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The sensor does not partially work. What to do if the touch screen does not work on the tablet: the main reasons and methods of repair

What if the phone fell and part of the screen does not work, although everything is going on? We will analyze an example of repair on the MEIZU M2 Mini phone model. Possible reason The fact that a microcrack was formed on the display (the owner of the phone said immediately - "fell, no sensor does not work). To confirm the guesses, it is necessary to diagnose the display module, disassembled the device and check everything carefully.

In the photo below, we show that the small part of the screen does not respond to the touch of the finger.

Proceed to the repair of a non-working display

1. The first thing to do is disassemble the phone. To do this, we take out the SIM holder and remove the back cover using a special plastic tool.

2. Gently open the back of the phone (you need to use a plastic tool so as not to scratch the phone), turn off the entire loop.

3. Then it is necessary to heat the device on special equipment so that the glue becomes soft, elastic and we were able to easily remove the display module. Temperature exhibit from 90 to 100 degrees.

4. We apply glue and fasten with special holders, so that the components lay down to each other as close as possible. Leave in this position for 30 minutes.

5. After that, check the work of the phone, we collect it and give a happy customer.

The result of our work: eliminated the cause of the non-operating bottom of the screen on the phone.

And how much does it cost?

The cost of the work amounted to 2 500 rubles, and half a day of time spent on troubleshooting. Agree, not expensive compared to the purchase of a new mobile phone.

To clarify the cost of repairing the disabled display after the fall of your device model, call us or write a letter. We provide services for the repair of phones of any manufacturers and any level of difficulty, we have both talented masters and the necessary professional equipment. (3500)

Publication Date: 23 August 2017

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For changing push-button numbers Sensory devices came. What changed after this technology firmly entered our lives? Almost everything that is in any way associated with the functioning of the device. That is why the situation in which the sensor stops working, requires instant permission. Moreover, in many cases, a person has almost every chance to restore its device. Let talk about it in more detail below.

Why the sensor stopped working

The reasons why the sensor does not work on the phone (what to do is described on), quite a lot. Given the manufacturability of the touchscreen, as a rule, most often this element is rather fragile and picky. Its performance is maximally dependent on weather conditions, damage, as well as fluid entering.

If the program failure or spontaneous failure of the system work, problems with the operation of the sensor may appear. These shortcomings, in principle, are conditional, they can be easily avoided. It can be serious that a person is the most important factor in the working capacity of the mobile device. It is from the host actions will depend on how long the device will run in operation and why the sensor does not work on the phone.

Typical touch screen faults

Often, breakdowns are formed due to mechanical damage. If the phone fell or deformed, the device will work incorrectly as a result. Due to blows or other mechanical stress, various consequences may occur. As a rule, they can be ordinary chips on the lid at best or the selected display - at worst. If the deformation of the case does not affect in most cases to work the gadget, the screen will need a mandatory replacement. If the sensor stopped working, then you need to pay attention to the components of the mobile device. Is there a body part slightly moves away from the display and you can notice the gap, then you should immediately carry a phone for repair.

Sometimes the smartphone can stop working if liquid falls into it. Many are completely incomprehensible how water is managed to get on the fee, but this is a common problem.

Independent rehabilitation

If the sensor does not work on the phone, what to do is not clear, then you must first go to the device settings. There you need to calibrate the touchscreen. Often this feature can be found in the main settings. These actions can be carried out if the screen is completely in order, the housing is whole, there are no traces of deformation or oxidation. If the sensor has a flawless smooth surface, it is likely that the touchscreen simply turned off.

If the forecasts are not quite optimistic, still does not work the sensor on the phone, what to do? It is better to immediately begin to find a solution to your problem. In order to make the following actions, you need to have certain skills.

Elimination of oxide

In order to eliminate the oxide, it is necessary to use a special tool - this is a cruciform and flat screwdriver. An unnecessary plastic card is also suitable. You should take alcohol, toothbrush, eraser and napkins. Before disassembling your device, you need to watch the video, where it is described how to do it. To do this, it is enough just to dial the model of your phone in the search engine and see the reviews on it.

