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How to make a software reset. Reset to factory settings

Data-Lazy-Type \u003d "image" data-src \u003d " 400w, CONTENT / UPLOADS / 2016/09 / HARD-RESET-300X178.jpg 300W "Sizes \u003d" (max-width: 200px) 100VW, 200px "\u003e The enlightenment and incorrect work of smartphones and tablets based on android is a very common problem. Many do not know how to do, and carry a gadget in service center For repairs. Meanwhile, in most cases it can be done simple discharge Data, or Hard Reset. As a result of these actions, all settings can be restored to the initial factory. At the same time, all the information that is in the phone: contacts, messages, applications, etc. will be deleted.

Hard Reset - What is it for what

This is the name of the full reset settings to the factory. If the smartphone began to work with failures, hangs, it is recommended to perform this simple action. There are three ways to do it.

Remember: Before you start performing data reset, you need to do backup All information that is in the tablet. For this purpose, you can use the Titanium program.

First method - software

This method of resetting android is carried out using the standard function available in the Android system itself. This follows:

  1. find "Settings";
  2. choose "Restore, Reset";
  3. next select "Reset Settings".

A warning will be displayed on the screen that all data from the tablet is deleted. At the bottom will appear a button confirming the action.

Jpg "alt \u003d" (! Lang: reset" width="46" height="70"> !} You should click the "Erase All" button, thereby confirming the removal of all available information. In the new and old issues, the android reset position is somewhat different. In detail how to make them in the new and old version, You can read in the "Privacy" section - "Data Reset".

See also: How to disable safe mode on Android device

Android reset via code

In the entry section, you must dial: *2767*3855# . All initial android data on chinese smartphone And the tablet is fully restored. No additional confirmation is required to reset through the code.

How to reset android settings if the smartphone does not turn on

If the smartphone does not respond to anything, you can apply the third method Hard Reset: - You should press three buttons at the same time: "Home", "Enable", "Reduce Volume". Such a combination of keys should be held until the "Recovery Mode" position will be displayed. Open this mode, select "WIPE" in it - this section is just used for total resetting settings. Confirm the selected action by pressing the Home button.

.jpg "alt \u003d" (! Lang: Wipe" width="254" height="107"> !} After Hard Reset has been implemented, you can make the restoration of Android, using a backup copy for this. By doing this, you need to be extremely attentive: it is quite possible that the problems occurred by chance, based on previous settings or in some of the installed applications.

In this case, it is better not to risk your Chinese tablet, but set it up as a new one through your Google account. Thanks to this, all the necessary information - messages, letters, contacts are synchronized with the smartphone. Applications that will be structures, after restoring Android, you can install again through PlayMarket.

How to make a Hard Reset if an alternative Android firmware is installed on the tablet

In this case, you should know that even with full reset settings additionally installed firmware Not deleted. Consequently, any changes in the operating system program from the tablet will not be deleted. This must be taken into account if the recovery of the gadget is performed in order to make it a refund under warranty.

Reset settings and memory card

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When running Hard Reset, you need to know that the contents of the memory card does not change. If you need to delete information from it, the deletion will have to be done manually. Moreover, if you delete via the "Dellete" button, the data is still subject to recovery, this method is not suitable for removing confidential information.

Sooner or later, many users of the Android tablets arise a situation when the tablet needs to be cleaned and restored to the factory state. To do this, there may be many reasons, but mostly either the unstable operation of the device, or "cleaning" data before selling. There is also a situation where the tablet ceases to turn on or hangs when loading, in such cases it is not completely discharge.

First of all, it is worth splitting two concepts: Hard Reset and Soft Reset.

Hard Reset - Hard Reset - full reset Device settings and recovery to factory status. Such a procedure is akin to reinstalling the operating system. After hard reset, you will lose all of your data, including software installed, contacts, and media files. However, it is not necessary to confuse Hard Reset with flashing, if you have a "custom" firmware or "Root", then all this will be saved and after full reset.
Before making a hard reset, it is recommended to make backup copies of all necessary data. Simple media files can be elementary to copy to the memory card or computer using file manager. To save backup copies of games and other applications, it is recommended to use special back-up utilities, which under Android there is a large set today. But keep in mind that in case of emergency full reset, it will not work out any of the above.

