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Social network pinterest. Unlimited viewing of Russian Pinterest without registration Briefly about the new social project

Briefly about the new social project

Pinterest (“Pinterest” is the Russian spelling) is a site (often positioning itself as a social network) on which users can upload and share photos. It is designed in the form of a “corkboard”, on which it is convenient to create collections of images and distribute them by topic (interests, places, hobbies, etc.). Users can view the boards of other network members, and also use a virtual pointed “button” to attach photos and images to the “plug.” You can like it.

The creators of Pinterest believe that the site can bring people together by sharing ideas and inspiration. The project was created by American Ben Silberman, managed by Cold Brew Labs, and receives funding from a group of businessmen and inventors. Now Pinterest is considered one of the most dynamically developing social services in the world. There is a version of Pinterest in Russian.

Practice of use

Pinterest users have access to wide functionality of the site. The interface allows you to download images, save them, sort them, and manage other video files. The main tool is pointed electronic “buttons” (pins), with which photos and pictures can be attached to a virtual “board” in a clerical manner. The latter are usually divided into various topics, and media content is organized into several categories. Other users can thus find photos that reflect their interests and hobbies.

The main page of Pinterest is called the pin feed, which displays changes to the boards that the user follows. There are “recommended” social network pages that are likely to contain content that is interesting to the member viewing it. There are Pinterest mobile apps for iPhone and Android.

Registration nuances

For a long time, the project was in beta testing status, and registration on the social network was possible only through personal invitations on Pinterest. The registration instructions were simple. However, there were no quantitative restrictions in this regard - the user could ask any friend with an account to send an invitation. When a future user received it, they could create their account and then set it up when registration was complete. Pinterest could import active profiles from Facebook and Twitter.

Subsequently, the user found himself in a section where he indicated which pictures he would prefer to see. Then a personalized “cork” board was created. It could be integrated with Facebook and Twitter. However, in 2012, Pinterest completely opened itself up to users. The need to send out invitations has disappeared. The sequence of registering and setting up accounts described above has been preserved. Once everyone was able to create profiles on Pinterest, the number of users increased many times over. If, for example, in mid-2011 there were about 1 million accounts in the project, then a year later there were more than 20 million.

Commercial significance

The social network Pinterest has quickly become a popular marketing tool that leading brands have begun to use. Among these are online clothing stores. Pinterest is a site that has become a promotion tool for them. These businesses have traditionally been active in harnessing the power of social media. They have accounts on Pinterest along with profiles on Instagram, Facebook and other social networks. Companies specializing in travel use Pinterest very actively. In particular, some services for purchasing air tickets actively use photo management capabilities for their socially significant projects. Among the active “players” of Pinterest are some Russian media. Some glamor magazines have especially succeeded in this direction, which is understandable - their main content is photos, which Pinterest allows you to manage in a comfortable mode.

Publishing houses and owners of famous blogs have accounts on Pinterest. For them, visiting their favorite address by typing “www.pinterest” and updating media content has become commonplace. Digital agencies are also trying to keep up in mastering the capabilities of this social network. There are examples of Pinterest being used by businesses operating in the real sector.

Ways to Promote Content

There are several effective methods for promoting user-generated (optionally branded) content on Pinterest. One option is to post relevant holiday content, which will most likely be of interest to most users, since holidays and weekends will concern everyone. Along with holiday-themed photos and videos, you can carry out “product placement” (placing items with a brand logo) or embed direct advertising messages into the content. Another option is to optimize for Pinterest’s internal search and recommendation system, so to speak, “local” SEO. This is working with keywords that describe the content, using them to catalog photographs and various infographics. Proper search engine optimization will help your content be visible to other users.

The next promotion tool is the integration of Pinterest with other social networks. The main functions related to this area are included in the social network by default; you just need to actively use this opportunity. Another useful tip from marketers is to post unique images. According to some experts, about 80% of photos and pictures on Pinterest are copies of others. An account will look more attractive with a large amount of unique content.

Can you make money on Pinterest?

Some Pinterest users have learned how to make money by using their account. Among the striking examples are the creators of the startup Pinbooster, a platform that can pay social network members for distributing advertising messages from various brands. This method of earning money is not fundamentally new; by the time the startup was launched, it had already been used on the basis of other social networks, especially on Twitter. The creators of Pinbooster admitted that they picked up the idea on Twitter and then decided to apply it to Pinterest. The startup works with advertisers, businesses and agencies, making offers to segment users according to various criteria (number of contacts, geographic location, etc.). Any Pinterest user can earn money together with a startup. Pinbooster can show its online employee how much he will receive for publishing advertising content.

History of creation

One of the founders of Pinterest is Ben Silberman from His parents are doctors, and he himself decided to continue the family business by enrolling in medical college. However, the American’s professional path took him in a different direction. Ben was an avid reader of the innovation portal TechCrunch, became interested in technology, and soon began working in web development at Google. He was especially inspired by working with photographs, and, having found like-minded people, he created the startup Pinterest, which was launched in 2009. At first, the project office was at Ben Silberman's home. The creator of the new social network himself sent out new invitations to users. At first, many fans of social networks were sure that the Internet was not interested in Pinterest, that it was not a completely promising project. But over time, the startup still found global recognition. The concept of collecting and sharing pictures appealed to many Internet users. The Times magazine played an important role in the popularization of Pinterest, which published an article about the project, as well as a message that Pinterest was listed as the top 50 best sites of 2011.


