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Search by image Yandex download. How to find an image on the Internet from a photo - Google, Yandex search by photo

A service was developed that, using artificial intelligence, instantly found a person on VKontakte based on almost any photo, taking into account facial features. With its help, you can easily find out who is shown in the photo by finding their page.

He also found similar people. For example, there was an opportunity to find a girl who looked like a famous actress or singer that you liked.

It was possible to find a stranger on VKontakte. To search, it was enough to have his photo in your possession - even if this photo was just taken. The search service was free, there were also paid services (unlimited number of requests per month, additional search settings). You could search for people by photo from a computer or tablet, or from your phone if you installed the application.

This service (FindFace) has been closed since July 2018, as it operated with personal data without the consent of their owners. Hardly anyone wants someone to find their page on the Internet based on their photo and find out the details of their personal life.

There are other ways, which are discussed below:

How to find a person by photo on a social network or the Internet. How to find out who is in the photo

Searching for a person by photo in Yandex

Yandex has a good photo search. He can find on the Internet both exact copies of photos and those with slight differences - for example, different photos of the same person.

Photo search in Yandex

You will see all the sites and pages on social networks where the same or similar photos are found. You can open any page to find out what kind of person he is, what his name is and where he is from. And if it is written "No similar pictures found" This means Yandex didn’t find anything.

Search for a person by photo in Google

If you have a Chrome browser, the easiest way to search for a photo in Google is to right-click on the photo and select “Find this image on Google.”

There is a Google Images service where you can search for a person by photo. He will find all the sites where it is, and - if he's lucky - determine what kind of person is in the photo. This can be used to expose fakes - people who use other people's photos on their pages (profiles) on social networks.

How to search by photo in Google? Very simple:

If that doesn't work, do this:

  1. Just open Google on a computer, laptop or tablet (you need the full version, not the mobile version).
  2. At the top right click on "Images"— a camera icon should appear in the search bar.
  3. Next - from the 2nd point, as described above in our instructions.

Why can’t I find a person by photo?

Because this is not always possible. It all depends on where you got this photo from. Perhaps the person did not post it on his page on a social network, and in this case the search engine will not find it. Maybe he posts photos only for friends - and then they are also inaccessible to Google and Yandex. Or maybe the person is simply not on social networks (or he was, but disappeared).

I took a photo of a person, how to find him?

You liked the person, you were embarrassed to come up and meet him, but you took a photo of him on the sly. How can you now find a person from a photo you took yourself? For example, in VK?

No way, because only you have this photo. He is not on the Internet on this person’s page, and you cannot find him by searching for a photo. You can only publish it in a VK group in your city like “Looking for you” or in a group at your educational institution and hope that someone recognizes this person (or he recognizes himself if he is subscribed to such a group). However, not everyone will like this: a person may demand that the photo be deleted.

How to find out the link to a photo, picture, image on the Internet (address)?

Usually you can right-click on a photo and select "Copy image address"(may be called slightly differently in different programs).

If you need a link to a VKontakte photo, you can first click on this photo, select "More" and than "Open original"— the photo will open in full size. Now right click on it and select “Copy image address.”

After this, you can paste the copied address wherever you need: or right-click there and select "Insert", or first left-click and then press the key combination on the keyboard Ctrl-V or Shift-Insert.

How do you know if a photo is real or from the Internet (fake)? Where did the person get the photo?

To find the original source of the photo, you can search for the photo in Google or Yandex using an image search, as we just described. If a photo is found, you will see all the sites where it is available. This way you can determine where it came from. For fakes, the photo can usually be found on many sites - they don’t worry about where to get it from. If there is a result “No similar photos were found,” then, most likely, the photo is original, that is, the person posted it himself, and did not copy it from somewhere. But of course, in this case, it may not be him at all in the photo.

In addition, there is a service TinEye (“Tin Eye”), which searches by pictures and shows the source of this picture. You can upload a photo from your computer or provide a link to it, and TinEye will search where the photo came from. Just like Google Images, it shows all the sites where this photo was found.

Please note that sometimes TinEye does not find all photos, especially those that have been posted recently.

What other search methods are there?

Instructions for searching for a person on the Internet by first name, last name, city, date of birth and other data are here:

Yandex is one of the largest Internet search services in the world and the largest in the CIS. It is constantly being improved, adding new functions and features for users. Now users have access to a more convenient image search via Yandex, plus support for smartphones on Android and iOS has appeared.

How to search by image via Yandex on a smartphone

In this case, you will need little - any mobile browser (even a standard one will do) and an Internet connection. However, instructions may vary slightly between browsers.

