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What to do if water gets into your iPhone? What to do if your iPhone falls into water? iPhone 5c fell into water, what should I do?

At the end of summer - beginning of September, the number of calls to service centers related to water getting into the iPhone noticeably increases (the holiday season leaves its mark). And even the presence of moisture protection according to the IP67 standard does not change the situation much. The Apple website has very vague wording on this issue, but the main message is this: if liquid does get inside, then, of course, there will be no guarantee. But what to do if the iPhone does fall into the water?

If something goes wrong and water gets into your phone, under no circumstances should you continue to use it. First, you should turn off your iPhone. You also cannot charge the device - in this case, you can cause irreparable damage to the entire smartphone. If your phone falls into salt water, it is better to rinse it in plain water, since salt is a very good conductor of electricity, and as already mentioned, it is extremely difficult to repair such smartphones. Even if your seventh generation or older iPhone fell into water, it is still better to contact a service center for diagnostics. Smartphones with protection according to IP67 standards are in no way protected from water getting inside. It is not uncommon for a phone to begin to malfunction only a month after contact with liquid.

How water can harm iPhone X

The ModMac service center told us that the iPhone X's Face ID sensor stops working in almost all cases after liquid gets inside. This is due to the fact that the camera module itself and the top speaker cable are “tied” to the board processor, which is responsible for the proper operation of the sensor. Under number “1” you can find the earpiece cable, and under number “2” you can find the front camera module.

Unfortunately, contact with liquid almost always damages one of these components, causing Face ID to stop working permanently. Authorized service centers do not repair devices after water damage: they offer to replace your iPhone with a new one for 45,000 rubles. Often this price is too high, and the real cost of replacing an iPhone with a new one can be 10,000 rubles, which is not that expensive for a completely new phone.

We strongly do not recommend taking your phone into the bathroom, taking underwater pictures, and especially immersing it in the sea or ocean, since the process of restoring a phone after water, especially salt water, is extremely difficult and often lengthy, and can be equivalent to the cost of a new one iPhone.

What is more profitable: changing your iPhone or getting it repaired?

It all depends on the model. It is not always possible to repair an iPhone X after water damage, but exchanging for a new one will cost. The cost even after water gets in starts from 990 rubles, the average price is usually around 4,000 rubles, exchange costs 8,000 rubles.

Exchange the seventh and eighth generation iPhone. And

No one is safe from an iPhone falling - no matter how careful the user is with his equipment. However, the worst thing is if the smartphone falls into the water - a few seconds (and sometimes even one second) are enough for the iPhone to be silent forever, depending on your luck. There are several ways to save an iPhone after contact with water, and we will talk about them in this article.

Many people have heard about an approximate plan of action in the event of any device falling into water - advice immediately comes to mind with drying it on a radiator, with a hairdryer or in rice. However, few people know the correct sequence of performing all these actions, and few are familiar with the details of the same drying. So what should you do if your iPhone falls into water?

Note: if the iPhone has been in water for a long time, for example, 30 seconds or more, it is better to immediately go to a service center and not make any attempts to resuscitate the device yourself.

Drying iPhone

Important: you cannot turn on the iPhone in order to check its functionality. Even if the water did not cause serious harm, play it safe and follow the instructions described below. Turning on a device damaged by water can lead to permanent failure.

The first thing to do is try to wipe the device as quickly as possible and begin preparations for drying. The ideal solution would be to disconnect the battery, but without the skills to disassemble an iPhone, this is unlikely to be possible. In this case, you need to remove the SIM card tray, pick up a regular hair dryer and start drying the device. Be careful, it is not advisable to turn on the hair dryer at maximum speed and temperature - this can only make things worse.

An alternative method can also help, the idea of ​​which is to dry the iPhone with rice. Rice perfectly absorbs moisture, and cases of gadgets being saved after falling into water have been recorded more than once. Skepticism aside, take the sunken iPhone and place it in a bag of rice for 12-24 hours, best done after an initial blow-dry.

