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Mbps to megabytes. Megabits per second

Which is greater, Mbit or MByte?

    1MB = 8Mbit

    Megabit is the amount of information, 106 or 1,000,000 (million) bits. The abbreviation Mbit is used or, in Russian notation, Mbit or MB (megabit should not be confused with megabyte MB). In accordance with the international standard IEC 60027-2, the units bits and bytes are used with SI prefixes. A megabit is equal to 125,000 eight-bit bytes, 125 kilobytes (kB) or approximately 122 kibibytes (KiB).

    Megabit is commonly used to refer to the speed of data transfer in computer or telecommunications networks. For example, a 100 Mbps (megabits per second) Fast Ethernet connection or a 10 Mbps Internet connection.

    A megabit should not be confused with a megabyte; one megabit is equal to 0.125 megabytes. The speed of information transfer over a network is often measured in megabits, and the sizes of files transferred over these networks are usually measured in megabytes. So, to achieve a transfer speed of 1 megabyte per second, you will need a network connection with a speed of at least 8 megabits per second.

    The binary interpreted analogue of a megabit - mebibit contains 1048576 (220) bits.

    Megabyte (MB, MB) is a unit of measurement of the amount of information, equal, depending on the context, to 1,000,000 (106) or 1,048,576 (220) bytes [

    The term megabyte is common, but does not correspond to GOST 8.417-2002, where the prefix mega means multiplication by 106 (1,000,000), and not 220 (1,048,576). Some corporations that produce hard drives take advantage of this situation, and when labeling their products, a megabyte means 1,000,000 bytes. According to the IEC proposal, the binary prefix mebi- is proposed for 220.

    The most original interpretation of the term megabyte is used by manufacturers of CDs, DVDs and computer floppy disks, who understand it as 1,024,000 bytes. Thus, a floppy disk that says it has a capacity of 1.44 MB actually holds only 1440 KB, which is 1.38 MB in the usual sense.

    For these, as well as a number of other reasons, identically labeled storage media may have different byte capacities.

    Source: Wikipedia

    1 byte = 8 bits, 1 kb = 1024 bytes, 1 mb = 1024 kb, 1 gb = 1024 mb, 1 terabyte = 1024 gb.
    1 byte = 8 bits
    1 kilobyte = 1024 bytes
    1 megabyte = 1,048,576 bytes
    1 gigabyte = 1,073,741,824 bytes
    1 terabyte = 1,099,511,627,776 bytes
    1 petabyte = 1,125,899,906,842,624 bytes
    1 exabyte = 1,152,921,504,606,846,976 bytes
    1 zettabyte = 1,180,591,620,717,411,303,424 bytes
    1 yottabyte = 1,208,925,819,614,629,174,706,176 bytes
    1 megabit = 128 kilobytes
    10 megabits = 1.28 megabytes
    25 megabits = 3.2 megabytes

Length and distance converter Mass converter Converter of volume measures of bulk products and food products Area converter Converter of volume and units of measurement in culinary recipes Temperature converter Converter of pressure, mechanical stress, Young's modulus Converter of energy and work Converter of power Converter of force Converter of time Linear speed converter Flat angle Converter thermal efficiency and fuel efficiency Converter of numbers in various number systems Converter of units of measurement of quantity of information Currency rates Women's clothing and shoe sizes Men's clothing and shoe sizes Angular velocity and rotation frequency converter Acceleration converter Angular acceleration converter Density converter Specific volume converter Moment of inertia converter Moment of force converter Torque converter Specific heat of combustion converter (by mass) Energy density and specific heat of combustion converter (by volume) Temperature difference converter Coefficient of thermal expansion converter Thermal resistance converter Thermal conductivity converter Specific heat capacity converter Energy exposure and thermal radiation power converter Heat flux density converter Heat transfer coefficient converter Volume flow rate converter Mass flow rate converter Molar flow rate converter Mass flow density converter Molar concentration converter Mass concentration in solution converter Dynamic (absolute) viscosity converter Kinematic viscosity converter Surface tension converter Vapor permeability converter Water vapor flow density converter Sound level converter Microphone sensitivity converter Converter Sound Pressure Level (SPL) Sound Pressure Level Converter with Selectable Reference Pressure Luminance Converter Luminous Intensity Converter Illuminance Converter Computer Graphics Resolution Converter Frequency and Wavelength Converter Diopter Power and Focal Length Diopter Power and Lens Magnification (×) Converter electric charge Linear charge density converter Surface charge density converter Volume charge density converter Electric current converter Linear current density converter Surface current density converter Electric field strength converter Electrostatic potential and voltage converter Electrical resistance converter Electrical resistivity converter Electrical conductivity converter Electrical conductivity converter Electrical capacitance Inductance Converter American Wire Gauge Converter Levels in dBm (dBm or dBm), dBV (dBV), watts, etc. units Magnetomotive force converter Magnetic field strength converter Magnetic flux converter Magnetic induction converter Radiation. Ionizing radiation absorbed dose rate converter Radioactivity. Radioactive decay converter Radiation. Exposure dose converter Radiation. Absorbed dose converter Decimal prefix converter Data transfer Typography and image processing unit converter Timber volume unit converter Calculation of molar mass Periodic table of chemical elements by D. I. Mendeleev

