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How from Yandex passports to enter the mail. Entrance to the Personal Cabinet Yandex

The most popular search engine in Russia "Yandex" provides not only the possibilities of searching for information, but also all kinds of data storage services, pay for purchases, search for professionals in various fields, etc. Among all additional features Email is highlighted. Since the attendance of the site is huge, the number of Yandex email users is huge and constantly growing.

Email access and other Yandex services are carried out using the login and password, and these login and password are united for all services search engine. Those. By registering once, you can use your registration data to go to any section of Yandex!

Such an entry on Yandex is provided due to the fact that the mechanism of issuing a "passport" is used here. By registering in Yandex, you get a virtual passport where you fill your data. Subsequently, entering one of the services, you are passing there authorization and if the entered data (login and password) coincide with the data of your Yandex passport, then the service is carried out.

Changing password by email

Most users attending a search engine Yandex have their own electronic drawer On it, they use them and do not think about a certain virtual passport. And when the question arises about the transfer of a password to email, some difficulties occur. Therefore, the following is a way to change the password by switching via email

Change password on Yandex passport

A password for all Yandex services (including email) can be changed immediately through the passport mechanism.

Which of the two ways to change the password on to choose, decide on the basis of how it is more convenient for you.

What does the account mean? The account occurred from the English word "Account", translates as a "account", "Personal Account".

Account contains specific user information that is necessary to connect to a computer system, to the program, to the site, to the forum, social network etc.

Returning to the question "What is an account", it should be noted that, as a rule, the Account contains:

The user who has its own account on any Internet resource is provided with more opportunities compared to the user who has no account, that is, not registered on the Internet resource.

This can be seen today to make sure the example of the Yandex account. If you do not have an account, then you use the Yandex search engine, like all unregistered users of this system.

If you have a Yandex Account, you can still use

  • free mail from Yandex,
  • use
  • download your photos to the Yandex.Fagging service,
  • use the free cloud to store large files
  • and many other Yandex services.

How to create an account in Yandex?

To do this, you need to start your mail at Yandex. This is called "Have your account" on Yandex.

Suppose you have no mail to Yandex. Let's create it. To do this, type in the search bar of the browser "", after which we get to the Yandex website:

Fig. 1. Turn New Email Yandex

On the main page of Yandex in the right upper corner We find a modest reference "to start mail" and click on it. The following is invited to register a new mailbox:

Figures 1 and 2 in Fig. 2 - When registering Yandex Post, we enter the name and surname.

I recommend entering real last name and the name so that in the future you can, for example, when losing a password, confirm the Yandex support service that the account is personally yours. For this, sometimes Yandex asks, for example, send a scan of passport. If you read the comments on this article below, you can make sure that you have to access your email Yandex (and with her Yandex.Money) many users are faced with the problem.

Fig. 2. Registration new mail Yandex

3 in fig. 2 - invent a good login that should be free and anyone from the Internet users is still not engaged.

Login is the main part of your mail address on Yandex. It should consist of Latin letters and numbers, you can point and hyphen. For example, choosing Nadezda's login, I immediately receive a message that "login for registration is not available." This happens because the username Nadezda is busy with another user of Yandex.

I add nadezda01 numbers and read a message that such "login is free." Then full address Mail will be [Email Protected] (given as an example and is not my mail). This address can be informed of familiar to write you letters to this address.

It's time to take a notebook, a handle and record all the data you enter: Login, Password, Phone Number or Control Question. Hope for your memory is utopia.

Why are such difficulties, you ask? The fact is that the account allows you to use, except mail, other services: Yandex.Money, Yandex.Disc and much more. If you have any problems with the account (, inaccessibility, etc.), you will urgently need not only passwords, but also a secret question, or number mobile phone.

  • figure 4 in fig. 2 - Come up with a password (at least 6-8 characters) and be sure to write it down for memory. Please note that at the end of the field with a password there is an eye icon "Show password text". When you repeatedly click on this icon, the password text is hidden by points.
  • confirm the password (once again enter the same password that was introduced above),
  • figure 5 in Fig. 2 - Mobile phone (if you forget the password from the account or if there is problems with Yandex.Money, it is easiest to restore access if you specify your mobile phone).

