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Archive image of the Windows 10 system. Methods for creating an ISO image on Windows

Friends, hello! This article will continue the security of a computer and data saving. Therefore, now I will tell you about the creation of the image of the Windows system 10 by regular means. And try to copy it even on the USB flash drive.

By the way, the method described below is quite suitable for Win 7, since the whole procedure is made in a complete analogy. Now a few words about the essence of the created image. His difference is that it can contain a full copy of the PC disk.

So, let's go. Remember, our task is to copy the system partition to the USB drive. For this purpose, we go to the control panel and follow the path "Small backup icons Copying and recovery (Windows 7) ":

And now see, it says that this recovery archive can be used even when the hard disk is breakdown or the computer. I wonder if the staff really raise the system on the new hardware? If so, then the guys from Microsoft Respect and Respect. But honest, I strongly doubt something. Although...

Now about saving on the USB flash drive. As can be seen in the picture below, it is available in the device selection list. But there is one nuance - it must be formatted in NTFS:

And one moment. In this way, only standard system catalogs needed to restore Windows and programs are copied. Arbitrary user folders and files are not taken into account. At least, I understand. But just below, we still consider the option of full backup.

So, since I did not know about such file system requirements, we will copy the archive to the second section of the hard drive. In my case, it is called "Multimedia":

Well, click the "Archive" button and wait for the completion of the image of the image of Windows 10. I must say that it all depends on the amount of information being stored, but in any case it will be necessary to wait decently.

Upon completion of the process, a folder will appear on the disk. WindowsImageBackup. With renovation:

Now a few words about how such an archive can use, for example, in a critical situation. Very easy. If a space crooked system, but load, use the "Restore" function of the backup of Win 7:

Now let's figure out another partition of this panel, which is called "Configure Backup":

Please note here already copying to the USB flash drive is not available at all. You can select only an external or internal hard drive:

But the user is given a choice. It is possible to archive not only a system partition, but also absolutely any user data. By the way, about the latter. note on the highlighted in the picture Below fragment.

It says that the program will execute the reserve of only those files that are saved in user libraries (Pictures, Music, Videos folders, etc.), desktop and standard system directories:

Therefore, clicking "provide me with a choice" should be specified either all the disk with the whole, so to speak, with all the available good, or only the necessary directories:

Hope now you catch the difference? But keep in mind another moment. If your breaks only in two sections, for example, as I have now, then the second copy will not work in this way, because it will be selected as a place to save.

Go ahead. In the next step, another pleasant option awaits us. You can configure the creation of images on a schedule. Agree, it is very convenient. Therefore, it remains only to click on the "Save Settings and Start Archiving" button:

That's all friends, now you all know about the creation of the image of the Windows 10 system on the USB flash drive. Do you think it is convenient to implement this function in the top ten?

Share your opinion in the comments, as well as ask questions if any. And finally, as always, I suggest to see another interesting video.

The image of the Windows 10 system is an exact copy of one or more of the computer (partitions) of the computer, and can be used to restore in case of problems with a rigid disk or system.

By default, the image includes only the sections needed to download and running Windows, but if you wish, you can add other disks of the computer with an important information for you.

When restoring the system using an image, a complete replacement of information on disks occurs, and it will be relevant to match the image creation time. Those. You can not restore individual documents, programs, drivers, etc., only a backup of the disk fully.

Now let's look at this process on items.

Creating an image of Windows 10

1. Open the control panel. To do this, right-click on the menu " Start"And select the appropriate item.

5. In the menu on the left, run the item "".

7. Select a place to save your archive and click " Further».

There is here several options for the location of the system image :

  • On hard disk. It means that the archive will be stored on an external hard disk, an internal additional hard disk or on one of the partitions of the archived disc. The first option is the most reliable and preferred, because when the Winchester fails, on which the Windows set is installed, the backup archive will also be lost. And if you select the section of the current disk, the system will give the appropriate warning. In the image below this message is not, because Selected separate hard disk.
  • On theDVD.--Disc.. This option for rarite lovers. Not comfortable, not reliable, but also has the right to life.
  • In the network folder.This method for experienced users. To use it, a network connection must be configured properly on a computer and you need to know the parameters for accessing the network resource.