Method 1: Using products from Yandex

The easiest way is to use Yandex applications for your phone, for example, Yandex Browser or the Yandex application, which combines several services at the same time (browser, voice assistant, weather, etc.). In this case, let's look at how to use the latest application:

  1. If you don't have it installed, download it to your phone. Open Play Market or AppStore and enter in the search bar "Yandex". Among the applications, select an option "Yandex with Alice" or "Yandex Beta". It doesn't really matter which option you choose, since the differences between them are minor.
  2. Click "Install" and wait for the installation to complete.
  3. Now click "Open".
  4. Pay attention to the search bar located at the top. There should be an icon combined with a camera magnifying glass. Click on it.
  5. A search bar will open. At the bottom, click again on the icon with a camera and a magnifying glass.
  6. Yandex may request access to your Gallery and Camera. Allow it.
  7. You can take a photo of an object immediately by tapping the yellow circle at the bottom of the screen.
  8. If you need to download from the Gallery, click on the icon in the form of four squares in the lower left part of the screen.
  9. You will be offered several options from where you can upload the photo. For example, from Gallery, Google Drive, etc. Choose the one that suits you.
  10. Enter a photo to search.
  11. Wait until the search is completed. The application will select similar images, tags and sites if it detects where the same or similar image appears.

Method 2: Standard Browsers

If you don’t have the Yandex application installed on your phone or you don’t want to install it for some reason, you can use browsers from other developers or a standard solution for owners of both Android and iOS devices.

Let's look at how to search in Yandex using images using a standard browser on Android:

  1. Initially, the standard browser will have a Google search engine, but that’s okay. Enter your query into the search bar "Yandex Pictures" and follow the first link.
  2. In Pictures there will already be a search from Yandex. Click on the search bar.
  3. After clicking on it, the option will be displayed below "Ask with a picture". Click on it.
  4. A window will appear asking you what to do with the picture. Choose the option that suits your purpose. In this case, click on “Find similar pictures”.
  5. A window will appear again where you need to specify the source from which the image will be taken. For example, from the Gallery, Google Drive, etc.
  6. Mark the image you want to find.
  7. Wait for the download to the service. Depending on the Internet speed and the size of the picture, it can last up to a minute.
  8. Here, as in the previous method, basic information on the image, tags, similar pictures, etc. will be displayed.

As you can see, there is nothing difficult in searching by image through the Yandex service on a phone running both Android and iOS. There are also no search restrictions.

Image search is an opportunity to find images on the Internet that best match the query you typed. Most search engines provide this feature, which is great. But if you already have a picture and want to find its original or something similar, this is called reverse search.

Reverse search works great on a desktop computer. Go to, click on the camera icon and enter the URL of the image, or upload it from your computer’s hard drive and Google will immediately find everything.

But what to do if you need to find the original picture, but you only have your phone at hand? You will not be able to do this using the method described above, because the Chrome mobile browser does not have a camera icon. In such cases, special applications come to the rescue, which we will talk about now.

CamFind is one of the oldest and most famous reverse image search apps and is available for free on both Android and iPhone. You can take a photo of any object using the built-in camera and upload it to CloudSight servers with one click.

It then uses its proprietary recognition engine to not only tell you what's in the photo, but also suggest sites that can provide more detailed information on that subject. Forbes, TechCrunch, Lifehacker and many other media outlets managed to write about the application.

Pinterest Lens

Pinterest's visual search tool is by far the most advanced technology ever developed for this purpose. Unlike other similar services where you have no choice but to search the entire image, here you can select only a specific area in the photo that you want to find. As a result, you will see similar pictures only of the selected part, and not of the entire photo.

To start using reverse search on Pinterest, you first need to create a free account on the service and then add an image to your profile. Once this is done, you can use the visual search tool to find similar images from the Pinterest database.

Google Lens

Google Lens uses artificial intelligence technology that, using a smartphone camera and machine learning, can determine what object is in the lens. It's essentially a kind of real-time reverse image search, or augmented reality (AR).

For example, if you see a dress you like while shopping, Google Lens can identify its model and other clothing items. Want to know what kind of tree or flower this is? No problem! In the museum you can get information about the painting that hangs in front of you. Are you on a trip to an interesting attraction? Just take a photo of it and get detailed information about it.

Reverse Image Search Extension is the only paid app in this review, but it costs only $1. However, for this modest price, it offers some features that you are unlikely to find in any other free competitor. One of the best features is that the extension can search images not only in the gallery, but also in browsers such as Safari, Chrome or Opera.

To search using this extension, all you have to do is simply select a photo or image and select the Search Image option. You can view the search results in your favorite browser or within an application, not just in Safari. Along with Google, additional search engines such as Yandex and Tineye are supported. Overall, this is a great extension that offers quite a few handy features and is really worth the money if you need all those amenities.