After entering the mobile phone number, it will be necessary to confirm it. We enter the mobile phone number and click on the "Code" button (5 in Fig. 2). The phone will come to the phone with a confirmation code, it will need to be entered into the corresponding field.

How to register Yandex Mail, if there is no mobile phone?

  • For this, click on the option "I do not have a phone" (5 in Fig. 2). The menu will appear (Fig. 3), in which you choose the control (secret) question, and then enter the answer to it.

Do not forget to write yourself for memory, for example, in notebook The control question and, of course, the answer to it.

As can be seen in fig. 3, you can choose a control question from the proposed options or click "Set your own question" (2 in Fig. 3). Then it will be necessary to introduce your question, and then enter the answer to it.

Fig. 4. Chose a control question (if there is no mobile phone) and the answer to the question

  • In fig. 4 Selected the control question "Your Favorite Kinohero" and introduced the answer to it.
  • Next, you need to enter characters from the picture (if the characters are incomprehensible, click on the "Other Code" or "Listen to" link, so you can do several times)
  • should be a tick opposite "Pressing the" Register "button, I accept the Terms user Agreement And I give my consent to Yandex ... ". Without this tick, the registration of the new Yandex Mail is impossible.

After entering all the above data, we check them for the presence (more precisely, in the absence of) errors, write (without errors) to your secret notebook and click on the "Register" button (5 in Fig. 4).

If there are no errors, there will be a congratulation with the fact that mailbox Successfully created. So, you now have your account on Yandex and can use all the services that the Yandex offers the account owners (that is, for registered users).

To Yandex, in the upper right corner of Yandex mail by clicking on a small triangle next to the name of its e-mail (1 in Fig. 4), after which the drop-down menu appears:

Fig. 5. How to get out of the Yandex account

If you leave your device (computer, tablet, etc.), in the menu click on the "Exit" command (2 in Fig. 5). On this procedure "How to exit Yandex Mail" is completed.

If you logged into your Yandex account on someone else's device, then in order to exit the Yandex, you can then go to the Yandex account on your device and click on "output on all devices" (3 in Fig. 5). Then the procedure "Exit Yandex Mail on All Devices", including other people's devices, will be completed.

How to enter Yandex mail after registration?

Registration of new mail should be passed only once. You can register several Yandex Mailboxes, the main thing is that then not to get confused in this.

After registration, you can enter the Yandex mail so:

  • go to main page Yandex:,
  • in the upper right corner on the main page of Yandex enter your username and password,
  • after that click on the "Login" button (2 in Fig. 1).

How to make a big font in the mail?

We go into your mail, in the upper right corner click the option "View" and put a tick opposite "large font".

Where to put a tick to be a big font in Yandex.We

All Yandex Services Available after Registration of Yandex Account

Search engines are fighting for their users. And in this competitive struggle, they provide their users with various services, the number of which is growing over time and is constantly improving.

To find all this wealth in your account, follows

  • go to your mail (1 in Fig. 6),
  • click on the "still" button (2 in Fig. 6),
  • click "All Services" (3 in Fig. 6):

Fig. 6. Open all Yandex services that are available to you after registering Yandex Account

April 20, 2017 appeared new interface Yandex. Goods. Below are shown how to find the "All Services" button:

Fig. 6-1. How to find "All Services" in the new Inex interface.

Fig. 7. List of Yandex services available to those who have an Yandex Account

All these services are available to those users who have their Yandex Account, that is, which have Yandex Mail. You can enter your services through Yandex mail, according to the link "More", as shown in Fig. 6.

Solving problems with Yandex Mail

Mail problems can be a lot:

  • forgot your password or username,
  • it is impossible to enter your mail, although you remember the login and password
  • questions with phone number,
  • there are suspicions that mail is hacked,
  • unable to remove mail
  • etc.

To solve problems with Yandex Mail, click on the link:

In many cases, you can solve the problem with mail yourself. That is why after the transition to the link indicated above, it is first proposed to answer certain questions.

When all this is passed, the form for communication with Yandex is directly. The form should be filled, describing your situation as in more detail. At the same time, it is not necessary to be limited to a short diagnosis of type "I can not log in to the mail." Better in detail, on the steps to write what you do in order to enter the mail. On this description (and not on the diagnosis), the Yandex specialist may be able to determine the problem and will help solve it.

Already more 3.000 subscribers.