1 megabit per second (metric) [Mb/s] = 1,000,000 bits per second [b/s]

Initial value

Converted value

bits per second byte per second kilobits per second (metric) kilobytes per second (metric) kibibits per second kibibytes per second megabits per second (metric) megabytes per second (metric) mebibits per second mebibytes per second gigabits per second (metric) gigabytes in second (metric) gibibit per second gibibyte per second terabit per second (metric) terabyte per second (metric) tebibit per second tebibyte per second Ethernet 10BASE-T Ethernet 100BASE-TX (fast) Ethernet 1000BASE-T (gigabit) Optical carrier 1 Optical carrier 3 Optical carrier 12 Optical carrier 24 Optical carrier 48 Optical carrier 192 Optical carrier 768 ISDN (single channel) ISDN (dual channel) modem (110) modem (300) modem (1200) modem (2400) modem (9600) modem (14.4 k) modem (28.8k) modem (33.6k) modem (56k) SCSI (asynchronous mode) SCSI (synchronous mode) SCSI (Fast) SCSI (Fast Ultra) SCSI (Fast Wide) SCSI (Fast Ultra Wide) SCSI (Ultra- 2) SCSI (Ultra-3) SCSI (LVD Ultra80) SCSI (LVD Ultra160) IDE (PIO mode 0) ATA-1 (PIO mode 1) ATA-1 (PIO mode 2) ATA-2 (PIO mode 3) ATA- 2 (PIO mode 4) ATA/ATAPI-4 (DMA mode 0) ATA/ATAPI-4 (DMA mode 1) ATA/ATAPI-4 (DMA mode 2) ATA/ATAPI-4 (UDMA mode 0) ATA/ATAPI- 4 (UDMA mode 1) ATA/ATAPI-4 (UDMA mode 2) ATA/ATAPI-5 (UDMA mode 3) ATA/ATAPI-5 (UDMA mode 4) ATA/ATAPI-4 (UDMA-33) ATA/ATAPI- 5 (UDMA-66) USB 1.X FireWire 400 (IEEE 1394-1995) T0 (Complete signal) T0 (B8ZS Composite signal) T1 (wanted signal) T1 (Complete signal) T1Z (Complete signal) T1C (wanted signal) T1C (complete signal) T2 (wanted signal) T3 (wanted signal) T3 (complete signal) T3Z (complete signal) T4 (wanted signal) Virtual Tributary 1 (wanted signal) Virtual Tributary 1 (complete signal) Virtual Tributary 2 (wanted signal) Virtual Tributary 2 (complete signal) Virtual Tributary 6 (wanted signal) Virtual Tributary 6 (complete signal) STS1 (wanted signal) STS1 (complete signal) STS3 (wanted signal) STS3 (complete signal) STS3c (wanted signal) STS3c (complete signal ) STS12 (wanted signal) STS24 (wanted signal) STS48 (wanted signal) STS192 (wanted signal) STM-1 (wanted signal) STM-4 (wanted signal) STM-16 (wanted signal) STM-64 (wanted signal) USB 2.X USB 3.0 USB 3.1 FireWire 800 (IEEE 1394b-2002) FireWire S1600 and S3200 (IEEE 1394-2008)

