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Principles of creating highly reliable corporate information systems. General characteristics of corporate information systems

(KIS) - Management ideology, uniting business strategy and information technology.

Corporate information system - This is a scalable system intended for the integrated automation of all types of economic activity of large and medium-sized enterprises, including corporations consisting of a group of companies requiring a single management.

Corporate information system A system that automates more than 80% of enterprise units can be considered.

Corporate information Systems They are the development of systems for working groups, they are focused on large companies and can support geographically separated nodes or networks. Basically, they have a hierarchical structure of several levels. For such systems, the architecture of the client-server with the specialization of the servers is characterized or a multi-level architecture. When developing such systems, the same database servers can be used as in the development of group information systems. However, in large information systems, Oracle, DB2 and Microsoft SQL Servers received the greatest distribution.

For group and corporate systems, the requirements for the reliability of the functioning and safety of data are significantly improved. These properties are provided by supporting data integrity, links and transactions in database servers.

The most significant feature of the comprehensive information system should be the expansion of the automation contour to obtain a closed, self-regulating system capable of flexibly and quickly rebuilding the principles of its functioning.

Kisa must enter the tool for documentation management, information support of subject areas, communication software, Means of collective work staff and other auxiliary (technological) products. From this, in particular, it follows that the obligatory requirement to kis is integration big number software products.

see also

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Watch what is a "corporate information system" in other dictionaries:

    corporate information system - information system, access to which has a limited circle of persons defined by its owner or agreement of the participants in this information system. Note The circle of persons can be citizens and / or legal entities. [GOST R 52653 2006] ... ...

    Corporate information system - (Corporate Information System) - an information system, whose participants may be the persons of a limited circle defined by its owner or agreement of the participants in this information system ... Economics and Mathematical Dictionary

    Corporate information system - 12) Corporate Information System Information System, participants in electronic interaction in which constitute a certain circle of persons; ... Source: the federal law from 06.04.2011 N 63 FZ (ed. from 10.07.2012) electronic signatureOfficial terminology

    Corporate information system - According to the Federal Law "On Information, Information Technologies and Information Protection" of 27.07.2006 No. 149 of the Federal Law, the information system, whose participants can be a limited circle of persons defined by its owner or agreement ... ... Office work and archival business in terms and definitions

    corporate information system (information technology as a whole) - Corporate information system KISA Information system of the enterprise, the main task of which is information support for production, administrative and management processes (business processes). ... ... Technical translator directory

    Management ideology, uniting business strategy and information technology. KISA Scalable system designed for the integrated automation of all types of economic activity of small and medium enterprises, including ... ... Business Terms Dictionary

    The term information system (IP) is used both wide and in a narrow sense. In the broad sense, the information system has a combination of technical, software and organizational support, as well as personnel intended for ... Wikipedia

    Corporate information system - - information system, whose participants can be a limited circle of persons defined by its owner or agreement of the participants in this information system. [Federal Law of the Russian Federation No. 1 FZ dated January 10, 2009 "... ... Encyclopedia Terms, Definitions and Explanations of Building Materials

    - (EIS) represents a combination of organizational, technical, software and information resources combined in unified system In order to collect, storage, processing and issuing the necessary information intended for functions ... ... Wikipedia

    - (Sokr. From English Customer Relationship Management System, CRM system) Corporate information system intended for automation of CRM company strategy, in particular, to increase sales, optimize marketing and ... ... Wikipedia


  • Corporate economics of information systems, N. V. Liaznikov. In the monograph, automated business management methods and the level of automation of decision-making systems in companies (enterprises, corporations) were investigated. A comparative analysis was carried out ... electronic book

It is impossible to give a general definition of the corporate information system as a set of functional signs based on any general requirements, standards. It is possible to give such a definition of a corporate information system only in relation to a specific company that uses or is going to build a corporate information system. In general, only some basic signs of the corporate information system can be given:

  • Compliance with the needs of the company, the company's business, consistency with the organizational and financial structure of the company, the company's culture.
  • Integration.
  • Openness and scalability.