Today there is a huge selection of resources offering free postal services. Yandex-Mail is an affordable service that has good antispam and quick search. Another plus is a user-friendly file downloading interface. In order to make sure that these judgments are right, you just need to enter Yandex-mail and feel all its advantages.

After easy registration, you get the address with the end of @ In order to check the availability of letters in its drawer, you need to enter the mail, that is, log in. You can go through this procedure in two ways.

Enter the login and password of the previously created account

If you enter the checkbox when entering Yandex "Remember me"The next time you will not have to enter login and password again. The system will remember them. But, if for 3 months, you will not open Yandex services, then this data will not be saved, and when entering the system, you will need to enter them again. If you do not use this option, then authorization will only act a few hours. In case of closing the browser, the exit from the system will occur automatically.

It will be better if you will only log in using this check box on the computer that no one uses except you.
Another check box is designed to enter the mail on the computer common use. Clicking at the entrance to the "Alien computer", you insure yourself from unauthorized views of your mail. When entering mail, you will see only one of these flags - either "remember" or "someone else's computer".

Log in using the account of one of the social networks

Yandex supports such networks as VKontakte, Facebook, classmates, Mail.Ru, Twitter and Google.

Such authorization will not be long. It is completed after the browser is closed.
For long-term authorization you need to enter a login and password account On one of the service pages. It can be a Yandex passport, Yandex-pictures, Yandex drive. All this makes sense if you have previously started. And if not, then be sure to offer for further use of all the features provided by the Yandex service.

Major problems arising from Yandex

Does not go out under your login

  1. Make sure you type the login and password that was administered when registering exactly on Yandex.
  2. Do not copy this data from the clipboard. You can accidentally copy not all characters or, on the contrary, capture an excess space.
  3. Check the correctness of the set. Login We write in the upper line, password - in the bottom.
  4. Look carefully, which keyboard layout is enabled, install English. Switching between layouts can pass automatically and you can not notice it.
  5. Perhaps included Caps Lock? Make sure that it is not.
  6. Try entering mail from the Yandex passport page!

Such login does not exist?

Make sure you entered it correctly. Only Yandex-Login is valid in Yandex-Mail. The system will not accept the username from other mailboxes. No data from Gmail and here will be held here.
Login should consist of Latin letters, Arabic numbers, hyphens and points. If you enter the name of the mailbox, then it looks like this - @ There should be no spaces and unacceptable characters.

You have forgotten login or it is blocked

If you recently entered the post office, you will be offered login options. Perhaps it will help you. If not, the support service will help. With the correct data introduction, but the absence of the result, then follow the link in the message to communicate with the support service specialists.

Password forgotten or lost

If for any reason you have forgotten or lost your password, you can easily restore it. To do this, you need to go through a small procedure in which you will be offered to enter characters in the picture and answer the test question.

If you also have forgotten the answer to the control question, then try to remember it, selecting different options for questions / responses. If this does not give results, we add to the support service.

When the desires to communicate with the combinations of questions / responses, make a binding to the mail phone or enter an alternative email address. Then, in case of password loss, it will be resumed through these services. Subsequently, they can be changed or deleted.

Authorization Error Related with Cookies

You will not be logged in if your browser is blocked and processing cookies files. Make sure the settings. If you do not understand what you are talking about, then in the help section you will find detailed description These settings.

Loss of payment password

This password is needed to work with Yandex-money. If you do not remember it, you can get a new one, following the instructions.

Remember that if you decide to remove your account with Yandex, it cannot be restored. All your data is deleted. And in this case, the support service will not be able to restore them.

Mail Yandex is worried about the safety of its customers. But they should also not forget about her. Reliable password will help preserve the confidentiality of your correspondence, and attentive input of all data when authorized will save from unpleasant moments and will save your time.

Fully work with all services Yandex can only if you logged on In this article, I will tell you everything about the entrance to Yandex and how to secure him from hacking. Other will also be considered important momentsrelated to authorization and yandex services.

Log in to your profile on you can three main ways:

  • enter your login and password received when registering on the Yandex website;
  • enter the same data in Yandex elements;
  • or use the social network in which you are registered: VK, Facebook, Twitter,, Google account, classmates.

What are Yandex Elements?