Soft Reset - Currently, a soft reset is understood to be a banal restart of the device, which can be made either by pressing a special combination of the tablet keys or through the menu. Some tablets also have the same special buttons To reboot on the housing. Before making a complete reset, it is always recommended to try Soft Reset - it is possible to quickly correct the reboot. Most of the modern tablets, the reboot will be carried out by a long pressing of the on / off button.

Consider an example how to make Soft Reset?

If the smartphone / tablet is loaded, then the settings can be reset via the device menu. For this:

We go to the application menu ...

Settings ...

Bookmark " Accounts"(Or Personal Data Point) and select" Backup and Reset "(or" Restore and Reset ") ...

Data Reset (Reset Settings) ...

Reset device ...


Everything. We wait for the restart of the device. All is ready.

Consider an example how to make apreparate reset (Hard Reset).

In the event that the device does not turn on, you can try to reanimate it due to hardware reset. The procedure is generally standard. On the device case, the mechanical buttons that are pressed in a specific combination, which allows you to enter the Android System Recovery menu and reset the settings.

Combination of buttons for devices of different manufacturers:

Acer Smartphones:
1. Turn off the device. Then clamp and hold the power button and the volume key
2. After the menu appears by pressing the volume key Select Recovery Mode and press the volume key
3. After the image appears and the red triangle appears, click the power button.
4. After that, select the Volume Reduction key Select Wipe Data / factory Reset. And press the volume key. Select Yes

Tablets Acer:
1. Turn off the device. Screen lock lever Translate to left position
2. Click the volume key and the power button at the same time
3. After the device is curb, we translate the lock lever to the right and left until the display of 2 lines [i] erasing userdata and eraising cache (at the same time you need to keep the volume button)
4. In the upper left corner will appear the starts of the formatting

Alcatel smartphones:
1. Turn off the device. At the same time, clamp the volume keys and the on button until the corresponding display appears on the screen.
2. The volume keys select WIPE DATA / Factory Reset and press the power button.
3. Sheet the volume keys to the IES point and confirm the choice of the power button

All ASUS devices:
1. Turn off the device. Then clamp and hold the volume key to reduce, simultaneously pressing the power button for 3 seconds
2. Release the power button and hold the volume key until the menu appears.
3. The volume buttons select ENTER Recovery Mode
4. In the menu that appears, select Wipe Data / Factory Reset and confirm your choice yes - Delete All Data
5. After resetting Reboot Now

Highscreen smartphones:
1. Turn off the device
2. Extract the battery
3. Connect the device to charger (it is to the charger from the network, and not to a PC)
4. Insert the battery
5. Press and hold the power button and the volume key until the apparel of the Android logo appears (10-15 seconds)
6. 1 time press the power button
7. In the menu that appears, select "Wipe Data" (Menu Navigation - Volume Keys, Select - Power Button), In the next menu, select "YES - DELETE ALL User DATA"

HTC smartphones:
1. Turn off the device
2. Press and hold the volume keys and decrease the volume, then press the power button briefly
3. Continue to hold the volume keys and reduce the volume until the inscription warning appears on the screen.
4. Press the volume key to perform hardware reset

Nokia smartphones:
1. Turn off the device
2. At the same time press the volume key, the power button and the camera

Oysters Tablets:
1. The tablet must be turned off
2. Press the "HOME" and "VOL-" buttons and only then the power button
3. Keep them pressed until the "oysters" logo will appear, release the power button. When a picture appears with a lying robot and exclamation familiar, let go of the rest
4. Press the power button and without releasing it, click and release "Vol +"
5. Select "Wipe Data / Factory Reset" menu, then "reboot" and ready

Alternative option:
1. Press and hold the audio volume key
2. Click and hold the "ON / OFF" button;
3. Hold this combination of buttons until the message appears on the screen "Upgrade, Please Wait ......"
4. From the list, select Wipedata / FactoryReSet (Sound reduction key - Sound Reduction, Select - Sound Enlarge Key);
5. In the drop-down list, select "YES - DELETE ALL User DATA".