More information about data transfer

General information

Data can be in either digital or analogue format. Data transfer can also occur in one of these two formats. If both the data and the method of their transmission are analog, then the data transmission is analog. If either the data or the transmission method is digital, then the data transmission is called digital. In this article we will talk specifically about digital data transmission. Nowadays, digital data transmission and storing it in digital format are increasingly used, as this speeds up the transfer process and increases the security of information exchange. Apart from the weight of the devices needed to send and process data, digital data itself is weightless. Replacing analog data with digital helps facilitate the exchange of information. Data in digital format is more convenient to take with you on the road because, compared to data in analog format, such as paper, digital data does not take up space in your luggage, except for the media. Digital data allows users with Internet access to work in virtual space from anywhere in the world where the Internet is available. Multiple users can work with digital data simultaneously by accessing the computer on which it is stored and using the remote administration programs described below. Various Internet applications such as Google Docs, Wikipedia, forums, blogs, and others also allow users to collaborate on a single document. This is why digital data transmission is so widely used. Recently, environmentally friendly and “green” offices have become popular, where they are trying to switch to paperless technology in order to reduce the company’s carbon footprint. This has made the digital format even more popular. The statement that by getting rid of paper we will significantly reduce energy costs is not entirely correct. In many cases, this opinion is inspired by advertising campaigns of those who benefit from more people switching to paperless technologies, such as computer and software manufacturers. It also benefits those who provide services in this area, such as cloud computing. In fact, these costs are almost equal, since running computers, servers, and maintaining a network requires large amounts of energy, which is often obtained from non-renewable sources, such as burning fossil fuels. Many hope that paperless technology will indeed be more cost-effective in the future. In everyday life, people also began to work more often with digital data, for example, preferring e-books and tablets to paper ones. Large companies often announce in press releases that they are going paperless to show that they care about the environment. As described above, sometimes this is just a publicity stunt, but despite this, more and more companies are paying attention to digital information.

In many cases, the sending and receiving of data in digital format is automated, and such data exchange requires the bare minimum from users. Sometimes they just need to press a button in the program in which they created the data - for example, when sending an email. This is very convenient for users, since most of the data transfer work happens behind the scenes, in data centers. This work includes not only the direct processing of data, but also the creation of infrastructures for their rapid transfer. For example, in order to provide fast Internet connections, an extensive system of cables is laid along the ocean floor. The number of these cables is gradually increasing. Such deep-sea cables cross the bottom of each ocean several times and are laid across seas and straits in order to connect countries with access to the sea. Installing and maintaining these cables is just one example of the work behind the scenes. In addition, such work includes providing and supporting communications in data centers and Internet providers, maintaining servers by hosting companies, and ensuring the smooth operation of websites by administrators, especially those that provide users with the ability to transfer data in large quantities, e.g. forwarding mail, downloading files, publishing materials, and other services.

To transmit data in digital format, the following conditions are necessary: ​​the data must be correctly encoded, that is, in the correct format; a communication channel, a transmitter and a receiver are needed, and finally protocols for data transmission.

Encoding and sampling

The available data is encoded so that the receiving party can read and process it. Encoding or converting data from analog to digital is called sampling. Most often, data is encoded in the binary system, that is, information is represented as a series of alternating ones and zeros. Once data is encoded in a binary system, it is transmitted in the form of electromagnetic signals.

If data in analog format needs to be transmitted over a digital channel, it is sampled. For example, analog telephone signals from a telephone line are encoded into digital signals in order to transmit them over the Internet to the recipient. In the discretization process, Kotelnikov's theorem is used, which in English is called the Nyquist-Shannon theorem, or simply the discretization theorem. According to this theorem, a signal can be converted from analog to digital without loss of quality if its maximum frequency does not exceed half the sampling frequency. Here, the sampling frequency is the frequency with which the analog signal is “sampled”, that is, its characteristics are determined at the moment of sampling.

Signal encoding can be either secure or open access. If the signal is protected and it is intercepted by people it was not intended for, they will not be able to decode it. In this case, strong encryption is used.

Communication channel, transmitter and receiver

The communication channel provides a medium for transmitting information, and transmitters and receivers are directly involved in transmitting and receiving the signal. A transmitter consists of a device that encodes information, such as a modem, and a device that transmits data in the form of electromagnetic waves. This could be, for example, a simple device in the form of an incandescent lamp that transmits messages using Morse code, a laser, or an LED. To recognize these signals, a receiving device is needed. Examples of receiving devices are photodiodes, photoresistors and photomultipliers, which sense light signals, or radios, which receive radio waves. Some such devices only work with analog data.

Data transfer protocols

Data protocols are similar to language in that they communicate between devices while data is being transferred. They also recognize errors that occur during this transfer and help resolve them. An example of a widely used protocol is the Transmission Control Protocol, or TCP.