The largest audience of the social network Pinterest is women. They are about 70% of the total number of users. The age of most account owners is 25-40 years. The primacy of the ladies is quite understandable, because photographs are carriers of fashion trends, and simply pleasing to the eye views of clothing, household items, and new designs. The fact that women are the main audience of Pinterest is used by various businesses that use images to promote their products and services, designed for demand from women. Pinterest is notable for its giant leaps in audience growth: from several hundred thousand users in the first years to 50 million by the end of 2013. Some experts attribute such an impressive increase in traffic to the fact that the emergence of the project coincided with an active period of distribution of mobile devices, especially tablets. Using them, it was often more convenient to look at photos than on a personal computer. This theory is indirectly confirmed by statistics provided by the social network itself - about half of Pinterest users access their accounts from an iPad.

Pinterest in Russia

Russian users do not yet have as much interest in Pinterest as Internet users in foreign countries do. And this, despite the emergence of analogues of the social network (the most famous is, which received investments from the famous Fastlane Ventures fund). For many Russians, the name of the social network is very new; they do not know about Pinterest, what kind of project it is. According to estimates by the marketing company TNS, the Russian audience of the social network in November 2013 was about 513 thousand users (although some experts admit that these figures do not include users of mobile applications). Pinterest top managers in interviews with Russian media, however, noted that Russian user experience could be important for the company.

According to representatives of the American social network, Russians are interested in world cuisines, love to travel, learn new things about other countries, and try to follow trends in fashion and design. These habits of Russians can go well with the capabilities of the social network Pinterest, which accumulates many examples of visual content. There is a version of the Pinterest website in Russian.

Reasons for popularity

Experts highlight several main reasons for Pinterest's global success. Firstly, it is achieved through visualization in the form of a virtual “board” and the convenience of viewing collections of photographs and pictures. Pinterest has almost no text content, allowing users to concentrate on viewing one type of media. Secondly, Pinterest has high marketing potential. Brand promotion specialists quickly realized that Pinterest can in many cases be more effective than other social networks, since a significant part of people find it easier and more comfortable to perceive images rather than text. Thirdly, Pinterest allows the user to feel like a collector.

There are people who like to collect stamps and coins, and this hobby quickly turned into digital form, thanks to the capabilities of the American social network. The growth of the project’s still not very high popularity in Russia may be facilitated by the fact that a version of Pinterest has appeared in Russian.

Development forecasts

Experts believe that Pinterest has occupied a stable niche in the global “online ecosystem” from a business point of view - the social network has created a balance between observing fashion and shopping itself. Some experts estimate that Pinterest users spend more than those with Facebook accounts, a fact that speaks to the site's great advertising potential. Marketers predict that brands will gravitate toward working directly with Pinterest and using the social network as a result. As a result, some of the functions that retailers perform will be taken over by Pinterest. The end consumer will use the functionality of the site to purchase goods. It is also important that businesses decide for themselves: Pinterest - what is it? Marketing tool or convenient communication channel? It is quite possible, experts admit, that Pinterest will create a separate product for online trading. The main problem in this direction, marketers believe, may be the practical implementation of targeting advertising offers.

To your blog. And while looking at the statistics of pressing these same buttons and return traffic from social networks, I noticed an interesting thing. The share of clicks on the Pinterest social network button was 26%. And this despite the fact that I didn’t even have an account on this social network at that time. And then I had the idea that this social network could become another source of traffic for my blog.

Statistics of clicks on social buttons from the PLUSO service

What is Pinterest

Imagine a website (for example, Facebook), but instead of all kinds of posts, there are boards with a variety of images on various topics. And people share the images, like them and share with friends. Can you imagine the kind of traffic you can get from this?

But why is Pinterest so interesting for website and blog owners? And the fact that we make infographics (take screenshots) for our materials and these same screenshots can be published on your boards on Pinterest and attract additional traffic from the social network.

Plus, this is a great place to promote your own or partner products. But first things first.

How Pinterest works

Let's look at how this social network works. Let's dwell on this in just a nutshell.

So, you create boards where you post images, where other people can view the images they like. These images are called “pins” and have a link to your site. Although you can change this link to any other one. Most people will click on the image and go to the website to read your article. Infographic images are especially interesting, because when people see such an image, they go to the site to find a solution to the problem they are facing.

Registering an account on Pinterest

If you already have a Pinterest account, you can skip this step. If you don’t have an account, proceed to registration.

We go to the main page of Pinterest and there are two registration options to choose from. The first option is through your Facebook account. That is, if you have a Facebook account, choose this option. The second option is standard, by filling out the registration form and confirming your email address.

If you decide to use the second option, you will need to fill out a registration form.

And confirm your email address. But this is a standard procedure that is familiar to you.

So, after registration, you go to your Pinterest account. And then you will be asked to subscribe to several boards of various topics. Take your time, you will always have time to do it. And I'll tell you how to do it right. For now, let's start setting up the profile.

To do this, you need to click on your account name in the upper right corner and go to the section "Settings".