All Samsung devices:
1. Turn off the device
2. Click simultaneously three buttons: the "Volume Up" volume key, the "Main Screen" key and the power button
3. Wait for downloading the menu
4. Volume change keys Select Wipe Data / Factory Reset and press the power button
5. In the menu that appears, select Wipe Data / Factory Reset and confirm your choice YES - Delete All Data
6. After resetting reboot now

All Sony devices:
1. Connect the device to the charger and charge while the power indicator in the form of a small light bulb, near the power button, will not begin to burn green
2. Disable the device with a clip or toothpick through the "Reset" hole on the case
3. When the screen goes out to press and hold the power button for 2-3 seconds, and before the download starts, press the volume key several times (not to hold, namely press several times)

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No one in the world of technology is ideal, in principle there is no such thing! AND nokia smartphones Lumia is no exception. Phones of this line quality and good, but still it operating systemwhich can "hang" or immerse yourself in "To".

Unfortunately, they do not have the "Reset" button as on the PC, and even the batteries on some phone models cannot be pulled out. You have to invent a wide variety of ways to reboot the phone and resume it into the working condition. Such methods were invented by Nokia. There are two options to reset the settings and delete content - this is a hard reset and soft reset (SOFT RESET). In most cases, they will inhale their lives in your device, and it will not be necessary to visit the service and centers, spend extra nerves and their strength. Let's consider in more detail these ways forced reboot Phone, after which your smartphones must come around and continue your work.

- This is a soft reboot that can fix small software malfunctions. According to the principle of action, this method is similar to extracting and installing the battery of the smartphone. But, alas, last models Nokia Cases are reliably closed, and they can only open them in the service center.

Repeat the action as in the picture - Hold the volume buttons and "POWER" while your phone does not make three vibrations. After a few seconds, the smartphone must reboot.

- This is a rigid reboot that is applied if the Soft Reset does not help. But it is very important here to know that when this method All information on the phone is erased.

If the phone is functioning, you can reboot through the menu. To do this, go to "Settings" - "Device Information" - "Reset Settings". Thus, you will make the rollback of your device to factory settings.

Practically everyone phones Nokia. There is an uncomfortable reboot using 3-buttons - the volume, "POWER" and the camera button. All three buttons are held at times while the phone does not depend. After that, you release the "POWER" button, but continue to hold two other buttons, approximately 5 seconds. There was a reboot! And all existing settings rolled back to factory.

Very important! Sometimes these methods may not help and you should contact the service center. But, as practice shows, in most cases the occurrence of the Hard or Soft error, the reset returns a smartphone to life. If everything is left without change, do not risk and attribute the phone to the service center, there it will be replaced by warranty.


Attention! In the case of infection with the virus, before making Hard Reset with formatting, you need to pull out the memory card and format it on your computer to avoid re-infection with the phone with a virus.

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Soft Reset and Hard Reset for Nokia 5800, 5530, N97

Soft Reset - Clearing phone memory from personal data and settings: contacts, SMS, calendar entries, access point settings, etc.
Why need a Soft Reset (Soft Resset)

Soft Reset is needed in order to get rid of the incorrect operation of the application, the settings of which were changed by the user. Also, the reset can also be useful if you want to sell (give, borrow for a couple of days) your phone - soft reset will quickly clean it from personal private information.
How to make Soft Reset on Nokia 5800, 5530, N97

Make a Soft Reset on the Nokia 5800, 5530, N97 is very simple - you need to enter the following key combination: * # 7780 #, or go along the menu path - Options - Telephone Management - Source Parameters (In this case, the device will request your Lock Password - its default value - 12345).

Attention! Remember that Soft Reset will erase all your priceless contacts and messages, so take care of creating their backup via Nokia PC Suite or using the built-in function reserve copy On the memory card (Menu - Applications - File Manager - backup).
What is Hard Reset (Hard Reset)

Hard Reset (hard reset) - analogue of reinstalling the operating system on a computer: not only settings are deleted, but all applications are both system and user installed. Next, the OS from memory is removed and the installation of all components is again.
Why do you need Hard Reset (Hard Reset)

Hard Reset (hard reset) helps to cope with serious glitches and failures in the phone, in cases where the Soft Reset does not help. Frequent bugs, departures and brakes are successfully treated with a hard response (in the case, if it is not treated - then this is an explicit signal that your problem is not software, but an iron character and without visiting the service center to solve it can not do.)