Under these words, it is necessary to understand the expansion for the browser, which can be installed here: Most useful extensions are: Mail (displays the number of unread letters), disk (thanks to him files from the Internet can be maintained directly to Yandex.Disk) and translations.

How to restore access to Yandex Account

If you have forgotten the password from the Yandex account, it can easily be restored if there is a tied phone number, email or a response to a secret question.

You just need to go to the password recovery form in by clicking on the question mark in the form of authorization. After that, enter your login and captcha. Then the confirmation code will be sent to your number using which you can set a new password. If the phone was not tied to the account, you will be offered to receive the code on the mail tied email or enter the answer to the control question.

If you do not have access to a tied phone number, access to the account can be obtained only after the successful consideration of your application to the support service. In the application, you must specify only true information, as it will be checked with a photo you want to apply to the application. The photo should capture your face and passport or any other document confirming personality (driver's license, military ID, etc.). The application is desirable to fill on the same computer from which you came to your account. This will significantly increase the likelihood of successful password recovery.

Two-factor authentication (2FA)

Technology two-factor authentication Yandex allows you to provide more reliable protection Account than this can be done using a regular password. Reliable password must be difficult, and remember combinations from large number Letters and numbers are not easy. In addition, the password must be changed regularly. But even if you came up with a very difficult password on Passport., and remember him well, I will say you that your account is still very vulnerable.

Hello, dear blog readers Website. "Passport" from the Tower of Yandex - a multifunctional resource located on the link .

It serves to systematize all these registered users and simplify work with each of its services.

Without registering on Passport, it is not for almost any user of Yandex, for most of its services require authorization. We will deal in more detail how to use this site.

Opportunities "Passport"

To get a password, open the Yandex key and enter the PIN code (it is set when connecting two-factor authentication).

Then copy the generated combination. The term of its action is no more than thirty seconds.

Recall that the PIN code of Yandex does not check. From this it follows that all the passwords generated after the instructions will also not work. To re-enter the application, you need to restart it.

Entrance to the Yandex Account via social network

If you are registered on Twitter, VC, classmates or other social networks, you can simply go to Yandex without registration. Enter the password and login will also not need. Open the input form and click on the social network through which you want to go.

You will open a new window where you need to enter data for social. Networks (for example, if you are not logged in with this PC earlier) and allow access to data. To create new account On Yandex, click on the button "I am a new user".

For a new account, you can start a password and login at any time. For example, to create a mailbox on Yandex. In the "passport", the name you pointed out on the social network will be displayed, as well as publicly available data from the profile.

How to restore access to the account

If you forget the login data (login and password), try using the confirmed email or mobile number. Do not forget about the secret (control) question. In order to restore access to Yandex, follow the instructions of the corresponding page. (\u003dRestore)

If you do not have access to backup mail and the number of the mobile number specified during registration, the only remaining option is to fill in a special questionnaire ( After automatic check Yandex.Paste, access can be restored automatically. If this happens, expect an operator response.

It is desirable to fill out a questionnaire from that IP from which you most often went to the account. A similar situation - with the device. If after feeding the questionnaire you see an error message, repeat the data entered again (login, mail and so on). Answer all the questionnaire questions, even if you remember the data vaguely.

Work with the service "Yandex.Pasport"

As mentioned above, the account keeps a lot of opportunities. For example, to change the settings, go to the "tab" Account management" Here are the basic functions applicable to your profile.

To change your name or avatar (?), Mouse over them, or click "Change personal information"To the right of them. Select a new picture or enter a new name for your profile.

In the "" tab, all Yandex applications available to you are collected. This includes disk, money, music, poster, market, cards and video. You can manage your reviews, watch the Balance of the Wallet, purchase additional gigabytes of memory.

In addition, you can see your feedback and ratings in the third tab. There are all your opinions left about places on maps, shopping in market, films and games. Particularly distinguished users are awarded with special icons.

In short Passport keeps all informationthat you have passed Yandex. Therefore, working with the site is greatly simplified. You can figure out in a multitude of settings quickly, so immediately after registration you will easily navigate in a variety of function.


Yandex.Pasport is an excellent solution of developers. And the point is not even that all settings were collected on one page. You immediately see what data about you have Yandex, and if you wish, you can get rid of some of them. It is enough to simply correct what is outdated or not correspond to reality.

Good luck to you! To ambiguous meetings on the blog pages Website

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