1. In the first feature and hidden all the functional signs of a particular corporate information system of a particular company, they are strictly individual for each company. For example, for one company, the corporate information system must have a class not lower than ERP, and for another--System of this class is absolutely not optimal, and only increase costs. And if you dig deeper, then the concept of ERP (and even more than ERPII) different companies, based on their needs, can invest different meaning, different functions, different implementations. For all companies can only be the functions of accounting and wages, regulated by external legislation, all other are individual. The second and third signs are general, but completely specific.

2. The corporate information system is not a set of automation programs of the company's business processes (production management, resources and company), this is a cross-cutting integrated automated system in which each individual system module (responding to its business process) in real time (or close to Real) All necessary information generated by other modules (without additional and, even more so, double input information) is available.

3. The corporate information system must be open to inclusion of additional modules and expansion of the system both scale and functions and covered territories. Based on the above, the corporate information system can only be given to the following definition:

Corporate information system - This is an open integrated automated real-time system to automate the company's business processes of all levels, including business processes of making management decisions. At the same time, the degree of automation of business processes is determined on the basis of ensuring maximum profit of the company.

For group and corporate systems, the requirements for the reliability of the functioning and safety of data are significantly improved. These properties are provided by supporting data integrity, links and transactions in database servers.

The most significant feature of the comprehensive information system should be the expansion of the automation contour to obtain a closed, self-regulating system capable of flexibly and quickly rebuilding the principles of its functioning.

To the composition of KISA should be logged in to the documentation management, information support of the subject areas, communication software, the means of organizing collective work of employees and other auxiliary (technological) products. From this, in particular, it follows that the obligatory requirement to kis is the integration of a large number of software products.

Under Ki, it should be understood primarily the system, and then only by software. But often this term is used by IT specialists as a unifying name of the CASE, ERP, CRM, MRP and DR.

The main factors affecting the development of kis

Recently, more and more managers begin to clearly realize the importance of building a corporate information system at the enterprise as the necessary toolkit for successful business management in modern conditions. In order to choose a promising software for constructing kitty, it is necessary to realize all aspects of the development of basic methodologies and development technologies.

There are three most significant factors that significantly affect the development of kisa:

  • Development of enterprise management techniques.

The theory of enterprise management is a rather extensive subject for studying and improving. This is due to wide spectrum Permanent changes in the situation in the global market. All the time the growing level of competition forces the managers of companies to look for new methods to preserve their presence in the market and keep profitability of their activities. Such methods can be diversification, decentrality, quality management and much more. The modern information system must meet all innovations in theory and management practices. Undoubtedly, this is the most important factor, since the construction of an advanced system, which does not meet the requirements for functionality, does not make sense.

  • Development of general capabilities and productivity of computer systems.

Progress in the field of capacity building and productivity of computer systems, development of network technologies and data transmission systems, wide integration opportunities computer equipment With a wide variety of equipment, it is possible to constantly increase the productivity of kis and their functionality.

  • Development of approaches to the technical and software implementation of elements KIS.

In parallel with the development of "iron", over the past ten years, there is a constant search for new more convenient and universal methods software and technological implementation of kit. First, a general approach to programming is changed: Since the beginning of the 90s, object-oriented programming actually displaced the modular, now the construction methods are continuously improved. object models. Secondly, in connection with the development of network technologies, local accounting systems, are inferior to customer-server implementations. In addition, in connection with the active development of Internet networks, there are all great opportunities for working with remote units, extensive prospects for e-commerce, customer service over the Internet and much more. It turned out that the use of Internet technologies in the enterprise intranets also gives obvious advantages. The use of certain technologies in constructing information systems is not an internal development of the developer, and the greatest development receives those technologies that most comply with existing needs.

Appointment of corporate information systems

The main goal of the corporate information system is to increase the company's profits due to the most efficient use of all the company's resources and improving the quality of managerial decisions.

The purpose of the design and introduction of kitty:

  • complex activities to solve business problems with means of modern information technologies.
  • Kisa-corporate integrated enterprise management information system, providing its quality growth.


