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Advantages and disadvantages of the domain zone.Website. How is the domain name

The appearance of the domain zone Website and its purpose.

Free registration of names in Zone.Website has opened relatively recently - in 2014. This is an international domain zone top levelwhich is not tied to a certain region, nor to a specific type of activity. Such a domain is truly universal and carrying endless possibilities.

Domain Features in Website Zone

Register the name here can residents of all countries, and physical, and legal entities. The domain itself in this zone bears minimum of the semantic load. What will be filled with a resource located in the area .Website - entirely depends on the desire of its owner. Here you can place resources for any subjects that are on the Internet, and even such as it was not. This domain zone is excellent replacement, .org, .biz and the like. Registration in it was open recently, so there are many free names here, in addition, the site in this zone will definitely attract the attention of the audience.

Rules for registration of domain names in this area.

Requirements when registering domains Website:

  • Permissible domain name length: From 3 to 63 characters.
  • Restrictions in the domain name: In addition to all two-letter domains, initially, when creating a zone, names for the International Red Cross, the Olympic Committee and some other international organizations are reserved.
  • When it is possible to extend the domain: Extend the domain for up to 10 years you can at any time.
  • The procedure for termination of delegation and deletion of the domain: Delegation stops when the PAID-TILL period occurs, that is, the dates that the domain name paid for. 40 days after that, when the grace period expansion expires and the registration period ends (Free-Date comes, the release date of the domain name), deletes the domain name from the registry. On weekends and holidays, as well as on days, the following directly behind non-working, domains are not deleted.

Who can buy a domain website?

As the domain zone.Website is not tied to a specific region or type of activity, it is suitable for creating any web projects - and to accommodate travel sites, and to create online representative offices of large international corporations. Thus, the domain in this zone can be used to create:

  • Company's site
  • Online store.
  • Information internet magazine.
  • Personal blog.
  • Entertainment resource and any other site.
  • Internet service.

Advantages and disadvantages of the domain zone.Website

  • Novelty zone: There are many free names in it. Here you can place a site with a memorable name, which reflects the generation of activities.
  • Unlimited domain capabilities: In Zone.Website, you can register sites of different subjects, missing restrictions.

In the domain zone. WEBSite only one disadvantage - the name of the name is relatively expensive here, so those who are limited to the project budget is worth paying attention to other traditional domain zones.

Where is better to register a domain in Zone.Website?

To avoid unpleasant surprises after registration name for the site, you need to contact a reliable and proven company. Such a company has the necessary licenses, works more than 3 years and has many positive feedback.

Hello, dear blog readers Website. This blog has detailed. After or during reading this publication, I advise you to familiarize yourself with that article to have a holistic picture. I also advise you to get acquainted with my publications on the topic, which means.

Today we have on the agenda - what is domain or domain name (In essence, these are synonyms). Well, in fact, everything is simple. This is a name for the site., which is assigned to him in return difficult to memorize the IP address of the server, on which this site is placed (see). Enter this name in the address bar of the browser and the site opens.

But difficulties arise in detail. What they are, how all this is arranged, what domain zones are how to understand which level domain and which of them can be registered, where it can be done and what zone to choose. I have a lot of questions and I will try to answer this "a small note".

What is a domain?

As I mentioned above, domain is a name for the site...162.192.0. And besides, imagine the situation. You posted a website on the hosting server (what it is here is higher) and received the IP address. But, having moved to another hosting IPI, will change that it will cause a catastrophe. But in the case of domain names, this will not happen. Why?

The fact is that there are thousands of DNS servers (domain name systems) on the Internet, which will be spelled out that the site domain is available on the ip address If I move to another hosting, then I will go to the domain name registrar panel (where I bought it), I will change something and in all DNS servers of the Internet so that the site website needs to be looking for another. Conveniently because?

Convenient, but probably not clear. The main thing is that you need to understand - the name for the site is very important And it for life (as a rule, although it is possible to transfer the site to another domain if you wish, but it is not easy). As you call the boat, it will swim away. True, it is important not only the name, but also the level of the domain, as well as the zone to which it belongs. Again it is not clear? Well, let's in order.