Turn on iPhone

And now, a day has passed since you accidentally dropped your iPhone into the water. The smartphone was dried and now lies in a bag of rice, awaiting its fate. Statistics show that even if the water ingress is not very strong and all the above instructions are followed correctly, the iPhone will “come to life” in 65% of cases, however, you need to prepare for the worst.

If the iPhone does not turn on, unfortunately, you will have to take it to a service center, in the hope that the contacts remain intact and can be restored. Repairs, depending on the number of defects, can be estimated at 1000-10000 rubles.

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Mobile devices have become very widespread - most users practically do not let go of their smartphones even in the bathroom. The consequence of such active use may be the device falling into water and its further failure. What should you do if your iPhone falls into water? Is it possible to somehow “save” the device?

Why is water dangerous for iPhone and what are the dangers of “swimming”?

A fall into water, even for a short time, is in most cases fatal for any mobile device (with the exception of waterproof models or the use of special protective cases).

If you sometimes manage to spill liquid on your phone with relatively no consequences, then completely immersing your phone almost always ends in complete breakdown of the device. This is due to the fact that if you spill liquid on your phone, you can quickly eliminate it, while a minimal amount will get into the joints and seams, then it will evaporate.

However, water can also be spilled “unsuccessfully”, for example, by getting on a speaker or port. In this case, it penetrates into the mechanisms of the device in sufficiently large quantities and quickly. The smartphone may not be recoverable.

When the device is completely immersed in liquid, water is poured into the ports, openings of microphones, speakers, and body joints. That is, the entire phone gets wet, almost instantly. Even if you pull him out of the water right away, the damage will still be done.

Some floods of this type cause changes that are incompatible with the further operation of the device. That is, even service specialists will not be able to dry and repair it. Sometimes, with quickly taken measures, most of the unpleasant consequences can be avoided.

What changes that interfere with normal operation occur in the phone after it is flooded?

  1. If liquid gets into the charging port, this leads to instant contact of water on the battery contacts and its surface itself. The phone stops charging, the remaining charge, if it was available when dipping into water, is used up very quickly. Moreover, by putting such a phone on charge, you risk damaging the cable itself by getting its contacts wet.
  2. The contact of the buttons is broken - they almost immediately stop working altogether or work periodically.
  3. If liquid gets into the SIM card installation port, it gets wet and becomes unsuitable for use in other devices (most often). The SIM card reading mechanism deteriorates and oxidizes - the phone is now unable to perform its main communication function.
  4. Within a few hours after the drop, especially if the water was very different from the ambient temperature, condensation will form on the phone. The first sign of its appearance is the characteristic drops of water on the glass of the screen from the inside. Condensation forms even on those parts of the phone that were not initially wet when dropped, causing their failure.
  5. Getting wet almost immediately “kills” the screen matrix. The changes that have occurred can manifest themselves in different ways: sometimes dead pixels appear, in other cases the screen does not turn on at all and/or stops responding to touches.
  6. Various contacts of the device are short-circuited, which can cause various types of problems - buttons stop working, the backlight does not turn on, the bell cannot be heard, the SIM card cannot be read, the speaker and/or microphone does not work, the connection to the network stops, the battery begins to get very hot, etc. .
  7. Over time, the liquid remaining on the metal parts of the device does not evaporate completely, since the phone case is closed quite tightly. It enters into a chemical interaction with metals, causing them to corrode, which leads to the gradual complete failure of the phone, its transition to a state beyond repair.

Dropping a device into water is always dangerous. Although it may turn on normally in the first minutes and even days thereafter and not show any significant abnormalities in operation, condensation and corrosion will still occur. Gradually, the basic functions of the device will be disrupted and it will become inoperable in any case.

Different liquids have different effects on the device. The most “favorable” is pure alcohol, vodka, whiskey. The alcohol evaporates quickly without causing corrosion.

But due to the disruption of evaporation in the device body, it can also cause significant harm. The most “unfavorable” is being flooded with sweet and/or thick liquids. They evaporate poorly, dry out, cause additional chemical reactions, accelerating corrosion, causing sticking and overheating.