Digital transmission is important because without it it would be impossible to use computers. Below are some interesting examples of the use of digital data transmission.

IP telephony

IP telephony, also known as voice over IP (VoIP) telephony, has recently gained popularity as an alternative form of telephone communication. The signal is transmitted over a digital channel, using the Internet instead of a telephone line, which allows you to transmit not only sound, but also other data, such as video. Examples of the largest providers of such services are Skype and Google Talk. Recently, the LINE program created in Japan has become very popular. Most providers provide audio and video calling services between computers and smartphones connected to the Internet for free. Additional services, such as computer-to-phone calls, are available for an additional fee.

Working with a thin client

Digital data transfer helps companies not only simplify the storage and processing of data, but also the work with computers within the organization. Sometimes companies use some computers for simple calculations or operations, for example, to access the Internet, and the use of ordinary computers in this situation is not always advisable, since computer memory, power, and other parameters are not fully used. One solution to this situation is to connect such computers to a server that stores data and runs programs that these computers need to operate. In this case, computers with simplified functionality are called thin clients. They can only be used for simple tasks, such as accessing a library catalog or using simple programs, such as cash register programs that record sales information in a database and also issue receipts. Typically, a thin client user works with a monitor and keyboard. The information is not processed on the thin client, but is sent to the server. The convenience of a thin client is that it gives the user remote access to the server through a monitor and keyboard, and does not require a powerful microprocessor, hard drive, or other hardware.

In some cases, special equipment is used, but often a tablet computer or monitor and keyboard from a regular computer are sufficient. The only information that the thin client itself processes is the interface for working with the system; all other data is processed by the server. It is interesting to note that sometimes ordinary computers, on which, unlike a thin client, process data, are called thick clients.

Using thin clients is not only convenient, but also profitable. Installing a new thin client does not require large expenses, since it does not require expensive software and hardware such as memory, hard drive, processor, software, and others. In addition, hard drives and processors stop working in very dusty, hot or cold rooms, as well as in high humidity and other unfavorable conditions. When working with thin clients, favorable conditions are only needed in the server room, since thin clients do not have processors and hard drives, and monitors and data input devices work fine in more difficult conditions.

The disadvantage of thin clients is that they do not work well when the GUI needs to be updated frequently, such as for videos and games. It is also problematic that if the server stops working, then all thin clients connected to it will also not work. Despite these disadvantages, companies are using thin clients more and more often.

Remote administration

Remote administration is similar to a thin client in that the computer that has access to the server (the client) can store and process data and use programs on the server. The difference is that the client in this case is usually “fat”. In addition, thin clients are most often connected to a local network, while remote administration occurs via the Internet. Remote administration has many uses, for example, it allows people to work remotely on a company server, or on their home server. Companies that perform part of their work in remote offices or collaborate with third parties can provide access to information to such offices through remote administration. This is convenient if, for example, customer support work takes place in one of these offices, but all company personnel need access to the customer database. Remote administration is usually secure and it is not easy for outsiders to access servers, although there is sometimes a risk of unauthorized access.

Do you find it difficult to translate units of measurement from one language to another? Colleagues are ready to help you. Post a question in TCTerms and within a few minutes you will receive an answer.

Question from a user


Please tell me, I have an Internet channel of 15/30 Megabit/s, files in uTorrent are downloaded at a speed of (approximately) 2-3 MB/s. How can I compare the speed, is my Internet provider cheating me? How many Megabytes should there be at a speed of 30 Megabit/s? Confused about the quantities...

Good day!

This question is very popular; it is asked in different interpretations (sometimes very threateningly, as if someone had deceived someone). The bottom line is that most users confuse different units : like grams and pounds (also Megabits and Megabytes) ...

In general, to solve this problem you will have to resort to a short excursion into a computer science course, but I will try not to be boring ☺. Also in the article, I will also discuss all the issues related to this topic (about speed in torrent clients, about MB/s and Mbit/s).


Educational program on Internet speed

And so, with ANY Internet provider(at least, I personally haven’t seen others) Internet connection speed is indicated in Megabit/s(and pay attention to the prefix "BEFORE"- no one guarantees that your speed will always be constant, because... this is impossible).

In any torrent program(in the same uTorrent), by default, the download speed is displayed in MB/s (Megabytes per second). That is, I mean that Megabyte and Megabit are different quantities.