  • visualize the activities of the enterprise, ensuring the leadership the opportunity to correctly assess the existing shortcomings and find sources of potential and referrals;
  • reduce the time of configuration of the ISU under the specific features of the enterprise;
  • display and fixed in the ready for the subsequent deployment of the form for the implementation of the ISU, each of which can be chosen during the transition to the next level of the company's development.

Cumulative project cost

  • The cost of computer equipment and communication equipment;
  • The cost of licenses for the use of kis;
  • Cost of system software and database server (DBMS);
  • Cost of examination and design;
  • The cost of introducing kitty;
  • The cost of operation is kit.

Types of corporate information systems

Corporate information systems are divided into the following classes:

ERP (Enterprise Resource Planning System)

Modern ERPs appeared as a result of almost forty-male evolution of managerial and information technologies. They are intended mainly to build a single information space of an enterprise (combining all departments and functions), effective management of all resources of the company related to sales, production, taking into account orders. The ERP system according to the modular principle is being built and, as a rule, includes a security module to prevent both internal and external information theft.

Problems arise mainly due to the incorrectness of the work or the initial construction plan for the implementation of the system. For example, cut-off investments in training personnel work in the system significantly reduce efficiency. Therefore, the ERP systems are implemented as a rule, not immediately in full, but separate modules (especially at the initial stage).

CRM (Customer Relationship Management System)

The class of systems for managing customer relationships has become widespread recently. The CRM system helps to automate the work of an enterprise with clients, create a client base and use it in order to efficiency. After all, the success of the company, regardless of its size, depends on the ability to deeper the needs of buyers and market trends, as well as to implement the possibilities arising at various stages of interaction with clients. Functions as automation of business processes in relationship with the client, control of absolutely all transactions (it is important to track the most important and complex transactions here to track the most important and complex transactions), a permanent collection of information about customers and analyzing all stages of transactions are the main responsibilities of the systems of this class.

CRM - not new for the Russian market for a long time, and its use becomes an ordinary company's business project.

Most experts estimate the Russian market of CRM systems at $ 50-70 million and talk about its constant growth. The current domestic market characterizes the phase of accumulation of experience in the use of CRM in their business.

The most active CRM applies financial, telecommunications companies (including three operators mobile communications Russia) and the insurance market. Lidges, of course, financial.

MES (Manufacturing Execution System)

MES class systems are designed for the production environment of the enterprise. The systems of this class monitor and document the entire production process, reflect a real-time production cycle. Unlike ERP, which does not directly influence the process, with MES it becomes possible to adjust (or completely rebuild) the process as many times as it takes. In other words, systems of this class are designed to optimize the production and increase its profitability.

Collecting and analyzing data obtained, for example, from technological lines, they give a more detailed representation of the enterprise's production activities (from the formation of the order before the shipment of finished products), improving the financial indicators of the enterprise. All the main indicators that are included in the main course of the industry economy (the return of fixed assets, turnover money, Cost, profit and productivity) are displayed in detail during production. Specialists call Mes Bridge between financial operations of ERP systems and operational activities of the enterprise at the level of the workshop, site or line.

WMS (Warehouse Management System)

As the name follows, this is a control system that provides comprehensive automation of warehouse management. Required and effective tool of a modern warehouse (for example, "1C: Warehouse").

Eam (Enterprise Asset Management)

The system of management of the main funds of the enterprise, which allows to reduce equipment downtime, maintenance costs, repairs and logistics. It is a necessary tool in the work of the branch industries (energy, transport, housing and communal services, mining and Sun).

The main funds are the means of labor that repeatedly participate in the production process, while maintaining their natural shape, gradually wear out, transferring its cost in parts to the newly created products. In accounting and tax accounting, the main funds reflected in monetary terms are called fundamental means.

Historically, the EAM systems arose from CMMS systems (another class of IP, repair management). Now EAM modules are also included in major ERP-systems packages (such as Mysap Business Suite, IFS Applications, Oracle E-Business Suite, etc.).


The personnel management system is one of the most important components of modern management parts. The main purpose of such systems is to attract and hold the valuable staff for the enterprise of personnel specialists. The HRM systems solve two main tasks: streamlining all accounting and calculation processes related to personnel, and a decrease in the percentage of employee care. Thus, the HRM systems in a certain sense can be called "CRM-systems on the contrary", attracting and retaining non-buyers, and their own employees of companies. Of course, the methods here are completely different, but common approaches are similar.

