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High-quality repair of smartphones. Cell phone repair

Phone repair is hardware and software. In the first case, the masters replace the elements of the device.

Common causes of problems:

  • mechanical damage to parts;
  • penetration of moisture and water into the smartphone;
  • wear of moving parts.

Most often, people with a phone with a damaged screen contact our services. The touchscreen does not work, the glass is cracked, there is no image, or the backlight has become too weak. Such repairs are carried out in 20-40 minutes if a new original screen or protective accessory is available.

Hardware damage also includes:

  • charging problems;
  • hull damage;
  • battery problems;
  • lack of response to user commands after water ingress;
  • mechanical wear of the speaker membrane.

Software repair is necessary in case of failures in the operation of the operating system. It is relevant for:

  • problems with loading, turning on, turning off programs;
  • viruses;
  • blocking the phone due to incorrect entry of the PIN code or combination to enter the user menu;
  • the absence of the Russian language.

Any malfunctions can be corrected! The main thing is to entrust the phone to good masters.

Guarantees from specialists

The specialists of our phone repair services, having taken the device to work, will conduct a comprehensive diagnosis free of charge. The type of problem is determined using special equipment. In most cases, this is done within 10 minutes.

Masters guarantee:

  1. Installation of spare parts of the original class.
  2. Guaranteed for up to 3 years.
  3. Issuance of a repaired smartphone at the agreed time or timely delivery around the city, if necessary.

Today, the mobile phone market in Russia offers a huge number of brands. Nokia, Samsung, Sony, HTC, LG phones have always stood out and still stand out among world brands. After all, this is a unique combination of innovative technologies, stylish design and low prices. Undoubtedly, each phone is a worthy choice. But the handling of the purchased device should be just as worthy. If any part fails, repairs must be carried out by qualified specialists without fail.

Prices for the repair of phones and smartphones

Repair Time Price
Diagnostics from 15 min. IS FREE!
Cleaning after getting wet from 30 min. from 300 rub.
Software repair
(Flashing. OS recovery. Software update. Unlock)
from 20 min. from 350 rub.
Simple mechanical repair
(Replacement of glass, display, speaker, microphone, button repair)
from 30 min. from 450 rub.
Complicated mechanical repair
(Case replacement, glass replacement, system connector repair, repair using soldering)
from 45 min. from 900 rub.
Repair using BGA soldering
(Repair of the motherboard, replacement of the power controller, replacement of the module, replacement of elements on the board)
from 60 min. from 1200 rub.
Save / restore data from phone
(saving / restoring / transferring contacts, photos, etc. to another device)
from 30 min. from 300 rub.
Setting. Installing programs, games and other content from 15 min. from 300 rub.

Our service center offers non-warranty cell phone repair(mobile). Please contact us, for example, if your device has expired warranty. We also offer mobile phone repair not originally intended for sale in Russia.

The main advantage that distinguishes our service from competitors is the shortest order execution time. Even official service centers, as a rule, are in no hurry to return their phone to the client due to the huge number of applications. Device-service is a mobile phone repair, really worthy of a manufacturer.

The case replacement service is in particular demand among the customers of our service center. After all, repairs may be required in case of abrasion of the Silver-type case, and in case of mechanical damage, as well as in case of loss of parts of the case. It should be noted that not all models are easy to use. Therefore, it is more expedient to entrust the repair of phones with a solid cost to professionals.

Along with the restoration of cases, software repairs are in demand by users. This service package of our company includes work on updating / replacing the firmware, Russification. If you take on such rather complex manipulations on your own, there is always a risk of aggravating the situation. Only correct repair of phones in our service center can solve all the problems associated with the software.

The main types of repair of mobile phones and smartphones

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RepairMobile knows what every client wants: to have their phone repaired efficiently, quickly and comfortably for the owner.

One of the main directions of our company is the repair of cell phones, smartphones in Moscow. We will repair almost any phone model - reliably, quickly, with a guarantee. Our masters will carry out a free diagnosis of your phone if the cause of the breakdown is not visually identified. The specialists of our service center bring your cell phone back to life using original spare parts or their high-quality copies. We will definitely notify the owner of the phone about this.