Search By Image

On Android, almost the same capabilities as Reversee for iOS are provided by the Search By Image app. In it you can also take a photo and search for similar ones; you can take an image from your photo gallery or from a message on WhatsApp, Facebook and VKontakte. The imported image can be cropped or rotated before searching. Three search engines are used (to choose from): Google, TinEye and Yandex.

Search By Image copes with some tasks even better than Reversee. For example, with determining the originality of a photo or the date of creation of the file. Search By Image also searches by part of an image - this feature can be useful, for example, if you want to find the original photo of part of a collage.

Image Search

Image Search is a simple application that uses Google's engine to search for similar images. Before searching for copies, you can trim off the desired part. You can search multiple images simultaneously and transfer them to other applications. The latest updates to Image Search have improved the user interface and introduced several new features, including downloading in the background with a notification when the download is complete.

An iPhone app that bills itself as "a middleman between your photos and Google Images," but it provides a lot more information than a typical middleman. There are several ways to select a picture, including downloading a file from your phone's gallery, specifying a URL, or pasting it from the clipboard.

Before uploading a picture, you can change it using the built-in editor. For example, you can lower the resolution, thereby reducing the size of the downloaded file and, accordingly, the amount of data transmitted over the network. You can even crop to upload only a specific part of the photo.

Once the download is complete, a page with search results will open. You can open found pages in Safari or Chrome, add them to your Reading List for later viewing, copy URLs to the clipboard, send them via email, and so on.

Reversee also has extensions for iOS, which can be used to launch the program from Photos, Safari, Chrome and any other application that supports image export.

The application can be downloaded from the App Store completely free of charge. When upgrading to the paid version, a number of additional functions will appear, including the ability to search with several systems at once (Google, Bing, Yandex).

Unlike most of the apps on this list, it doesn't support sharing, so you'll have to launch it manually every time you want to search. The image can be downloaded from the gallery, Dropbox cloud storage, or clipboard.

What really makes Veracity stand out from the crowd is that instead of redirecting you to Google's site, it will display your search results in its own interface. If you've just arrived from Paris and want to learn more about the Eiffel Tower, feel free to upload the photo you took to Veracity and the application will provide a lot of links to sites with descriptions of one of the most famous Parisian landmarks.

Reverse Photos

If you can’t find a suitable application for the mobile platform of your gadget and all you have is a browser for mobile devices, try the Reverse Photos service, optimized for smartphones.

Using this service, you can upload pictures and search for identical or similar images using the Google algorithm. The tool is compatible with all modern mobile browsers, including Chrome, Safari and Firefox.

However, there is an alternative option. Perform the following steps in sequence:

  1. Launch a mobile browser on your smartphone.
  2. Go to
  3. Request the full version of the site in your browser.
  4. Go to the "Pictures" tab.
  5. Click on the camera icon.
  6. Select the desired file and click the "Upload" button.

After completing the steps described above, a window with search results will appear in front of you.

The Google search engine has a special service through which you can search for images. It's called Google Images and is located at

There you can find an image not only by keywords, but also by the downloaded file. For example, from a photo from a computer or phone. You can also sort the results by size, color, type and other parameters.

Search by keywords

1 . Open the website In the search bar we type what we want to find and press the Enter key on the keyboard.

2. Photos and drawings found by request will appear. We go lower using the wheel on the mouse or the slider on the right side.

3. To see the image in normal (large) size, left-click on it. As a result, it increases.

4 . To download it, right-click inside and select “Save picture as...” or a similar item from the list. A small window will appear in which we select a suitable location on the computer for this photo and click the “Save” button.

Search by image from your computer

How it works. You add a photo or drawing from your computer to the service, and Google finds copies of it, as well as similar images, on the Internet.

When needed. For example, to find out who exactly is shown in the picture or to find similar photographs. And also to find the same photo, but in a larger size.

This method also helps to recognize a fraudster. For example, when meeting someone on a social network, you can check whether the photo really belongs to this person.

Method 1

  1. Go to
  2. Open the folder on your computer where the photo is. For convenience, we make the window smaller (not full screen).
  3. Left-click on the file and, without releasing it, drag it into the search window.

The image is added and the results are shown immediately. There will be duplicates of the photo (if they are available on the Internet), as well as pages where it appears, and similar images. In general, different information about this file.

Method 2

If you can’t drag the photo into the window, you can add it there in another way:

1 . Open the website

2. Click on the camera icon at the end of the search line.

3. In the window, select the “Upload file” tab and click on the “Select file” button.

4 . A small window will open, through which we find and open the desired image from our computer (to do this, simply double-click on it with the left mouse button).