HRM systems:

  • Personnel search;
  • Selection and selection of personnel;
  • Personel assessment;
  • Training and development of personnel;
  • Corporate culture management;
  • Personnel motivation;
  • Labour Organization.

Subsystems Kisa

Corporate IP includes the computer's computer infrastructure and interconnected subsystems based on it that ensure the solution of the organization's tasks.

As such subsystems can be:

  • information and reference systems, including hypertext and geographic information;
  • document management system;
  • transaction processing system (actions to change information in databases);
  • decision support system.

According to the method of organization KISA share:

  • system file-server;
  • client-server systems;
  • three-bred systems;
  • internet-based systems / Intranet technologies.

The server means any system (a separate computer with the appropriate software or a separate software system as part of the software), designed to provide some computing resources to other systems (computers or programs), called clients.

Local systems

  • Designed mainly to automate accounting for one or several directions (accounting, sales, warehouses, records of personnel, etc.).
  • The cost of local systems varies in the range of $ 5,000 - $ 50,000.

Financial and Management Systems

  • Systems are flexibly configured to the needs of a particular enterprise, the activities of the enterprise integrate well and are intended, first of all, for accounting and management of resources of non-production companies.
  • The cost of financial and management systems can be conditionally determined by the range from $ 50,000 to $ 200,000.

Medium integrated systems

  • Designed to manage manufacturing enterprise and integrated production planning.
  • Medium systems in many parameters are much hard than financial and management.
  • The manufacturing enterprise should, first of all, to work as well-established hours, where the main mechanisms of management are planning and optimal management of stocks and production process, and not accounting for the number of invoices for the period.
  • The cost of introducing medium systems begins, as well as financial and management systems, in the area of \u200b\u200b$ 50,000, but, depending on the project coverage, can reach $ 500,000 or more.

Large integrated systems

  • They differ from the average set of vertical markets and the depth of support for the management processes of large multifunctional groups of enterprises (holdings or FIGs).
  • Systems have the greatest functionality, including production management, management of complex financial flows, corporate consolidation, global planning and budgeting, etc.
  • The cost of the project is more than $ 500,000.

The introduction of Kisa

After the phase of the choice of the corporate information system (KIS), the implementation step occurs, the importance of which is difficult to overestimate. Indeed, all the developers of corporate benefit and the advantages obtained as a result of the acquisition of a particular kis will be shown only in the case of its successful implementation.

The main difficulties in the introduction of KIS

  • insufficient formalization of management processes in the enterprise;
  • the lack of a complete understanding of the managers of the implementation mechanisms and how performers work;
  • the need to reorganize the enterprise into the information system;
  • the need to change technology business process;
  • the need to attract new specialists to managing IP and retraining their own specialists to work in the system;
  • the resistance of workers and managers (currently plays a non-small role because people are not yet accustomed to integration in the enterprise of computer technologies);
  • the need to form a qualified team of implementants, the company includes employees of the enterprise and one of the high-ranking executives of the enterprise, interested in the implementation (in the absence of interest, the pragmatic aspect of the introduction of kis is minimized).

Factors of successful introduction of kis

  • Participation of management in implementation
  • Availability and compliance with the implementation plan
  • Availability of managers of clear objectives and project requirements
  • Participation in the implementation of company specialists - customer
  • Quality Kisa and Team Supplier Solutions
  • Conducting reengineering business processes before introducing
  • Availability of the enterprise developed strategy

Main difficulties in the implementation of the corporate information system

  • Inattention company management to the project
  • Lack of clearly defined project objectives
  • Informalization of business processes in the company
  • Unpreparedness of the company to change
  • Unstability of legislation6 Corruption in companies
  • Low frame qualifications in the company
  • Insufficient financing of projects

The results of the introduction of Kisa

  • increased internal manageability of the company, flexibility and resistance to external influences,
  • an increase in the company's efficiency, its competitiveness, and, ultimately - profitability,
  • increasing sales volumes
  • the cost is reduced,
  • storage reserves decrease,
  • reduced the timing of orders,
  • improves interaction with suppliers.