Usually, the declared speed in your tariff is enough Internet provider in Mbit/s, divide by 8 to get the speed that uTorrent (or its analogues) will show you in MB/s (but see more about this below, there are nuances ☺).

For example, the tariff speed of the Internet provider about which the question was asked is 15 Mbit/s. Let's try to put it in a normal way...

Important! (from a computer science course)

The computer does not understand numbers; only two values ​​are important to it: there is a signal or there is no signal (i.e. " 0 " or " 1 "). These are either yes or no - that is, "0" or "1" is called " Bit" (minimum unit of information).

In order to be able to write any letter or number, one unit or zero will clearly not be enough (it will definitely not be enough for the entire alphabet). It was calculated to encode all the necessary letters, numbers, etc. - a sequence of 8 Bit.

For example, this is what the code for the English capital "A" looks like - 01000001.

And so the code for the number “1” is 00110001.

These ones 8 Bits = 1 Byte(i.e. 1 Byte is the minimum data element).

Regarding consoles (and derivatives):

  • 1 Kilobyte = 1024 Bytes (or 8*1024 Bits)
  • 1 Megabyte = 1024 Kilobytes (or KB/KB)
  • 1 Gigabyte = 1024 Megabytes (or MB/MB)
  • 1 Terabyte = 1024 Gigabytes (or GB/GB)


  1. One Megabit is equal to 0.125 Megabytes.
  2. To achieve transfer speeds of 1 Megabyte per second, you will need an 8 Megabit per second network connection.

In practice, they usually do not resort to such calculations; everything is done simpler. The declared speed of 15 Mbit/s is simply divided by 8 (and ~5-7% is subtracted from this number for the transfer of service information, network load, etc.). The resulting number will be considered the normal speed (an approximate calculation is shown below).

15 Mbps / 8 = 1.875 MB/s

1.875 MB/s * 0.95 = 1.78 MB/s

In addition, I would not discount the load on the Internet provider's network during peak hours: in the evenings or on weekends (when a large number of people use the network). This can also seriously affect access speeds.

Thus, if you are connected to the Internet at a rate of 15 Mbit/s, and your download speed in the torrent program shows about 2 MB/s, everything is very good with your channel and Internet provider ☺. Usually, the speed is less than declared (my next question is about this, a couple of lines below)...

Typical question. Why is the connection speed 50-100 Mbps, but the download speed is very low: 1-2 MB/s? Is the Internet provider to blame? After all, even according to rough estimates, it should be no lower than 5-6 MB/s...

I'll try to break it down point by point:

  1. firstly, if you carefully look at the contract with the Internet provider, you will notice that you were promised access speed "UP TO 100 Mbit/s" ;
  2. secondly, in addition to your access speed, it is very important where do you download the file(s) from?. Let's say, if the computer (from which you download the file) is connected via low-speed access, say 8 Mbit/s, then your download speed from it is 1 MB/s, in fact, the maximum! Those. First, try downloading the file from other servers (torrent trackers);
  3. thirdly, perhaps you already have some kind of the program downloads something else. Yes, the same Windows can download updates (if in addition to your PC, you have a laptop, smartphone, etc. devices connected to the same network channel - look at what they are doing...). In general, check how your Internet channel is loaded;
  4. it is possible that in the evening hours (when the load on the Internet provider increases) there are “drawdowns” (you are not the only one who decided to download something interesting at this time ☺);
  5. if you are connected via a router, check that too. It often happens that inexpensive models slow down the speed (sometimes they simply reboot), in general, they simply cannot cope with the load...
  6. check driver for your network card(for example, to the same Wi-Fi adapter). I have encountered the situation several times: after on the network card (90% of the drivers for the network adapter are installed by Windows itself when installing it), access speed increased significantly! The default drivers that come with Windows are not a panacea...

However, I do not exclude the possibility that your Internet provider (with old equipment, clearly inflated tariffs, which are only theoretically available on paper) may be the culprit for the low access speed. Simply, to begin with, I would like you to pay attention to the above points...

Another typical question. Why then indicate the connection speed in Mbit/s, when all users are guided by MB/s (and in programs it is indicated in MB/s)?

There are two points:

  1. When transferring information, not only the file itself is transferred, but also other service information (some of which is less than a byte). Therefore, it is logical (and in general, historically) that connection speed is measured and indicated in Mbit/s.
  2. The higher the number, the stronger the advertising! Marketing has not been canceled either. Many people are quite far from network technologies, and seeing that somewhere the number is higher, they will go there and connect to the network.