Among the suggested settings, you can configure notifications and add accounts of other social networks such as Facebook, Twitter and Google+. I advise you to do this to interact with these social networks. You can also use these accounts to log into your Pinterest account.

Now let's go to our profile and make some more settings. To do this, go to the section "Your profile and pins."

And here the most interesting settings will be. You can change the name and connect your blog to the Pinterest account. And then your blog will appear on your Pinterest profile page and in search results.

It is better to use the same name as in other social networks. Or you can use the name of your blog. Try to stick to a consistent style.

For your profile photo, use your photo or your blog's logo. This increases your credibility.

And of course you need to enter the address of your site and confirm the rights to its ownership. To do this in the field "Website" enter the URL of your site and click the button “Verify site.”

To confirm your rights, you need to download the proposed verification file and copy it to the folder with your site. I do this via an FTP connection. Read about how to set up such a connection.

After copying the file to your site folder, click on the button "Complete confirmation".

After confirmation, your website address will be displayed on your profile page and any visitor will be able to go to your website.

Start with one main board, the one on which you will collect your best content. In my case, the main board is called “Online Business”, in accordance with the name of the blog. Afterwards, you can create more boards, for example corresponding to the categories of your site.

To create a board, you will need to enter a title, description and select a category. You can also attach a card.

Now it's time to talk about the first mistake that is easy to make.

There are a lot of interesting topics on Pinterest. But don’t rush to subscribe to cars, fashion, travel. Remember why you created this account.

Stick to your niche. Use keywords in board and pin titles.

Pinterest Etiquette Rules

Let's talk a little about the rules of etiquette. This is extremely important because you don't want to scare away potential visitors to your site.

To use Pinterest effectively, adhere to the following rules.

  1. Publish materials on the board mixed with other thematic materials from other users. About 50/50. You'll see, it will be appreciated.
  2. Never deceive a visitor. Behind the picture there must be a source, your website or the proposed product. Do not provide left-handed links.
  3. Use themed boards and pins.
  4. Provide a brief description of the image. Sometimes a picture doesn't speak for itself and a few words will help people click the link.
  5. Don't post everything at once. Do this gradually, you don't want to look like a spammer. Post pins several times a day or every other day.
  6. If you like something, put “Like”.

Using Pinterest Effectively

What should you pay attention to to better use Pinterest to your advantage? Let's look at some examples of how to improve the appeal of your reviews. And thereby attract more traffic to your site.

Image (pins)

There are a few things to consider when creating and sharing an image to Pinterest.

First, try to ensure that your image, when making visual contact, attracts the eye and encourages action. To do this, you can add titles above the image.

Secondly, pins can be of two types. The first option is a miniature or, say, any other image from your article that reflects the essence of the issue. Such images can be published directly from the site.

The second option is very long images that reflect the essence of the issue. These images need to be made specifically for publishing on Pinterest. As an example, I recommend looking at my pin on the book 24 Internet Professions, here.

Statistically, the second option works better.

I admit, this is my omission, but I warn you in advance. Add captions to your pins. This is another opportunity to assign an image to you.

Descriptions and prices

You can post an image of your product and make a description for it with a price. People like specificity in the offer, when it is clear what you pay for and what you get.

You can also easily add a price list with a back link to the source.

Use hashtags in the description (#tag). This way your pins will appear faster in search results for similar queries.

Example: #matryoshka.

Brand (Your style)

You must maintain your boards to a high standard. Create your own style, brand. You can publish your own content and recommend affiliate products. And people will have more confidence in you and will want to place your pins on their boards.

How to find your audience

Pinterest is just starting to gain popularity in our country. While in America this social network takes an honorable third place. And this is good, since you are the first to take a place in the front row. And over time, more and more people will come to this social network and add you to their boards as recommended authors.

When it comes to attracting an audience, you need to start with the obvious. Tell your friends on VKontakte, Twitter, Facebook, Google+ and so on about your pins on Pinterest and let people know that you have found something new, whet their interest.

In the Pinterest network itself, the methods of promotion are the same as in other social networks.

To find your target audience, use search and key queries on your topic. It is better to sort search results by boards, and after looking at a specific board, you can decide whether to subscribe to that board.

Publishing pins

This way you will dilute your pins with other people’s pins, which in turn will have a positive effect on the promotion of your pins.

WordPress plugin

At the beginning of the article, I said that I paid attention to what social buttons my blog visitors clicked. Of course, having social buttons on your blog allows visitors to share your interesting materials with their friends. But for the social network Pinterest there is a special plugin that allows you to share any screenshot from your material separately.


That’s probably all I wanted to share with you today. Take it into service and use it for good. I wish you successful promotion of your resources.

Subscribe to new articles!

— What is Pinterest and how does it work?

— Who is promotion on Pinterest suitable for?

— Which pins get the most repins?

— Pinterest as a source of free links for SEO.

And most importantly, you will learn a step-by-step strategy for free promotion on Pinterest.

Our project is only 4 months old and during this time we have gained 10 thousand active subscribers on Facebook and 3000 on Pinterest. I have not worked with these social networks before, I have never been an SMM person. I started and studied everything from scratch. But!