Benefits of the introduction of Kisa

  • obtaining reliable and operational information on the activities of all divisions of the company;
  • improving the efficiency of the company's management;
  • reducing the cost of working time on working operations;
  • A source - " "

Currently, the functioning of almost any organization or enterprise is carried out using computer information technologies. However, it is important to emphasize that a qualitative leap in the use of information technology is associated with corporate information systems (KIS), functioning on the basis of a computer network and unifying information resources throughout the organization and its divisions.

The formation of the Russian software market for enterprise management can be attributed to the beginning of the 1990s, when liberalization of economic relations began in the country. At the same time, the first commercial development of Russian software companies appeared on the market, as well as solutions of foreign companies intended to ensure integrated management of enterprise resources. And at the same time, such systems began to be called corporate information systems.

At the moment, the market of corporate information systems of Russia among the main trends are:

Integration of domestic and foreign systems;

An increase in the intensity of competition of Russian developers KIS;

Growth in the intensity of competition in the segment of medium-sized enterprises;

Following global trends in the development of the kisa market;

Transition of Russian Development Systems to ERP Standard.

The corporate information system (KIS) is a managerial ideology that unites the business strategy of an enterprise (with a structure built for its implementation) and advanced information technologies. The main role is played by the exhaust management structure, automation executes a secondary, instrumental role.

Corporate information systems (KIS) are integrated control systems in a territorially distributed corporation based on in-depth data analysis, widespread use of information support systems, electronic document management and office work. Kis is designed to combine the enterprise management strategy and advanced information technologies.

The corporate information system is a combination of technical and software products of the enterprise that implement ideas and methods of automation.

The main task is to support the functioning and development of the enterprise. The meaning of the existence of any commercial enterprise is known to be profit. Despite the fact that the activities of enterprises (production, services) can be the most different, in the overall form of the management task similar. They consist in organizing the management of enterprise applicants with resources to obtain the necessary result at the output.

You can distinguish the following main reasons for the need to introduce kis in the organization:

a) replacement of existing systems that do not meet the requirements of modern business (not supporting multipath and multilingualism that are not scaled for the tasks of the developing business enterprise, fragmented and not allowing to form a complete picture of the activities of the enterprise that ensure the unsatisfactory speed of the main business processes and insufficient efficiency of obtaining and processing information required for decision-making).

b) the need to expand contacts (and their constant support) with partners and customers.

c) achieving the desired level of competitive advantage.

When using kis, it is more correct to talk, rather, a decrease in corporate expenses, rather than on obtaining real profits. In addition, the introduction of KIS in the enterprise, as a rule, allows 15% to reduce material and production reserves with simultaneous overall performance. But it even more importantly, after the deployment of Ki, its indirect advantages begin to manifest itself: the management of the enterprise appears the possibility of comprehensive analysis and development of strategic decisions, closer relations with customers and suppliers are being established. All this leads to an increase in the efficiency of the enterprise.

ERP systems can be used by large organizations to manage data flows and their storage and contribute to the development of the organization's e-business.

Currently, on the Russian market of corporate information systems (KIS) there is a fairly wide selection of software applying to the role of automated enterprise management systems. Table 1 shows the main Russian and foreign kis.

Among the kitchen, these groups can be distinguished, separated by the scale of functionality: large, medium and small. SAP R / 3, Baan, Oracle Applications can be attributed to large integrated systems. Middle integrated systems include JD Edwards, MFG-PRO, and some others. Small integrated systems include many Russian developments, such as sail, galaxy, etc., and foreign, such as Axapta, Platinum, Concorde Xal, etc. In addition, there are a number of so-called local systems that cannot be called integrated, But, nevertheless, they are able to serve the needs of enterprises in terms of accounting and management accounting. These are such software products like 1C, BEST, Infin, etc.

Table 1 - Corporate Information Systems

Russian kis

Foreign Kisa









1C: Enterprise

Oracle Applications.