My personal opinion: for example, it would be nice if providers indicated next to Mbit/s the real data download speed that the user will see in uTorrent. Thus, both the wolves are fed and the sheep are safe ☺.

By the way, for anyone who is dissatisfied with their Internet access speed, I recommend reading this article: .

Additions on the topic are welcome...

Any person who has interacted with computers at least a little is familiar with such terms as “Gigabyte”, “Megabyte” and others.

They indicate the volume of a physical storage medium, such as a flash drive, hard drive, or the volume of any file stored on a computer.
Simply put, this value indicates how much space on a computer any file occupies, or how much information in total the medium can hold.

If you are reading this article with the goal of converting one unit of measurement to another, then I recommend immediately using the free online calculator at the bottom of the page.

Enter any value in the field, select a value from the list and the calculator will perform the conversion.

What is a byte, kilobyte, megabyte, gigabyte

Several decades ago, computer memory was small, amounting to no more than a dozen bits or a couple of bytes. You could store several formulas, a couple of examples or mathematical expressions there.

Now the volume of hard drives is several terabytes, and the file sizes are calculated in gigabytes. Therefore, with the progress of computer progress, a problem arose in recording how much memory a document occupies.

It was then that other quantities were invented that completely came out of the term “bit”.

In other words, the terms "byte", "kilobyte", "megabyte" And "gigabyte" are universal units of information volume that indicate how much space files take up on your hard drive.

How does it work?

All hard drives, SD cards, flash drives can be combined under one common name - physical media.

In simple terms, all these physical media consist of small cells for storing information.

They contain data that is transferred to it using binary code. These cells are called bits, and they are the smallest amount of computer information.

When you transfer information to a medium, it is, as it were, recorded in these memory cells and begins to take up space.

Actually, the file size indicates how many bytes will be used when storing a particular file. This is the principle of volume designation.

In addition, data that is used in the system is temporarily recorded in a special memory area - operational memory.

They remain there as long as they are needed and are then unloaded. Data is written there to exactly the same cells, so RAM has its own volume designation, albeit much smaller than hard drives.

What is larger - megabit or megabyte

Often, the description of USB ports on the motherboard, as well as the characteristics of flash cards and other portable media, indicate the information transfer speed.

It is designated as Gb/sec or Mb/sec, but do not confuse them - it is not gigabyte/second or megabyte/second.

In this case, this is how other units of measurement are designated – megabits and gigabits.

With their help, the speed of information transfer is measured.

These quantities are much smaller than megabytes and gigabytes, and they are calculated, unlike the above-mentioned volumes, in the decimal number system.

One megabit is equal to approximately a million bits. One gigabit is equal to a billion bits of information.

You can almost always see these designations in the speeds of Internet providers.

Therefore, if the speed of your network is 100 Mbit/s, then in one second of connection, 1,000,000 * 100 bits of information will arrive at your computer.

Internet connection technologies make it possible to offer users not megabit, but gigabit connection options.

USB 3.0 port standards allow you to transfer information at a speed of 5 Gbit/s, and this is far from the limit - after all, connectors of higher and higher speed versions are already appearing in motherboards.

It is worth noting that the question of what is larger: a megabit or a megabyte is incorrect and cannot be answered.

These are different quantities, different methods of measurement. Although they are compared with each other, however, no one does this, since it has no meaning or practical use.

How many megabytes are in a gigabyte

More and more comes out of less. Thus, a group of eight bit cells creates one large byte cell, that is, 8 bits = 1 byte.

  • 1024 bytes = 1 kilobyte,
  • 1024 kilobytes = 1 gigabyte,
  • 1024 gigabytes = 1 terabyte.

Large volumes are not used in home PCs, so there is little point in talking about them.

The average user will immediately have a logical question - why are the calculations and gradations so strange?

Wouldn't it be simpler to make 10 bits equal to 1 byte, and 1 gigabyte equal to 1000 megabytes?

Yes, indeed, it would be much easier. However, it is simpler in the number system we are familiar with.

Here's the thing. In the real world, we use a range of numbers from 0 to 9. This is called the decimal number system. But computers think differently: they only know two numbers - 0 and 1, that is their calculation system is binary.

These numbers, conventionally, mean “Yes” or “No”. In this case, they show whether the information storage cell is full or not.

