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CDP in biline: service description

Many people especially are more interested in the question, CDP is in biline? Cellular operator subscribers are familiar with such a service as "chameleon". It is an entertainment resource, every day from the morning and before the evening, all sorts of messages appear on your phone display, links to video. Some news are free, but they are quite a bit, mostly all require some payment. As soon as you click on the message, the content is immediately executed, or you subscribe to a specific channel, and the specific amount is automatically written off from your account. Thus, CDP Subs is a content distributed through the Chameleon Special Service. Is it possible to refuse it, and why is it needed?

Opportunities for offering services

In the event that you at this point in time are infinite messages, you do not want to spend more money, then you should turn off this offer of Beeline (CDP SUBS). This can be done with simple ways.

  1. For example, you will sufficiently enter a simple request * 110 * 20 #. Therefore, you will be able to get rid of annoying messages. But in the event that you want to receive a SMS of this character again, then you have the opportunity to connect the service again, and I am pleased to use it.
  2. Take advantage of your personal account. It should be pre-logged. It is here that you are independently the most important thing, at any time convenient for you, you can turn off and connect the selected subscriptions. The procedure takes a little time.

By choosing the right way for you, you can solve the problem of daily chosen money from your account. Not all subscribers are ready to spend a lot in touch.

How to avoid connecting unnecessary services

If you just have noticed that you receive a variety of messages on the phone, and from the phone the money disappears, you may have a "chameleon" and you completely accidentally completed the order of content.
If you do not know what it is, you can contact the cellular salon and clarify detailed information on this issue. In the same way, if necessary, you will help to refuse the service. In addition, you have a great opportunity to look at the website and familiarize yourself with the variety of company offers. On this site you will find what is really interested in at the moment.

There are a number of recommendations to help avoid connecting unnecessary services. First, you should not dial short teams, promotional, who entered your phone. Especially if you do not know what payment you expect. Remember that this type of messages should be ignored. Before you leave your phone number on a specific entertainment portal, read it carefully with its terms. Perhaps detailed and important information about the price will be written in small font.

Thus, it is possible to conclude if you do not want to overpay for the connection, and the advertising message came to your phone, with a request to send a specific request, you should not do this. You need to be always attentive. There is a chance that the account of your mobile phone after the query performed will noticeably decrease. If necessary, go to the website and pay attention to all the services and suggestions presented there. Only from your care depends on the availability of connected subscriptions. On biline to control the active services is quite simple.