Columbus It Partner

Pathlan - Inform

Navision financials.

Start Plus


Currently, to create competitive advantages, business development, the management of the enterprise should take a huge number of solutions, which is compared and evaluated by a large amount of information, the completeness and the accuracy of which often leave to desire the best. Without accurate information, managers tend to make solutions intuitively. In order to avoid this situation, enterprises currently practiced the introduction of modern corporate information systems (KIS), while it is assumed that they will contain all the necessary for efficient work information. Now in the Russian market there are many different corporate information systems for industrial enterprises, banks, insurance companies, etc. All systems differ in price, functional features, work deadlines, however, each developer tries to present its product as unique and most effective in use. On the pages of logs, online networks can be seen a large number of Materials, causing something or another brainchild - "1C", "Sail", "Galaxy", "R3", "Baan", etc. It should also be noted that when building KISA uses various business management ideologies - MRP, MRP2, ERP, and so on. Of course, the introduction of kitty in the enterprise and in the organization is an investment investment, and there is a certain risk that this introduction will not entail a significant increase in the efficiency of activity. This may occur in case of inconsistency of the goals facing the organization and the possibilities of the introducted kit. Therefore, the choice is - the case is responsible and requires special attention from the management and technical support service of the Organization, but Ideally, it is desirable to participate in the implementation of employees of functional units - accounting, planned, manufacturing and other economic departments, procurement and sales departments, financial analysis and marketing department . In practice, the interests of the latter in the construction and implementation of the kitchen are either not taken into account, or move to the background, this is explained by the fact that not all Russian leaders realized the role of marketing for the survival of the enterprise in the market conditions.

The purpose of this work is to determine the general characteristics of modern kisa, their classification, as well as the consideration of the role and importance of KIS in solving marketing problems and ensure the stability of marketing activities in the enterprise and in the organization.

General characteristics of corporate information systems

The corporate information system in general form is a system designed to ensure the effective functioning of the company by automated execution of control functions.

Corporate information systems, or integrated management systems cover almost all aspects of the modern enterprise, making an increasingly close relationship between production facilities and information infrastructure components, and have a number of inalienable characteristics.

The main characteristics for integrated control systems are as follows:

Cross - platformability - an application that implements the functions of a separate discipline of management, transparently for various operating media;

Cross - disciplination - applications for various disciplines use general information;

Openness is the possibility of integrating the management of other suppliers.

Cross - disciplinary capabilities provide joint work Various control modules and thereby increase the efficiency of the entire system as a whole. For example, you can integrate software management tools with storage control. As a result, the redundancy program will be informed about which application systems have been installed lately and perform reservations only if necessary.

In a fully integrated management environment, a unified, open way to view and split information can be used, which can be used by all accounting applications on all computing platforms. The integrated environment must meet the following requirements:

have a consistent user interface

be able to share information between different operating environments and control disciplines. The implementation of this opportunity implies the presence of a common, possibly distributed, repository of data and an object-oriented architectural base (for example, an object-oriented base of the integrated family of TEVOLI managers of TIVOLI enterprises);

ensure the presentation of information infrastructure both from the point of view of system and network management and on the basis of business interests.

to be distributed both physically and logically;

provide a hierarchical management organization - the ability to delegate the rights of the manager from top to down and transmit responsibility for performing certain actions from the bottom up.

In large distributed computing environment Every day you have to perform many transaction controls: generating event reports, modifying user account information, distribution of new software, data storage management operations, productivity information, etc. The use of an integrated management system that satisfies these conditions can significantly increase the efficiency of work and prevent errors from the occurrence of the repetition of the same type of actions. The automatic correlation of events also improves the quality of the manager.

The openness of the control environment is implemented using application programming interfaces and other means, such as, for example, the Tivoli / Plus integration module package in TMA 10 or the agent creation tool in Unicenter-TNG. These opportunities allow you to integrate new products, as well as those systems that have already been used in the organization and continue to present value to it, thereby keeping invested investments.