8. At the next stage, you can select disks for archiving. After that, in the confirmation window of the archiving parameters, click " Archive" There will also be an approximate volume that will be required to create a backup.

10. After the process is completed, you will be offered. If you do not have it, take this opportunity or you can write it later.

Where is the image image stored?

If you can invite you to see the location of the file files and the volume occupied by them. The system image is saved on the previously indicated media in the following format:

Disc letter: \\ WindowsImageBackup \\ Computer name\\ Backup. year-month-number Watch Minutes Seconds

For example, for the archive created for writing this article, the location of the image is as follows:

E: \\ WindowsImageBackup \\ site \\ Backup 2016-02-03 065439

You can also see how much space is the image.

Features of creating an image

Finally, I will bring some nuances that need to be taken into account when writing a Windows 10 system image:

  • In the archive, you can enable only discs formatted in the file system. NTFS.
  • You cannot include a disk partition section to which the archive is saved.
  • You can not restore 64-bit Image by 32-bit System.
  • If you save the archive to the network resource, only the latest data version is recorded. When creating a new image, the old will be overwritten.
  • The image created on the computer with UEFIcan not be restored on a computer with classic Bios..

Create an image of Windows 10

Create an image for installation and write it on a flash drive or disk is not so difficult. Moreover, this (in some cases) can be done even with the standard capabilities of the operating system. Of course, you can use third-party software, but Windows can cope with this task much better, as OS itself knows how to correctly burn the image so that there are no problems with the installation in the future. There are several ways to create an image of Windows 10. Some of them are even approved by Microsoft. However, to install the OS, it will require a license key.

Methods of creating an image

See also:

The overwhelming majority of users are used to downloading various assemblies of the OS from torrent trackers and write them to a drive or disk using third-party programs. But this method is not the only one.

  • Using Windows 10 Installation Media Creation Tool. This is the official utility from Microsoft, which helps create a loading medium with a "tenth" on board. Company specialists recommend using this method
  • Simple copying (if there is a UEFI mode in the BIOS). This option is suitable for a new PC and laptops. If there is a UEFI mode and partition table has a GPT type, then the user will not need any special utilities for creating an installation image.
  • Using third-party programs. To date, many utilities can create "correct" flash drives or wheels with Windows installation images as a rule, this option is much easier than all previous
  • Creating an image using the archiving wizard. This utility helps to create an image of an already operating system and record it on a carrier. Summary "Rescue circle" in case OS suddenly refuses to load

You can also simply update your Windows version to topical. But it is worth considering that in this case system failures are possible. They can be so serious that the user can lose all its data. Therefore, it is better to install "from scratch".

1. Use Microsoft utility

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This is the most "official" method approved by Microsoft. Its essence is that the user downloads from the official website of the company the image of the operating system and the utility to create a bootable medium.

It is worth noting that the download speed from the company servers is quite decent, so the whole process occurs quite quickly. To complete the process, the user will need a USB drive with 8 or 10 gigabytes of free space. Less can not.


After the download process is completed "Windows Explorer", go to the download directory and run the file "MediacreationToolexe".

Immediately the installation wizard will start and asked to accept the terms of the license agreement. Click on the button "To accept".

At the next stage, we celebrate the item "Create installation carrier" and press the button "Further".

Now we choose the OS language, the editor and architecture (32 bits or 64). After that click on the button "Further".

In the next step, it is proposed to create a boot drive immediately or create an ISO image for subsequent entry on flash driveorDVD.. It is better to choose the first option, since at least 8 gigabytes of the place will need for the installation image. And this is already a two-layer DVD. So choose the first option and click "Further". But before that it is necessary to insert a USB flash drive to the appropriate port.

Immediately the recording process will immediately begin. It is worth considering that the wizard downloads the necessary files from Microsoft servers and writes them to the drive. Therefore, the operation can last for quite a long time. Will have to wait. Progress will be displayed as a percentage.