Yes, FREE promotion is quite possible on this network. Money in my project was spent on the design of each pin. But again, you can work on the design yourself, you can entrust it to a full-time designer, or you can outsource it to freelancers. I tried promoting pins for money a couple of times, but I can’t say that it gave me great results. Free promotion techniques worked much better.

What is Pinterest?

Pinterest is a visual search and social network. That is, imagine that you enter a query into Google, but every site looks like an image. For example, I entered the query “yoga”, and we see several pictures - each of these pictures is an image for the site. That is, if we click on it once, it will increase. If we click again, we will be taken to the site.

Social proof (when a page is of interest to many) gives your Pin a chance to rank high. And after that you will be able to get free traffic for a long time.

For example, on Facebook, a post lasts for several days (individual posts after promotion last about a week, perhaps you can even achieve more, we are talking about organic promotion). And on Pinterest, a post can bring traffic for 3-4 months; very good posts can last a year or more.

I did not find statistics for Ukraine and Russia. But there is evidence that Pinterest's growth is approximately 130% outside the US (that is, in other countries around the world, especially in Europe.)

Pinterest is growing regularly and has enormous potential. And, naturally, if you plan to work with the American market, then you should definitely consider this network as a promotion channel. Cheap, high-quality traffic, easy to promote for free. People go to Pinterest already ready to buy or search for a service.

The male audience of Pinterest is growing: in 2015 compared to 2014 - 130%. On average, users spend just over 14 minutes on this network. Women are more active (on average, 92% of women post). A lot of visitors come from mobile devices. An interesting nuance: on Pinterest, 80% of posts are reposts (that is, people mostly share existing information rather than add new ones). And if you create new information, it will spread very quickly, because people get bored with the same thing.

Well, if you run any blog, each article can be presented visually. It may look like a small picture with text.

Stages of creating an account and promoting it

Let's go through the stages of creating an account and promoting it. This is what my account looks like. My project is dedicated to yoga, it is essentially a blog about yoga.

What do you need to do when creating?

  • you come up with a name
  • upload a picture (in fact, all experts advise not to put a logo)
  • you will need to confirm the website, that is, go to settings, get the code there and add it to the site. Thus, your site will appear under the name, in our example it is yoga lifestyles.

Under yoga lifestyles you can find a website (you may see It can also be combined with Twitter, that is Automatically post from Pinterest to Twitter .

In the settings you will find the code that you will install on your site, and then click “Confirm” there. When your site appears on this social network, use all its rich capabilities. Your pins will be called reachpins, and more information will be added to them (we'll talk more about this later). That is, we create a name, link our site, and add (required!) a description.

Pinterest is a search engine, and it is very important to write down everything about our site in as much detail as possible, similar to how we operate in search engines. We always write keywords and meta tags in the Google and Yandex search engines - that’s right. The same search mechanism works on Pinterest.

You must include keywords.

For example, you can make some kind of beautiful description, in our case, this is Celebrating Yoga as a Lifestyle. That is, our keys are yoga and lifestyle, and then we can list yoga poses, yoga inspiration. This is what people are searching for on Pinterest.

In each account you will see on the left side there is a “+” sign, this is where you can create boards.

Boards are like a collection of what relates to a certain keyword (that is, when we go to yoga yoga poses, yes, one might say, daddies are like that). When we go to yoga poses, there will be only everything about yoga poses. When we go to night time yoga, everything about evening yoga should be there. Board - thematic folder.

People really like it when everything is structured on Pinterest. There are plenty of spammers on this network who add low-quality content and share it incomprehensibly. If you take a few days and think about your account structure, you will then enjoy the results.

What else is important to do at this stage?

1. A picture for each board. It's actually very cool when you can visually provide the name of each board, plus add brand elements there, in other words, brand each of your boards.

2. Description of the boards. If you visually represent the name of the board (the picture corresponds to the name), then this gives good results. The only problem is that this name is visible only on computers; the boards are not shown in this form on mobile phones. But, nevertheless, you accompany each of these pictures with a link to your website.

Here's an example of Survival Life:

Everything here is structured, visually clear, try to repeat it)) In our case, we made a template (I ordered a template from a designer in 4 colors. I change the name and add them. Survival Life makes it a little more complicated, they also change the picture in the background.

3. Name of boards, selection of keywords. Here, keywords are even more important than keywords in the account. That is, here we have an example with yoga poses.

How will we choose words?

In Pinterest itself, at the very top there will be a place where you can enter a search query.

You type in “yoga” and Pinterest will show examples of what people search for “yoga” most often. We take these requests, at least 5, collect them and add them to the description of our boards.

This is where we prescribe yoga poses, benefits. Everything, everything that can relate to keywords.

Look through everything that is there and add your own options (for example, yoga poses for beginners, for sleep). We add all the words that relate to yoga poses to the descriptions of this daddy. You do exactly the same with each next one. That is, The more keywords you create, the more you will show up.

I don’t recommend being creative when you need to come up with a name for the board. Pinterest is a search engine, and if you enter keywords exactly, you will get significantly more organic traffic than if you are just imagining things at this stage.

On each of these pages you can indicate your website, additional information, but most importantly, write down the main keywords. Hash tags practically do not work on this social network. Experts do not recommend using more than 1-2 hash tags in a pin.