Hard Reset, for example, successfully copes with the next, rather mass problem in the green key, contact buttons and a number dialing:

If you put the link panel on your desktop - then the green button, the contact keys and the number dialing are not operable. If the links panel is the contacts and the number of the rooms work, but the green button still does not plow.

How to make Hard Reset on Nokia 5800, 5530, N97

To make RESET on the Nokia 5800, 5530 and N97, you need to enter a smartphone on the keyboard * # 7370 # (with the device will request your lock password - its default value is 12345).

Attention! Remember that Hard Reset will also erase all your priceless contacts and messages, so take care of creating their backup via Nokia PC Suite or using the built-in backup function to the memory card (Menu - Applications - File Manager - backup). Before making Hard Reset, it is recommended to delete all the programs installed on the memory card (after Hard Reset, the phone will not know about most of them, and in the case re-installation programs you may encounter problems).
Hard Reset with memory formatting (Master Reset)

Hard Reset with additional device memory formatting.
Why do you need Hard Reset with memory formatting

May be indispensable in the case of a virus infection with a virus or damage file System. Also, the hard reset with formatting is not an alternative if it is not possible to turn on the smartphone or it turns on not to the end (if the device is turned on not to the end - firstly we take out the memory card and try to turn on again - if it does not turn on, then you can apply hard reset again.
How to make a hard reset with memory formatting

This method of reinstalling the operating system is still available only for Nokia 5800 and N97. For Nokia 5530, it is possible to appear in future firmware.

For the Nokia 5800, it is required to hold the green button, the red button, the camera button and the on key and hold 2-3 seconds. After a few seconds, the phone will turn on.

For the Nokia N97 you need to hold shift, space, backspace, and key on and hold 2-3 seconds. After a few seconds, the phone will turn on.

Attention! In the case of infection with the virus, before making a hard reset with formatting, you need to pull out the memory card and format it on your computer to avoid re-infection with the phone with a virus. "\u003e

Hard Reset, or full reset to factory settings is used for gadgets on Android OS? To restore the failed device without contacting the workshop. No, of course, the hardware part of the smartphone is a reset of it, but to restore the system, unsuccessfully crumpled by not quite straight handms of a curious user, just turn out.

Click to enlarge

Views Hard Reset.
There are two types of Hard Reset: hardware and software.
As it is already clear from the name, the first view of the reset is performed using the instrument, mechanical or sensory gadget buttons. This type of discharge is the most rigid and applied in cases where the operating system is no longer loaded and a person in his hands lies a lifeless black brick, showing some kind of cracks on the screen or at all that does not give signs of life. Methods for performing this type of reset are somewhat and all of them differ from the device to the device. We will talk about them in more detail in another article. But most often you can enter the Hard Reset menu while simultaneously pressing the POWER and VOL buttons when the gadget is turned on.

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Software Hard Reset is carried out from the working Operations. The reasons to make it can be a lot. But usually it is fast, without problems, return to the pure state of the gadget from the store. It will be useful for example for sale so that all your secrets and interesting photos and videos get to the new owner. In order to make a software Hard Reset, you just need to just enter the appropriate system settings menu and confirm your intention.
It is worth paying attention to that in both options reset all the data on the gadget after the start of its operation will be erased. And it can be very important. Perhaps you did not configure the transfer of photos and video from the camera to an SD card or did not backup contacts or messages. All this needs to be done before resetting. Otherwise, nothing will remain. Data on the SD card will not disappear. Note that it is on an external SD card that is inserted into the appropriate slot. Just in some devices, the SD card is called and internal memorywhich is erased after Hard Reset.

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Sof Reset.

This is the classic and most harmless view of a discharge, which many is known since personal computersWhen you simply press the corresponding button on the housing and it rebooted. No critical changes when performing this type of discharge does not occur. The only nuance is that mobile gadgets usually do not have the corresponding button, except for some tablet models. So you can execute it programmatically by pressing the power button or just remove the battery. Owners of models with worn batteries here remain not with cases.