The design of the iPhone is such that, unlike some Android devices, it does not have replaceable parts at all. On the one hand, this makes it more resistant to flooding, preventing liquid from getting inside, on the other hand, it complicates its drying. Therefore, you should be as careful as possible with devices of this brand.

Device warranty issues

Apple devices in Russia have a two-year manufacturer's warranty, during which they provide free repairs and replacement of the device if it malfunctions. But flooding is not a warranty case, and devices that were once subject to it become non-warranty.

After taking urgent measures to dry it, open the slot for your SIM card. Look into it - there should be a small gray round area - this is a flood indicator, necessary for warranty service employees. If the area turns red or the flood is severe, the service employee will quickly identify it and you will be denied any subsequent repairs if the phone is still under warranty.

If the indicator did not color, but remained gray, the flooding was not strong. Sometimes such phones can even be returned for service under warranty. However, it is better not to take risks and waste time, but to immediately contact a paid service center (or a free one if the flood is covered by your additional insurance).

Dropped your iPhone in water – what to do?

The main thing the owner should do after removing the device from the water is to contact a service center as quickly as possible. Only there will they take the necessary measures to normalize the functioning of the device. But before that, it is important to take emergency measures to dry your mobile device at home.

Immediately, immediately after removing the smartphone from the water, do the following:

  1. Turn off your phone.
  2. Take it out of the case.
  3. Don't shake it too much - just turn it upside down and let the water drain on its own.
  4. Remove the SIM card, remove other connected devices, if any.
  5. Wipe the phone with a napkin or rag.
  6. Try to blow out the moisture with a vacuum cleaner.
  7. Place the device in the dehydrator for several hours. Rice can be used as a dehydrator. If you don’t have rice on hand, you can simply wrap your phone in a paper towel, but as tightly as possible.
  8. After the first dry time, you can try to remove the back cover of the device by unscrewing the two end screws next to the charging port. But if you have never disassembled mobile electronics before and have little idea how they work, you should not start with the “drowned” one.

After completing the emergency drying process, contact the service center and ask for diagnostics of the device, during which it will be determined whether it needs additional drying.

iPhones and moisture resistance

What to do if your iPhone falls into water and won’t turn on? Owners of iPhone 7 and older models need not worry.

These devices are moisture resistant - they are protected from liquid penetration according to the IP67 standard and higher. This means that it is acceptable to immerse them in water for a short time - this will not lead to it getting inside, however, it is worth quickly wiping the phone after taking it out.

As for iPhone 6 owners, despite all the manufacturers' assurances of moisture resistance, it does not meet the standards. Strictly speaking, it is resistant to moisture due to the presence of additional rubber gaskets around the button openings. Such phones should be dried as thoroughly as 5S and earlier models.

Is it necessary to go to the service?

As already written above, any fall into water causes significant damage to the phone. Even if you took the device out of the water quickly, it, at first glance, works normally or with only minor deviations, over time, as condensation forms, corrosion develops, destruction will progress.

P Therefore, it is important to contact the service as early as possible - so that the changes do not have time to affect important parts of the mechanism.Due to the small size and high sensitivity of iPhone chips, negative changes progress as quickly as possible.

On average, after falling into water, a phone can remain more or less operational for a maximum of 7-10 days, which dishonest owners often take advantage of, trying to sell the phone during this period. The sooner you contact the service, the higher the chance that your phone will be repaired with minimal consequences.

Also keep in mind that the smaller the changes, the cheaper and easier the repair is likely to be. Therefore, timely contacting the service will allow you to save money. If the phone is under manufacturer's warranty and the flood indicator has not darkened, it makes sense to contact Apple service - there is a chance that the manufacturer will carry out a free repair.

In addition, those owners whose phone is under an additional warranty that includes flooding should always contact the service. Even if it gets slightly wet, it is better to carry out diagnostics and repairs just in case.