Please note that when searching for a query, the top results are often not the most relevant ones. Because Pinterest indexes by interaction with a pin .

Important! Pinterest indexes by how people share a pin, how they like it, how they click through to the site, so there may be a less relevant query in a higher position.

11.4 thousand “repins”

For example, at the request of a yogi, here is our pin, that is, he made it almost to the top, and in a month he received 11,000 repins, 11.5 thousand repins. What is very important is that you enter a request and before adding it to yourself, open it and go to the site. I repeat once again, there are a lot of spammers on Pinterest, and they very often add a picture, but lead to the wrong place.

If your account is filled with pins that lead to uninteresting information, then it will be difficult. It’s better to spend an extra minute, go read what the site is about, what the article is about, at least see that it’s really an article, and then add it to yourself.

You have looked, then click “Save” and select which of the boards you want to add this particular article to. That is, this is how you structure everything. The more boards you create, the better. Each of these boards should be filled with 6 pins. Then your account will be ready for further promotion.

Bottom line - the account should not be filled only with your content. When you create an account on Pinterest, it should not consist only of links to your site.

Where to register the transition to the site?

When adding a picture, there is a button on the left side “Save a pin”. When you click on it, the request “Add a picture/Upload” appears and there you can add the address of your site. You can also add some description, add a pin - description - keywords.

At each stage you write down keywords:

  • at the account level,
  • at the boards level
  • at the level of each pin.

So you fill out the boards. That is, you can add your own, but at a minimum you need to make 6 repins of others.

80% of the content is reposts. Because users are looking for accounts where the information they need is collected in a folder for them. That is, if you collect everything for users: yoga for weight loss, yoga poses, yoga before bed, yoga in the morning, even if these are not your articles, people will be satisfied.

If this is high-quality content, articles related to the desired topic, then collect the information in one folder, and people will be happy.

About searching for keywords. Each of these keywords is a separate board, that is, a separate folder. The more you create, the more free traffic you will receive. That is, these are the keywords by which Pinterest indexes you.

For high-quality promotion in Ukraine, it is advisable to create a new brand account, or you can use your personal one. You can completely use your personal one, closing personal folders, this is great. People like to interact with people more. When you share information personally, as a person and not as a brand, this is an even bigger plus. It is quite possible to promote your brand and hide personal folders. That is, it is possible to create private folders on Pinterest that will only be visible to you.

It's better that the account is old. Because Pinterest is a search engine. The older the account, the easier it is to advance.

How to create a site account? We create it the same way as a regular one, only you can select a “Business account” and call it a site account. You don’t have to pay anything extra for this, and your personal account can also always be converted to the status of a business account. It can be converted to Pinterest for business. That is:

  • you can register a new one,
  • or change account type. and add additional information there, website.

What is important to consider when creating a Pin?

Well, Pinterest calls the ideal 735 by 1200. But you can make them of any length. Your task is to make it 735 pixels wide, but you can make them different in length. It's bad to do anything too long. Because it is poorly displayed on the phone, it will be difficult to view it all. I noticed that it's best when 735 is multiplied by 2, there are 1400, 1600. Don't create all the pictures the same size, it's just interesting when they're all different lengths, it adds, I don't know, coolness to Pinterest. And it’s more interesting when they are different.

Create pins of different colors so that they do not get lost next to each other and stand out against the background in your account. I’ll give you another piece of advice: if a pin has a very strong virality, you should definitely repin it to yourself. The more popular pins you have in your account, the better Pinterest will index.

What pins work?

On Pinterest, a lot of people add everything in such calm colors (light pink, blue, white). I wouldn't say it's a mistake, but you can get a lot more results if you make colorful pins. Bright pins stand out from others, and people tend to start repining them fairly quickly.

The second thing that seems important to me. People like to see as much information as possible in the picture itself. Let's just say there are 2 types of pins. The first is the picture and title of the article. There are pins that have the title of the article plus some information that is already in this article, a kind of infographic. That is, descriptions of what people will find if they click on this Pin. On the first ones, which are only headlines, you can get more clicks to the site. You get more traffic to your site, but they get less shares. That is, this pin. We received 11,000 repins, and only 9,000 clicks to the site. That is, not all those who shared it went to the site. All they had to do was look at the information in the picture.

How to write texts for pictures?

In the "Descriptions" section. If you do a reachpin, if information is pulled from your site, then the text will automatically be added in bold. For example, at the beginning I included the title of the article in the description, and then the title itself was added. You can copy the title of the article, or enter keywords. Both work. That is, at a minimum, yoga poses should be repeated at least once in the description.

Pin sizes and quality?

Create high-quality images - this is the most important thing. Pinterest is a visual social network. The most important thing you should pay attention to is that if you want to achieve effective promotion on Pinterest, you need to work on high-quality pictures.