How is the domain name

Let's start with the Azov. The domain recording (site name) should include all levels of domain nesting (all zones in which it enters) so that it is unique and confused.

There are two main domain Name Record Rules:

  1. The zones entering this domain are listed on the right left.
  2. Points are used as a separator.

It can look like this, for example, so:

We receive the Fourth Net domain, which is part of the domain zone of the third level "blog", which is included in the second level zone "Ktonanovenkogo" belonging to the zone of the first Nonsense, right? (My spouse checking errors in the article, it will be happy to confirm).

What levels of domains are distinguished

  1. Root domain (zero) It is considered an empty entry, indicated by just a point (.). In theory, the full record of the domain name should always end with a point, but in most cases it is lowered (as it may be in mind) and instead of writing: the site.

    Using the most firmly fit relative entry of domains (without a point at the end):

  2. Next follows the first level - this is usually regional (national) domains (.ru, .su, .ua, .us, .de, .fr, etc.) or thematic (.com, .edu, .org, .net, etc.). But also there are domain names of the first level, including national alphabets (for example, .rf).
  3. Second level - these are the same domains that we are with you buy (register with special recorders). These prices differ not only depending on the ownership of one or another domain of the first level (for example, buy cheaper, as a rule, than, but depending on the registrar (or its reseller - retailers).
  4. Third, fourth, etc. - They no longer need to buy (usually) and can be created independently (without registering anywhere) on the basis of the purchased second level domain. For example, I can create such a name for the new site - Forum..for ..

Let's explain all this again for example:

  1. . (point) - zero domain (root) level
  2. rU - first level, also called top-level domain or zone
  3. site - Second Level Domain Name
  4. blog.Site - third-level domain
  5. - fourth level

Domains of the upper (first) level

If you do not count the zero level (root - root domain), for it is emptiness, the base serve the so-called base top-level zones or domains (It is from them that the name of any site begins, though it seems that they are ends - but not the essence). They cannot be bought by an ordinary person, but it is from these zones that we will choose when buying a second level domain (name for your site).

So what they happen:

  1. Domains of the first (higher) level, fastened for countriesThat usually among the chibs of smart people call the CCTLD abbreviation, which means Country Code Top-Level Domain. Russia has such people already two:
    1. sU - Rudiment, remaining from the Soviet Union and represents the space of resources in Russian
    2. rU - initially fixed by Russia
  2. Domains with national alphabeticsThat is usually denoted by IDN abbreviation (International Domain Name). In Russia, this is Zona.Rf. In fact, their names are still recorded by English symbols (transcoding occurs), but it is hidden from the eyes. However, if you enter the address in the browser: http: //tonanovnye.rf/

    and after the transition to this site, copy its address from the address bar, then get quite uncomfortable by Ahinea:

    Http: //xn--80aedhwdrbcedeb8b2k.xn--p1ai/ here it turns out to look like not dignitarily looks. And it is in this form that it will have to be added to different services (type), and not in the form of Ktonanovsky.rf. This must be considered. Yes, and other problems are possible, although at first and not obvious.

  3. Top domains common use , Typically, the usual GTLD, which means Generic Top-Level Domain, is registered (sold) regardless of the country in which the webmaster lives. Most used of them:
    1. .com - for commercial projects
    2. .org - for non-commercial sites of various organizations
    3. .NET - for projects related to the Internet
    4. .edu - for educational institutions and projects
    5. .biz. - Only commercial organizations
    6. .info - for all information projects
    7. .name - for personal sites
    8. .gov - for US Gas Structures

How and where you can register (buy) domain in high level zones

The domain names of the second level are simply as a rule, do not get (and it is better not to try, for the name for the site is too important to risk them by registering it is not clear who). They cost money. Moreover payment is made in the yearAnd then the rental of the domain must be renewed.