After the media creation process is completed, the wizard will start checking the integrity of the image. It is necessary to wait for its completion.

Once the verification is completed, the program will give the appropriate message that the creation of the image is completed. Will only press the button "Ready."

This method allows you to confident that the installation process will pass as it should be. Creating an image of Windows 10 with the help of the official utility from Microsoft is the most preferred option.

Before starting the process of creating an image using the official utility, you need to close all programs. Otherwise, the recording can be interrupted due to an unknown error. Some utilities can block the actions of the image creation wizard. So it is better not to risk.

2. Copy the desired data on the USB flash drive

See also: 3 ways to install windows xp from flash drive

As mentioned above, this method is available to the owners of new PCs and laptops, which have the included UEFI mode, and the partition table on the hard disk has a GPT type. The rest of the users should not even try this method.

This method is sometimes used in the Linux family. There you can simply unpack the image and copy all the files to the USB flash drive, having previously done it in the sections editor. However, Windows is not required in Windows.

Suppose that the official image of Windows 10 has already been downloaded from Microsoft servers. Now you need to mount the image using any program. These are capable of such utilities as Daemon Tools or Alcohol 120%. But even the usual Total Commander can open an ISO. And we will use it. Let's open the program, find the desired image and simply click on it 2 times.

Now in the second panel switched to the USB flash drive.

Now select all the files in the Windows 10 image and press the copy button (or clamp "F5").

Immediately start the copy process. As soon as it is completed, you can restart the computer or laptop and select the bootable media in the UEFI. Everything should work. But only in UEFI on the GPT table.

3. Use third-party programs

See also: 9 simple ways how to open a command line in Windows 7-10

Now there are many utilities that allow you to highlight the image of Windows 10 to a USB drive or DVD. As a rule, these programs are easy to use and have Russian in the interface. We will analyze the most popular.


Small utility from independent developers. It is completely free and does not require installation. You can download it on the official website. And it is very easy to use it. The program easily copes with the recording of Windows and Linux distributions.


We go to the directory with the downloaded program and run the executable file with the EXE resolution.

Immediately launches the main program window. If the USB drive is already inserted into the port, then the utility will determine. Next you need to select the desired write image by pressing the button. "Choose".

Now choose the previously downloaded image of Windows 10 and click "Open".

The next step is to select the recording parameters. You must set UEFI or BIOS options, as well as select the type of partition table (MBR or GPT).

All is ready. It remains only to press the button. "Start" And wait for the completion of the operation.

Now the image is recorded on a USB drive. You can restart the PC or laptop and start installing the operating system to the hard disk. It is worth noting that for the correct entry "Dozens" Requires the latest version of RUFUS.


Another very popular program for writing an image to a USB carrier. It was originally created to record on the Windows 7 USB flash drive. But with "Ten" The utility copes perfectly. And you can download it on the official website of Microsoft.


Download and install the application. Then we run with the appropriate label and fall on the main window. First you need to select the image using the button Browse.

Choose the desired ISO image and click "Open".

Now press the button "Next".

Now the wizard will propose to choose where to write the image. If you planned an entry on a flash drive, then click "USB Device". If you need to write to the disk, then choose "DVD".

Choose the desired USB flash drive and click the button "Begin Copying".

This article shows a way to create a backup copy of Windows 10 disk using the built-in archiving program.

The operating system has a built-in backup and recovery feature that allows you to back up the disk image and, if necessary, restore the computer's performance.

The backup copy of the disk image includes a complete image of Windows 10 with information about the system itself, with all installed drivers, programs, computer settings at the time of creating a copy of the disk image.

If you have different problems with the computer, using a backup of the disk image, you can quickly restore the system to a predetermined state.

Unlike, a backup copy of a disk image allows not only to cancel information about changing system files, but also to fully restore the system to that state when a copy of the disk image was created.

Create a backup image of the disk image is recommended immediately after and setting up the operating system (installation of devices drivers, setting the minimum required number of applications). In this case, a copy of the disk image is created faster and occupies less space on the drive.