In-house designer Freelancer (, Self-employed (, PicMonkey)

I tried a lot of people, paid different money, tried different specialists, and I am very pleased with Denis from Ukraine. It’s very cool when you have a person who will make a picture for each article at any time. I have already developed a system. I order an article from a copywriter, add it to the site, order a picture on Pinterest, a picture on Facebook (that is, all this already comes as a package with the article). And the article is published on Pinterest immediately after it has been added to the site. The third way you can create high-quality images is with programs like PicMonkey and

PicMonkey is paid, also has a paid version, but the free one is quite enough. I really love Canva. Even many designers, I don’t know how it is in Ukraine and Russia, but in the States, when they need to do something very quickly, they don’t even go to Photoshop or any programs they use, but quickly do everything in Canva. That is, be sure to try it. There are already a huge number of templates, you can use them.

If you don’t have the opportunity now, if you are promoting your blog or product yourself, is ideal. The free version is quite enough. By the way, there is also one good site - If you don’t have the opportunity to pay a designer or aren’t confident in your design skills, you’re afraid of Photoshop, you tried Canva - it didn’t work (well, you never know). You can try this tool. A couple of times when I quickly needed a picture, I took it here.

Pinterest and SEO

That's what's cool about Pinterest, it's one of the few social networks that provides backlinks, backlinks to the site. And despite the fact that my project does not have a SEO specialist. We don’t work much with external links, but at the same time we have 6,000 links and for some keywords we have already reached not just the top, but the top 3 (the site is 4 months old and this is the USA). That is, these are very cool results. We already receive organically somewhere up to 400 clicks per month from various search engines, and I concluded for myself that the majority comes from Pinterest. We were not involved in buying links or even posting articles on other sites. That is, we do not yet have high-quality links on good sites. But Pinterest gave 6,000 links. Ours are only 30 pins, everything else is people repin our “pins” to themselves, add them to their boards, and thanks to this, from each of these boards we get a link to our website. Cool for SEO: you don’t spend a penny and get quite a lot of links, plus social signals. This is why Pinterest and SEO work well together.

Collaborative boards

Pinterest has a concept called collaborative boards. At first I was somehow skeptical about them; I didn’t understand why I should add other people’s boards to mine. But then, after trying it, I realized that this was a huge plus. When creating a board, you can choose whether this board will be just your personal one, or whether you invite someone else to publish jointly on this board. The user who agrees to “pin” your board will have it displayed in his account. This way, if you add popular, famous people who already have a lot of followers, your board will automatically be added to their account. And their followers can see your board in the same way. When you add a lot of people (some add 500,000 people), all of those people are actively participating in your boards. And, besides the fact that they pin there, they can also be your target audience, interested and can repin your pins and generally click through, read your content, and follow your links.

How to invite?

You need to find the right person for the joint board, you need to make friends with him, subscribe to him. If he hasn't followed you back, you can write him a private message. This is a little tricky because on Pinterest you can't write a private message if they don't follow you, so you have to find the person. I found the right people on LinkedIn, Facebook, went to websites, wrote private messages on websites, filled out application forms. If I want someone to pin on my board, I'll find that person. That is, you find opinion leaders and communicate with them. They are usually happy to participate (provided you already have enough subscribers).

In addition, it is very important to start collaborating on other people's boards. You will be able to publish your own posts on boards in other accounts. And if these boards are already advanced, popular, they already have many users. Accordingly, they very quickly receive significantly more repins than if you simply add people to yourself.

How can I add myself to other people’s boards, how can I start publishing there?

There is a great website called, it's free. You can find any collaboration boards here. That is, enter title (which can be in the board title) and view the most popular boards. For example, I entered “yoga” and found the most popular yoga boards. Find the ones you need and click on them, you will be transferred to Pinterest, you will see the conditions for sharing this board (you can read what you can publish on this board). And often board owners indicate how to contact them in order to start posting on this board. Some write that they don’t invite anyone else, while others write that we are open to invitations, just contact us.

How can I find the person who created this board? This is just on the left side the very first participant from the entire list of participants. That is, it will be written how many people are participating in this board, and your task is to find the first one.

In fact, when I started participating in other boards, I experienced significant growth. Immediately, my subscribers began to grow much faster and my pins began to be shared more actively.

Question: How many pins should I post? I usually post 10-15 pins a day.

Question: How many people can I subscribe to and for what period of time? Follow 100 people per day. Mass following is the best technique in Pinterest and there is nothing scary about it. At the start, your task is to follow 100 people per day. Make it a habit and do it every day.

Question: How to find your target audience? At the very beginning, I found joint boards, went to them and looked at who was participating in them. And I subscribed to participants in joint boards. In principle, I already subscribe to many of them. These are people who publish specifically about yoga. That is, I 100% understand that these are real people, they are targeted, they are interested in the same thing as me and most of them are not actually companies, they are ordinary people who use Pinterest and love yoga. They participate in boards together for their own pleasure, and not to promote their site. This is very popular on Pinterest. The second thing about who you can find is you can go in and see who shared pins and follow those people. At the same time, you can subscribe not to a full account, but only to a few boards that may be of interest to you. So you can go to this person and see that he has a bunch of things here, there is hairstyle, and workout and clothes. We are only interested in yoga, subscribe only to yoga, not to the entire account. This way you will subscribe to your target audience. And a little later, when you go to the news, you will see everything that relates specifically to your topic.

Hello, site friends!