In what cases should you not call for service after water gets on your device?

  1. The ingress of liquid is quite insignificant - it mostly spilled onto the screen.
  2. You quickly removed the liquid that got in; it didn’t exactly get into the ports.
  3. The phone was in a waterproof case and remained completely dry.
  4. The smartphone is old and has had a number of glitches and malfunctions - in this case, the cost of repairs may be higher than purchasing a new device.

In all other cases, you need to take urgent measures to dry the iPhone yourself at home. And then contact the service as soon as possible.

What should you not do if your iPhone falls into water?

Some of the ways in which users try to provide “first aid” to the device can cause significant harm. Avoid the following if you have just removed your phone from water:

  1. Do not try to charge it right away - this will only quickly cause a short circuit and failure of the battery, and in addition, damage the cable.
  2. Don't try to turn it on. On the contrary, if the phone was turned on, it should be turned off immediately.
  3. Do not immediately start checking the functionality of the device - first dry it as much as possible.
  4. Do not move it into a hot room - this can accelerate and provoke the formation of condensation. For the same reason, don't put your phone in your pocket.
  5. Do not dry it with a hot air dryer. This will cause the systems to overheat. Microcircuits will cause a short circuit and accelerate the formation of corrosion on heated metal.
  6. Do not place in a container with salt, especially sugar. Fine compounds get into the ports, worsening the condition of the phone.
  7. Don't waste time. The sooner you contact the service, the higher the chance of “saving” your smartphone.
  8. Do not shake the device trying to shake out the water - this can cause the liquid to spread further to those parts of the mechanism that have not yet been touched.
  9. Do not try to dry the ports with a cotton swab - cotton particles may remain in the port, impairing its performance. For this purpose, it is more advisable to use non-woven wipes or wet wipes for equipment.

    I have been following new developments in the field of mobile technologies for many years. Previously, this was my hobby, but now it has grown into a professional blog, where I am happy to share the information I have accumulated with you. I tested all the instructions, life hacks, selections of the best programs and tariff plans personally on myself.

Only the latest generation of Apple smartphones received the long-awaited protection against water. And this is despite the fact that other companies have been producing dust- and moisture-proof devices for the past few years. Well, okay, we haven’t gathered here to criticize Apple. We now have a much more serious task. From this article you will learn what to do if your iPhone falls into water or any other liquid.

What to do if your iPhone falls into water

Of course, the first thing you need to do is remove it from this liquid as soon as possible. But what needs to be done next? Let's talk about this in order.

Water is a neutral substance. It may not bring immediate harm. Therefore, the sooner you remove your device from it, the greater the likelihood that it will continue to work as before. But if it gets inside - under the case: on the board and sensors, then over time corrosion processes may begin and then you will not be able to do without expensive repairs to your Apple gadget.

Advice: In case of short-term contact with water, it is important to turn off the device as quickly as possible. If liquid gets on vital sensors, it may simply burn. We probably don't need this.

So, the iPhone is taken out of the water and turned off. What to do next? Let's figure it out:

Thus, if you do not want to play with fate, then it is better to run to the service center as soon as possible - only there they will be able to return you a full-fledged, working device.

Average repair cost(restoration after water damage) - from 4,000 thousand rubles and above, depending on the damage and model of the smartphone, we’ll immediately inform you that repairing an iPhone 6/7 will cost 3,000 - 5,000 thousand more than 5/5S.

Advice: Under no circumstances should you use a hair dryer or similar devices with hot air to dry your gadget. There is a high risk of overheating the iPhone or individual chips. Then it will definitely not start, or the glue that holds the display and some microcircuits will leak.

Unfortunately, there is a high probability that an iPhone that falls into water will no longer function as before. You'll be lucky if it just drains the battery faster. While other outcomes are also possible. For example, incorrect display operation; loss of sound from the main and external speakers; non-working Home button and much, much more.

iPhones have become waterproof only recently. To be precise, only iPhone 7/7 Plus, iPhone 8/8 Plus and . Owners of earlier models often have the question “What to do if your iPhone gets into water?”