Search by photo from a website or social network

It happens that you need to find an image not from your computer, but from some site. For example, from news on the Internet or from a page on a social network. Of course, you can first save it to your computer and then add it to Google. But there is an easier option.

1 . Expanding the image. To do this, move the cursor over it and, if its appearance has changed to a hand with an outstretched finger, click once with the left mouse button.

2. Right-click on it (inside) and select “Copy image URL” or “Copy image address” from the list.

Greetings, friends! Recently I was concerned with this question - how to check a photo for a match on the Internet? It’s no secret that search engines are very sensitive to unique texts. They are also partial to photographs, because they believe that copyright has not yet been abolished. After thinking about the topic, I realized that there are several ways to find out how “clean” a photo is and whether there are copies of it on the World Wide Web.

I want to say right away that truly unique photographs can only be found on specialized sites. They are called differently - photo banks, stocks, and so on. Only there there are copyright photographs that can be purchased or downloaded for free. It depends on how generous a particular photo bank is, how popular it is and how much the author of the photograph or picture values ​​himself and his creativity.

What are the ways

After analyzing the situation, I realized that I could talk in detail and in detail about three different search methods. All of them are usually effective and give good results. Which one you choose is a personal matter for everyone. My task is to tell you about everything in as much detail as possible. So let's begin:

  • search engines Google and Yandex;
  • website;
  • Etxt Anti-plagiarism program.

Let's look at each point in more detail.

Search engines Google and Yandex

Very often Google in people's minds is a search engine. A little less often – mail. However, the service contains a lot of interesting things for both the average user and the webmaster. One of its “tricks” is precisely checking images for uniqueness. The algorithm for searching for matches is quite simple - the system simply monitors how often a particular image was found on the network according to a pattern specified by the user and produces approximate matches (among which the desired picture or photograph may be found).

To check the image for uniqueness, you will need to go to In the usual search bar on the right side you will see a small camera icon.

By clicking on it, you will be offered two options: provide a link to the image on the Internet or upload your own file. For example, we need to find out how unique the image from our hard drive is. By clicking on the second option “Upload file”, you will see the line “Select file”. When you click on it, a small dialog box will open in which you will be asked to find the photo on your computer and upload it for verification. Having selected the desired image, click “Open”. After this, the system will upload the picture and begin searching by photo. It usually takes a split second, and after that you will find out whether there are copies of that image on the network or whether it is unique.

It is important to take into account that Google may show very similar images, but this does not mean that your photo is not unique. You just need to carefully review the search results and everything will immediately become clear.

The situation is approximately the same with domestic ones. To search through it you need to go to

To check a picture, you need to drag it into the search bar. The system will think a little and display a similar picture or “say” that nothing was found.

As for me, Google works somewhat faster than Yandex, and its results, as a rule, are more accurate and better.


To search through this Internet resource, you need to go to the site It is very simple and has an intuitive interface. Right in the center you will see a small line. On the left side of it there is a button for uploading a file to the site and subsequent verification, and on the right there is a search button. This is to check how many mentions of the desired image can be found if you enter the photo's URL.

The site differs from other similar ones in that it works very quickly online and is easy to learn. After loading the picture, it will show how many times it appears on the Internet. Interestingly, he almost never shows similar images. Although maybe I was just always lucky - I don’t know. Either unique or not, there are no other options.

Etxt Anti-plagiarism program

If you are too lazy to constantly open your browser, click links, and upload photos to the Internet, then you can use a free program for computers called Etxt Anti-Plagiarism. This is the official utility from the content exchange, which once specialized only in texts and translations, and is now trying itself as a photo bank. Any user can put up for sale their own photographs or drawn pictures, but all of them are checked for uniqueness within the system. We just need to check it, and not put it up for sale, so we download the program from the official website: and install it.

After this, you need to go to the “Operations” menu and select “Image Uniqueness”. Next, you will see a button on the right side of the search bar. By clicking it, you will open a dialog box where you can find the original picture on your computer and download it for verification. The program works clearly and reliably. The only negative is that sometimes the search can take a little longer.

Etxt Anti-plagiarism is a program for checking the uniqueness of text and graphic information. In the search results, it displays the addresses of sites where fragments of matching text and the searched images were found.

As you can see, there is nothing complicated about checking images for uniqueness. But if you are sure that such pictures do not exist anywhere else, then you will definitely not be afraid of penalties from search engines or, even worse, lawsuits from copyright holders!

What means of searching for similar pictures or photos do you use? Be sure to write in the comments. Perhaps your method will be more effective.

PS: Interesting facts about searching for images in Yandex

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