Once again I will pay your attention - buy domain names of the second level, And all that is higher - you can create yourself on their base. This is usually done in the panel of your host in the subdomains section - these are the domains of the third and upper level, such as

Such companies are not so much (bright examples can serve REGRU and WebNames.), But they can have a whole network of resellers (partners) that will be engaged in the selection and sale of domains from their behalf. If you don't satisfy the current reseller, or you have strained strains with him, then by contacting the registrar, you can choose another reseller or go directly under the wing of the registrar.

At all with no restrictions You can buy domains in public, .NET ,.org, .info ,.izh.I.Name. In the zones, .gov I.MIL is such an opportunity only for institutions, as well as educational and military institutions. There are also a number of specialized first-level domains, for example, .travel, .jobs ,.aero ,.asia.

Second-level domain names in these public areas you can buy from any registrar (not only national) than, in fact, some resources are used in which conflicts with copyright holders may arise. The same torrents was forced to move to the public ORG zone, because its resource was blocked in the National domain zone of EN.

Second Level Domains - Checking for Employment and WHOIS

On the Internet there are already registered about half a billion domain names in various zones, so pick up a good (short, simple, sonorous) name in the desired zone is now quite not easy task (just as difficult). A third of the registered names is not used at all, because it was bought for resale (successful domains can cost expensive on the secondary market - sometimes many millions of dollars).

Checking a domain name for employment

Therefore, the first thing that is worth do during the selection of a suitable domain for the site is. This can be done from various registrars (the result will be the same, for they use the common base).

Therefore, when viewing information about the domain in the so-called wHOIS record You can detect your personal data there, which it was necessary to specify when registering. In my opinion, it is better to hide this information, because there are enough dashing people and in the Internet (although, if you need problems in a flat place ...).

The history of the domain name and the purchase of liberated domains

The history of ownership of the domain can be traced in the so-called. There it will be possible to see that the sites have ever been placed on this domain name that they represented themselves and whether their history will not affect initially search engines To your site.

Slightly below are given domains currently released (For detailed viewing click at the price):

Good luck to you! To ambiguous meetings on the blog pages Website

see more Rollers you can go on

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TimeWeb is a reliable domain registrar. We have low prices Without imposing additional services and expensive extension. On the site you can buy an address in virtually any domain zone, starting with and ending with original .Fashion I.Blackfriday. The price of the domain varies depending on the level of demand, currency rate and other factors.

If you do not know how to order some network name, use the search on our website. So you can not only check if the address is free, but also to define a suitable domain zone by name or cost. Or choose first one of the categories of zones, for example - popular, international, thematic groups. And then filter the price or alphabet and pick up attractive options.

How to register domain

Domain registration is a simple process that usually takes no more than half an hour. If you have already invented the address for the site, then simply enter it in the search bar, make sure it is free, and add it to the basket. The next step is to fill the application in the basket where you need to specify personal data, tariff and frequency of payment.

In addition to registration of domain names, our company also has hosting services, so you can immediately buy a network address and place on the server to place your project on the Internet.

Moreover, if you use the designer to create sites, it is easy to independently make a web resource in Timeweb literally in a few hours. By the way, for the annual payment of the virtual hosting or designer you will or.rf for free.

If you are not interested in hosting, then when filling out the order form, select the Special Parking rate. In this case, you only need to pay for registration or extension of network addresses. Please note that we return Cashbek from 15 to 20% with a one-time order of several domain names! And for those who want to buy domains in bulk, we reduce prices I.rf to 99 rubles.

How to pay and extend the domain

You can fulfill the payment and the extension of the domain in our control panel where access you get immediately after sending the application on the site. The simple procedure is the only thing you need to choose is the payment option: from the account balance, a separate account or use bonuses.

Especially for customers, we have introduced a free service "Domain Auto Penalty": You do not have to worry about the timely extension of domain registration, as payment will be made automatically 35 days before the expiration. Therefore, it is recommended to connect autonation in the settings immediately after purchasing a domain name, to protect against cybercvotters.

If you have any questions about registration, be sure to contact TimeWeb support by phone, chat or through the tickets in the hosting control panel. Our experts will be happy to consult and necessarily help!

