph to place an avatar (picture) or someone else's photo. You can write anything, to be insulting, "troll", you really have to answer for your statements!

Part of people consider social networks not only as a source of receipt necessary information, communication, self-realization. They can go and unblend to profiles, add friends with friends and not only people, participate in the discussion, read statuses, news, watch photos, play games. Of course, there are many discussions in which people share their experience where they help them get an answer to an important question. But there is also a lot of communication about any single comments, emoticons, and sometimes banal rudeness.

Portrait of a man prone to network dependence

Predisposed to the occurrence of dependence on social networks insecure people who have a limited circle of communication. Those who would like to communicate, only their opinion in real life surrounding not appreciated.

If a person has a serious hobby, who wants to devote all his free time, he is unlikely to be browsing 20 albums, but if there are no hobbies, and there is a lot of free time, then this is the right way to form such addiction.

Another category of high-risk people are people who are inherent in one negative quality - envy. How are others there? Worse? It is better? And if you carefully view all photos, and also friends, relatives, classmates, employees ... Gradually prying a foreign life in a habit, and there is not far away.

Dependence sneaks unemployed

This addix is \u200b\u200bdeveloping immediately. This drugs tried once, two, three - and everything, the substance became indispensable for metabolism. Dependence on social networks can be formed by month, and sometimes years. At first, a person comes once a day in his account, a week later - several times a day, you look, and a few months later he updates his page several times a hour to the detriment of the main work. And even if now the time spent on the activity of VKontakte or classmates is not insignificant, is not a fact that a person will not be dependent in the near future.

Many people whose work is directly related to the computer, even do not go out in the workplace from their profiles in the social network (of course, if the leadership allows).

Annecdote remembered on this topic:

Head - Secretary:
- Collect all the staff at the meeting urgently!
- On the selector?
- No, through "classmates", so quickly will be !!!

Just do we need to view 100 photos from the life of a friend who have not seen about 5 years and, having his phone number, did not call? Maybe it is better to devote to the study of a foreign language, communicating with parents, a loved one or children? Or trite to sleep (we defuse you so often in this, giving time to classmates or VC). Social networks devour an incredibly much time that could be sent to completely different, it is useful.

Even there is a joke such:

He lived calmly, all managed. No, well, it was necessary to register Vkontakte!

How to determine what a person is dependent on social networks?

Do you have dependence on social networks - the answer to this question will be positive if you have at least half of the listed signs. If a few are, too, you need to think about whether social networks should be paid so much time.

  • the obsessive insurmountable desire to go to its page in the social network, view latest news, POLICT PHOTOS, CHANGE SOME ACTIVITY;
  • complaints of family members, cohabitants, employees for the fact that a person spends too much time in social networks;
    significant financial spending, unnecessary purchases "via the Internet";
  • the inability to say in advance how much time this person will pay a social network, loss of temporary control during a computer session;
  • the feeling of irritation, if at the moment there is no possibility to enter your profile (there is no Wi-Fi in this area, you must urgently fulfill some task);
  • as addiction progresses, problems may arise with study, in the family, at work, when a dependent person ceases to pay due attention, and more and more time spends online;
  • he can eat in front of the computer monitor, to devote less time to sleep, just not to miss anything new.

Features in children and adolescents

The dependence of young people and adolescents from social networks is largely expressed than among middle and old people. Firstly, this is due to the fact that most adolescents have no such goods responsibility, life experience, like older people, they do not need to devote a lot of time to family, cooking, financial support.

Secondly, social networks are a popular trend, and therefore many young men and girls to keep up with fashion, be aware of all news trying to spend a lot of time on social networks, which, in turn, are delayed. No wonder they are called "networks".

Teenagers and young people who have not yet formed their individuality, are overly dependent on other people's opinions. They post their photos to attract attention, cause approval. They get used to living "Points", and there is not so good in this.

How to get rid of addiction?

It is easy and painless to get rid of this detrimental predilection, only a little. Only those who can boast the power of the Spirit, those who realized how much their priceless time he spends instead of devoting this time to close people, achieving his dreams, self-education.

But if you firmly decided to change your life, try to regulate the time of stay in the social network in advance, do not go to your page "just so." Write a list of cases that you must do. And only after you do everything as a "bonus" you can go to your favorite social network.

Another effective method - communication with friends in the real world, and not virtual. Agree about some kind of joint excursion, to the nature of nature or simply gatherings in the cafe (only such where there is no free Wi-Fi network). And try this time to dedicate exactly rest, communicating with friends, and in the phone is neither one eye!

Social networks, like the Internet, have become an integral part of our lives. The history of their development begins in 1969 with the advent of the world computer network The Internet. In the initial stages, people united into professional communities, later their networks began to create those who were passionate about one hobby, and in 1995 the first one from the most common social networks "Classmates" appeared. And if the majority use such resources to communicate with friends and relatives living in different parts of our country and the world, to search for new friends or for self-expression, then some have observed serious relationship from social network.

Undoubtedly, simplify our lives, being a very convenient and useful resource for personal communication and professional promotion. But at the same time there is a serious danger of virtual communication for some users. The fact is that a person who has been dependent on social networks replaces the real communication of online reservoir, and over time it comes to such a moment when the need for presence in the virtual world becomes pathological, like alcohol or drug addiction.

Wherein causes of virtual networks May be different - personal problems, psychological complexes, difficulties in communicating in the team, etc. It happens that users, aware of the problem, remove their profiles from social networks, hoping to get out of dependence, but after some time they return back.

The greatest percentage of relations from social networks is observed among users whose life is quite boring and monotony. By placing information on your page, not always appropriate reality, they are trying to create a perfect image in the eyes of other users.

Pay attention to the main features of social networking:

Check incoming messages several times a day. In particularly serious cases, users are holding a computer around the clock on to not miss any news or messages.
When entering the social network in order to view news, you then discover that for several hours "wander" on the pages of all friends (as well as friends of a friend).
Another sign of relationship from social network is a constant status update, posting new photos, comments on each of your action.
Lack of real meetings with friends - you only communicate in social networks.
The desire to simply play various applications turns into a competition with yourself and makes it overdue.
Irritation, when for some reason you do not have access to social networks.

Do not fall in spirit, finding signs of dependence on the virtual world - there are several ways that will allow return to reality:

Limit the access time to social networks - boil the timer, and turn off the computer by call. Surely you have many accumulated cases, devote their time. At the same time, do not be distracted by notifications of incoming messages coming to your smartphone, it is better to disconnect them.
Exit the dependence will be helped with the evening friends, joint viewing of the long-awaited premiere, etc. Make a tradition of meeting at least once a week.
Overcome dependence on social networks will help a new passion - start doing in the gym or learn to skate. Sport classes raise the mood, and also contribute to new acquaintances.
Instead of tape updates, read new books in electronic or printing form. Refusing thoughtless sitting on social networks, you can devote this time to getting new knowledge.
Start your pet - care about it will take a lot of time and bring only pleasant emotions.

Regardless of the causes of addiction, you can cope with it, clearly dividing the concept of "real life" and "virtuality". Only communication with live people - colleagues close, friends make our lives bright and real.

Participate in the life of your family, often go outdoors, pay attention to beautiful moments, and dependence on social networks will remain in the past.