You know, I grew up in the fun 80s. Those were great times. I was no different from today's youth. Although, no. Here's what was different:

— Instead of Instagram, I had the magazine “Funny Pictures.” By the way, if you don’t know what Instagram is, I highly recommend reading this review:

— Instead of Twitter - a game of notes at school =)

— Instead of SnapChat there was nothing at all. How, you don’t know what mega-fashionable Snapchat is? Then definitely

- Instead of the Internet - a wired radio point in the kitchen with the anthem of the Soviet Union at 6-00 and 24-00 (oh, those were cool times!)

That’s why I take special interest in everything new! An information-hungry childhood makes itself felt =)

And so, today, following a tip from Ivan Shipilov, I began to study. First out of curiosity, and then I got so involved that I decided to write a short post on this topic.

As they say, let’s do without long prefaces =) and start right away with registering on this new social network.

Update: in July 2015, the social network Vkontakte released a very interesting analogue of Instagram called Snapster.

A very interesting thing, I advise you to get acquainted with it immediately. There are not many people there yet, which means it will be possible to quickly unwind =)

What it is?

In essence, this is a very cool image cataloger. Well, naturally, with elements of a social network. No not like this! This is, after all, more of a social network with elements of a cataloguer.

What do people do there:

— Users upload photos (called PINs) to their Boards. You don’t have to download, but borrow images directly from websites or other accounts.

— These same PINs (images, that is) are attached to the boards and put up for review. Everything is like in a regular bulletin board on the street.

- They can like your PIN.

There is also a mobile version of Pinterest for smartphones. I recommend watching this video

By the way, I only use the mobile version of Pinterest, as it is much more convenient, in my opinion. However, whatever is more convenient for you. Anyway, read the article below!

How to register?

As you can see, if you already have an account on Twitter or FaceBook, you can log in using their password and login. Or register using your email. Please note that “registration” via e-mail does not really stand out against the background of two huge Twitter and Facebook buttons.

It is obvious that Pinterest was initially designed for close integration with other social networks, or pays tribute to fashion.

I decided to use the email option.

I entered my data, uploaded my avatar and clicked on the “Create Account” button to get to the second registration step:

Look, what a clever move: I was asked to click on several photos that I like! That is, I immediately signed up for some dudes and immediately found myself in the thick of things.

Ok, okay! I clicked a dozen photos and clicked the “Continue” button.

I get to the following window, which asks you to confirm registration via e-mail, which was sent to your email address specified at the very beginning.

I'm going to the mail (please note that the letter may end up in the Spam folder)

and confirm registration by clicking on the red “Verify Email” button

Well, that's it! Now you are a full-fledged participant in the movement :-)

How to use Pinterest?

So, we have completed registration.

Now we create a Board as follows: Go to the menu “User_name – Boards”

And we already see 4 blanks.

I have already created 2 pieces (they already have a couple of pictures on them). And I want to create a Board called “Primer”.

It’s very simple – I fill in the field above the free board and click on the red “Create Board” button. That's all. Now you can add both your own and other people's images to these boards!

For example, I’m going to look for what is available at the request of FOX (Fox) (no, I started looking for lemurs, but didn’t bother rewriting the screenshot :)

I choose a photo that I really, really liked. I clicked on Follow and will now follow new works by this author:

I can simply “like” this image or repin it to my board.

How to repin? Very simple:

— Click on the Repin button

— Select the Board on which you want to stick the photo. I selected the “For Articles” board and clicked on the “Pin It” button

This is how you can fill your boards not only with other people’s images, but also with your own, taken from your computer, for example.

Okay, in order to upload the image:

Click on ADD +

Select “Upload a Pin”

Through “Browse” we select the desired photo image on the computer and indicate the board where we want to save it. Oh, I almost forgot - be sure to provide a description for the file. I wrote “Cool old auto”. And click on “Pin It”.

How to find or add friends on Pinterest?

Again, it's very simple:

— Go to the menu “Profile_name- Find Friends”

You can invite friends via:

Here is a very visual video!

Why is all this?

Well, this will definitely come in handy for me. For cataloging images, for example. There are a lot of absolutely beautiful photos. It is very interesting to look at the life of other countries. And in general, it’s very similar to Instagram, which I wrote about.

It is curious that in the USA this network is called nothing more than FaceBook for housewives. Well, does that mean I'm a housewife? =)

By the way, here is my account on this social network

How can you make money from this?

One Englishman opened many accounts in which he promotes his online store. Obviously, the more followers you have, the more likely you are to receive advertising orders. But for Russia, I think that this is of little relevance.

They'll definitely come up with something else!

Obviously, if you are a photographer, you should definitely try it. The network is very young and there is a chance to quickly grow.

Some facts:

— The history of the project began in 2008, when the company’s founder, Ben Silbermann, created a company of the same name. For a long time, the headquarters was located in an apartment.

— Work on the project began in 2009 and already in 2010 a beta version of the service was presented to the public. It was possible to get into the network only by invites (invitations)

— It’s interesting that open registration became available quite recently – in August 2012.

— In the USA it is the third most popular and second only to Twitter and Facebook

Against the background of the all-consuming rapid growth in the number of registered accounts in such photo hosting sites as Instagram and Flickr, there are also not so well-known, but no less convenient Internet services, where there are all the means for sharing and orderly storage of photo images. These services include the social web service Pinterest in Russian, which allows you to create thematic collections of your favorite pictures and add photos online. Developing since December 2009, the project took its rightful place in the category of the most popular sites according to Time magazine, after which the number of people using photo hosting services began to grow in giant leaps. What's the secret to Pinterest's success? Let's try to figure it out.