RM is a professional phone repair service center

Our company provides professional mobile electronics repair services. We employ qualified specialists who are able to breathe new life into any mobile phone, whether it is a brand new smartphone with many functions or a simple "brick" designed only for "call and send SMS". Whatever happens to your phone, we will give it a second life. Our service center is equipped with the latest technology, so we solve problems of any size and complexity in the shortest possible time - 80% of phones are repaired on the same day. Our company works with original components and cooperates with trusted suppliers. We always have what you need in stock to repair your phone, thanks to which we fulfill more than 80% of orders on the same day.

Repair of mobile phones in Moscow at a bargain price - with the site you save up to 30% of the funds or if without numbers, then With RepairMobile you save money, time and nerves

The main advantage that our customers receive is savings.

We have rational rates, which means that you pay exactly as much as the work costs. There is nothing unusual here - it's all about competent fault diagnosis. Bring your mobile phone to us and we will tell you exactly what is wrong with it, how long it will take to fix it and how much it will cost. Our clients find out the price of repairs before starting work, and not after, as is often the case if an unscrupulous craftsman who wants to profit at the expense of a gullible user takes up the matter. With us, you save not only time and money, but also nerves - you do not have to be present during the repair work and independently understand the device and the principle of operation of your phone. Just bring it to us and in a few hours it will be as good as new.

53% of our clients are regular or referrals

Our service center is trusted by hundreds and thousands of customers. Why? We always offer the best solution to the problem, based on the current state of the gadget, as well as the financial capabilities and immediate needs of its owner. Our motto: absolute honesty to the client and the highest quality of the result.

We provide another phone during the repair

While we take care of your gadget, you will receive a replacement and will always be in touch.

Free courier will pick up and bring your mobile phone back

In the event that you do not have time to come to our service center, we will send a courier to you. He will pick up your broken mobile phone, leave a replacement and deliver a working phone to the place you specified at the appointed time.

we work comfortably for you

RM works without holidays and weekends from 10 am to 8 pm. We never have queues - receiving and issuing orders is carried out as quickly as possible. Troubleshooting is free of charge.

100% quality guarantee!

You get a 3-month guarantee for the work performed. For 3 whole months you are calm in the flawless operation of the phone, and unforeseen breakdowns are fixed free of charge.

Cell phone repair in Moscow: how we approach repair

No matter how carefully the user treats his mobile phone, sooner or later it may fail. Whole or in parts - it does not matter, the main thing is that it always happens suddenly and causes a lot of inconvenience. How to determine in advance that your electronic assistant needs a "doctor"? After all, as you know, it is much more convenient and easier to prevent a problem than to deal with its elimination.

All malfunctions of mobile phones can be divided into three categories:

  • mechanical damage;
  • malfunctions in the operation of electronics;
  • software failures.

We are most often contacted with the following problems:

  • - there is no network;
  • - fast battery discharge;
  • - the mobile phone does not see the sim card;
  • - the display, speaker, microphone do not work;
  • - communication ports or memory card slot do not work;
  • - malfunctions of the sensor;
  • - problems with the keyboard;
  • - inability to make or receive a call;
  • - incorrect operation of the software, etc.

With the first type of faults, everything is more or less clear and simple. Your phone fell or you accidentally hit it hard, after which it began to work poorly, or even completely stopped showing signs of life. Or maybe you are tired of a fairly worn and falling apart body or constantly stuck buttons. In all cases, the answer is the same: take it to the RM service center. Here, all damaged parts will be replaced with new ones, after which your long-suffering mobile phone will again work like a clock, properly performing all its functions.

Application of electronic diagnostics

Most mechanical damage is detected through visual inspection. However, this is not enough. After all, microcracks can form in the contact tracks, microcircuits break, ceramics, on the basis of which antenna switches are made, crumble, etc. from the impact. Therefore, for diagnostics, we use not only eyes and a magnifying glass, but also electronic testers that will accurately indicate changes in contact resistance, signal loss points and other malfunctions invisible to the eye.

With electronics, everything is much more complicated. Some microscopic resistor, capacitor or microcircuit can fail at the most inopportune moment. The result is the same - the phone does not work, and the user spoils his nerves by missing important calls. But any problem with the electronic components of a mobile phone is determined and solved as quickly and efficiently as possible if our cell phone repair master takes over.