Without going into mathematics, it is only worth saying that when converting numbers from a binary system understandable to a computer into our decimal system, two is raised to a certain power.

And to the power of two there are no numbers that are multiples of 10. That is why the calculations are so strange: 1 byte in this case is equal to 2 to the 3rd power of bits and so on.

Thus, the gradation is carried out from two, and the number the greater the number of times it is multiplied by itself.

Why is a 1GB HDD not equal to 1000MB

Based on the explanation above, one gigabyte is greater than a thousand megabytes by exactly 24 units. Therefore, in the specifications on hard drives they write exactly how much their capacity is. These values ​​cannot be rounded either.

Accordingly, 8 gigabytes of RAM is not 8000 megabytes, but 8192.

It is for this same reason that sometimes when purchasing a storage medium, its volume is slightly less than what is written in the specifications.

There simply cannot be an exact value, so often instead of the promised ten gigabytes, nine are discovered.

Where are these quantities used?

As mentioned above, these terms are used in the computer IT field.

For example, when indicating the capacity of an HDD. Modern hard drives already have a capacity of more than one terabyte, and continue to expand.

With flash cards and other portable media, everything is more modest - their maximum volume can reach 128 gigabytes.

The same terms denote the volume of files.

The spread in this regard is much greater; there are cases when a voluminous and large layer of information weighs several gigabytes, or a text file that occupies only a couple of kilobytes.

Things are even more interesting with the computer's RAM.

Its volume is also measured in memory cells, and many professional machines are now equipped with several RAM sticks, the total size of which can reach 128 gigabytes.

This is due to the fact that more and more resources are needed to process information - and in order for the program to work stably, there must be a lot of space in temporary memory.

Is there more?

Are there quantities larger than a terabyte? Yes, of course they exist.

  • 1024 terabytes is 1 petabyte.
  • 1024 petabytes – 1 exabyte.

The fact is that modern technologies have not yet reached the point of creating media, much less files, with a volume and size even close to these values ​​- therefore, they are used extremely rarely in everyday life.

However, they are widely used for computer calculations in science and high technology.

Considering how quickly technological progress is happening now, it is possible that in a couple of years hard drives with a capacity of 1024 terabytes will appear on the shelves

Conversion table: bit, byte, KB, MB, GB, TB

There is a table of all the quantities that are used in modern hard drives, other storage media, and files.

It was created specifically for the convenience of accurately determining the amount of information and is given below. It includes only those units of measurement that can be seen and used in real life.

After a terabyte, although measurement is carried out, it is at the level of science and high technology, and not of everyday life.

It is enough to simply determine how many bits per second are transmitted to your computer, divide the resulting value by 8, and then by 1024.

For example, at a speed of 100 Mb/sec, approximately 12 megabytes of information will be transferred to you in one second.

The disadvantage of the table is that it can only be used to determine even values, which can be found infrequently.

In order to accurately determine the weight of a file or the capacity of your hard drive, you can use the online converter, which is presented below.

Online unit converter

Of course, the information presented in the table of values ​​is not enough for comfortable calculations.

There are very few files whose weight will be exactly equal to one gigabyte or a hundred megabytes, and therefore, even with this background information at hand, it will be difficult to calculate how much media is needed in order to completely transfer a large document.

It is for this purpose that an online unit converter is installed on this site.

It works very simply - you indicate the volume and the value in which it is expressed. Next, you need to select the value to which you want to convert the number - and the converter will give you the exact value.

In the third millennium, the Internet quietly became an indispensable phenomenon in every home and in popularity came close to its competitor - television. Today, even older people make a choice in favor of the global network, because, unlike television, there is freedom of choice and endless possibilities. It often happens that a user is not satisfied with his Internet speed and asks a logical question - “What Internet speed is considered normal?” It will not be possible to answer it unequivocally, no matter how much you would like to. First of all, you need to determine several purposes for which you need the global Internet. And then, based on your goals, decide on speed.

How much is one Mbit?

We will not delve into discrete mathematics to study in detail what a measure of Internet speed is. It will be enough to say so as not to mislead some people that Mbits and MBs are different units of measuring information. And since users are more familiar with the usual megabytes, we present the following analogies:

  1. Internet speed of 512 Mbit is equal to the speed of downloading any 64 kilobyte file in 1 second.
  2. 6 megabits of speed declared by the provider will be equal to about 750 kilobytes per second.
  3. Internet with 16 Mbit will download 2 megabytes per second of information from the network.