Registration and basics on Pinterest

Official project page -

To take advantage of all the benefits of the service, you need, as always, to register. Enter your email and password in the appropriate fields, and click the “Register” button.

All that remains is to indicate your first and last name on the next form, as well as your age and gender. This concludes the registration procedure. Click the “Join” button and proceed to working with the service itself.

An alternative way to login is to connect using Facebook authentication. In this case, you don’t need to specify any data, just click on the “Login via” button in the previous window and wait a few seconds.

When you first launch Pinterest, you'll be asked to choose 5 topics to follow, photos of which will appear on your wall. You can always change this choice later. Select 5 categories you prefer, click “Done” and move on.

In the next step, you can find Facebook and Twitter friends who are already using Pinterest. As with all other social services, you'll be able to follow your friends' posts, likes, and boards (if you're new to the term "board," Pinterest refers to a named, themed collection of photos that the user creates manually. This way you can store pictures from the same category in one folder). If you want to search for friends, click the big blue button (however, you can skip this step by clicking the "Skip" button).

Once the subscription to friends’ updates is ready, click “Finish” and move on to the last iteration of the preliminary setup.

In the final phase, the service will offer to install a Pinterest button for the browser, which allows you to quickly add pins with photos to boards. She certainly won’t be superfluous. In addition, when you hover your cursor over any picture posted on web pages, a small, eye-catching Pin it icon will appear in the corner.

Therefore, feel free to click “Install”.

To completely get rid of the preliminary setup phase, we recommend going to your mailbox and confirming your account registration there. Although this can be done later, all functions become available at this point.

Essentially, the working form of the web service is a set of photos that are displayed in accordance with the categories you selected at the beginning. What can you do here? First, you can add photos to boards (collections). To do this, hover over the image you like and click on the Pin it icon.

You can also add a Pin by enlarging the image to full screen. The source of the photo is also visible here, and you can go to the website where the photo was published.

You can leave comments on pictures on Pinterest below, under the photo.

Secondly, you can create your own image collections, or boards. To do this, click on the user name in the upper right corner. You will be taken to the profile page.

Here you can see all the data about the activity of the service user. To create a new board, click on the corresponding button.

Next, you will be asked to provide general information about the board: its name, what topic it relates to. In addition, you can attach a map to each board (so, if the pin contains information about the shooting location, you will immediately see this information on the collection profile page).

Another feature is that you can make the board secret, that is, only those friends you invite can see it. The board will remain invisible to other people. However, such a board can be made publicly available at any time, so there’s no point in trying too hard here. Co-authors of the collection can be cited as copyright protection so that it cannot be distributed for commercial purposes. When all the required fields are filled in, select Done.

So, the board has been created. Now, when you try to add a pin, the new category will be displayed in the list of available categories, and you can attach a pin to it.

How to upload a new self-made image to the service? Just go to the category page and move the cursor to the + icon on the left.

When you hover over it, the “Upload Pin” button will appear—click it.

Then everything is simple: specify the path to the downloaded picture, add a description to it if desired, indicate the board in which it will be saved and attach a pin. That's all, now the subject of your creativity will be available to a wide audience.

If there are no pins on the board yet, the “+” button is located in a different place. Don't be surprised, usability is clearly one of the strengths of Pinterest creatives.

A few words about how to send a message to friends. To send a message, click on the icon with two pushpins at the top and a pop-up subform will appear. In it, go to the last tab “Messages” and select “New message”. Messages can be sent directly to email or to contacts from social networks after simple profile authentication.

By the way, using the other two tabs, you can monitor subscription updates and notifications about likes on your pins.

Setting up the service

As for customization, the authors of the resource took care of many ways to optimize user interaction with the site. This includes changing the language, maintaining privacy when the profile is cached by search engines, and even using visited web pages to customize the displayed recommendations and advertising banners in the service, but first things first.

To go to the settings page, click on the profile name at the top - your account page will open.

Now let’s open the form with the settings themselves - to do this, mark the gear icon just below and select “Account Settings” in the drop-down list.

To make navigation easier, the available options are divided into categories, so you won’t get lost in the variety of settings. All basic settings are concentrated in the first tab “Account Basics”. First of all, you can change the interface language (more than 30 languages ​​are available) by making a selection in the menu of the same name.

You can also hide your Pinterest profile, which will prevent it from appearing in search engines, thereby ensuring your privacy. To activate this option, toggle the corresponding lever and confirm your choice on the following form.

Other settings include a selection of notifications about pins, likes, comments and subscriptions, integration with social networks and the choice of the personal data that you want to indicate here.

It should be noted that for owners of mobile gadgets based on Android and iOS, developers have created applications for accessing Pinterest, also in Russian with an exclusive design, but the functions in these applets are almost the same.

Thanks to a simple and intuitive interface, constant refinement and improvement of existing functions by the manufacturing company, we can hope that the creators will not stop there and will continue to delight their users with new sweets and donuts.