You need to be careful when disconnected parts of the case. There is a risk that the person can fly the train, break the wires or break any details. In order not to get lost with the screws, you need to draw a diagram of the phone and decompose the screws according to the drawing. All available places where liquid can get, you need to wipe with alcohol, then the eraser and then flush the napkin.

In order to eliminate corrosion of the board, you need to use a toothbrush. Often this is the reason that the phone sensor refused. Where the connection of the loops occurs, especially when it comes to the connector of the touch screen, it is necessary to handle alcohol and remove the flask by the eraser. As a result, the surface will be dry and clean.

If the screen displays or offset, then the problem is exactly in this. Often in such cases refuses the phone sensor. In order to put the screen in place, you must use a hairdryer. You can unscrew the touchscreen from the display by simple heating. The glue will freeze, and then it will be easy to shift the sensor in the right place.

The device must be assembled carefully and carefully, the installation must be alternate. No need to forget about screwing screws. It is also necessary to put the protective buildings back on the chips.

Other ways: how to fix the problem

There are many other reasons for which it may refuse the sensor, so the actions of a person will be directly dependent on the failure. Sometimes it is possible to solve this problem independently, recalling that repairs touch phones - Expensive service. For example, if the sensor does not work due to surface contamination and does not respond to touch, then it is necessary to wipe the screen with a liquid. You should also use a soft napkin. It is necessary if the question arises about what to do - the sensor does not work on the phone.

If the protective film was incorrectly installed and no longer works bottom part Sensor on the phone, it is necessary to replace this coverage, clearing the screen from contaminants. Often dust and dirt fall under the film. That is what makes it difficult to work with the sensor.

In other cases, the reason may fail software. Easy to solve such a problem by resetting or flashing the device. In the most emergency cases Contact B. service center. Talk about it below.

If the sensor does not work on the phone without explicit reasons

If the sensor stopped working for incomprehensible reasons, it is better to contact the service center and carry out full diagnostics of the phone. Only so you can figure out the true cause of the breakdown and eliminate without harm for yourself and additional money spent. If the phone is still under warranty, you can easily replace the sensor or solve the problem itself. As a rule, the question of why the sensor does not work on the phone, experts respond quite quickly. This method is the most effective. If a person does not want to harm his phone, it is best to immediately contact the service center as soon as the breakdown appeared. Do not, if there is no confidence in your abilities, try to solve this problem yourself.


Summing up, you must definitely say that the phone should be treated as careful as possible. Replacing the sensor on the phone is a rather complicated process, as well as expensive. Therefore, it is best to provide your device as ideal conditions for work. No need to throw it or relate to it inactively. Be sure to periodically wipe the screen, change protective film, Only then can really achieve excellent and long-term operation of the touchscreen. If the gadget is warranty, then replace the sensor on the phone will be a free service.

Modern mobile devices It is impossible to imagine without touch screens. Therefore, decide what to do if the sensor does not work on the phone, it is necessary only after studying the events that led to the breakdown. The screen is the main part of modern smartphones, without which they lose all functionality.

In order to find out why the sensor does not work on the phone, you will need to carefully examine the smartphone. Sometimes the problems in the phone are visible to the naked eye, for example, if the screen is broken, and in some cases, the performance can be lost without reasons. Moisture entering, rough mechanical impact and much more can affect the condition of the apparatus.
If the source lies in software failureThe situation may be observed when the gadget reacts incorrectly to your touch. There are such problems often because of the action of the host itself, which by negligence or inexperience, made changes to the operation of the system.

Typical touch screen faults

The most common reason for which the touchscreen does not work is mechanical damage. Blowing and other impacts can lead to negative consequences. The most neutral will be chips, seriously problems will appear in the formation of a "cage", in which the device can continue to function.

As modern smartphones Quite fragile devices, even after falling from the height of human growth, it stops working. If the device continues to function, and damage is applied in the form of formation of slots in the case or its deformation, cessation of the work of the screen, then it is necessary to contact a specialist for repair work as soon as possible.