At the same time, the ill-conceived organization of infosystem management cannot provide such guarantees. Analyzing the management systems available today and their impact on the work of the Corporation, three parameters of their evaluation can be distinguished:

Efficiency - how much network devicesServers or desktop systems may be administered by one administrator. The efficiency of the management system shows how well the work of administrators is organized. When using an effective system, the business development will be discovered by the process of expanding the staff of specialists, such a control system allows one administrator to maintain a greater number of nodes (servers, users, network devices) and perform more control operations remotely. This reduces the number of movements that you have to make a manager, and accordingly reduces the associated costs.

Productivity - the time required by the administrator to perform actions to support and improve the efficiency of the network, systems and applications. The productive system reduces the costs of performing daily operations, releaseing the time of the administrator of the info-country to analyze existing systems, optimize their performance and isolation of potential sources of problems. Thus, the administrator gets the opportunity to develop and quickly implement new ideas.

Availability. This characteristic of the control system, as ensuring the availability of network and system resources, is extremely significant for the modern enterprise. Resource availability implies the availability of business applications. The actual value of the parameters of various network devices, servers and desktop systems is determined by their ability to ensure the agreed and reliable operation of applications. Accordingly, the quality of the control system is determined by how capable it is able to guarantee performance and reliability at the level of applications providing business. Since the effectiveness of applications has such a value for the enterprise, the integration of data on resources, traffic and application performance in a single control environment becomes a key factor in the successful use of information technologies.

When building corporate information systems, various concepts and methodologies are used:

MPS (Master Planning Shedure) is a well-known methodology "volume and calendar planning". The idea of \u200b\u200bthis methodology is to form a sales plan - "volume" with calendar periods, on the basis of which the replenishment plan is drawn up and financial results are evaluated, which uses periods of planning or financial periods. It is basic for almost all planned-oriented methodologies. It is used mainly in production, but can also be used in other business branches, such as distributions.

MRP (Material Requirements Planning) is a methodology for planning a need for material resources, which consists in determining the ultimate need for resources according to the volume-calendar production plan. The key concept of the methodology is the concept of "dispellation", i.e. Bringing the tree of the product to the linear list (Bill of Materials), according to which the need is planned and the order of components is carried out.

CRP (Capacity Requirements Planning) - Planning of production resources. This concept is similar to the MRP, but instead of the concept of the composition of the product, it operates with such concepts as the "manufacturing center", "machine", "working resources", in view of which the technically implementation of CRP is more complex. Usually applied in conjunction with MRP due to the close logical connection when planning. MRP / CRP methodologies are used in the ASUP manufacturing enterprises.

FRP (Finance Requirements Planning) - Planning financial resources.

MRP II (Manufacturing Resources Planning) - production planning. Integrated methodology including MRP / CRP and, as a rule, MPS and FRP. Joint planning of material flows and production capacity allows you to raise the entire planning system to a new level, as it is possible to very accurately determine the financial results of the generated production plan, which is not possible with partial planning. When using this methodology, it is necessarily implied to an analysis of the financial results of the production plan.

ERP (Enterprise Resources Planning) - Business Planning Concept. Under ERP implies an "integrated" system that performs the functions provided for by the MPS-MRP / CRP-FRP concepts. An important difference from the MRPII methodology is the possibility of "dynamic analysis" and "dynamic change of plan" throughout the planning chain. Specific features of the ERP methodology are significantly dependent on software implementation. The ERP concept is more general than MRPI I. If MRPII has a clearly pronounced focus on production companies, the ERP methodology is applied and in trade and in the service sector, and in the financial sector.

CSRP (Customer Synchronized Resources Planning) - resource planning, synchronized with the buyer. CSRP includes a full cycle - from the design of the future product, taking into account the requirements of the customer, before the warranty and service service after the sale. The essence of CSRP is to integrate the buyer in the enterprise management system. At the same time, not a sales department, and the buyer himself places an order for the manufacture of products, is responsible for the correctness of its execution and, if necessary, monitors compliance with the terms of production and supply. The company can very well monitor the demand trends on its products.

SCM (Supply Chain Management - Supply Chain Management. The SCM concept is invented to optimize logistics chains and allows you to significantly reduce transport and operating expenses by optimal structuring of logistics supply schemes. The SCM concept is supported in most ERP - and MRPII-class systems.