A backup copy of Windows 10 disk images is created using the built-in archiving program. Backup and Restore (Windows 7)The executable program file is located in the System32 folder of the Windows system directory and has a name sdClt.exe.

To create a backup copy of the disk image, run the backup and recovery utility, for this use the search in Windows, enter the SDCLT in the search field and select SDCLT in the search results Run the command

Or use dialog box Performcaused by pressing the keyboard key + r, in which enter the SDCLT and press the key ENTER

As a place to save the disk image, you can choose for example a local disk (usually disk D) on the same physical disk, as a result, the system will warn you that the selected disk is on the same physical disk that is now archived and in case of refusal This disk archives will be lost.
Also, a separate physical (HDD or SSD), an external hard disk (HDD or SSD), DVDs or a network folder, can also be used as a place to save the disk image.
If you select DVDs as a place to save the disk image, you will need a lot, this option is the most uncomfortable.
You also need to know that the system disk system can only be saved on the disk with the NTFS file system. If the disk has a different file system, the system will warn you that the disc cannot be used to store the system image, as it is not formatted in the NTFS file system. Format the drive to the NTFS file system.

The default operating system will archive the following disks:
Encrypted (EFI) System section
Disk (C :) (system)

Section Restore (system)

The necessary space for archiving will also be displayed (in this case, 17 GB is required, a clean system with installed device drivers and a pair of applications). The more programs were installed on the computer from the moment of installing Windows, the more space it is necessary to store the backup of the operating system.

Before completing the archiving process, you will be prompted to create a recovery disk. If necessary, you can create it (DVDs will be required). Also create a recovery disc may be later on a USB drive (USB flash drive), how to do it is described in detail in the article

After the process of creating a backup copy of the disk image of the system is completed, click Close

A backup copy of the Windows 10 disk image is created and is on disk ( D:) in folder WindowsImageBackup.

Now you have a backup copy of Windows 10 disk, which you can use in the future in the event of various problems with the system. About how to use a backup of a disk image Read in the article

In this article, ways to create ISO from files and folders will be described. To do this, free programs will be used that can be easily found in the search.

Create an ISO file mainly representing Windows software files is a completely simple procedure. It is enough to have a program and the files themselves.

Creating an image on Windows 10/8 / 7 / XP

There is a convenient program "Ashampoo Burning Studio FREE". With it, you can write images, create images from files. This software works on all modern windows.

Ashampoo Burning has a convenient and simple user interface in Russian.

If you click on the "Disk Image" point, then three items appear:

  • Write an image (you can write an existing ISO file).
  • Create an image (you can remove and create an image from the existing disk).
  • Create an image from files (Future ISO files are selected and created).

We need to choose the third item. The following window will appear.

Choose ISO format. Next comes directly adding folders and files for future ISO file.

You can choose the path to save and clearly seen how many folders and files weigh. Everything is simple and this is not all functions of this software.

You can download from the official site:

Another good CDBURNERXP program

It can work on Windows 2000 / XP / 2003 Server / Vista / 2008 / Win7 / Win8 / Win10 (x86 / x64).

It has a Russian language and a convenient interface, and also supported by the old Windows XP OS.

A few steps to create an image.

Thus, the project will continue and create an ICO file.

You can download from the official site:

Immediately I will say that installing the programs carefully, because it is possible to establish different unnecessary toolbars and others with the program ... For this, you need to select "Advanced parameters" type, "more download options" when installing or downloading. These actions relate to all free programs. The same Adobe Flash Player, when upgrading or downloading is a check mark on the Google Chrome installation, so it is so often type updated. Of course, you can install additional tools, browsers and other items, this is your right, but how many times I have not installed, I did not find practical application, I did not find them, only clog the computer.

How to create an ISO image in Ultraiso

Also a good software, it is the most popular to work with images. The actions are as follows:

  1. After starting, select the right files at the bottom and by pressing the right mouse button, you can select "Add".
  2. After selecting in the File menu, click "Save"

You can easily find it in the search, I unfortunately did not find it.

That's all, I think these programs are enough to create an ISO image.