The RM service center actively uses advanced methods for diagnosing malfunctions of mobile electronics. Our masters use proven testing methods that are recommended by mobile phone manufacturers and suggested by world experience in mobile electronics repair. We always determine the fault with an accuracy of 99%. And, as you know, the correct formulation of the problem largely determines the success of its implementation.

Installation of any programs

There is nothing more unnerving than a phone that seems to be working properly, the programs on which freeze, and the operating system shamelessly slows down. On the other hand, it is quite possible that you would like to install a couple of useful programs on your smartphone, but the only problem is that the manufacturer, wanting to take some more money from you, blocked this opportunity. Or maybe you are tired of translating menu commands into Russian every time, written in some French or, which is not fun at all, Korean?

In all these cases, do not hesitate - feel free to contact our service center. RM masters will install new firmware on any phone, regardless of its software and hardware features and year of manufacture. We can install any software - we always have the latest versions of programs that will be much easier for you to work with and easier to have fun.

Urgent repair of communicators: when time is more valuable than money

Without a phone, it's like without hands, so when it breaks, it's a real disaster. Our service center knows this very well. If the situation so requires, we repair smartphones urgently, that is, out of turn.

In general, urgent phone repairs are quite inexpensive in RM. Interestingly, in many cases, a small surcharge for urgency turns out to be much more profitable than the tedious waiting for the results of repairs in the usual manner. However, as practice shows, we eliminate most of the faults on the day of the call. The exception is when it is necessary to replace complex parts that are not currently in our warehouse. And even in these situations, we solve the tasks as quickly as possible. After all, our company maintains close relations with Moscow service centers, and if we do not have some part, they will definitely have it.

RM: get your phone repaired with quality and comfort!

A wide variety of digital technology surrounds us in everyday life. Computers, laptops, tablets, cameras, camcorders, e-books, MP3 players - most people have at least one of these gadgets, and most likely several at once. But none of the above devices can match the popularity of a cell phone.

Appeared relatively recently, these portable means of communication are now so firmly established in our everyday life that it is difficult to find a person who would not have his own mobile phone. Cellular communications are becoming more accessible, the mobile Internet is actively developing, and the power of modern smartphones has long surpassed the average office computer.

All this makes a mobile phone not just a means of receiving and sending calls and short text messages, as it was only ten years ago, but a multifunctional multimedia device that can easily replace a modern user with an e-book, a player, and sometimes even a computer.

Unfortunately, when technology becomes a product of mass conveyor production, and the modern market dictates a fashion for a constant increase in power and a decrease in overall dimensions, the reliability of mobile devices inevitably falls. Despite the fact that cell phone manufacturers try to maintain the highest quality standards, the modern technological "arms race" often contributes to the appearance of raw products on the market, which are refined already during their operation by customers. However, if we talk about malfunctions of cell phones, then in the vast majority of cases, it is not the manufacturers who are to blame for them, but the owners of the gadgets themselves. Phones are dropped, beaten, flooded with water and other liquids, overheated, they try to repair themselves, experiment with unofficial software - as a rule, all this leads to the failure of the mobile phone and the need to repair it.

The order of work carried out by the company:

We accept the device

We carry out diagnostics The operator calls you to clarify the price and terms We make repairs We deliver the device to you We give a guarantee of 90 days


Typical phone malfunctions

  • malfunction of individual components and parts of the phone due to manufacturing defects (poor quality of materials, defects in soldering or assembly)
  • natural wear and tear of individual components and parts of the phone over time (rubbing of loops, defects in the sliding module)
  • mechanical damage (broken display or touch glass, dents and cracks on the phone case) resulting from a fall or impact
  • electrical damage (melting of the charging connector, burnout of the elements of the main board of the phone) caused by overheating, power surges or the use of non-original batteries or chargers
  • corrosion damage caused by liquid getting inside the phone (dropping into water, pouring drinks, being exposed to rain)
  • various malfunctions of accessories (charger burning, battery swelling)