What to do if you dropped your iPhone 4, 4S, 5, 5S, 5C, 6, 6S, 6 PLUS, 6S PLUS, SE, 7, 7 PLUS, 8,8 Plus, X into water?

There are quite a lot of cases when an iPhone ends up in water. There are actually plenty of reasons why this happens: you got caught in the rain, fell into the pool, dropped it into the aquarium, took a selfie in the sea and it fell. The list could go on for a long time and there will be some very funny cases.

Now I want to talk about what measures need to be taken in a situation where the iPhone is flooded with water.

Step one

First of all, you must understand that getting your iPhone into water is always a game of roulette. And the consequences can be very different.

Therefore, first of all, get your smartphone out of the water as quickly as possible. In this situation, every second is practically worth its weight in gold. If you are lucky, the consequences will not be very serious.

Step two

Turn off your phone immediately and don’t even think about turning it on. This way you will avoid a short circuit inside the device and you will have a chance to save your iPhone.

A very common situation is when people take their smartphone out of the water and see that it works great. After which they continue to use it. This should not be done under any circumstances, since water that gets inside can reach important components and the device will turn itself off. In this case, saving the device will be very problematic.

Step three

The first step is to try to remove all the water that you see. For this, any rag, cotton swabs or anything else that absorbs moisture well will suit you.

When wiping, try not to shake or turn your smartphone over again. Otherwise, you can only make things worse. We just need to bring the device to a dry state.

Step four

Next, take your iPhone and take it to the nearest service center. In this case, it is better to describe the situation in as much detail as possible: what kind of liquid the phone fell into, how long the device was in the water, etc.

This can help technicians take the right measures to save your gadget.

Step five

Then you just have to wait for the verdict of the craftsmen. As a rule, in such cases, repairs take several days. There is no point in hoping too much for a good outcome. If water gets on the motherboard, you are unlikely to like the consequences.

But if only a certain module, such as a camera or battery, turns out to be damaged, then it will simply be replaced for you. After which you will be able to use your iPhone again.

The biggest problem is that water causes the iPhone components to oxidize. And it may happen that even after complete drying, everything will work fine.

But a little time will pass, and various components will gradually begin to fail. And as a result, the smartphone will turn into a brick.

The most common mistakes when iPhone falls into water

There is one legend that if you put your iPhone in rice, then after 1-2 days it will miraculously remove all the moisture and the device will work normally again.

Without any doubt, rice has the ability to absorb moisture. This will only help if water has not managed to get inside the device.

If water leaked inside and you even managed to disassemble the smartphone yourself. But even if you put it in rice in a disassembled state, you still won’t get the desired result. The water is already inside and you cannot do without qualified help

There are special ways in which this process is done in the service and most often this is drying with a pressed air stream. This is followed by treatment with special solutions and checking of all components.

So if you decide to dry your phone with a hairdryer, then I advise you to immediately throw this idea out of your head. This will only worsen the situation, because you will provoke evaporation and moisture can get to other parts.

Anything that is not in my five steps should not be done. This will help increase the chances of salvation and believe me, they are not so small.

Consequences after such a situation

As you understand, after your iPhone gets into water, you shouldn’t flatter yourself with hopes of a good outcome. It’s better to immediately prepare for the worst consequences, and then it’s your luck.

The most important thing is that you did everything you could. You don't have to do anything extra, just follow the instructions. I understand perfectly well that we don’t like to follow the rules, but you try and the chances will increase.

Owners of iPhone 7/7Plus, iPhone 8/8 Plus and iPhone X may feel somewhat better in this situation. After all, protection against water and dust according to the IP67 standard allows you to immerse the device up to 1 m for 30 minutes.

All other models do not have such protection. So brace yourself and control yourself, it’s just a phone and the end of the world has not come.

Of course, smartphones are only becoming more expensive now. Believe that no one is immune from such situations and just try to be more careful. And if you have extra money, you can even insure it.