Another popular cause is moisture. Despite the fact that the device looks like a monolithic device, it has small gaps and gaps through which the fluid hits the main fee.

Moisture and fluid getting into the phone body

Moisture getting into cellular mobile leads to the beginning of the contact oxidation process and fee. If the gadget fell into a similar situation, then it is not necessary to disassemble the smartphone without much. The first thing to be done is to dry the device. If the drying did not give the result, it should be attributed to a specialized repair center, which is especially concerned with expensive models, the intervention in the internal scheme of which leads to irreversible consequences. During the repair, you can use cheap replacement of the device that will receive calls and SMS.

Elimination of oxide

In some cases, after the moisture fell inside the gadget, after a certain time it will start to work, but poorly or incorrectly. In this case, you can try independently eliminate the oxide, which occurred when contact with the liquid.

To do this, you will need a tool with which the oxide will be removed (card from plastic, screwdriver, and so on). Also necessary: \u200b\u200balcohol, toothbrush, eraser and napkins. Before analyzing the smartphone, you need to get acquainted with the instruction that can be found on the Internet.

The cleaning procedure should pass carefully, since any awkward movement can lead to an additional breakdown. The disassembled gadget must be folded onto a sheet or a napkin in such a way that it can be easily assembled, as in the drawing. Every place you need to wipe with alcohol, eraser and flush with a dry napkin.

If traces of rust were found, it is eliminated with a toothbrush. The place is processed with alcohol, the remaining corrosion is removed by the eraser.

It is especially difficult to have in cases where the reason has become a sweet drink. The impact of such a mixture has a chance to derive a gadget, and without the intervention of a mining specialist will be impossible.

Spain display

If the display has occurred without damaging the screen, it is necessary to just thoroughly wipe the sensor with a cleaning fluid, then remove the remaining moisture with a dry cloth. To save the display, it is recommended to use a protective film that is easily glued and removed in the case of contamination.

Plurif damage

Damage to the device of the device is one of the reasons for a breakdown that cannot be eliminated at home. Therefore, if the sensor sometimes works incorrectly, it is worth contacting a specialist who can with the guarantee can restore the device's performance.

Software failure

  1. Reload the smartphone. In some cases, the changed settings of the software will not be applied after rebooting the system.
  2. Take advantage of the built-in program for testing the sensor. To do this, you need to enter a combination that is unique to each brand apparatus.
  3. Check the temperature temperature and place the machine into favorable conditions.
  4. Check the operation of the memory card and SIM card.
  5. Download the gadget in safe mode.

In some cases, the problem can be solved by these simple ways. If attempts did not give any fruits, then it is necessary to turn to the masters.

Components of electronic devices during negligent operation can break. If part of the touch screen does not work on the phone, it can be caused by both the temperature mode of use and mechanical damage.

Repair does not respond to touch screen smartphone or tablet will help competent diagnostics. Sometimes it helps the simple cleaning, combined with disassembling the case. However, if after all user actions, the device does not turn on, it will have to be in service, and this may lead to additional costs.

Causes of breakdown

You can select the following reasons why part of the screen does not work:

  1. Oxidation of contacts due to condensate. Moisture, which turned out inside the device, can lead to a complete or partial loss of working capacity. The oxidized contacts cease to respond to processor commands and transmit them to the screen. To eliminate the consequences of fluid entering, it is necessary to disassemble the device and clean the internal components. To do this, you can use alcohol applied on a cotton wand or tampon. After this procedure, the phone should be turned on in normal mode.
  2. Cracks on the screen surface. Because of the micro-tests of the sensor, it ceases to respond to pressing. There are such damage due to drops or shocks on the screen. Define cracks on the display can be carefully examined by its surface. If part of the touchscreen is covered with cracks, then it is possible to return efficiency using the device.
  3. Turning off contacts of the touchscreen as a result of offset. Usually, the lower or top half of the screen does not work. To diagnose contact displacement, you need to disassemble the device and see whether the visual order of symmetry of the components is distinguished. If you see contact displacement, you can try to fix it with a tweezers. In addition, part of the elements is fixed on glue, which can be melted at high temperatures and move contact. In order for the top to be returned to the place, you need to heat the fastening with a hair dryer and return the component to its original position.