Let's say, through your fault or not, but the trouble with your cell still happened. The logical question is where to go for phone repair? Just as the mobile phone is the most common gadget, cell phone repair is one of the most popular services in Moscow. The number of phone repair shops will soon surpass, if not already surpassed, the number of shoe shops and key-making shops. Alas, quantity does not always translate into quality. If it never occurs to anyone to evaluate the quality of a duplicate key - it either fits or it doesn't - then the quality of a repaired phone is a much more complicated issue and consists of many factors. To successfully repair a cell phone, you need original spare parts, service documentation, complex and expensive equipment, and, of course, a high qualification of a phone repair engineer. Needless to say, not every workshop with the inscription "cell phone repair" on the door has a professional soldering station and a proprietary programmer, and its employees are certified repair engineers. Therefore, risking giving your cell phone into the hands of such "masters", you may find yourself one of the many customers who received poor-quality service with a "before exit" guarantee, and the condition of your device may become even worse than before the repair.

Muscovites and guests of the capital are lucky - they do not need to look for a decent service in the city and worry about the fate of a mobile phone handed over for repair, because in Moscow there is an organization that can be entrusted with full confidence to repair their cell phone. The Tech-Profi service center repairs cell phones and smartphones of any complexity - from simple mechanical to complex component. Convenient location, original spare parts, branded equipment, qualified specialists and the lowest prices in Moscow for mobile phone repair with a guarantee - these are the trump cards of our service center.

Smartphone repair in Moscow

The Tech-Profi service center carries out professional repair of mobile phones in Moscow with high quality and with a guarantee. We carry out repairs of any level of complexity - from changing the phone software and simple mechanical repairs, to complex electrical repairs of the main board and recovery after a liquid spill. If you want to quickly and efficiently repair your cell phone, please contact one of our offices. If you cannot drive to our service center on your own to hand over your cell phone for diagnostics or repair, then you can always use the courier delivery service. Our courier will deliver your defective phone to the workshop and bring it back to you when it is repaired.

To repair cell phones really quickly and as comfortably as possible for you, contact the service companies presented on the site.

There are about ten most popular mobile phone manufacturers, each has up to a hundred models in its arsenal. Naturally, when restoring the working capacity of the device, it is necessary to take into account the specifics of its internal structure.

We guarantee that truly highly professional radio engineers, who have been involved in the field of repair for more than a year, will fix your problem in the service organizations listed with us. Choose your phone model and don't forget to use the filter - it's really convenient to use it to set the required parameters, for example, rates or hours of operation.

By the way, don't forget about our hotline 8-800-100-39-13 - our employees will certainly clarify the nuances of the work of a particular organization and help you make a decision as soon as possible.

Inexpensive cell phone repair from professionals

Of course, in addition to the quality side of the issue, the client has the right to count on inexpensive cell phone repairs. We work with repair centers, which certainly provide services at quite adequate prices. The repair price is made up of the complexity of the breakdown, the cost of spare parts and the prices for additional services ordered by you (for example, delivery of the phone by courier).

The cost of spare parts varies greatly depending on whether the service works directly with the supplier of parts or through intermediaries - our organizations try to work, with rare exceptions, directly with manufacturers in order not only to make the cost of new elements for the phone acceptable, but also to minimize the delivery time (although most of the parts will be provided to you immediately, as they are available in the warehouses of the centers).

How much does phone repair cost?

Display Replacement from 2500 rub. from 1500 rub. from 1400 rub. from 1800 rub. from 1500 rub. from 1900 rub.
Back cover replacement from 500 rub. from 1490 rub. from 990 rub. from 1600 rub. from 790 rub. from 1000 rub.
Battery replacement from 500 rub. from 790 rub. from 800 rub. from 800 rub. from 800 rub. from 800 rub.
Replacing the ON/OFF button from 900 rub. from 900 rub. from 990 rub. from 800 rub. from 900 rub. from 1300 rub.
Rear camera replacement from 1000 rub. from 1400 rub. from 1400 rub. from 1500 rub. from 1400 rub. from 1350 rub.

Mobile phone repair in 314 services

We give you the opportunity to choose where to repair mobile phones in 314 services of our city. Each of them guarantees high quality, but the price characteristics, a number of additional services provided and, of course, the geographical location vary greatly.

Choose the best option for yourself - it will be very easy for you to do this operation, because all the necessary data is displayed in a convenient form for your review.