What Internet speed is considered good for mobile devices?

For mobile devices such as a tablet or phone, a speed of 1 Mbit will be sufficient. Although this may not be enough if the user intends to perform several online tasks at once, i.e. watching movies, downloading files, etc. Typically, mobile content is several times smaller in volume, which is why it also requires less resources than web versions of sites and applications. One Mbit is quite enough for other tasks, for example, for conversations on Skype and other instant messengers. We can firmly say that for mobile devices this speed is quite normal.

What should be the Internet speed for online games and watching movies?

Online games and movies are the most Internet-consuming tasks for a computer. The speed you paid is not always normal for watching a movie online in HD quality. And there are no fraudulent actions on the part of the provider. The thing is that there is not a single Internet provider that could provide round-the-clock stable speed of transmitted information. This is facilitated by various factors - from the basic network load to the capabilities of your computer and location on the network.

More often, it is gamers who ask this question, because for a productive and interesting game they simply need to use a stable Internet speed. There are known figures for the network data transfer speed that are necessary for the most popular online games.

  • For those who love the fantasy world of World of Warcraft, 512 Mbit of speed will be enough.
  • The games World of Tanks and Dota are at the same level of Internet consumption - up to 1 Mbit.
  • For Counter Strike, half a Mbit is also enough.

It is also worth considering the type of data transmission. If you are connected to a 16 Mbps package, which is implemented using a satellite signal, then it is likely that the Internet connection with 10 Mbps, which is connected via cable, will be better and faster. This happens because a wireless connection is characterized by high loss of data packets during transmission.

Internet service tariffs

In order to watch movies in different quality today, you need to know the approximate required Internet speed.

  • To watch a video with a 360p broadcast type, you need an Internet connection with a speed of about 1 Mbit ().
  • To view a broadcast from 720p, 5 Mbit will be enough.
  • To view online video in Ultra HD 4K quality, you need more than 30 Mbps.

For what purposes is an Internet speed of more than 30 Mbit per second required?

At the moment, there are faster connections, but they are correspondingly expensive. Not every Internet provider is able to provide speeds of more than 30 Mbit. First of all, this speed will be needed by those who have expensive and powerful devices, high-definition TVs, and computers with high performance that allow them to play demanding content. Also, users who often upload various videos, programs, and large games to the network need high speed. Therefore, the concept of normal Internet speed depends primarily on your tasks.

For everyone who uses the Internet only for informational purposes - visiting social networks, online magazines, reading books online, a speed of 1 Mbit of a high-quality connection (with minimal packet loss or low ping) will be enough.

For those who are more demanding of the global network, say, the middle segment (and such users are the majority) - infrequently download files, watch Youtube videos and online films, use online games, etc. A speed of 10 Mbit/s will be sufficient.

How to measure internet speed

In order to measure Internet speed and determine whether it is low or normal for you, there are special online services and programs (). The easiest way is to use online services, because there is no need to download unnecessary files to your computer and take up hard drive space. In order for the test to be as accurate as possible, you need to adhere to certain conditions:

  1. Connect the cable directly through the network interface (network card) to the computer on which you will test the speed.
  2. On the computer being tested, you need to close all programs that are currently running. You also need to turn off all sorts of utilities that can run in the background, usually anti-virus firewalls and torrent clients that run along with the computer.
  3. Open the "Task Manager" and finally make sure that no downloads are being made.

One of the popular services for checking the speed of packet transmission over the network is the service

  1. To test your Internet, follow the link and click on the big button in the middle “Begin Test”.
  2. After this, the verification system will connect to the nearest server located to your location and carry out all the necessary procedures to determine the speed.
  3. At the end of the test, you will see on the monitor all the information on your connection, namely: the number of lost packets (ping), incoming and outgoing connection speed and your current IP address.

Speed ​​Test Service

Another similar service is available at Here you can also test the speed by clicking on the “Test” button on the main page. It is noteworthy that sometimes the test results between these two services differ and the difference in some places is large. But it cannot be said unequivocally that the services fool users, because the conditions and verification methods may vary. Not to mention other factors influencing the result - the location of service servers, network load at the moment, etc.

Service 2ip

It is impossible to give an exact figure for Internet speed in Mbits that would be suitable for each user and would be considered normal. You need to choose a package with a certain speed based on your needs.