Features of operating electronic devices

In addition to the listed breakdowns, electronic devices May begin to work with failures due to the features of the internal architecture. The constraint of the size of the components affects the reduction of their power, if the tablet screen does not respond to touch - this may be a consequence of the device overload a large number of resource-intensive applications. For prevention, you need to start the task manager. Find out what is loaded cPU Devices, and disable extra applications.

Electronic devices have an increased sensitivity of the screen sensors. The situation when the screen of the tablet or phone does not work, can be associated with banal pollution. Putting fat and dust to the surface leads to the fact that the tablet does not react to the touch.

If the screen does not work on the tablet - the most better decision will attribute it to the diagnostics in the service center. For most models, there is a very long warranty that will allow additional cost to replace the device to another device without defects or return the money. If the case is not a warranty, it is possible to just buy a new gadget and subsequently more careful to it.

Video overview of the reasons for the screen breakdowns

Screen on the phone?

Components of electronic devices may be damaged if they use them carelessly. If part of the touch screen does not work on the phone, it can be caused by both the temperature mode of use and mechanical damage.

Repair of a smartphone or tablet with an insensitive touch screen will help cope with serious problems. Sometimes it helps a simple cleaning in combination with disassembly. However, if after all user actions, the device does not turn on, it must be transferred to the service, and this can lead to additional costs.

Causes of fault

Read the same way

You can select the following reasons for which the part of the screen does not work:

  1. Oxidation of contacts due to condensation. Moisture that fell inside the device may cause To full or partial loss of working capacity. Oxidized contacts cease to respond to processor commands and transfer them to the screen. To eliminate the effects of fluid entering, you need to disassemble the device and clean internal components. To do this, you can use alcohol applied on your cotton swab or tampon. After this procedure, the phone should be included in the usual mode.
  2. Cracks on the screen surface. Because of the micro-damage of the sensor, it stops responding to pressing. There are such damage due to fall or shocks on the screen. It is possible to determine the cracks on the display by carefully studying its surface. If part touchscreen Covered with cracks, then you can restore performance, replacing touch screen Devices.
  3. Disconnect the touchscreen contacts as a result of offset. It usually does not work in the lower or top half of the screen. To diagnose contact offset, you need to disassemble the device and check whether the visual order of symmetry of the components is not disturbed. If you see contact displacement, you can try to fix them with tweezers. In addition, some elements are attached to glue, which can melt at high temperatures and exhibit contact. In order for the upper part to return to its place, you need to heat the holder with a hairdryer and return the component to its original position.

What to do if any sensory The screen does not work?

Part of the touch screen does not work? There is an exit! With the help of a piezoelectric element, which we restore.

The sensor does not work at some points of the Prestigio MultiPad tablet

Read the same way

Does not work At some points tablet Prestigio MultiPad Electronics Repair in Taganrog, etc.

Features of electronic devices

In addition to these failures, electronic devices may begin failure due to internal architecture. Restricting the size of the component affects the dispersion of the power if the tablet screen does not respond to the touch - this may be associated with the overload of the device with a large number of resource-intensive applications. To prevent, you need to start the task manager. Find out what the processor loads, and disconnect unnecessary applications.

Electronic devices increased the sensor sensitivity of the screen. Situation when screen A tablet or phone does not work, can be associated with banal pollution. Attaching lubrication and dust to the surface leads to the fact that the tablet does not respond to touch.

If the screen does not work on the screen, the best solution is to send it to the Diagnostic Service Center. Most models have a very long warranty, which will replace the device without any costs without defects or refund. If it is not guaranteed, you can simply just buy a new gadget and take care of it later.