CRM (Customer Relationship Management) - Construction Concept automated systems Customer service companies. CRM implies accumulation, processing and analysis of not only financial accounting, but also other information on customer relationships. This contributes to improving the performance of managers, improves the quality of customer service and contributes to an increase in sales.

Corporate Information Systems (KIS) are designed to ensure most business processes (preferably all) of the entire enterprise (several enterprises), collecting and analyzing information about the enterprise and external environment in order to solve the tasks of enterprise management as vertically (from primary information to support decision-making top leadership) and horizontally (all activities and technological operations). For such systems, high speed and emergency simplicity in use, however, the functionality of such systems from the point of view of analysis is usually extremely limited.

KISA helps performers to analyze important information and use the appropriate tool to direct it to create strategic solutions in the organization. For example, KIR helps performers develop a more accurate and current integral image of the organization's operations, as well as competitors, suppliers and consumers (customers).

Composition kit.

It is obvious that funds should be included in the composition of the documentation for the documentation of business processes, information support for subject areas, communication software, staff of collective work of employees and other auxiliary (technological) products. A similar wide-profile system should be equal to the maximum permissible, the degree to satisfy all units of the organization, if possible, maintain existing business processes, as well as methods and management structure. Without attracting automation, almost impossible to control constantly changing business processes.

The composition of KIS should include software products, at least three classes:

Integrated enterprise management systems (automated information systems for supporting management decisions);

Electronic document management systems;

Products to create models of functioning of the organization, analyze and optimize its activities. This can also include the system of class ASUTP and CAD, the products of intelligent data analysis.

With the entire generality described, each enterprise has its own specifics (subject part), which depends on the profile of the enterprise's activity, so the choice of specialized IC largely depends on this specificity. For example, for companies related to oil production, as part of IP, it is important to have geo-information systems (GIS).

For industrial enterprises - engineering automation systems of design and technological preparation (CAD / CAM / CAE / PDM). For economic services, it is advisable to have systems of financial analysis, planning and forecasting, for commercial - customer accounting systems, etc. At the same time, old developments can be used (for example, accounting, a system of registration of goods in stock, etc.), the integration of which in kis will not be too time-consuming. It is possible that it will require the development of individual specialized components and integrating them into a single system.

Some of the kis is determined by such characteristics as the scale of the organization and volumes information work. With their increase, it becomes relevant to the introduction of specialized modules of office work and archival storage, which are able to maintain large electronic archives of mixed documentation with the necessary level of reliability and safety storage.

In a modern sense, the Kisa Business Object (Firms or Enterprises) may include:

Enterprise resource management system (ERP system);

Distributed logistics management system (SCM system);

Purchase, sales and after-sales management system;

Product management system on manufacturing enterprises (PDM);

CAD / CAM / CAE system;

Document management system (DOCFLOW);

Workflow organization system (workflow);

Internet / Intranet environment;

E-commerce system (e-commerce);

Information resource management system;


Data extraction system (Data Mining);

Data presentation system for manual analysis (MIS);

Specialized workplaces of autonomous users;

Modeling systems and presentation of business processes;

Systems of mathematical and simulation of processes;

Systems of mathematical (including statistical) data analysis;

Specialized products or systems for the implementation of private tasks;

Moreover, each of the components can also be quite complex and consist of several software products and methods of managing them. Special attention should also be paid that a number of the above components are formed only recently, and the row also continues to form. It is unlikely that in such a situation, at least one product may apply for the opportunity to solely implement the entire task complex related to the maintenance of KIS. Moreover, not a single product can be applied to the full-fledged solution of the first two tasks in all cases, including SAP R / 3.

Modern business process management systems allow you to integrate various software around them, forming a single information system. Thereby solving the problems of coordination of the activities of employees and units, ensure them necessary information and controlling the executive discipline, and management receives timely access to reliable data on the production process and has funds for prompt adoption and implementing their decisions. And, most importantly, the resulting automated complex is a flexible open structure that can be rebuilt on the fly and complement with new modules or external software.