From the author: Hello, dear reader. For the functioning of the modern web resource, there are quite a lot of things: database, engine, server, etc. But still be sure to be a domain. And what is the domain of the site? If you still do not fully understand, now I will become understandable.

Domain or domain name is the name on which it is available on the network .. is a domain itself popular social. Networks in RuNet VKontakte.

And if you remember, earlier this social network was located at Why did the address change occurred? First, the network has long grown from rank only Russian, today there are many users from other countries. Secondly, in conversational speech they were all called social network. So that you do not think that I moved away from the topic, all this is directly related to the domains.

The name of the site plays a huge role in his perception by people. Many people even pay freelancers so that those invented a cool name for their project. Indeed, a good name already provides a certain success. This service is known as a nemine, I even met Freelance Exchange, which specialized only in providing such services.

What is the domain?

Perhaps the question is a little incorrect, but still. It consists of the name of the site and the domain zone itself. In our example, WebFormySelf is the name, A.Com - zone. There are really many such zones. Almost every country has its own. For example:

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RU - Russia

UA - Ukraine

By - Belarus

KZ - Kazakhstan

Well, so on. In addition, there are those attached even to some particular city. By the way, they appeared quite recently. For example, you have an online store only for residents of Kiev. His network address may be:

Well, this is just an example. Large cities today have already appeared such zones. For example, Moscow and St. Petersburg, but every year more and more similar zones appear.

By the way, the domain given above is the so-called third-level domain, and there is still the second and fourth. What is their difference? If you say simply, then how many words are divided by a point? Second level:

Third level:

The third-level domains can specify that the site is directed only to people from a certain country or city, or say that the site is on a free hosting. In this case, the domain is free. That is, the titles of the type:

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You do not need to pay, as they are created on site constructors. For the rest of the domains, in most cases you will need to pay 1 time per year. At the moment there are about 750 domain zones, but each year it becomes more, since the Internet continues to actively develop.

How much does registration cost?

To register the site name, firstly, it should not be busy. If you try to register something like or, then nothing will succeed, because such domain names have long been busy.

Today, it is most likely to find a beautiful name consisting of 2-3 words. The value of the domain registration depends mainly from the site recorder, as well as in which zone domain is registered.

For example, in (international commercial) will be more expensive than in (Global Russian). Now, in connection with the advent of new domain zones, you have great chances to find beautiful names.

As you can see, I checked the address - automotive spare parts. Moskva and it is still free. In my opinion, this is the perfect site name for the online store of the respective parts in Moscow. And it is still not occupied as hundreds of other beautiful names. Run to register?)

As you can see, the cost of registration in new zones is a bit more expensive. The largest recorders in RuNet - 2domains and

What to do after shopping?

After buying, you can and do nothing. Just wait for the moment when you have a site of the appropriate subject, to then add it to this domain. That is, you can fine reserve the name for yourself so that others do not take it.

In most cases, the domain is purchased immediately before the start of the Internet project. To associate a domain name with a hosting, on which the site files will be stored, during registration or later you will need to specify the DNS address of your hosting provider. If what, ask him.

After that, you will remain in the server control panel to create an appropriate domain. For him to create a folder in which you already need to place the files necessary for the site.

Can a second level domain be free?

In most cases, no. But not so long ago, new domain zones appeared for some countries and registration in these zones is free. For example, in the ML zone, which represents the state of Mali, as well as the zones of some other African countries. Some registrars can purchase such domain names for free.

Here we are with you and dealt with what the domain name of the site and what is needed for what it is necessary. Nothing difficult, as you can see, no. As a person should have some kind of name and the web resource, otherwise how to contact him?

How to choose a good name?

So that you are not looking for useful online services To select a name, I will share with you a reference. Copy it and insert it into the address bar of the browser

There you will see an interesting service from one registrar. Here you can enter 2-3 words and the service will automatically show you all possible combinations, and what is even more convenient, it will immediately show what is busy, and what free. In general, I myself never picked up a domain name with it, but I really liked the idea myself.

On this I say goodbye. I hope you got enough knowledge to get in the near future to get beautiful domains and use them in your online business.

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